Weight Gain
Natural Remedies

Ten Diet Tweaks to Lose Weight for Life!

Safflower Oil
Posted by Ali (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on 02/16/2010

This week I began using 2 tsp. daily of safflower oil used in food, along with a sensible diet. A recent study suggested this was helpfull in weight loss,especially belly fat. I lost two lbs. which I was happy with, all I changed was to cut all simple sugars from my diet however, I did enjoy fruit, one or two per day whenever a craving for sweets hit, usually an apple, pear or berries. I already used only 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread and pasta but I changed the bread to sour dough rye, wasn't crazy about the taste when used plain but scrumptious when toasted and drizzled with a little virgin olive oil and a little safflower oil and some all natural peanut butter sprinkled with fresh ground flax seed. I added a peeled apple with a good dash of cinnimon. I had this every morning for my breakfast. It is a good idea to have at least two or three cups of green tea daily, I made sure to have at least two cups, if you don't like the tea just take one 140 mg.capsule daily. Take it easy on how much dairy you consume, I had lite feta and a few sprinkles of parmesan on my pasta, also a small amount of chedder sometimes, couldn't resist as it is one of my weaknesses. It was not difficult for me as I normally have a large salad every day, sometimes with a small amount of lean meat or fish as a main course or a smaller one with a sandwich for lunch. Evening meal is lean meat or fish with lots of lightly steamed vegtables and about 3/4 cup brown rice, pasta or sweet potato and small salad if I need a little extra. I also have a large glass of spring or filtered water with juice of a quarter lemon squeezed in.

Is there anyone else who is using this protocol? If so what has been your experience? Also how long have you been using it and is two lbs a week a realistic goal in the long term? Any feedback would be appreciated. Oh yes, I also take a good multi vit. with extra vit. D3 in winter. Thanks Earth Clinic and also cuddos to all who post info. All the best, Ali

Master Cleanses
Posted by Fabat50 (Sb, Ca) on 02/16/2010

i just did 21 days on master cleanse, the 3rd day is the hardest, I had lots of energy lost 22 lbs, Im 50 and have hypothyroid and [sedentary, trying to change that]. in the am I mix 1 cup fresh lemon juice with 1 cup maple B syrup, add cayene 1tsp or so, I put in a two cup container and throughout the day I add about 2 oz to a large glass of ice water.

The salt flush I only did once, I just did the tea twice a day! I plan to do the fast again in 6 weeks.

Dietary Changes, Exercise, Supplements
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/29/2010

I have to agree with Cat from Austin. I just finished reading a book about belly fat (Google "belly fat cure" if you want the name of a number of books/resources) and it said you should only have 15 grams of sugar a day if you are serious about improving your health and losing weight (especially around your gut). I looked at the Nutrition Facts printed on a bottle of fruit/veg juice - in one glass (250 mL), there are 27 grams of sugar. Almost twice the amount I should have in an entire day! I've really started reading labels more closely and my husband and I are going on a as-close-to-sugar-free challenge as we can for a week. I have a feeling we'll be seeing far less of our protruding bellies!

Dietary Changes, Exercise, Supplements
Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 01/28/2010

Matt you are sooooooo wrong. Do the historical research on sugar; it is as deadly as heroin. Start with its history as a refined substance. A good book to start with is SUGAR BLUES by Duffy. Diabetes was once accurately called SUGAR DIABETES. I remember, as a child, seeing an old gentleman from my neighborhood with both legs missing and asking my grandmother what had happened to him. She said, "He got the sugar diabetes." The sugar industry hated this saying; which is why sugar was dropped as a prefix to the word diabetes in literature and advertising. Read Duffy's book and you will get the message that sugar is killing us from the womb (where type 1 diabetes is set up) to blind, toothless, legless old age. Sugar is an enemy to man. The first time my daughter tasted sugar (age 2)in the form of a hard candy, she fanned her mouth, saying it burns. We have all lost this sensitivity to a very deadly, addictive poison. Do the research!

