Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Parasite Treatment and Prevention

Posted by Gloria (Midland, On) on 09/27/2020

I would like to identify the type of parasite. It was a single worm inside the rectum biting me. I used raw garlic on my feet at night for another reason and I could feel the parasite getting into a frenzy. It went on a biting spree and finally died. Unable to locate any info on what I had.

Garlic can burn skin and should be diluted with oil.

Posted by Suzy (Eugene) on 03/17/2015

I have been taking powdered black walnut husk as a general parasite cleanse and was thinking about adding in wormwood and then fresh ground cloves. Has anyone used this combo and did you use whole herb wormwood or the tincture? No need to be graphic on what it killed off. Just details about dosage and general how-to 's and any contra-indicators.

You know that experience of not knowing you were not feeling well until suddenly you notice you feel great? I have that feeling from doing the black walnut husk. My thoughts are clearer and I am even more cheerful. ( I am pretty sharp and almost a perpetual Pollyanna anyway)

I have also been oil pulling and had a recent visit to the dentist, who remarked I must have using that fancy electric toothbrush they sold me 6 months ago as my teeth were a breeze to clean. ( I was not using the brush as often as directed-- I felt it was going to grind the enamel off my teeth).

Love Earthclinic and hope someone has some input on the Wormwood.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Joseph (Collegeville, Pa) on 06/19/2016

Hello, by chance read your post. Any brand. Organic is a must, cold pressed (also a must) coconut oil. Not sure where you live or what grocery stores are around you but, whole foods or wegmans will have coconut oil. Also whole fresh coconuts. You want the fiber in the coconut meat. Freeze the coconut, it will crack naturally around the "equator" and then you can strike with a small hammer or crack it against something. But eat as much as your body can tolerate of the oil and fresh meat. I PROMISE you your health issues will slowly fade.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lostineurope (Charlotte) on 05/02/2014

Hallelulah!!!! After 4+ Years of Living Hell... Success.

Symptoms: All of the Worse explained in article below.

Primary: Parasite Infection (WormsEggs in Colon, Lungs and Stomach)
Secondary: Infection of Blood, assorted YeastCandida, Gardia in Colon:
Third: Stomach Ulcer with remaining Candida Romaval - One feeds the other.


- Fenugreek Tea w Honey: 2 kettles per day. 5-7Cups.
- Add ColloidalSovereign SILVER Drops- ADDED PER CUP TEA.
- L-Glutamine Powder 4500mg (Cabbage Extract) - ADDED PER CUP TEA. Quickly soothes the Ulcer and drank the tea all day. Could feel lining of stomach had signifigantly improved in a week.
- 1/4tsp Baking Soda - - ADDED PER CUP TEA. Acid from throwing up was chemically burning my Mouth and Lips. Badly. Instant relief.

Tablets - Propolos 1000 (Bee Polen) - Appears to have a very quick affect of healing, not simply soothing. - A tree resin gathered by bees to keep beehive sterile. Feels like it is changing the terrain inside.

Hydration: CytoSport Fast Twitch
Because these infections majorly screw up your hydration. A runners Electrolyte Supplement seems to have kicked my body over to the health levels instead of trying to ease it there.

Ulcers cause Anemia (B12) and severe low Folic Acid levels, reestablish Minerals and Vitamins to normal healthy Physical Levels:

From the Earth Tablets or Natural Greens drink.
Ultimate Flora Probiotic - 15 Billion
Raw Probiotics - 85 Billion
2 Glasses LemonLime w Honey Drinks per day.

No Alcohol - YeastCandida - Hardest 'longterm' to cure which other infections use as a BASE for other Bacteria Production.
No Sugur (to ANY form of Parasite, WormBacteria, the Sugar is like steroids to them.
No Milk - Seriously, what looks like it wouldn't use Milk to aide its growing.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Jean Marie (Essexville, Michigan) on 04/10/2012

It seems often when I eat raw garlic or onion I get a stomachache. Then when I get a stomachache like that I will do a water enema and I always pass worms. It seems raw garlic and raw onion are great for killing parasites.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 05/04/2013

Absolutely! I chop it into small pieces, let the pieces sit for about 10 min's, then put the pieces on a spoon and wash them down with a few good chugs of water.

Posted by clov (ny) on 01/31/2023

Sound amazing in order to avoid the taste! How many times a week should we put it in navel? and for how long?

Thank you!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/06/2018

Fiona, cloves is but one of several natural parasite cures and is found in many combination products. Some alternate suggestions would be wormwood, black walnut (made from the green husks; tincture is best as the capsule form degrades fairly quickly), and diatomaceous earth (food grade, for human consumption). For human use, the DE needs to be started slowly at approx 1 tsp daily and working up to 1-2 Tbls/day. Your cat(s) would need a very tiny dose and mixed with water - avoid breathing in the dust from the DE as it can irritate the lungs.

Given the poor quality of most all pet foods, I always give my pets cooked veg trimmings, vitas and minerals, and do regular deworming. Because we live with them, we likely carry the same parasites and the same microbiome, as we do with anyone in the family. I use DE daily; go low and slow. You can likely find DE dosing for a cat with a net search or look at Dr. Hulda Clark's site for pet and family parasite cleanse. I tend to make my own combo products rather than pay for expensive product lines.

Best to you and your feline buddy!

General Feedback
Posted by Danielle (Memphis, Tn) on 12/30/2011

I am also a vegan and I must be honest..... Parasites can be gotten just as readily from fruits and veggies as they can from meats. The key is preparation! It is true that you can get a parasite from any meat but storing meats at the right temperature and cooking them thoroughly can kill the parasite. With fruits and veggies you must be sure to thoroughly wash them. Remember the life of the flesh is in the blood. Most of the animals slaughtered and sold are sickly creatures and all disease and sickness is carried in the blood. If we eat these creatures we are also consuming their disease, no matter how you cook it! Vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains are best for our bodies and provide all the protein, calcium and nutrients we need. Eat and be in good health!

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 11/02/2011

Hi Francisca, Pawpaw seeds also contain enzymes to digest food so it cannot be dangerous.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Meagem (Ridgway, Pa) on 03/25/2015

I'm doing the Diatomaceous Earth=DE and coconut oil. Heard of the other ways mentioned in here. Definitely not going to sit while a worm comes climbing out of my mouth or butt ....DE will kill them before you expel them or so I was told. Also have done the purging with 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup lemon juice ....gla maybe not here but did read where people have trouble finding DE its been around forever used it back 40 years ago on the farm animals and also in the garden ...But remember there are 2 kinds the animals food kinds (humans too) and the stuff for swimming pools which is dangerous. I bought this 40 lbs bag for around $12 at tractor supply ... probably can find it on the internet too but not expensive at all.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/09/2017

I have to smile as the memories of a lecturer in an invertebrate zoology course come back after 50+ years. He told us the biblical cure for tapeworms, very similar to this one, but a bowl of milk was used and a long stick to coil the worm.

Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease
Posted by Leila (Hilo, Hi) on 05/13/2011

Sorry, forgot to mention that I also take as high a dose of vitamin C orally as I can to keep away meningitis symptoms. Keeping cold also helps as well as absolutely avoiding sugar, bread, white flour, white rice, and chocolate or coffee. Basically anything inflammatory. I've found vitamin c encased in fatty acids that you absorb in your mouth as opposed to digestive tract is much easier for me. Regular citric acid and other powders give me diarhea no matter what the dosage. Ideally you need 6-10 grams at least a day. I hope to this helps fellow sufferers of this horrific parasite! <3

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 01/30/2011

Hi Magda,

I'm happy for you that you got rid of this nasty protozoa with olive leaf extract. Could you tell me for how long you took and how? Also what was the strengh of the extract?

Best regards,

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Umika (Santa Fe, Nm) on 08/11/2012

I expelled giardia cysts after ingesting Wormwood Combination remedy. It contains quassia, which specifically addresses giardia. I had had a giardia infection for many years. I supplemented with raw garlic and used a zapper as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Soneeta (Santa Cruz) on 10/13/2013

I have been giving my grand-daughhter 1/2 teaspoon Organic ACV with Mother in glass of apple juice 1-2 times a week since she was 4 yrs old to help her go potty, works wonders. Good to know it kills parasites too.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Dana (Philadelphia, Pa) on 08/21/2012

The only doctor left in the country performing colon wall swab/scape test using sigmoidscope and his own lab is Dr. Kevin Cahill in NY. MANY have finally found cures for their illnesses after years even decades of suffering. Standard medical stool testing will not pick up many parasites unless your stool is teaming with parasites. Parasites live on the colon wall beneath the mucus. This renowned doctor is nearing retirement. See him soon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Azbluebird (Phoenix, Arizona/usa) on 12/18/2012

To All, In reading about the post regarding petre dish of skin afflications, had them all hair, rash, bacterial infection with lesions, constant for 3 years. Something new has come to fruition. After constant doctors including several top dermotologist to no avail. This is what progressed:

Metal Test-Doctors Data: Very high metals including uranium. Chleate metals, including replacing silver amalgams and root canals bio-dentist.

