Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

How to Prevent MRSA
Posted by Mary (Ohio) on 03/04/2023

I am an RN…just everyone please remember to wash your hands. MRSA is everywhere now! Hand washing is 99ish % effective at killing it before you get infected. Once you get it…you never really get rid of it. It seems ridiculously simple…but it prevents it before it starts.

Chinese Herb She Chuang Zi
Posted by mxp5769 (texas) on 02/17/2023

I discovered an TCM that cured MRSA from several places including my hand & face. No scarring even though several times I did have the infection lanced & drained. After taking this, MRSA never came back.

Dosage I used: this has a VERY bitter taste, but you only need a small amount to do the job.

I wet my finger, dip it in the powder & rub that around the roof of my mouth. I chase it with water.

I did this 2X/day until I saw results, then stopped when I thought I needed to.

english name = snakes bed seed

chinese name = she chuang zi

here is the brand I used:

Oregano Oil + Turpentine
Posted by Lili (Hawaii) on 10/08/2021

I've had MRSA on my leg twice, and yes, it's painful. The first time I took antibiotics without any change, then a salve the Dr gave me - sorry, I don't remember what it was, but it worked eventually.

About 5 years ago I got it again. I hit it with every home remedy I could think of such as crushed garlic and turmeric mixed with coconut oil under a small cloth bandage from old t-shirt. Left the turmeric on at night.

The two that finally helped the most was turpentine and oregano oil squeezed from a capsule, one at a time, right on it and covered with a small cloth bandage held on with tape. I alternated each several times the first day and by the next day I could see it shrinking. Kept it up for 4 - 5 more days till it had disappeared completely.

Also took the oregano in capsule form, 1500 mg. Three caps 3 times a day.

These days I keep a good quality turpentine and oregano oil caps on hand at all times along with Olive Leaf Extract/OLE. Turpines in the tree sap keep it protected from most infections and has been used since old Egyptian times.You can find a study done in France on the subject of turpines.

Worked for me, hope you get the help you need from all these suggestions.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Marsha (Georgia) on 09/27/2021

Regarding the post in this section entitled Penetrating MRSA Biofilm Posted by Skeptic (Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuadorabonan Sent) on 04/28/2013:

I had a friend yrs ago who had several rounds of MRSA. When he developed the next infection he wanted to use dmso but the metal was a problem & he wound up using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide - dilluted & he stated that it cleared up rather quickly & he had started using nebulized HP ever since with no further issues. I know this is many yrs late but hopefully may be helpful 2 someone coming across it. There are numerous books/articles available about this. MRSA, cancers can't live in an oxygen rich environment. I now use 3% FGHP regularly & rid myself of asthma, sinusitis & allergies & plan to continues its use. I don't get colds or flu.

Posted by Seth (Morton, WA) on 03/11/2021

I read that aspirin stops MRSA from replicating. I think it also reduces its toxin production. I'm actually making progress now instead of just keeping myself alive. I have MRSA in my kidney and after just a week, my kidney actually feels pretty normal. I'm also using a quart of water kefir and 2 low-level light therapy devices to boost my immune system. one is a violet laser pen and the other is a red led that goes in the nose. I was using these before I started using aspirin but was still in a lot of pain. The violet pen activates the immune system in the kidney.

Bentonite Clay + Colloidal Silver
Posted by Manuka Mom (Los Angeles) on 03/17/2020



In full disclosure, I did not confirm that my infection was MRSA, but I have every reason to believe it may have been. I had a lump was growing for months and perhaps years. It became very crimson red and extremely painful. It was quite large.

I tried a few initial remedies, iodine, turmeric, baking soda, onion and potato. All were moderately helpful, but I decided that clay and C. silver would be my final remedies of choice. I used powdered bentonite clay, which I made into a nightly cream poultice and covered with a pad to seal in the moisture and draw out the toxins at night.