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Rob (Alameda, Ca) on 01/07/2010

I warm about a cup of water in microwave for a minute. Then, I add a tsp of ceylon cinnamon and a tsp of honey and drink on empty stomach in the morning and again before bed.

The arthritis/swelling in my wrist goes away within half an hour and stays away for about 12 hours! I can't recommend it highly enough.

Hot Water
Posted by Rose (Hyderabad, India) on 12/19/2009

Is it true that drinking hot water helps in weight loss? If yes, how many times a day can it be taken?

Olive Oil
Posted by Dott (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) on 12/13/2009

You didn't say if you lost any weight with the olive oil; I'd be curious to know.

For a change of pace, you might try using extra virgin coconut oil-- You will know that it is EVCO because it will still smell like coconut, and may have a slight coconut taste as well.

I have been using it off and on for a few months, and have lost about 18# to date. The things I like about the coconut oil are it's effects and it's versatility. It's my breakfast and bedtime treat. You can get very creative with extra virgin coconut oil. If I don't feel like taking it straight, I can always mix it in with my breakfast oatmeal-- great with banana; or add a little cinnamon and make a spread for my toast; or make a hot chocolate, add e.v.c.o. and a little bit of almond extract to that creamy hot chocolate and have myself a "hot candy bar" breakfast/bedtime treat; or warm it and mix it with a tiny bit of honey and maple syrup to top a couple whole wheat & cottage cheese pancakes. Just a few possible suggestions for you.

My dose is low; just 2 Tablespoons a day, morning and evening---I'm taking it slow. Others use more. EVCO will definitely rev up a sluggish thyroid, and by making such yummy treats with it, you hardly miss the rest of the snacks that you no longer crave thanks to the coconut oil. It has also helped me greatly with such nagging problems as heartburn, constipation, joint aches, chapped lips, and completely rid me of those darn short, flaky fingernails besides!! I love this stuff.

Olive Oil
Posted by Cdrgnlady (Richmond, Va) on 12/13/2009

I read about taking olive oil in a magazine and decided to try. Took daily in AM for a couple of weeks ( article had no resrictions for waiting until absorbed before consuming anything else). Found I grew increasingly uncomfortable w/taste & feel of swallowing oil - after just 2 weeks I couldn't stand to take it anymore and stopped.

Yerba Mate Tea
Posted by Goji (London, England) on 11/23/2009

I've recently been drinking yerba mate tea. Approximately three tea bags a day, and found that it really does increase one's energy and suppress appetite. However, I've researched it on various web sites and now find that drinking too much of it can in somes cases cause cancer. Does Ted or anyone else have any thoughts on this? Many thanks.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Gg (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 11/16/2009

I thought it was time to share my positive feedback on weight loss through drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Bicarb Soda (sodium bicarbonate).

I'm 28 and have been taking the pill for about 5 years and recently decided I should have a break. I had gained a couple of extra kilos over the years that became increasingly hard to shift. Every year it was only a little bit but it all adds up, and like my dad says, half a kilo a year = very overweight by the time you're in your 50's! I'd always been very slim and didn't tend to put on weight, despite the fact I used to "eat for Australia" -- much to most people's jealousy. I could basically eat whatever I liked at whatever time of day. I eventually just attributed the cellulite and extra "puppy fat" to getting older and gave up trying to get back to my late teenage size. We're only talking about a size and a half bigger here but it was the fact that I just COULDN'T get rid of the fat that got me down. I was also having major migraines around the time of menstruation and the pill I was taking was really expensive, so I decided to have a break, I figured it would do me good.

Immediately the fat started dropping off! This was bitter-sweet for me, as it confirmed my suspicions but it also meant I was always going to have to deal with the extra kilos if I wanted to avoid "oops" children (other contraception didn't work well for me).

Eventually I had such bad skin problems (I guess it was like a "withdrawal"?) that I started back on it. But I'd effortlessly dropped almost 2 sizes and was able to get back into old jeans I'd given up on, all whilst eating like I used to - it was so liberating! I was chuffed!

