Seborrheic Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kitchenwitch2 (Santa Ana, CA) on 07/31/2009

I have had seborrheic dermatitis for most of my life. The past few years it has gotten worse and worse. I saw the dermatologist and he gave me some shampoos that worked minimally. I have tried nearly every OTC remedy.

The plaques were so bad lately I began to seriously think about shaving head. Truly, I was at my wits end.

I found this website and read about the ACV treatment. I happened to have had some in the cabinet that day (for treating my dogs for fleas) so I mixed some ACV 50/50 with water and applied it to the worst area, put a shower cap on and left it for 30-45 minutes. Then shampooed and conditioned as usual.

There was a marked difference after ONE treatment! I couldn't believe it! I have continued the treatment 2-3x per week for the last 3 weeks ( now with a spray bottle). My scalp is now almost completely clear! I expect to be completely cleared up within 30 days of starting treatment.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! ACV works!

Christine Hernandez

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alicia (Madrid, Spain) on 07/14/2009

This reply is for Kungfuchic from Thidobaux, LA. Thanks so much for your interest and hope everything is the best in your life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by kungfuchic (Thibodaux, LA) on 07/06/2009

I just wanted to relpy to Alicia from Madrid: ACV actually helps your bones to retain density. It has nutrients that bones need to keep strong and healthy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alicia (Madrid, Spain) on 07/04/2009

Hello! I've just started using ACV and I feel heartburn. Makes your body loose bone density? I'm right now starting my menopause and I'll appreciate your info. What do you think about ingesting H2O2? Thanks a lot. Alicia

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Connie (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/02/2009

I agree about taking ACV and the side effects it can have on your taste buds and stomach. But here is a tip a friend told me about... mix 4 ounces of warm water with one tablespoon of ACV and one tablespoon of honey mix well a drink in two quick swallows.This is still a little shock on your taste buds, have a full glass of cool fresh water ready. Drink this mixture three times a day. I must admit it took me about three weeks to get use to this but you do and the MANY health benifits of ACV and the honey are well worth it!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mariposa (San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 07/02/2009

YEA- Seborrheic Dermatitis

Apple Cider Vinegar & Tea Tree Oil cured my Seborrheic Dermatitis

I had Seborrheic Dermatitis for approximately 2 years on different parts of my scalp. I went to a dermatologist and of course he couldn't explain why I have it because they really don't know. Some doctors say it's caused by stress. I've tried dandruff shampoos (all brands) and shampoos prescribed by my dermatologist. The shampoos helped at the beginning but after the first bottle they would become ineffective. And the flakes and itching would just come back even worse. I got tired of wasting money on doctor's visits and ineffective shampoos and thank God I stumbled upon this website. The ACV and Tea Tree Oil worked a miracle on me.

I filled an 8 ounce spray bottle with 4 oz. ACV and 4 oz. water. I sprayed my scalp with the mixture and left it on for about one hour. It does smell but trust me it's worth it. After, I just washed my hair like I always do. I immediately checked and most of the flakes had been washed away. I just thought, tomorrow they will be back. But, the flakes were gone. I was so excited that I also started drinking the ACV with orange juice twice a day (4 tbsp. of ACV in a glass of orange juice). Two days later I sprayed my scalp with the mixture and left it overnight and just washed my hair in the morning.

I am also using the Tea Tree Oil for prevention. I put 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil for every 8 oz. of shampoo. I tried just putting drops of it on my scalp but it smells very very strong.

For those who are worried because they dye their hair; it is totally safe. I have color treated hair and I had no problems with fading.

It's been about 2 months now and I have NO flakes, NO scabs and NO itching. I haven't had to spray the ACV mixture in my scalp again, but I currently shampoo with regular shampoo which I just add the Tea Tree Oil and I drink the ACV with orange juice about 4 times a week.

