Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Aloe Vera
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 02/27/2010

My ex-husband used aloe vera gel to cure his hemorrhoid. He was really sick and didn't have health insurance. I looked up a cure on the net and had aloe and gave him the gel which he inserted. He said the next day the pain was gone and he had been in pain for almost a week! Within a few days the hemorrhoid was gone!

Rutin, B6
Posted by Kelly (Dallas, Tx) on 10/08/2009

Hemorrhoids were something that I never thought would happen to someone in their 20's. I have had 5 children all in a short span of time. With my first, I did not have hemorroids. The 2nd child, I started to feel hemorroids coming on. By my 5th child, I was having hemorrhoid surgery when I was 6 months pregnant and then again right after the baby was born. The doctor told me they were larger than anything he had ever seen before, and this is his profession! After the last surgery, he told I didnt have any veins left there so I would not have a problem. Within a few weeks, I knew I had hemorroids again, even if he told me that was impossible. Over the years, I went to a TCM doctor who told me I had too much fire in my liver. A drain fire supplement always worked at making them go away. Now into my 30's, I am pregnant with my 6th child and it wasn't long before my hemorroids started to flair. By the time I was 6 months pregnant, I thought for sure I was going to have to have surgery again. I had about 4 and they were clotted and about the size of my thumb and fingers. OUCH! Being pregnant, I knew I had to be careful with what I took. I ended up taking 500 mg of Rutin and 200 mg of B-6 at night. I already take a B complex in my prenatal protocol. I do take 1-2 capsules of an oxygen cleanser every other night to make sure constipation doesn't make things worse. Within a week, those clotted, painful, horrible hemorrhoids were back under control. I eat a raw diet and have a poop stool by my toilet for natural squatting BMs. For some reason, the pressure of the baby during pregnancy gives me problems. I give a hearty YES to Rutin and B-6.

Posted by The Haitian (New York, New York USA) on 02/05/2009

Avocado seed for Hemorrhoids: grate an avocado seed. pour in some filtered water. strain. add some honey for taste and drink throughout the day and your hemorrhoids are gone. It worked for me. I learned this from somebody who had to wait for surgery while his surgeon was recuperating from an illness. By the time his surgeon return there was no need to go under the knife. People from Haiti should know about this.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Elizabeth (Jacksonville, NC) on 01/17/2009

to avoid straining that produces hemerrhoids, I lean forward on the toilet with "elbows on knees". Some people raise their feet with a 6" stool but "elbows on knees" works the same and your body will naturally bring the movement forth, with no straining on your part. Try it at any time.

If you are constipated, you may need to wait a little while for it to get working. It is the natural position for a bowl movement, like squatting.

Teach "elbows on knees" to your children. Get off the couch and eat whole grains and other fiber.

Posted by Vella (Albany, NY) on 12/07/2008

I've recently bought organic ACV and have been drinking a cup with luke warm water every day for almost one week. I can't say that I've experienced any noticeable effects yet, but I do like the tangy, mildy sweet taste of it. A couple of times I heated the water a bit more and added raw honey to satisfy my sweet tooth. For me that's like having a cup of tea and is very enjoyable.

I've suffered miserably with hemorroid flareups for the last 10 years (since the birth of my 3rd child). For the last couple of years I've been having a great deal of bleeding in addition to the severe pain. I've been putting off the surgery suggested to me by several doctors and decided to look for alternative methods to manage and hopefully cure this painful condition.

I tried Vick's as suggested on this site when I was out of Prep H and plus I felt that it has been losing its efficacy on me. Vick's was like a wonder drug and shrunk the swelling way faster and more effectively than Prep H. I had already been applying aloe gel as I was aware of its healing and soothing properties. The combination of the 2 made me feel 100% better. My only problem now is that the protrusions return after each BM. I'm hoping that eventually my body will heal to the point that they don't return. I used to like to do strength training (I'm a woman and was only using 5-10 pound weights) but had to abandon it because of the pressure it put on my roids and caused me to have really bad flareups after each workout. I would love to be able to return to strength training.

Bye bye and God Bless!

Posted by Richard (Winston Salem, North Carolina) on 06/23/2008

Cayenne pepper rememdies: cayenne pepper foot baths will completely cure bad feet, although if you continue to work on hard floors the cure might need to be repeated every so often. Also, cayenne pepper does wonders on hemorrhoids when mixed with an otc ointment (not vaseline). Go very light on this one and be ready to wash it off yourself if you can't stand the burning. I've also tried cayenne pepper in a vaseline salve that I made on the cookstove that completely cured the bursitis in my shoulder.

