Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Posted by Guinnevtra (Memphis, TN) on 10/10/2014

I have had incredible pain with my hemorroids for a long time, since I gave birth to my six year old. Of course they always seemed better every time I arrived at my doc's office. I have tried ACV, but CANNOT stomach it without throwing up violently immediately afterwards, and it stings horribly if I apply it topically to my hemorroids. I have tried witch hazel, which has worked temporarily, for only about twenty minutes or so before the pain has come back. I am currently an Alt. Med. student, and have poured through my books looking for ANYTHING that may help, and a cold compress of Yarrow ground in a mortar and pestle with a tiny bit of water has helped with the pain and inflammation a lot! I lay down with the compress applied for about 20 minutes, and it eases the inflammation, stops the bleeding, and eases the pain exponentially! I can actually make a bowel movement afterwards!! I keep excess fluid from the mixture in a container in the fridge to dab at my hemorroids after bowel movements, and to keep it moist, which helps a lot. Yarrow also kills bacteria, which may cause an infection if you have a bleeding wound on your hemm. I hope that this helps someone. But remember, it is not a cure, it helps treat your symptoms. Once you have a hemorroid, it never goes away, it just shrinks and stops causing problems. You may not see it and it may not hurt, but it is still there.

Posted by Prioris (Florida, US) on 10/10/2014

Potassium brings relief to me. What have you tried?

Posted by Guinnevtra (Memphis, US) on 10/11/2014

I have been taking potassium for a long time, I have very low blood pressure and one of my teachers had mentioned that it helps with that. I don't really see any difference using potassium. It is painful enough that I may visit my doc again. I really rather not, but TN has laws about ND's, and they can't practice here.

Posted by Just Me (Western Usa) on 10/14/2014

I read on doctoryourself.com that vitamin E oil applied topically helps hemorroids. Other sites have recommended wheat germ oil or coconut oil topically. All have helped me

Posted by Just Me (Western Usa) on 10/14/2014

I read on doctoryourself.com that vitamin E oil applied topically helps hemorroids. Other sites have recommended wheat germ oil or coconut oil topically. All have helped me

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Val (Selma) on 01/17/2014

I've been treating this big ol hemi for almost 2 weeks now. First I did the witch hazel followed by castor oil, then 5 days ago started the Apple Cider Vinegar followed by virgin coconut oil. Now it's bleeding, kind of a seeping kind of thing seen on my underpants. What should I do? I'm hesitant to try cayenne becuase I have a squishy stomach. Also, this is not due to constipation--I have ibs-d and am never solid.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 01/17/2014

Have you tried a sitz bath with very warm water and witch hazel? If not, I highly recommend it. It's amazing how well it works. A sitz bath cost less than $20 at any of the drugstore chains and you'll find that it's the best 'less than $20' you ever spent. Try to soak for 15 minutes at a time and keep the water warm by adding more water to it every 5 minutes or so. Soak as often as you like - the more, the better. Adding a cup or so of Witch Hazel to the water will help soothe and heal.

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Anna (Chicago,il) on 11/24/2013

Hello, My husband had hemorrids surgery( 2 cut completely) and he is suffering from pain and frustration, this is very painfull, he is staying home, little walks at home and sleep. Please anyone advice about your experience and let me know how can I help him to recover soon.He is taking stool softenera and he doesnt have any constipation thank God. Thank you, Anna from Chicago.

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 11/24/2013

Drink 15 ml - 30 ml Noni Juice daily. This will soften the stool, relive constipation, minimize Hemmorhoid symptoms. Take HorseChestnut Capsules, this will strength the veins and cure Hemmorhoids. Good Health

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/24/2013

Dear Anna,

So sorry about your husband's troubles! I am wondering how long ago surgery was. The last time I had surgery ("routine laparoscopic surgery") I was surprised at how very bad I felt for a good two weeks. I had had similar surgery in the past and had seemed to bounce back more quickly. For me, I think it was partly a lingering effect of the anesthesia. It can take a while to leave your system and can just leave you feeling bad, low energy, dizzy, nauseated, etc. Hopefully, a little more time will help your husband a lot. Charcoal tablets can be taken internally daily for a time to help with this...4 per day, not within two hours of medication.

Comfrey and or Chickweed salve used externally are soothing and healing to hemorroid surgery.

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in 5 ounces of grape juice is spicy but a good "pick me up" drink. However, if food is moving through his system too quickly, the cayenne doesn't completely digest and can cause some burning for a short time on the other end.

I hope he feels better soon! Do let us know what you find helps his recovery.