Cold Laser Therapy
Posted by Lauren (Asheville and Boca Raton, North Carolina and Flori) on 06/28/2009

Hey Hillary, I also have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and I have it on my eyebrows as well, I was wanting to try this cold laser therapy, I had a few questions though. At the chiropractic that you went to, had he done this before for conditions like yours? I'm afraid of getting it done at a chiropractic office if they only have experience on using it for muscle issues. Also how is your condition now, did it come back? Have you had to do maintenence therapy? I'm amazed that nothing came back even after 6 months, that is enough for me, but just curious what has happend now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joellie (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 06/24/2009

Dear all, AVC does a good job.. what is the best treatment for my face! I still have litle tiny flakes... and after the avc my skin feels still a litlle fat.. anyone.. thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 06/18/2009

Hi Larry, I am curious as to how you give the vinegar to your dogs. Right now I am treating my dog with a systemic yeast problem. I have switched my dog to a raw food diet which is helping and the vet (a holistic guy) has given me some probiotics to put in her food.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Larryc (Buffalo, New York) on 06/14/2009

I have used apple cider vinegars for years-not faithfully but continue to fall back on its healing abilities.Not only do I use it on myself but on my 2 Saint Bernards-thats right.The ACV I use is ___ ACV which is 100% organic. It is a little more expensive but I feel that the strength of this surpasses the basic store bought acv.

I take mine with orange juice, it helps cut the bitterness of this acv and seems to be somewhat potent and expedient in its healing properties.It works on my 2 dogs due to the fact that it has helped greatly in the curing or reliefing of its so called allergies.

I have not had any dandruff or scallyness for as far back as I can remember which seems to be forever.Give it a try with orange juice.Good luck and stay healthy. Larryc

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charlie (Boca, FL USA) on 06/10/2009

First and foremost thank you all for posting and for this site. I have Seborrheic Dermatitis on my face and scalp. It started as a red dry skin area around my nose and spread to under my eyes, chin, side burns, eye brows and when I did not shave anywhere there was hair. It has not spread to the rest of my body and thankfully just on my face.

It would get worse when I exercised, sweated or a temperature change from hot to cold weather wise. This caused me to stop exercising, which as a tri athlete was horrible. Sadly ordeal lasted roughly 6 years until I found Apple Cider vinegar. Before that I tried, dandruff shampoos, creams, acne solutions (proactive) and steroid based creams from my dermatologist.

The solution was simple and in my grocery store:
Apple cider vinegar in liquid form. I got the idea from this site and tried the recommendations.
1. Drink it mixed with water. That tasted badly so I decided to just do a shot of it. BAD IDEA. It almost killed myself and threw up for roughly 4 hours, side note it was a interesting way to reset and rid myself of all my stomach lining. DO NOT DRINK IT AS A SHOT.
2. I then tried the pills-no effect

Got the liquid. Take 3 piece of toilet paper and fold it in 3's just enough to make a strip where I can cover the top of the bottle and turn the acv bottle over making 4 circles so I can wipe my face with it. It stings but man does it work. No more pealing and my bad flare ups now are what I used to consider my good days. I did it once in the morning and once at night at first but now I forget to do it because I don't need to. I f I go more than about a week it will start up, but as soon as I do the acv"poof" all better. Sweating and exercising does start the process again but as long as I do it twice a day- I am good to go.

Please feel free to email me with questions at [email protected]
I hope this helps and thank you all again for introducing me to acv.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by gd77 (Boston, MA) on 04/29/2009

Dandruff, ACV, and relaxing hair: I've used it in the past and my hair is relaxed. It worked pretty well. You may have to keep at it for couple of days to get rid of it. I would put it on my scalp w/ a dropper and massage it in. Then put a plastic cap and sleep with it on. In the morning wash it out or rinse. Blow dry or air dry. However, I would do this a least 3 days before you actual relaxer because washing irritates the scalp.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sishy (Kingston, Jamaica) on 04/27/2009

Savannah - do you relax your hair? I would like to try it but it would to good to know how ACV reacts with relaxer first.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Richard (London, England) on 04/02/2009

Hi, I'm a 38 yr old male with fair skin. For the last 12 years I have suffered with skin problems on my face, specifically on my nose and cheeks, sometimes on my forhead.

