Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

General Feedback
Posted by Janie (Bay City, Michigan, Usa) on 08/06/2011

I have had Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) for approximately 12 years. I never had HS until I went through a premature menopause at age 41. I also have psoriasis. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes.

In my opinion, HS is a "triangle disease". HS has very obvious hormonal, endocrine and inflammatory components. I understand it completely in women. Look when women are first and/or worst affected: puberty, menstration, birth control methods, childbirth, perimenopause and finally (and more rarely) menopause. Men with HS often have very low testosterone levels.

Why do some people see improvement when they lose weight or change their diet? Besides reduction of "skin-on-skin" contact and possible reduction of sweating, what could explain this phenomenon? If we look at the endocrine "leg" of the triangle, better blood sugar control could explain it. Adopting a diabetic diet with its low carbohydrate count CAN help you lose weight as it lowers your blood sugar. I like to call a good diet the "God Diet". If God created it in nature, it's on your diet. Notice how the "God Diet" is relatively low in carbohydrates, contains moderate protein and lots of vitamins and minerals? God did not make Twinkies; we did! Being overweight does not cause HS. It is far more complicated than that. Diabetes is strongly associated with other hormonal diseases. Women who are "hormonally challenged" like those with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are also prone to diabetes. Those women with PCOS who are having a hard time getting pregnant often can be helped with metformin, a drug used in the treatment of diabetes EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT DIABETIC. If you have a problem with yeast infections, think higher blood sugar levels. Men with low testosterone often have diabetes, too, or are at risk of developing it. I HIGHLY recommend all people who have been diagnosed with HS or think they may have HS, to visit an endrocrinologist and have the complete panel of blood tests done. You may be surprised what they show (like my premature ovarian failure or POF).

I have virtually cured the HS lesions in my underarms. I say "virtually" because I have had one lesion in 10 years. I had laser underarm hair removal. The one lesion that I did get was immediately following shaving of some leftover "whispies" (You can barely even see them). HS is a "clogging disease". Removing the hair shaft from its follicle allows for more "wiggle room" for sweat to be released. A number of HS sufferers stop using anti-perspirant because of its clogging factor. Drinking plenty of water helps to dilute one's sweat. Showering after exercise does not allow sweat to stay on the skin. I am considering having Botox treatments on my inner thighs done. I want to reduce the sweat factor as much as I can. I do very well in the wintertime, but not so great in the summertime. I have kept my disease as bay using as many preventative tips that I can learn from other sufferers (like boy-leg panties and tea tree oil, to name a couple).

I am interested in Tumeric. It makes sense. Long before antibiotics were discovered, people used other substances known for controlling infections. Tea tree oil is one. Honey is another. Wine was used as an antiseptic. Olive oil was used in biblical times for skin problems. When modern scientists examine these substances today, they can explain why they work.

One topic that I want to bring up that is not popular to hear is smoking. I've read several studies that implicate smoking in the development of HS. Quitting smoking doesn't seem to affect HS much, but never starting to smoke in the first place is a huge factor. There are genetics behind HS sufferers who have other famly members afflicted by HS, but smoking may be the kick off behind those without the obvious genetic link. The link between smoking and HS was as high as 90% in those studies. I once went to an HS support group meeting. There was a group of approximately 15 of us who went out to dinner together. I asked around the table who were smokers or ex-smokers. Of the 15 people present, only one person was a non-smoker/never been a smoker! That particular woman never had HS until after she had a complete hysterectomy - a hormonal-challenged woman of normal weight. Why didn't our group reflect the percentage of smoking adults in the United States? Why did our group reflect a smoking rate of over 90%? I mentioned earlier that I have psoriasis. Did you know that psoriasis and smoking have a connection, too?

I think HS can be conquered if we can attack it in its earliest stages. Most diseases are better managed before they really get bad. Early diagnosis is key. Please share with others what works for you!

Swiss Cheese
Posted by H Fitz (Ireland) on 11/10/2014

Hi, I'm leaving this post as I think it's important that people realize, there is no "cure" for Hidradenitis. I believe it is auto-immune related, instead I would say there is however a right "balance".

Turmeric has worked fantastically for me. Had an indulgent weekend with family, upped the dosage and my lesions are still flat, which is unheard of for me.

