Natural Remedies to Treat Pneumonia

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Josie (San Antonio, Tx) on 06/02/2018 22 posts

I did my colloidal silver about 3 weeks ago and I stopped. It has been about 2 weeks since I haven't done any colloidal silver and my problem is back with my lungs. Bronchitis and pneumonia. My lungs are hurting me a lot and I need to know if I can do my Colloidal silver again. How long do I do my silver and how many times a day? I think I stopped doing my colloidal silver to soon. I stopped because I read that you can only do it for about 2 weeks.

I need some answers, so I can get my lungs better again. I don't want to go back to the hospital again. I'm also taking vitamin c with Rose Hip to supports my immune system. I take the vitamins 3 times a day. It has 1000mg. I also read that you have to take some probiotics when doing the colloidal silver. I need to know if that is true. I need to know if I'm doing something wrong that the colloidal silver is not working right. What do I do and take while doing my colloidal silver. this is my second time doing the silver. Please help me someone. This is all new to me and I do need some help. I was also doing some garlic and it did help me. I hope momma to many can help me too.

I also need to know if you can take some Tylenol 3 with codeine when doing colloidal silver? I'm having a lot of pain. HELP .

Posted by Judy (Ca) on 02/21/2018

I would add, maybe instead of a water chaser, a small bit of whole grain bread. Bread absorbs the heat from the tongue and throat, while water basically spreads the pepper heat around and it takes more time to dilute.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/21/2018 2158 posts

In reply to Josie,

Hydrogen peroxide will cause colloidal silver to agglomerate, where the particles join together to form larger particles to the point where they become too large and fall out of suspension. The HP basically ruins the colloidal silver as the particles become too large to be effective against pathogens.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by David (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/18/2017

Hello Holly,

Yes, I'm still around! Just gave someone a bottle of CS this morning. Got of course. How about emailing me at david at davidthomaslawfirm dot com

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Art (California ) on 12/27/2017 2158 posts

In reply to Julie (Greenville, Sc),

If by, "steam", you mean that you are going to put colloidal silver in a pot and and boil it to get steam, no, that will not work. If you boil colloidal silver, the silver will remain in the pot while the water vapor escapes. You will notice that the remaining colloidal silver in the pot will start to darken from the natural light to medium yellow color to a darker golden color and if you boil it long enough it may turn brown as the silver particles become more concentrated.

A cold vapor ultrasonic humidifier will deliver plenty of colloidal silver in a relatively short period of time compared to a nebulizer which delivers a much smaller amount in a given period of time. This is an important point when you consider that the interior surface area of the lungs is approximately half of a tennis court.


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Cristi (Sydney) on 06/09/2015

Colloidal Silver is the best! I used it recently in a nebuliser to get ride of a nasty cold that turned into bronchitis. Ever hour for 5-10 mins for the first few days, to hit it hard, and I was way better by day 4.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Stonefieldsian (Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/24/2018

Hi Josie,

High dosage of vitamin C might be of help for your pneumonia......

Alan Smith was in coma after a serious case of swine flu which later he developed pneumonia and finally was in coma, doctors in charge were determined to end his life-support means.

With his family's and lawyer's fight, he was finally entitled to high dosage vitamin C regimen and within short time he was healed.

You can also refer to Linus Paulings' book about vitamin C.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/06/2015

Well, if you believe wikipedia, go ahead. They are known by many to give such kind of info. I have to disagree and hats off to Jim Humble for helping and curing so many people all over the world, including saving so many from Malaria.

It is advisable to do research. otherwise stay away also from many uses here on EC and go to the doctor.

Inform yourself before giving such info..

Namaste, Om

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 02/22/2022 48 posts

Recently I had a surprising elimination of a post nasal drip. I've dealt with them for 20+ yrs. I take serrapeptase intermittently but had not taken it for months. Then a few weeks ago I had a bad bout. Was miserable. I had just bought Zinc & elderberry lozenges and that night, after waking up coughing, reached for them and popped one in my mouth and went back to sleep. When I woke, it was the strangest feeling in my throat/sinus area; dry like the Sahara feeling. The drip was gone. The strange feeling remained for 2-3 days but it was almost miraculous how it stopped the PND. Maybe bc I was laying down it was able to directly affect the area, as opposed to being upright. I don't know other than it was an extremely surprising & welcomed effect!

For chronic cases (which I no longer have) I highly recommend Grapefruit Seed Extract (aka 'GSE'). The root cause of sinus infections and PND is mold and fungus. A recent study of chronic sinusitis and fungus done by the mayo clinic found that a whopping 97% of people tested had an average of 2.7 types of fungus growing in their sinus cavities. And they were successfully treated for chronic sinus infections using antifungal medications treatments. But what was found to be the most effective antifungal agent, by far, was the natural remedy of grapefruit seed extract (GSE)! ... Same goes for most respiratory infections.

I got home from the hospital from pneumonia and was not OK. Started immediately, I got empty capsules and filled them up 15-20 drops of extract fit in each cap (30 drops, twice daily). Amazing remedy! I've read ppl opening nasal spray bottles of saline solution and adding a 3 drops of GSE and spraying that into their sinuses every 3-4 times daily. Our medicine cabinet won't be without this. Research it for yourself. And lastly, buy the GSE that's been around forever (red label & cap), not the newer ones that I hear are not as potent.