I remember travelling to work one day on the tube and feeling incredibly hot on my face, when I got to work I had what I can only describe as rashes in these areas. I did nothing (typical man!) for some weeks until I started to not only have these rashes but also severe scaling on the sides of my nose, almost scab like. I went to see my GP who said it was a type of sweat rash and perscribed daktacort cream. This story has probably been told a thousand times on here - the treatment worked initially, but if I stopped using it the rash would appear, then it started to appear even when I did use it, so I started using it all the time - my skin became completely addicted to the stuff. After 4 or five years of use my skin in these area looked pigmented, I developed capillaries all over my nose and the skin was constantly greasy, even within minutes of using a mild cleanser.I had also developed an itchy/flaky scalp (which I'd had as a teenager but had cleared up and been fine for years just using Head & Shoulders).

I went to see a dematologist a couple of years ago because I was at my wits end. He said that I had Seb Derm, got me off the daktacort but pescribed me protopic, which has kept, to a large extent the inflammation under control, but did nothing for the itching or pigmentation (why would it?) and the condition of my skin gradually deterioted.Washing the face with anti dadruff shampoos was a disaster, the skin would become 'angry' and very dry - I tried everything and anything to no avail

Last year (on another site) I came across the suggestion of AVC for use on the scalp to clear Seb Derm. It worked. After washing with a mild baby shampoo I let the hair dry and then sprayed on undiluted AVC and left. I did this for a week and the problem completely cleared. I now use it for 'maintenance' just once or twice a week. So I thought, well, if it works on my scalp why not try it on my face? Unfortunately I didn't have the same response. my skin actually became red in these areas over a period of time, I developed spots on my forehead and small boils along my cheek bones. After 6 weeks I stopped using the AVC on my face and resigned myself to lifelong use of protopic, skin irritation and embarssment. For the last 3 years, unless there's been no avoiding it I have completely avoided social interaction outside of work and had completely reached rock bottom.I stopped exercising because it just irritated the condition even more. My confidence was shot to pieces.

I came across this website last week. Apart from the skin in the centre of my face, I had also developed marks on my cheeks(which after another visit to my GP I was advised was eczema. I wasn't looking after myself, I just didn't care anymore. I've become the biggest sceptic on earth, but I read Ted's postings with interest regarding the use of baking soda (both internally and extrnally).

So here's what Ive done......For the last seven days I have been wasing my face with a mild solution of baking soda (two teaspoons in a litre of water). I have then applied a mixture of tea tree oil and lavender to my nose and cheeks, then an hour of so later covered with aloe vera. I have taken twice a day a half teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of AVC in a glass of water.In addition I have taken (once a day) magnesium, cod liver oil, evening primrose oil and selenium. I have also had no alcohol, fried or sweet foods. I did use to eat alot of fruit (and I mean alot), but have also had no fruit, but plenty of vegetables.

The result? My skin has completely cleared and I mean completely. What I didn't mention was that I have spent nearly 2000 on laser treatment to clear the capillaries to little effect, those that were treated soon came back. Within two days of this treatment the capillaries had gone, had all the itching. My energy levels are also up (no doubt partly psychological). I don't know if changes to diet can have an effect in such a short space of time but I do know that my condition is linked to food and drink and how I feel, but had simply lost the will to try and put all the pieces together.

I am sorry that this is such a long post, but I wanted to let people know my story in case there are others in the same position or about to go down the same route with cortisone use. Please, please dont! I could write about the medical treatment that I have had, but I am trying to look forward and not back - anyway, the failings of western medicine have been written about more eloquently on here by other people). Everyone is different and what has worked for me may not be right for others, but I hope this helps someone.

I am holding my breath at the moment to see if this is going to work long term but right know I feel like I have got my life back and am having to pinch myself. Most importantly I wanted from the bottom of my heart to thank everyone else on here who have posted about Seb Derm with their advice, but especially to Ted - words canot express how grateful I am.