Before I started taking the BC pill again I started with a regimen of ACV twice a day. I've been using it on and off for about a year and found it kept colds and flu at bay, helped me get better quicker and relieved a lot of muscle cramps I get from sitting at a computer all day. NOT to mention the candida probs it helps fix! I am a chronic thrush sufferer and the best "help" I've been able to get from the medical community is "Oh well, some women are just prone to it". YAY! Coming from a male doctor. Ie. "Just deal with it". If you suffer this problem you will know what I mean when I say it can make you beside yourself, on an emotional level, when you can't stop it, get rid of it or even enjoy eating any of the foods you like. And the discomfort of being incredibly itchy ALL the time! Anyway that's a post for the "candida" part of this website. :-) Suffice it to say ACV keeps things in my digestive tract fairly under control, even when I eat known "aggravators".

So I started having 2 Tbsp with about a level tsp of bicarb each morning and evening (for thrush at that stage). I have been back on the pill for a month and a half AND I've been eating all the wrong foods (ie. Pasta, bread, some snacks, pastries and sugary treats at the movies) and my weight remains the same. I'm very surprised. I've found I have a lot more freedom in what I can eat without suffering weight-gain or side effects of digestive complaints. I've also started using it on my face as a toner at night after I cleanse - it was the only thing that helped clear up the massive acne outbreak I had when I went off the pill. I use it straight and apply with a cotton pad, then rinse off after about 20 seconds. Stings a bit but you know it's working!

I can't say enough good things about ACV!

Posted by Villageofone (Euless, Tx, USA) on 11/05/2009

This herb - regulates sugars but is more used in body building. Fennel is better for weight-loss.

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Debbie (Fitzgerald, Ga) on 10/12/2009

I have a question, could you take cinammon pills with the honey instead of mixing it? The cinammon is to over powering for me.

Master Cleanses
Posted by Laurie (Stavely, Alberta) on 09/19/2009

I would love to know how things went with Jessie from Knoxville drinking 1/2 cup ACV in 1 qt of water and 2 Tbsp Honey.

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Shalini (Houston, Tx) on 08/29/2009

Can Cinnamon & honey be mixed night before to set and boiling water be added in the morning before drinking?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pauline (Sebring, Florida) on 08/22/2009

I just found this site the other day and have been reading some of the letters and all of the wonderful benefits these formulas are doing for everyone. I love this site and I'm going to keep coming back and reading more letters and how people are being help with all these formulas.

I have been drinking A/C/V and water for a very long time but, had to stop because I was losing to much weight. I starting back about a month ago and lost a lot of weight again I weight 110 when I started and now I weight 103. I'm going to stop dirning a 16oz glass once a day. Now I'm going to drink an 8oz glass every other day. I'm only 5'1 1/2" tall so, I don't need to lose anymore weight.

I was reading where you guys use baking soda in your A/C/V I tried that yesterday in an 8oz glass and I really did like it. It takes away some of that vinegar taste.

Good luck to everyone, I love you guys for all of the great formulas that you have put on this website.


Master Cleanses
Posted by Kyra (Cortlandt Manor, New York, Usa) on 08/15/2009

You can not receive the full health benefits of the Master Cleanse Lemonade if you eliminate the pulp. We are supposed to eat our fruit not drink it, when you juice fruits and vegetables u take away vital nutrients and fiber, so in the case of a liquid fast, it is important to get as much of the fruit as possible.

Master Cleanses
Posted by P (South America) on 08/14/2009

I have been doing fasts or modified diets like the MC for about 4 years now, once or twice a year. I highly advise people against doing it for weight loss reasons, unless it is followed and an improved diet change. You will get the weight back and ti could come with a vengeance. I think it could lead to other eating disorders too, who knows.

I have done MCs ranging from 7 to 21 days, strictly by the book and following the rules. The weight does come off (and a BUNCH of other nasty stuff too, if you have been there you know what I mean). I do it for health maintenance reasons, and follow it by a strictly vegetarian diet for about a month, then go back to my normal diet where everything is ok in moderation. It's an amazing experience.