However, I feel overall quite shitty. I drank crap, ate crap and now I will have a couple of weeks of really giving my body nutritious TLC before it is better. When my diet is good, I don't need that much Turmeric.

I would suggest an elimination diet to all sufferers, my triggers are all sugars (natural or otherwise) and all mammal meat/dairy. Cutting out the mammal meat and dairy products has been HUGE for me. It has allowed me to take a minimal dose of Turmeric. I no longer get bloated and eat a diet rich in fish and non starchy veggies. I allow myself some red rice, when I am being "extra" healthy because when I detox, if I don't eat adequate fibre I don't feel like the toxins cleanse well enough and as soon as I eat more fibre, the headaches go away and I feel great again.

In addition, I am not a super healthy person, always but the only way for me to keep this condition under control is to eat well as much as I can and drink water!

Turns out, my body needs a lot of water, I always thought I drank enough but when you get a bad flare, really look at how much you have been drinking (all of my previous terrible flares were at times when I was overheating and experiencing dehydration) and ensure to take Magnesium supplements. Sugars use up a lot of magnesium, it seems, so best to cut them out as much as you can.

In short, turmeric is by far the best herb I've tried for inflammation. Watch your diet as much as you can, drink lots of water and it makes this condition far more manageable. If you do binge, don't throw everything out the window, your body is not broken, it is trying to let you know something isn't quite right. Listen to it and be kind to yourself.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lrgold (Las Cruces, New Mexico) on 03/24/2011

Hello all--

I can't believe it--after years of suffering and MANY hours of my own research, I found something that WORKS!!! I put the pieces together after doing my own research because docs kept putting me on antibiotics and I didn't want that. The meds cleared up the "bumps" (really bad under my breasts and in my armpits) for two weeks, then they'd come back with a vengeance. Also, I've tried collodial silver,

For the first time in 3 years, my bumps are gone and the scars are healing. I am 100% convinced that HS is related to yeast overgrowth in the body, which is aggravated by antibiotics and other things. Some symptoms are yeast infections (including under the finger or toe nails), vaginal yeast infections, chronic sinus problems, affected lymph nodes, and a white film on the tongue or a cracked tongue.

I've always had problems with vaginal yeast infections--very sensitive to sugar, though I eat my fair share of chocolate, of course. One beer makes me feel like that purple chick in the original Willy Wonka. On these HS support forums, many people swear by a gluten-free and dairy free diet... This is directly connected to the "yeast (candida)-free diet" which advises people with candida overgrowth to avoid fermented dairy products, pretzels, chips, bread, beer, wine, etc. Pretty much everything but veggies and meat. However, what's great is that it doesn't have to be a PERMANENT diet. Clear out your body for 3 or so months, then really monitor what is going into your body and how it makes you feel.

Sorry for the length of this post, but I feel compelled to pass this on to other sufferers!!! What finally cleared up my suffering is this:

NYSTATIN 100,000/g POWDER: prescription only (ask for the larger sized bottle), but not a controlled substance. Clean the area well, then put this in the groin area, under the armpits, and under the breasts (in your affected areas). I also had to use Nystatin cream on a small section of my groin and a little under my breasts, until I got it under control.

I am currently also taking (available from Vitamin or health stores):

Candidase Enzymatic supplement (to inhibit yeast growth)

Kyolic odorless garlic supplement (anti-candida formula)

Acidophilus Pearls (anti-yeast)

Turmeric one-a-day pills

(all of the above I plan to be on for one month, then try and monitor my yeast intake to keep levels under control).

Vitamin A

Vitamin D3

B-vitamin complex

Prenatal vitamins (always take them as my multi because I like the effect on my skin and nails)

I only use IVORY bar soap under my breasts and in my armpits and groin. I use a new razor every time I shave under my arms. Now that the bumps have gone down, I try to exfoliate under my armpits with a loofah to remove dead skin. I also do NOT use anti-persperant, but rather spray Crystal deodorant in the clear bottle with a purple label.


When you are in a breakout--use pure tea tree oil on your bumps that haven't come to a head. It works wonders. If you get a bump behind your ear, don't mess with it, and the lymph node will eventually go back to normal. Take ibuprofen 800mg to reduce swelling in the deap-seated large abscesses.

The nystatin will help you! GO GET IT! I can't urge it enough. The anti-candida supplements helped too! There is another article I read that said people have had luck on long term anti-fungal prescription medication, but this can be damaging to the liver, so I opted to try the supplement route first.

