TMJ Remedies

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 03/13/2021

Editor's Choice I have had TMJ trouble for decades. Surgery 30 years ago provided significant relief for many years. A recent MRI showed that the condyle bones are severely degenerated. I am planning to have platelet injections and arthocentesis in the jaw joints in May. Meanwhile, if I take magnesium at night, stick to a soft diet and wear an appliance at night, pain is controlled.

Unfortunately, this week I forgot my appliance one night and the next night I forgot to take magnesium. The pain was really bothering me. I was getting ready to watch a movie with my kids. (I tend to be tense when watching even kid movies and thought that this was probably not going to be good for my jaw.) I decided to put some frankincense essential oil on my face in front of my ears, over the jaw joints just because. It is an oil that always surprises me at its many uses.

After the movie I realized my jaw did not hurt anymore!

Yesterday my daughter woke up with a stiff neck. I was sure to include frankincense in my remedies to help relief her pain. (Also used arnica, ibuprofen, and quercetin/bromelain supplements.) She was much better today.

It is important to use a quality frankincense oil. My favorite brand is Hopewell. It is excellent quality for a reasonable price.

~Mama to Many~
