Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kathleen (Indiana) on 02/02/2019

Lemon juice and olive oil for kidney stones -- I did the lemon juice and olive oil remedy and it worked! I'm doing it again today and tomorrow... unbelievable it worked!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by D (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/11/2016

Thank God for this site.. This is the ONLY thing that would help my boyfriend who was in excruciating kidney stone pain.. He is super skeptical about "natural cures" but I swear by them.. After being in the worst pain of his life for about a half hour he decided to take a shot of this concoction that I found on Earthclinic ..

combined a half a lemon with 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and within 20 minutes his pain was greatly reduced..

He repeated this 2-3 times every hour or so.. And felt almost no pain when he passed the stone..

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/10/2023

How many times a day are you drinking it? I did at least 2 to 3 times per day and got rid of the stone around the 3rd or 4th day. But I am not sure how large it was, by the time it came out it had dissolved to a very tiny size.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Eloise (North Carolina) on 02/18/2017 6 posts

You might like to know that olive oil and lemon juice is a great salad dressing. Any old salad. Sprinkle salt & pepper, garlic and oregano, toss with olive oil and lemon juice.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Linda (Nc) on 05/08/2017

Barbara, I'm sorry that is a really large stone! The one I had lithotripsy for was 8mm. Will never do lithotripsy again as I stated before.

I am skeptical you will be able to pass your stone naturally due to the size---but that is only MY opinion. I think if it was me I would try the lemon juice/olive oil concoction for a bit, PROVIDED there was no pain. I would encourage you to read the other threads on here because I THINK I read of some folks passing some stones about the size of yours (or close to that size) but I'm not certain. Please don't take anything I say as a recommended course of action---these are just my thoughts. Hang in there and good luck!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by A B (Ohio) on 11/14/2016

I'm a 35 year old female with a 6.5mm kidney stone. My first ever.

Exactly one month to the day my kidney stone struck, it "left the building" (so to speak.) The first two days of my stone were dismal. I ended up in the ER, but was released to go home and try to pass the stone with the help of flomax. Initial scanned showed it was way up in ureter, but my urologist wanted to give it time to pass naturally if we could avoid surgery. 2.5 weeks later, a second scan showed it has nested in the lower ureter. During this time, I felt no pain or discomfort whatsoever. Eventually, the stone dropped even lower toward the bladder and at this point I started to experience extreme frequency and urgency. (Imagine a really intense UTI.) In addition, my stone was irritating nerves which were referring pain to the vaginal area. While pain killers didn't do anything for the nerve pain, a good old-fashioned hot water bottled worked wonders. (There's really no dignity in kidney stones, so don't be shy. You just have to stuff it down your pants.) AZO and pyridium did nothing for the urgency. My uro did prescribe oxybutynin, which helps with bladder spasming, and seemed to provide a little relief. This all continued for about a week, but today I started to notice some blood in my urine, which had been a telltale sign that my stone was moving throughout the course of this experience. I also noticed that the nerve pain was intensifying and I was experiencing low-grade back cramps for the first time in weeks. Assuming this meant the stone was trying to make its final descent into my bladder, I threw every tactic at it that I could find.

I did a shot of lemon juice + olive oil. I took an aggressive walk around the block. Did some living room hula hooping motions + side bends. I also used a deep tissue handheld vibrating massager on and off on the area for an hour. I also chugged water like crazy the entire day. This evening I took a hot bath and afterwards noticed that my urine stream was quite slowed despite all the water I was drinking. Assuming that meant the stone was impeding the flow, I continued drinking water and making runs to the toilet every couple minutes for a trickle. A few hours later, I went to the bathroom and was able to get a full and powerful stream going again. I felt a slight burning and much to my surprise (and delight) when I stood up the stone had finally been evicted. People aren't kidding when they say you feel instantly better and back to normal.