I also gave up dairy a few months ago, and still severely limit my intake. I know that until I get the candida under control, I'll have to keep using the nystatin powder, but I am making an effort to try and cut out the yeast foods. Avoid sugar/sugary drinks at all costs if you can.

I have been in severe pain, spent hundreds of dollars for surgeons to drain and pack cysts, and been depressed and shameful. Please try this, I think it may help many people.

Antibacterial Soap, Weight Loss
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 02/13/2011

While I'm sure weight can be a contribiting factor, I have had HS since puberty and have no weight issue, but my father had HS all his life too.

General Feedback
Posted by Deb (Melbourne , Australia) on 01/18/2011

Liam you could also try one drop pure tea tree oil on the boils to draw out the toxins.

I have read that boils can be caused by an acidic body. It may help you to look at your diet and eat more alkaline foods so that your body has the proper pH level. Green smoothies, pineapple juice, water are mostly alkaline while coke, milk, meats, are acidic. Bathing in bicarb soda is also good as it is alkalising to the skin. There are some good books you could read which list which foods are acidic and which are alkaline. Disease and toxins apparently can't exist in an alkaline body. Cheers

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Julie (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 03/08/2010

Hi everyone,

I'm 19 and have had HS ever since I can remember. I've had surgery to remove abscesses in both armpits. I remember being in grade school and not participating in gym because I could not sweat and risk having it resting on my skin all through school. My gym teachers never really believed me and just assumed I got a doctor's note because I was overweight and didn't want to exercise. This is an embarrassing disease and I'm sorry all of you had to go through it too.

Over the years, I've gotten better though. I do something that I think no one has mentioned after every shower I use sterile cotton balls and PUT RUBBING ALCOHOL on the areas that I normally get them (especially the open sores). Doctors use this to clean instruments and they go in first aids kits to cleanse burns and wounds. It sounds harsh but It doesn't make my skin dry at all. Once I started doing this, I barely even get any boils maybe one or two a month! :)

I also use softsoap antibacterial liquid soap or any other generic brand that is close. I look at the ingredient triclosan the higher it is the more antibacterial quality. I DO NOT USE bars of soap because they can carry bacteria on the surface, unlike liquid soap that comes in a bottle.

If you'd really like them to go away I would really suggest using the rubbing alcohol after showers and before bed (if you only shower in the mornings) and put on clean LOOSE clothes to sleep in. One last thing, it is very handy to put the rubbing alcohol in a medium sized spray bottle to spray on the skin during the day or anytime you apply it. (This is also great for spraying on public toilet seats to disinfect them. I also lay down toilet paper ALWAYS before sitting on public toilets) Sanitizing toilet seats (even my own toilet) before going to the bathroom has helped so much I hardly ever get sores down there anymore!

Soon I am going to start trying more natural methods like putting tea tree oil on instead of rubbing alcohol. I am also going to start taking turmeric (used in making curry) they say it has anti-inflammatory agents.

I hope this helps someone because I know how hurtful and embarrassing it is to live with this disease.

Antibacterial Soap, Iodine
Posted by Bronwyn (South Africa) on 01/31/2017

Hi Karen,

Just a tip for the BO. I also suffer from it. I wash my armpits thoroughly in the morning, dry them and then apply apple cider vinegar to the entire arm pit. Once it dries the odor of the vinegar disappears. Then I use my deo over that. I only discovered this at the age of 37 and have been wearing sleeveless clothing all my life until now. I can finally wear cute t-shirts :-)

As for the HS, my daughter started with it very recently. We have been to see a homeopath. She has advised to cut out gluten as the issue stems from a leaky gut. She has given us two homeopathic remedies as well as Lymphomyosot (manufactured by Heel). We are also dosing her with Zinc, Turmeric and Tissue Salts (nr 12 - Silicea).

Apparently stress and holding in feelings of hurt in the past has also contributed to the condition.

I'm hoping this all clears up and that we can heal her system.