After cleaning each morning, I sprayed it with colloidal silver liberally and then let it dry and periodically sprayed it throughout the day. I also gave it sunshine when I could. I further took C. silver and iodine orally (1 - 2 drops of Lugols and 1 t. to 1 T. Sov. Silver multiple times each day (varied amounts, depending on my schedule and need on that day). In just a few short weeks, it went from looking like a trip to the ER was in order to looking like normal skin was growing in without so much as a bump. Miracle for sure.

Blessings to those of you who are struggling. All I can say is, select your therapy and if you don't see any benefit within a couple of days, try something else. You CAN find what is right for you if you are diligent. It takes time to fully recover, but it is surely possible.

This is not medical advice; it's merely the path I selected for myself. Be encouraged, good people!!!

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa) on 12/10/2018

Ultraviolet blood irradiation has been around for about 100 years but fell by the wayside when antibiotics came around. Naturopaths still use it in the U,S. My naturopath said it would cure me in a few treatments but I have some puss that needs clearing up, so it's taking longer. I do feel a million times better when I go in. I was going to wait to post this until I was cured but decided to post.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Holland F. (California ) on 07/16/2018

Possible MRSA infection experience. I had a weird bump on my back that I couldn't see. It had originally been a blackhead, which I could feel, but then it changed into a bump that just didn't ever go away, and the skin around it was odd. One day I was pressing on it a lot to try to force it to clean out, and managed to aggravate it so that it swelled up to more than 8" across after maybe 3 days. It was very uncomfortable with any pressure on it, but not "hot". I enlisted my son to try to help me put stuff on it and monitor what it was doing.

I'm describing this as a possible MRSA infection because he showed me some MRSA photos which he found later that he said looked pretty much exactly like what was on my back. I used several things, but the one thing that really started to turn it around was topical magnesium. The first time I used it one night, the next morning the surface felt different, as though the problem was becoming more superficial. Over time, my son and I applied a lot of magnesium and iodine. We tried a few other things in the mix but the most prevalent items were those two. We made a dressing and changed it 2x day.

After a few days, it suddenly drained out a whole bunch of a clear "gel" which had virtually no odor. It had started to drain a bit of this per day during the days before so the whole area gradually diminished, but once this large drain happened, the whole area reduced and healed up rapidly. I was surprised that it was the topical magnesium that was the most effective thing.

So, for what it's worth, I'm passing this on.

Bee Propolis, Buckwheat Honey
Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa.) on 04/07/2018

Bee propolis, Buckwheat honey for MRSA:

Bee propolis chewed up a bunch of puss I had in my chest and kidney and spleen. huge relief as it had been there for years. I'm taking a tablespoon of the powder twice a day and can really feel it hitting hard. I guess they call it Russian penicillin. I can see why. im a big guy, you might not need this much. plus I started at a lower dose and it was working pretty good.

Buckwheat honey is as strong as manuka honey but a lot cheaper. Also, manuka honey doesn't work for internal infections because stomach acids destroy the antibacterial properties. I get as much honey as I can on a plastic spoon and put it in a cup of tea. 2 or 3 cups of tea twice a day. I feel like a normal person again. Honey and propolis have a synergistic effect too so take them at the same time.

Posted by Shirley (Uk) on 12/12/2017

Re: MRSA Boils in the Uterus

To the woman who has MRSA in her vagina, Echinacea drops apply directly on the affected parts & also take 15 drops in a little water internally once or twice daily depending on how bad the infection is. This product is an alcohol tincture which you can buy or order on line or at your health food store. Keep taking & applying till all symptoms have gone & take natural vitamin c & raw garlic in your food.

Elecampane Extract
Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa.) on 08/24/2017

Hi, I've had Mrsa for years in my kidney. very painfull. recently I stumbled apon a website with an article about elecampane extract being 100% effective against mrsa colonies in tests. So I bought some. I think it's only the extract that works, not the tea. My first dose was a triple dose. I felt a very significant pain relief in my kidney. I knew right then this was going to work. I've since uped my dose to about 24 times the recommended dose. Elecampane is pretty safe. The worst that can happen is nausea and vomiting if you take too much.

