Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/02/2022

Turpentine Gum Pine Resin Bath is the ONLY treatment used for turkey mites (seed ticks) when they attack you by the hundreds.

Only use turpentine that comes from a plant source like Pine Trees or Balsam Fir (Canadian turpentine). Humco Turpentine Gum Pine Resin is the brand that can be found at most independent-owned family pharmacies or Diamond G Turpentine online. These brands are the only form of pine turpentine used as medicine. Do NOT use mineral turpentine found at the hardware store. Mineral turpentine is a hazardous substance and is NOT used as medicine.

How to take a Pine Turpentine Bath

1. Fill the bathtub with hot water (temperature 36C/97F)

2. Pour 20 drops of pine turpentine and a squirt of baby soap or dish washing liquid solution into a small empty water bottle with a cap and dilute with a small amount of hot water (38-40C)

3. Cap the bottle, shake it up well and pour the contents into a filled bathtub

4. Mix well the water in the bathtub until a uniform of water is obtained.

5. Start bathing at a temperature of 36C for 15 minutes. Repeat daily til infestation is gone.

6. Also, launder the clothing you were wearing when you got infested with the mites with pine turpentine and laundry soap in HOT water.

Interesting Article Published in the (Roy and Ghosh Medical Journal Dec. 1944), From the Department of Medical Entomology, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta) When it was noticed that the incidence of scabies is at present extremely high and that drugs such as benzyl benzoate, mitigal, tetmos, etc., are not available in this country, it was felt that it would be worth while to undertake an investigation with the object of discovering a sarcopticidal drug which would not only be efficient but would also be readily available. In this connection, a large number of indigenous preparations commonly used for scabies in this country were tested, and in course of this investigation oil of turpentine was observed to possess properties whereby the mite was quickly overwhelmed and was soon killed on contact outside the body.

The oil was used in the form of an emulsion and was prepared as follows : Oil turpentine, B.P. 20 parts Soften the soap with Soap shavings (bar water; mix the soap) .. q.s. oil and the soap 70 per cent alcohol 80 parts thoroughly in a (If necessary the pestle and mortar; common methy- mix the spirit lated spirit may gradually. be used after dilution). N.B. 90 per cent alcohol makes a very good emulsion, but for economy 70 per cent may also be used. The emulsion must always be well shaken before use.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by MissM (NY) on 10/22/2021

Having had demodex I take the capsules as preventative as well! If I feel outbreak on eyes, I take orange oil di limolene and neem.

Neem powder is okay internally.

However, Neem oil is not to be ingested!

Yes and demodex love oil. Any oil is like food to them. So on face greasy creams, face oils they go for it.

Most cases of rosacea are caused by these mites.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/15/2021

Hi Heather, You maybe have enough cures suggested to you by now by the sounds of it but may I suggest an idea of mine?

I use an Australian "Body and Soul Health Products shampoo" that I discovered recently and it is the only one that relieves my itchy scalp- oh the relief!

It does not claim to deal with micro insects but is mainly for eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, cradle cap and dandruff.

However, here's the thing, as I say it soothes my scalp such that nowadays I don't need to wash my hair nearly as often as before (yes, I know, I am a male! ) AND it works especially well after I have trimmed my huge hedge when I feel sure I get attacked by scores of very, very, small insects. If I don't do a thorough hair shampooing afterwards, I will itch and scratch all night! It might be pollen I suppose?

Goes by the name of Hope's Relief Shampoo and the good effect is enhanced if you use a conditioner afterwards. Follow the instructions on the container for best results. Use every day to start with.

I hope it works for you.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/16/2021

(The following item was posted by Susan of France some years ago and should prove of interest to you I think).

The steam cleaners are sold through companies that help with bed bugs. I'm not sure this is the best solution for bird mites but couldn't hurt. As long as the pigeons are still nesting in your building you will have big problems with bird mites. The nest have to be cleared, the openings sealed and a mite killer powder placed where they roosted. Australian sites are good for this. The building may have to be tented and bird mite killer used (BetaCyfluthrin). If you kill them in just your apartment they will leave and then return.

If they are driving you mad then you can obtain relief though some of the remedies here.
Borax soaks with teatree are good for itching (the teatree oil repels them). I have used an essential oil spray that I had for my leg circulation. They hate the smell of essential oils, camphor, teatree, orange oil, and pine. Using these makes them leave temporarily.

Some people say that Skin-so-soft kills them on your body and repels then at night. I recommend sleeping in synthetic nightmare and using synthetic sheets as they prefer cotton.

Dry cleaning your clothes kills them as does high heat drying. Some recommend borax in the wash. When the clothes are clean you should keep them in a plastic bag or the mites will jump back on. Keep dirty clothes sealed in a bag as well. Some people say that modern moth repellants keep them off clothes temporarily. Some people say that Arrid Extra Dry repels them on clothing and in the car.

Bird mites like the face, nose, and ears and can make your face break out in bumps that scab over. I first noticed them in my nose and thought they were an allergy until I used the essential oils on the outside and they my nose stopped itching and congestion and breathing returned to normal- if momentarily. Some people recommend cleaning with alcohol, or bleach, or borax. I used diluted bleach, then alcohol on my face, then face cream and they stopped itching and the bumps cleared.

Mineral oil and particularly Vasoline kills them as they cannot breathe. This is a common remedy used on pet birds as they get mites on their beaks and feet. Some people use Campho-Phenique or Vick's vaporub in their nose on outer ear to keep them out and kill mites that have entered.


CLEANING: Vacuuming daily with a hepa filter that is sealed and kept outside. Vacuum walls, furnishings and clothes. Cleaning floors and surfaces with Dettol, Pinoclean, or Pinesol. (People with carpet use borax powder.) Spraying (BetaCyfluthrin found in roach spray) bedroom, mattress, closet, and pillows and sealing room for 4 hours. Keeping worn clothes sealed in bag and outside of bedroom.

BODY: Denorex, Gold Bond Foot Powder (It has menthol, eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil and keeps them off feet and out of shoes), bleach baths, Arbonne bodywash and spf 30 sunscreen, Borax, sea salt scrub, Gold Bond Foot Spray.

Anything that has menthol in it or sulfur in it. Sulfer based hair products (Sulfur 8 hair and scalp medicated conditioner). Pestene by the company Inca Powder, sulfur, lime sulfur oil, sulfur dust, all work great. Lime Sulfur Oil from the Bonide Company (order lime sulfur pet dip from Amazon).

ENVIRONMENT:Keeping the rooms dry and cool. Mites love wet and humid. Using mite pillow protectors (also helps with dust and dust mite allergies.) Sleeping in synthetic nightgown and sheets. Sleeping on a laytex/memoryfoam mattress (helped with bird and dust mite)

Hope this is helpful! Good luck to you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gary (Kitchener) on 07/17/2022

Hi Diane,

I got rid of all my mite problems with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Just sprinkle lightly where you think there are, and 2 days later vacum. They will all die. Good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marina (Melbourne) on 03/06/2024

Hi! Then the answer to your question is fighting them internally, by creating a more symbiotic environment on your body, because something is clearly off balance. Try eating not sugar and lox carb for 1 month and see how you fee. Also get adequate vitamin d (direct sunlight) for at least 30 min a day.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by frank (sc) on 05/12/2021

Meth mites, real or not? VERY REAL!!!!

Hello all, My name is Frank V. I recently started seeing bugs under my skin with parasitic worms swimming up my face going up behind my eyes. I was frantic and started picking at it. I told my wife to call an ambulance because I was terrified that I might lose my eye sight. Ambulance arrived and I went to the emergency room. Doctor said I was crazy, gave me some shots to knock me out and said nothing was there and that I was hallucinating. I walked out of the emergency room, called my wife and she picked me up at a gas station.