I had 10 silver mercury fillings, 6 had underlying infection no outward signs, 3 root canals 2 infected with bone loss. OUCH

BioComp Labs Report: test all dental materials with your blood to make sure not allergic, metals, ceramic, titanium, porcelin veneers did you know some porcelin veneers have uranium in them.

Fry Labs- test your blood for Lyme, bacterial, fungal, protozoa (FL1953-Protimyxzoa rheumatica) new kid on the block.. All of these I mention can become a community in thick biofilms in you body reaking havoc. Fl1953 is mine. strong link to morgellons.

After results attack 1 at a time or as needed its not instant gratification, its gradual.

Everyones bodily terrain is different, this information is meant with no harm intent. It has been a godsend for me. Be Well Peace

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm) on 07/09/2010

Yeah for you Rayne from Shreveport! ! ! You are absolutely right about the ph of the body. If we want to be healthy we must get our bodies in an alkaline state. At least 7. 5. I find it much easier to do with a water ionizer. I could not control my ph until I got one and now it is so simple. I stay at 7. 5 all the time. The body is 70% water and if we drink all alkaline water it is easy to stay alkaline. All health depends on the ph of the body.

God Bless,

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Caroline (Blaricum, Noord Hollan, the Netherlands) on 02/24/2009

Hi Carla, You can find help in the book (as mentioned above) 'The cure for all diseases' by Dr. Hulda Clark. She has cures for all sorts of parasites, she also developed an electrical instrument called the'Zapper' whith which you can destroy parasites and worms with different frequencies you can order it on her site. Maybe there is some practitioner in your neighborhood who can help you? Try the parasite cure with the Black Walnut tincture, the Cloves and Wormwood capsules as described in her book. I do not think you are crazy!

Wish you the best!

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Mish (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/04/2010

I dont have time to write alot at the moment but search the topic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Tapeworms. Supposedly it shreads/scratches and dehydrates internal parasites and worms killing them. There are two types of earth and you are to make sure you only research or take Diatomaceous Earth that is Food Grade. You will get sick taking the other kind. Its a new topic for me but find it facinating. Ive ordered some food grade DE but have not yet used it myself.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Grant (San Diego, California) on 11/11/2008

This is a method for taking raw garlic ... the garlic spring roll bomb.

Crush 1 clove of garlic onto a small piece of a softened Thai spring roll sheet. Roll it up into a small garlic burrito - then down the hatch. It goes down real smooth without getting any garlic on the inside of your mouth.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Txex2000 (Sf, Ca) on 09/13/2010

What works for one person may not work for another... I have a very sensitive system and 1 clove of garlic sent my whole body into a major purge. It's definitely working! But to your point, there are many types of parasites and likely several methods are needed to remove them entirely. Thanks to everyone for your valuable input.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/11/2010

Hi again,
From the little research I did about Giardia is that is difficult to treat without a proper diet and the appropriate gun. You mention that a person with Giardia should avoid tea. I think that the green tea is very good against parasites. It has a lot of Tannin which will denature them, as Ted explained in another post. You can try Sweet annie and vidanga ( Ayurveda antiparasite) if the sarcosephalus leaves are not available for you. You can also take caprylic acid which is a very good antiparasite and will give you energy. So you don't crave a lot because caprylic acid can provide energy for you and the bug cannot use it ( It's amazing!! Is it?)

If the above doest work than try a combo of :

Ornidazol, Quinacrine, Paromomcyn for 2 weeks ( doctor think that 4 days is enough but that is far from the truth. You have to continue killing them until there are just few cysts that the immune system can handle them). Or Flagel, Furazolidone, Bacitracin Zinc ( I'm trying to avoid cross resistance as much as possible). If you start feeling better, don't let the temptation of starch overcome you and switch the treatment from defense into attack ( Taking immune booster such AHCC, Iodide, L-arginine and L-glutamine to build the tight junctions in the gut). Good luck.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 02/24/2008

I believe, that many people might not be aware that they are suffering from parasites. I had terrible gas for about 1 year and treated myself with all kinds of stuff. It took me long, it was very expensive. It finally took one worm to be actually seen for me to become aware. It seems people with the urge to constantly eat ( I had that and thought it psychological - but it seems the parasites are doing this to you) and with digestion problems should start the parasite program. There is nothing loose and everything to win.

I have copied the link of a book. I don't have time right now to copy the remedy. It is from Hulda Clark's book: "The cure of all diseases". People can look up this book on the net here:

And there they have to go to the chapter: "Herbal parasite killing program"

It consists of 3 medicines: Wormood, Black Walnut Hull tincture and cloves powder (made fresh from whole cloves in your coffee grinder, this is crucial as this is killing the eggs). Don't buy powder. It's never fresh enough. You need to put the powder in capsules.

You can put this on your site. I feel really comfortable now with it. I can say, it works, as since I am taking this, I am symptom free, as well as my husband. I can sleep again, our appetite is strongly reduced. We have our life back. With these parasites, you get so exhausted just trying to disinfect your whole house and have to wash everything constantly (ridiculous and impossible anyway!).

She also advises to keep a maintenance program in killing parasites as they are bound to reinfect you. (I can agree to that, all my drugs didn't work at all.)

So, as I said, I hope this helps and you might increase awareness about parasites this way. You could put this post under "pinworms" and "parasites".

The items can be bought online at the DrClarkstore. This is crucial as the black Walnut Hull tincture must be from fresh green hulls and the liquid therefore should be green. If it is from old hulls and black, then it doesn't have the strength to fight the parasites.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 07/29/2010

Hulda Clark did die of cancer, so I would put my energy into other more sound remedies.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca Usa) on 07/29/2010

Hello! I am going to put my 2 cents into this: whomever wants to get a zapper should go on youtube to check on Bob Beck protocol and listen carefully to his presentation. The first time, I met Bob Beck in the late 70 for a presentation of a very simple device that was the size of a walkman: it was a bio feedback who worked perfectly well for years until somebody stole it from me to my great regret. At the time Dr (yes he had that title but not in medicine and I didn't hear him using it) Bob Beck told us that after successful tests done in Berkeley or San Francisco with Dr Kamiya. They decided to GIVE the blue print to the public. And for those who were not mechanically savvy, he built a few on his kitchen table to sell for a ridiculously reasonable price. That's the one I bought, I think it was like 50 bucks. All the devices that he invented he tested on himself. Later, I met him for other presentations several other times when he was working on his other inventions including his zapper. Now I have to tell you, he was a big man, overweight at the beginning and for several years because of bad knees he used an electrical wheel chair to move around. Well, when he presented his "zapper", blood electrifier and protocol he had lost most of his excess weight and was walking! He still had problem with his cartilage in his knees but his hair was less gray and he was looking younger than 20 years earlier: he did use his invention on himself! True to himself he GAVE the blueprint for all to copy and use. In the U. S and in Germany there are manufacturers of his inventions. I plan to get the German one because of it small size and convenience of use but, it is really pricey, around 400 in dollars. Hoping that this long post didn't try your patience and gave you the incentive to check for yourself. Peace!

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 07/31/2010

I would also like to add that the cancer doctors you mentioned that died of cancer didn't make claims such as: "The Cure For All Advanced Cancers". Think about this for a moment... She profited greatly from these claims... Did she have the cure for all advanced cancers? If you make these claims and they are not true then are you deserving of the title "Quack"?

Is there any truth to what she says... Maybe.. Perhaps some parasites can cause cancer.. Perhaps some voltage applied to the body can kill viruses.... A cure for all? Definitely not... She profited from false hopes & that is objectionable!

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Rnzme (Raleigh) on 05/20/2016

I have the Hulda Clark Zapper. I also followed the HC parasite protocol, but it was too strong for me and I had to decrease the amount of pills I was taking. Here's what I know about the zapper. I had radiation for cancer eight years ago. My stomach was so bloated after that, and my doctor said I had yeast. She gave me Diflucan one tab every week for seven years. It helped a little but I kept getting more and more bloated. I found that Not only did I have yeast but I had all kinds of parasites . When I went in search of a cure I found Hulda Clark among others. If you zap daily as in her book your bloating will go away after three or four days. That was all the proof I needed. If I feel better that's good enough for me. I am on a 4 drop per hour MMS protocol for COPD. The MMS doesn't kill the parasites. Only a few types. The HC routine with Walnut Hull, Wormwood and Clove works and is the ingredients in most other brand parasite cleanses. I guess you have all forgotten that we use electric shock therapy on psychiatric patients that are depressed in this country. Google it and you will see yet. Using the zapper is no more than sticking your tongue to a 9 V battery as we all did as children. It is safe. Blessings to all in our joint crusade for health!!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anonymous (Waukesha, Wi) on 08/31/2011

You can mix it with toothpaste/mouthwash...just a drop! Just tastes like the spice oregano but, a little bit stronger!

