Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Posted by Jaki (Southwest, New Mexico) on 11/12/2007

Nearly a year ago a friend told me she only uses honey to wash her face. I tried it, and it's wonderful. I had been using a very expensive cleanser, but now I pat 1 tablespoon of honey over face, throat, and upper chest, let it sit while I brush my teeth, and rinse it off in the shower. My skin looks years younger, and buying local honey is better in so many ways than commercial, chemical-laden cleansers. It also seems to banish break outs within 24 hours.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Annie (Kingston, Jamaica) on 11/02/2007

2 Tbsp black strap molasses daily and up my intake of h2o to ten cups Gorgeous skin all over, no acne outburst before my period and did not have any PMS, the period showed up unannounced. I've only been using the molasses for 3 weeks. Thanks a lot. I found simplicity lasts longer.

Posted by Zoe (Toronto, Canada) on 10/31/2007

Just a fun and amazing way to keep your hands and feet 'berry smooth': combine 4-5 softer strawberries with 1/2 teaspooon of salt, and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Delicately mix the ingredients in a bowl, and then mush the strawberries in your hands or rub them thoroughly onto your feet. Simply rise off the excess mixture (without soap) when you are satisfied with your exfoliation.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dodie (LA, California) on 10/09/2007

I've been taking blackstrap molasses for a week now and thank goodness I've been getting 3 bowel movements a day!! I have a hard time getting bowel movements partially cause of the foods that I eat but I am working on it. Also, my father has the same issues. Also, my face is glowing and I've gotten a couple of comments and how good my skin looks! I hope it doesn't stop working for me.

Vitamin E
Posted by Mimi (Corpus Christi,TX) on 10/04/2007

Vitamin E oil has kept my face young. When I was about 12 my mom made me and my sister spread Vitamin E on our faces. We complained because it felt sticky and thick like honey, but she insisted that overnight our faces would absorb it and that we would thank her later when we were older. She also insisted that after a shower we rinse our faces and bodies with cold water. And to never let the shower water hit our faces but to splash rinse our faces with our hands and with cold water ALWAYS. Mother knows best. The next day our faces felt baby smooth. After that ever so often (about once or twice a month) I would open up Vitamin E capsules and spread the oil on my face before bed and sleep with it on my face overnight. People have always commented how clear and smooth my face is. I've had people also ask me what I use in my hair because it is ridiculously shiny (I think it's because of the cold water rinses) I'm also an avid red wine drinker (I have been since my early 20's). Ironically, recent studies have shown that a chemical called Resveratrol slows age related diseases. I am in my 40's and even though at the time I was 100lbs. overweight at a physical I had done, I was told that my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were superb. They also thought I was only 20 or 21 (and they only thought I was in my 20's because my vocabulary was what made me sound more mature/not to mention my youngest who was 8 at the time was with me otherwise they would've guessed my age even younger). Anytime people find out my age their jaws drop. When me and my husband go out I still get asked for my ID (even though I'm a couple of months older than my husband) My husband on the other hand is a beer drinker (not that I have anything against beer-I enjoy beer every once in a while, too) and a smoker and he's been mistaken for being in his 50's. He's also been offered the senior discount at places we've gone to eat. I'm convinced that a combination of both the Vitamin E and the coincidence that I happened to be a red wine drinker (Merlot) is what has kept my skin youthful. I've been doing the same for my daughter who has the loveliest face and people do the same all the time (ask what she uses on her face and hair to keep it so clear and smooth). I know that chances are we just have good genes (my mom and her sisters look very young, too) but then again my mom and her sisters have been doing the same thing for years, too; So, if you don't have a skin care regimen I highly recommend this one and pass it on.