Next day! I woke up at home and I got up to use the bathroom and my whole head and chest were full of bites. I took a tweezer and picked at one of the bites and pulled out one of the bites and saw a red like tick. I got a magnifying glass look at it and indeed it was what I was seeing. I called my wife and father in law to verify what I was seeing and asked them to validate with their own eyes what they saw. both said a red tick like insect. I then drove myself to a different hospital and went to the emergency room. They diagnosed it as a staff infection and gave me antibiotics and gave me some cream to put on the bites. I took the antibiotics and the cream. went back the following week and my chest was cleared up but my legs were filling up with red sores. and my head was better or so I thought. the bites turned into scabs and it turned out that these bugs were clever! They hid themselves under a layer of skin! I went back to the emergency room and they diagnosed it as Impetigo and gave me more cream. That didn't work! Mind you that I took 2 ct scans and blood work! These doctors have PHD's.

I decided to do my own research using my symptoms, mind you I have a bachelors degree in management with minors in psychology. not a PHD! I bought cremes such as bacitracin, neosporin and anti itch to name a few. liquids, witch hazel, lice shampoos, vinegar and vitamin pro biotics to name a few.

In doing my research I found an article that had all my symptoms. It's called "CHAGAS" disease also known as the kissing bug. I was sitting outside on my porch pulling out these insects from my skin and noticing that there was a flying bug that would reinsert another bug in me. I was so frustrated. According to the article (#webmd) the bug enters either through the mouth, nose or eyes. it poops and the poop turns into infection which in turn causes a parasite and the parasite eats into your skin and becomes a host. They produces eggs and has stages, the eggs hatch and the red bugs are full blown adults that feed on your blood. the parasite can be dormant for years. It has a web like protection barrier around it(like fish bone, spiny) for protection of fully pulling it out) There is no vaccine for it.

Time to find the host! This can be difficult and I don't advise anyone to try this at home. I found mine in my mouth. I have this hole in my cheek that's been ongoing for many years inside my mouth. I thought it was a diabetic thing caused by high blood sugar (damn was I wrong). As anyone that uses meth knows, meth causes infection in the mouth, rots teeth, dehydrates the body which in turn weakens the immune system. I also have a sore on the corner of my lip that I popped. Out of this sore is where I saw the little fly come out of which led me to figure out the source of the parasite that entered into my blood stream and caused this chaos that I have been going through. I gargled hydrogen peroxide to try and heal the hole and to my surprise the host didn't like it and showed itself through the hole in the corner of my mouth. It took me an hour and a half to manually pulled it out and hurt like hell. I had to have the peroxide in my mouth and let it out little by little so the host would stay visible to continue to get it out. if peroxide not present it goes right back in. I wish I was able to record it but I only have two hands and I wanted it out. It was pretty extreme but I was ready for battle!!!!

Lastly, apple vinegar is awesome. I did put bleach on remaining sores and used clear nail polish to suffocate them. worked really well if you can take the sting. My meth days are over. I got what I wanted out of it and it was to lose weight but it is Russian roulette. Take care everyone and don't forget to brush your teeth..

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Lou (Tyler TX ) on 07/31/2022

Hi Tracy,

There's a soap for Demodex mites called Chang Sheng. Search the Internet for it. Also, my scalp was very bumpy and itchy. I was diagnosed with psoraisis. I believe mites are eating away at it. My scalp is now smooth after shampooing with Coconut oil shampoo and adding some peppermint essential oil to it. Also, I did find some mites behind my ears. It feels like there are tiny ticks at the base of my scalp. I soak in 2 C. Epsom salts to 1 C. Baking soda. I have seen tiny black mites floating in the water. Our home is infested with bird mites, I believe. Even after taking the bugs in a Ziploc bag to show the doctors what I'm dealing with, they still think it's caused by a detergent allergy! They're the ones who are nuts!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ann (Denver CO) on 03/26/2024

Diatomaceous earth (food grade only) is good to surround the outside of your home. Good for inside but you need to vacuum it up and do not breathe it in and keep away from pets. It's non toxic, but damage lungs because of the texture which takes off the outer coating of bugs. I basically kept borax, baking soda and salt on carpeted areas and around floor borders. Cleaned hard surfaces a lot and used borax in the laundry along with ammonia. Took baths with 2 cups epsom salt, 1/4 to 1/3 cup borax and emerged entire body as well as head (very important to protect and treat ears and face) —the baths helped rid them from my body the most. These baths hugely help with anxiety, as well, because epsom salts are magnesium which helps calm us. They sell tea tree wipes for eyes at drug stores, Target and Walmart. I put one or two drops of tea tree oil into a few drops of castor oil and put it on my face and around front back and sides of neck and around my ears to protect them. Used tea tree shampoo and conditioner. I no longer have a problem. I felt God wanted me to come back to this website that helped me to help others. Praying for everyone going through this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 04/10/2021

Ted's Remedies, Morgellons Remedies (

I read a lot .....and love conspiracy ......if it's all good of course. Word is those covid nose swabs have morgellons on them and they are spreading it to the unsuspecting masses. Copper helps and possibly borax. Love a good rumor if it solves a mystery. The man who digs a pit will fall in it . Lies always come out in the end . Blessings, Charity

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Oregon) on 04/21/2016

Hi Pam,

I actually have a pan of it in my bathroom right now and yes I would step in it before I went to bed, after applying it to my legs. The mustard/water/dove body wash each day in private parts helped and the spray I talked about I used it there too. Try a little first to make sure it doesn't burn. Also soak the tub with the Peroxide/Epsom Salt/Borax treatment above. It took care of them for quite awhile to get some rest from them.

You have to do the mustard everyday, you have to kill the new ones as they emerge. It will take awhile to get thru all the cycles and then keep doing it for 6 weeks after you think they are gone.

You can beat these horrid mites. Get your immune system up, eat well, no sugar and exercise will all help.

God Bless, Debbie

Tea Tree Oil + Neem
Posted by Tammie B. (Iowa) on 10/06/2015

I have had mites where they bite, sting and price before about two years ago.I vacuumed and shampooed my carpets. I went to the vet and bought micodex and is a microbial mite killer. I sprayed my whole house. It was better and then I went to Dollar General and bought raid that kills every thing and I balmed the house with it. In the mean time I was got perinth cream from the Dr. it did work but I had gotten it back in between treatments on the house. So I called an herb Dr. in Tennessee and she said to do 17 to 18 drops of tea tree oil and about the dame of neem oil in a bath and I did that for a week. The herb lady said the the neem and tea tree oils retards them, kills them, and if they do mate it actually kills them. It just takes longer to kill them. She told me to spray this solution all over the house with tea tree oil and neem oil 17 drops and 15 drop in a spray bottle. Then went to wall mart and bought lice treatments and did those all over my body for about three days in between working. I got some shampoo for mites and fleas from the vet and gave the kitty a bath and got rid of everything and life was normal. Oh and for a whole weekend I also did nothing but garlic juicing with carrots, broccoli, and parsley. I smelled like a garlic balm all weekend but I could also feel the mites dying and leaving me. I also put my clothes in bags and sprayed each individual bag with Micodex and left them there for 2 weeks. I only kept out so many cloths to wear and as I wore them they went into bags also. I was very diligent. I am just hoping that I do not have to do this all again.