EC: Thank you for the extensive feedback! We will forward your post to Ted.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rene (Palm City, Florida) on 03/13/2009

After trying many prescribed medications from my dermatologist and other suggestions on the Internet, I tried the Apple Cider Vineger remedy by mixing one part vineger, one part peroxide, and 10 parts warm water, as instructed. I used this solution for two nights, and it made my Seborrhea worse. Maybe this is good for dandruff caused by this condition, but for the red bumps and itching and rash, it made it worse. My doctor told me my Seborrhea is "chronic," meaning I will always have it in some degree of outbreak. Also, he said it is hereditary. I remember my mother always touching her head, but I don't remember her being diagnosed with this condition. I am 68 years old, and I have had this condition for a year now. I was told that stress can cause it, and I have been under a lot of stress this past year. People on this and other websites have suggested that diet may have something to do with Seborrhea, and that cutting out everything white, such as bread, rice, etc. would help the condition. Has anyone been successful with this procedure? My dermatologist told me that when the prescribed medications he gave me no longer keep the condition somewhat abated, then I have to call him, and he will change the prescription to another type. I just worry about losing my hair with all of these strong medications.

Honey, Peroxide, Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by D (Lisbon, Iowa, USA) on 03/04/2009

If you have a diagnosis of SD you will know that there are many sites that say it is caused by Pitisporum Ovale, they are incorrect. SD is caused by Malassezia Globosa. My eight year old had it all over his face and it was spreading rapidly, the doctor gave us a prescription for Eldel, which has a black box warning and was $40+ even with insurance. It surpresses the immune system and I would not use it on my child who is a cancer survivor. My poor son could not tolerate any of the antifungals I put on his face, his skin was extremely sensitive and everything was painful. I finally hit upon non-pasturized honey, it works. Cleanse the area with hydrogen peroxide, put honey on all the areas. I put it on him right after school and then re-applied at bedtime. I also read a study that zinc pyrithione kills Malassezia Globosa, so I also purchased a 1% zinc pyrithione spray called "Z Care" by supplement on the net. It took forever for them to ship it, but it works. Once you know the exact cause, you have a better chance of fighting what ever it it is. My son could not tolerate head and shoulders on his face whatsover, but the "Z care" spray doesn't burn as long as you wait 10 min after you wash your face. Results with the honey alone were visibile in a day or two, but it is slow going until every little flaky area is gone. It took about 2 months to completely heal him. A note of caution, if the SD is all around the nose area, consider applying the honey and the zinc pyrithione carefully to the inner rims of of the nostrils. I just use a q-tip to appply anything to his face anyway. Don't spray the spray near your face, spray the Q-tip first. The SD was so bad that he also developed a secondary staph infection on the side of his mouth. The honey healed it, and knocked the infection right out. He has a small pink area of scar tissue, where the staph infection was, but I am hopeful this will fade with time.

Read the study:

Good Luck!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ed (London, Hornsey) on 03/04/2009

At 24 I had my first experience of seborrheic dermatitis, and had it for about 2 years. I can honestly remember one girl commenting 'it looks like his nose is turning green', to be honest I couldn't care less what she said, but there were times when i felt so low I didn't want to leave the house. I might have been exaggerating, but my nose was going from small red marks, to be inflamed burn marks, to a yellow gewy substance which would eventually harden.

I tried so many things. At first the steroid cream I used did the job in the short term. But it was no long term cure I was comfortable with. If I stopped using it it was back in a week. Maybe less. So I stopped using that pretty early. I also used aveeno yeast cream, aloe vera (from a bottle and from a plant), going on a yeast free and sugar free diet (to be honest this lasted about a month and a half, and don't think I went completely all out. But tried to cut the main stuff out), and garlic- none of these things worked.

Funnily enough, when I went to the states, it practically seemed to go on its own.

