Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Silver Nanoparticles
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/19/2017 2165 posts

Last November, I got a toothache while on vacation for a week. It came on fairly gradually starting out as just annoying and by the time I got home from vacation it was pretty painful and made it almost impossible to chew. I started placing a small rectangular cotton facial wipe that I had rolled up and saturated with 320 parts per million (ppm) silver nanoparticles in between my swollen gum and my cheek and I would leave it in place for about an hour twice a day. At the end of three days all pain and swelling were gone and no sign that I had had a toothache at all.

This week I got another toothache and since I was home, I started with the rolled up cotton pad and 320 ppm silver nanoparticles except this time I just put it in place before bed and slept with it tucked between my swollen gum and my cheek. I did this two nights in a row and now that toothache is just a fading memory!

Some years back I had gotten a similar toothache and went to the dentist who immediately said I needed a root canal and charged me accordingly......ouch! From now on I will try the silver nanoparticles for way less than a dollar in material before I head to the dentist. My toothache was literally healed while I slept.....how easy is that?

A word of caution here though......sleeping with a rolled up wad of cotton in your mouth may not be the safest thing to do because you could potentialy swallow it or choke on it while sleeping, so applying it during your waking hours is probably the safer approach, but now I know that silver nanoparticles have worked either way for me.

