Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Pure Shea Butter
Posted by Diana (Vinings, GA) on 01/06/2008

I have been using pure shea butter on my hands and cracked feet since the weather turned cool. I also apply it around my nose to help cracked, peeling skin from contact dermatitis. It is one of the few moisturizers that doesn't aggravate the condition! Well, recently I ran out of my expensive Q10 face cream and decided, it being winter and my skin being dry, that I would use the shea butter on the rest of my face. So I took about a dime size from the container and rubbed it in my palms, (it is solid and needs to be "melted") and then massaged it into my skin. The next day I noticed that my pores were visibly smaller! I have continued to do this each night to see what happens.. I wake up in the morning with my face glowing and it is not my imagination, my pores are smaller. I really massage the butter into my skin with small circular movements -- my face gets a little red from the increase of circulation from the massage. I am not sure I can keep using shea butter in hot summer months (too oily) but certainly during cool weather! My bottle of shea butter cost about $4.00. I will let you know if my forehead creases disappear. So far, the lines around my eyes are less noticeable, but no such luck on the forehead!

Nancy's Youth Formula
Posted by Nancy (Brunswick, GA) on 12/20/2007

Here is my "Fountain Of Youth" Formula:

Mix a 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera
Add a soft gel capsule Hyaluronic Acid
Add 1 CoQ-10 soft gel capsule
Add 2 Vitamin A soft gel capsule
Add 1 Vitamin E capsule (recently added)
Spend 1 hour at least applying this.

Apply in a circular motion pulling skin lightly away from deep wrinkles, so you can get this deep into the problem areas.

WARNING: Your skin will turn red almost immediately, and if you have problem acne you should test a small area first.

Make sure you apply this evenly to your face and neck (unless testing for reaction.)
When this starts to work you want all of the benefits so be sure that you get close to and under the ear, also close to the hairline.

Don't just slap this on your face and expect it to work, You have to spend a bit of time applying this.

Can be Applied to lips and the back of neck.
Make sure you close your pores with a cold cloth lightly applied, don't rub. For best results apply warm cloth to face before applying to open pores.

Added Tip: Always apply a cold cloth to your face and neck after showering etc to close pores and lock in moisture.

I have noticed a "SIGNIFICANT" reduction of fine lines and deep wrinkles. I
have laugh lines and since using this I have noticed that when I smile now the line does not extend to half of my face, Smile is only around my mouth.
My skin has changed considerably to have such a dramatic occurrence.
( Vitamin E was recently added, so these changes did not include Vitamin E )

For more information about why I chose these vitamins, please visit my website:

Nancy's Youth Formula
Posted by Nancy (USA) on 03/21/2008

I bought a Liter of hyaluronic acid, Highest grade you can buy that will absorb into the skin. It cost $150. Should last a long time.As far as the beauty formula, That is a bit frustrating. 7 or 8 women from Earth clinic site have emailed me and have tried it.( I Think)No one has email me back with results. Maybe they are disappointed, I wish they'd tell me so.People complain about the time it takes to apply, Because I tell them to spend at least an hour on their face.Maybe I'm wrong but feel that it took a bit of time for a wrinkle to appear and if you don't work on it ,trying to reverse the affects,' then it's a waste of time.Personally,' I love the stuff, and couldn't imagine not having it as my beauty regime.I can't imagine why someone would not feel the same, as all the great ingredients in expensive beauty creams are in my cream.
I have literally spent hours, slathering this on my face and the wrinkles have diminished, not so course looking, not as deep and tighter skin. No more bags under my eyes. I thought these results were maybe my imagination, so I stopped using it for a week, then started doing it again.I get results instantly but some changes have taken awhile. I guess it is a bit like botox while its on the skin.I literally have no sagging skin on my neck when I turn my head!I used to pull the ear & cheek area back, which would smooth out the smile lines, although I still do this, I only do it to see how significant the changes are. I pull less skin in this area, I have not gained weight, actually I have lost a few pounds.Another change I have noticed is my whole body is softer, I use nothing, no creams or lotions on my body. This remedy has absorbed and hopefully I'll see some significant changes besides just the soft skin. I would love some feedback from others on this massage formula, please email me your results whether positive or negative. Thanks, Nancy

Nancy's Youth Formula
Posted by Nancy (USA) on 02/25/2008

I wanted to add to my remedy another ingredient in the event someone does not visit my website so they will know to include this in the creme. 2 capsules of Astaxanthin. I thought it an important ingredient in the Fountain of Youth remedy due to it's powerful ability to fight free radicals and the fact that it works with some of the ingredients in the cream.