Burdock Root
Posted by Michelle (Chicago, IL) on 03/21/2009

Hidradenitis Suppurativa cure:

one thing that can cure your Hidradenitis Suppurativa is Burdock root. Take Burdock root for 3 months ( 3 times daily) and then stop for 3 months, then repeat... you will not have any problems anymore. Eat lots of read meat ( Burdock may lower iron), lots of fatty fish, limit dairy (once again because of iron absorption) and fruit + vegies. WORK OUT A LOT

Laugh a lot
live well


Burdock Root
Posted by Leanne (Baltimore, Md) on 12/21/2014

Thank God for this site and for your post, Michelle! After trying so many suggestions (Tumeric, baking soda, drawing salve, etc.) Burdock root tablets have succeeded in helping my HS! I have no angry red lesions for the first time in 3 years!

That said, this isn't a complete cure. You need to figure out if you have a food intolerance (mine are excess sugar and corn) and drastically reduce those/that food in your diet. Looking into leaky gut syndrome may also be helpful (I swear by acv, kefir, and probiotics. My stomach has never been this happy). Best of luck to everyone! So encouraged and thankful to have found this site!

H.S. Dressings
Posted by Nanette (Weirsdale, Florida) on 09/24/2014

Hello Everyone, Seems there is a big club of "us". I have found it starts with food and to go further I read lots of info on a castor oil pack detox...especially to do with Edgar Cayce. It starts with our gut and the foods we put in. Doing a detox pack tomorrow..hopefully getting my gut detox and putting only Paleo friendly...watch nightshades..in my tummy. Drinking teas and only cut refined sugar and only using raw honey which seems to be doing something productive. Just started all of this 100% cause I love sugar and I smoke...a nighshade. Still learning and wish you all well...God bless us all. Amen!

Reader Comments
Posted by angjoy (Jackson, MI) on 07/26/2009

Hi Keturah, I'm not sure it this would work on your hair or not, but it might be worth a try. When I noticed a couple of places forming on my scalp, I thought, oh no, not my head too, they were small, but painful. I replaced my shampoo with a 1/2 cup of baking soda made into a paste. I have very long hair and yes, you have to get use to 'no lather' but baking soda does a great job of cleaning your hair and scalp. As a matter of fact, I have found that I no longer have to wash my hair daily as I use to. I occasionally do a vinegar rinse. My hair is a lot healthier looking now and no more spots on my scalp.

For anyone wishing to try the 'wonder whatever - 200c Elaps Corallinus', well I did. I went 2 months without a boil. 2 blissful months. The honeymoon is over however. I was so hopeful that this would be the end of this miserable stuff. The gentleman who mentioned that he could relate to Job from the Bible. Funny he mention that. I often felt that way myself. God bless us all. ~Ang

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Carolina (Sto Dgo, Dom Rep) on 11/25/2008

Hello, First of all, I want apologize for my English but I want give you my opinion.

I'm 32 years old and I'm suffering HS for 10 years, I had read and try every antibiotic, and some natural remedies, but my worse situation now is, My husband is starting with the problem in his testicles after he started to drink ACV to lose weight? and I feel terrible and I don't knew the HS could be contagious.

every month before my period I have the ball, I'm using with good result a silver gel, the name is "colloidal silver" help me a lot to calm and restructure the skin and the ball gone after 3 days.

I hope you can try the colloidal silver.
I have try a lot remedies but the ball coming 3 or 4 months later.

I'm feel crazy because if I'm depress, sad, worry, angry even excited or happy the ball coming up, I'm can't stand my hormonal disorder.

Please try the colloidal silver maybe can help you.


EC: "the ball" = large, recurring boil

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Kate (Pensacola, Florida) on 10/05/2009

I have been diagnosed with both MRSA and HS. The symptoms of the lesions are slightly different, so stopping treatment for one because you think all symptoms are caused by the other might make things worse. When I have had MRSA lesions, they occur anywhere (mostly my legs or face). If they do open or drain, the drainage is thick with a greenish tint, and sometimes you can see the infection beneath the skin. When the wound is completely cleaned of bacteria, there is a definite hole where the infection was. With the HS, the lesions are boils. Just wanted to let you know that it is possible to have both (as I do)so don't neglect your HS remedies if you have a flare-up of MRSA. The MRSA antibiotics don't help with the HS at all, or at least they didn't for me. And I wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions, I've never found a better place for info about HS.