I'm taking it 3 times a day. I'm no longer sweating out at night and feel totally strong and healthy. the pain in my kidney is gone. going to keep taking it for a while to be sure. what a relief. Hope this helps people. I read on a forum that elecampane cured someone else too, so it's not just me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Sanaa (Australia ) on 07/02/2016

I've had recurrent MRSA boils all over my thighs and butt after my first delivery, I've visited several doctors, tried soaps and creams and antibiotics, u name it, it just kept spreading, finally I decided to use olive oil, just ordinary cooking olive oil, everyday I took off my clothes and rubbed the olive oil all over my thighs and lower body, I did that for almost five days or a week and to my surprise, all of the pimples disappeared and never showed again, this was ten years ago.

I hope this helps.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Christee (Port Huron, Mi) on 02/04/2016

I am colonized with MRSA and I have been struggling with recurring skin lesions for 10+ years. I have recently found that Dead Sea magnesium oil has had a profound effect. My back has been covered with staph pimples for a few years (I am 40 years old). I have never had back acne previously and nothing I tried worked. I just happened to use the magnesium oil for a sore muscle and found that, the next day, the pimples were reduced. I have continued to use it almost daily for the past two weeks and I only have a few random spots left.

If you try it, be aware that it may itch the first few times you use it. Also, if you have any open areas it will burn. I hope this helps!

Posted by Kim (Fort Worth, Tx) on 10/23/2015

After battling MRSA for over 3 years now, I have tried Minocycline, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Rifampin, Hibacleanse, bleach baths, Bactriban, mega doses of turmeric, garlic baths, garlic pills, garlic cream, mega doses of niacin amide, topical manuka honey, silver gel, silver solution, daily laundering of all bedding... The list goes on. Needless to say, as everyone who has ever dealt with MRSA can attest to, it has been extremely frustrating and depressing not to get rid of these painful boils and little itchy red bumps that always appear and take forever to get rid of. It's especially debilitating when these cover your face, neck, and arms. You feel like you have leprosy. So, after trying all of these "remedies" to no avail, I started making my own water Kefir ( a Probiotic) . I ordered 2 tablespoons of water Kefir grains on Amazon.

Step 1: I warmed up 4 cups of spring water ( chlorine and fluoride in tap water will kill the Kefir grains.

Step 2: I add 1/4 cup of dark brown sugar ( use this because the Kefir needs minerals and sugar to grow), and stirred until dissolved.

Step 3: Put the sugar water and kefir grains in a jar, secure the top with a coffee filter and rubber band, place in a warm dark place for 24-48 hours.

Step 4: Strain the kefir grains out.

Drink the probiotic water you now have, and start all over again from step 1.

The results are almost immediate. My boils and sores just start disappearing and drying up. I also put the kefir water in a spray bottle and spray it on my skin, and I put it in a nasal spray bottle and spray it up my nose. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and as long as I drink it daily, my skin stays clear. I'm hoping that by doing this daily for a few months, the MRSA will be gone for good.

I will add some research articles supporting the evidence that shows kefir kills MRSA and destroys the biofilms.

Anyone who has battled MRSA and has tried everything else, to no avail, please try this.

Posted by Mark (Chihuahua, Mexico) on 10/07/2016 5 posts

MRSA Boils itchy red bumps

A comment on Kim's Water Kefir and Turmeric Curcuma: BOILS, INFECTIONS, ZITS.

I really like the inexpensive nature of Kefir Probiotics and still powerful at the same time.

I don't know what I have but they are painful little boils and little itchy red bumps. Maybe I have some kind of staff infection or, yes, maybe it's the dreaded MRSA. Anyway, I do like learning about new things that can help. Thank you, Kim.