Posted by Sam (Nyc, Ny) on 10/30/2017


WARNING! Be very careful applying cayenne pepper to hemorrhoid directly. Just do it for external ones. I tried it for an internal one once and my rectum became heavily inflamed, very painful for a long period and I urinated blood. And to make things worse, it caused my hemorrhoid to become prolapsed!

Raw Potato
Posted by E.B. (Chattanooga, TN) on 05/24/2007

Remarkable relief from hemorrhoids by using a raw potato. Cut a slice and shape into a suppository, coat with a tiny bit of vitamin e, then insert. (If potato is chilled - even better!) Retain as long as possible, sleep with it if you can. Keep putting a fresh suppository in after every bowel movement. Use for a couple of days and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don't know why it works, but it does!!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Justin (Shanghai) on 10/06/2006

Juice 1 glass of beet roots a day and drink it all down. Maybe tough to stomach so mix it with carrot juice or something. Those nasties will be gone in a week.

Posted by Anonymous :) (United States) on 01/16/2022

Buy a portable bidet bottle. Keeps from irritating them with paper. Wish I had known this earlier in life.

Posted by Beverlie G (Edmonton AB) on 11/22/2020

Look up Dr. Eric Berg on Youtube. Bile Salts (aka Ox Bile) will help in many ways to calm digestive tract, soften stool, encourage healthy bacteria, decongest liver and much more.

Posted by Steve East (EC's Facebook Page) on 11/22/2020


Piles are caused usually by the parasite Pinworm! Now pinworm is one of the hardest to remove ... but a course of Clark Fx ( the 3 herbs cloves, wormwood and green Hull of Black Walnut) .... dose 3 times a day for 30 days ..then weekly maintenance doses along with a more alkaline diet! Now Parasites carry virus and bacteria ... so beware possible infections during treatment! Read Dr Hulda Clark!

Posted by Helaku P. (EC's Facebook Page) on 11/22/2020


I had hemorrhoids, it was caused by food with lack of fibers: mashed potatoes, tomato paste, white rice, etc. Cooked food can soften the fiber and make transit harder. Avoid or limit coffee, gluten is harsh on intestines, it makes them porous.

It all went away, but : use hemorrhoid cream, do not use toilet paper they are too harsh, I use reusable cloth. Avoid walking too much during crisis if possible it hurts.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 11/23/2020

Hi GertJr,

I am currently studying to override original programming from womb to at 7. Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Lipton put some keys in my hand and I'm not sure yet which doors they unlock but I will be trying them out. One is that your subconscious mind is your body and is 95 percent of the brain you live in. 5 percent is your reasoning brain that does research, watches movies and get inspired but connot change the 95% except in the hypno state 1/2 before sleep and 1/2 hour before waking. That has to be done intentionally or it will never happen. My issues from trauma are my body is addicted to cortisol and I need to give it more endorphins from good vibrations to override that addiction to change it's energy source. Fear or faith doors are what they are . Fear stops digestion. I just learned this in the last 10 days of studies, so I have lots of application to figure out. My other limit is I am a Jesus freak so I have to be careful to not get involved in occult issues while I am trying to heal myself. I am BODY MIND & SPIRIT and can't heal without all three areas addressed. Loveyou GertJr, sorry if my colace comment set you off. I had C-Diff for over half a year battle and couldn't eat a cracker without a toilet nearby. Normally I need Ox bile daily and kefir or all movement stops in my intestines. Running from my trauma.

Camphor in Belly Button
Posted by Peppermint (USA) on 06/19/2021

Wow, this works!! Thank you so much for taking the time to posting this unusual tip.

Raw Egg Yolks
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/25/2017

I used to get a small hemorrhoid occasionally that would bleed a little. I found that eating a few raw eggs made it better. I also stopped drinking coffee and sitting too much, and am more careful about how much chocolate I eat as it seems to cause painful ovarian cysts. The eggs seem to have been the key as I can sit for prolonged periods again, and without my legs hurting, as well. I was a heavy coffee drinker with a deficient diet.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 05/18/2017

Wow, I have just tried the Tea Tree Oil remedy for Hemorrhoids after reading about it this morning on this amazingly helpful website............................... and it works! Instant relief for my inflamed and bleeding anus, and some internal irritation too. I am not saying this is a "cure" but it definitely calmed and cooled everything down on first contact.