Turmeric, Tea Tree, Dial
Posted by JERIKA (CHARLOTTE, NC) on 05/11/2008

Re: hidradenitis suppurativa. I've had the disorder since I was 22 and i'm 30 now. I was just officially diagnosed last year. Long story short i've had an area the size of a mini golf ball near my labia, you can imagine the pain, they have been lanced and drained only to return. It's gotton worse over the years, it started out as one large area on the left labia and now i have areas that affect both sides of my entire groin. Lately i've been cleasing the area with dial antibacterial soap, old fashioned yellow bar. 2 times/day, follwed by a few drops of tea tree oil, i also take 2 300mg tumeric tablets daily. When i feel a flare-up coming i take one alleve which prevents a full blown flare up. I suggest trying a variety of treatments and would advise staying away from antibiotics, they don't work.there are sites which i'm not allowed to name that guarantee a cure that are all natural, i would suggest choosing the one that gives you the ingredients of their product only. Don't let this disorder discourage you. It can be maintained. I can't stress this enough surgery and antibiotic therapy don't work, use natural herbal remedies for this disorder. I've had surgery only for the boil to return in the exact same spot. I'm a rn and i see so many of my patients think that surgery and antibiotics are the only answer. Please continue to research and find natural cures and lifestyle changes that can manage this annoying skin disorder.

Silver Honey
Posted by Kelly K (Akron, Oh ) on 08/31/2022

After a HS wound pops, most of the time you're left with a hole that could take months or even a year to heal up. I found this stuff called Silver Honey. It is actually use on horse/animal. But it has all natural ingrediants. If you read the reviews on Amazon, you will see more people use this stuff on themselves than they do animals. It comes in 2 forms; a cream or a spray. I bought the cream and it healed my HS wound/hole up in 8 days and it had been there for 3 months. I encourage everyone to try it. And just recently, I started getting another HS bump...I immediatly put some of the Silver Honey on it...I did this for 3 days and the bump went away.

Magnesium Oil, Black Tea
Posted by Mary (Wi) on 05/11/2017

Chronic Hidradenitis Suppurativa:

In the Ted's Q&A I found a reference to MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE and BLACK TEA. This is the most effective combo I have found for HS but I do not see it referred often.

Magnesium Oil is available at health stores and online. It can be painful, but it works for me esp early in a breakout.

Black tea, applied via cotton round pad after the oil, with frequent applications, is soothing for the pain and seems to remove the heat and pressure.

Turmeric ( drink with black pepper for absorbtion), tea tree oil, and diet changes also help.

A note on gluten: there are different types of wheat with different protiens all of which are gluten. It gets complicated. I found some breads are ok, but pasta and pretzels are not ok for me.

Depending on hormone levels some "safe" foods turn into trigger foods.

Nightshades effect me * depending on the freshness of the nightshade*. I can eat potatoes that are not sprouting yet, but old potatoes are triggers. I don't eat chips for this reason.

Short version: Black Tea and Magnesium oil (same as magnesium chloride), see Ted's Q&A.

Posted by Jbrandt (Winston Salem Nc) on 08/23/2017

I couldn't help but laugh when I read your comment because I have been doing the same thing for about 8 years. I have HS in the same area and the "outbreak" is always the same spot. It has left me with a tiny spot that when I flare up that's where it drains. I keep a bandaid over it ALL the time and is really does help with the friction. It's just a part of my normal routine now.

HS Causes and Triggers
Posted by Ellie (Md) on 02/12/2016

The cream you mention is rather expensive. Have you considered turmeric for the boils? It is a very popular remedy on Earth Clinic for boils.

Did you get your daughter off birth control? If she is taking it to regulate her cycle, there are many good remedies for it.

HS Causes and Triggers
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 02/12/2016

Hi there. I suffer from the same thing. I would suggest that you try Colloidal Silver on those boils. I use a Silver Gel on mine. I used to get them regularly , but I noticed something strange lately; the boils are getting smaller and smaller. So small, in fact, that the last boil was the size of 1/2 a pea! And after that paltry pathetic attempt at a boil, I haven't had one in months! Please give it a try. If you can't fine the gel, soak a cotton pad In Colloidal silver and then put a bandage over it. It won't take very long before your daughter finds blessed relief. Take care.

Burdock Root
Posted by Dan (Rochester, Mn ) on 07/23/2015

Patients with severe HS tend to have low iron and can easily become anemic. Recent research is beginning to discover there seems to be a connection between inappropriate amino acid metabolism in relation to particular classes of digestive bacteria. While it's not definitive and more research needs to be done this would suggest a high protein diet as a source of iron may actually worsen symptoms. I would instead suggest increasing iron through a source such as curly dock seed.