Thyme Tincture
Posted by mari.ana (Sydney ) on 02/23/2023

Thyme tincture. Adults who have internal parasites can carry out a treatment to combat them based on the antiparasitic properties of thyme.

Because it has a compound called thymol, which inhibits the growth of mites, ringworm, and other parasites, according to experts - For this reason, it fights bacteria, amoebas, fungi, etc.

You can make a remedy that works for all these conditions and can store for several months. These are the instructions:


  • Fresh or dried thyme
  • Vodka
  1. In a small jar, place 4 tablespoons of thyme and pour vodka up to the rim.
  2. Cover tightly and let it stand for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place.
  3. Shake it every day.
  4. After 3 weeks filter and put it in an amber dropper bottle.

Put one full dropper in a glass with some water and drink it twice daily for 3 weeks.

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 06/02/2023

Hi Shelly

To kill parasites, I use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, it has a great review for getting the job done. Best way to use it is 1/2 tea spoon in glass of warm water near bedtime for 3 month and that will kill all parasites and their eggs. Children can do this also. But 1/4 tea spoon for them. Even pets same as adults. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth even takes heavay metals out. I would not take Hydrogen Peroxide with any detox. It is very strong - no one under 20 years old. I feel you should not do Proxcide detox.You could take Bentonite Clay after 90 days of the Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. I take 1/2 teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in a glass of warm water once a week, every Tuesday morning for me, even children could.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jenn (Bel Air, MD) on 02/20/2022

I found this website with a lot of info about parasites. With links & treatment protocols. There are suggested meds & natural cures posted.

I have been through tremendous research and trying different meds as well as just about everything that each one has shared on & on here. I'm still having a lot of challenges! I'm not sure if all of the different parasites I have been exposed to, not by anything I've done. But by things that were done to me over the past several months.

This is the site:

This is the article I found:

MEBENDAZOLE (VERMOX) PROTOCOL: Intestinal Pinworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, & Ascaris
Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites

ICU Views: 73,060
Published: 12 years ago

This is a reply to # 1,564,695
MEBENDAZOLE (VERMOX) PROTOCOL: Intestinal Pinworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, & Ascaris
Hey Parasite Warriors ~~ (Updated 10-22-10)

This is an older post - but still informative.
The list of info is quite long with all the different parasites listed & links to obtain more info on them.
I believe that you do have to join the site, but there isn't a charge.

As for me, I've tried just about everything with some results, but also with a lot of disappointments because others were having success (which I am very happy for them that they are either freed from their parasites or on their way to getting free! Good for you guys! I wish you all the best! )

One day I'll post some of the things I have tried & hopefully by then I'll be able to post that I'm on my total recovery free all of this! I am really looking forward to finding out what will work for my situation. Until then I'll just have to keep trying different things.

I thank each and everyone of you for your great posts & for sharing all that you learned & what has worked for you to complete journey to your recovery from the evils of parasites!!! Blessings!

Parasite Symptoms
Posted by Patricia (Vero Beach, FL) on 12/30/2022

Yes to all symptoms. Have known it was a parasite infection 4 years now. Hyper infection now affecting whole body. Help has not come after many different type doctor visits. I strongly suspect it has been in my body decades because of past health problems and stronger location concentration of them in my body. Suffering is great. Have found that Borax brings them out of skin, but they are endless.

Posted by Idot13 (Co. Dublin) on 10/07/2020

Ì found back years ago, that benyl and benyxoate worked with full recovery in a week. I don't know if it to be got now, but look it up. Don't know if spelling is correct

Papaya Seeds + Oregano Oil
Posted by Melba Streiff, N.D. (USA) on 01/04/2022

Parasites are in the body feeding off the toxic chemicals already in it. If you kill them off too quickly before doing a cleanse first, you will get very sick and nauseated from the toxins they are not digesting, as well as the toxicity from the parasites' excrement as well.

Posted by Sacha (Panama) on 04/29/2018

Hello... I started feeling parasites climbing up my feet and took me some time after trying many other alternative to find the power of GARLIC oh delicious garlic the one thing that has stopped then for longer time from climbing up on me. What I do is chew the garlic very small and put it on the entire floor of my feet including my toes and inside my toe nails. I am in the process to use it in my scalp to eliminate them from my scalp. I swallow garlic as well 3 times a day is important to know that garlic burns fat.. so in my case it goes against me because I am thin... I am planning on keeping this process goin on for a month or 2 after I get them out of my system.

Black Walnut
Posted by noed (perth W.A ) on 04/28/2024

Hello to everyone and kasra.

I once did a cleanse with advice from a Herbalist.

it was explained to me: Green Black Wormwood (kills the adult worms and Psites) sorry cant remember the second herb ....kills the teenager worm and Psites.

To kill babies and eggs (it has to be CLOVES powder)

Cant remember the dosages but remember I took many many capsules of herbs.

hope this helps someone!

Posted by Marcin (Toronto) on 11/26/2015

I have been battling parasites for a few years, experimenting with various foods and their effects on my body. I have tried dozens of foods that are considered antiparasitic, and it is only now that I realize that for me, raw sauerkraut is the strongest of them. What I consider a good indicator of the effectiveness of the antiparasitic food is the passing of a foul smelling gas (rotten egg smell) and various pains and movements in the intestines. Sauekraut produces both of those. Digesting sauerkraut can be a very painful and foul smelling experience but it clearly shows that it is battling the parasites. You can get raw sauerkraut at a Polish or German supermarket.

I am still struggling with the problem of parasites so do not consider it a cure. However, I read on a Polish website an interesting story about curing the tapeworm infestation with sauerkraut. One man was hospitalized because of his tapeworm infection. He refused to take the drugs and for 16 consecutive days he fasted on the sauerkraut juice and he healed completely. 16 day fast might be an extreme idea but drinking the sauerkraut juice is promising. I would recommend that the juice is drunk through a straw as it can damage the teeth enamel and cause a toothache when chewing, especially of the back tooth.

Posted by Mariam (Brooklyn, New York) on 03/22/2015

Used wormwood tea for mite infestation. Did not cure, but alleviated symptoms so that I could walk outside for a few hours without feeling crazy! Found fresh garlic worked for the healing.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/20/2015

Dear Suzy,

Regarding wormwood...I have only used it as an anti-parasitic for my goats. But the place where I used to get the wormwood combination for my goats used it on people in her family, too.

Here is a link for that:

Link to Molly's Herbals

Herbalist Humbart Santillo, in his book, "Natural Healing with Herbs" has the following recommendations for using wormwood tops and leaves.

Infusion: Steep 5-15 minutes. 3 oz, as needed, up to 2 cups daily.

Tincture: 10-30 drops three to four times daily.

Powder - 2-4 #0 capsules three to four times daily.

These dosages are for an adult.

Wormwood should not be used during pregnancy and can be toxic in high amounts.

If you try it, let us know if you find it helpful. I am glad the Black Walnut is working for you.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 03/21/2015

Read this article it may be the answer for you: Good luck, Sara

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/12/2015

Evelyn, read up on parasites right here on EC, esp. the Borax remedies (drinking and bath) and alkalinizing.

One more mild thing you might start with right away, is pumpkin seeds (hmm they might be more for worms, I don't know) chewed VERY well, or ground in a coffee grinder.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 03/13/2015

Look up papaya seeds, they are brilliant at removing intestinal parasites of all kinds

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Vivere (Calif) on 05/16/2015


It sounds like what you are dealing with are sprintails...clinical name is Collembolla. They affect certain people and leave others alone. They can also effect your pets. They spring hard into your eyes, nose , even evenyually your skin. You will feel a pin prick sensation when they enter your skn. If enough enter you start getting open lesions that dont heal. This is a sign of Morgellons.

Mimosa Pudica
Posted by Shar (USA) on 10/07/2022

Cellcore or Microbe Formulas has it. I hope it is ok to mention their names. If not, please know deleting because of name branding won't bother me. Just trying to help. Hate to see an unanswered question.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/15/2014 2063 posts

Mary: My apologies for not responding to your earlier post as I have found it takes me at least one day of musing to make an appropriate response.

My case is certainly an exception to the majority of infestation cases, due to a severe and chronic environmental illness. These type conditions are perfect environment for systemic and hyperinfestations including eggs & cyst.