~Mama to Many~

Coconut Oil, Cumin
Posted by FR (MN) on 08/18/2021


WARNING & SUCCESS: Not totally sure this was the cause but I've been using the Magic Milk Tonic with all four spices -- curry, turmeric, ginger AND the cumin. Today was the third time I'd taken it and maybe an hour or two after that I was going into the kitchen and all of a sudden felt "pulled" toward the floor to my right side. Only when I grabbed the counter did I feel at all light-headed or dizzy and I never blacked out (I had that experience in junior high and I'm 59 now). It's the only new thing I've been doing recently.

I did a search on Duck, Duck, Go: "Can taking cumin, curry, turmeric or ginger make you lose your balance" and ended up on this page (I'd meant to say AND ginger):

https://www.drugs.com/mtm/turmeric.html and looking under common side effects I found the "dizziness" hyperlink and clicked it and found the "Vertigo" page below with the following comment.

"What is vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel dizzy. You may feel that you or everything around you is moving or spinning. You may also feel like you are being pulled down or toward your side."

I HAVE had good results with this combination, otherwise. I think I've only taken 1x/day the few times I've taken it. I HAD been contemplating 3x/day just to move on from this more quickly. I was basing that idea on the coconut oil/cumin ointment first mentioned by Dibro828.

Does anyone else have anything similar to report? Now I'm thinking I'll stick with the 1x/day and maybe make it before bed so I can sleep it off. I also think I'll discontinue as soon as possible after total or near-total relief because of this strange side-effect.

I don't take any medications.

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Naphora (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 10/30/2013

I am writing to you to add a natural remedy for hemorrhoids. Psyllium husk is a fiber supplement which taken with water becomes jelly-like, softens the stools.

I take three level teaspoons twice a day before meals with 2 cups of water.

Although my external hemorrhoid has not shrunk what I have achieved is no blood no pain for the first time in a long time. I am going to try other remedies in order to shrink the roid, but psyllium husk gave me immediate relief of all pain and blood. I had to take a trip abroad to a distant country - an organized tour. What I did was take my psyllium husk with me. Had no problems at all - regular bowel movements, no pain, no blood, although I spent 7 days site-seeing and travelling by bus with a large group of tourists.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jude (Stanford, Ct) on 03/28/2013

I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for the past few months and trust me its something I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy. Initially, I tried using preparation-H wipes and gel but it gave me only temporary relief and no reduction in the size. So I tried this procedure that worked slowly but surely. First, make a concoction of olive oil, coconut oil, honey, brown butter(Indian ghee) a tablespoon of each. Then, as and when you want to use, grate a little bit of garlic in maybe half a teaspoon of the above mixture and a large pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture on your hem. Trust me this really works. It will definitely sting at first no doubt but it works. Make sure the garlic is freshly grated every time you apply the mixture. Later on, once the 'roids have decreased in size, you can try a mixture of just plain ghee and honey and the important thing here is pushing them back in to prevent them from hardening up and forming a clot. Also, try to increase fiber slowly in your diet as a sudden increase in fiber will cause gas, bloating and either constipation or diarrhea which will cause a flare up again. Try to avoid garlic and just apply the above mentioned mixture with a small pinch turmeric if you have bleeding 'roids as some people are super sensitive to garlic.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Martin (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) on 02/03/2013

Years back I realized one side of my anus was very swollen and bland to the touch. However, it was not painful at all. What I did was to change my diet immediately to eating mixed vegetables and tuna fish three times a day, and plenty of water. Nothing else. In a few days the condition totally disappeared. The only problem is that my anus remained with some small deformation. Consequently this makes it hard to wipe it clean after evacuation. So far I have controlled this to some extend including a fiber powder supplement on every meal. If anyone knows how to cure this remaining problem please email me omniversed at hotmail. Thanks

Posted by Chelle (South Africa) on 01/25/2022

Hi. Really appreciate your posting. I'm wanting to help a friend who says he's bleeding "like a stuffed pig". Really suffering. He's 75. Did you use dried ginger and cayenne or fresh ground up into a paste in the capsules? I want to make this for him. Thanks in advance.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Slim2483 (West Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 09/20/2012

I had hemorrhoids once, took b-6 for two days, gone. 2 pills 100mg each. Total 4 pills.

Posted by Nick (Detroit, Mi) on 05/24/2013

Thank you, Vanya. How many capsules he took per day?

Posted by Vanya (Usa) on 02/20/2016

Sorry for the late responce.

He took 2 capsules of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris on empty stomach every morning and 1 capsule in the evening.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 07/07/2012

The old time remedy was a wet tobacco leaf, pressed against the offending item. The nicotine shrinks the blood vessels. You can get the plant at nurseries.

Posted by John (Montevideo, Uruguay) on 06/23/2012

Look guys and gals, I had hemorrhoids or piles since my childhood, doctorrs usually prescribe abstaining from spicy foods and lots of fibre, etc., but from my father I got the perfect remedy: the French (and also in South America and countries like Egypt) have something called 'bidet' that sort of provides a kind of shower to your private parts (sitz bath is called in some places), mainly for female use.

