Molluscum Contagiosum Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for Molluscum
Posted by Gaby (London) on 09/07/2017


I cured molluscum on my sons elbow in a week using ACV which was amazing.

Now my daughter has it appearing on her face and I am nervous the treatment will cause scaring. However I know I cant leave it or it could spread quickly.


Thuja Occidentalis
Posted by Jess P (New Zealand) on 04/16/2017

Our daughter has had persistent MC for a couple of years - not a huge outbreak but several spots that just stayed, with new spots coming up and some of them getting horribly inflamed when they were in pressure points like the back of the legs. I won't say we'd tried everything, but we did go through tea tree oil, vinegar, clove oil, and something the allopathic skin specialist gave us off-label.

None of those had any impact at all. It was awful when a spot would get infected and we'd try to open it so it could heal - just traumatic and painful and certainly no solution and then other spots would come up near the old spot even when we thought we'd been careful. She started getting a couple on her neck and face - visible and embarrassing.

I'm VERY glad I finally bought a bottle of topical treatment with thuja and Chelidonium (Greater Celandine). I really had no particular confidence in it, after everything. But regular application over a couple of months has made the spots change, and when they swelled, they had a dark core inside and they actually broke and scabbed and healed. She has no more active spots now, as no new ones are appearing. I can't describe my relief! Hope this helps someone else.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Lucy (Usa) on 09/13/2016

Hi Dandelion,

When my two girls were about the same age they had a case of molluscum contagiosum. I was able to get rid of it fairly quickly using Grapefruit Seed Extract. I diluted it as directed on the label and sprayed the affected site several times throughout each day and it went away. I remember it did burn when applied.

Try not to worry too much. This condition will eventually run its course.

Baby Powder
Posted by Shanna (Georgia) on 09/15/2015

Baby Powder is amazing for Molluscum Contagiosum. I have treated the bumps with tea tree oil and after it dried, covered the entire area with baby powder. It dries up the bumps and prevents others from spreading. Do not pop them!! The white part is the virus and will spread if popped. For white heads I have treated with peroxide and then covered with a band aid. Then spread baby powder all over affected parts. I hope it works for your family like it has for ours!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sarah (New York, US) on 11/15/2014

I contracted Molluscum Contagiosum from wearing a rented wet suit. My diagnosis was done by my ob-gyn (biopsy) as the MC was on my very upper groins.

As I refuse to live with that for "at least 6 months", I researched for remedies, and stumbled upon this site and decided to give tea tree oil a try.

I started off with about 10 MC blisters on my left upper thigh and 5 on my right upper thigh. Here's how I was able to clear my MC in less than two weeks, and I hope it can help you as well:

- Apply 100% pure tea tree oil on MC blisters 4-5 times a day. I practically carried TTO with me and applied through out the day (Everyone's body reacts to essential oils differently. My intention was to kill / burn it from day 1. You should be careful and test how your body responds to tea tree oil.)

- I got on a juice cleanse for 7 days to boost my immune system

- Reminded myself that I needed to be in a constant happy and stress-free mode


- Day 3-4: MC started to look smaller

- Day 7, I finished the first bottle of .5 oz TTO and bough a 1 oz bottle, MC appeared to be flat, with just a couple more large blisters right around the biopsy area

- Day 10, MC's pretty much gone - flat with just darkened scalpy surface

- Day 10 - 15, continue improvement, but I am still applying TTO to the affected area about 2-3 times a day.

Good luck!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Crunchy (Minneapolis, Mn) on 05/26/2014

My son had flesh colored bumps around his knees for a few weeks before I realized they weren't healing and were starting to appear on his side. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) applied directly on the bumps twice daily for a few days and they were gone in about a week. My neighbor's daughter had them for about 6 months before I happened to notice and recommended the GSE to her. Her daughter had dramatic improvement within a couple of days and it's been a few weeks and she only has one or two small bumps left and they are on the way out. No pain or stinging and really works fast. I'd recommend treating the areas for an extra week or two to make sure they are completely cleared.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Cured (Chicago, Il) on 01/04/2014