I recently picked up a cat that was in my brothers yard and he tole me that the cat went hunting with its dad for a couple of days and I did not know that. Now I have the bird mites again. I am just doing tea tree oil and pine ointment from natures sunshine and I do not put the pine ointment in my hair cause it is too greasy but it does kill them along with the baths. I am going to add kleen green to this because it has an enzyme and see if just those things will work. Other wise I am going to do what I did the first time about 2 years ago when I had this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Leanne (Nsw) on 10/01/2015

Hi About just over 2 years ago I started getting a crawling sensation all over my body and intense itching. Then my mum was complaining of the same. We googled symptoms and decided we had bird mites but all the syptoms didn't match, then we thought it was dog mange but apparently humans can't catch animal mange, then I decided it was scabies but no rash! Then we thought it was rat mites and then back to scabies. We went to countless drs who referred us onto skin specialist who decided we had a case of "dry skin" and the way we were treated by the gps was appalling! Anyway while this is going on we are trying home remedies: tea tree oil, apple cider vineger ( both bathing and drinking), alfalfa tea, lyclear, bleach baths (everyday), plastic covers on beds, bagging all clothes after one wear, steaming, pesticide from hardware store, clove oil, salt lamps, dehumidifiers, garlic tablet, vitamins, sulphur, sulphur soap all types of creams potions and lotions (and there were more) we were at our wits end and severely depressed just wanting to die.... seriously. I have now been mite free for about a month or so. Here's what finally worked: All our clothes were bagged after one wear and sheet s changed daily( we had been doing this anyway) but this is important. I quit sugar. No more sugar in my diet ( a little here and there but not too much! ) Then every single day I would put on benzamil application head to toe everyday or straight after showeringin hot water (cook em! ). Do this until they are gone. If they come back do it again. You will be free again. These parasites have cost me about $4000. I don't want anyone to have to go through that again. Until you've lived it you have no idea. I vowed if I ever cured these dirty critters I would post what worked for other sufferers. I wish you all freedom and peace.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mariam (Brooklyn) on 03/17/2015

One more thing about Garlic: I used fresh garlic, the processed no-smell garlic liquid did not kill mites. Fresh garlic does. After cutting on face of garlic, I used the knife to deliver small cuts, multidirectionally on "face" to achieve a brush-like effect, and release more oil to the surface face. After rubbing skin, this face gets worn. Slice that worn face off (thinly), then small chop, chop, chop to create a new "brush" then repeat until galic bud is too small to hold. Tedious? Yes. Effective? Yes! Worth your time? YES!!!

Sea Salt Bath
Posted by Michelle (Brighton) on 10/31/2016

I have had amazing results with filling a spray bottle with apple cider vinegar, salt and water - sprayed on myself and my environment. I guess you could do a small patch test on your little one and check that it's not too harsh? I am also using eucalyptus oil, lavender and peppermint in my clothing drawers. Spray the sea salt mixture onto dirty laundry and bag up. I am also putting a load of salt in my washing machine drawer. This has helped immensely. Best of luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elly (Denver, Co) on 12/14/2014

Here's some things that worked for me to get rid of mites. I got Gene's Soothing Cream and put 2 Yellow Dock Root capsules (open them up and pour out) and put a heaping teaspoon of table salt in it. Put this all over twice a day. Also, a spray bottle with dissolved salt water, yellow dock root, cedar spray and Grower's trust concentrate (an oz of cedar and Grower's trust) really helped. I sprayed it on my clothes as soon as I took them off, then let them sit for 48 hours before washing. I also sprayed my hair with it. I also put table salt in all of my shampoos. You can spray sheets, sleeping bags, pillows and just about anything else. I tried all of the other stuff and found that this combination really kicked butt!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (Ft. Wayne, Indiana) on 11/01/2014

mite infestation: 1/16 to 1/8 teaspoon tannic acid (see below)

in water, internally 3 to 4 times a day. Reduced itch from mite infestation.Make sure to add 3-4 drops mag oil to prevent constipation. I have not slept or been able to function since this started over a year ago. While reading an old post of Ted's 3 nights ago, he said you can spray this to dry up eggs and mites, its not good for spraying due to staining. I started taking internally. The itch has stopped, I am on my third day and am able to sleep longer, think straighter. I am the only person in my household of 5 people that is having problem, along with 2 of our 3 dogs. (I believe due to, I am the only person with metal fillings in teeth.Ted mentioned somewhere metal can create an attraction for mites.)

Other things that work:Ted's borax edta peroxide formula. Diatomaceous earth on grass in yard. ( Dogs kept reinfesting from yard, I just figured this out.)

Most important step in my opinion, keeping ceilings sprayed with borax, edta, peroxide formula. Use garden 1 gallon sprayer. I had gotten rid of this twice in house and on dogs, using his method, just couldn't get yard done well enough. Thats when I realized missing component of DE. MY favorite way to reduce tannic acid for use in dropper rather than as a powder, my recipe(Tony Panteleresco's actually.)3 teaspoons tannic acid powder in about 8 oz. to 12 oz. of white wine or brandy blend 10 minutes in (osterizer blender) on med to high for 10 minutes . Strain into jar thru clean hankerchief, use 10 to 20 drops in 1/2 glass of water with 2-3 drops mag oil. Drink 3-4 times a day.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Barbara (Ogden UT) on 03/30/2022

It is super important to say what kind of mite you are discussing. The treatments for Demodex are very different from other mites, but people are not distinguishing the difference and are spreading a LOT of misinformation. Demodex mites do not live in mattresses or carpet, furniture etc (scabies mites and other environmental mites do).

Hot Water
Posted by Ewsteban (Houston, Texas) on 10/16/2014

3 dermatologists thousands waisted. not one mentioned mites as a culprit. demodicosis, as I was infested. I submit my entire face to hot water in a bowl one area at a time. hotter than I would like for 110 seconds.then heat water in a large pot as the water heater is not hot enough to penetrate the necessary the tub I pour the hot water the add hot faucet water then submerge the back of my scalp long as I can. hours later the dead mite sites appear as red bumps, only way to know where they are. I was surprised they were in my nose hair, ears upper back stomach down to my ankles. permrthrin, metronidazole, 10percent sulphur on my scalp and lower body, teatree oil and shampoo.launder drying in high heat, every nite for bedding.

Choriopete Mite
Posted by Timh (KY) on 09/04/2014 2063 posts

O.R.H. I often muse on what exactly is missing in your treatment as you are doing advanced or extended protocols w/ limited effect. One of the greatest discoveries in Alternative Cancer treatment is the presence of protective fibrin coating of cancer cells. Conventional & Alternative treatments are often ineffective because the intelligent c cells are protected. In this case, take Serrapeptase or Nattokinase to remove the fibrin coating and "bam" your treatments work as they should.

Same kinda thing going on w/ the Mites except they proly have the "Chitin" coating same as fungal cells. In this case take the chitin inhibitor Lufenuron and then treatments can be effective.

Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/13/2014 2063 posts

McKenna: I'll second the thanks on your success.

I am no expert, but did you ever try Ivermectin? What kinda wormer meds do you use on the pets? Remember, internal parasites cause immune dysfunction which then can trigger hyper infestation of stuff like Mites, Tics, and Fleas. It may be that the Colloidal Silver has been so effective in killing the pathogens associated w/ the parasites that the immune system is able to defend the "bastards", although it is possible the C.S. had a direct effect also.

Also, if-I-might-add, you can also add C.S. to pets food or water on a regular basis. My pets show marked improvements fallowing a needed C.S. treatment. Hydrogen Peroxide aka 35% FG H2O2 added to the pets water on occasion or when necessary is also about equally effective as C.S. Rotation is best.

Maybe a little off topic, but still important is keeping the Colon clean w/ a pinch of Milled Flaxseed. I like to give Flax at least once every two months.

Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (KY) on 11/15/2014 2063 posts

Nicole. You can get Coconut Oil at grocer but Colloidal Silver at health food store. You can also buy Colloidal Silver Generator and make your own at home. For now, put about 10 drops Hydrogen Peroxide in your doggie's water bowl. I rotate C.S. and H2O2 in my kittie's water bowl.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Theestarseed (Bradenton, Fl) on 03/07/2015

Ted's soap is a mixture of tetrasodium edta and ammonium chloride. I bought both online. He said to make a ten percent solution for the environment. he gave directions if you don't measure your products to use two tablespoons of each to a pint, a pint is two cups, so one tablespoon per cup. I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Buggedout (Texas) on 03/19/2014

Horrible Biting Mites

About 2 years of my life was wasted and spent on getting rid of these horrible bugs. Doctors didn't believe me. I literally became a hermit and hardly went out as I was afraid I'd infect someone. At night I could feel bugs crawling inside my ears, nose, in my eyes, genitals, butt, and on all over my skin. During the day I could feel pinprick bites. Sometimes I'd see a white fly going through the air (other people have described the same thing), whilst inside my home or inside my car and yes they do communicate with each other these bugs. What worked for me and finally cured me, I found here on your website. This site is a true god send, and all of you I sincerely appreciate your help. What worked for me, was bathing in peppermint soap everyday, putting almond oil in my hair and scalp and leaving on a long time. I would also put an equal mixture of clove oil and almond oil on my hair and skin and left it on awhile. I also started drinking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass of water at night. Also, eating garlic regularly.. lightly sauteed and sometimes a raw piece. My mattress was replaced, I discarded most of my clothes, my car, and living like a hermit for almost 2 years. DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT! I don't have a husband and kids so I fought this battle alone for a long time and was afraid. If you don't get rid of the bugs from your clothing and environment you will battle the bugs indefinitely. Treat your environment and yourself then you can be on your way to a cure. Goodluck!