Last time I fasted on water only and nothing more. You don't get the energy levels you get with the MC, but I found I was hungry less. It was easier, and more practical than making juice all day!

Master Cleanses
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 08/14/2009

Hi Rob, I have been making the Master Cleanse Lemonade for the past 10 years since going on a version of the cleanse. However, I still make the lemonade regulary as I like it. I make a 4 quart batch using 12 lemons and keep it in the fridge for two weeks or more. I strain the lemonade three times (until it flows through the strainer without any hint of pulp) and also I do not add cayenne pepper. When I feel like taking the cayenne pepper I add it to the individual glass. So maybe by not straining the lemonade and if you add the cayenne pepper up front, it affects the shelf life. I hope this helps you. Maureen

Master Cleanses
Posted by Rob (Indianapolis, In) on 08/12/2009

I drank the lemon juice throughout the day. I usually left the pulp in too. I think I had as many as 11 glasses in one day.

It still was difficult to keep making the lemonade to keep up with my hunger. I wish there was someway to make a gallon at a time, but when I left some in the fridge in a bottled water container it was completely disgusting and undrinkable.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Oria (Luton, Befordshire) on 08/03/2009

Hello, i'm just trying to ask about the use of the lemon juice,olive oil, grapefruit and epsom salt @ night. could you pls explain more on the measurement of each and what type of grapefuit did you use... the seedless one or the big one. pls explain more for me as i'm interested. thx.

EC: You may find more details here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/gallstones.html

Master Cleanses
Posted by Eve K (Houston, Tx) on 07/30/2009

The lemonade can be consumed all day long, hot or cold. It is important to do the right ratios. Followed properly, the lemonade should deliver about 1200 calories per day and adequate nutrients/electrolytes to sustain normal activities. Get the book or read the official website, you will want to do the salt cleanse in the morning and take a laxative tea in the evenings. Personally I think the lemonade is delicious hot.

Master Cleanses
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 07/30/2009

Did you drink the lemon juice/maple syrup/cayenne pepper once a day for seven days? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arianne (Muskegon, Michigan) on 07/30/2009

Hello! The last 2 years of college i have gained about 15 pounds that i have been trying to lose and it's been so HARD! I don't know why i can't lose these last few pounds. I weigh about 138-140ish and want to be back down to 125 (I'm not even 5'4) So, it's not unreasonable- since i'm not that big of a person. I read all of these amazing testimonies of ACV - but most of the people had somewhat significant weightloss needs and were quite over weight - does this work for "normal" people who only have 15-20lbs to lose? How did you lose your weight? how much AVC and when did you drink it?

Master Cleanses
Posted by Rob (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 07/29/2009

Master Cleanse (1/2 lemon, 2 tablespoons Grade B Maple Syrup and a little Cayenne)

I followed the Master Cleanse for 7 days. I did for both detox and weight loss. The weight came off rapidly, I lost 14 lbs over 7 days. I hadn't been able to lose more than 3-4 lbs during several previous attempts with restricting calories and working out.

I took one day with no food and just orange juice to come off, but the second day I started eating, especially at night. I would think the longer you go the more you need to follow the 3 days to get off program.

I would advise anyone to take a laxative. I didn't the first couple days and when I started the first couple days weren't pleasant. After that it became pain free. I would be more than willing to go back on in the future. Overcoming the psychological hurdle to only drink lemonade was hard. It was also a bit annoying to keep making the same concoction several times a day everyday.

best wishes

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ted (Bankok, Thailand) on 07/26/2009

This is part of an instant messenger conversation I had with one of the earthclinic readers who had a 75 pound weight loss from changes in the diet, as well as using other remedies for his father that helped stopped the heart attack. Please post it from anonymous.