Molluscum Contagiosum: I tried the ACV, It seemed to be helping, but was a very tedious procedure and my skin got very irritated and I hated walking around smelling like rotten apples. Despite my actions to rid the bumps, new ones kept cropping up. I was getting very frustrated and going through alot of bandaids, Q tips etc. So I decided I had to find something to fight it from the inside out, hopefully to prevent new ones from developing. I started taking 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract (GSE)in 5 oz of juice 3 times a day. Saw some improvement but not enough so I kept researching GSE, I just had a good feeling about it and since I had already bought a bottle. In my research I found that it is very effective when applied to the lesion. So I began to smear GSE all over the affected area even on the good skin in the area. The skin calmed down from the irritating ACV and the bumps just seemed to fade away without any new developments within a matter of days. I applied it for a couple more days just to stop any of those creepy buggers that decided to pop up. I'm glad I tried applying the GSE. Despite its bitter taste, the GSE is very soothing to the skin and does not burn, very simple quick procedure compared to the ACV bit. It's definitely worth a try if your efforts are not being rewarded.

Allicin, Elderberry Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (California) on 09/22/2016

I have read and was told to never pop them or open them because that's how they spread and can be spread to other people.

Allicin, Elderberry Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Rae (Washington) on 03/31/2021

I was told by my kids' doc to open and extract the core. All my kids had it. She even gave me supplies to do it. As long as you're careful and don't use the same supplies without cleaning first.

Dead Sea Mud
Posted by Mohammed (Jordan, Amman) on 10/06/2012

Hi, before a six month my four years old daughter diagnosed with MC. It start to appear in her upper legs that time there was about 25 spot in both leg, so her dermatologist suggest to remove it by cryotherapy. I know it is painful procedure but I decide to do it because I was afraid to scratch it. Any how me and my wife were happy because all has been removed but before a few weeks it start to reappear again so we decide to use Benzac 5% on the new one. After a few days these spots become dry and disppeared. We thought at that moment that the problem was finished. UNFORTUNATELY, we discoverd a very small numerous number of MC on her both small arms, they were very small and almost cover her arms and start to cover her left cheek. We were shocked. Her dermatologist said we can do nothing just give her a multivitamins which contain Zinc because Zinc will boost her immunity to fight the virus, also he advised us to put Benzac 5% every other days with a moisturizer cream (Bioderma PO zinc) cuz that cream will cause dryness and irritaion for her skin .....

I was very sad for her then I had an idea. What if I use Dead sea mud on her arms and legs to see what will happened . Especially that this mud is used to treat various types of skin disease such as Psoriasis and acne. Actually I'm living in Jordan( where dead Sea locate in) and I used to put that mud on my body when I go to swim in Dead sea, actually it tighten your skin, make it smooth, and it has an exfoliating effect cuz it is rich in sulfur and other minerals , Before two days I started to put Dead sea mud on her skin and we leave it for 15 minutes till it become dry then we wash it with water and Dettol shower gel. We noticed that after shower all the spots become big, red, and inflamed but after one hour they come back to its normal size. Some of these spots become white, really I dont know what that mean?? Is it a good sign or not... I hope it will work and I will tell you what will happened within a few weeks with her. Sorry if my english language was not fluent ....

Dead Sea Mud
Posted by Mohammed (Jordan, Amman) on 10/09/2012

It is me again, this is the 4th day from treating my daughter from MC by Dead sea mud. we found that all spots with white heads become black and dried. I'm not sure if the size decreased, we will continue on that treatment and see what will happened.... By the way I read on the net about using clove oil for treating MC and I found that tgis oil is toxic and cancerous material for human being , if you want to use it you have to dilute it.

Clove Oil
Posted by Clove Oil Worked Best (Orlando, Fl) on 07/22/2012

Clove oil worked in a couple days for Molluscam Contagiosum and doesn't hurt or damage the skin. Did the ACV and it worked okay, but just hurt my 2 yr old too much. Tried zymaderm, didn't work. Tried clove oil applied directly too spots (my bottle was over 8 yrs old so I applied direct, but probably dilute with carrior oil if new(some say their oil is strong enough undiluted to blister. So be careful, don't get it too strong). It should only be a mild tingle if anything when applied. First the spot gets a little raised and inflamed around it. Then the horrible little spots get a dark spot in the center within a couple days of 2 applications per day and fall out. Killed them dead. Finally something that works, if I had only known at the beginning, he would have only had 15 spots to treat not 50. Clove oil, who knew.

