Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Migraines

Posted by Claus (Osaka) on 12/24/2010

I have had migraine problems for over 15 years. After I took 5-HTP once a day, not even 1 migraine. Of course there are many causes for migraines. But this might help someone.

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/03/2016

Hello Beth,

Have you tried niacin (B-3) or the herb Feverfew? I have a video up on Earth Clinic that discusses migraines if you care to watch.

Coffee +
Posted by Angela (Smalltown, Bc, Canada) on 02/01/2010

I have suffered from migraines for many years, quite often relating to my menstrual cycle. I feel like I had tried everything, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, drugs, changing my diet, and nothing seemed to make a difference.

I usually just lay in bed with a hot water bottle attached to my head for hours on end, waiting for sleep to come so I could sleep it off.

However, I think I have finally found a remedy that works regularly for me.

One thing I have found about migraines is that they are connected to dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the brain. When you get a migraine, your blood vessels dilate.

So, the magic cure for me is two things.

A) as soon as I start getting ANY sign of a migraine, I drink the strongest coffee I can find and as much of it as I want. I don't normally drink coffee, so it affects me quickly. The coffee constricts the blood vessels and helps ease the pain of the swelling in the brain.

B) also what I do is heat up my feet and cool down my head. This helps with my circulation. I find when I have a migraine, my feet get very cold, so if I heat them up by soaking them in hot water or using a hot water bottle on them and cool down my head with a cool compress, I get relief.

Finally, I have been taking gingko biloba regularly as it is good for improving circulation.

I have not had problems with migraines now for almost 8 months.

Breathe Into a Brown Paper Bag
Posted by Carrie (California, US) on 10/19/2014

It works! My 12 year old daughter just tried this and shockingly IT WORKED! 10 minutes in and the pain was subsiding. 15 minutes in and the pain is nearly gone!

Posted by ClaudineK (Owings Mills , MD) on 11/04/2008

Hi all. I love this site! I've had migraine attacks since i was 15. 30 years later I continue to suffer from them. They are most often triggered by the hormonal changes I have when getting my cycle. Symptoms began yesterday, sensitivity to light and nausea started and I realized one was coming. I have been drinking ACV daily for about 2 months now and although it has improved my overall health, it didn't stop my migraine from coming back. I did take 60 mg of zinc supplements and read that magnesium also helps. I didn't have any but did have Milk Of Magnesia so took a little bit of that. To my surprise my symptoms lessened significantly. By now i would be in a full blow episode but I am doing okay! As all migraine sufferers know, the constant pain can be truly debilitating I'm so relieved this seems to have worked!

Egg Whites
Posted by Teresa (Waiuku, New Zealand) on 06/04/2008

For painful sinuses and the accompanying headache - beat 2 egg whites (stops them being slimy and difficult to handle). Spread out on a gauze (or cloth) and put over your face (avoiding eyes). Put another cloth over (optional). Lay down on your back and go to sleep. The heat/temperature will harden the gauze. Suggest you leave it on as long as you can. You will be pain free and as a bonus will get a facelift.
I have used this remedy for migraines and hard to shift headaches and have always gained relief.

Acupressure, Garlic, Peppermint Tea
Posted by Cat (Spain) on 02/18/2018

My mom's chronic hormonal migraines vanished definitively at menopause.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Kalamazoo, MI) on 06/19/2007

I tried the ACV cure for migranes 30 minutes ago. It worked, and best of all, I'm not muddle headed like I am with the prescription my doctor gave me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by AEM (San Diego, CA) on 05/30/2007

I have chronic sinusitis and severe migraines and one morning I woke up with an incredible headache. Driving, walking, talking, etc all made it worse and add the nausea...I looked at the site and made a concotion of water, 1 tsp of organic ACV and 1 tsp of honey. It wasn't the best tasting but I gulped it down and voila, pain has dissipated greatly. Thanks!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mohamed (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 02/19/2007

Apple cider cured my Migraine! I usually use it two times a day and when I feel there might be an onset I would increase to three times or more..and It works. I really want everybody to know this. You don't need to use any other medicine. I have only have been using homeopathy which had not helped a lot but no side effects. My sister who had been getting weekly migraines has the side effects of being deaf on one side of her ear due to side effects of medication.Now she started the Vinegar cure and she says it Works! How we don't know. Thanks for this Site .. let the world know about this!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Karen (Union, KY) on 11/09/2006

This is the first time I've tried this for my monthly migraine, which I have had for several years. Nothing I tried seem to prevent this from happening, I could only medicate after it started. This is the first time I haven't had one after using the Molasses. I took a couple of spoonfuls in the morning and took it to work and used a couple of times during the day. I use an organic unsulphered brand. So glad I have found this, no more migraine this month. I really can't believe this, still waiting to see if one comes on.

Posted by Darla (Los Angeles) on 04/27/2006

I had been suffering from daily severe headaches, usually on the left side of the head, and migraine symptoms, migraine headaches, most severe pain I have ever experienced. I was given many pain meds from doctor from naxopen (ibruprofen type pain killer) to tylenol w/ codeine # 3 and # 4, I was beginning to experience what is called a "rebound headache" from over use of pain meds (both prescribed and OTC), I read somewhere that magnesium helps relieve/prevent migraines. I began taking magnesium w/calcium supplements as well, and in less than 2 weeks, I began to feel much better. I am now headache-free/migraine-free about 90% of the time. I really recommend it to anyone who suffers from daily migraines/headaches, it has really improved my quality of life, hope it helps you too.