(7/24/09 11:03 PM): I eat at least 1 cantaloupe everyday, and drink 2 gallons of water from my own deep well, I tested its ph and its usually slightly alkaline- so in each gallon I add 1 tsp magnesium citrate- like you taught me its the best magnesium for my ph, I also add the juice from 1 lime and 1/4 or a little less baking soda to each gallon, and 1/4 tsp celtic sea salt, and thats all I ever drink- a little plain water also of course, But I also noticed that when I drink a lot of water with lime only my hair starts turning very black, it seems the sodium ascorbate recipe does not help my hair color turn black as well, I dont understand that maybe you can explain. I am deeply fasinated by the information you have, you are doctoring people and helping people more than you know Ted and we thank you so much.

(7/24/09 11:03 PM): I eat large salads made with spinach leaves cucumbers carrots onions lettuce ect, I put olive oil for dressing and seasalt and squeeze a lime over it, I allways eat small portions of red meat , not too much to overwhelm my stomach acid, I eat this meat with every salad, I also put some black or kidney beans of some kind in the salads and Ted they taste wonderful with the lime and seasalt and olive oil, I eat at least 6 or 7 times a day, I have been backing off the baking soda because this food especialy the cantaloupe melons are loaded with bicarbonates I think. when I touch the cut mellons with the litmus paper the ones from mexico, and the melons we grow here by my home they turn the litmus paper purple so I eat one every day.

(7/24/09 11:03 PM): I also eat the seeds of apples, and I have learned that certain kinds contain more of the B-17 or nitrosilic acid maybe I spelled it rite, some say its cyanide but I know you taught me it was somthing else, I am very carefull not to get to much from the apricots and peaches like you said, but I have some sodium thiosulfate ready just in case, I remember you words, I just want you to know that they do not all fall on deaf ears. and when someone ask me where I learned all this I tell them Ted from Bancock Ha Ha Ha , you get the credit Ted you are amazing really, I once donated money to your earth clinic and I see the way they have it set up now for you and I will be donating more, It is a small price to pay, I think you saved my fathers life really.

(7/24/09 11:03 PM): My father had a masive heart attack in 2001 and he has died 3 times and they brought him back, they had him ready for a transplant list Ted, I soon learned from you how the sodium bicarbonate lowers blood pressure, and I used your magnesium citrate to help steady out his heart beat and the Vitamin c and some calcium disodium edta small amounts of that, we got the cholesterol down the blood pressure stays at around 119 over 65 and his pulse a little high about 80 beats per minute but much better. they informed us last month his irregular heart beat was totaly gone, the famous heart surgeon was mystified and still is, they have no Idea what happened and we did not tell them what we did, when we were leaving a little Nurse who is from China escorted us out and when outside she pulled out a s

(7/24/09 11:03 PM): I have advised all these people also to use the sea salt to provide monoatomic minerals like you said and go barefoot a little while each day in the wet sand while the ph is high I use these supplements in moderation I have forgotten nothing you taught me Ted thank you so much.

(7/24/09 11:03 PM): When I logged on and seen you there I was so excited, I probably talked to much but I just felt I had to tell you these things.

Me: Thank you for the feeback about your weight loss. And the condition of your father. As to the hair turning back, it takes time to get it back with vitamin C, and some vitamin B complex and copper is also required.Yes, most heart problems are actually a magnesium deficiency and getting the blood pressure down as well as the edta, to get rid of free iron metal.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Iris (Sanford, Florida) on 07/11/2009

I'm just starting to use ACV to lose weight. I am a bit more than 100 lbs. over weight and that is considered morbid obease. I have been using 1 TB. per 8oz. water with 1/8 tp. of baking soda to cut the tast 3 times a day. I have read about ACV to lose weight for years and I did try it a couple of times but the tast was just to acid for me. Someone suggested I put in a bit of baking soda and see if I could handle the taste of it then. I found it very agreeable.

After only 1 week I haven't noticed much weight loss, but I don't seem to be craving food all the time now and I have found I want less to eat. I have been reading some of the ways to prepare and drink the ACV. I think I may try the large glass and sip instead chugging it down real quick. Like you I'm still in the learning process.