Clove Oil
Posted by Steph (London, Uk) on 03/14/2013

This has really worked for me so far.

I woke up with spots all over my side and collar area a few days ago and went straight to see the doctor. She told me it was MC, that it will go away on its own and to not share towels with others.

I immediately came home and started dabbing them with ACV before even looking it up. After some more research, I tried clove oil. It's been less than 2 days, and the spots are already dried up and look like they may be on their way out. They are very small, so they don't really have a head, although it looks like they have a tiny tiny black head, which is towards the end I think.

I don't know if I have a mild case, which explains why they are small, but either way I recommend treating spots ASAP after diagnosis or, prefereably, discovery.

I would not recommend picking or scraping.

Clove oil all the way!

Posted by Motherof3 (El Paso, Tx) on 05/11/2012

Well about a year ago I noticed a few bumps on my 7 year old, I went to his dr and was told that it was eczema and was given meds that have not worked at all. The MC spread to his back buttocks knees and arms and now my 4 year old has a few on him. I finally went to a derm. And was told that it was MC and he told me to use scotch tape and tap the bumps 20-30 times each a couple times a day. So for about 2 weeks I have been doing that and I have noticed a change they are starting to go away. It is a pain in the butt to do but so far is drying them out. A couple days ago I started ACV as well so hopefully that will start working. I also read that if the virus is on arms or any exposed areas and the kids have to go to school or whatever to put clear nailpoish over the bumps so the virus can't spread.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tracy (Asheville, Nc) on 05/07/2012

Just an update... I have been giving my daughter the grapefruit seed extract (2 drops in a 6 oz. Glass OJ) once daily for 4 weeks now. All of the molluscum are gone from her neck with only very faint scars. She has just 2-3 very tiny bumbs on her chest left. I plan to keep this up for another 2-3 weeks to make sure they are all gone and then wean her off of it.

FYI... The molluscum bumps will look worse before the fall off. They turn red, a little white "core" comes out of the center and then they scab over and then fall off. I made a point of never touching them and just letting them fall off on their own. This technique really seemed to work and was much easier for me then trying to swab her with ACV (she hated that). So grateful to have learned of GSE... It has resolved 2 seperate skin issues in the last year for our family.

Clearasil Pads
Posted by Mom T (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 04/12/2012

Two of my boys had Molluscum Contagiosum, and we have found our own way to get rid of them. It takes consistency, but it works. Every night and Every morning they would rub each bump with a Clearasil pad (the ones with 2% saucilic acid in them). This dries the bumps out and they disappear within a couple weeks. Now, both of my boys also have severe Eczema. So obviously using a drying agent on their skin caused their Eczema to flair (esp. Since it was in their elbow arm pits- a bad eczema spot anyway). We combated their eczema at the same time with their prescription Elocon lotion (being sure not to touch the bumps with the eczema lotation, b/c that would just counteract the molluscum treatment you just did) The bumps will be a little painful and bright red as they are drying out, but I promise they will go away one by one, quickly! Try it and see if it works for you- I hope!!! Molluscum is awful and ugly!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jen (Hinckley, Il) on 08/30/2011

Just wanted to let you know about Oil of organo for molluscom in children. Our pediatrician recommended it, you can either put directly on the "bumps" or 2 drops on the bottom of their feet 2 times a day. My 4 yr old just started getting them from his brother, he let me put it directly on the bumps. His older brother said it burnt too much and we put it on his feet. My older sons started going away slowly but my son that we put it on directly disapeered very quickly with NO new bumps!! I strongly recommend Oli Of Oregano! Pass it on!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Antiseptic Powder
Posted by Willow (Lexington, Ky) on 07/21/2011

I've got to say that I'm only dealing with what I think is one MC bump. My doc tried to tell me it was a skin tag, but when it's on your privates, you become obsessed. I don't think it's a skin tag, but a single MC pimple. It's never bursted, which is why I don't think it's spread. However, I have noticed some smaller bumps down there that aren't really noticable but feel suspect. Good grief. Can't people just have sex anymore? And the doctor does nothing but frustrate me.