Biting and Crawling Mites
Posted by Njoy (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/12/2014

Hi there, This website has been so helpful to motivate me to go head on with the outbreak of bites on my body.

Backgrounds: I had two spider/insect bites above the right hip (moderate welts) in Feb 2014 when gardening, this must have challenged my already stressed system (current but temporary life situations), because within a few days (amidst additional emotional stresses and after one full day of not eating well) a three week outbreak of hives. Then ? mite bites (clusters of small lumps in heat/moist areas of body armpits, groin, and trunk of body. That is when I got really FED UP with this state of health. And found this website.

I had already begun taking immune support supplements and working on my inner/gut to empower it to bring health to body. And I knew I needed to deal with the stressors/emotional stability. But these bites/?mites was the last straw.

After reading this website I went shopping and bought turpentine, huge tub of sorbeline moisturiser, (had tea tree oil already at home). And proceeded to cover my entire body and scalp with turpentine using a sodden face washer. I did this two consecutive evenings - and sat for 30minutes on a towel while covered with this topical treatment/turpentine 'body wash'. The idea was to kill off any potential mites or bugs (suffocation if they have burrowed in or drowning or burning of the solution etc). Yes the turps stung my scratched sores and any sensitive parts it seemingly reached (not for the fragile nerves - take heart the sting did fade with time).

Then after the 30mins, I then went to the shower and lathered my skin and scalp with natural soap (non-animal products). Lathered and lathered then washed off throughly in the shower.

Then after drying my skin/scalp from the shower, I lathered myself with a thick layer of sorbeline moisturiser. All over, everywhere. Kept reapplying. And reapplying as it seemingly soaked into my dehydrated skin (that has scratch marks, recovering hives, recovering old bites etc all over).

Then I put on very loose pyjamas which was tolerable Autumn weather for Australia (April 2014). What I experienced then was outrageous. I could literally FEEL sensations on my skin here and there. And it drove me to react. I went to the bathroom mirror and looked at my body. What I saw were tiniest black dots emerging through the thick layer of sorborline moisturiser. I was shocked. They must have tried to surface from their burrows since the moisturiser was sealing off the air. I was stunned. I removed them and tried to squash or crush or slice in two. But they were so tiny that I could not much at all. Just rubbed them on a rough surface to kill them through friction.

I did not think to put them in a jar.

But my Doctor has since given me a laboratory slip and a collection jar, to help me. But since doing the turpentine body wash for two nights, followed by soapy shower + thrice daily moisturising, and now daily, I have not found any more critters since the third day.

(My pathology results for common allergies and otherwise were normal! ) Which confirmed to my Doctor and that I was right: needing stress management strategies to not stress my body into the fight/flight mode which requires me to eat immune boosting diet and fluids. Moisturiser for protection and prevention of my skin.

I am 2 months now since the spider bites that was 'the straw that broke the camels back' on my stressed system. I am relieved greatly. But not cured. I am still somewhat stressed (inner emotional work still needs attention) and am still recovering my immune system from the gut outwards. I find that I am reacting to certain complex foods (refined, innutritious foods) and from sugars including fructose etc. If I do stress the gut out trying to breakdown complex foods, then I maintain a small bumpy rash has tiny red heads that fills my inside forearms, at this stage.

But at least the mites of whatever they were are behind me as of a few days ago. They were unbearable.

Environment: I got paranoid thinking my whole house might be filled with such critters. And tested this by walking bear legged around my carpeted and not carpeted areas over a period of several days. The only time I got a critter was in my car immediately after I sat in the driver's seat. It was the same tiniest black dot I had experienced a few days earlier. it was crawling up my bare leg.

I was also paranoid that my bedding and bed was riddled with the same. But washed all bedding, and the other night sleeping with nothing on my legs, I was bite free. Thank God. I am very thankful that my environment is not affected.

The only other consideration was my chickens. They can get mites and critters from the wild birds. So I have to keep an eye on them, and transfer potential to me if any, for the future when I cuddle them in the yard. They bath in garden dirt/ dust bathes they are called. This is their natural means of hygiene, and it seems to work.

Hope this helps someone. And I hope I can help myself recover, by unlearning old stress coping mechanism, and replace them with / or relearn new ones that are relevant and affective for new circumstances. God Bless you.

Biting and Crawling Mites
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 04/13/2014

My guess would be you will soon find out that you must kill these critters from the inside of the body. The black spots or specks are in my opinion blood born pathogens. One can rub different stuff on infected area and have these black specs come out and you may be killing the adults. I believe they hatch from eggs and the only way to kill the eggs is from inside the body.

When I treated myself, I had some success with a little of everything. But, what seemed to work and caused DIED OFF completely, after using Cayenne Pepper. I took 35000 heat units and start with a 1/16 teaspoon maybe 3 or 4 times daily and work up to a teaspoon a couple times daily. In 60 days, my black specks seemed to be gone. No more at all.

Also alkaline body defeats disease. So I alkalined with baking soda, a couple times a day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sherrie (Tampa, Fl) on 01/06/2013

Dear fellow sufferers,

l still can't believe it, but l am sitting here with no itches. I lucked onto this radio broadcast online of a woman who cured herself of Morgellons, caught after her daughter rescued a wild bird. She suffered thru over $10,000 of medications and stated her docs were at their wit's ends with her. Thru her medical contacts, she was given a remedy for infectious disease from an aromatherapy practitioner. She took it for a long time because she didn't know to kill the mites in her environment. It worked, because she kept taking it until she no longer had any itches or sores show up. One marvelous thing is that after only the first day of treatment, wonderful healing occurs. This is the remedy to take: essential oils from the health food store.

clove oil, cinnamon cassia (bark) oil, oregano oil, lemon oil, red thyme oil, and rosemary oil.

Use 5 drops of each oil in just a little water, take it 3 times a day.

Even the first night after l did the treatment, l had only taken 2 doses, but l sat there and suddenly realized all my itching had ceased. It was a warm night, l had been exposed to a large bunch of them, but -total calm.

If you want to hear the interview, look up horokane interview on Morgellons. By the way, l took this after a meal, as clove oil is strong, but l did not get an upset stomach, in fact, the opposite occurred. Best wishes.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Terry (Dallas, Tx) on 12/31/2012

I mix equal parts of Tea Tree shampoo with 100% strength tea tree oil in a small bottle. Then, I step into the shower, pour about 1/4 ounce into my hand, then work through my hair (very short), massage my face, eye lids, eyebrows, ears and neck. I leave in place for 2 minutes, then turn the water on and rinse off. I repeat this once more, then continue with the shower. I shower like this twice a day, once before work and once before bed.

My blepharitis is clearing up. The skin itching and crawling sensation has stopped. I read that I should continue this for at least 4-6 weeks, then maintenance, to kill and keep the Demodex from returning.

Tea tree oil is very strong, but you get used to it after the first few times. It is worth the hassle to get rid of Demodex.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Newnorcia (Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom) on 10/30/2012

Hi to everyone going through Mite Infestation problems. I know exactly how you are all feeling. Isolated, depressed and despairing. And when your houses are warmer the problems seem to reoccur. My family and I have suffered like most of you; about 2 years with attempting to understand exactly what we had. From Headlice, Fleas to finally understanding they were sum form of mite, albeit dust mite, bird mite or whatever. Like yourselves going to Doctors or talking to others that were not suffering became embarrassing. Most of the time people brush under the carpets. I mean things are getting bad because you see people scratching in the supermarkets, at work you name it; the invisible scratching is taking the world by storm. However like one entry I have read already on this site I believe in the Power of Prayer. And so I sat down, in despair having tried many things mentioned in these blogs except for something that was right under my nose. I began to pray and ask the Lord what had I missed. We had used Foggers, Lice Treatments, Flea Treatments everything (they have helped but not cured). Spent an absolute fortune on every spray imaginable until one day.... Lord help me I am at my end, show me what to do. The answer came; and this is what was said to me...... Through my heart and spirit within me.... That calming voice of the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom and comfort spoke...