Garlic and Oregano
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 08/30/2013 2063 posts

@Katie: Thanx for your victory treatment testimony and protocol, and congradulations.

I might add a few points and also ask about the "mucus thinner" supposing it's Guiffenissen, which is considered a semi-synthetic expectorant with a good safety record. Also for "lung infection" mucus problems is the amino acid NAC or Cysteine from your local health food store is said to be very effective.

I'll now take a little air out of your balloon and add that the duration of your pneumonia may be the first indication of a weakening or depressed immune system. The mineral Zinc @ 25-50 mg day will greatly strengthen the immunity.

Anyway, if you catch another bad infection again in the near future do come back here so to address also any possible underlying conditions.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dave (Greenville, Sc) on 09/01/2013

Hello Holly,

There's nothing wrong with taking the full set of items you list to deal with the infection... Garlic, H2O2, sea salt etc. While you're at it, why don't you add the one thing that would, in my opinion, really kill the pneumonia? Colloidal Silver. You need a vaporizer... Which turns the liquid into a steam and when I feel something in my respiratory, I make sure to breathe deeply for a few minutes Mine has a "cup" that I breathe into. I do this three times daily for a week. Always knocks out my infection that fast. I see from your post you live close to my office and if you email me at david (at) I'd be happy to have a bottle of CS for you. I give away bottles to friends and family... And have for decades. Free.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/23/2018 2158 posts


In order for colloidal silver to work, it must come in direct contact with the pathogen.I don't think that colloidal silver taken orally can effectively reach the interior of the lungs in a high enough concentration and have not seen any studies to suggest it can.The majority of colloidal silver taken orally is likely to mainly end up in the blood stream, feces and urine. If you look in the video section of Earth Clinic, they have a video showing how they deliver colloidal silver directly to the lungs and this is something you can discuss with your doctor to see if it may be an option for you. Another consideration is that colloidal silver has shown synergy with certain antibiotics and in some instances has helped to overcome resistance to some antibiotics.

The raw garlic is a potent antibacterial, but I would not feel comfortable relying on just garlic to combat pneumonia. I don't have any experience with using aloe vera to fight pneumonia so no comment on that aspect.


Vitamin C
Posted by Skye (Dokkum, Netherlands) on 08/04/2012

I swear by using Vit C.

Having had asthmatic bronchitus for many years, I was prescribed inhaler #4 when I decided "enough is too much! ". I threw out the inhalers and started using Vit C as per the directions of Linus Pauling and Adelle Davis.

The rule of thumb is to start slowly and get the body used to it by taking 1000mg per day, increasing this every few days or every week until you hit your "body tolerance level". Pure and simple this means: until your bowels start to protest :-) Then cut back by 500 or 1000 mg until you're comfortable. And yes, in case of an illness like pneumonia (which I have had several bouts with) the tolerance level will greatly increase, as the body's own reserves of ascorbic acid are rapidly depleted.

In some cases when having penumonia, I have taken up to 15-20 grams of Vit C in one day and not had irritated bowels. It is a wonderful aid in recovering from illnesses.

However, be aware that there always needs to be an extra protein supplementation as well, as the body loses protein at a shocking rate during any (severe) illness! This will also protect any potential damage done to either body tissues or even the DNA.

A good way to make sure you get sufficient protein during any illness (and it goes down easier than, say, 6 eggs :-) is to make "Tiger's Milk" or "Pep-Up Drink", a recipe from Adelle Davis.

Finally, taking Vit C every day is a great method to protect yourself against any illness, and if an illness does grab hold of you, to make sure it goes away in a hurry. The same goes for ACV honey, which also goes a long way towards strengthening your immune system. Finally, staying away from artificial products and/or chemically polluted products is also a good way to protect your system.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robert (California, US) on 10/05/2014

My advice the quickest way without all that complicated whooey - take antibiotic with a concentrated amount of green tea. Had pnemonia for 3 days, almost died becuse the bactera became resistant. Take 4 bags of green, tea steep in water, do not boil but get it hot enough to leech out tea; let it cool. Now you might get lit off the caffine but I survived by takeing the antibiotic and tea at the same time. What you"ll notice in less than five minutes is your infection will break. This is because the tea will kill bacteria, viral and fungal forms of pnemonia. Antibiotics will be boosted by 300%; don"t say it won't work it will! And repeat a smaller dose tommorow of the tea along with antibiotic or medication given.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Art (California) on 10/10/2021 2158 posts

Hello Cindy,

When I use colloidal silver for coughs and lung congestion, I have a very small cool mist vaporizer that only requires about 2 ounces of CS for one treatment, but most cool mist vaporizers require more ounces in my experience in order to work, usually about 4 or 5 ounces. So I breathe in from the outlet port of the vaporizer at a distance of a couple of inches and I alternate between breathing through my nose and breathing through my mouth in order to get the vapor into as many areas as possible.

I use 20 ppm colloidal silver and I do the breathing for 7 to 10 minutes per session. If I do 7 minute sessions, I will do 4 sessions per day and if I do 10 minute sessions I will do 3 sessions per day.