Then I decided to use coconut oil. externally (100% coconut oil- the brand is pukka). I applied it about once every day, not very much was needed as it is a very oily product. Actually I started by using this and taking it internally, eating crushed coconut from a jar with a spoon. but now I just apply it externally. I've been doing this for about 4 to 5 months now, and it is already feeling like a miracle cure, so I hope it carries on like this! I only had one major flare up since, whereas before I was getting one every other week. I hope I'm not speaking to soon, but it's really helped my confidence, and probably changed my life for the better. And something so simple! Just gotta thank the people on this website (and this website for this).

Of course a downside could be seen as it coming back if I stop using it. But who knows, it might even go for good!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robin (New York, NY) on 02/27/2009

I have to say I was skeptical at best even after reading all the positive responses to this 'cure' but after only one application of ACV I cannot believe the difference!! Over the last few months my scalp and face around the hairline went from a mild case of a few flakes to a very bad case of extreme flaking and scaling etc. I too had tried everything and was getting extremely disheartened thinking I was just going to be doomed to deal with this condition forever. Not only has it helped the skin condition but just like others said my hair looks and feels shinier and it has also cut down on the amount of static in my hair (I think the static was caused by the medicated shampoo I was using before that stripped my hair). I don't even care that I'm walking around smelling like a jar of pickles!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Red Oak, Iowa) on 02/23/2009

This is my third posting about using apple cider vinegar since September, 08. Pretty right off the bat my dermatitis got 95% better. Then I went through around 3 months where patches cylced in and out on my face and scalp, but continuing to diminish. Now, I would have to say that my improvement has reached 98%. It's not perfect, but very, very good. I am so grateful for the people who run this site as well as for the fine people who contribute. This is an extremely well vetted site, with intelligent and respectful input. None of the hysterical, profane, tell-you-a-miracle-for-a-fee shysterism. Thank you again. This is internet as it is supposed to be.

FYI, I use ZNP Bar (zinc pyrithione soap bar) from Steiffel Laboratories as shampoo and face cleanser. It does a really good job of loosening and removing patches of dry skin. I then apply apple cider vinegar generously to my scalp and then blow-dry my hair. I follow this with facial application of vinegar. I quit using organic vinegar because it was just hard to get and have been using regular good quality Del Monte Apple Cider Vinegar. It seems to work at least as good as the raw organic vinegar, if not better, plus it doesn't have the raw ingredients which seem to smell more and coat my hair with gunk. My hair is silky and shiny, looks healthy, which is all to the better. A lot of gain for little cost and effort.

I think I would avoid using store brands of cider vinegar because they say that they are made of "distilled vinegar with cider flavoring"--which seems to indicate to me that it is not actually Apple Cider Vinegar per se. There is not much of a difference in price for name brand which state "contains apple cider vinegar." The raw organic vinegar costs considerably more, although nothing compared to the various and sundry bogus salves, unguents, lotions, and cortisone, steroids which I used in the past. I would not be surprised to find out that it is the acetic acid in the vinegar which is the helpful element, and not the apple cider, but I haven't been brave enough to switch to white vinegar yet. If anyone has, I would be pleased to hear about it. Thank you.

Honey, Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Diane (Lisbon, IA) on 02/20/2009

Honey and Zinc Pyrithione worked for Seborrheic Dermatitis:

If your skin is very sensitive and burns when anything is applied to it, you may wish to try honey. Honey is antimicrobial and anti-fungal. You must use only the non-pasturized honey, not the honey you find in the grocery store. Topically applied honey will also kill a staph infection of the skin.

My 8 year old son had a very bad case of seborrheic dermatitis and a portion of the area became secondarily infected with staph. Very scary. His face was a mess, and it was spreading. His skin was super sensitive and everything I tried caused great burning and pain. The doctor offered nothing except an immunosurpressing cream that turned out to have a black box label on it,(deaths associated with it's use, Elidel). We finally started using unpasturized natural honey. No burning, no pain and not only the rash but the staph infection went away, and has never returned.