Nancy's Youth Formula
Posted by Marie (Boca Raton, FL) on 04/06/2008

Nancy bought the highest quality of Hyaluronic Acid by the liter for $150.00 but did not say where she bought it. Is it possible to get this info. Thank you. Marie

Nancy's Youth Formula
Posted by Nancy (Brunswick, GA) on 04/07/2008

Marie, I found the Hyaluronic Acid on Ebay, It's listed as $129. and $20. shipping.

Posted by Luvey (New York, NY) on 12/08/2007

1. Wash face with glycerin soap only. 2. Use witch hazel as astringent. 3. Use Oil of Olay as moisturizer. Have been doing this for many years and I look 20 years younger than my age. Don't forget neck shoulders and chest. Also use vaseline on feet and hands at night.

Posted by Brenda (Palo Alto, California) on 12/05/2007

I use as little as possible any invasive soaps on my face. I like Basis and I wash my face in warm water and ALWAYS finish with very cold water. I am told that i look 10 to 15 years younger than my actual age 52.

Posted by Linda (Memphis, TN) on 11/28/2007

Clear Dry Skin . I'm a 42 year old female, often mistaken for 28 years old. I've suffered with dry skin, growing up but if you used only pure mild soaps with moisturizers and cocoa butter it will work wonders on dry skin.

Vitamin E
Posted by Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007

I want to thank Mimi from Corpus Christi, TX for her advice on using Vitamin E and cold water for beautiful skin. I have noticed a difference in my skin since using this remedy and I have only been doing it for about two weeks. I think my skin looks younger and my blemishes are down to almost nil. Putting the Vitamin E on is a bit of a pain, but I moisten my face with a little cold water and this seems to help. Please share any other remedies or beauty tips you might have Mimi! Thanks again.

Sudo Cream
Posted by Skincare (Belfast, Northern ireland) on 11/11/2007

When I had dry skin I mixed some Sudo cream with vaseline and rubbed it on my face and left it over night it must be during the night because it makes ur face look really oily and white. Then in the morning I washed it off and my skin had improved it looked more radient. At the moment I have spots and dry skin so I am trying another remedy I mixed one drop of toothpaste with some mose foundation and a drop of sudo cream my face feels fresh. Next time i will mix two drops of oil to make it smooth. If u are a person with really oily skin then apply talk to ur face over night as this will dry the oil and purify it too.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Sasha (Sav, Jamaica) on 07/29/2009

What is oil pulling? How do you do it?

Vitamin E
Posted by Dee (Memphis, Tn) on 01/27/2012

Hi Mimi, I'm so curious as to what kind of Vitamin E oil you use. I went to the store today after reading your post but got confused over the many choices of vit e capsules. I ended up purchasing a gel cap with 400 iu vitamin e and the ingredients were dl-tocopheral acetate, gelatin, purified water usp and glycerin. Is this similar to what you use? I also saw gel caps and liquids with a base of soybean oil, wheatgerm oil, corn oil and even lemon oil. But I didn't really want the soybean oil on my skin.

What are the ingredients in the brand that you use and do you find much difference in the brands and the ingredients or do you just get what is available at the time?

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Aul (Tampa, Florida) on 09/20/2009

Where do you purchase ozonated oil? Any certain brand? My local health stores do not carry this product. Thank you!

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Heather (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 03/13/2018

Does ozonated olive oil help decrease signs of skin aging? Anyone try it and see any good results?

Posted by Jose Goyo (La Guaira, Edo Vargas, Venezuela) on 09/16/2007

ok i am better reading that writing. English is not my native language ok? it´s possible obtain collagen from a ginseng tree?. I saw a man selling piece of ginseng tree to put it on a bowl with water and start to show some kind of mucus on the ginseng wood surface the man say it´s collagen, if yu put that collagen on the face you will look younger. I bought it and put it on my face and truely it looks better, soft and healthy. ?what do you think about this? thanks

Posted by Karen (Lawrenceburg, Ky) on 01/15/2010

Thankyou for the info...Now, sorry in advance, but I've never heard of a ginsing "tree." Now, I'm assuming that it's completely different than regular ginseng. I live in the states, wonder where I can get this? You can reply to me at apache_106 [@ ] hotmail. com

EC: He probably means ginseng root, no?

Castor Oil
Posted by Arial (Richmond, USA) on 12/05/2007

I saw the post on the Fountain of Youth page from the woman in Japan who used Castor Oil to reduce wrinkles. I wanted to find out if anyone else has had success with Castor Oil and if so, about how long did it take to get results. Thanks!

