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  Re: BPC-157 for Gut Issues +

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 04/08/2024

Hi Jasonx,

I've heard great things about BPC-157! How long did you take it for and how much per day? Can you also please share the name of the Australian supplier? Thank you!

  Re: Himalayan Salt

1 month ago
Posted by RD (Somewhere in Europe) on 04/08/2024

Hi Anthony, How are you doing? Thank you for your question. Generally speaking, Himalayan salt is, or appears to be, healthier than any other salt. However, over the last few months I have learned to avoid it, as it gives me a dry eye.

 Re: Scabies Mites in Nose and Mouth

1 month ago
Posted by JT (MA) on 04/08/2024

Thank you for your reply. I have done a parasite cleanse unknowingly. I had a stomach thing and did not eat for 3 days. The third day I had bad cramps so took some charcoal. I often use it for headaches as I have many allergies and sensitivities. I must have starved the thing inside me as I saw something in the bowl that was like 15” long. I took a picture of it as there was nothing in my stomach and emailed my doctor to see if she wanted to see the picture and she did not reply. When I contracted the scabies from Maine where I went to a wedding, they obviously did not clean the cabin I stayed in. When I started feeling them bite my doctor was on vacation so I saw someone else who did look at the picture and prescribed me albendazole and ivermectin. I collected 100's of things from my bed for the next week and also from toilet. There were many different “things” I found when I went digging and I put them in a jar. Still my doctor did not want to see them. This has been going on since September and here I am looking for alternatives as what I was prescribed obviously didn't work nor would it help with my nose and mouth. I have given up on the one dose of ivermectin and permethrin cream once a week. I will try your suggestion. I did have a skin reaction on the 3rd time on ivermectin and seems I am having it again. The previous time it only responded to nystatin cream so not sure if it was from an imbalance in my skin or a purging. If you have any experience with this I would like to know how you solved it. Does that alldaychemist sell diflucan without script?

Borax for Lichen Sclerosus, Hemorrhoids, Knee Pain

1 month ago
Posted by Liz (Hilton Head Island) on 04/08/2024


After a year of suffering of this terrible and embarrassing condition, I was cured with Borax. All those women who like me suffer of this problem, know exactly how terrible it is to suffer of this ailment. The more itching it got, the more things I tried to treat it with, but nothing ever worked. Thus, my getting more and more stressed about it, caused the itchiness to worsen and becoming unbearably intense. I tried applying organic yoghurt, kefir, apricot kernel seed oil, olive oil, castor oil, black seed oil, oats milk, apple cider vinegar baths, baths, took oregano drops, and other things I don't even remember anymore. I scratched myself so hard at times, that brought myself to tears just by seeing my private part completely hurt and bleeding at times. The itchiness woke me up many times in the middle of the night, and I remember going to the bathroom, inspecting myself and seeing my labial area in total flames and with red specs all over. I was in fire and ready to scratch myself with a hard wire brush. I had Borax at home, which I was already taking now and then, but it never occurred to treat myself with it. I started doing research and came across an article of a lady who like me, walked on fire with this thing, and found relieve with Borax. I follow her advise but with some tweak, and today, I can almost say that I am cured. I started taking borax and bicarbonate of soda baths and after the first wash, I felt alieve for the first time in over 12 months. I started to sleep longer and found peace in my highly stressed body. I was saved as healing was happening. At first I was doing it about 3 times a day. Then, as it got better and better, two and then once a day, but I wash with that solution in the toilette seat three to two times a week only now, and sometimes, just one time. After the wash, I pat dry myself and apply apricot kernel see oil to sooth the delicate skin down there.

My husband also did the exact same treatment to treat hemorroides.

I can also 100% confirm that a pain I had in my right knee is completely gone, as well as the pain starting to develop in my left knee, after drinking it with water every day. I noticed that after I was healed from the Lichen Schlerosus. I was so absorbed and worried about that problem, that only after I recovered from that devastating condition, I noticed that both my knees were also pain free.

Who would've thought that a simple product off the supermarket shelve would be the solution to this problem, and so many others.

Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin for Prostate Cancer Prevention

1 month ago
Posted by AZJJ (AZ) on 04/08/2024

As part of getting ready for old guy prostate surgery, a TURP, I had a PSA test, came back high at "9". UroDoc quickly ordered a MRI. Since most guys my age have "some" cancer in their prostate, it will likely lead to a needle biopsy, then... who knows... radiation? Chemo? I did a lot of research and found a great article that really helped me chill:

I also found amazing information on both Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin, as excellent cancer killers, with many testimonials confirming cures from various serious cancers. Look for info and videos from G. Edward Griffin, who wrote "A world without cancer" and John Robinson on B17... info on Fenbendazole can be found mostly on sites like Bitchute that don't censor info for Big Pharma...

I do not believe that I have prostate cancer, but due to the PSA test, which I will soon repeat on my own, outside of the UroDoc's office... I will probably refuse the MRI... but I will take both Fenben and B17 as preventive measures... at 67... only makes sense. B17 can solve a lot of other problems too... look into both!!

  Re: Lichen Sclerosus

1 month ago
Posted by LIZ (Hilton Head Island) on 04/08/2024

Lynn, dissolve 1tbsp of borax + 1 tbsp of bicarbonate of soda with +/- 1 cup of very hot water (borax will not dissolve in cold water). Once fully dissolved, you can add +/- two more cups of water. Place it in a large washing bowl and seat in it for about 20 to 30 minutes. If you are too seriously affected by LS as I was, do this procedure twice a day. Stay longer time soaking in this solution if you wish to. This is healing water and won't harm you at all. The longer, the better. You'll find immediate relief almost after the first bath. Then go on with it as many more times a day, a week or a month you need, until you're done with it. Apply a soothing oil in the affected area after each wash. I personally use organic apricot kernel seed oil. Do not use any body lotions or stuff loaded with harmful ingredients and chemicals. Make sure you use organic and natural products, more so for that extremely delicate and sensible part of our bodies.

It will help a lot to stop eating carbs and detox your body from harmful food too. Go walking or exercise each day and spend time enjoying the healing benefits of the sun as much as you can.

Distress, distress, distress.
Consider yourself healed!

  Re: Pillow and Mattress Topper for Joint Pain

1 month ago
Posted by Debbie N (Jacksonville. FL) on 04/08/2024

Hey Lou, I just wanted it out there that I bought a memory foam mattress in 2014, and by the end of 2017 I had pneumonia. But, before the pneumonia, I was having back issues and could hardly sleep, tossing and turning, and then the sinus issues hit...really bad! By the end of 2017 I had got pneumonia. I stayed in my spare bedroom for a month, as not to infect my spouse, and by time my illness subsided I discovered no more sinus issues. Well, when I went back to my master bedroom and slept there for the first night, my sinus issues came back with a took a few days, but that's when I realized it was the new mattress! So I went on the hunt for a nontoxic mattress, and discovered it was the TOXIC CHEMICALS they put in the mattress as a FIRE RETARDANT that was making me sick! ... So I went on the hunt for a new mattress. Long story short..I got an all latex mattress, used my old (almost new) box springs. Latex mattresses have no chemicals due to the fact that latex is naturally fire retardant, Latex doesn't burn. Best mattress I have ever invested in, and they will last you more then 40 years! I hope others read this post! (and now sinus issues gone for good and haven't been sick since! )

Vitamin C to Dissolve Iodine Stain

1 month ago
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 04/08/2024

Vitamin C to Dissolve Iodine Stain

Somewhere on EC you may run into my original post about my lugol's iodine adventure suspense drama at my aunt's house.

She has a fancy bathroom with a green toilet and tub. Well this was during the very deadly COVID time. I was trying to keep me well so I could help to keep her well. I took a bottle of iodine with me in the bathroom. My bad, I spilled some iodine on her toilet, and it refused to wash off. Then I remembered people posting on EC about how Vitamin C can make your even your clothes healthy. So I crushed some Vitamin C tablets and wiped the toilet. The iodine stain came off the toilet and there was no evidence that I spilled iodine on it. That remembrance brings me to what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, my throat was bothering me, so I pulled out the iodine. I should have put some on a cotton ball, but I was in a hurry. So I poured a bit on my hand and went to rub my throat, and some iodine dropped on my blouse and started sliding down it. I had on my favorite mustard color blouse. I opened the jar of vitamin C powder. There's a gram scoop inside, so I used that one scoop, I rubbed the dry vitamin C powder along the iodine run and the stain disappeared in front of my eyes. "Amazing." I thought I would have to change blouses, that quick there was no sign of the spill. This is a day later and still no sign of iodine stain.