I have no idea which of these tactics helped, but I hope some or all will help you. I was originally told it was highly unlikely I'd be able to pass a stone this size, but I'm thankful my urologist gave me a month to make it happen. I'm also SO thankful for all the advice shared on this site!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ericanelson611 (Tacoma, Wa) on 10/31/2016

Lemon juice (2 oz) and olive oil (2 oz) in a large shot glass chased with 24 oz water 3 times daily was successful in painlessly clearing my kidney stone in 3 days. Ultra sound had been done and determined I most likely would not be able to pass it on my own. I was told I would have to have a medical procedure to clear it. I thought "there must be a better way" and found this web site. My kidney stone was calcium based, so the science makes sense. Had a recurrence a few months later, used the same method, pain again subsided with hours, stone passed in 3 days. Thank you Earthclinic.com!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 09/30/2016

HI U DAVE,,,,,,,,, I first learned of this trick at the last paper mill before I retired. Folks there drank apple juice for a week before they did the olive oil and lemon juice thing. Supposedly the apple juice caused the stones to crumble so they would pass. This protocol will work for kidney, liver or gall stones.

We have done this many times to prevent the problems you describe. Now we do this yearly and only get what is called gravel. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Heather (Cincinnati, Ohio ) on 04/08/2014

I have had difficulties with kidney stones for the past 10 years. I had to undergo emergency surgery 3 months ago to have a .8mm stone removed from my ureter. I recently had lithotripsy on one of my kidneys. I have passed some very small stones, but I felt the painful presence of at least one stone stuck in my bladder. After about 2 weeks of it floating around and periodically jabbing me, I finally relented and tried the olive oil and lemon juice remedy, which I had successfully used in the past. But, I was not certain if it truly worked or was just coincidence. Now I am convinced!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!! Within 4 hours of drinking the remedy I passed not one, but THREE kidney stones of increasing size. THANK YOU FOR THIS WEBSITE AND POSTINGS!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ruth (Union City, Ca) on 05/29/2013

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil: Found this remedy to help my Mother. It really does work! Her pain was excruciating with blood in her urine. I believe it had reached her urethra by this point and searched for a remedy to help her. This recipe actually works and I am amazed! She passed the stone within a few hours. Her pain level is now around a 6 with no meds and only on her right side now. We think she may have another. She has definitely improved within a few hours of drinking it. The concotion doesn't taste half bad either. After all isn't this recipe used in salad dressing? Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for posting your experience and advice regarding this recipe. We believe she will recover soon with your help.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/15/2024

Yes, olive oil and lemon juice worked for me as well! But consider using chanca piedra (stone breaker) occasionally throughout the year. I usually take it for a few weeks and then take a break.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 02/11/2023

Golly, Peter, there's nothing to worry about tummy-wise. Both lemon juice AND olive oil are wonderful for you. If you have too much lemon juice, your tummy WILL let you know. And Edgar Cayce even advised 1tsp olive oil daily for health. Hey, at the very least your system will be less acidic & you will have a nice shiny coat!

Stay well, heal healthily!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Ohio) on 09/29/2016

Well.... here goes nothing! I just downed 2 oz of lemon juice and 2 oz of extra virgin olive oil followed by 24oz of distilled water. I had to do it twice because I puked the first round up after about 30 mins. I actually think it was the water that made me sick to my stomach. The lemon juice and olive oil concoction didn't taste NEARLY as bad as I assumed it would based on others' comments. I'm hoping this works! I have a history of kidney stones ( as do both of my parents) and wish I would've seen this natural remedy earlier! I had to have one surgically removed about 7 yrs ago after a lithotripsy was ineffective. I never want to go through that misery again! I am currently uninsured or I would've been to the ER days ago. The pain is almost unbearable. Here's to success for myself and anyone else suffering too!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ana C (L.a., Ca) on 07/28/2016

I was diagnosed with a 3mm kidney stone mid-June when I experienced really bad flank pain on my right side. Found out it was in my right ureter. they just gave me pain meds & antibiotics and said drink plenty of fluids. I had blood in my urine and eventually the pain just stopped. I never caught a stone through the strainer so I thought maybe it passed without me knowing. Met with a urologist and did an xray and they said no stone was present. then on to J uly 18th -- I experience these really bad UTI - like symptoms. urgency to urinate and burning/stinging pain. got lab work and was placed on antibiotics. finished the 7 day treatment and made another appt to see my urologist because the meds didn't do anything and I just knew it wasn't a UTI. I begged for another ct-scan and what do you know... stone is still there.. and now its stuck in my bladder which is causing spams (therefore the urgency/burning feeling) and he said, if you really can't handle the frustration and discomfort anymore, we can do surgery.