I bet I've read this post about 4 times now - too too funny. I appreciate the humor, and to be honest, the crude language. Sometimes you have to laugh at this crap or you feel like you are going to crawl under a rock for life.

I started the ACV last night but not sure if I'm going to operate yet. Some folks are having luck with just ACV. We'll see.

Cheers to humor!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Antiseptic Powder
Posted by Jethro (Happy Town, Lovely Land) on 12/01/2011

Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree with you on not operating, purely based on my own experience. You have to remove the white cores, I suspect that not only can they spread above the skin, I. E. Skin to skin contact, regardless of if they burst or not, they can also spread under the skin. Remember this is a virus here, a living organism, and it can adapt, I think the ACV only helps, the risk of leaving it for longer is that the virus will spread.

I've been MSC free now for 10 months after originally writing this post. They never came back! Seems like too many people on here apply ACV only and then watch it spread or get bigger. You must remove the core this is the virus.

There's even video on youtube now of doctor using a needle to get them off someone's chin in South America or somewhere.

Thank you combined Human Intelligence!

OTC Antacid
Posted by Timh (KY) on 10/16/2014 2063 posts

Beware that acid reducers like Tagamet increase effectiveness of other medications by inhibiting enzymes much like grapefruit.

Also try not use H2 antagonist for extended periods of time because they create an overproduction of Candida Albicans fungus.

To reduce these side effects of H2 antagonist, take the herb Chlorella (actually an algae) 500mg for children, 1 grm for adults at same time of medication.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sarah (Texas) on 05/01/2016

I wanted share my MC story because I used this website so much when I was diagnosed. So here goes...

Late January I noticed a small bump on my labia, I figure it was just shaving irritation and nothing to worry about as it didn't bother me at all. After 2 weeks of it being there and me noticing another one pop up close to it I told my boyfriend my concerns and showed him. He said it looks harmless and barely noticeable. I started to google random STDs- nothing looked like it. So I made an app to see my Gyno in early February. My gyno first said it was shaving irritation and with further examination said it was MC and showed me a few photos. The photos looked like 2 bumps I had on my belly for a few months, I showed her those and she confirmed those were also MC and if that is where they started then I likely spread them to my vagina via shaving or scratching. My fb had no signs of MC and this did not effect our sex life- he was no scared of getting it. Although I was scared to give it to him. We are unsure of where the MC came from. I go to the gym an spa and hot yoga so any of those could be possible. My gyno said we could freeze them. I made and appt to do so and went home to do my own research. That night I started Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) on the 2 mature ones on my belly- bandaid and cotton soaked in ACV, after 3 nights they turned black and fell I canceled the freezing after self treating and learning freezing is not always effective and scars.

This was good but I couldn't do this on my sensitive vagina. So I started dabbing ACV down below. This lead to chemical burns and extreme itching along with the MC not getting better and spreading. plus is smelled terrible. I switched to Tea Tree Oil (TTO) morning and night. Wiped it on with a make up pad. I cleaned up my diet, worked out, ate a ton of fruits and veggies, lots of water, not using a wash cloth on my vagina just TTO shampoo and my hands to wash. Not shaving and not using a towel to dry off. I did this religiously from the end of February to the beginning of May (now) MC free... Finally.

The last month I have watched my MC spread and look so bad I never thought it was going to go away to disappearing before my eyes. I have a very strong immune system and I was so ready for my body to beat it, and it finally has! Some MC started to really come to a head after my showers and I used toilet paper to take those head off. I was using TTO harshly against my skin and that seemed to help make the MC mad and they started to die...turned flaky white and scabby and eventually just go away. It took a good month of this process but I can tell you it will go away. Just hang on and try not to stress.

MC is the biggest mind game... It steals your joy. I don't know if this has any merit but I stared eating mushrooms heavily during the clearing and I think they helped in healing me.