  Re: Borax Side Effects

1 month ago
Posted by Ines (Buenos Aires) on 04/08/2024

Pam, first of all, I like to recommend never to fear anything. Trust GOD and be free of that feeling that can only make things worse for you. Second, I believe that your body needs more time to take use to this wonderful medicine. My recommendation is that you take it for three days straight, and stop for taking it for too. Then three days again, and stop another too. Do this for a couple of months and see how your body reacts. After a while, you might want to take it for four days and two days break, then 6 days and two days break and so on until your body absorbs it without causing any side effects.

  Re: Hoof and Coat Health for Horses

1 month ago
Posted by Jill (USA) on 04/07/2024

I tried Jane's recipe for my horse (and donkey), both are doing better and hooves are better.

I did add zinc to the mix because it was recommended where I bought the copper.

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  Re: Olive Oil Health Benefits?

1 month ago
Posted by anthony (london) on 04/08/2024

Hi RD,

Why did you transition from himalayan salt to refined sea salt?

Thank you

 Re: Scabies Mites in Nose and Mouth

1 month ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/07/2024

Hi JT,

It's not surprising at all to hear you're having a reaction. First off, it is a relatively higher dose you're taking. Second, if you haven't done parasite cleanses before, especially if you haven't done a parasite cleanse recently, then you're having die off reactions. In other words, your body isn't able to deal with and eliminate all the waste quickly enough so you're feeling the effects of those toxic substances as they get released by the dead parasites.

I didn't feel any negative side effects from taking ivermectin. However, I took a smaller dose once daily at 0.4mg per kg of body weight which worked out to around 26mg ivermectin once daily. I had also done parasite cleanses in the past, so I probably didn't have a ton of die off. Although, I can't say for sure I wouldn't have a reaction to a higher dose like what you're taking.

Here's my suggestion. Start slowly and work your way up. Try taking a pencil eraser sized amount of the Bimectin paste once a day. If you feel ok at that amount, increase the dosage to twice a day. After a week or so of feeling no side effects, try moving up the dosage.

It's important to make sure your bowels are moving and you're drinking plenty of water. You can take psyllium fiber in water to help sweep out the intestines. Cascara sagrada works well to keep the bowels moving. You want to aim for 2 bowel movements daily and Cascara can help achieve that. I would also take activated charcoal and chlorella (at different times) to bind up toxins. Some people like calcium bentonite clay, but it can be a little constipating. Hope this helps.

  Re: Ted's Mange Cure Helped Dog

1 month ago
Posted by Robert (Silver City NM) on 04/07/2024 I found this youtube video that has the best and most natural treatment/cure for mange in dogs and cats! NEEM OIL. 1 part neem oil to 10 parts carrier oil like coconut, avocado, olive or apricot seed oil. I gave it to my cat after I tried the borax and hydrogen peroxide suggested on this site and after I called my vet and they told me I would have to use their Ketohex shampoo on my cat and bath him every other day for 3 months(RIDICULOUS). The neem oil did the trick only after the first treatment. The hair falling off his body was still quite traumatic and gross. Cheers!

  Re: Neem Oil for Mange

1 month ago
Posted by Robert (Silver City NM) on 04/07/2024 This youtube video explains a mange treatment with NEEM OIL. It is one part neem oil to 10 parts carrier oil like coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil (I'd be careful with the olive oil unless you know it hasn't been altered with other seed oils though). Good luck and cheers!!

  Re: Castor Oil Not Working for a Cyst

1 month ago
Posted by L (Tx) on 04/07/2024

It didn't work for me at first either. Then I dug further and found (I think it was on this site in the comments) that I needed to pair the castor oil with magnesium. Topical was not as effective as taking a magnesium supplement and I found out that I have to make sure to take a high absorption one. You can't absorb your magnesium if you are low in vitamin D, so I was taking D3 50,000 once a week also. Couldn't believe how fast it worked after the vitamin and mineral part were good. So happy to have found that and wish that information was more accessible elsewhere.