So they scheduled me for surgery this coming Tuesday... but I was really trying to avoid that and thats when I came across this olive oil/lemon juice concoction. I started it yesterday morning (7/27) and did 3 shots of it through out the day (bfast/lunch/dinner) and when I woke up this morning (7/28) to use the restroom... BAM! It's at the bottom of the toilet bowl.

Why didn't I just do this the day I found out I first had kidney stones?? I was skeptical too... thinking 'really? ur gonna make me drink olive oil?' ... but I'd say it definitely worked. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! No more surgery for me! :)

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bmccor (Coronado, Ca) on 07/20/2016

I have been to the ER four times over the last nine years with some serious kidney stone pain. Similar to many other posts, I was treated with lots of pain killers, and eventually sent home with more meds, and told to drink plenty of fluids. My latest episode started the morning of July 4th, and I stayed in bed all day with what I thought was a stomach ache. The following Saturday night I started feeling very poorly, and knew I had to get to the ER before the pain became unbearable. I told the ER doctor I thought I had a kidney stone, but I was not yet doubled over in pain, and he said "you don't look like you have a kidney stone! " I said "trust me, Doc" and sure enough, the CAT scan confirmed another stone. After being released with more pain killers and orders to keep hydrated, I came home and found your website the following day.

I started the lemon juice and olive oil treatment two times per day for three days, then once per day for two days. I was straining my urine with no visible results, and assumed the treatment was having no effect. Tonight (July 20th) I had the urge to urinate before dinner, but could only manage a dribble. After dinner, I felt a mild discomfort in my groin, and easily passed a large, fairly round stone with no serious pain.

I have a follow up appointment with urology, and will post again with an update. I believe the lemon juice and olive oil did the trick for me! Thanks for helping find a natural, pain free cure!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tulsabrit (Tulsa, Ok) on 07/12/2015

I just passed my kidney stone. I drank 1oz of the lemon and olive oil last night and then today I drank 2ozs of each and I just passed the stone at 11:15 pm. Didn't feel a thing when it came out. Glad I found out about this remedy. Thank you.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Shawn (South Dakota) on 11/27/2015

Weight gain would be the least of my worries I think.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Terry (Katy, Tx) on 01/22/2015

I waited until I knew if it worked or not before posting. After finding this site, I tried the 2 oz. Lemon Juice / 2 oz. Olive Oil treatment after experiencing the familiar pain (This was my third kidney stone in the last three years.) I took the dosage twice a day, morning and evening for three days and kept well hydrated. Pain went away within the first hour. Some mild discomfort for the next two days. From the third day forward, no symptoms.

My first stone three years ago was excruciating but passed within two days, in the hospital. Second stone was 13 months ago and excruciating. It was surgically removed after 5 days of agony.

I'm a believer.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sdbike (North Carolina, US) on 07/16/2014

Hi all. I read through most of everyone's posts and I signed up for this site just to post my results. It worked!! Or something did, but I passed my stone about 30 minutes ago after drinking my 2nd cocktail of lemon juice and olive oil with a side of water after. It did the trick.

A few minutes later I felt all the symptoms I read about, such as having the sensation to pee but not being able to, and having a bit of a burning sensation in my penis, but not too bad. I have to say, whether it was just time for it to pass, or all the water I drank the past 2 days or the cocktail, I am very relieved to have gotten it out. It was 4 mm in size I was told by the emergency room doctor on Monday morning after they did the cat scan. And like everyone else, I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain.