In countries like UK and North America this is unknown, but a feature of every bathroom in the countries I mentioned. It can be easily improvised with a large plastic bucket and a shower item connected with a long plastic pipe to your water tap so you can regulate force of water. After defecation, when the bottom itches like mad, sit and irrigate your bottom with COLD water for about ten minutes, with quite powerful upsurge of cold water. That not only provides for cleanliness in that area but also ELIMINATES the itch, even if you eat all the spicy foods you want. When I travel to the uncivilized parts of the world where bidets are unknown, I carry my own portable bidet in my luggage and the piles never bother me.

The perfect hemorrhoid solution, believe me... No surgery, no creams, etc. all natural and simple.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lsmall (Clifton, Nj, Usa) on 04/13/2012

I am very thankful to this site for all useful information and to all people contributed their experiences and advices. Here is my experience. I had a problem on Saturday, 4/7/12 morning, first time in my life. The pain was severe, I saw blood and I was in panic. I was lucky not working the following week and could stay home. I started to use Melozide Max in combination with Melozide C M given to me by my brother-in-law and Aloe Vera Gelly. I also immediately bought the stool softener Colace as per my wife's advice (she and her brother are long time sufferers). For 4 days I did not notice any changes, just a severe pain and blood all time.

Thanks to your site I started to use apple cider vinegar on Wednesday: a cotton ball soaked in ACV and kept "in place" for 15-20 minutes few times a day. The rest of the day I still utilized Melozide and Aloe Vera Gelly. I noticed the difference on Thursday: pain was not strong as before but I still had blood in my stool. Today is Friday, I had my BM almost without pain ( I would say it was rather itching) and without blood. I cannot claim my hemorrhoids are shrinking (since I have not paid attention) like some people mentioned but it is definitely a huge progress.

My everyday's routine: have my BM in a postion recommended by many people: lean forward almost like I am squatting; wash myself immediately after each BM and apply Melozide and Aloe Vera Gelly or ACV; eat food generally rich in fiber: breakfast-cereal with cottage cheese and kefir (yogurt), lunch and dinner-raw and cooked vegetables, piece of fish/seafood, fruits; avoid spicy food (for now), eat often but with small portions, do not overeat meaning stay slightly hungry after your meal; drink a lot of water; do not drink alcohol (I will resume it today to celebrate my successful and almost complete treatment and Friday); drink Aloe Vera Gel one or two times a day; take Colace few times a day, usually after every meal.

Hope it was useful and will motivate sufferers to use ACV.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 12/11/2011

Oil Pulling for me has been a god send for my hemorrhoids. I use only virgin, unrefined, coconut oil and not only have I lost a few kilos in weight in just over one week, My hemorrhoids are virtually gone! I don't even know if they're there now, just can't feel them like I used to.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suanne (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.) on 04/11/2012

Hi there, Joshua from Wallace. Thank you so much for your posting on painful hemmoroids and your own 'cure'.

I have been using Cayenne Pepper tea now for 11 days and although internal hems are I feel a little improved, my external are as bad as ever. Can I ask you how long you have taken the Cayenne for before seeing real results? I don't want to give up on it yet..

I have been using ACV and Witch Hazel separately to try and ease the pain, but its the ACV that has the most affect - albeit temporary. I also drink small amounts of ACV throughout the day.

Just before sitting (well sort of on one side) down to write to you, I made up the mix you recommend with the crushed garlic and have it in place as I write - stinging like ?????.. Not sure |I can keep it in place for much longer - but will try.

Thank you again, Suanne.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackjax (Jacksonville, Fl) on 04/20/2012

@Suanne, My external hem skin is getting firmer after 2 weeks of cayenne drink. I am adding Standardized Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom Root Capsules to my diet, which also includes garlic. I am increasing my cayenne dring from only 1 to 3 times a day. Will post here may after a month. Jack

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suanne (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.) on 04/22/2012

Jackjax, thanks for your update on the CP. I'm so pleased it is working for you but I had to stop taking it as the burning around my anus after almost 2 weeks was getting intolerable. If you are increasing your amount from 1 to 3 drinks a day do be aware that maybe it could be too much for your hems. Look forward to hearing how you do. Suanne.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackjax (Jacksonville, Fl) on 05/02/2012

Suanne, the fissure is almost gone. However, I got back to 1 cayenne a day and in capsule, I just can't take it. Instead I added cayenne to my diet. One thing I learned, fiber is very important. I just got the Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom Root. I am taking these twice a day in addition to B complex, garlic and aloe vera capsule. Will keep you posted.

Sitz Bath
Posted by Pri (Austin, Texas) on 08/09/2011

Iiiliziii from Boston.. I cant thank you enough! You are a gift of GOD.

I was suffering from extreme case of Hemorrhoids and while looking for some cures online I landed on earthclinic .. this website is great..