Castor Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 04/15/2009

I love castor oil! I started using it on my eyelashes and the first night I could tell that where I had gotten it on my face - that it was smooth and healthy looking. Now I apply it every night after I wash my face. For some reason it seems to me that the refined castor oil works better for this than the cold-pressed. For face washing I either use a wash cloth and water - or a bit of chandan powder on damp skin. Then I rinse and leave my skin damp and apply the castor oil first to my eyelashes, and then rub about a quarter sized amount into my palms and massage it all over my face and neck. I also add several drops of lavender essential oil to my castor oil.

In the morning I just splash my face with cool water and use a tiny bit of either virgin coconut oil or jojoba/sandalwood oil. My face feels sooo smooth and my forehead lines are much diminished! Try it! It is cheap and easy to do. You will see results the first morning! I promise :) It also makes your eyelashes and eyebrows grow to their full potential because they will not be so dry and break off. I also use it on the ends of my hair and sometimes on my scalp before bed.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Tumi (GC, Botswana) on 06/28/2007

Oil Pulling and ACV tonic: I just wanted to say thanks so much for your website. I started oil pulling a month ago after much trepidation. I suffered from chronic insomnia and just feeling lethargic most of the time. I had initially started the apple cider vinegar and had started sleeping really well from the get go. I have always had sensitive and really weak teeth and about 3 months ago had had a root filling and crown on a tooth on my left side and was due to fix the opposite one on my right side, so you can imagine my surprise after a couple of weeks when I noticed that I was actually chewing food on my right side the whole time I was eating lunch! No tingling feeling and just an overall healthy feel in my mouth. Although I have had a good skin, I get compliments everyday about the glow my skin has. SO what can I say.....I don't think I will ever stop my regimen as the rewards are getting greater by the day. I have even ventured in including Apple cider in a mask mixture I make. Basically mix:

half of ripe avocado,
tablespoon of honey,
heaped tablespoon of oat bran
tablespoon of ACV

Mix well, and take a dollop of the mix, rub over face, neck (avoid sensitive eye area) for about 10 min. This leaves my skin feeling tingly fresh as well as so soft and moisturized. N.B While face is still damp apply moisturizer (coconut oil, or a mixture of coconut oil and aqueous cream). This is essential as it forms a barrier and helps trap the moisture in your skin. I believe you should see favourable results after a week. I use the mask only at night through and about twice a week. Enjoy! I put any leftover mask mixture in a tight container and place in fridge, but for no more that a couple of days. It usually keeps. Funny enough I also started oil pulling at night before going to bed, and then brushing. This morning I woke up as I had just brushed my teeth!

Eliminate Chemicals
Posted by Jessie (Columbus, Ohio) on 03/26/2007

Hi, Marie from Cleveland, OH: I totally agree with you!! This Earthclinic site is awesome... I also have been doing lots of research on natural and organic hair products lately since I noticed that my beautiful long dark hair started falling out little bit. It still looks nice and thick, but I am determined to control the future of hair in my own hand. During the research, I was absolutely shocked to find out what's in our shampoo, skin care and other products...I threw away all my old shampoo and facial cleaner. I started using organic hair products from Morocco Method, Miessence, & Terressentials, and facial products from Organic Pharmacy. I also started taking organic Blackstrap Molasses and apple cider vinegar as mentioned in my last posting...I can't wait to apply more "secrets" that I found in this site to my life! :o) Keep up the good work, Earthclinic!!!!

Shark Cartilage Oil
Posted by Jea (Sacramento, CA) on 03/07/2007

I've enjoyed healthy formulas for 30 years. I even made a product with vinegar. Vinegar bleaches and shrinks pores and sold it to 10s of thousands. The other is shark cartilage oil. Shrinks skin growth about 50% and tightens skin also. Stay healthy and peaceful!

Shark Cartilage Oil
Posted by Cynthia (Los Angeles, USA) on 03/20/2007

On 3/7/07 in Fountain of Youth Jea from Sacramento, CA wrote that shark cartilage oil shrinks skin growth. What I want to know is how do you take it internally? or rub in on your skin? Any response and info on this will be appreciated.

Shark Cartilage Oil
Posted by Maria (Lemoore, USA) on 03/29/2007

I would also like to know where to obtain shark cartilage oil for skin shrinkage. I can only find shark liver oil. I think this is what Cynthia was referring to in her question. You can probably ingest it as it is rich in Vitamin A.

Shark Cartilage Oil
Posted by Terry (London, Canada) on 07/14/2008

I believe Preperation H has been used for this, and it has this in it. However I do believe the original formula is only now sold in Canada

Shark Cartilage Oil
Posted by Michelle (Kenosha, WI ) on 07/14/2008

Where do you buy Shark Cartiladge Oil?

