Natural Prostate Cancer Treatment

Cayenne, Apple and Beet Juice
Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 12/16/2013

I've hung off posting until I had heard some feedback. Within weeks of each other I heard that two of my in laws had developed prostate Cancer. One had a T.U.R.P. and when it was analysed they found 25% Cancer. He was a very worried guy as he had problems peeing. I told him that since my problem I had been using Cayenne, on a daily basis and had no problems in the 12 years since I had the same operation. So I suggested he Take Cayenne and a 50/50 juice of apple and Red Beet. Six weeks later he went for a biopsy, the Doc took thirteen biopsies in various places within the prostate. they all came back negative and clear with a Previous Psa test of 0.1.

I gave the same advice to the other in law, Apparently the cancer had got outside the Prostate, I've just heard back on him, and he is now clear as well. According to the Science the Cayenne strips the cancer cells wall, and the apple and beet seem to do the rest. If the urine turns red its a good indication that the juice is getting everywhere, this is a good indicator and is harmless. So the message is drink enough till the urine shows red.

This is anecdotal but it seems the Cayenne, works on other Cancer cells as well. It would be good to get some more feedback on this, as it seems that there is something cheap that actually might work.

Baking Soda
Posted by Alan (Qld Australia) on 11/10/2013

Hello Bexi my experience I have been taking apple cider vinegar and baking soda regulalary now for a bit over two years, I started taking it for enlarged prostate after say 3 to 4 weeks the symptoms were gone, since then I have had a few friends that has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, to really know how much baking soda to take is to buy some PH strips from the health store and test the PH of the saliva regulalary while taking the baking soda to maintain the ph at around 8.3 for 5 days then have a couple of days off to rest then start to take it again cancer can not live in an alkaline system, another tip is to eat and chew very well the kernals from apricot seeds I have a long term friend who eates them al day every day , a lot of this information can be found on this site check out TEDs remedy in this section. Have a look on youtube baking soda cures cancer too, all the best Alan

Posted by Renee (Bergen Co, NJ) on 12/28/2021

Hi Ken, so sorry to read that your prostate cancer persists. To answer your question, in the US, we have "baking soda" which is exactly the same substance as your "bicarbonate of soda." Sometimes readers get confused because in the US, we have a similarly-named ingredient called "baking powder." Baking powder is never used as a natural remedy; it's only used in cooking food. Baking soda, aka bicarbonate of soda, is frequently used in natural health remedies. So, you have the right stuff on hand! Prayers for your healing!

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Myway (Usa) on 05/11/2016

Regina - this can be a frightening time BUT the first resource I suggest to anyone is

....the series "The Quest For The Cure" will give you up to date information. I purchased the series in DVD format and offer it to patients I take care of. It is very empowering. Don't let the medical community scare you. research and take control.

Secondly, Peter Starr, a media producer contracted prostate cancer and produced a documentary that I've seen twice on PBS...he was able to cure his cancer without invasive surgery or chemo. Go to YouTube and type in Dr. Mercola and Peter Starr.... You will see a great interview on this topic. The series Peter put out can be purchased as well...Periodically it is on a pbs station for free.

Lastly, do not rush to any judgement on which direction to take except - there has to be some drastic lifestyle changes. Earth clinic has some great folks here who can help guide you but the bottom line is, you have to do your own research to figure out what you and your husband are comfortable with.

I wish you and your husband all the best on your journey!!!!

Myway :D

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 07/11/2021


ORH here and pretty sure I have prostate cancer so I's taking the dog dewormer. Got two friends that have pancreatic cancer and they both are going the allopathic route and both will die an horrific death. John's Hopkins says stage 4 of pancreatic cancer has a 1 % cure rate. I am a simple person and play the odds. 1 % is not too sporty in my book. I have explained it all to them. I have been on this kick for some 15 years and have few converts. They all do what the Allopathic doctors tell them to do. My big problem is my heart. I am in CHF. My electrical doctors have no clue so they want to check out the plumbing thing. I am now doing another 30 EDTA Chelations after I had zero plugage at age 77. You want to start some sheet..... then tell your heart doctor that you are doing chelation. I am just old and it is time for me to die, but I don't want to go out until I squeeze out the last little drop. That is soon.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Steve (Or) on 10/08/2019

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

After my doctor did a PSI test was 3.5 and then two months later for some reason did it at one of the Five Point day were concerned they did it another two months and it went up to 14 V the doctor was saying I had prostate cancer.

I did the heavy dosage - 25 drops of 3% in 8 oz of water three times a day in and went back for oh yes it was 4 months later.