It was on my left side, not my back at all, between my abdomen and hip. I drove myself to the hospital, driving thru some red lights after looking to see no one was around and was thinking I was going to pass out. I was moaning so loud in the bed in my room in the emergency room area they had to come in and tell me to control myself. I will say that while the pain was something I do not ever want to have to go thru again, it was not the worst I have ever encountered. Once when I was hiking back down a mountain, I sprained my knee on a fall, but did not know it. There was so much snow on the mountain and I was cold and bundled up so really did not know. Anyway, after hiking all the way down, on the ride home, my knee started hurting and it got worse and worse. It took me a while to put 2 and 2 together that it was from my fall. But once we got home, it was so bad, I was literally crying in pain. I have never cried before from pain and I think I almost passed out. Anyway, this stone was almost as bad but not quite. The sprained knee being walked on down a mountain was a 12 out of 10. The stone was a 10 out of 10 pain threshold. Just glad it is out.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 07/17/2017

I have seen my spouse suffer this pain numerous times. He takes extra oil in diet with lemon juice daily. The stones form when a person is either dehydrated or has a mineral imbalance the body is using the kidney to dispose excess. If you don't feel like the full dose, then have a salad with vinegar and oil dressing and a cup of lemon water . Take an epsom salt bath to relax and absorb some magnesium . Drink smoothie with orange, kale, lemon, ice today . Eat some popcorn popped in coconut oil, with sea salt on it and have some lemonaid.

ER is going to give you powerful drugs, food is safer, sooner is better. Stay calm .Google pregnancy sites for more reassurances.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Larry (Doylestown,pa) on 11/07/2013

My journey began over 4 months ago. On vacation I ended up in the er with my first stone 8mm. After cutting my vacation short I returned home to see the urologist . He informed that the odds were against me passing the rock but it is safe to give it a try. Fresh squeezed lemons as much as I could stand and buckets of water. My pain was at a minimum most of the time. 2 months later and 2 x rays the stone was gone. The urologist said I had to know I passed something that big but I did not. I thought that was its end of my ks saga but no not yet. 6 weeks later back in the er with a ct scan and what they said was 11mm stone that was hidden. Urologist wanted another kub that showed a 8mm stone , the same stone, he said. I began the apple cider vinegar twice a day for 3 days. Then tried lemon and olive oil for 2 days and was preparing to have it blasted with lithotripsy on Monday. I felt like I was being rushed through the entire process so I canceled the litho and got a second opinion. Now after a ultra sound I was informed that I am stone free. My new urologist assured me that none of the home remedies would help but I passed a 8mm stone on my own. Still don't know when I passed the bastard and I don't care. Thank God it's over. 4 months and 2 weeks 6 kub's 1 ct scan and 1 ultra sound. 48 hours away from a procedure I didn't need. Get a second opinion. It saved me from unnecessary surgery and stress. Keep the faith.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Brown Bomber (San Antonio, Texas) on 07/27/2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you... Everyone of you... For the information you so gladly post on this site!!! I am new to the entire field of "kidney stones" and must say I do not like them one bit! A few days ago, I noticed slight pain around my lower back on the left side. It wasn't too bad but noticeble to be irritating. I didn't give much thought to it and after approx. 15 min. or so, it went away. I noticed it again a few hours later but the mild pain went away again.

At about 4:30am, I woke to use the bathroom and noticed the pain had come back but increased a little. After stretching, rubbing, and massaging, it seemed to still linger over the next 1/2 hr or so but slightly built up as the minutes ticked by. By 6am I was rocking on all fours on the floor, then to the bed, then back to the floor just trying to ease the pain a little. I could no longer take it and decided to have my wife take me to the ER. There, I was diagnosed with having "the stones". I recall having the desire to punch my physician in the throat for "thumping" my kidney with a fist in order to determine my response and confirm the symtoms of having kidney stones. From the squirming I was doing and the combination of noises I was making and the expressions on my face, I felt the thumping was not necessary. I always had this suspicion that doctors do things intentionally to laugh and joke about later... Anyway, I was more than upset to say the least.

My nurse had given me 3 doses of Morphine to decrease the torture I was going thru but to no avail. I was twisting back and forth in agony and could only moan in my pillow for some semblance of relief. I was finally given an IV Drip of Dolobid (10 times stronger than Vicoden I'm told) and a button to push every 10 min. in order to release and self administer another dose. I was woozy and light headed but delusionally happy and could now endure the excrutiating pain which seemed to slowly drift away until I felt almost nothing.