Posted by Gean (Salina, Kansas) on 07/08/2009

I just wanted to mention that every time I have an exercise program where I walk every morning for 1/2 hour I lose weight. When I get confident and start running, I start to gain weight. This has happened a half dozen times so I'm sure it's not coincidence. Like I just read from Dr. Mercola, the assertion that to lose weight one has to simply eat less and move more is not true. It may be true for some people, but if you have weak adrenals you will put on weight (fatty inches esp. around the waist) with aerobic exercise. Once (a few years ago) I tried eating next to nothing for 2 months and lost about 2 lbs. Then I started taking licorice root (and eating properly) and lost 7 lbs. in one week. Obviously it's all hormonal related. Of course, if someone is eating junk food all day it would be the obvious place to start to cut that out. But I know people who could eat all day and be all the skinnier for it. Some are related to me. So if you eat a healthy diet and exercise but still can't lose the inches, maybe you're exercising too hard and eating too little. Moderation in all things!

Cold Showers
Posted by Lana (Des Plaines, IL) on 06/02/2009

I've been doing cold showers for 2 weeks, and my appetite significantly decreased, and i lost 4 pounds already. Amazing! ACV helps too, but it doesn't decrease appetite as cold showers do, at least for me.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Betty (Shaker Hts, Ohio) on 05/28/2009

cayenne pepper has been wonderful for me l have lost weight and kept it off i take 2 to 3 caps daily. it has also helped my blood pressure tremendously i am starting my hubby on it asap due to his blood pressure this stuff really works so dont be afraid to use it folks. it has also helped my immune system, thyroid problem etc i also use it for blood thinng effect along with hawthorn

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 05/24/2009

At what time of day do you have your honey?

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Longtail4711 (Seattle, WA) on 05/22/2009

Honey for Weight Loss and Stress:

I'm a big fan of honey for helping lose and maintain weight loss. My biggest problem with dieting is not that I don't enjoy daily exercise and vegetables, but I could not get rid of my sugar cravings in order to stop binging on cookies and chocolate! Especially in the afternoon and evening. It was stressing me out so bad I'd end up quitting and just yo-yoing my weight again. So read about honey, and thought it was worth a try. I started eating 1 TBS organic blackberry honey along with sprinkling of cinnamon on half a slice of toasted whole wheat pita bread. Perks me right up and gives me energy, and it gets rid of my sugar cravings! It's easy now to ignore high-fat fare, and I get a nutritious snack in the process that I don't have to feel guilty about. I've lost 64 pounds so far in the last year!

Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 05/22/2009

I've just finished 14 days of juicing at least once a day. I recently discovered chunks of fresh turmeric at the international market nearby and have been adding this to the drink when I can remember to. The drink is very energizing and great for the skin. As far as weight loss, slowly but surely. Additional exercise has really been the key for me, but this drink has indeed been a great appetite suppressant and removed sugar cravings.

Best green lemonade combinations:
1. Celery, Romaine, Ginger, Lemon, Granny Smith
2. Kale, Romaine, Ginger, Lemon, Fuji apple
3. Spinach, Red Lettuce, Ginger, Lemon, Granny Smith

Collard greens - extremely bitter, beware! Causes nausea that lasts several hours, despite the lemon juice and ginger.

Dietary Changes, Exercise, Supplements
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/19/2009

Answer to Matt from Indianapolis about Weight Loss Remedies

I disagree completely. Sugar as isolate is too concentrated. The secret too many calories too low nutritional values.

Just read about HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup.


and this: Surprise Ingredients in Fast Food

Try to feed yourself just on sugar!

Dietary Changes, Exercise, Supplements
Posted by Matt (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 05/19/2009

Judy, EVERYTHING gets converted to sugar (glycogen) if your body is going to use it for energy, not just sugars and starches. Sugar does not 'cause' anything and is not 'bad', what causes the ailments you describe is a combination of unhealthy lifestyle habits and genetics. Weight loss is simple: calories in vs. calories out. There are no magic cures. Eat healthy, exercise, and don't be afraid to work hard.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by CheeMiss (Toronto, ON) on 05/19/2009

Hello Laure from Belleville, Ontario

I know that this suggestion may seem to be to easy to help, but it certainly is worth a shot. It is an old European remedy, but for some reason it was no longer working for me, UNTIL I DISCOVERED THE REASON WHY. Buttermilk, yep, buttermilk. BUT IT MUST BE ORGANIC OR IT WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL.