My doctors don't know what happened cuz my prostate was down to 2.1 and they say I don't have cancer no more so I believe in it.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Voxpop (Dallas, Tx, Usa) on 04/14/2012

If this protocol was successful as it appears in your comments.. Why not just give us the recipe and how many times a day it was taken???

Budwig Diet
Posted by Lloyd (Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain) on 04/03/2009

I personally visited Dr. Johanna Budwig in Germany in the year 2000. She passed away in 2003 at the age of 95 from a fall. Dr. Budwig was nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize Dr. Budwig had over a 90% success rate with this protocol with all kinds of cancer patients over a 50 year period. Dr. Budwig worked with many patients who were terminally ill and some who had only hours to live. Dr. Budwig explained in her books that her healing plan works on improving the cells of the body. It doesn't matter where the cancer cells are located or what name if given to your cancer because the Budwig program gives cells what is needed in order for them to normalize in their functioning process. Her approach successfully treated the cause of all types of cancer, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, Bone cancer, Carcinoma, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, Leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, skin cancer, etc., and other common serious illnesses such as such as Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Multiple sclerosis, Heart Disease, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, and so on. She used a unique formula of cold pressed flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese with a little honey. Many people of heard of Dr. Budwig and may even have tried to follow her recipe. However unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation on her protocol on the Internet and if it is not followed exactly as she discovered and explained in her research the results could be very disappointing. As I obtained copies of all her research and have shared it with many others todate I would be happy to share her exact formula with any who request it on this forum. I often write about Dr. Budwigs formula for a local English Newspaper here in Southern Spain.

Lloyd from Southern Spain

EC: The Recipe for the Budwig Diet can be found here.

Budwig Diet
Posted by Ron (Johnson City, TN) on 10/18/2005

How I Reduced My PSA Level by over 50% without Prescription Drugs: From November 1998 to early November 1999, my PSA level climbed from 1.7 to 5.1, and a month later jumped to 6.15. My doctor made an appointment with a urologist, who said that my prostate was slightly enlarged and scheduled me for a biopsy to test for prostate cancer in early December 1999. During my discussion with the urologist, he indicated that there was considerable research that showed a high correlation between consumption of red meat and that of cancer, in general, including prostate cancer.

In the meantime, I became aware of the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and Nobel prize nominee, who did extensive research in the benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated protein in the diet. She helped many seriously ill individuals, who had been given up as terminal, to regain their health. The program that she used was flaxseed oil blended with quark, the German form of cottage cheese.

In early December 1999, I began a program of flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese. Specifically, in the morning, I took five doses, each consisting of two 1,000 mg softgels of flaxseed oil with one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese. I repeated this in the evening, so that my total daily dosage was twenty softgels of flaxseed oil and ten teaspoons of low fat cottage cheese. In the one year since I began this program, my PSA level has dropped from 6.15 to 2.4. I have now reduced my total daily dosage to two softgels of flaxseed oil and one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese.

The source for the flaxseed oil that I used is Nature's Distributors, Inc., phone number 1-800-624-7114, or on the internet at This company often sells many of their products at a 2 for 1 price. If you call them, ask about their new Vita-Flax product, which is available in 1 lb. containers. This product is not only more economical, but it also replaces both the flaxseed oil AND the cottage cheese. It is also claimed to be superior in many ways to the flaxseed oil, since it is lower in fat and is rich in soluble fiber and also contains lignans, which reportedly have significant anti-cancer properties.

CONCLUSION: In my case, I was able to reduce my PSA level by over 50% without surgery or prescription drugs. The only change that I made besides the program described above is that I reduced my intake of red meat in favor of fish and poultry.

Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin
Posted by AZJJ (AZ) on 04/08/2024

As part of getting ready for old guy prostate surgery, a TURP, I had a PSA test, came back high at "9". UroDoc quickly ordered a MRI. Since most guys my age have "some" cancer in their prostate, it will likely lead to a needle biopsy, then... who knows... radiation? Chemo? I did a lot of research and found a great article that really helped me chill:

I also found amazing information on both Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin, as excellent cancer killers, with many testimonials confirming cures from various serious cancers. Look for info and videos from G. Edward Griffin, who wrote "A world without cancer" and John Robinson on B17... info on Fenbendazole can be found mostly on sites like Bitchute that don't censor info for Big Pharma...