I used it after applying my homemade "Vaseline", which is 4 parts Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to one part Beeswax ( plenty videos on Youtube on how to make it)............... we really do not want to be putting a Petrol based substance on sensitive skin or any way internal. Then I applied the Tea Tree Oil ( this is just cheap stuff out my local thrift store, so I thought it may not work LOL), and yes, instant relief and the area now actually feels "good" instead of sore and irritated.

So a massive thank you to everyone who posted about using this method.

PS. The Olive Oil is full of Vitamin E which helps the skin to heal and stay moisturised as well.

Inversion Swing
Posted by Geoff (Bowen, Qld.) on 02/02/2017

hemorrhoid remedy- buy what's called an inversion swing. sort of like a kid's see-saw. cost approx. $150-$200 doesn't prevent piles, but gets rid of them generally in 5-10 mins until next bowel movement. greatest blessing of my life. if bleeding as well, give Rutin a try-worked for me.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Anonymous (Luxemburg) on 06/28/2016

Just sharing a suggestion based own experience thought I can't be totally sure about the cause. I've been hemorrhoid free for a month or so, no swelling anymore. Can't be sure whether the hemorrhoid just went inside or really shrank away. At least it hasn't been there causing annoyance although I lived a normal life.

What I did was: squat sitting at toilet, and no toilet paper, just warm water with shower and drying with a towel. Western style toilets are bad for squat sitting but it is still possible. Just be careful. Use some proper consideration before trying in order to avoid any accidents.

Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/25/2022

6 Proven Collinsonia Root Benefits - Healthy Focus

11 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Black Pepper (healthline.com)

here are some links to add to above article on hemorrhoids. I don't have those, but these products look interesting for other health improvements. I know when you feel miserable it is nice to find information without having to go look for it. I may be adding these to my cabinet for occasional use. A nice arsenal is good for us.

Posted by Goodhealth (New Jersey) on 10/29/2015

I know the unbearable discomfort and pain caused by having Hemorrhoids for I have it for 2 years now. Every recommended remedies I have tried, some have given me temporary help others not at all. The suffering of pain, itch, and bleeding has kept me in despair but I have not given hope. For me seeing a doctor is not my cup of tea. Being a spiritual person, I know that Someone up there sees and listens. One day, after my meditation, I went on-line and read an article written by a deceased person who for years have been suffering from an acute hemorrhoids and was cured.

I followed this for the first time and I felt a very significant relief. This for me I will call a "Miracle Cure". I will continue applying this until my hemorrhoids is completely gone and I hope, someone who applies this and felt the same way as I have, will spread this remedy to all sufferers:

10 drops of SSKI mix with 1/2ml of Organic Flaxseed oil. Apply with a cotton swab before bedtime.

Posted by Sarat-d (Germany) on 08/25/2015

Yes, Lugol's has worked. I am in great health, but do suffer from mild varicose veins. I eat a lot of raw food, am mainly vegan, normal weight, not stressed and not constipated. I take around 10g Vitamin C per day plus alkalising salts, look 15 years younger than my true age and always considered myself in great health. However, recently I got a little pea size pile and was shocked! Earth Clinic is brilliant - we always refer to it for problems so I went down the list of suggestions! First, I tried the ACV but it stung so badly and didn't do anything, then I tried chilli powder in water over a few days; that nearly made me sick everytime I drank it. I tried Essential Oil of Frankincense that seemed to help a little and experimented with Tea Tree Oil but I intuited the Frankincense was more effective, so stuck with that. Ice cubes helped but only temporarily. What seemed to be most effective has been taking Horse chestnut extract 3 times a day, plus Vitamin B complex inc. B6 100g and turmeric twice a day - the little pile seems to have been reducing very slowly. I also tried witch hazel that felt nice but didn't do anything. At the same time, I tried Arnica extract that stung horribly and seemed to have no impact. It's Day 6 and I got fed up of waiting for this thing to go completely so I put some Lugol's and in a few hours it reduced already. That is the first dramatic effect I have had in almost a week. The other thing I am doing is exercising the muscles to encourage rebuilding the pelvic floor - that also seems to be helpful - plus walking around more as I work long hours at my desk.