The health food stores only recently started to carry it.

I bought 3 quarts of it. Drank 1 quart per day. The 1st day it was a miracle for my acid reflux, burping, bloating, gas, cramps and IBS diarrhea . By the last quart, (only 3 days) even my Tinnitus settled down.

The ORGANIC Buttermilk contains B-12 as well as other vital nutrients for our body. (read the ingredients label). The industrial farming dairy business's have destroyed the natural healing properties in dairy by the way they confine and feed the cows. No wonder more & more people are having problems with dairy.

Organic cows are allowed to graze on clovers and grass. The entire planet was raised on health dairy before the brutal industrial farming techniques took over, and people were healthier back then than now. Including me.

I could not believe that something so simple would work so quickly.......And my weight has been coming off quickly without my dieting.

I guess my body is getting what it needs thru the Organic buttermilk AND AS A BONUS, I AM SLIMMING DOWN!!!

Believe me, I have been trying everything, incl. Omega 3's via cod liver oil, vitamins incl D, A etc, ACV (which made things worse for me) the list is endless to what I have tried. You name it, I've tried it.

I repeat, I only got these results because of the ORGANIC Buttermilk.......NOT THE ADULTERATED CONVENTIONAL BUTTERMILK.

I know that it sounds to simple.....but it really is working for me. I literally crave the stuff now, in lieu of food. Imagine that.

Btw: I now have been eating Organic dairy products only.....and they are working for me. Yeah! I missed my dairy products. If I eat conventional dairy products my problems come back.

I hope that it works for you as it is for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dianne (Orillia, Ontario Canada) on 05/19/2009

Laure from Bellville, Have you tried any antifungal/parasite cleanses? Sounds like that could be a solution. I have learned a lot in regards to what happens when we are overloaded with parisites and fungus. Also you need to build up your immune system. You should be taking some wide spectrum pro biotics as well. There is a TV show called "Know The Cause" which you can see on the web. It features many aspects of health and the reasons for it's decline.Hope you can regain your health quickly Blessings Dianne

Multiple Remedies
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 05/19/2009

My heart goes out to you. Like so many of us you've had a hard time. At least you have end up at the right place with Earth Clinic. Take the time researching this site to find your answers. You will find this a journey as not everything works the same for everyone but don't give up - you will find your answers. First of all have you checked your PH balance as this is a key to wellness? You need to get ph test strips. I think I read you can buy them on amazon for a good price - otherwise your local health food store. Your ph balance is a must as disease cannot survive in the right balance. You need to check your PH balance every day. Second thing to consider is parasites as they can cause a lot of problems and are always the last thing doctors look for or never consider. Third thing is heavy metals and chemicals. I have learn this is the combination that disease needs to exist in a body. So if someone has been sick for a long time this is usually what is going on. MMS is remedy that you may want to research as it has help a lot of people. But there are so many other remedies to consider on your journey like H202, colloidal silver, Mini Beet Protocol to name a few. Some people have great with results with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Most of us who have been where you are have had to do a combination of several things. Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by R (South , FL, USA) on 05/19/2009

Erin's suggestion is a great one. I did that years ago and it was a great help to me. Recently, I'm not having any results from it so I searched for other options. I have searched for answers to multiple issues. I too have acid reflux and struggled for a long time as I would not take the medicine that the doctor's said I had to take. Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother on it) has allowed me to eat anything again and DRINK MY COFFEE! I started with 2 tsp with 1/8 tsp of baking soda, 3 or 4 times per day before eating. ACV is great for weight loss as well so you should take before eating. Adjust the dosage up or down. I'm a tea drinker and put it in my tea and I really like the taste. ACV can/will give you energy, weight loss, detox, and helps you digest your food properly. Also, read up on the oil pulling. On the main page to the left is a link for OP. I read everything I could on the subject and started about 4 months ago. 1 tbl every morning for 15 to 20 minutes. I change my oil to experiment but sesame, safflower is what I'm currently using. Cold pressed or expeller pressed, organic is best. These two remedies are inexpensive and can/will have excellent results. I read all the posts on these two subjects so that I could then do my own routine. I hope this helps you. Please provide an update to let us know how you are doing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Naperville, IL) on 05/18/2009