Diet Tips
Posted by Mila (Sacramento, California) on 04/03/2007

I tried essential oils, more specifically, rosemary and coriander oils, for my blackheads and active acne, and a miracle happened with my face. Here is how I do it: at night I wash my face first if i have makeup on with my regular camphor based cleanser, then about an hour later i heat up a huge pot of water, and hold my face above the steam for about 10-15 minutes, i also cover my head with a big towel, so the heat does not escape. The steam helps open up the pores and let the toxins out. Then I take a shower and rinse my face off oil and toxins. After i get out i pat my face dry and apply coriander and rosemary oil mixed together. It's been a couple of weeks, and my face has cleared up so much, I am amazed. There are other things I do too, like drinking less caffeine and eating less sugar ,taking flax and omega 3,6,9 oils, also praying to God( I'm a christian), and my skin has been great. It doesn't get congested anymore, it's color is more healthy and even, I am absolutely amazed. I am 22, so I know acne at my age is an internal problem, so I recommend to anybody the essential oils(coriander and rosemary), but also checking your diet, some foods cause your skin to congest and breakout. Hope this helps)) I think I'll be using essential oils now,for me they've been more effective and a lot less expensive than facials and pretty much all brand name products i've tried in my life, and trust me i've wasted thousands of dollars on lotions, facials, cremes, etc. God bless you, and hope you find this comment helpful.

Cow Udder Cream
Posted by John (Erie, PA) on 03/18/2007

There is a century old balm used by farmers that is absolutely amazing for the skin. Although farmers use it on cow udders, it's healing powers for humans is hard to beat. I had a cut that I was putting Neosporin on for weeks and it was just not healing. After applying the "Bag Balm" on it for 3 days the cut is almost completely healed. It works wonders on burns, cuts, dry chapped skin, etc. You can find this Bag Balm in the pet section of any grocery store for about $5. It lasts forever too.

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Kerstin (San Francisco, CA) on 03/02/2007

Rule # 1 is STAY OUT OF THE SUN - it will kill your skin!! I which I would have done this myself years ago and not waited until recent years... AVOID THE SUN!! Instead use "tan without sun lotion.

FACIAL EXCERCISE: This might sound silly but when you really think about it totally makes sense! About 10 years ago I started noticing that God forbid, I too was aging and I did not like the changes I saw every time I looked in to the mirror. What could be done to at least somewhat slow down the collapsing of my face... and I was thinking, to get in shape and tighten up we have various exercises for every part of the body that is...with the exception of the face! At least I had never heard of anybody exercising their face!! So I put in a search on the Internet and after some research I found that it was actually quite popular in the 60ies. Today there is tons of facial exercise programs to choose between etc etc. Anyway, I swear by it, it DEFINITELY helps and people always think I am about 15 years younger than my actual age. If I ever had any doubts about the benefit I am more convinced now then ever. About one month ago I fractured my elbow and totally slacked and didn't really do any exercises and boy....what a difference!! Scary!!!! Thank god it only takes a couple of days to see some visible result. Good luck. Oh and by the way my mum who looks 20 years younger than her age has always been preaching: DRINK a lot of water... and ALWAYS USE LOTION FOR YOUR FACE AND BODY.

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/20/2009

To Sangeetha: Regarding facial exercises, you may want to do a search on the Internet. There are quite a few sites (too numerous to list but here is one: with lots of free information. Also, try YouTube and search for "Jack Lalanne" (face exercises) - he was the original back in the 60s and his exercises are still very effective. You may also want to check out the YouTube video on "How to Give Yourself a Facial Massage" - it will really get your face glowing. Good luck!

Brown Sugar, Rolled Oats, ACV and Baking Powder Scrub
Posted by Robin (Rocky Ridge, Ohio) on 01/23/2009

Oatmeal is often used as an exfoliant in scrubs for the face or the body. It is suggested to put rolled oats in a muslin drawstring bag and hang under the faucet of the tub then use the filled bag as a sponge to wash with. The oat "milk" has soothing properties for the skin. Another tip would be to run the uncooked old fashioned oats through a food processor or blender to grind them down to a granular size.

Sometimes I make a similar scrub and add black strap molasses or a whole egg to the mixture.