  Re: Magnesium for an Anal Fissure

1 month ago
Posted by Pat McG (NJ) on 04/07/2024

You should try taking ReMag magnesium. It's a liquid (doesn't taste good) formulated to go right into your cells so you can take as much as you need to get your magnesium levels up without getting diarrhea. I actually took this for Afib & stopped, but I'm now gonna restart it again. I didn't realize it could heal a fistula — which I have when they ripped my bladder & uterus apart during a C-section.

  Re: Kidney Beans for Anal Itch

1 month ago
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 04/07/2024

UPDATE - so I tried to make my own maxi beans using kidney beans and it didn't seem to work well. The main difference appears to be that the store bought one had maize starch (corn starch) added. That's my best guess, and I've noticed for some time that corn and some other foods with added maize starch make me feel better in general.

It would appear that in fact corn starch is in fact what is helping me! Sorry folks!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne for Shingles

1 month ago
Posted by Claudia (Goshen CT) on 04/07/2024

I got shingles a few weeks ago. Initially, I thought the pain was residual from a back spasm I had in the same area, but when it didn't resolve, I took a look and sure enough there was the rash. I got on the antiviral, but had known from this wonderful site that ACV would help with the burning and itching. I dabbed it on with a cotton ball and sprayed it on my back where I couldn't reach it. Instantly the burning subsided! The next stage is the nerve pain which I still had deeply after the rash had cleared. I had also learned from this site that Cayenne pepper mixed with aloe lotion Would help. After days of hoping the pain would resolve on its own I decided to try it. The first application didn't make much difference, but the second and third did. In fact, after the third application, the pain was completely gone! So easy and so worth it . Thank you Earth clinic!

  Garlic for Meningitis

1 month ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/07/2024

Garlic Cited by Chinese for Meningitis Treatment; Brain and Spinal Cord Involved
Published 3/30/1980



Of 21 cases of cryptocoooal meningitis encountered in a 5 year period, 16 were treated with garlic alone and 5 with garlic and other drugs. Among the 16 cases, 6 were cured and 5 improved, giving an effective rate of 68%.

  Re: Olive Oil Health Benefits?

1 month ago
Posted by RD (Somewhere in Europe) on 04/06/2024

Gracie, How are you doing? Thank you for your response.

One month has gone by, and today I am positive that I have fully transitioned to lard.

I transitioned to lard shortly after one of my bottles of olive oil from Italy broke in a shopping bag, and after a messy clean-up that was an unpleasant experience.

I transitioned to lard shortly after I switched from Himalayan salt to refined a sea salt from Italy.

My last bottle of olive oil was Villa Chiara, Olio Extra Vergine Di Oliva from Firenze, Italia.

I transitioned to lard because I am not afraid of animal fats, saturated fats and cholesterol.

I enjoy butter and other animal fats, because I believe a high-fat diet is the secret to a healthy life.

I believe saturated fat is wrongly demonized when, actually, saturated fat is good for you.

Further, I believe saturated fat “does not clog the arteries”. Example: My arteries are 99% free of obstruction, after I have been eating at least 10 egg yolks per day, every day, since 2010.

Further, I transitioned to lard, because I believe cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease; in other words, cholesterol levels do not matter, and statins are not necessary at all.

I believe the greatest threat to our hearts and vascular systems comes from sugar -- not from cholesterol or saturated fat and animal fats like lard, meat, fish and cheese.

I transitioned from olive oil to lard, shortly after I found a lard product that tasted better than the previous lard product I tried before.

Sometimes I worry about dietary nitrates. But, in this case, it does not seem to be an issue, as the food label on this lard product says, "Ingredients: pork bacon" as its only ingredient.

Tonight I ate some of this lard with sardines, and it was a fully enjoyable meal. For flavor, I added to it only a few grains of refined sea salt.

I believe -- as opposed to olive oil -- lard, or butter, would be a better choice.

However, it is not easy -- is not it? -- to go against the advice of the WHO, and many other institutions and authority figures... and we somehow get persuaded to make many unnecessary olive oil purchases through clever advertising ploys.

Gracie, my question to you is, what do you think, have you derived any benefit from extra virgin olive oil? And if you are transitioning to lard, butter, or something, then how is that transition going?