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Shirley (Alexandria, MN) on 05/19/2008

What kind of facial exercises do you do?

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Shela (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 10/30/2008

Please tell me what facial exercises you use.

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Ellen (Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico) on 01/07/2009

You can do any kind of face exercises. The point is to do some. Look on the web via your browser at videos and you will find info. There are books you can buy, videos etc. I have started doing facial exercise and already in 4 days the changes are evident. I am 54. My husband is 36! I have always had great skin but my muscle tone in my face was not as good as the tone in my body. I am so against all the cutting and pulling that goes on and the fat grafting etc. I knew there had to be a natural way and after researching compulifting, I came upon face exercise. You will see a couple of women who teach this who are amazing examples. One lady is 80 and looks 45 and the other is 62 and also looks in her 30's. Just research on the web and please don't be fooled by those young beautiful girls who try to sell you their exercise tapes. Find the gals who have been doing this for years and see the before and afters. This is also for men. Enjoy! You will feel great!

EC: Ellen, any websites you can recommend? Thanks!

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Deb (San Francisco, CA) on 01/17/2009

Regarding facial exercises, just having a facial will give you an idea of how to treat your face. While I have really great skin due to genes (my great aunt was 92+ and you could count the number of facial wrinkles on one hand. I've done facial exercises mimicking a facial for years and I use olay products. I'm 53 and get mistaken for 34 all the time. Even the dermatologist I see for sun damage is amazed by how soft and smooth my skin is.

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Sangeetha (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) on 01/19/2009

Hi, A couple weeks or so ago, someone wrote about how by doing a facial exerise some very old woman of 70 yrs old was looking very young. In response EC asked her for any website suggestions. Can you please tell me under which category to find that post and if that person or anyone else provided the website for facial exercies. Thanks. Sangeetha

Posted by John (Boston) on 02/25/2007

Keeping your skin soft and blemish free: My remedy is simply sea salt, a small bit of oil, and lavender. It keeps my skin very soft and my face free of blemishes, it also has a great smell and it also relaxes my muscles in my face.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deonnise (Arima, Trinidad) on 02/20/2007

A COMBINATION OF REMEDIES, learnt from this site, is ridding acne from my face. A problem I have struggled with for years is finally saying Bye-Bye! I have introduced my body to OIL PULLING; I alternate days by eating either 1 TOMATO or 1 tbsp MOLASSES first thing in the morning. I do the BROWN-SUGAR SCRUB twice per week. I use HYDROGEN PEROXIDE after washing face; wash pillowcase regularly; apply VIT E before bed; apply a different FACE MASK once per week; apply CLEAR TAPE over troubled areas and peel away dead skin cells once per week. I also drink water regularly (spring/purified/tap). Thank you Earth Clinic for alternatives, and thank you fellow readers for sharing your tips.

Chinese Red Dates, Honey
Posted by Trisha (Singapore) on 01/26/2007

I started taking red date and honey as I read it is good for blood circulation, I added 3 -5 drops of apple cider vinegar to it ( balance of the yin and yang in the body and for calming too.. according to traditional chinese medicine) lo and behold, after 3 months of it.. I noticed that a balding part of my scalp rejuvenated and hair started to grow !! after 6 months I started to let my hair grow without cutting it, I now sport hair beyond shoulder length, something which I couldn't do since my hair was very fine and scanty !! ( I also take apple cider vinegar half a teaspoon daily with honey) My sister and brother also tried it, we noticed that facial skin became more youthful !! due to the blood circulation?

Chinese Red Dates, Honey
Posted by Jess (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 08/20/2010

Do you drink this? and if you do how are you making it.. Please respond back I would like to try this..

Diet Tips
Posted by Toma (Chicago, IL) on 01/23/2007

If you want to have wrinkle free skin, then don't eat meat, diary products, sugar, and mashed potatoes. no pillows around the face. lose weight and don't gain. Take the following vitamins to have good skin : A, C, D, E, and B-complex. To avoid wrinkles you should wear sunglasses and hat in the sun and use sunscreen every time when go outside (reapply every 2 hours).

Raw Cabbage Salad
Posted by Papia (India) on 01/03/2007

Raw Cabbage salad has cured my dry, flaky skin and fatigue : ). I started having raw cabbage salad every morning after exercise for the last few weeks and I wasn't feeling tired the whole day and to top that my skin started glowing & feeling smooth .... !! I sure do love cabbage and now its like a ritual for me to have a bowl of raw cabbage salad every morn