Also, baking soda is an alkaline substance that dissolves grease and oil; AC Vinegar is an acid which will exfoliate and the skin prefers an acid ph. Combining the two together neutralizes the acid and the alkaline properties of the individual ingredients.
Since I'm a little older and do not have oily skin, I would not use the baking soda and reap the benefits of the vinegar as a hydroxy acid type of facial. Those with oily skin might add the baking soda to dissolve excess oil and leave out the vinegar. Otherwise, there is enough abrasive qualities to the sugar and the oats to help remove dead skin cells. Blessings, Robin

Brown Sugar, Egg White, H2O2 Lift
Posted by Tami (Mocksville, Nc, Usa) on 07/31/2011

How often do you apply the egg white remedy? And how often do you use the HP? Will the HP fade brown spots (not related to freckles)on your face? Thanks a bunch to all to contribute to this site.

Eating Avocados
Posted by Jeff (Short Hills, NJ) on 07/16/2006

Eating avocados improves your skin due to the natural oils present in the fruit. Try it, and in a few days you'll notice the difference.

Apricot Scrub, Drink Water
Posted by Juliet (Bombay India) on 05/16/2006

Scrub your face with apricot scrub and drink a lot of water. Your pores open up and your dead skin is removed thus leaving your skin younger and cleaner.

Posted by Jack (Toledo, OH) on 05/15/2006

20-mule team borax gets rid of old skin and revitalizes. I used to get a lot of dry or dead skin on my head and face, I started putting 20-mule team borax in a wash cloth and rubbing vigorously in the dry areas and scalp it feels like rubbing sand on hr skin and face but it makes a great skin cleaner.

Baths, Aloe Vera, Water
Posted by Joe (Richmond Hill, GA) on 02/07/2006

I will be 60 this year, and most people do not believe may age and most say that I look in my 40's. First, I have very good genes: one grandfather lived to be 94 and the other 95, when most people were dying at 68. I take a bath normally, as opposed to a shower, usually when you shower your skin does not have time to absorb the water. If I do shower, I plug the tub and allow the water to build up. This greatly aids dry, cracked feet. I also apply aloe vera to my feet, elbows, and face almost daily. I also use aloe vera for my hair, instead of brylcreem type hair products. Also, throughout the day, I put water on my face and allow the skin to absorb it. Furthermore, for the past 10 or 15 years I have never dried my feet. It is amazing, but your feet almost immediately absorbs the water. Most of our bodies, most of our planet, and a lot of outer space they say it made of water, so I give my body plenty to absorb. Lastly, I consume a great deal of Apple Cider Vinegar. It helps me keep my weight down, and has enabled me to quit taking damaging water pills for blood pressure.

Nivea, Vaseline
Posted by Phyllis (Scotland)

I use nivea cream and vaseline mixed together as a moisturiser. I'm 39 and im told i look 29 so it must be doing something and also i ve used sunbeds most of my life and i sunbathe all day when on holiday. also cider vinegar and honey drank every day too. works wonders for your skin too!!!

Coconut Oil and Vitamin C Facial
Posted by Ana (Houston Tx) on 09/01/2020

How do you get your Vitamin C? Or What kind do you use? Thank you.

Posted by Guin (Memphis) on 10/10/2017

For skin, try drinking more water along with applying aloe and vit E liquid. Keeping your skin hydrated will hide smaller wrinkles, and for the acne try an herbal rinse, using herbs that have anti-bacterial qualities. Try not to use any harsh chemicals on your skin, and use a gentle exfoliator (spelling?) every couple days, less is you have sensitive skin. I use brown sugar in hazelnut oil, with a bit of lemon or lime juice mixed in. You can add a tiny amount of your facial wash to help prevent too much oil sticking to your face. I hope that this works for you as well as it works for me!

Facial Beauty Oils/Moisturizer
Posted by Che (Roxas City, Philippines) on 04/01/2015

Hi everyone, I'm back with my new formulation recipe for beautiful skin. I've tried this for quite a long time and it's actually one from among my beautiful skin secrets. I've tried several combinations in the past but this one seems to be the best. It made the other heavy oils lighter and burning effects of some oils we're eliminated. It's lighter and smoother on the face. It is anti fungal, anti-bacterial, anti microbial. It's a very good moisturizer, it will make your face really glow.

I combined: 150ml castor oil, 150ml sunflower oil, 150ml VCO, 100ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 10 drops of rosemary and Vitamin E. Try it and let me hear how this works in you.