I never reuse any remaining silver that is left in my cool mist vaporizer, because the sonication process of the vaporizer can knock the silver out of suspension, so I put new colloidal silver for each use.

Whenever I am having a cough or lung congestion, I also use melatonin at high dose as Dr. Neel does for his Covid-19 patients at 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. I weigh about 180 lbs. which is approximately 82 kilograms so I will take at least 82 mg of melatonin in divided doses spread throughout the night and day. Not everyone can tolerate melatonin, but I do so I use it and for me it is very helpful.

I am not a doctor so I can not recommend that anyone do what I am doing, I am just describing what I do and everyone else should see their doctor to make sure that what they are doing for them is safe for them to do.

When you see your doctor, you might show him this study that discusses the use of melatonin for lungs during flu and possibly pneumonia:

Good luck and keep us updated.


Vitamin C
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/01/2013 2063 posts

Hello Suzy: Yes, I purchased a $30 ultrasonic device on Amazon along w/ NGMO Lecithin and pure Ascorbic Acid powder from Swanson. I followed these directions: how to make lipospheric vit c, mix 1 cup (filtered) water 2 spoons c in one container and stir, 2 cups water, 6 spoons lecithin in another container and stir, let both containers sit at room temp for 1hr, stir or blend the two together, let sit for 2 hrs, pour into ultracleaner and set for 480 sec or 8 min and stir almost continuously, refrigerate. Recommended dose is 1 oz, 1 or 2 x daily.

I have almost completed my 3rd batch and the effects are nothing less than amazing. I am also on my 2nd batch of Lipo Reduced Glutathione.

Sea Salt
Posted by Rv (Huntington Beach, Ca, USA) on 12/14/2009

Sea Salt for Pneumonia

I have (usually) mild asthma. I visited a dusty wildflower area and contracted fungal pneumonia. The doctor did not apply effective antibiotics, because the infection was fungal, and he initially misdiagnosed it. The infection continued for weeks, and hardened into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Over the next year I tried many remedies. Then I found an interesting fact. The ocean has millions of antibacterial virions per liter. This is why there are so few bacteria there: predation. I live in an oceanside city, and have no problem getting clean, fresh seawater. I spat some infected sputum into a bottle of seawater and diluted it to invisibility. The idea was that any virus would rapidly multiply by killing and eating the bacteria of my infection. Then over a week, I sprayed the water and inhaled it. My coughing got worse, but then air began to penetrate past the blockages and I began to cough them up; some looked like french fries. I'm now healthy.

I think a similar effort might work with artificial seawater made from organic sea salt. The idea is that it must be organic so that the antibacterial virions would need to be preserved in the salt.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Doug (Denver, Colorado) on 01/27/2008

I came down with pneumonia Jan 2007. Doctors at the urgent care gave me Factive and it cleared up the pneumonia at first. Then around summertime (same year) I developed a chronic cough which I felt was from the initial pneumonia. Around Novemeber I came down with full blown bronchitis, or some kind of a lung obstruction. Iran into Bill's HP treatment protocol and everything is fine now. What a rough year I had in 2007 regarding my health. This was especially difficult for a guy that has never been sick in his life. I will never stop using HP again. All of this suffering could have been stopped months ago. Thanks again Bill and Earth Clinic...

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Zenda (Pleasant Grove, UT) on 10/24/2020

Food grade peroxide should be used for anything internally because of the stabilizers in brown bottle store peroxide. It may be safe in a nebulizer, but I wouldn't use it internally for anything else, but if it does get absorbed into the blood stream, I probably would only use food grade peroxide.

Garlic and Oregano
Posted by Lauren (Chicago) on 10/07/2023

Thank you for your post. I too use natural as much as possible and using the exact same protocol you discussed as I self diagnosed pneumonia, Additionally, I am drinking mullien tea and will use tea tree in my diffuser. Thanks for your post, tho long ago, it confirmed my approach to healing this virus. Lauren

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Melissa (San Antonio, Texas) on 03/08/2012

Sarah, I'm not a chemist or a doctor, but I've also heard that hydrogen peroxide is very effective against viruses (virii?). However, I would not discount the healing energy of your touch with the swabs. The cooling effect, probably in a nice, calm home enivronment (not a clinical doctor's office or hospital) in which to receive his 'medication. ' I'm certain there was a physical effect, but I feel quite strongly that the touch was just as important. You soothed your baby. Your baby was able to sleep, and sleep is critical to healing. I say "all the above. " :)

Vitamin C
Posted by Lizzie (London, Uk) on 09/26/2011

In reply to the person asking: "Q. How long did he take the vit. C? Apart from mixing it in water, was there any other thing that he took that could be of help to me?"

He took the vit c every day. He still takes it without fail. He was prob taking around 150 to 200 grams a day for months (about 5) until one day he could only take around 10grams, and he has stayed on that ever since. Straight away he had emediate benefits. He stopped coughing up blood, no longer needed anti biotics and made a slow recovery. Now he is SO much better. I thought I was going to lose him but the vit c saved him. He also took cayenne. I would give him hot water with about quarter teaspoon cayenne. Try and give him regular drinks of it, I'm sure this helped too. If you have the money you can also try adding Lypo-Spheric vit c. It has a higher strength absorborancy.