Whatever insect you are dealing with; remember this, they thrive on warmth. Every time you wear your clothes, your body is warmed up and they hatch. The mites are in your clothes. You have tried everything on your bodies but have forgotten your clothes. Here is how you combat mites on a large scale.

N.B Insects love the warmth..... Elimate their comfort zone. The source.

1. First of all - Clean clothes hang all your clothes up on hangers and place in the wardrobes or on garment rails. Leave nothing on the floors.

2.All dirty washing keep in laundry bags inside black bin bags or clear bags. Did the black bin bag thing and threw things out by mistake. LOL.... :) Very frustrating. Found clear bags better.

3. Ensure the bags are closed inside the laundry baskets and get all of your family in your household to ensure they place dirty clothes inside the bags and keep it covered. This contains any, cuts off oxygen eventually and stops them just running for cover anywhere they can find. This helps with most unwanted insects from Lice, to Fleas to Mites you name it.

4. Each time you come to wash clothes... Be prepared in advance. Get large Plastic flexi-tub like containers : Asda sell large flexi Plastic storage tubs, walmart for USA will have them. All different colours. We chose Blue for Clothes. Now prioritise what needs washing first. The day before you want to wash (so soaking overnight): Fill a couple of Tubs with ice-cold water I. E let it run from your tap. Now dunk white wash items in one Tub and Coloured items dunk in the other tub. Ensure all of the items are fully submerged.

Leave overnight. You will need nothing else but ice-cold water. Insects of any kind HATE the cold. Our clothes harbour the vast majority of mites unfortunately. They burrow into the fibres and feed off dead skin and the like. They do not need a constant host. We frantically wash our bodies, cut our hair and chemically poison ourselves yet all the time the mites live happily ever after in our clothes.

We think when we have just simply washed our clothes at high degrees in our washing machines we have killed them off. Not so to all. They have a unique method of self preservation and fight to survive anywhere they can be undetected. Even in your car. And so on we go, reinfesting from Car to House, House to Car and so on. Will get to the Car in a jiffy....just dealing with House and Clothes at Moment..

5. Ok next day... Wash on Washing Cycles as normal. Do not do Cold Wash Only. This does not help with bacteria. Remember you have already cold soaked overnight. As you pour away the ice-cold water and wring your clothes out over the bath or shower tray (if you haven't got a bath) or sink whatever. Notice how many little black specks appear in the water. As you repeat this method for your clothes you will begin to notice the itching, crawling feeling that eventually gets back on your skin eases off and eventually little tickles, pinpricks will lessen. Don't give up. And keep praying through it. Prayer changes Things and People. Might take a few fall outs with each other as it can be frustrating to learn new routines but eventually each one of you in your household will learn to function as a Team. And don't worry if you find yourself swearing; just ask the Lord for MORE GRACE because He knows you are going to need it and wants to help. His Mercy is new everyday and is love lasts forever in a True Heart for Him.

6. OK.... Once machined washed, dry your clothes on Airers, Airing Cupboards on the washing line on a good drying day. Once completely dry.... Here is what you do next. Shake all clothes off outside. Fibres and bits will shake off (so that is why it is best to shake off outside if you can). Winter can be a bit more tricky. But wrap up, and you will be ok.... So shake off each item (also keeps you fit without expense of Gym...LOL)

7. Place all dry clothes, shaken off in fresh Clear Bags ready for ironing.

8. To Hand when come to Ironing......

Lint Rollers....... Make your own when shop tape has ran out. Buy rolls of Parcel Tape, Masking Tape (Thick Wide not Thin mm wide). Sticky side down on to roller to get it attached; then wind back on itself with sticky side facing up, so the roller is constantly sticky side to touch. Wrap on as much as you want then leave a lip folded over so you can always find the edge. Before you iron.... Lint roll the item first. Then proceed. Once completely ironed. Hang up and place clear bag over item. Just like they do at the Dry Cleaning Service.

9. When you are ready to wear the item. Shake off the clothes and maybe lint roll again. Use your ironing board to help hold the item of clothing so you can lint roll.

10. Spray the bag the clothes came out of with say... Bob Martins Flea Spray (kills mites as well). This way you can re-use the bag for dirty washing and can add extra killing power before soaking your next batch of clothes.

I know it is an expense on plastic bags but it works.

I have done this with my clothes continually now... For past 3 months and we have had less and less by the day, by the minute. A HUGE SUCCESS. It has been amazing how many specks and flecks of whatever comes out of the clothes as they soak. I look at the water on a weekly basis now as I do not have to get through heaps of clothes like before. This has saved us a fortune on buying new clothes. Admittedly in the beginning, some of our items were beyond help and we had to get rid. But now 3 months on as we Bag (for Dirty Clothes), Pre-ice Water Soak for Washing to be done, Wash Cycle.... Dry as normal and then follow the above for shaking off, ironing, lint rolling etc etc. Our Clothes are now saved as well as us.

Now the Car....

1. Rug Doctor will help degunge your car. Follow instructions. Use Anti-Foam and Upholstery Cleaner. Use on the Car Carpets, Chairs all over. It works.

2. Let dry thoroughly.... Ok this may take a couple of days to dry out. Choose a weekend you are not doing anything in particular. People may look at you strange, but who cares... may be they will get curious and want to do the same for their cars? Doesn't hurt.

3. Once thoroughly dried out..... Vacuum and use Mr Sheen (Anti-dust Trap) to clear up excess dust particles on dashboards, stearing wheels, levers etc and handles. If you take the time to read the can of Mr Sheen (Anti-dust Trap) it will give informaton on what dust actually consists off. Yes it is gross but better to be educated me thinks. (use Mr Sheen in your house regularly).

I think over time it would be safe to say that in this life we have tried to become to au-naturelle and it has caused these things to thrive. Like the old school of thinking one of the blogs mentioned..... They dealt with these things years ago. Mr Sheen isn't here for no reason, nor any other product that we use to keep ourselves relatively bug free. I know we can get out of balance on all scores but same as the old saying goes.... "Everything in moderation."

4. Ok.... Moving on. As you have hired the Rug Doctor for the Weekend. Rug Doctor your House Carpets and Rugs also. It will help a great deal. Again allow to thorough dry, vacuum and hey presto. Another step forward to mankind's sanity returning. Admittedly Hoovering your house on a regular basis will continue the good work so don't slack off.

For us we invested in Two Hoovers. One for upstairs and one for downstairs. We hoover our beds and pillows on a daily basis. We change our bedding once a week and pillow cases twice a week. Winter gets a bit harder in drying stuff but we have a routine and it works well enough now after 3 months. It is always harder to get a routine going when it is something new but you will get there I can assure you.

For continued House Protecton...

Every 3 months, use a Fogger for each room. If you have Pets; use Flea stuff available (this also kills mites and other insects... So this is how you help your Pets). Flea Treatments in Tablet form are now helping others alot more than surface sprays for the animals. Some surface sprays are less effective now unfortunately. Whilst you are going through this. Bathe (if you have a bath) once a week and put some Dettol for Hygiene purposes in your bath. This saves all the other chemicals you are applying especially Hydrogen Peroxide which is so dangerous if mis-used as some of you have found. I love chemistry and so know how these chemicals work and it made my hair stand on end when heard what some concoctions you guys are mixing up. Be careful with all that.

Anyway...once you have used the bath water. Bath your dog or cat in it... Saves on water that way and as the dettol is diluted in the water they will be ok to. Just don't get it in their eyes. Once you have thoroughly washed and dried your pet off. (Best to use 3 or 4 old sheets rather than Towels... Towels are thick fibres and more likely to harbour strong resisting insects or eggs etc). We found using the sheets so much better, Can also machine wash on highest degree by themselves. (Don't mix your washing with the Pets).