While reading through Hemorrhoid cures..I came across Iiili's post and went to Walgreens same day and got myself a sitz bath and epsom salt (I always have ACV at home! Its v useful)... Then I took Sitz bath - pls do put some epsom salt and ACV in the hot water and then sit for 15-20 mins or so.... JUst after 2 baths my H were starting to disappear and I was painfree in no time!!!!

I know Hs are Ugly and painful.... Ppl suffering from this ugly disease.. I genuinely suggest you to try Sitz Bath, improve your diet ( my hubby got me Vein Tonic, Alm Tree Powder and Psyllium seeds that I included in my diet too)

Good Luck and God Bless all!

Sitz Bath
Posted by Iiiliziii (Boston, Ma) on 04/19/2011

The absolute best treatment for hemorrhoids (and believe me, I used to get my share of them) is a sitz bath filled with warm water and some witch hazel.

You can pick up a sitz bath at CVS, Walgreen's, etc. for only about $10-15 and get the witch hazel there as well.

You fill the sitz with nice warm water, add about a cup of witch hazel, then sit and soak for about 20 minutes a couple of times a day. Do it as often as you like, and keep a good sized glass or small container near you so that you can add warm water from the sink to the sitz when you feel that it's cooled. You want to keep the water warm for the entire 20 min's.

You will feel almost *instant* relief while soaking and within a couple of soaks, be feeling MUCH better.

Going forward, once the 'roid' is gone, the minute you feel something brewing down there, start with the sitz baths, and really... you'll be problem-free.

Posted by Geo Phil (A) on 04/27/2017

Thank you Maria for this. Though I have hems for the last few years I did not have any flare ups. However, last few days I got a rather bad thromboses hems and I was wondering what was the cause of this! Now by seeing your post I realised that past few months, probably a year, I did not take any milk thistle. I just ran to my medicine chest and grabbed one. Hope I should be back to normal soon! Thanks again. God bless you.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Sp (Gc, Ci) on 08/23/2011

Hi, How much raw garlic did you consume daily? Did you take a break, say without garlic for 1 or 2 days of the week? Thanks.

Personal Care Products
Posted by Shary (Centennial, Co) on 07/04/2010

I have long known that my cleaning habits were irritating my hemorrhoids and making them bleed.

After some trial and error, this is what finally worked for me. After each bowel movement I clean myself with a medicated wipe (available at the drugstores) that I've further dampened with water. After gently removing as much residue as I can, I fold a single dry tissue into a manageable little pad and squirt some mild unscented hand lotion on it to finish wiping myself. This not only dries the area, it also lubricates it without tugging on tender irritated skin, therefore promoting healing. Presto! No more bleeding hemorrhoids.

As a side note, medicated wipes are supposed to be flushable, but it might be a good idea to give the toilet an extra flush or two, particularly if you have one of the newer low volume tanks.

Horse Chestnut
Posted by Sheila (Miami) on 07/07/2017

How many milligrams does it have to be?

Aloe Vera
Posted by Pam (New York) on 10/08/2023

I have to give the aloe a try.

I have tried a long list of over-the-counter products, herbal teas, stool softener, and the list goes on. It's the burning that is the worst part, it's like a fire in your rectum. I have been brought to tears and rocking myself to sleep from sheer exhaustion from the fight.

I know thinking positively contributes to healing, but it is hard to be so when so many remedies have not worked. I am still willing to try.

Thank you for this suggestion, much appreciated.

Best health,


Zinc Oxide
Posted by Otabek (Namangan, Uzbekistan) on 02/23/2010


First time my hemorrhoids started 2 months ago, because of constipation. Constipation resulted in fissure and blood. Then perhaps because of baktery invasion, constantly I had lots of mucus, it itched badly. I washed with soap very often, but it became worse by time(a month). I found your site and applied apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball at first. It became better, mucus and itching reduced by half, 1 week passed, but it stopped at that point and never improved. I thought my hem was an internal one and cotton ball was shallow. So I found a nose spray which is smooth, emptied it and filled with ACV, applied a zinc oxide cream to the tip, injected it to my hole and sprayed it 3 times. I repeated it 3 times a day first days. Result was very effective, after 2 days there was no mucus and itching any more. Now after 2 weeks I am almost completely cured, external part has almost disappeared, now still I am applying it once a day, especially after stooling.

IMPORTANT: apply some zinc oxide cream (baby cream) to the tip of your nose spray before inserting, otherwise you may hurt your hemorrhoids further.

Also, it is important to stool at least once in 24 hours even if you don't feel the urge, when you go to toilet and sit as muslim way (foots on toilet, and knees almost touching your chest) and wait a little, stool comes by itself easily.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Yogita (Lucknow ) on 05/16/2021

Can I insert hydrogen peroxide over night?