This is the technique we used:


In 1970, I discovered that the sicker a patient was, the more ascorbic acid he would tolerate by mouth before diarrhea was produced. At least 80% of adult patients will tolerate 10 to 15 grams of ascorbic acid fine crystals in 1/2 cup water divided into 4 doses per 24 hours without having diarrhea. The astonishing finding was that all patients, tolerant of ascorbic acid, can take greater amounts of the substance orally without having diarrhea when ill or under stress. This increased tolerance is somewhat proportional to the toxicity of the disease being treated.

As he started to get better and we learnt more about alternative medicine we added other vits. Mainly for his heart as pneumonia was linked to years of heart problems. We added D-ribose, L- arginine. HE loves this stuff, if he misses a dose he feels so tired. Also Q - 10.

Hope this helps.

Vitamin C
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 09/30/2013 2063 posts

Hip: I am convicted to amend your "Vit-C in high doses" to only Lipospheric Vit-C. Having used many forms of C over-the-yrs in small or large doses, and having only recently been using homemade Lipo-C, the difference is off-the-charts. This factor could easily determine the difference between a return to health or death. Lipospheric Vit-C is really the only way to administer.

Flu Shot Prevention
Posted by mispr (CA) on 03/28/2023

I can't understand why folks won't investigate what they allow big pharma to put in there bodies. (There's a plot to keep folks worse) my 72 y/o uncle was talked into getting a flu shot several years ago (Before Covid-19) and 3 days later he began to limp. He told his doctor who assured him he just had bad genes. Well uncle bought that same as he would a goose that lays golden eggs. He said he will never take a shot of any kind again. Unfortunately he still limps today!

Flu Shot Prevention
Posted by Jroberts (Kansas, Usa) on 12/26/2015

RE: "That were cleared up through cessation of vaccination, boosting immune system naturally and detoxing..."

Don't know if anyone is still reading this thread but I would be interested in your protocol for boosting the immune system and detoxing. Also your "cocktail of supplements".

Thank you so much and stay strong...

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Brad (Il, US) on 01/04/2015

Hydrogen Peroxide wrecked my lungs. I will never try this again. It was diluted very thin as well. I don't know who this is working for, but from my own experience I know that it did nothing but nearly kill me.

High Dose Vitamin D and Magnesium
Posted by Andon Science (Limassol) on 01/10/2023 21 posts

I am a researcher, thus I can suggest this curement, since currently it had amazing results on bronchitis.

For coronavirus curement, simple cough, severe bronchitis or pneumonia I can suggest you try using these ingredients. This curement was developed by me.

I suggest using this:

a) 30,000IU vitamin D per day (notice here the dosage is 30,000IU and not 3000IU) for three days (in case symptoms persist, take for another two days).

b) 600mg Magnesium Citrate per day

Probably you will see amazing results, since already in two different occasions, it eliminated cough in 2 days and on another occasion it eliminated cough in three days.

Use this curement completely on your own responsibility or inform your doctor as to supervise supplementation.

Vitamin D, Magnesium, Turmeric
Posted by Science (Cyprus) on 04/24/2022 21 posts

Edited 1/24/24 at 3:23 pm
I am a researcher, thus I can suggest this curement.

For coronavirus curement, simple cough, severe bronchitis or pneumonia I can suggest you try using these ingredients. This curement was developed by me.

I suggest using this:

a) 30, 000IU vitamin D per day (notice here the dosage is 30, 000IU and not 3000IU) for three days (in case symptoms persist, take for another two days).

b) 600mg Magnesium Citrate per day

Probably you will see amazing results, since already in two different occasions, it eliminated cough in 2 days and on another occasion it eliminated cough in three days.

Use this curement completely on your own responsibility or inform your doctor as to supervise supplementation.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld., Australia) on 10/24/2020

I follow the advice of Dr Thomas Levy on treating/preventing viral infections with hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer. You can search the internet for details.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Missm (New York) on 08/12/2020

Yes, to pneumonia shot and while you're at it shingles. Both are not good things to have happen to you. I have had both.

I had Covid and repairing my lungs. I just started with hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy.

I empty out a salt nasal spray and rinse thoroughly with distilled water. Then using Food grade 3 % hydrogen peroxide dilute by half with distilled water and put in container.

Watch the videos here on how to use the spray for inhalation.

It does help.

Note: I do not do the internal method, there are people here and links that have that protocol. Also there are different grades of hydrogen peroxide. 35% hydrogen peroxide must be diluted! Make sure you use 3% food grade!

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld., Australia) on 10/25/2020

Being a senior in the at risk category, for prevention, any cold, flu or now covid-19 disease, I take Vit. C in split doses during the day as well as zinc, max. 30 mg. a day with quercetin to get the zinc into the receptors in the lungs and on the heart.

Any flu vaccine only works about 40% of cases and only for 3 months; also, 40 years of research has not found vaccine for HIV.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/23/2018

Josie, I would try one for a week and then the other for a week and keep changing unless you saw one working better.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 05/23/2018

Here is a full description, with his reasons, of how Ted from Bangkok prepares and uses colloidal silver safely:

"Agyria is a common problem with using a straight batch of colloidal silver, often the skin is not really blue, it is closer to gray color. The problem occurs when a free silver ions react with the sulfur in your body to from AgS, or silver sulfide. Most colloidal silver produced are actually either a nonreactive Ag or a reactive Ag with a charge, then it reacts with the body's available sulfur to cause a "blue skin", more more accurately is "gray skin".