I cleansed the area with 3% Hydrogen peroxide, smeared honey on all the areas, and he would wear it to bed. Later I started using a zinc pyritione 1% spray (Z care by supplement spot)on his skin while he was in school. Both have worked beautifully, and believe me I tried everything.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by James (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 02/11/2009

ok...i just like most people was skeptical about this when i googled seboretic dermatitis and found this website with all these comments. I will tell you exactly my story and if you are stubborn enough not to try it, then your head doesn't hurt like mine did. i would have tried anything. after 2 years of flakes, itching, some oozing when i scratched too hard, not wearing black clothes, and 4 trips to very good doctors, I simply got lucky and found this site. I went to Home Economist here in charlotte and bought a bottle of raw Apple Cider Vinegar($5) and I already had a bottle of normal 3% Hydrogen peroxide. I mixed them together with some water (i used a majority of ACV since mine was fairly severe) in a large glass. i leaned over the sink, and used my hands to apply generously to the hot spots on my scalp. it took 5-10 minutes and basically my entire scalp was totally wet after i finished. get this straight - IT IS GOING TO BURN - and that is how i immediately knew it was working. i went and watched tv for an hour to let it work, then took a shower and did not use any shampoo or anything. just water. it washed it out, but you are still going to smell the vinegar. so apply the ACV/peroxide at night so you can shower before bed, then just shower in the morning before work. RESULTS: i repeated the same process 2 nights in a row and my head is absolutely back to normal, which i had forgotten how great that feels. very few flakes at all, and only very random itching, not enough to even bother you. bottom line, your an idiot if you dont at least try this, i feel stupid and pissed i lived with such pain and embrassment for 2 years and the solution was 5 bucks and a website. good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Tekonsha, Michigan) on 02/10/2009

I suffer from Seborrheic Dermatitis and it drives me nuts! I've always had a flaky scalp, but it got worse in college. To manage it, I use Neutragena T-Gel everyday, which kind of works. It usually causes the itching to subside for a day ... until I wash my hair the next morning.

I also suffer from rosacea on my cheeks. It recently started getting worse in the evenings. I'm getting married in August and definitely don't want to be dealing with it on the big day. Like I said, it really only flares up in the evening before I go to bed.

I came across EarthClinic for a cure for rosacea and decided to start drinking ACV everyday to see what happened. As of today (10 February 2009) I have been drinking 1 tablespoon ACV mixed with a cup of orange juice every morning for 17 days. I've only missed one day. Here's what I've noticed:

* The itching in my scalp has subsided, only a tiny itch every once in a while
* My scalp is flaking significantly less than before
* The rosacea on my face has gotten better ... but isn't completely cured
* My skin has an overall healthier look

I haven't noticed any adverse side effects from the ACV. I still use the T-Gel about two times a week for the seborrheic dermatitis just because.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chloe (Guthrie, OK) on 02/08/2009

you may try to do full strength, also, try to add about 10 drops or so of tea tree oil. diluting it didn't work well for me either so i did the full strength and it worked better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sara (NY, NY) on 02/03/2009

I am having the same problem-- severe SD in eyebrows, am peeling like an onion. Can I use ACV on there? How diluted?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bryant Hassett (Warwick, RI) on 01/31/2009

I do not know what to say about apple cider vinegar at this point. I have a combination of Perioral Dermatitis, and Seborric Dermatitis, making my face a flaky and dry mess. The first 2 days were alright, it reduced the flakes density, and made it easier to pluck off... I'll tell you; it really stings. The third day or so i guess i may have used too much, but it made the area around my mouth soooo swolen that i couldn't even open it for 2 days. Its too soon to really tell if its working or not. But its not enjoyable right now. Im going to start taking ACV capsules and see if that works too. A friendly tip to you all, dont over do the ACV or you can end up with a swolen and iritated face which is not enjoyable at all.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Shaun (York, England) on 01/22/2009

I have suffered for too many years with SB / Dandruff that I care to mention, and the history of which is too laboured to bore you with here. However, I read recently of one of Ted's ideas of trying Milk of Magnesia (this has a ph of about 10-10.5). I put this on my scalp whilst in the bath (for about 10 mins), and then rinsed it off with freshwater. I then rinsed my scalp with a 50/50 mix of ACV and a very strong 25% vinegar made by Speyer & Grund GmbH, 08393 Meerane/Sachsen, Germany (this is powerful stuff, and so great care must be taken in testing how sensitive you are to it). Anyway, once out of the bath I ran a brush through my hair and HUGE flakes of dead skin just fell away leaving my scalp sparklingly clean.