Ok....great tip. Blow dry your Pet with hair dryer. Dogs may find a bit strange but they will love the pampering in the end. OK once your pet thoroughly dry use your Topical Spray for Flea Protection and offer a Flea Tablet once or twice a week. They really work. Pet will scratch unusually more in first hour but will be at peace from then on.

Another cheap method for your body and hair. Make up a paste of conditioner and table salt or sea salt if you like. Just to note some conditioners will go liquidy when adding salt something to do with the chemical equation of adding salt seems to alter the structure of the conditioner. Best to add conditioner to salt in a tub and mix until you have a workable paste. Once you have shampooed your hair in the normal fashion. Take a good handful of the conditioner paste and salt scrub your scalp. It works best in the bath because then you can dip under the water and wash out. Always use a lice comb or spikey brush or both to comb out under water and above. The lice combs have been great in the shower and the bath and I recommend the use of them each time you shower or bathe. The salt scrub helps to remove larvae off the hairshaft and the comb will aid in the removal of eggs of any kind no matter what insect they are from.

If you have trouble with eye lashes, ears and eyebrow hair as one blog said... Baby oil works. Cover your lashes and brows with baby oil without getting into eyes and offer a bit in your ears with a cotton bud. This helps for night time sleeping. At first it can be a bit frustrating as it tickles but keep at it, eventually it will calm down after a few uses. In the morning wash your eye lashes and brows with handwash soap and thoroughly rinse off with cool tepid water to ensure no suds get into eyes. Can be a pain to start the routine but once you get going, everything mentioned above and then some will get on top of these things.

Also for added help..... Invest in a Electronic Head lice Comb. Once you have blow dried your hair go through with the comb as this will aid with any stragglers or remaining larvae that might be on the hair shaft. It really works. If you hold the comb up to the light you will see in the prongs light shapes from small speck dots, to squiggly fibre like shapes and whatever else. Mostly will be white but there may be a few black dots when you first start out.

Tackling each area above like I have shared has minimised our mite problem and given us better nights sleep than ever before.

We live in a rental and quite frankly we possibly walked into this situation unbeknown. The carpets are minging and if we could we would throw them out but being as this is not our house we have to do our best in keeping on top of things.

We sprinkle a mixture of Table Salt and Bicarbonate of Soda over the carpets and let it settle in for most of the day then hoover. We repeat this process twice a week. Hoovers will never pick up everything so any salt particles left behind sting the larvae of hatched eggs and get on the skin of any crawling insect. It is a really cheap way of combatting insects in the home.

In the summer use Table Salt and Bicarb. For Ants. It really works.

Well I believe I have shared almost everything I know to help keep this cheap for you... however here is a quick list to go shopping with....

a) Lint Rollers and Extra Parcel or Thick Wide Masking Tape (use for when ironing).

b)Large Plastic Flexi-Tubs: Asda - Wall mart or use something similar that you can pre-soak clothes in, in ice-cold water.

c)Clear plastic bags, black bin bags. For use for storing dirty washing. Clear Bags for hanging over ironed clothes or storing ironing ready to iron later. Once used.... Then recycle for dirty washing. It will become easier to work out your own routine as you get going.

d) Table Salt and Bicarbonate of soda (mix up and put in a salt shaker or old shake and vac bottle). Stick some masking tape over label and write what you have now got in it - this helps family to understand what you have done). Sprinkle all over carpets, stairwells rugs etc, even your car carpets as well (see how you feel about that). Obviously it involves lots of hoovering but as it is white you can just brush it in with a stiff brush and not have to hoover constantly.

e) Shopping List for You.... i)Headlice Comb (plastic or metal nit-free comb) ii) Electronic Headlice Comb - £20 iii) Dettol (for bathing) iv) Conditioner and add table salt to create a thick paste for salt-scrubbing after shampooing, using the plastic and metal combs to comb out in the running water of shower or in bath (first using brush to brush down the hairshaft above water and then use the comb underwater to comb out under water)

v) Hairspray stronghold (girls) Hairgel (boys). Use after you have blow dried hair and used the electric comb. Anything that then tries to come out or get in will meet a sticky doom ready to be combed out in the shower from normal washing. No need to use all those chemical concoctions .

Just one note when blow drying your hair. First place some cotton wool as ear plugs in your ears. First moisten ear plugs with your own saliva. Heard Mites do not like our saliva. So it all helps. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created us.

Anyways Mites like to take cover and they will run and take refuge in your ears. It is the same when using the electric comb (plug your ears first). Use Electric comb only on (DRY HAIR) had to state the obvious. Obviously Electric and Water DO NOT MIX; laugh out loud. Easy way to clean out electric comb. The brush doesn't help but a baby wipe will. Turn comb off and using wipe push prongs through the wipe and press hard down on either side of the wipe with the prongs clutched in your hands then pull through, this cleans out anything stuck between the prongs. Let it dry naturally for 30 mins or use paper tissue to dry. Turn back on; the noise will be faint but will build back up again. Don't use Water. Wipes are best.

Ok I think that just above concludes your shopping list except for one final thing.

Buy yourself some Vitamin C Tablets this will aid your immune system because through anxiety and hard work we become run down and naturally our bodies cannot produce Vitamin C.

Oh....almost forgot. When cooking keep your head covered to stop anything jumping off that you have missed in all of your routines. Pillow cases are easy to use. Less chance of eggs harbouring after you have used the washing methods first mentioned in this Article. Towels are harder to work with as the fibres are millions.

In the first instant of getting to grips with all of the above, you may have to buy new towels but you could try to save them by doing the pre-soak ice cold water thing. It may take a few goes to completely be free but it can't hurt. For us we actually bought some disposable hairnets for cooking until we had passed the majority of the infestation. Now we can cook in peace without stuff joining us in our food and crawling down our faces. For some reason mites can smell food and they come running. Sorry don't want to put you off but it is true. Anyways covering your heads and wearing a plastic apron during cooking can help.

Now for your Kitchen....Mites get into all your cupboards to. The best checking system is looking for black specks on your white surfaces. Usually inside your cupboards and window sills.

There is hope in sight, because once you taken on board all of the clothing issues in how to reduce mite infestations and you have used a rug doctor to clean carpets etc with right products then you will find you have dealt with the largest housing harbouring city of source for these insects. Black specks will begin to reduce rapidly.

Ok for your kitchen cupboards clean out with Kitchen Paper because this can be easily disposed of. For us we totally emptied the kitchen. Sprayed with Foggers and Bob Martin mite sprays then we wipe all over kitchen with wet paper and then dried out. We sprayed cracks and crevices and put salt powder/bicarb in cracks and crevices. Anything crawling would meet a horrible doom as the speckles of salt etc got on their legs and bodies. Then we hoovered thoroughly and continued once everything was back in cupboards to keep surfaces clean using kitchen paper and milton spray.

IT ALL WORKS... But takes time to get your routine together. That is the only hard part.

Praying for you indeed as we continue with our routines on a lesser scale now. It took 3 months to master but we got there in the end. Now we just keep up good maintenance. It was a hard thing to go through but after constantly praying and asking for the Lords strength and grace to combat it... We have made huge progress. Now we can turn and strengthen You.

Posted by Sally (Oregon) on 08/16/2013

Cayenne really helps, I drink it every day in a soy/black tea mixture. I also add EmergenC and some tumeric. I drink it on ice, it tastes good. Also, I use a liquid band aid over the mite burrows which stops the hatched mites from escaping. It takes a few days of keeping the spots sealed but they will eventually die and heal up.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Angel (Loveland, Co, Usa) on 04/26/2012

When I was working in a southern state 10 years ago, I got bird mites on my skin and it took a couple years to get them off my body because I had no idea what was happening to me and what to do about it. I thought that I would never again get these terrible mites on me!

Late last fall, our outside cat brought a dead pigeon into the one area of the house where he was allowed, which was separated by a screen door leading into our living quarters. Our indoor cat liked the outside cat and would sit near the bottom screen of the door on the other side watching him. She was not allowed in the same room with our outside cat. I wrapped the pigeon into the rug and discarded it into a large white garbage bag outside. We found a new home for our outside cat before winter set in late last fall.