This problem can be prevented, which I solved over a decade ago, which required that a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide is added to a liter of colloidal silver. The peroxide, reacts with the FREE silver ions to form Silver Oxide. When I first add this, I get a cloudly solution, and after three days, this cloudy solution becomes a clear white transparent water. However, an unreacted Ag or Silver in a solution will show itself is a faint yellow transparent solution. So this ia an easy way to tell. If you add a drop of H2O2 into this it becomes cloudy. However, if the solution is Silver oxide, it won't become cloudy as there is no longer any "free" silver ions. When they are no longer free, it won't react with the body's sulfur to form silver oxide. Hence, if a hydrogen peroxide, at least, is added to the colloidal silver you buy, the silver is no longer free, and the condition of blue skin or gray skin or agyria is prevented.

However, there is ANOTHER way, that DOES NOT REQUIRE you to wait for three days to fully digest the free Silver. When I make a batch of colloidal silver, using the silver wire or silver rods as an electrode using any D.C. adapter, the BEGINNING solution is distilled water with a 0.5% H2O2 concentration, which is 1/2 percent H2O2 concentration, or approximate amount such as one tablespoon (plastic spoons!) of 3% H2O2 in a 1 or 1.5 liter of colloidal silver is generally sufficient, to prevent any free metal silver form occuring.

It should be noted that a silver oxide may have a better antibacterial properties and less staining problems then the use of pure silver. So in practice, the use of COLLOIDAL SILVER OXIDE, is the one I actually use and relatively problem free. For example, if a free silver has too much charges, I have noted that constipation occurs if taken too much of colloidal silver with FREE SILVER, but this doesn't happen (within reason such as NOT DRINKING liters of it!) if a COLLOIDAL silver oxide is prepared."


Basically, what Ted is saying above is that you must add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to colloidal silver because this acts to completely and safely remove any dangerous reactive silver in the solution that can cause Agyria problems with long term use.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ruth (Canada) on 08/06/2017

MMS has given me my life back. If I don't take it almost daily, I have chronic cold and sinus problems to the point where I can't do much. I've used it successfully with my kids (newborn on up), but you have to give them a VERY small amount in juice (less than a drop of activated MMS at a time to start with). My husband refuses to drink it, but he's tried soaking in it, or soaking his feet. If you are afraid to drink it, you can try soaking in it. I can't be convinced it can be more harmful than standard medicine!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Donna M (Ottawa, Canada) on 01/05/2024

Hi Andrea C, I read that Hydrogen Peroxide 1.5% inhaling using a compressor Nebulizer would kill infections, and viruses' in the lungs, so when I am having lung issues I use my Nebulizer, and it does seem to help a lot and can kill infections. I am wondering why you say 'do not Nebulize Hydrogen Peroxide as this will damage Lung tissue'? I am hoping that I am not damaging my lungs while attempting to heal myself of lung problems. I hope you answer this question, as there are thousands of people here on Earth clinc that are nebulizing H2O2? Thank you :)

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lisa (Western, Sd) on 03/11/2012

Hi Sarah from Newark, New Jersey: Hydrogen Peroxide creates an oxygen rich environment where viruses can't live and good bacteria thrive. See Earth Clinic's "Remedies"; Hydrogen Peroxide Cures & Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method. I think you did exactly the right thing rubbing it on your infant - skin absorbs what you put on it. Brilliant, great job! Now that your son has had antibiotics, research also Earth Clinic's "Remedies"; Acidophilus Cures and "Ailments"; Antibiotics Side Effects.

Vitamin C
Posted by Suzy (Eugene Or) on 09/30/2013

To TimH- I was wondering about making one's own Liposomal /Lipospheric Vitamin C. Do you use an ultrasonic device? I value the input of EC regulars far more than a generic internet reference or posting.

Sea Salt
Posted by Julie (Crystal River) on 12/11/2021

We have a small beach here that is closed on occasions due to bacteria levels, so I can see truth in that but have also had a very large bad burn and was really surprised to see how well it had healed after going in salt water.

Flu Shot Prevention
Posted by Big Mike (Spring Valley, CA) on 10/02/2008

I have had bronchial pneumonia for ten years, and every year I have to see my doctor two, three even four times a year for antibiotics to control my problem. Each time using stronger antibiotics sometimes helping sometimes just calming the symptoms. Two years ago I met a friend who suggested a flu shot once a year, so even though my doctor said it would not help, I got a flu shot and a pneumonia shot and I have not had to see the doctor or take any pills or had any symptoms for two years...I can't say It's a miracle cure but after ten years of popping pills I'm a free man...