Posted by Vanessa (Willemstad) on 10/19/2023

Hello everybody. I used to experience very debilitating headaches. It has been for sure more than 10 years. I have been to several doctors and have tried different types of medicines. I even tried natural remedies, drinking water and exercise. But nothing helped. I used to think that it was related to my bowel movements because that was not going very well either. I tried a lot of things went to therapy, which helped for a while. A doctor told me to look for information on Botox. Well I decided to go online and read more about Botox and saw that there is a chance that it might help. I went to the doctor that performs it. I have not had a headache since. Thank you

Cefaly Neuromodulation Device
Posted by Bethbs (London) on 07/04/2022

Once migraine becomes chronic the nerves in the head become over sensitised, small triggers become a major cause of pain and the cycle is difficult to break.

I've had a Cefaly neuromodulation device for about 2 years. It was almost unendurable to use at first, probably due to this over sensitisation effect. I used it as recommended, daily, for the first month or two but I admit I slackened off and used it only occasionally thereafter. Gradually it became easier to use and I restarted the daily use this year. Only then did it really work. I've had only one migraine in the last two months (usually average 13 per month).

It's not cheap (about £300) and the electrodes have to be bought regularly (they last longer if you're scrupulous about cleaning your brow before use, and putting them straight back on their plastic sheet afterwards). However, this device has broken a chronic migraine condition that's lasted decades.

I should add, I've been careful never to overuse migraine medicines, though I suspect the bar is set too high, especially for ergotamine-containing meds and some people can probably go into overuse while keeping well within the recommended limits.

Eliminating any source of inflammation, so far as possible, also has a role to play. Gum health is critical and food intolerances should be explored.

I also take a couple of supplements and it's taken a few years to hit on a combo that seems to work for me. Magnesium L-Threonate, a B multi; and Vitamin D in Winter. I do better without the high dose vitamin B2 recommended by headache doctors.

Posted by Marie-Louise (Zurich, Switzerland) on 07/26/2020

Hello Beth,

I have also Migraines since ages. Lately I am taking Vita Biosa for an other issue. My Migraines starting to be less. You can buy the Original also in England (see comments at Amazon first). Because of Covid I red about Melatonin. But Melatonin can also help Cluster headaches and Migraines and other pain issues. Try a sustained typ before bedtime.


Marie Louise, Zurich Switzerland

Peppermint, Lavender Oils
Posted by Katie (Cholula, Mx) on 07/16/2018

Apply a couple of drops of mint essential oil to the base of the neck and where the pain is, as well as lavender essential oil to the temples. I was shocked at how quickly this works! It completely removed the migraine within 10 minutes.

Herbs and Supplements
Posted by Let It Go (Los Angeles, California) on 01/21/2017 10 posts

Herbs and supplements for migraines

I am dealing with headaches/migraines since young age of 2, but just the last few years I started using natural ways to stop them. I use many things as I noticed, that sometimes remedies, that worked for me one day, might not work the other. Lately I started combining several remedies together, and that seems to work better than using any one of them. For prevention I use mainly magnesium and alpha lipoic acid. I take either magnesium malate powder or magnesium glycinate capsules without any fillers. I feel that I need minimum of 600mg a day, but if I ate sugar or day was stressful for any reason, I need more. It is not cheap, otherwise I would probably take daily 1000 mg. I can't take more than 300mg at one sitting though without getting belly rumbles, so I take my in two doses. I take 2 alpha lipoic acid 300mg tablets per day-also in two times. I feel that those two help a lot, however I am not particularly good at taking it every day twice a day since I do not like to eat breakfast early, so I have to remember to pack them in my bag. If I take just once a day for a few days, migraine comes. When it comes, I take:

1. 600 mg magnesium at once or within 2 hours (better tummy troubles than horrible headache)

2. drink 2-3 tablsp ACV in a large glass of water (I avoid honey as sugar negates some of the magnesium)

3. drink wood betony tincture (2 droppers in a bit of water.) I also use devil's claw tincture with good results. I tried wild lettuce one, but that tends to give me more nausea.

4. take half teaspoon of turmeric and half teaspoon of ginger powder with some black pepper for better absorption in a bit of water.

Those 4 things work really well for me. Much better than drugs, because even though those would take the pain, but would make me feel weak, and nausea would still be there. Herbs/supplements make me feel good, not just take the pain away.

I did use cayenne tincture couple times to stop it, when I was out and didn't have my usual remedies. It works for a while, but then it would come back. Now I make sure I have at least magnesium and tincture with me at all times.

Posted by Cristina (Brunswick, Md) on 12/31/2015

I have had migraines all my life. Doctor gave me imitrex, wellbutrin, topomax and I tried so many others. I went off all of those because I'm trying to get pregnant. I started taking l-tyrosine 500mg once daily in the morning because every morning I wake up with a migraine. That combined with one excederin tension pill and a back and body pill..Bayer... the headaches stay away. I really hope this helps others. Once in awhile a migraine sneaks in and I have to take imitrex.

Without the l-tyrosine I get an instant migraine so don't run out if it helps you. You can get them online, but most vitamin stores don't carry it. God bless.

Trigger Point Massage
Posted by Jon (Miami) on 09/12/2015

My friend had a migraine so bad that he threw up. I was pretty concerned for him, and knew that migraines often start at the base of the skull, where the neck muscles attach. So I had him rest his head completely on just my thumb and index finger, and after a minute, his pain was gone.

There are massage devices that you can buy on Amazon that do this, or perhaps try putting two tennis balls in a sock so they don't roll away. Hope everyone feels better!