Then, late last year, our indoor cat started running around the house, biting and pulling fur out of her skin. She would do this early mornings and late nights. I suspected mites, but was not absolutely sure. I also started to allow her to sit on my lap, which was not wise. When she expelled soft vomit with many tiny eggs in it, during the month of February, I suspected mites--probably got them from our outside cat since she sat at the screen door when he was in the mud room watching him. We took her to the vet but forgot the stool specimen and the vet treated her for tapeworms. But we watched her stools after that treatment and she did not expell tapeworms. We were told that cats do not get mites in this dry climate. How wrong they are! My doctor told me that I had scabies and I told him I did not have scabies because if I had scabies, why were they also in my head, my eyes, my ears, my nose and my mouth?

The next week, guess what? I got all this movement in my back and knew, without a doubt, that I had bird mites again. To make a long story short, I have had to deal with this situation for almost three months. I've tried many things, but I will share here what has been working for me in the last week to the point I feel almost free of them and believe that if I prevail, they will be gone soon!

1. We purchased a fogger on the internet with a gallon of cedar oil and fogged our cars and our home more than once. This product really killed them dead!

2. I purchased sulfur and added one t. To 4 ounces of Vaseoline Intensive Lotion for dry skin. It helped eliminate many of the mites, but I use only occasionally now because it dries my skin out badly.

3. Starting this past Sunday, I have taken a sauna every day and will continue the saunas for another two weeks. I take a 20-30 minute sauna, temperature 160-180 degrees. Then I rest outside the sauna for 20-30 minutes, drinking water, and taking a cool shower. I go back into the shower after the 20-30 minutes outside of it and go again for another 20-30 minutes. I feel like I no longer have the mites in my skin, and the sauna has greatly strengthened my immune system.

5. I realized since this came on me in February, that my body probably was acidic due to my faulty lifestyle. I started to walk daily in the sunshine and fresh air, got my 7-8 hours of sleep per night (I will explain how I finally was able to sleep peacefully. ), and started increasing my food intake to an alkaline diet. Now my pH is averaging 7. 3 and higher any time I take it throughout the day.

4. The reason I was having problems sleeping was because I worried that they would bite me all over my body and I'd have more eggs to deal with. Then I purchased some diatomaccous earth from a company that uses. 5 percent silica in their DE. I used it as powder, carefully putting it on my body every night in the tub that has sliding glass doors. It makes less of a mess doing it this way. Before I go into the shower, I put down paper towels the full length of the tub. Then I step into the tub, leaving my thongs on the outside of it. I use a large cinnamon container with holes on the top and when I turn it over in my hand to get the "powder" out, I cup the container in my hand and shake my hand, not the container, to avoid the powder going into the air. Then I start at my feet and carefully hand powder from feet up, of course, tipping the powder container over and over. I put it on my scalp and put a shower cap on my head. I should mention that I use Jan's (I believe her name is Jan) mixture with 2 oz. Coconut oil, 2 oz. Collodial silver (minimum 50 ppm) but mine is 250 ppm, so I use one ounce of my collodial silver and one ounce of water, making it 125 ppm, 1 oz. Red liquid liniment, 1/2 vitamin E oil, 1/2 t. Of MSM and 1/2t of clove oil which is mixed up in an 8 ounce container. I put this all over my body and let it soak into my skin before adding diatomaccous earth each evening. This leaves my skin soft and not dry in the morning when I shower after having used the diatomaccous earth the night before. I re-oil my skin with Jan's Remedy after showering in the morning. The neat thing about using the diatomaccous earth is that I take this powder container to bed with me and when I feel one crawling somewhere on my body, I put a little in my hand and place it on top of where I felt the movement--the movement ends. Most of the time I do nothing, I feel them and suddenly I do not feel them--they are dead! I don't know if DE should be used this way, but it works for me. This is food grade DE with. 5% silica which makes it safe for breathing. I still wear a mask to protect my lungs, but there is very little in the air using the bathtub with sliding doors like I do.

If I could find something else other than the use of DE to cover my body at night while I sleep peacefully--and I do sleep peacefully and there are no added bites anywhere on my body in the morning--I would use it. But I have not found anything yet.

I am going to try mustard when my mustard order arrives in a few days. Tomorrow I am going to make a spray with peroxide, borax in a 8 oz. Garden sprayer, adding one tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia since the Milk of M. Is highly alkaline to see if this helps as I read on earthclinic. com 07/16/10 by Bill from San Fernando.

I hope some of this will help someone else out there. I find this situation very discouraging, but now I am highly hopeful because the saunas has especially helped rid my body of them.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Leevra (London, United Kingdom) on 01/22/2011

Hi, Firstly I wanted to say thank you to forums like this, where people can share their experiences, without which I would have probably gone mental and contaminated my body with more harsh chemicals! I'm not free of these mites yet but I seem to be on the mend (touch wood) and also wanted to share what has helped me so far.

I think I'm onto my fourth week of hosting these little buggers but have been actively trying to get rid of them for the last two. Not sure where I picked them up from. I did some volunteering with homeless people but also slept on friends' couches and was around different people over the festive season... Who knows! These mites do not discriminate. I should've gone to the doctors sooner than later though... Even if they were not so certain...

So, one dose of Permethrin didn't work. After reading comments on this site and a million others, two days after the slather of permethrin I set out to look for SULPHUR SOAP, TEA TREE OIL, BORAX and NEEM OIL. Unsuccessful in securing the latter 2 within supermarkets/pharmacies.

If you live in the UK (or London at least) don't bother scouring the shelves for Borax. Shops don't sell it anymore (not even Boots), the usual health & safety talk. You can get it online though (i haven't tried it yet).

Unfortunately I dont have the luxury of a bath. A good soapy lather of sulphur suds all over your body for a few minutes, day and night seems to have helped so far (it has also been amazing for my skin! But you need to moisturise after as it dries it out) After showering I'd put Tea Tree oil neat on lesions and bumps. Stings like anything on the lesions! But gradually subsides. My lesions seem to have joined, from all the scratching, so I've got big ugly blotches on my trunk. Try not to scratch and don't scrub your body too harshly either. Once your skin breaks you're open to secondary infections.

If I feel the lesions need a break I don't have the second shower but will still rub something over them. They wont heal if it keeps getting wet and I rebreak the skin. I eventually stopped putting neat Tea Tree Oil on them as I think it was perhaps too strong for the lesions that seemed to be taking a while to heal. Instead I mixed a few drops with aloe vaseline lip balm and smothered that on. Other than smelling like a tub of vicks it really helped!!

By day 6 the crawling sensation and need to scratch seemed to pick up again. I figured that it was hatched mites (7 day cycle or whatever! )I was even feeling them on my eyelashes.. YUCK! Frustrated I slathered on the second tube of permethrin. Regretted it because I felt some side effects but it has probably helped me to get to the stage I'm at now.. However the side effects although slight were scary.. And everything else I've read about it.

A day after the 2nd slather I purchased some Neem Oil and Neem and coconut cream online from NeemTeam. I continue to shower with sulphur soap. For bedtime I rub Neem Oil all over the infected areas and for the day I use the cream. It doesn't smell as bad as I thought it would (I read in many forums about the stench). Actually it just smells very nutty.. Not the nicest nutty smell but it could be a whole lot worse!!

It's day 7 again and I've been on alert for new bumps, the increased need to scratch or crawlies etc. So far... So good. The lesions are healing too. Much less need to scratch now and near zero with the crawly feeling. I initially thought the advice about 1. Washing everything everyday, 2. Not wearing anything twice, 3. Getting a plastic cover for your mattress was excessive.. But it isn't.

I had not been as militant in the first week.

I don't have time or the facilities to wash everything everyday so before the evening shower the days clothes go into a plastic bag kept away from everything else. Some people might mistake me for an employee of the laundrette now... But who cares. Hot wash and hot dry!!

I've bagged the clothing I don't wear as often, the duvet, pillows etc and stored them away (ie no longer in my room). I've isolated the clothes I'll likely wear to one closet, so that I'm not having to go through all my drawers etc. Never one to iron, I now have an iron LOL. I've read a few times about the mites not liking extreme heat/cold so I'll iron the sheet I sleep in if I can't manage to get it wash and dried. I'll iron clothes if I feel I need to. It's winter at present so for once I'm happy to get a good chill over me now and then. I just picture those mites getting a good shock!