If you have taken herbal cleanses w/ little or no progress you will also need to do some whole body detox. Zapping will also be necessary. Garlic and Oregano concentrates will help w/ the traditional herbal de-wormers. Turpentine will prove effective mostly in the gut (in my experience). Turpentine whole body hot bath may be best for systemic infestations.

As for tapeworm in particular, I got lucky using vegie oil infused w/ grapefruitseed concentrate administerd rectally by fleet enema. I used this remedy once or twice daily for several months until one day, immediately fallowing administration my lower back tightened and pulled (which was usually normal for a minuet or two) for several minutes until I felt & heard a "pop". Less than 10 minutes later I passed 2-3 ft beef tapeworm. This was in 2011, and whether or not I removed the entire worm I don't know, as they can burry their heads/suckers deep into the intestinal wall. Fast forward to 2014 and I still have a swollen jaw from the tapeworm cyst. I can tactilely identify 2 cyst in each jaw. I have made this case to two dr's and was ignored and neglected. My best conclusion is the beef tapeworm or Cysticercus bovis also called beef measles. Beef Tapeworm (Taenia saginata). I am somewhat certain that this exposure was from eating a fast-food burger of which I can distinctly recall as undercooked. The beef carcass are supposed to be frozen for a number of days so as to kill these parasites, but these standards are subjected to local unrule.

The standard and only proven med for these cyst is Albendazole (which you can purchase for your pet). I have also been zapping directly over the affected area and it seems I am finally beginning to see a shrinkage from the swell. These cyst are rarely painful but sometimes and only briefly cause some discomfort. The big detriment of these cyst is they produce toxic Malonic Acid and pathogens which lead to nutritional deficiencies, cellular degradation, and chronic fatigue.

If you are inconclusive as to whether or not you have tapeworm cyst, try taking recommended amounts of Succinic Acid (as it neutralizes the Malonic Acid) in which you should notice improved energy or lessened fatigue. Methy donors like B-12, Folic Acid, DMG or TMG are also recommended. Also, as mostly a current hypothesis, the use of Nattozymes or Serrazimes may help remove the protective barriers of any stage parasite or pathogen. I have recently doubled my dose and am experiencing very good results.

Please post back with updates or particulars as to your condition.

Coconut, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carrie (Canada) on 11/20/2013

In response to:

06/12/2013: Hb from Lowermainland, Bc, Canada replies: "To those who've done natural parasite clenses, specifically with Apple Cider Vinegar, are the parasites alive when you evacuate them? Is there anyone thing that one can take that will definately kill them? Is there anything that by some methid disguises or breaks them apart so you don't see the evidence of them?...

Look up coconut oil and parasites. Also dried coconut followed by epsom salts and water is said to work wonders. I eat a handful of unsweetened dried coconut. Haven't done the salts yet.These methods are working for me. I also use 2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar at least once durnig the day and I also drink a coconut water everyday. I have been expelling tapeworm segments for days. It's completely disgusting but it has to be done. I may have had another type also. I am not sure what it was. It's so hard to face this but it's reality unfortunately.

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Angela (OR) on 08/16/2021

Hello. GREEN black walnut hulls?

I am dealing with worms/parasites for the first time in my life and it's quite honestly horrifying. I have organic black walnut hulls, crushed.. but green? Is that even available on the market? Surely the normal black will work as well? Thank you for sharing your story! I am so glad you are doing well. Are you still doing well these days? I know you wrote this in 2013.. How are you doing today in 2021? Brightest blessings to you in these difficult times..

Posted by Inannalives (Middletown, Delaware) on 08/07/2013

Diatomaceous Earth is really effective for parasite cleansing. Be sure to use food grade DE.

Posted by Oregano (On, Canada) on 08/13/2013

DE works only against Helminths. Protist which are mainly protozoa needs something else. The second thing is that DE works only against Gastrointestinal worms. Best regards

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dena (Florida) on 10/13/2020

I read your post here & wondered if coconut oil is good for children with parasites? Also watch Forks Over Knives and look up His early work with people in Hawaii helped his understanding of a whole food plant based diet and the American diet! His book, The Starch Solution could be very helpful! Thanks for your post!

General Feedback
Posted by Phil (Utah) on 08/20/2013

You might find some skin relief from the little "fibers" on your skin just by rolling a pet-hair lint roller all over your face, neck, and body. Just keep rolling your body over and over with new roller sheets until the roller doesn't pick anything else up. Keep it by your bed and roll your pillow and sheets off before you climb into bed. You might sleep better!

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2013 2063 posts

Give a couple doses of otc Pyrantel Pamoate a try. This will kill all adults. Ascaris eggs sometime reenter the body and live in the lungs; in this case you will need Albendazole. Other worm types are very likely; in this case try otc Fenbendazole as it is a broad-spectrum otc wormer (I am having good results with). Be sure to eat a fatty meal w/Albendazole or Fenbendazole.

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/24/2013

I wouldn't be too worried about wormwood, in the older recipes for absinthe, it was the achohol that did the real damage. (re vincent van gough) Although thujone, the active ingedient, can be overdone. A chemist that drank about an ounce of it fell to the floor unconcious but when recovered had no long term effects. If you feel peculiar on the amount that you are taking cut it back a bit, but in the old herbal, it says all of the plant is beneficial for clearing out worm infestation the yellow flowers and tops even better .. about an ounce is steeped in boiling water overnight and four tablespoons if taken spaced througout the day should clear them out.

The ancient romans and and even up to modern times, it was used to consume vast amounts of food without feeling sick, its also increases the flow of juices in the body and is a good nerve tonic. You'd need to ingest a lot of the natural plant to overdo it, but you say you are using the capsules, if they are pure thujone, it might be wise to check the dose and strength. But seeing your still concious!! It might just be the worms dying off that's causing the main problem. Drink plenty of water if that's the case.

Roundworm Infection
Posted by Om (Hope, Canada, B.c.) on 01/24/2013

Working with a number of animals, I have now found the only cure for roundworm. Colloidal silver, as it works for me. It pays to make one's own using distilled water. Then try dosage as it fits your purpose. I needed a cup full and sometimes noticed panic in the gi tract. Use as long as necessary. Colloidal silver protects all organs and once the treatment is over, use turmeric in powdered whey to repair the damage. (one good teasp. each).

Colloidal silver gets into the blood stream and so into the lungs and other organs. At other times reduce the dosage to much less. It can take up to two months for some people. My animals drink it too. Read up on CS. Good luck. OS

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Jax, Fl) on 08/16/2012

Have you tried Diatomaceous earth? I would think it would get them to pass. I'm sure you have tried a lot of things. Thought I would check.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/17/2012 2063 posts

Oscar, thanx for the reply. I suppose that using Liver Support herbs and nutrients keeps my Liver in the "normal" range as far as blood test go, so I never get recommended for further test. I cannot drink 4oz of beer without getting very ill, but that is no fact for conventional medicine or concern by my Dr. I cannot properly detoxify most pharmaceutical medications, but that is not an issue either.

Whatever remaining healthy liver I have is under constant stress from heavy metals, fungus, and parasites. The last time my health (or liver) improved to any degree (about 2 mo ago), the ammonia odor was very common, particularly after meals (this is nothing to do w/ colloidal silver). During the ammonia I will take either Arginine, Ornithine, or Aspartic Acid w/ good results.

To my knowledge, I have no negative side effects to report from using Colloidal Silver orally or topically. Nubulizing is obviously causing the death of some type pathogen in the lungs (I assume is tape worm cyst or lung flukes). A few treatments once a month seems to keep my lungs clear.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Darryl (New Orleans) on 05/03/2013

Can I break it into pieces ands swallow like a tablet?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Stacy (Mulberry, Fl) on 06/19/2012

Hi Mike I am from plant city and also use DE for parasites in my pets but I recently had a litter of puppies and was giving them a tsp daily for a month and then gave them a 3 day dose of panacea from vet because they still had hookworms and roundworms and 2 weeks after that 2 puppies died from hookworm infestation so I am not sure how that happened but just have fecal tests done to ensure they don't have worms.

Also they had coccidia which did not show up the first time and 2 weeks later it was really bad so I would not solely depend on DE anymore with puppies for sure.

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 11/02/2011

Jok, I am very surprised to hear that you eat papaya seeds as they seem to be very toxic. I always remove them very carefully before making a juice although I don't remove the seeds of any other fruit! I am confused now....

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 11/02/2011

Hi Francisca, My friend whilst living in Nth Queensland was told about this remedy and knows folk who do it for a few days every year as a preventative. They apparently also aid digestion so she used them instead of digestive enzymes. They can be dried and mixed in with whole peppercorns and ground over food.

Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease
Posted by Dan (Seattle, Wa) on 08/15/2015

My wife has been suffering from Rat Lungworm for the past 3.5 years after contracting it in Thailand on a trip. I was pretty startled to see anyone use the terms cured and rat lungworm at the same time!

I'd love to know more about what you're symptoms were, and how you are doing a few years later. Were you taking anything besides Vitamin C? What brand?

Posted by Te (Er) on 11/20/2016

Parasites are extremely hard to get rid of. Start with Dr Hulda Clark 3 herbs combo for 22 days then continue the clove 3 times a day. Half a table stood of Diatomaceous earth in any beverage of your choice once a day for 120 days. Then you have to sanitize your home, car, office. Pay close attention to surfaces you touch with your hands. Dishes must be sterilized regularly in super got water. Parasites are smart and know when to eat and not to when you are trying to get them. That is why the Diatomaceous earth is so important because it kills them from the outside and the herbs works if they ingest them. You are going to have to make sure you didn't have them in your nasal cavity as none of the above mentioned things are going to work. a theoretical regimen for that is coconut oil mixed with neem oil with a q-tip twice daily - and it has to run down the back of your nasal cavity to your thought

Posted by Jeane (Quezon City, Philippines) on 03/18/2012

Has anyone tried washing fruits and veggies and then soaking them in water with dissolved flour? I've heard this method gets rid of the pesticides that are sprayed on the produce. Used tea leaves soaked in water may do the trick, too.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Anonynous (Milwaukee, Wi, Usa) on 08/31/2011

A Parasitologist or any Internist... either could do these tests, BUT there is no test that is very accurate... It's usually only 25% accurate!

Parasite Testing
Posted by Claudette (Exeter, Missouri, Usa) on 10/12/2011

There are about 4 parasite testing labs that I know of that will definitely be definative. Here is one I have used recently, located in Arizona:

Parasitology Center Inc. 1-480-767-2522

It is a good place to get started. God bless.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Sechmeth (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 11/14/2011

I used metametrix. They test for DNA in stool, so dead worms are okay as well. They test for bacteria and fungus too, but they are expensive. But they found an answer to my problem!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Val (Texas, Us) on 08/13/2013

Reading all of the replies about parasites had startled me greatly! I remember my mother telling us that when my older sister (who is in her late 40s) was a small child she pooped out worms. My mother took her to the doctor and they told her that there was no such thing. I can only imagine how she must have felt as a young mother concerned for her child. So when I read above where the commentor was told by a doctor to go see a shrink, I was reminded of this. Just wanted to share that. Sometimes we have to take control of our own health. I hope you find relief!

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Loam12 (Memphis, Tennessee) on 10/02/2011

Am so glad I found this site. I am from East Africa, I have lived in the United States for most of my life. And about 6 years ago I felt like I had pinworms and took medication for pin worms. After taking it I felt big worms crawling up my neck. It did not come out I still feel it move around. I also felt worms crawl up my back and neck in to my head. I know this sounds crazy but this is what I felt. I have gone to different docters and they think am crazy. The medication they gave me Albendezol just made the problem worse by making the worms move more to different parts of my body. I feel alone because I can't find one doctor that can help. I want to take the albendezol again but I have heard of cases where the worm can crawl out of ears and even eyes and I don't know if I want to take that risk please help.

If anyone knows any good doctors. After 6 years of this I have become a very depressed person. I also forgot to write that I feel my muscles twiching and I feel tired all the time, my eyesight has gotten so bad, I have bad allergies to so many things.

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Donna (Hatfield , Pa) on 10/24/2011

Hi to the ladies with the worms in their hair. I am seeing the same thing. My hair is actually moving. My family thinks I am nuts. I see worms in my stool also. I recently had c diff, just diagnosed with anemia, and white blood cells were found in my stool culture, which was tested for ova & parasites. I saw the worms put them in the container, looked like round earth red earthworms!! Stool test came back negative for parasites! I dont understand!! I am ready to commit myself!! I also have hep c with a VERY high viral count consistantly around 40 million. I now know I have had these parasites for years. I am now infested! I was accepting the fact but now with the worms invading my hair, I am totally freaked out again. I was always a happy motivated person

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/29/2009 84 posts

I would assume that since parasites can live quite happily in alkaline soil that the answer to your question is most likely a resounding yes.

Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/25/2011



Posted by Kristi (Nanaimo, Bc) on 06/27/2011

Flagyl's other name is Metrondiazole. The chemical compound is not the same as flouride. Many drugs have multiple names, however you can't read into all of their names and assume that just because the beginning of the name is similar to an element that that is what it contain.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Donna ( Jamaica) on 04/23/2015

Does it KILL them or do they come out alive?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Carla (San Francisco, California) on 01/08/2009

Neurocysticerosis/taenia solium

Hello am writing because many of the remedies found here have helped me, and i have found encouragement for my depression, i would like to write about how much your site has helped me, but right now my energy is limited.

I don't know when it started but it's affected me in many ways. At first i felt a strange sensation in my neck, but i ignored it, and then i felt a strange sensation in my back it felt like a worm was crawling under my skin it felt disgusting, but i thought i was loosing my mind, and ignored it, but now i can't anymore.

I have constant headaches, and i feel something that feels like a worm, not one but around 5 some smaller than others (I know it sounds crazy)I did some investigation around the net and found this, so i thought--huh i may not be so crazy--anyways its been weeks and the pain has gotten ten times stronger, i don't know what to do anymore, is there a cure for this!!!

EC: The following website suggests sesame oil for Neurocysticerosis:

"Directions For Use: Take 2 tsp of Sesame Seed oil once daily in the morning on an empty stomach.The symptoms of Neurocysticercosis are resolved in a week."

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 09/13/2012

Does diatomaceous earth also work for worms that are in your skin? I can see how ingesting it would get the ones in your stomach but how about if they're crawling around under your skin/tissues?

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Grace (Pennsylvania) on 01/05/2016

Drink lots of water after taking Diatomaceous Earth. Also take some coconut oil with it. It help evacuate your bowels easily.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Jonny (Milwaukee, WI) on 01/14/2009

I'm sorry but ONE clove of garlic isn't going to do anything whatsoever. I've eaten garlic plenty of times in the past and I still have my tapeworm.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/10/2010

Hi Vasilia,
Regarding your Giardiasis, there is an herb that has some activity against it it's called sarcosephalus but I don't know where you can get it. You are supposed to drink the tea from the leaves of this herb. It's also called African peach or guinea peach. Good luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/11/2010

Hi Vasilia,
If you cannot get sarcosephalus leaves, try to find a vet who can give you the vaccine GiardiaVax. The reason why the vaccine against Girdia is available for animals and not for human is because the pharmaceutical industry is not interested in ending the problem once for all. A vaccine against Girdia for human means for them less sales of Flagyl, Nitazoxanide, and other medicines as well. Good luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Vasilisa (New York, Ny) on 11/15/2010

Hi! Did you suffer from Giardiasis? I curse that day when we moved to FL. As russian doctors explained to me I have to avoid tea. I drink tea - a mixture of herbs to stimulate my gallbladder. I even tried a russian remedy for giardiasis "Birch Tar". One russian homeopath doctor recommended to mix 10 drops of tar with milk and drink it twice a day for 10 days, then rest for 10 days and repeat this procedure 3 times. Parasites like milk and when they eat milk they eat TAR also. I've tried it only once. It was so nasty that I stopped. I need to start it again.

Since I've got Giardiasis in the USA, I think I have to try american remedies because russian ones don't work. I've taken Ornidazole also - no effect. All chemical pills help me for 10 days. When I stop taking them, I get the same symptoms in 10 days. 10 days is their cycle. I've read many forums in my language and doctors say it is not possible to get rid of Giardiasis. I'll die eventually. I have vitamin B and Iron deficiencies. It's terrible. I hardly have energy to go to a grocery shop to buy food. I can't work... Only spirulina saves my life a little bit. I am so angry at american doctors. They could have helped me in the beginning. Only after 1.5 years one american doctor agreed with me and prescribed Flagyl. I doubt that it will help me because I've already taken Metronidazole. A russian doctor told me that Giradiasis demages a human being's body about 90% opening doors to other diseases, viruses etc.

It is just beginning of hell.... After reading some posts on this site I take Organic Coconut oil 3 times a day and I take MSM also. It's been 2 weeks and I don't see any improvements. I am going to buy Golden-seal and Black Walnut hull. If somebody had experience with Giradiasis, please share it with me. I'll appreciate it very much. P. S. Personal THANK YOU to Tommy from North York, On, Canada. I don't give up!

