Effective Natural Remedies for Soothing a Stiff Neck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/13/2024

I slept funny last night and twanged my neck. It was bad when I woke up and got worse as the day went on. I resorted to ibuprofen and it just got worse. I finally took my own medicine (what my kids know I would tell them to do) and did a vinegar wrap. I put straight apple cider vinegar on a paper towel, applied it to the area of pain, and covered it with cling wrap. I put a warm rice sock over that. Within a couple of hours my pain is a lot less and mobility is increasing. I smell like a salad, but I feel better. :)

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (Limassol, Cyprus ) on 02/03/2013

apple cider vinegar for stiff neck - it's working I felt better when I tried this therapy. Thanks a lot.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judith (Haines City, Florida, Usa) on 12/11/2012

I was skeptical, to say the least, about using ACV on my stiff neck. I injured it a little over a month ago lifting some very heavy furniture for some friends. After many Chiropractor visits and 1 visit to a massage therapist with little relief I finally checked this site to see if you had some recommendations. Tried the ACV on a rag with a hot, moist towel wrapped around it. What a HUGE difference in neck-stiffness after only an hour and a half! This worked! Thanks so much for your site- Love it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Arlington, Tx) on 10/04/2012

Tried it once, does seem to work. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dre (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 08/12/2011

Thanks it worked for me probably 60% better this morning!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deedee (North Carolina) on 07/07/2010

It works, Wednesday of last week I awaken with a painful stiff neck. I tried the ACV soak in a wash cloth and place around neck and shoulder and it works, follow with a hot towel. Thanks for the tip. I feel much better. No more stiff neck. My husband was amazed. I read a lot and came across this and I just typed in, What is good for a stiff painful neck? And right before my eyes, I read the post about the ACV.

It works
Deedee NC...... Tarheel state ..... I feel GREAT.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dixon (Twin Falls, Idaho, Usa) on 05/05/2010

several days ago i had a major stiff/sore/aching neck. i suffered through one day. next morning not good. went on earthclinic with the hopes that someone else might have an answer, and sure enough did. took apple cider vinegar, soaked a cloth with it, wrapped it around my neck. put shrink wrap over top to keep it moist and keep our smelly acv from getting on anything else. soaked about an hour, went to work. after a few hours it was easing up a BUNCH. put some more on that night. next day mild soreness. next day after that i feel good!!! i have never had that kind of success with an aching neck like that before. dont be bashful, and give it a whirl if you have the same kind of prob. i share earth clinic with a lot of people. THANK YOU

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heidi (Charlotte, NC) on 07/30/2009

I had either slept wrong or strained my right neck/shoulder area and it was excruciating. After a sleepless night in bed, I woke in even more pain than the day before. I had to roll out of bed and off the couch because it hurt terribly to raise up.

I went on the Internet and typed in "remedies for muscle strain" and I came across your website. Someone had written in that cider vinegar worked. I was somewhat skeptical, but I use white vinegar for a variety of things so I was willing to give it a try. I found some cider vinegar way in the back of our cabinet and soaked a paper towel with it. I got it wet enough that I had to wring it out. I placed it partially on my neck and the rest draped my shoulder. I then placed a towel on top of it and sat on the couch for 3 hours. It stank and I immediately thought of Easter eggs, but amazingly within an hour the pain had subsided tremendously. I couldn't believe it! After the three hours, I removed the towel and paper towel. I then preceded to clean my bathrooms. By the end of the day, there was very little indication of the pain I awoke with. My neck was just a little stiff, but cured! I am a true believer in cider vinegar!! (I had tried ibuprofen the day before and it did absolutely nothing).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kate (Atlanta, Georgia) on 07/23/2009

I threw my neck out of whack two days ago and expected to be in pain and useless for at least a week. This was a combo of both spinal pain and muscle pain. I couldn't move my head at all. I soaked a paper towel in a mixture of 50 percent Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and 50 percent water, folded in half, and put it on the worst of the pain. This was then covered with a rolled towel for support, and kept in place for about six hours. I removed it before going to bed.

The next morning the pain that had brought me to tears the previous day was reduced to simply being sore and very stiff. I didn't have to hold my head with my hands when I lifted it off of the pillow! I couldn't believe the difference. I was able to do my regular household chores (for better or worse). I meant to use the compress again last night, but never got around to it. The stiffness has mostly worked itself out, and I am 90 percent back to normal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marguerite (Staten island, ny) on 04/29/2007

hi--maybe you might think im crazy--but i came onto your website just by browsing out of sheer frustration two years ago i pulled neck muscles from lifting a heavy object--finally i went to the doctor after months of suffering he did tests and said i have degenerative arthritis in my 4-5-6 vertebra been there along time with no problem but he gave me a shot of cortisone ok it went away now two weeks ago i again lifted something heavy like my grandchild and bingo--i developed muscle spasms in my neck or pulled tendons-i don't but i refuse to go to the doctor-i don't like medications the pain was unbearable--because it activates my neck arthritis so i come upon the site and i started taking apple cider and honey with grape juice also --soaking a rag in acv and putting it on my neck with a heating pad bingo feels so much better can't believe it--i also want to know--i am allergic to the medication sulphur is that the same sulphur in glucosamine and chondroiton thank you marguerite

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

For a stiff neck, take a half vinegar half warm water solution and soak a rag in it, then wring the rag out and wrap it around your neck. Put a layer of plastic wrap (to keep your sheets dry) and finish up with a towel (be careful not to strangle yourself). Leave this on over night and in the morning you will not believe the difference.