Flu Shot Prevention
Posted by General Public (San Francisco, Ca Usa) on 03/20/2013

Who cares if the flu shot is good for you or not! Thanks for sharing with us another possible way to stay out of the doctor's office and, like you said, stop pooping pills! I search this website and others just to see other ways of doing things. This means everybody that comes to this website isn't 100% pure and natural. Any knowledge/ information that made your life better is worth sharing!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Gengle (Indy) on 08/11/2012

Don't do this! Your lungs are sensitive--I feel that this caused me more problems than ever. Don't cause yourself a new set of problems!!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/04/2015

HI U GOOD PEOPLE, , , , , , , , SJS, I just remembered a story, so I may owe Brad an apology. I had a hunting buddy in Arkansas in the 70's who had lung cancer and 90% of one lung was removed. Years later he would relate that this piece of a lung put him in the hospital for weeks at a time with pneumonia. This happened about three times a year.

I related how we were doing Bill Munro's H202 inhalation and he should try it. A few months later he called me mad as a wet hen, saying that I was trying to kill him. He was coughing up bad stuff. Later that year he called to thank me because he had not gotten pneumonia . He never got pneumonia again for 3 years . He was a smoker and I think that was a factor for his initial problems.

Maybe Brad was a smoker and that caused his problem. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves. Different strokes for different folks. Live and learn.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 02/07/2023

Great news to share! I came down with a nasty bug that turned into pneumonia (thanks to my doc who didn't do anything after a week and I was too out of it to think or come here). Since when the lungs start feeling odd, I nebulize with colloidal silver and also Bill Munro's HP Therapy. Knocks it right out. Bought a travel nebulizer and don't leave home without it.

Tea Tree Oil in Diffuser
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/04/2023

Tea Tree Oil nanoemulsions for Inhalation Therapies of Bacterial and Fungal Pneumonia


DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.02.017

Tea tree oil (TTO) is a natural essential oil with strong antimicrobial efficacy and little drug resistance. However, the biomedical applications of TTO are limited due to its hydrophobicity and formulation problems. Here, we prepared an inhalable TTO nanoemulsion (nanoTTO) for local therapies of bacterial and fungal pneumonia. The optimal formulation of nanoTTOs consisted of TTO/Cremophor EL/water with a mean size of 12.5nm. The nanoTTOs showed strong in vitro antimicrobial activities on Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. After inhalation to the lung, the nanoTTOs had higher anti-fungal effect than fluconazole on the fungal pneumonia rat models with reduced lung injury, highly microbial clearance, blocking of leukocyte recruitment, and decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators. In the case of rat bacterial pneumonia, the nanoTTOs showed slightly lower therapeutic efficacy than penicillin though at a much lower dose. Taken together, our results show that the inhalable nanoTTOs are promising nanomedicines for local therapies of fungal and bacterial pneumonia with no obvious adverse events.

Note: Cremophor EL is a popular castor oil derivative. Cremophor EL has a slightly lower degree of ethoxylation and is not hydrogenated.

Turpentine and Castor Oil
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/08/2021 233 posts

I love how this is simple, bonding, soothing, and it works. Thanks for sharing.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/06/2015

Well, if you believe wikipedia, go ahead. They are known by many to give such kind of info. I have to disagree and hats off to Jim Humble for helping and curing so many people all over the world, including saving so many from Malaria.

It is advisable to do research. otherwise stay away also from many uses here on EC and go to the doctor.

Inform yourself before giving such info..

Namaste, Om

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/31/2011

Breathing thru a mouthful of VERY DILUTED hydrogen peroxide, helped me for lung issues (and nose, throat). DO NOT SWALLOW.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/31/2011

Francisca, I don't breathe it up my nose! Just plain breathing the air in my mouth that has the diluted HP in it! I open my mouth, taking care the diluted HP doesn't drip out, and just take a couple of good breaths. Then spit it out and rinse my mouth. I do it a few times a day as needed.

Vitamin C
Posted by Hiptobehealthy (Netherlands) on 09/29/2013

How is your wife doing now? Have you tried The vit c in high dosages? Cayenne pepper apple cider with honey diluted with water. In severe cases fast just drink spring water. Also I' m pretty sure you're wife is extremely acid. You can simply test this with with ph test strips (health store). Avoid any acidic foods such as meat, dairy, fish, grains refined sugars, junk food and only drink alkalizing juices: green juices (look up recipes on the internet). Grey Celtic unrefined sea salt, msm powder, calcium (only take pearl calcium), silica are alkalizing minerals she might take in addition to get alkaline. Also are there any irritants in the air of your home? Think of air conditioners, dusty heating systems, house molds, pets, ambrosia ( a plant that causes extreme hay fever and irritant to respiratory ways). In the Netherlands, people with pneumonia (or asthma and tbc) used to go to the Swiss alps for fresh air to get better. And get sunlight! Also consider grounding. If you're in a warm climate, your wife could walk barefoot or sit/ lay down touching the earth outside for at least 2 hrs a day. Otherwise consider a grounding pad (google on internet) to sleep on. It reduces pain and inflammation quickly. Good luck and just to show that there's a lot more you can do than just vitamin c. I would do as many as I could. Love & health.

Sea Salt
Posted by Ca (Pdl) on 11/10/2015

SEA SALT is probably good, however the part about bacteria not being in seawater is not actually true, there are times when there are a lot of bacteria in the Gulf, and there are warnings to be careful swimming or walking in it if you have any cuts.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/04/2015

HI U BRAD, , , , , , would you like to understand what your problem is ? If so then tell us what dilute means. What concentration did you start with? It's funny that this method was started some 25 years ago by a Michigan fella named Bill Munro and no one has had your problem. Maybe you used the wrong strength. I suspect you made a mistake in your strength. If you want to get to the bottom of this then respond, otherwise, I have understood 'Mericans for some 45 years and I assume you are one.