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/15/2010

Hi Vasilisa,
It's my pleasure if I can help you. That what earth clinic is here for. I mentioned to you that one week or 10 days treatment won't work. You are dealing with a protozoa that has cyst resistant to the anti parasite. You have to continue the treatment for at least 4 weeks. Milk is not good. It feeds the parasite but I never know about tar with milk. You have also to take more than one anti parasite. When you take one at once, you give it a chance to become resistant and we don't want to get to that situation. I think that you might have more than one parasite. If you can afford a comprehensive DNA stool test from Methamerix that will be the best for you. Blastocystis hominis is the worst parasite and it modulates the immune system to the point that we start having no B cells producing the IgA.

In the mean time, try Vidanga ( Ayurvedic herb) and Bai Tou Weng Tang ( Pulsatilla Decoction)from a Chinese herbalist. Also try sweet annie tea with that. For your energy you need to take Caprylic acid. This acid taken by the athletic because it delivers more energy than glucose and it kills the parasites and fungus also. Avoid grains. In your other post you mentioned that grains can be taking but that is not good. Grains are rich in Starch which is a polymer of glucose and more glucose means more colonies of the protozoa. You can also take colloidal silver. For the best results, you have to take these herbs together( Vidanga, Sweet annie, Bai Tou Weng Tang). Don't take capsules. You have to make a tea or a decoction of these herbs. If nothing works than use the treatment I described before for AT LEAST 4 WEEKS. Could you tell me the treatments you took before? and for how long? Did you take Bactrim?

PS: Don't take hydrogen peroxide because Giardia has catalase and it resists it more than human cells.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Laura (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/08/2013

Hi Vasilisa, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share with you with a recipe I read in russian health magazine The Healthy Way of Life (available in NY), #10 from Oct 2012. On p. 85 one woman shares her success curing Giardia with horseradish. She grated 1 tsp. of horseradish, mixed it with either sour cream or vegetable oil and took it in a morning and at bedtime (1 tsp each time) for 5 days. The only contraindication she mentioned was kidney problems. Hope this helps. God Bless!

Raw Garlic
Posted by Rob (Somewhere in Europe) on 10/14/2021 84 posts

Re: the idea of this garlic spring roll bomb

This idea sounds great.

However, speaking from my own experience, chewing the food is not optional. You need to thoroughly masticate your food before you can digest it. If you don't masticate your garlic, your body won't be able to digest it. Speaking from my own experience, if there is undigested garlic, then the body will generate a garlic-smelling gas that is a lot more offensive than garlic breath.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Feeling Better (Phoenix) on 03/23/2016

Feeling much better after using diatomaceous earth only 3 days drinking 1tblsp w/water once at night. Haven't seen dead worms in my stools but have seen pet's dead critters in their feces. Why do some people say worms just move to other organs?? Doesn't DE kill parasites on contact? I bought my food grade DE at feed store locally. De food codex grade comes from PermaGuard mfg. At a small cost in 50 lb bags use it for myself, pets(topically as flea dust and mixed in food) great around house to prevent ants too. It is a white shell flour made from fossilized fresh water plant. Great natural product. Really want to know and am now worried do human and/or pet parasites just move to other organs in body?? Anyone really know?? Please post.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 07/31/2010

Point taken... Though I will refer you to wiki, so you can evaluate for yourself:

Time is of essence when one is battling cancer, & for one to sell/profit from unsound claims is beyond objectionable. Having lost a loved one recently to cancer where certain natural therapies had no effect at all, I am of the opinion that one needs not close themselves off to possibilities but research them with much more vigor... & in doing so if the evidence is still shaky and unsound then one should put this energy elsewhere. BOTH the medical establishment & natural medicine field are filled with self profiteers. Still if you feel her evidence is sound please point me to some REAL studies of REAL people who were properly diagnosed and cured from her Zapper. I am always open to proper reason.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 08/01/2010

Fair enough Rob, I can see where you are coming from. I was never trying to be mean about it, but the quack watch people say that chiropractors are quacks also and I know for a fact, that I have seen people crippled with pain get up and walk out straight. My dad was one of them, this after he went to a medical doctor that just gave him pain pills and antibiotics, because he thought it was his kidneys. This is why we have super bugs floating around now, medical doctors over prescribing antibiotics.

Dr. Hulda Clark's Formula for Pinworms
Posted by Clare (Los Angeles) on 08/12/2013

I made a zapper from Hulda Clark's directions in her book. I don't know if it ever worked, but eventually I bought one from Clark, and I could actually FEEL the current. I have "chronic fatigue syndrome" (who knows what's really wrong with me! ) and it has helped enormously. Every time I feel myself getting a cold (they last for months for me), I Zap. I am much better now. I haven't had a respiratory infection for over a year! That zapper died (I used it for probably 5 years or so) and got a new different one that someone on this site mentioned. It was only $100, but I can not feel the current, so I often wonder if it works or not. Anyway.... I swear by zappers. Only trouble is some of them only work on organs, some on the bloodstream.. Do your research. They also have zappers that can take preprogrammed flashdrive like things for specific ailments. I gize zappers a thumbs up! Just google zappers.

Mimosa Pudica
Posted by Teresa (NC) on 08/10/2023

Zeolite Pure taken alone for kidneys. Then, once kidneys are healed take it as your binder 1tsp. 3x day with your detox. If detox symptoms become unbearable, you can take extra doses up to 6 a day.

Posted by Janet (FL) on 08/18/2022


Can your post about borax and parasites be confirmed? I have tried getting it but no one has it. How many times did they have to use it to get results? Will it help scabies? I have been trying to rid myself of them for over 5 months. I've tried so many different things. I feel so hopeless. If anyone knows how to get rid of scabies please get back to me. Thanks

Posted by Gigi (Florida) on 12/13/2022

I always buy borax at Walmart. It's in the laundry soap isle.

Posted by Greg (WA) on 11/30/2022

You may wish to look into the teachings of Dr. Edward Group and Brother Sage regarding Urotherapy. On Bing or YouTube.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 02/20/2022

Hi Jenn,

I used Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth ..

It really worked for me, thank you for the great list of sites to check. I look forward to reading them.

Here is a great site you might want to check-outL:

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Betty (CA) on 02/20/2022

For Mebendazole I take 1433mg per day split up in 3 doses. Two 336mg caps am, 336mg cap afternoon, 336mg cap pm. I take it with grapefruit juice. So, this is not a minimum SOC "band-aid" dose.

For some things to work you need warm (room temp) grapefruit juice as it slows down digestion process in the gut to let more of the supplement absorb before it goes into purge.

Parasite Symptoms
Posted by Wendy (New Zealand ) on 05/16/2022

Hi Darlene, what do you suggest for this condition?

Myself and a couple of family members have schistosomiasis (undiagnosed) as I lived in Peruvian jungle for a couple of years and was exposed to several.

The symptoms are very similar to mite infestation, candida, morgellons, many different parasite infections. it's so varied that it's difficult to target.

You mention other posts you've made.. can you please be specific?

Posted by Jenn (Bel Air, MD) on 02/20/2022

NIH documentation of this parasite - called Intestinal Parasitosis. You can get some info in the following link to the National Institution of Health shown below. If you look up parasitosis you will get a lot of info on different sites.


Posted by Earth Clinic on 12/23/2023

Still curious about which parasite he was referring to, we asked ChatGPT.

In Peru, especially in the Amazon rainforest region, the parasite described in the post is more likely to be related to a type of fly larva infestation, such as that caused by the botfly (Dermatobia hominis). The botfly is notorious in tropical regions of the Americas, including the Amazon.

The botfly lifecycle involves laying eggs on a host, where the larvae then burrow into the skin. This can cause symptoms such as a sensation of movement under the skin, irritation, and sometimes visible, raised lesions. The larvae remain under the skin for several weeks before they mature and exit to complete their lifecycle.

This type of infestation is known as myiasis, specifically cutaneous myiasis when it involves the skin. The description of the symptoms – larvae that crawl and jump on the skin, especially during certain times of the day – aligns more closely with botfly larvae behavior than with other parasites like hookworms, which cause cutaneous larva migrans but do not create the sensation of jumping or crawling on the skin.

Essential Oils
Posted by Mandandi (Gaborone) on 10/26/2019

Essential Oils for Killing Parasites: I think these can be way more potent and quick for some systemic parasite infections: Oregano, blackseed cumin, thyme, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass, pine (turpentine), cinnamon. Take 1/4 cup of blackseed oil and add 10-30 drops of each of the other oils. Take that orally once or twice a day until your tongue is pink. Take 1 teaspoon of charcoal in warm or cool water each night before going to bed, but don't take anything else since charcoal prevents the absorption of anything else in its presence. The charcoal kills some parasites but also absorbs toxins released by dying parasites.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by rmd (Az) on 06/18/2019

Been trying a powdered combo from linda sunshine herbs in show low, az.