Sea Salt Soak
Posted by B. Wurzin (Humble, Tx) on 07/01/2015

Found blog about ocean water helping, tried soaking in 1/4 c sea salt in warm tub soak 15 min twice a day gone in 7 days and never came back! Doctor was very pleased. Had two other friends use worked like a charm. Please try!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chinesemcsuffer (Pa, US) on 12/22/2014

This MC is driving me nuts. Background story, I first felt it about 6 months ago. I shave my "bottom" once every 2-3 weeks. One day I felt a little "fleshy bump" and I thought it was just a skin tag because I have this kind of small fleshy skin tag on my neck. I thought they were just the same kind of "skin tag".

Fast forward to October something. I shaved it again and I may have shaved that fleshy pump (my taint area, under bewteen my testicles and anus) and I was sitting on a heat warmer when I use computer. This heat warmer emits "steam" after microwave. I was using this because I am also a long term sufferer of "anal fissure". I was trying to use heating pad to bring blood to the anus area so it can help it heal the wound.

Well, what do we have here? Shaved MC + Heat + Moist = SPREAD

One day I felt 4 pumps. I was horrified. I thought I got a HPV. I got two shots of Gardilis before so I started googling and decided to visit Patient First. I had a feeling it is not a sexual wart because the pump doesn't feel "hard". It feels like flesh. As soon as the doctor saw it, she said it's Mollscum. I was like "what?". I don't even know how to pounce it. I asked her 3 times and she got annoyed and said "It is not a sexual wart! It is very common and just wait it out". At this point I have one larger pump (the mother pimple) with one medium size and two very little ones = 4 noticeable pimples.

Needlessly to say I went online and read whole bunch of remedies. I first tried Conzero1. I gave it a try for two weeks. No improvement except it stains the hell of my underwear. Then I tried Tea Tree Oil and Clove Oil, no improvement. This lingers on for about a month.

One day I shaved my bottom again. I thought I could bypass that area but evidently the virus is in the skin even without noticing it (and it is very hard to see in the taint area! ). Oh hell. After a few days, it caused a few little rash-like bumps. These little rash-like, hard dumps are close to my anus.

Then I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I didn't want to try this first because I was afraid of the scarring but at this point I can care less. I need the pimples to go away! To start, is is VERY tough to bandage under my balls. I can't see it and that area isn't exactly "flat surface". After a few days, the area became irritated. I couldn't see so I can't tell if there is noticeable "white head". All I can tell is the whole area became irritated. I only do it once before bed.

Since I start using ACV, the area spread out little with rash-like, hard-bumps. I don't see obvious "mushroom flesh head".

I am not sure if I made the condition worse or not. I know many people said for ACV or any acid-based stuff to work, the area would become worse and then become better later. I am skeptical. Yes, the mother pimple has shrunk in size but the area has more rash-raised-bumps. It seems the more I mess with the bumps, the more it spreads out. :(

I've been reading this thread and right now the only confirmed thing is our immune system can kill it eventually. I can't wait 4 years. Hell, even 4 months is unacceptable at this point.

Here is what I am going to do now:

1. Stop using ACV, Tea Tree Oil and Clove Oil
2. Dry the area with hydrogen peroxide
3. Dry the area more with baby powder
4. Taking multi-vitamin
5. Taking 200mg Tagament twice a day (some studies confirmed that it works)

Sorry for such long post. What I want to know is has anyone progressed to this Rash-like, Raised and a bit more hard, pimple-like MC?

I think ACV only works on certain type of MC. It almost sounds too magically that you put ACV soaked cotton and then the fleshy just falls off. Mine seems to spread out after I put ACV. :(

No shaving, no shaving, no shaving. sigh. This is the #1 reason why mine spread out the way it did. I don't even know how some people can just physically "pop it". That seems like a very risky way to spread?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by B (Atlanta) on 11/28/2017

It seems like we had very similar responses to ACV. My chest is now covered in the raised rash of tiny hard bumps (100+). I feel so defeated considering that I was only treating about ten. Did you ever find out if the new bumps were molluscum? I'm on my third day of taking 3 200mg doses of tagamet. How did that work out for you?

I would appreciate any of your feedback. I am at such a loss.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by E (Maine) on 04/04/2018

I've had this for a very long time and have tried everything.. has anything started to work for you?

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