Colloidal Silver and Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Lisa (Jax, Fl) on 08/19/2020

Colloidal silver inhalation for lungs

I have been using a cool mist humidifier to deliver colloidal and/or ionic silver to my lungs 4 x a day or more for almost 6 days. Possible bronchitis/pneumonia. Also doing hydrogen peroxide inhalation's 7 x a day. Avoiding ingesting colloidal silver due to gastritis. Need to keep anything off of the stomach for a while.

How long do I need to do this for it to work? Still have pain.


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Kaitee (Alabama) on 11/19/2022

You should look into Chris Beat Cancer Not specifically because you have cancer, but because if you keep getting these infections then something is wrong with your immune system. Most health problems stem from diet. By most I mean over 90%.

“Food is the best medicine” - Father of Medicine

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Josie (San Antonio, Tx) on 05/22/2018 22 posts

Art, Thank you for letting me know about the hp. What about doing raw garlic and Aloe vera while doing Colloidal silver? I'm asking because I have been doing it. I'm at the point where I'm trying anything. I don't know if I got the right Colloidal silver. I have the Sovereign Silver and it is not helping me. I have been doing it for almost 14 days. I don't want to go back to the hospital again. I just got out about 3 weeks ago. I'm fighting pneumonia and bronchitis. Please help me find the right thing to do. The antibiotics are not helping me. My body is rejecting many antibiotics. I'm praying for a miracle to happen.

Water Kefir
Posted by Dmarshall029 (Trenton, MI) on 10/25/2014

I have had pneumonia for 3 1/2 months now. They have tried 3 courses of antibiotics to cure it, but nothing seems to help. It has been mild, they term it walking pneumonia, but it just won't cure. I am really wondering if water kefir (which I believe is awesome btw!) may have caused this accidentally, but my Dr was immediately dismissive of the idea. I make homemade water kefir so it is really rich in bacteria and about 2 weeks before I started noticing the breathing pain I accidentally inhaled some water kefir when drinking it, it was a good amount because I really choked on it. I never thought a whole lot about the pain I started having in my back when taking deep breaths because I never had any other symptoms, thought it was a pulled muscle (my doctor thought the same thing when I went in 6 weeks later). Eventually the pneumonia was found on a CT scan and it had become a somewhat larger case because it had been there so long I guess. Anyhow, I am wondering if this may be an opportunistic infection of "good bacteria" simply because it ended up in the wrong place and maybe that's why the antibiotics they keep giving me aren't working because they are aimed at the "bad bacteria". Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Tom (Fort Worth, Texas) on 09/30/2013

Andrea from Wales: Re your advice on use of colloidal silver in a nebulizer for lung infection:

I've written similar instructions on Earth Clinic in two or three post locations but your description is superior and the idea of using Epsom Salts first is sage. CS is my very favorite virucide. Have you ever tried MMS? I just started reading about it. My mind is always open to new concepts but I'd be hard pressed to beat CS.

Great post ... Please put up more. You are most insightful.

PS....I love Wales. Ancestors from Wales.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/01/2013

Helo, shw mae Twm? (pronunciation: Hello shoe my Tomb?) Hello, how are you Tom? In answer to your question about MMS. I have never tried it but I have read a lot about it and watched videos on youtube, and it's had some amazing results, but I am weary of it. I don't know why, but personally I wouldn't use it call it instinct if you want, but there is something that doesn't sit right about it in my mind. A lot of people swear by it, but every time I think about using it I feel negative about the outcome of its use, and I tend to listen to my inner self when it comes to trying remedies out. For instance, I have D.M.S.O, I used it on my Brother when he was crippled up with Arthritis in his hand, an it worked a miracle on him and he's now returned to work where as he had to leave his job and could barely use his hand at all. I tried it on myself, it took the pain of two broken toes away for a few seconds then my head felt like it was hit by Thor's hammer! I had to lay down where I was for half an hour, but I think this reaction may have been caused by plaster adhesive I didn't know was still on my skin after washing the area well before use. I haven't used it since, but I feel that it should be used on certain bodily areas when you have some one that can help you apply it where it's needed, as you can't always see certain areas clearly enough. I would use it again, but with help next time. MMS just doesn't appeal to me, but if my back was truly against the wall, I possibly might, but I wouldn't be happy about it. I am not saying no one should use it, but it's just not for me at this present time. I was wondering what are you thinking of using it for, or are you just curious about it? Love Andrea C xxxx

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Shannon (Wisconsin) on 08/21/2015

I have only used it topically so far, but have been SO impressed by how beautifully it has healed my teeth and gums (after about four months brushing with it once per day; 3 drops MMS + 3 drops citric acid 50%, swirl for 20 seconds, add 4 oz water, use this for swishing and brushing, 3 minutes), and also just wonderful for *infected dogbite wounds, and *a really nasty, non-healing spider bite wound. For those last 2 we used it in bath water, 20 drops each? in tub, soak 20 minutes. I am a fan!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sarah (Newark, New Jersey) on 03/03/2012

Hello, I have a question, My 15 month old son was sick with a lot of cough, some fever and after taking him to the doctor, he said he had a virus. We had a hard time giving him his medicine because he wouldn't swallow it and the next day the cough got a little worse and you could tell he was weaker. So we took him to the Emergency Room. After putting him the mask, you know, the nebulizer he got better. After doing an Xray the doctor said my son had pneumonia so we were told to really give him all his medicine, antibiotics and stuff (which we did).