First I tried using gel tabs throughout the day it took a long time for results but I did see worms and egg sacs, plus alot of other unknowns. so I added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and after a few hours I would see worms and more things even flukes, I have dumpster dived, sushi, luved water crestnuts, etc so I have been troubled for a long time. Oo seeing this result I been experimenting, snorting the parasite powder, and also ACV. I been just using powdered combos w ACV in the morning just a wicked elixir shot w water sometimes in a smoothie, a light breakfast and coffee. It's been good on my hunger attacks even candida which I'm now seeing is another culprit.

I try to take DE at night before bed if I remember, but the latter is working the best morning elixir, detox teas during day, snd DE at night all while keeping a watch on my food intake occasionally ill have fast food or ice cream, suffering the die off isn't nice try to be nice to yourself and others and take water thru it because it distributes the medicine and moves the scum out. pets are another big problem too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by rmd (az) on 06/18/2019

Parasite Combo Ingredients:

Gentian, Irish Moss, Oregon Grape, Fenugreek, Cascara Sagrada, Myrrh, Yellow Dock, Echinacea, Black Walnut, Barberry, Dandelion, St. John's Wort, Chickweed, Wormwood I use w/ the parasite combo: sym (calmyourgut) combo, pain/arthritis combo and st johns wort w/ ACV, mixed with water first thing in morning, then light food & coffee. it very effective and strong, just lay down for a little while. detox tea is good thru the day, and a couple spoons of DE before sleep...

H2O is a necessity, plus spiritual practice and gratitude because you'll go thru some trauma lol!!!!

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 01/11/2016 2063 posts

DL: I am not familiar with C.L.O. ability to kill parasites, although it is a fact that natural preform Vit-A found in C.L.O. protects and heals epithelial tissues like those of the skin, gut, and lungs. C.L.O. may therefor help by reducing the bad side effects of parasite infestations.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/27/2015 2063 posts


Another fact to consider is that krout is a Cabbage is a source of cellulose and hemicellulose fiber, of which is not easily or completely digested which makes it beneficial for colon health. This incomplete digestion yields a very valuable nutrient Butyric Acid which is used readily by the colon as a source of fuel. Butyric Acid also has a specific & strong rotten egg odor and has been used by radicals in bombs (stink bombs) in settings like abortion clinics as a means of protest or retaliation. Normally the Butyric Acid would be consumed mostly and leave little odor. So either a good colon cleanse and/or parasite cleanse would prove beneficial in addition to the Kraut.

Good luck on only foods and neglecting herbals or Turpentine in eradicating the para's. Also in the antiparasite food category and recommended as an only fast for a few days is Pineapple.

Lastly, in the event of Tapeworm infestation it is well known they are in the "monster" category of their own, particularly beef or fish tw's, so I would jump to no premature conclusions on their eradication as they are very difficult to remove, produce up to a million eggs daily which are ever present in the colon & feces, and they can live up to 15 yrs.

Posted by Marcin (Ontario) on 11/27/2015

Thanks. However I am done now with my approach of curing myself using foods only. I am actually taking turpentine with castor oil right now as recommended by Bill, gradually increasing the dose - I started with 1 drop and worked up to 5 drops as of today.

I have nothing against allopathic drugs for parasites and I would gladly use them, but the problem is that even if such drugs exist, no doctor I met acknowledged that parasites are the issue because stool tests did not show anything.

However, I have high hopes for the turpentine protocol.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/28/2015 2063 posts

OK Marcin you are moving forward, and as I have already "been down this trail" in ORH terms, let me add more info.

In my severe para condition of which I am finally getting the upper hand, in the natural category what I have found most effective is a three small sugar cubes saturated w/ Turpentine plus a few drops of liquid Neem fallowed 30 minutes w/ Zapping and another 30 minutes w/ a host of antipara herbs like Black Walnut, Clove, Wormwood, Garlic, Oregano with a half spoon of Milled Flax to gently purge the colon clean and again fallowed by Zapping. This done 1x or 2x daily for a few weeks should make for a complete kill. Side note on the Turpentine. Adding Castor Oil to T keeps the mix in the gut where it will be most effective for the intestinal paras, but it prevents the T from dispersing throughout the body to get those in hiding. So, it would prove most effective to rotate the T/CLO one day and T next day.

If you have indoor/outdoor pets that are not regularly de-wormed you will get reinfected after all the hard work of removing them from yourself, so it is very important to de-worm your pets regularly (and all members of the houshold for that matter). I sometimes use small amounts of naturals for my pets, but I periodically use pharmaceuticals like either Pyrantel Pamoate or Piperazine for instant kill on adult Ascaris, and occasionally Ivermectine for the juveniles (if needed). A combination of Albendizole/Fenbendizole is standard effective against tapeworm class paras. These drugs can be purchased otc at pet sections in retail stores or better or lower priced on online retailers, or if you can budget it, leave that responsibility to your local veterinarian.

Posted by Marcin (Ontario) on 11/29/2015

Thanks Timh, this sounds like a good protocol. I will try it and post my results after some time.

I have been using neem, not liquid but making an infusion out of neem powder and clove powder. I have been also taking Black Walnut and Wormwood tincture recently. However combining and using these remedies in a more systematic fashion sounds like a better idea.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/30/2015 2063 posts

M: You are welcome and just a few more items need mentioning.

Many people, including Deirdre here on E.C. have had great success w/ a product called HumaWorm.

Because of the insidious nature of parasites, one must be sure to treat all members of the household.

If aggressive treatments prove only marginally successful, it will be necessary to also do an heavy metal cleanse as paras bond to the hm's.

Let us know what's working for you.

Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 12/14/2015

I am currently taking the Humaworm. What were your experiences with it?

Posted by Phyllis (Tuscumbia, Alabama) on 03/21/2015

Wormwood itself is effective against many parasites as is black walnut husks. I must again suggest Artemisia Combination from Nature's Sunshine Products. I use it myself as part of my cleansing program. I also give it to my dogs once a month in winter and once a week during the warm seasons. They never get fleas and never get positive results when check for parasites at the vet.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by D (Usa) on 10/07/2018

For the eye mites, try coating your eyes in coconut oil before bed. And getting an old mascara wand cleaning it thoroughly and applying co to your eyelashes as you would mascara. Just a thought. It would make it hard for them to hand on, I would think. Like oil/mayonnaise in the hair helps get rid of head lice.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Evelyn (Nv) on 04/04/2018 22 posts

hi Malu, thank you for sharing your experience with the horrible mites and hope you are still clear of them. I'm still bothered with them, not as much as when I wrote this post. If you can would you share the brand name of the sulfur and the other meds you used. I have sulfur from Humco but it may be a not so good coconut oil that I have because it doesn't seem to pull the mites out as I expected, so still rely on Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, it sure tears up your skin if used a lot but it will certainly pop the little buggers out. My feet are still swollen and my other med problem is that in 2014 I had a heart attack and stint and blood pressure too high. My Cardiologist put me on Laxis and Potassium for the swelling but that's not working either so I feel it's back to the mites. You are so fortunate to have found a Dr that understands these things, not so out here, they think you are insane. Some days I have wished I could pour a gallon of these little critters on them and see them suffer like we do. Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness and hope to hear from you soon and hope your suggestions will do someone else good.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Eve (Nevada) on 09/04/2018

Evelyn: You certainly touched my heart this morning when I read the email from Earth Clinic with your reply. And, yes I agree with you all the way. there is no better Doctor than our Savior, and even though we think we are forgotten or overlooked we forget the tiny bits of improvement we might see on a daily basis and not realize that it actually comes from our Lord. We complain about not getting results quicker and maybe the reason is He has something else in mind for us so we keep trying. Yes, I am a firm believer in prayer and your suggestion to pray out loud is helpful, indeed! I thank you so much for your concern and thoughtfulness. If everyone could learn how much a few kind words help, makes you strive harder and lessens the stress so very much.

You did not mention if you are suffering from these blasted things but my prayers are forthcoming for you if you are and if you aren't you will be blessed for your concerns of other people and your kindness and concern.

I have started a treatment of Turmeric, Neem oil, carrier oil and lemon juice. This is applied to my skin along with Cloves oil and Neem oil. For each application, you certainly feel the drawing effect that takes place. Each day I am noticing a little less swelling in my feet and ankles. I still spray HP 3% on my body before and after the shower, leaving the last spray on. If there are still unwanted visitors on my body, the HP will make them sting and it feels like you are hooked up to an electric current which stops in a few minutes after the HP more or less blows them up.

Thank you again for your concerns. May you be Blessed.

Helpful Parasites
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 02/19/2015

Dear Rebel,

Wow, I have read this post a couple of times and it makes me think, "Ugh! " I am not able to watch this, though, as we do not have tv.