I do not believe that I have prostate cancer, but due to the PSA test, which I will soon repeat on my own, outside of the UroDoc's office... I will probably refuse the MRI... but I will take both Fenben and B17 as preventive measures... at 67... only makes sense. B17 can solve a lot of other problems too... look into both!!

Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 04/09/2024 84 posts

AZJJ, Kudos to you for avoiding MDs and their 3-step process that can ruin your life and eventually kill you. Their step #1 is the PSA test. Their step 2 is the biopsy/MRI/CT. Their step 3 is the Prostate Surgery.

Learn from the example of a friend of mine who trusted Medical Doctors too much. Foolishly he submitted to an MD, and the Medical Cartel's 3-step process, and the MDs ruined his life and very quickly killed him. He could have lived for another 50 additional years. But no, he did not, because he wanted to diagnose and treat his prostate cancer that did not need any diagnosis or treatment.

AZJJ, Stop worrying, and start living. Those PSA values are irrelevant and meaningless. But, if, in the highly unlikely event, you do have a prostate cancer, then usually it needs neither diagnosis, nor treatment, as most of us will die with it, but not because of it.

Apricot Seeds
Posted by Curt (US Colorado) on 04/30/2024

I get my apricot seeds from this place.

Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 07/12/2021

Supplemental Iodine has helped bring down a high PSA. The prostate is rich in iodine. Drs. Brownstein and Sircus have more info on their sites. Raw dandelion root extract and stinging nettle root extract have both been proven clinically effective at lowering a high PSA. Best wishes for healing.

Posted by Anne (France) on 07/11/2021

Hi. My husband has been treating prostate cancer for 12 years. natural remedies need time to work. We started with amazon tonic which reduces inflammation. It was good and we still use it. However, we decided to go to the root cause of what was causing the inflammation and why we couldn't stop it.

Research brought us to naglease which kicks in when cancer is in the body. Naglease prevents the macrophage from working. Macrophage eats inflammation.

We decided to buy GCMAF which attacks the naglease. GCMAF is basically made with dairy and expensive to produce. We then researched unpasteurised milk, fermented milk and probiotics as we realised we could make it ourselves. Unpasteurised Fermented milk is whey and has all the protein and every amino acid your body needs which supports the immune system. before pasteurisation milk was always the go to for natural cures.

My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer.

Posted by Guilford (AL) on 07/11/2021 6 posts

I went on a vegetable juice diet when I had prostate cancer. The doctors kept wanting to remove my prostate but they said the cancer was slow growing. I told them I thought my body could heal itself when I ate the right foods. My PSA was higher than normal and they wanted to remove it but my prostate wasn't getting any larger. Finally, they checked after a few years and after a biopsy, the doctor told me to forget about prostate cancer and that I had never had it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/25/2017

HI U Rsw,,,,,,,,, saw my well read Pharmacist church friend today and she brought me the book on the evolution of LDN. It takes brave doctors to buck the system and the internet and EC are going to help them free up the system.

Her husband is a Radiologist and they are 180 apart, but happily married for some 40+ years. I told her that he is an MD at the right time because all their money grubbing is going to cease. Folks will just go to another country. Like India, Japan, China and guess what ......Cuba. They are light years ahead of us in the use of Ozone and other non FDA approved stuff.

Other countries go for solutions, and we pick our nose while folks die waiting on the process to catch up. With my shot gun method, I seldom know what truly solved my problem. It is solved and that's all that matters to me. I usually have a pretty good clue. If I sound pumped, that's because I am. I's 'bout half smart, but like Hillary says ... "it takes a village". And my village is EC.

My goal is to be around 12 more years, but your 25 years has my mind spinning. That, my dear, would be a project... for certain.

ATS =====ORH====

Alternative Treatment Centers
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/02/2014

Ann: The 112 year old woman in the Caucuses, the 99 year old Tarahumara in North Central Mexico, and the 150 year old whale in the Pacific, don't live in mansions, drive Cadillacs, get cancer, go to clinics, take meds or isolates from supplement manufacturers. He can go from getting worse to getting better in just 5 minutes. The cooked conventionally grown food that he is eating is a toxin the creates a poisonous environment. To survive the components of the cell mutate into cancer. Raw organic produce reverses the condition. Cancer does not eat sugar in the presence of insulin when fat is below 5%/g of carbs. Organic fruit is the best food because fruit wants to be eaten. As the fruit ripens the plant increases the activity of all the nutrients and make highly energized water to attract herbivores to propagate the seeds. Make green smoothies from 1oz organic baby leaves, some organic chili, 1/2g unrefined sea salt, and 12oz water every 2 hours. Eat raw organic fruit, berries are best, strawberries have vitamin c, bananas, melons, and dates are best for calories, whenever hungry. For protein and unsaturated fat soak raw organic nuts and seeds, chia is best, over night before eating. Eat 1/2 saturated fat from coconut oil and 1/2 unsaturated fat from soaked nuts and seeds. Keep total fat below 5%/g of carbs. Make home brewed water kefir. He can take colostrum. The continuous flow of active nutrients and high energy water simultaneously nourish and detox properly.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 08/09/2012