Turmeric, Zinc and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Edie (Moundsville, Wv) on 03/27/2015

I came upon this site out of desperation looking for some help with the hydradenitis. I have been dealing with this for at least 30 years. I have only had a few at a time and sometimes none at all for a few years, I get them in my groin area and on the labia. I have only had really large ones on 3 occasions that sent me to the Dr.

Just a few weeks ago I developed a very large abscess that became about the size of a lime on the labia on left side. I called the Dr. and went in right away and was put in the hospital to run IV antibiotics. On day 2 it drained and he let me go home on day 3 with 2 different strong antibiotics. It went down to very small size but did not go away and I started to develop a smaller one on the left side.

So coming to this site and reading all that people were using I decided to start using the turmeric and zinc. Also using tea tree oil mixed with olive oil. I have to say that this seems to be working better than the antibiotics. They drained for a few days after starting this, now the drainage has stopped and they seem to be going away. I am taking 450 mg. of turmeric 3 times a day and 50 mg zinc twice a day. The tea tree oil I am applying after shower and then one or two times again during the day. I hope that they continue to go away and I don't have any more for a while anyway. Thank you for all the information and help. Glad to know that this is not a rare thing and lots of other people are going through this also. I did have four surgically removed 2 years ago and did not have any more for a while. But the ones that just came up have come back in the same places. So I guess the surgery wasn't that successful. Here's hoping that I continue to get better with the use of these supplements.

Fresh Garlic
Posted by Charlotte (Pittsburgh) on 02/15/2015

I had suffered for years with boils. Doctors did nothing but lanced them. I got them under my arms and in my groin area. I must of had a least one hundred of them. I have been boil free for over 7 years. They got really big about the size of a half a egg and were very painful.

Glory be to God... I bumped into the simple remedy... Raw fresh garlic, a whole head daily. In my salads and with all my food and sauces.

Fresh Garlic
Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/03/2022

This is awesome! I have had HS for 30 years. I have only learned on how to "ease" the pain of the flare ups. Just the other day I was reading comments in a forum for HS. This lady said that 15 years ago she was at a family reunion and one of her elders told her to take garlic supplements. She stated that she started taking garlic supplements and has'nt had a flare up in 15 years! I just received my garlic supplements today. I got the kind that has a high dose of ALLICIN in it. Cooking raw garlic will weaken the effects of the ALLICIN. Thank you so much for your comment...it confirms what I read!

Top Remedies Summary
Posted by Salome Tiny (Botswana) on 02/10/2015

I am doing research for my brother, he has got Hidradenitis Suppurativa under his armpit, will try turmeric.

Top Remedies Summary
Posted by Lily (Virginia, US) on 03/04/2015

i wasn't going to share my story until I saw yours. You don't know how much your comment has helped me. I didn't think anyone else got it so young . I have had this since I was 11. I thought it was a punishment from God for shaving off my hair because it didn't want to embrace puberty. I hid it from my family until I was 14, it got so bad I thought I was never going to recover. The first doctor I went to shamed me and gave me antibiotics that almost killed me -literally. The other doctor that I went to save me from the antibiotics was male and too shamed to even try to help me. It's been 5 years and I haven't been back to a doctor since. And have never been romantically with someone because of this. I am hoping this tea tree oil and turmeric work!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Martha89 (Los Angeles, California) on 09/06/2014

Several years ago I was diagnoised with Hidradentis Suppurativa by two doctors. Recently I went to specialist in the disease, she examined my armpits (without gloves) by rubbing and looking for scar tissues and marks left from previous outbreaks. She saw no scars or marks under my arms, and said "she did not think I had the disease."

She told me to go home and try her solution for my problem, and if that did not work come and see her again. All smiles---it worked. She had me take a bath every other day for 7 days only, and to put a little clorox in the water (1/4) cup. In addition, she had me take my previous prescribed oral antibiotic for "7 days only" (this stuff I had been taken for 3 years), and to put the previous cream prescribed for my scars/bumps into my nostrils for 7 days, several times a day.

So basically this new doctor's advice cleared me up in 7 days for a disease I was told I had for the past 3 years. My old doctor (dermatologist) had me take oral antibiotic pills everyday for years, and I had to see him monthly---go figure.