So, I have not seen this and have not studied it. And I am not even a beginner yet when it comes to dealing with parasites.

But my 2 cents (maybe it isn't even worth a penny) is that there was a time when doctors used leeches to try to help people with diseases, and the theory was wrong and the results not good.

I know that if I had Chrohn's disease or diabetic ulcers, there are lots of other things I would try before I would be considering the use of parasites as a cure.

Somehow the idea that we did not see any Chrohn's disease before cleaner farming practices and hygiene came into practice does not quite fit to me. I think it is more likely related to other changes (i.e. increased processing of food, more chemicals on the plants, etc.) of foods that have caused an increase in Chrohn's.

Pasteurization of milk was considered to be a great thing because it made the milk safer. But it turns out that in addition to killing off bad bacteria, you end up killing off good living things in the milk. I have used raw milk (from cows and goats) for many years and the only time I ever got sick from it was when I had some milk from a different source. Maybe the hygiene practices there were worse. Maybe they were the same, and my body was just used to the germs on my farm. I know that milk that has not been as cleanly handled goes bad more quickly.

But I am doing a lot of speculating and rambling. There was a time when I thought that the only way you could cure strep throat was with an anti-biotic. I have since seen that it can be cured with natural medicine. So, I won't say, "No way, " and will be interested to see if anyone else watches this and has any thoughts on it.

Thanks for bringing up an interesting, albeit rather yucky topic! It is good to think about and research different treatments!

~Mama to Many~

Cysticercosis Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/24/2013 2063 posts

J. Is there high risk factors for Pork Tapeworm like the possibility of undercooked pork, exposure to swine about a farm or possibly a petting zoo? Pets in the house? Ask for different type diagnostics for better picture.

Autism has been proven linked to heavy metal exposure especially w/ vaccines. Do a very careful history of the child's behavior prior and post vaccination.

It may be advised to do a gentle heavy metal detox using the herbs Cilantro & Chlorella for about one month then do herbal parasite cleanses for one month. Continue this rotation if there is positive results.

Applying a strong music speaker magnet directly over the affected area for at least 15-30 minutes daily will significantly reduce the inflammation.

Posted by Lisa (Mn, Us) on 08/10/2013

You can buy DE on Amazon. Just make sure it is FOOD GRADE.

Posted by Clare (Los Angeles) on 08/12/2013

For those of you suffering PARASITES, I found a lab withh an at-home test (you don't need a doctor, just mail the samples to them) that will do a microbial DNA analysis for parasitic protozoans, blastocystis hominis, cryptosporidium species, dientamoeba fragilis, endomilax nana, entamoeba coli, entamoeba dispar, entamoeba hartmanni, entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia, iodamoeba butschlii, trichomonas hominis, and Parasitic Worms (Ascaris lumbricoides, Charot leyden, Clonorchis sinensis, Enterobius vermicularis, Necator americanus, Schistosoma mansoni, Strogyloides species, Taenia solium, Trichuris speciesa). It's forresthealth dot com and the test is currently $227. I haven't used them yet, but am about to. It certainly beats going to doctors who don't seem to want to acknowledge parasites. I'm on Medicare now, so it's always less expensive to do it myself! To quote John Lennon, "Power to the people! " :--)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/10/2013

Colloidal Silver is not always the best choice for parasites. You may want to try a blend of the following: wormwood, clove, pumpkin seed, black walnut and olive leaf. If you can find an antiparasitic herbal formula with any of these you should be able to heal the infection within a week or two.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lisa (Paducah, Ky) on 12/09/2016

Blastocystis hominis makes your butt itchy too. I've had that. Maybe other parasites can cause that as well.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Meghan (Atlanta, GA) on 03/12/2023

I realize it's an old post, but I came across it, and just in case you were to receive it, I would like to offer a suggestion. Itchy anus is most often associated with yeast in the gut. This will require something other than DE; what it requires is undecylenic acid. Thorne makes a nice product that has helped me tremendously. If you find another brand, that's reputable, then you can go with that one you. Hope this helps. There's also a lot of great YouTube videos by Dr. Cohen on this issue.

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Share (Seattle, Wa) on 04/19/2013

Schistosomiasis - Cause for many Diseases

Recently, one of my Uncle's best friends died of MS. The family wanted an autopsy since they disagreed with the MS diagnosis - findings: Schistosomiasis infection.

His Doctors did not perform a proper workup (very common today): history, differential diagnosis, physical and labs. This infection can be definitively diagnosed by many tests (stool smear, urine concentration tests, blood tests, Antibody detection, ELISA, PCR, tissue biopsies: e.g., liver; colonoscopy, cystoscopy, endoscopy). They did not listen to him.

Years ago, the young man, an engineer, worked in Africa building water wells as mission work. He picked it up from contaminated water. Schistosomiasis is far more prevalent in the US than truly appreciated. It is a Trematode, commonly called a "fluke". Snails are the carriers. The parasite penetrates the skin.

Disease occurrence: Asia, South America, Africa, Carribbean, Middle East or, anywhere where there are freshwater snails (NW!).

Risk factors: water snails, contaminated drinking water, bathing or swimming in contaminated water, urine, feces, sewage, international travel.

Many cases of MS, Transverse Myelitis (with flaccid paraplegia), Bladder cancer, CNS lesions, Cerebral granulomatous disease, male menstruation, Plumonary or Portal Hypertension, and Cystitis or ureteritis are various forms of Schistosomiasis - differrent species at different stages of the infection. Many people contract the parasite here in the U.S. - the carrier snails are here. There was a nice article in the Seattle Times regarding the dangers of Snails in the NorthWest. Remember, there are many different types of Schistosoma species (e.g., swimmer's itch).

Hepatic Schistosomiasis is the 2nd most common cause of Esophageal varices, worldwide.

Various treatments:

1. Praziquantel (Biltricide) - X2/day, for three days. Repeat in 1-2 weeks? I've read it is more effective if given with oral Castor Oil.

2. Oxamniquine (intestinal form)

3. Metrifonate (urinary form)

4. Mirazid, an Egyptian drug made from Myrrh. A combination of resin and volatile oil of myrrh (from the stem of Commiphora molmol(, at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight, daily, for 3 days. Check for eggs in 2 months, if present repeat for 6 days. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2001;65:700-704, Sheir Z, et al. A safe, effective, herbal antischistosomal therapy derived from myrrh.

5. Antimony

6. Alinia (Niclosamide): 2/day for 30 days. Rest 2 weeks and repeat.

There is an acute and chronic presentation. Above all, it is a chronic disease with many symptoms.

ACUTE Sxs: fever, chills, abdominal pain, cough, diarrhea, muscle aches, Eosinophilia, fatigue, itchy skin, hives, skin rash, papular dermatitis (where parastie penetrated skin), liver symptoms.

CHRONIC Sxs: continuing infection can cause granulomatous reactions and fibrosis in affected organs : kidneys, bladder, brain, liver, colon, lungs, portal vein, spleen. Major complications: hypertension, seizures, bacterial infections, urinary obstruction, organ destruction, death.

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 04/20/2013 2063 posts

According to the late Dr Hulda Clark, almost, if not all Cancers are precipitated by some species of Parasite, particularly and most commonly the Liver Fluke (Fasciola hepatica).

Diagnosis as well as treatment can be complicated. As for treatment, the former posted list may not prove adequate in some or many cases. The one single-most deadly fluke treatment is the drug Triclabendazole (Egaten, Fasinex, Flukare-C, Fasiject Plus).

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 04/20/2013 2063 posts

*Correction* The fluke that H. Clark highlighted as most affecting humans in her practice was the Intestinal Fluke (Fasciolopsis buski).

The species of flukes that Share previously posted is commonly referred to as Blood Flukes (Schistosomas).

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Clare (Los Angeles) on 08/12/2013

To Share from Seattle: Thank you for such wonderful information! Very kind of you to take the time and effort to inform us. I have been diagnosed with various vague labels like "dysautonomia" and chronic fatigue syndrome, but in the end, doctors really don't have much of a clue. It's people like you that will lead to better health for us all. Again, thanks!

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Oregano (On, Canada) on 08/12/2013

Hello sir, try Pomegranate peel powder, fresh garlic. If it doesn't work reach me at pollopollop(at)live (dot) ca". I'm a parasitologist and I have a big interest in parasistes and Hep C. My wife got nasty case of tricho and I healed her when Flagyl failed.

Schistosomiasis Treatment
Posted by Sharon (South Africa) on 09/30/2016

I have been diagnosed with chronic bilharzia. I have just taken my second course of Biltricide as after the first course, my bilharzia IgM count went from 1.2 to 1.6. Please could you recommend an effective natural remedy.

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