I'm using the plastic side of an inflatable bed to sleep on top of my mattress and my sleeping bag to keep me warm. I've read a few times about the mites not liking the plastic and how they can burrow into your mattress and come back to feast on you when you return to bed. GROSS! At least I can scrub the plastic and put the sleeping bag in the drier.

My room gets hoovered at least twice a week, I sprinkle soda crystals and shake and vac on the floor before so. Thats probably excessive and I don't know if it does anything but you start to do these things lol. I've noticed a lot of dry skin on the floor (its a dark colour) due to peeling from the lesions as they heal and dried out bumps so its been another reason to hoover more often.

And don't wear your hair out, especially if you have long hair. Those buggers will crawl up and onto your scalp. I started noticing the crawling sensation on my head after the first permethrin tube so I started washing my hair with the sulphur soap too. That's worked.

I'm eating more healthy foods and keeping a positive attitude too. This is definitely helping to keep up the regime and hopefully will get rid of these mites sooner than later (when I read people had it months I nearly cried). Looking back to December I think my immune system was low - lethargic and all!

I've got olive oil, olive soap and grounded tumeric on standby... And will need to buy another bar of sulphur soap soon. I'm building up quite a collection..

While I can't wait to be rid of these mites and the scarring, I'm grateful that it has turned me to sites such as this and made me aware of the natural products I'm now using on and in my body. It's something I am going to continue with even after the mites are gone.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/05/2010


ON A ROLL, this is my third input today. This is not my procedure as I got it off this site, but I have refined it. I now only put the borax, tee tree oil and hydrogen peroxide solution in my nose where the hair follicles are. Also I have added Vitamin E for the oil. This is more effective and I have been doing this for several years. I have concluded that you never get rid of these buggers, you just control them.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pdidit (Alexandria, Va) on 08/02/2010

HI Ted,

I have morgellons and I know there has to be some sort of biofilm that is protecting this colony of horrors so that most remedies take a long time to reach the real infestation. In fact, this is why I think I still have this on my head, scalp and hair... Sticky, hard substance that I presume is some sort of barrier of biofilm that protects them. If you could help us figure out how to get rid of this protective film, that would make a huge difference and impact on what is used to kill the infestation. At present, I am trying an enzyme supplement dissolved in vinegar, then add the borax and some neem oil; then pour and comb through hair and cover with plastic bag. My ears are all bitten up and while it stung initially, by the morning, I was much better. But I can't sit in my condo for too long without the familiar sting and accumulation of these things again... Any suggestions would be welcome and thanks for trying to help!!! Btw, am FOUR years into this, with it destroying my friendships, leaving me with a broken home and family, financial devastation, and living a very lonely isolated life. This disease is progressive if not caught in time and stopped in its tracks... I have lost my hair, looks, 20 pounds in weight and if I don't get to the bottom of this soon, I don't see me surviving this. God bless you for your help and for sites like Earth Clinic

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 04/21/2017 22 posts

Hi Bill: One of the millions who suffers from mites and worms. My question on your solution that killed your mites, how much HP 3% did you add to your 8 oz container? I have been using undiluted HP3% for 3 yrs and it seems to help some but I have a little 13lb dog so have to be careful what I use on her. Your solution sounds so simple because I seem to have come very close to getting rid of them and yet, they are very much alive. I'm 89 female and back is a mess so I can't vacuum as often as needed and I know that is very important. I also used Kleen Green and it helped some but caused my dog fur to fall out from their direction. Thank you so much for your time. Eve

Posted by Jana (Alexandria, Va) on 05/12/2012

Baking soda might also work for the PH.

Posted by Chelle (Hartbeespoort, Nw South Africa) on 02/22/2013


..."Diane from Berkeley, Ca replies: "Fran: Those sound very much like bed bug bites. They typically come in groups of 2's to 4's, and when irritated can have a "ring" around them like you mention. You may have an infestation. I don't have advice as to a cure..."

I just wanted to add that the cure to bed bugs is diatomaceous earth sprinkled everywhere...

For Demodex mites the cure for me is Tea Tree Oil rubbed into skin ... Patiently day after day for 60-90 days... And Mustard added to conditioner for my scalp. Mustard is 1 tsp mixed with 1 tsp water and added to 18 teaspoons [or 6 tablespoons] of conditioner or lotion or whatever you want to use depending on where you want to apply. Can also add to shampoo. I leave the conditioner on 20 minutes simply because that is how I like to condition my hair.

Also Diatomaceous Earth on mattress, pillow etc... It works when dry not wet. I think this can be used on pets too. It is edible. Only use Food Grade quality.

Sorry that this doesn't fit under Borax properly but I really want to give the answer to bed bug infestation.. And add my own experience with Demodex mites. Please feel free to replicate anywhere you prefer.

Posted by Tired Of Being Itchy! (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 03/10/2013

Really appreciative of the advice here. I had the same issue... Picked up mites from infected furniture. Have sealed the couch-can't put it outside.

Been using all the suggestions here and wanted to share something that has helped me turn the corner to stop the crawly/itchy sensation: sulfur8. It's for dandruff; readily available at the drugstore. I read on a medical website that sulfur kills mites, and it seems to be true. A word of caution, the menthol in this stuff is a bit powerful for a while after you put it on. Once the menthol wears off, you'll smell like the tip of a match and feel pretty greasy. And, be prepared to be disgusted. I had not actually seen the mites until they came off the surface of my skin, suffocated by the petrolatum and sulfur in this ointment. Quite gross. And effective! I will continue to do this each night until the itching is totally gone. Night #2, and so far, so good. Almost no itchies today during the day.

Now, how to deal with the couch... It's leather, still tightly sealed in plastic... Any ideas short of tossing it out?

Posted by Rebecca (Minnesota) on 04/27/2017

Also diffusing Organic essential oils of Lemon and Pine through out the rooms will kill off pathogens within 30 minutes to 1 hour. I also agree with the Diatomaceous Earth. I took it internally for about 40 days and it does kill off parasites. I heaping teaspoon morning and night in a small amount of water, followed by another 4-6 oz. of water. This stuff does dehydrate you so keep your water levels going.

Posted by Charmin (Ky) on 04/02/2018

My experience with mites has been so similar especially with family however do not give up. You're not crazy you are dealing with a parasite that can accompany other parasitic infestation get some pinworm medicine take it spray the 3%peroxide on yourself yor hose your car wash in hot water with tee tea oil use tea tree oil in youir shampoo lotion hand soap buy eye cleaning wipes add tee tree oil in a week you will feel better in a few months you will have it nder control also probiotic will help fight faster I'm in. The home stretch now face is cleared and scalp scars remain but mental scar was the real pain. Walmart sells $6 microscope for cell phones show youur family it shut mine up and now they all believe and support me . God bless you 😘

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 06/16/2010

I knew we had mites cause they got on our parrot. the cage had some cobwebby looking things form and I sent these off to the university of texas for id. They said it was a rat mite, D Gallinae/ One Swedish study reported D. Gallinae can live nine months without a host.

Possible Bird Mite Infestation symptoms:

* Pinprick bites with or without lesions
* Frequently intense itching of the skin
* Vague sensation of crawling on the skin
* Bite marks and lesions that heal very slowly
* Increase of symptoms in certain areas of the home
* Increase of symptoms at night and in humid weather
* Physician suspects scabies but the treatment does not help.

I know they are dead, because I'm not getting bit anymore. After I went thru the house, I'm now going back thru and washing contents of drawers, linens stored for awhile, hanging clothes I havent worn in awhile, and trying to treat any and everything that may not have been treated in awhile. Thank goodness for the hints and tips from readers, like running the wash cycle longer to allow the borax to have time to kill them. It is worth it to read every single letter in this mite infestation page and scabies page. There are some smart ideas coming in. I just loved how fast the lamp oil worked. You could wash it off after an hour if you wanted. I just had so many of the dadburned things on me.