I have a high tolerance for pain and have had some terrible experiences with "what I thought" was painful but this pain not just took the cake... It blew the cake into pieces...! I was admitted and remained for 2 1/2 days until I could deal with a tolerable degree of pain while on pain meds at home while waiting for these nasty buggers to pass. I talked to one of the male nurses in order to mentally prepare myself for what to expect and I was glad to learn that he had dealt with stones before. Taking the opportunity to learn from an "experienced stone sufferer", I thought to ask questions about what to expect. I was told that there was no pain quite like it. He told me about one patient who didn't know they had stones until they went to pee in an alley behind a bar one day, and while passing a stone, he felt like digging his hands into the bricks and picking the building up and slamming into the ground until it was out..... That's when I decided to go online to seek out help on how to pass them "smoothly" and avoid ripping my toilet from the floor in the process. I had been diagnosed as having 3 stones in my left kidney with one of them recently breaking off and preparing to make its way out.

I now thank God for you guys... I first learned about drinking a glass of fresh lemon juice, followed by a glass of water and 1oz of lemon juice each hr for the next 12 hrs. I did this and a small stone the size of a pin head came out a few hours later.. And with no pain. I was amazed at how this tiny little thing could cause so much irritation and agony just a few hours earlier. I then experienced a stone getting lodged about 2 inches inside my penis a few days later. It felt like I was "peeing" a glass shard.

I went back online and found the lemon and olive oil combination. Almost immediately after drinking it, the pain subsided and became bearable. It doesn't hurt to pee but it does hurt like a monkey when brushed up against anything. I am wondering if the olive oil will make this stone, which seems to have a jagged edge, smoother to expel even though it is caught in the shaft. I am anxious to write back to notify you all of the outcome. Until then, do take care and happy expelling...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Debra (Conroe, Tx) on 08/13/2012

I DID IT!! What a relief I feel. I did 1t of Epsom salt with 1/2 cup of water, two hours later 2 t Epsom salt with 1/2 cup of water, two hours later 3/4 cup of olive oil with 1/2 cup of lemon juice laid on right side for 30 minutes, they went to sleep. Next day still fasted, (actually started my fast at noon the previous day) but drank not to dehydrate. At around noon I released about 50 floaters, they disolved, they I keep my sample for my peace of mind to look and they were about 200 hard stones!! The press on my right side is gone and I feel so much better. Going to do it again this Friday just to make sure I am clean till next year. My CT scan show layers of stones and they advised to remove the gallbladder. I also drink the apple cider vinegar so I am praying that disolves the cyst on my ovary! Praise GOD for people that want to help us save our organs that God gave to us!! Hope this helps you.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Michael (Davie, Florida) on 01/13/2010

1/21/02 Kidney Stone Attack #2

My first kidney stone was in 5/97. I went to the ER, received medication for pain and after the pain subsided went home. About 3 days later the stone passed with no further problems.

My second Kidney stone was in 1/02 and about 18 hours after the pain began passed a dark brown irregular calculus measuring about 3x2mm.

My third kidney stone incident began on 1/4/10 with the familiar discomfort in my groin and lower back. I was driven home and took some leftover pain med.

Three days later, I finally got to the doctors. I didn't take any pain med and the pain began while in the waiting room and intensified while I waited in the exam room for the PA, ceasing a few minutes before she entered. She sent me to nearby hospital for a CT scan. Their report confirmed a 5mm stone at the opening where the urethra empties into the bladder, a common bottleneck for stones. The Urologist, who was able to see me right away, explained that 5mm is about the limit for stones to pass without assistance and there were two procedures available, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and ureteroscopy, where they insert a fiber optic probe through the urethra and break up and grab the stone in a basket. He said that the stone's position made the blasting not a good percentage option. I decided to give it about a week and set a followup for the next Wednesday. He gave me some Flomax and a strainer and told me to drink a lot of water.

The next few days the pain came and went. Monday, I called the Urologist to set up the operation as soon as possible. It turned out that I needed clearance and some additional tests. The earliest the procedure could be scheduled was Thursday, Jan 14. When I got home, I jogged & walked 2 miles in the park and jumped off of a picnic table several times, trying to dislodge the stone from where it was stuck and move it into my bladder. It might have worked because after that there was no more pain - even the back soreness disappeared.