It has been 4 months (summer 2014) and I have not had any outbreaks, smell or drama associated with that disease. The bumps under my breasts, which I thought "was not" associated with the disease was entirely something else--- a problem that quite a few big breasted women have. The new doctor prescribed a cream to put under my breasts and I have not broken out since. However, I do wear cotton in my bra on hot, humid days.

Needless to say, I am so happy that I am no longer having the problems I have had for the past three years. I do think that moving to this hot and humid state 4 years ago contributed to this problem. I must say I feel very uncomfortable in this weather, and try not to go out on extremely hot, humid days.

Good luck and I hope this helps somewhat.

Colloidal Silver, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jess (Arizona, US) on 08/28/2014

Hey there. After having my hormonal birth control....the devil's mirena...i started to get Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I take hot baths daily. I run a bath and add tea tree oil...then empty the tub and use a sulfur based soap *it says to let it dry* then I run the bath again as hot as I can stand and add bleach *probably too much bleach* but my skin has cleared up so much its incredible. I don't drink sweet drinks. Water only and coffee occasionally. I went from having 10-20 boils and lesions to just little specks that I'm guessing are scarring. I know it sounds like a lot but I was fed up. I also apply a sulfur cream, and tea tree oil directly to the spot. It's all super cheap. I spend less than $10 for all of it and it lasts a month. I only bathe like this 2 times a week...but I use tea tree oil and sulfur every day. Hope this helps :) oh...and I stay naked unless I absolutely need clothes...to keep dry...but I live in arizona...so it ain't no thang. LOL! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Louwrence (Rusteburg, South Africa) on 11/06/2013

Hi Eliza, Grind epsom salts fine in a coffee grinder then add glycerine so that it is a paste & put the paste on the hole, it might burn a bit but it draws the junk out.

Avoiding Chemical Allergies
Posted by Anonymous (Holland) on 06/14/2013

Like many, I suffered from HS since puberty (so now about 10 years). I only went to the doctor once as a teen, this was quite traumatic as she simply told me I wasn't keeping myself clean. After that I started showering multiple times a day which caused the infections to get so bad I couldn't even walk. Now I know I'm extremely allergic to synthetic parfum and sulfates (also suspecting benzoates). I can't have it in anything, even if I wear clothes that've been washed with a 'wrong' detergent I'll break out within the hour. However, when I avoid bad soaps I'm 100% healthy (skinwise). Dietwise I eat mostly organic with much fruits and veggies and no porc, little sugar etc.. So I'm not sure if I would have infections again if I'd eat unhealthy. BUT I do smoke, drink coffee and alchohol, which doesn't seem to have any (negative) influence whatsoever.

Omega 3 Oils
Posted by Donna (Pensacola, Fl, Usa) on 04/14/2013

When I was younger I started having a problem with boils in very uncomfortable places. They often had to be lanced. Both the problem and the cure were very painful! They began to occur with increasing frequency until I was getting them about every two weeks and missing a lot of work. I was at my wit's end. The gynecologist said it was clogged glands, the dermatologist said it could be hydradenitis suppurativa. I researched that and was horrified to think that was what I could be facing. It's not a pleasant problem.

While doing a little research on it, I came across a posting on an internet forum by a doctor advising people that hydradenitis suppurativa was caused by body oils that became thick and clogged pores which then became boils or carbuncles. (His explanation was better than mine as I am working from memory and it was 15-20 years ago.) He recommended taking Omega 3 oils. I immediately realized that I had been having a remission of the problem for awhile because I had been doing the Atkins diet and taking quite a lot of oil capsules on a daily basis for a year. It had been about 6 months since I stopped taking them because I stopped the diet and the boils had come back to my great dismay.

I immediately started taking them again and the problem was relieved. I have consistently taken oils since then (usually flax seed oils but sometimes fish oils or a combination) and find that as long as I get regular doses, I don't have boils but if I go for too long without it they come back. When I realize that I am starting to get one then I immediately start the oil regimen and they resolve.

I am also prone to Psoriasis or Eczema around my ears and on my scalp. I was not having much luck treating that either but it occurred to me that maybe I was low on oils again so I started taking them and it seemed to clear up. Maybe that was a coincidence but nothing else was working and it had spread all over my scalp and was itching like crazy.