Your story sounds similar to mine after I got double pneumonia several years ago. I was on very strong antibiotics for about three months and then, while I still had vestiges of the pneumonia, I began picking up other strange infections like pink eye, bronchitis and a skin condition. My doctor ran tests and said that due to the infection and the pneumonia, my immune system had been compromised. Then he suggested changing my antibiotic to a different one and he said he would have to start treating me like an organ transplant patient ... which meant limiting my contact with the outside world, eating and resting as much as possible, etc. The whole time he was telling me this, my brain was shouting, "You guys did this to me! You made me sicker! There is no way I'm going to let you do anything more. You had your chance." I left his office and made an appointment with my Chinese doctor. She practices acupuncture and Chinese herbs. When I went to see her, she gave me an exam, some Chinese herbs and about an hour of acupuncture and told me to come back the following week. That night, I slept better than I had in five months. By the end of the first week, I was feeling like my old self again. My energy was coming back and I was feeling healthier and stronger. I kicked everything within a month. I should have gone to her in the first place! My advice to you is to seek out an acupuncturist and herbalist. You gave traditional medicine a chance and it didn't do much good for you. Good luck!

Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 05/13/2009

Found an incredible juicing recipe in a book called The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose . It's called green lemonade and yes, it really does taste like lemonade! I've been drinking at least one glass of this a day for 7 days and it has curbed my appetite like no tomorrow. I do a lot of exercise every day am usually starving afterwards, but not so if I drink this beforehand. It's amazing. I have made it for 3 friends and everyone loves it. The first thing my husband noticed (on me) was glowing, soft skin. First thing I noticed beside the appetite suppressant was increased energy.

Here's the recipe from the book:

1 head romaine lettuce or celery
5 to 6 stalks kale
1 to 2 apples
1 whole organic lemon (don't peel it)
1 to 2 inches fresh ginger (optional)

Juice all ingredients. For best results, drink on an empty stomach. Not a good idea to drink with meals according to the author. You can use any greens in place of romaine and kale. Important thing is to have dark leafy greens.

Highly recommend this book, by the way. Simply prepared "quick-exit" foods. Great philosophy.

Dietary Changes, Exercise, Supplements
Posted by Judy (Houston, TX) on 05/11/2009

This diet is not exactly like atkins, but it does seem like a good one. Veronica, Just a note to let you know that all fruits contain fructose, a high concentration of a form of sugar. Sugar, no matter what form is bad. Potatoes become sugar once they are ingested. The body should not live on this type of chemical as it causes diseases like diabetes, hypoglycemia, hypertension, etc. Anyway, good job Rick. I think I could do this...but not too crazy about giving up my coffee and diet soda...eek. sorry. :(

Posted by Patricia (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 05/10/2009

I've been taking Rhodiola for 5 weeks and have increased energy and have lost about 15 pounds that I have been struggling with for the last 5 years. I have had breast cysts that have disappeared and my memory has definitely improved. 6 weeks ago I attempted to climb the 7 flights of stairs to my condo when the elevator was out. I had to stop and rest at each floor. Today I take the stairs instead of the elevator without stopping at all.

When I started taking Rhodiola, my daughter had told me about it but I didn't know much about the herb only that it would give me an energy boost that I really needed. The only negative factor that I have experienced is insomnia, so now I make sure that I don't take the herb after about 3pm. I take 2 - 250 mg per day. One in the morning as soon as I get up with 10 oz of warm distilled water and the juice of 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon, and one around 3pm at my work breaktime with lots of water.