Tuesday, back to the doctor for an EKG, more blood work, and a chest X-ray. I passed the time in the waiting room looking up kidney stones on the internet on my smart phone. I found an interesting site that promised an effective home remedy of a common drink plus a vegetable, for $40. Researching it at home later, I found it was reported as a scam and that the "secret" was 6 cans of Coke and pureed asparagus. Thankfully, I kept researching alternatives and found this web site that listed hundreds of testimonials for a simple mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.

I went to the store and bought some lemon juice - not from concentrate - in a yellow squeeze bottle. At 3:30 pm I mixed 2 oz of each in a salad cruet (how appropriate) and shook it up really well, then downed it, followed by 12 oz water. The taste wasn't as bad as some reported and other than some oily belches, there were no side effects. It might even have had a beneficial effect of loosening my bowels that were tight from the pain meds. But still no stone.

Later, I rode my horse with my wife and did a lot of sitting trot to keep working on jarring down the stone. We watched a movie until 10:30pm, at which time I made a second cocktail, about 2.5 oz each of oil and juice this time and downed it. I got up to urinate around midnight and heard a distinct clink as the stone passed and hit the bottom of the jar. I collected it with the strainer and it looked different from my previous stones, which were light brown and very jagged. This one measures about 3 x 4mm and is darker, sort of rounded. It's possible the potion partially dissolved it making it rounder and smoother - if so, that's a good thing because there was no pain or any sensation at all when it passed - nine days from the initial attack and about 9 hours after my first drink, 1 1/2 hours after the second.

I'm very grateful to the people who put up this web site. It is truly a godsend. I brought the stone to the Urologist today, to have analyzed, and, obviously, called off the procedure - saving thousands of dollars and unknown discomfort!

I'm convinced that the olive oil and lemon juice helped the stone pass, thus averting unwanted and unnecessary surgery. The urologist thought the jumping did more than the mixture, but admitted that lemon juice is helpful in preventing stones. I plan on taking the mixture periodically to help inhibit kidney stones, cause there's no way I'm going to refrain from all the foods in the big list my urologist gave me. In the future, if I experience kidney stone pain I will take the potion from the outset, combined with some serious jumping. Pain medication and flomax are also helpful.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bambi (Wichita KS) on 02/14/2024

I have dealt with kidney stones for a lot of years. It is excruciating pain. Mine tend to make me constipated and can even not not allow me to urinate. I also UTI's. Olive oil and lemon juice have saved me from going to the hospital. I would throw up if I take too much at one time so I do shot glasses. I can swig it down.

I wonder if I need to do this for maintenance so I don't create them. Also I just realized the one I have now might because I ran out of magnesium which I didn't as taking every day.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by XYZ (Chicago) on 02/15/2024

After exhausting my attempts to find a cure with all kind or remedies from allopathic to natural and not so natural supplements, numerous other modalities I resorted to Homeopathy. Trust me, I 've tried everything there is to try and can write a dissertation on many diseases from my extensive 12 years research.

I quickly realized that I need a practitioner, since my condition is chronic, with whom I have scheduled 15 min free consult via zoom, she is in the UK, and her monthly fees are reasonable.

Meantime I do what I can on my own. Dr.homeo site is very helpful and I bought at least 20 different remedies for my condition and trying them all, one by one, when I need INTERVENTION to survive another scary health related episode. I already know which remedies DO WORK for me, for homeopathy is all about finding what will work for you. As someone had said "homeopathy is like a spark for a car engine - if it starts its engine, the rest is up to your body, how to heal it." But to get CURED I need to work with a practitioner.

This is from the Dr.Homeo site:

Kidney Stones – Dissolve Them Fast with Natural Homeopathic Medicines


Find the cause of your kidney stones. Good luck and be well.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by XYZ (Chicago) on 02/15/2024

This is a well known recipe for gallbladder stones, liver diseases etc.

I used to do 3 days fast starting my day with olive oil and lemon juice and heat on my right side. I won't recommend it, it is not for everyone, but it does remove all kind of stuff from your guts, and digestive system.

There is a protocol how to do this fast, but like a said, it must be carefully, preparing your body in advance. Read about it on the gallbladder attack site (one word).

I didn't know it helps with kidney stones as well. Thank you

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