I'm 65 now. I get the boils on my arms, butt, legs, knees, neck. It seems I've had this on and off for most of my life, but a whole lot more in the last couple of years. The skin on and around the small boils would get really hard too. {Maybe somebody knows what that's all about, I sure don't} At any rate, I'd pick one and 5 more would pop up around the area, that didn't seem good to me at all. That's why I say things were getting worse. I started to search in real earnest on the net.

Once I started my routine, within a week things started shaping up. The boils started drying up and by two weeks all was moving along quite nicely and in 30 days they were pretty much all cleared up.

So what did I do? It fights infection anywhere in the body.

3 Times a Day {this is really important especially in the beginning.}

1. Curcuma 1 level tsp.

2. Black pepper 1 level tsp.

3. Water (filtered or whatever of course) 16 oz. They say you need lots of water. At least that's what I read.

4. Oil 1 tbs. (Coconut, Olive, Lard, Butter real not the fake).

Since this is a lot of liquid, personally I'd recommend taking it 30 minutes before eating so as not to dilute your digestive juices.

The doc will tell you to cut down on the fat. Yes, by all means do that if you want Alzheimer's. Your brain is mostly fat. No fat - no brain. Of course, everyone is going to do pretty much what they want on this one anyway.

A plug for water: Drink at least one large glass every morning on awakening.

A comment on what Kim said that she had tried turmeric and it didn't work. Exactly what you did with the turmeric Kim, you didn't say. {Turmeric, yellow curry powder, is the plant; Curcumin, orange, is the extract or active ingredient from the plant, also a powder} Some say that one is better than the other. Turmeric has all the properties of the plant: Curcumin is more powerful with the highest amount of the active ingredient. At least that's what I got from the net. It's your call what you will use.}

This is what I found out about the use of either one. By themselves they are both really, really good, however, used with black pepper, which contains piperine… is a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin by 2000% - I think you will find the study is still posted there.

Then I found out that Curcumin is fat soluble. Since I realllllly wanted this to work and work now I figured I'd add some oil/fat to the mix, that's noted above.

After 90 days on the above regimen I still take a maintenance dose once a day, I don't want this stuff to come back that's for sure.

All this worked so well that about 30 days ago I saw three girls in a convenience store and one of them had plenty of zits on her face. I told her my story and suggested she try it too. After two weeks she was really happy and after 30 days she had only one lone zit left. She's quite delighted for leaning about this natural remedy. There's another girl I saw today and told her about it. We'll see what happens with her.

All I can say is, Thank you everyone that posts here. As well as a huge thanks to

Best hopes and wishes to all of you.


Blue Light Therapy
Posted by Twinkytoze (Malaga Province) on 07/17/2017

Three summers ago I was working in a retirement home and was exposed to a resident with MRSA. I had my first outbreak of boils shortly afterward. I tried every natural remedy on this site with moderate relief. I have to say, I also as a last resort went to the doctor and the emergency room, and the antibiotics they put me on didn't do diddly.

It was when I remembered that people were treating acne with exposure to a specific frequency of blue light that I thought to look up research on whether it worked with MRSA. By golly, yes there was research, and the light killed staph in a petri dish. I thought to myself "Well if it can kill it in a lab, it can kill it on me as well."

I ordered a 415nm blue LED light acne pen from AliBaba and haven't looked back. As soon as the itchy bump forms I will hit it with 12 minutes exposure, and within 48 hours in most cases, the bump subsides. All this without pain, swelling, draining, topical ointments, fuss or muss. Itching subsides within an hour or two in most cases. If it doesn't, I hit it again until it does.

I am currently managing a seasonal outbreak, with new lesions forming every day. I carry the pen with me so I can hit the site as soon as I feel it. For the past two years, what would be a major drama and trauma with ten or twenty of these on my body during bikini weather has been rendered a minor nuisance.

I hope this helps.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Pbird (Wa) on 06/30/2014

I spend all of 2013 fighting a MRSA infection of my lower leg that I caught in the hospital being treated for a spot of cellulitis. I was able to finally cure it with Bentonite clay which is largely magnesium. I thought this was neat because it had none of the drawbacks of antibiotic use.

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