As to whether I have a fungus or a candida issue I really do not know, but I feel I may just be allergic to cheese and white bread - or both in combo with candida. Anyway, for those suffering give this a go you will be stunned at the results. It may also just work with ACV (5%) and not the 25% vinegar / ACV mix.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carla (Vero, FL) on 01/19/2009

Here is a link that may help you.

Try applying Selsun Blue shampoo for about 10 minutes each day for a week to the area and then a couple of times a week until the flaking is gone. This has worked well for several patients of mine.

Best wishes!! Let us know what worked!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Monroe, MI) on 01/19/2009

Hello and thank you for this wonderful site, I love Earthclinic!

I have had many skin problems, especially on my face, the constant itching has at times, nearly driven me crazy. I have tried many remedies many of which seem to work only temporarily (although I must confess that I am not as good as perhaps I should be about sticking to one remedy at the time, or giving a given remedy a chance to work). Lately I have been taking the remedy that is listed here as a "blood cleansing" one, which is the Blackstrap Molasses (1 teaspoon) plus Sulfur (in form of MSM - 2 teaspoons), twice daily. I usually mix these two ingredients and eat them with a spoon and then drink about 2 cups of slightly warm water to get rid of the awful taste. So far, the results have been very good (I have only been taking it for about 2 weeks), the itching is almost completely gone and my skin is fairly soft. I don't wear make up or any kind of facial creams. I try to avoid anything that can cause irritation, but because of the cold, I have to use some moisturizer, for that I choose one drop or two of Jojoba oil. I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sara (Miami, Florida) on 01/19/2009

Seborrheic dermatitis in Eyebrows:

Please help me, I am at my wit's end. I got seb der in my eyebrows about eight months ago (and I think my trigger was make-up). This winter it flared up really badly. I tried drinking only soy milk but that did not help. My entire eyebrows are covered with flakes, and have been covered for several weeks now. Steroid creams worked initially and my skin calmed down, so I switched to Elidel like my doc said to, and my eyebrows got really bad. I tried Jason's tea tree oil shampoo and that irritated my skin. I am currently on Desonide (a steroid cream) and a salicylic acid cream, and there have been some slight improvements. Please help me, this is so embarrassing and frustrating. The seb derm is spreading so more and more of my eyebrows are getting scales. Before it was only a small area, but it expanded.I am also afraid of hair loss. The flakes are so huge that usually, most of the scale gets off of the roots of the hairs, but when I go to pull out the flake, since not all of the flake became detached from my skin, I pull a couple of hairs with it. Please help, I am very desperate. I am thinking of doing something drastic like cutting off of my eyebrows and just not showing up to school for a month.

EC: Make sure to read the all posts on the psoriasis and eczema pages!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Savannah Tucker (Dublin, GA) on 01/03/2009

I am African American I have dealt with dry scalp my entire life. My mother has the same condition. When I was younger my mother would deep condition my scalp and hair and moisturize my scalp daily. When I was a teenager I did the same but have tried countless treatments and prescriptions and products since then. It has been frustrating trying to find a solution to my scalp condition while taking care of my hair. I am twenty 26 and tried using ACV 5% acidity in my hair 4 days ago and my scalp has made a 100% improvement!!!!! I put the ACV on my scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes and washed and styled as normal. Amazingly, my scalp is not white and itchy and my hair is not full of flakes. I haven't put anything on my scalp since the day I washed it.

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