Yes Cayenne causes prostate cancer cells to go suicidal. If you spread it on toast with butter mixed in you can take it without the burning. Its a shame you didnt try it before the removal of the prostate.... If you google "Cayenne and prostate cancer" youll find some good stuff including the scientific report.

Posted by Thenewguyintown (Westwood, Nj) on 08/10/2012

Bob, its a shame you didnt do the BSM & BS protocol before the radical decision to remove your prostate. At this point I would suggest that you look into taking capsaican supplements. Do your due diligence and you will see many have had great success. The BSM & BS is far from tasty, but then again its about battling cancer. Opposed to the contrary, its not that bad a thing to have to ingest..... Good luck

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 12/14/2011

The guy that posted the cure took 6x600mg tablets of cayenne daily that were rated at 10000 scofeild units.. For a couple of weeks then dropped the dose by half. If you google cayenne and prostate cancer his blog comes up. There's other information which seems to suggest it attacks other cancers besides prostate, by causing the cells to go into suicide mode.

Barley Grass
Posted by JC (San Antonio, Texas) on 01/12/2009

First I am not a doctor or medically trained professional but this info is from personal experiences. I have also heard success stories from other people and a few doctors that have had patients tell them they have done the same thing. We have a family friend that had prostate cancer and was told by his doctor that if he didnt begin aggresive chemo treatment immediately he would only have 3-6 months to live. He refused becuase he didnt want to endure this torture and began to seek new treatments. He began drinking organic barley green grass 3 times a day, ate less red meat and ate more veggies. A few weeks later he went to the doctor again and the doctor was amazed at the result and told him I dont know what you are doing but I want you to keep it up because it seems to be helping you. This was almost 2 years ago and he is doing extremely well. This has also worked to help shrink fibroids. Barley green is known for removing harmfull toxins from your body. You may want to drink Organic Barley Green Grass powedered/granules Not In Pill Form. You can mix it with water or apple juice but nothing acidic (no orange or lemon juice), nothing with caffeine.

Posted by Coolboot (Washington, Dc, District Of Columbia) on 12/15/2011

I am also using cayenne pepper regularly as treatment for enlarged prostate.

Twenty-five years ago, a urologist wanted to put me in the hospital to cut my prostate because my test results were high (at that time about 4. 5). I told him I'd "sleep on it" and passed. Then I started taking Saw Palmetto, about 450 mg twice daily. For 25 years this has been my remedy and has allowed me to urinate relatively freely, until recently, when my urine stream began to weaken and my bladder never seemed completely empty.

The last BPH(?) test showed my prostate had grown larger (test results had increased to about 10. 5). I continued using saw palmetto, but was getting up at night every two hours to urinate and could not completely empty my bladder. Annoying to say the least.

Then, about 3 months ago, I began following the cayenne pepper protocol:

1) one heaping tsp. cayenne with

2) fresh squeezed juice of one-half lemon in

3) Five or six ounces lukewarm water mixed well

every morning on an empty stomach.

It was suggested I try this "if you're man enough" and I tried. I have always been fond of hot and spicey foods, being particularly enamored of hot and spicey Thai and other Oriental dishes, but the cayenne and lemon juice in warm water was a shock!

It took about 5 or 6 days of ingesting this concoction regularly every morning before I was really "man enough" to swig it down every day without choking or wincing or sneezing uncontrollably!

Now I find that my urinating is more completely emptying my bladder, that I don't get up nearly so much during the night, and I am also experiencing much more vigor and energy.

I am scheduled for updating prostate lab tests early next year and am anxious to see if my results validate this therapy. I can hear the urologist now saying "Whatever you're doing, it's working well, so keep it up."

I am recovering from a heart attack (two years ago), with 100 % occlusion of my right coronary artery. I am convinced that the cayenne protocol is also helping me to flush the plaque out of my arteries to allow the blood to flow more freely. I would say cayenne pepper allows the blood to flow more freely throughout the body's systems and carry more oxygen where it's needed at the cellular level.