Then at home 4 hours later he was coughing a lot again, almost as bad as before. So I read somewhere here that you can help your body fight a virus by spraying hydrogen peroxide. I was scared first because my son is so young (15 months), but I was desperate. So I took the regular 3% hydrogen peroxide that they sell in the stores and put a small amount (enough to make it wet) in a piece of cloth and wiped his feet, legs, hands, belly, chest, back and a little of his arms and you know I watched him carefully. Shortly after I would say like 15 or 20 minutes afterwards his cough diminished a lot. It wasn't completely gone but I could tell he felt a little better.

After 3 or 4 hours, the cough started again and I did the same thing and again it helped him diminish the cough and was able to sleep for some hours. Then 3 hours later I repeated again and it helped. The next day and following days I didn't think it was neccesary to use the peroxide because his cough had diminished considerably.

Now my question is: what did the Peroxide do exactly? or was it just coincidence, because they gave him antibiotics and other medicines at the ER and also the next 5 days we were able to give him his antibiotics and medicines. I am pretty sure the Hydrogen peroxide helped but I can't say exactly how. I don't know if I would recommend this because, everybody is different and children are more sensitive and fragile, but I am sure that the peroxide helped him with his cough. Do you think maybe the peroxide made him sleepy? I doubt it but I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance and I think this site is great. It helps a lot.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sarah (Newark, Nj) on 03/13/2012

Yes, Thanks so much for your comments, Melissa and Lisa, you know? about a month after all that happened I noticed my son was getting something, like a cold or the flu, because he had a little fever, he was a little less energetic, etc. So again I rubbed him with peroxide and it helped again. The peroxide helps to stop whatever virus or other thing from spreading or continuing to harm your body. I also agree about the importance of the soothing touch, and even when I wasn't in favor of the antibiotics, (specially since it seems this was a virus) I was too scared to risk not obeying the doctor. I never thought something so simple as Hydrogen Peroxide could help so much. Thank you guys for your explanations and information and thanks to Earth Clinic, I am learning a lot.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robert. (USA) on 04/25/2022

It gets absorbed through the skin. I read on a cancer blog that this is standard procedure for cancer suffers being treated in their care. You must be careful as it kills all bacteria both the good and bad, so a probiotic is in order when using it, milk kefir is the best and easy to make at home. CDS water the aqueous form of MMS is easy to make and does the same thing but will not kill off the good bacteria. You don't get the common side effects of MMS with CDS Water. You can just put it in some water and drink it or just put it in a jar and leave open by the baby or whoever it will diffuse on its own but will need to be replaced in 2-3 days, so this can get expensive. You can also use this in a vape pen or a small cold nebulizer, no need for any mask, just get the mist in his face, so he can inhale it.

Sea Salt
Posted by Cathy (AL) on 12/02/2021

LOL!! Too funny!! Sea water is very healing to infections, rashes, cuts etc. Why do you think Ponce De Leon when finding FL called it the fountain of youth? I had cellulitis on my leg for several years that no doctor could heal, and it kept getting bigger. Visited Mobile and waded in the sea at Dauphin Island. Looked down the next week and it was gone. Your statement is very much untrue.

Tea Tree Oil in Diffuser
Posted by KS (IL) on 04/25/2022

Thank you! I am still recovering from Covid but, still have sinus and chest congestion and fatigue. Some days are better than others.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Addylynn (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/11/2020

Hello, I was hospitalized for a severe case of pneumonia and pleural effusion on one lung. (Covid 19 test was negative.)

The pneumonia cleared up rather quickly but the pleural effusion was getting worse and I became the lucky recipient of a chest tube. The doctors used enzymes to dissolve the fluid then drain it. It wasn't as successful as they hoped after repeating this a few times. Eventually they let me go home to see what my body would work out on its own and come back in a month. Fortunately, my body worked out a good amount of the fluid and found I have a fair amount of scar tissue from the pneumonia.

I feel ok, energy level is still a little off and the oxygen level is good. But I have a lingering pain when I take a deep breath but not when I breath normally. Does it get any better? What about the pneumonia shot? Should I get it?

Lastly, the respiratory therapist in the hospital was a Russian lady and she was gold to me. She told me after I get out, I should take a teaspoon of food grade peroxide everyday and I will never have lung issues again. Does anybody have experience with this protocol?

Lastly, thank you for your response.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Narda (NYC) on 05/17/2022

A key with the internal use of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is its dilution. 3% is too strong for most people. You don't want to cause an oxygen burn to tissues. For drinking, I have personally used a glassful first thing in the morning before food, taken from a preparation of 2 Tablespoons of 8% in a liter of distilled water. Not sure what percentage that is... but I feel a good rule of thumb for drinking is that it should not taste yucky. Palatable taste is an indicator that it is a biologically friendly dilution.

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