Here's to better health, all of you! Take the cayenne pepper remedy - "if you're man enough! " Give it a try for at least a week or two to experience the results.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by D (USA) on 12/10/2006

My father has been taking your lemon-bicarbonate formula for 20 days and also some (little) potassium bicarbonate and citric acid. You remember that the doctor told him he had prostate cancer, his PSA level were extremely high. He also has been taking for three months some pills that the doctor gave him and an injection every three months, a sort of hormone suppressant. Well he just tested and his PSA is normal. The doctor was surprised and told, I quote: "so it was not cancer but just an infection". What I understand from his word that their medicines are not supposed to do this, so I really think it was the lemon-bicarbonate plus potassium that worked, we hadn't even started the cesium yet! Thank you so much Ted, D

Posted by Dan (Largo, FL) on 09/16/2006

For a really insightful viewpoint on iodine, check out this lecture by Dr. David Brownstein ( about iodine and its deficiency relationship to Breast Cancer. Note he also suspects an unproven relationship between an iodine deficiency and Prostate Cancer.

He mentions that the Japanese diet includes 14mg per day of iodine on the average (coastal Japanese ingest even more.) The US RDA is 150 ugs (micro grams) per day -- about 100 times less than the Japanese eat -- and the recommended upper level for iodine is no more than 1.1 mg/day, and they estimate the average requirement to be 95 micrograms per day or about 150 times less than the Japanese consume.

The 125mg Kelp tablets that I have from Vitamin Shoppe, have 225 ugs of iodine in them. Thus, to get to the Japanese level of Iodine (14 mg/day), I would have to take 62 of these tablets a day! Dr. Brownstein also states that iodine is stored in the thyroid which requires 6 mg/day and is also stored in a women's breasts and required for proper breast development. The breasts require 5 mg/day for a 110 lb woman.

And catch this... Breast cancer researchers have to starve test animals of iodine in order to be able to induce breast cancer in any significant number of them. Hmmm...

Another 2 mg/day of iodine is required by the adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary, and other organs. Therefore, the total required iodine for a woman is 5 6 2 = 13 mg/day. The RDA is 150 ugs per day, so a woman would have to take 86 times as much as this to achieve the 13 mg/day needed by her body, and even more if she had a larger body or bigger breasts. A man has smaller breasts and his prostate requires somewhat less iodine than a woman's breasts. However, a man's body is generally larger than 110 lbs, so this would have to be factored into the total requirements for a man.

Dr. Brownstein states, "Over the last 30 years, iodine levels have fallen over 50% in the United States. Breast cancer rates have risen dramatically. Thyroid illness from hypothyroidism, autoimmune including Grave's and Hashimoto's, as well as thyroid cancer has risen dramatically."

Since the Japanese have so much iodine in their bodies (they're ingesting 100X our 150 ug RDA of iodine), and iodine is essential for dealing with radiation exposure, it makes me wonder what might happen happen if there were a mishap involving massive radiation exposure in a country such as ours where the iodine level is so pathetically low.

And this may well be an important consideration, as cancer rates have been shown to rise after radiation has been released into the atmosphere, which apparently happened quite a bit with the use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq in 2003. Background radiation levels were measured at many times normal in England (click this link - - and check the graphs) just a few days after the fighting started in Iraq. Cancer rates in Iraq in 2001 were about 10X what they were before Desert Storm where much less DU was used than in 2003. The big problem is that the effects are global (see: So, the problem for us is that the DU rounds burn up or pulverize and tend to stay in the atmosphere, allowing the "aerosol of sub micron" size to enter the slip-stream and come back to America to bite us all.

Therefore, we all need to be aware of any nutritional and purification techniques which will handle radiation.

I've just upped my iodine intake to 1.35 mg/day (6 kelp tablets of 225 ug each) and I feel warmer already (maybe this will help me burn off my excess fat even faster.)

Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 07/12/2021

Hey ORH –

When you mentioned your “electrical doctors”, it made me think of the Bob Beck Protocol using micropulsing (also called blood electrification which sounds rather alarming).

His protocol also uses a magnetic pulse generator (a hand-held instrument that is placed directly over the problem area to create microcurrents).

You mentioned previously that you have a fair number of gadgets so perhaps you have something similar stored away.

Who knows, it just might work.

Regardless of the outcome, ORH, you have done a lot with your life which you shared with the Earth Clinic community – both regaling us with your stories and scolding us for not taking responsibility for our own health.

But, like they say, it ain't over till it's over. Hang in there .. .


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by CynthiaMW (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/21/2022

Hi Carlos,

Thank you very much for sharing your experience. Would you kindly expound on the stage your friend was in? My husband was diagnosed with late, stage 4 prostate cancer with metastasis nearly a year ago. He is still here, thriving one day and not the next day. We've been battling it naturally without morphine or cannabis (Ionic Magnesium and lots of massages). We even did the 1-Minute Cure protocol for approximately 5 weeks weeks at 75 drops daily, but unfortunately, it did not cure him, but we could tell a difference the first few weeks of following the protocol. He was walking much better and had a serious appetite. Unfortunately, he ended up in the E.R. as he developed urinary bladder distention, and a catheter was inserted.

We are desperate, we learned it was not genetic and really have no idea how he developed it as we always ate "Organic, Wild-Caught, Non-GMO" we've been athletic nearly our entire lives. The one thing I can say is that we used Dr. Bonner's Pure Castile Soap The Original liquid soap for nearly 30 years and I read that anything from the Mentha family plummets testosterone. I learned Herbs are potent and should only be used when needed and NOT EVERY DAY! Carlos, would you kindly respond to me? Thank you very much!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Carlos Hernandez (Fountain Valley, Ca. USA) on 06/04/2020

Writing to thank Deirdre Layne for founding Earthclinic!

I have used many of the treatments and remedies for years with much success.

The most amazing cure is Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation method. I spoke to Bill when he was 83 years old on the phone. I recommended his treatment to one of my long time friends and it cured his prostrate cancer in about 6 days!

I have since then helped over 30 people cure themselves and that makes me so happy to hear their reports! Baking soda or organic apple cider vinegar also work!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Candy (Ia) on 06/07/2018

Research side effects of radiation. My husband's doctor just listed ten for us today including diarrhea, bloody stools and urine, permanent e.d. etc.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/23/2017

Rsw,,,,,,,,, wow, wow, wow is all I can say. I followed your URL and I bought in, hook, line and sinker. This guy's cancer journey was totally mind boggling and I have added those items to my protocol. He sounds like an iron ass like me and did not let the PC doctors deter him.

You have done me a great service and I thank you. You have also helped others if they will just read with an open mind. You don't post often, but when you do, it is always a home run. You must read a lot.

Yo Buddy =====ORH======

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 12/28/2011

If you maintain your ph at 7 that will stop the cancer, the cancer cells don't divide at a ph of 7. If you can maintain a PH of 8.5 for a few days at the ph over 7 the cells start to die off. Using Baking soda and a sugar carrier like molasses. You have to get some litmus strips to measure your ph. And be prepared for some side effects like headaches and loose bowels. Mix two tabelspoons of baking soda, thats soda not powder! In a cup of water in a pan stir till it clears then add a tablespoon of molasses. Let it cool and then drink it down. Build it up to three a day untill the ph is 8 or above.

Mild headaches nausea and yellow stools might be the side effects that show up when the cancer is being excreated. This regime dropped a bloggers psa from 25 to 1 who had advanced prostate cancer that had metasisised to his bones.. The mri scan showed no bone cancer, after he was diagnosed as terminal before the regime by two doctors. After one regime of this soda treatment. But as always its up to you to decide and do your own reasearch.

Posted by Zark (AU) on 04/14/2015

This is working! Thank you thank you thank you!! I was really worried.

A bit of history:
I have had inflammation in my prostate for going on about 10 years. Up until the last 8-10 months or so the pain had always been restricted to just where my prostate is, on rare occasion it caused blood in my urine, and also gave some issues with urination.
After fooling around with some antifungal compounds (Lufenuron being one) I found that these helped, but only temporarily. A few months after that experimentation the pain started to spread out from the prostate into the left and right flanks of my abdomen.

I am currently taking half to one teaspoon chile pepper mixed in a glass of water (cold or luke warm). Drink it straight away, and then drink a little of plain water to rinse the taste out. It isn't as bad as it sounds.

Just minutes later the abdominal pain became a bit sharper and then disappeared. I found that the chile remedy works for about 8 hours, so I am taking this with water every 4 hours at the moment.

I tried making chile pills and taking this with food, but I must say that taking the chile with water is more effective, and not nearly as difficult as I imagined. Since I was only taking the chile pills three times a day I found that this was insufficient for me.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Genevieve123 (Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight, England) on 06/12/2012

For the exact recipe for baking soda and molasses / maple syrup cure for cancer, go to YouTube phkillscancer. com, given by terminal prostate cancer survivor, who also tells his story.

1 2 3 4 5