Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

About Borax
Posted by Marinko (Indiana) on 07/03/2020

I read thru comments. It's “funny “ how many people can't educate themselves thru their own observations and symptoms. Of course, school medicine isn't helping either. To many doctors are 30-40 years behind todays knowledge. What is Borax? It's simple question. Detergent. It dissolve fats. Clean dirty fat from things. What are most dangerous toxins in human body? Don't ask doctors. Fat soluble. If you are lucky, you are going to store them in fat tissues. If not, organs and arteries. Liver is working hardest from 11 pm till 3 am. If you woke up and have heartburn, or can not get back to sleep, thats liver recycling old stored toxic fats. Ooops. I forget that I am not “ medicine man”. Take fiber and binders to stop recycling of toxins and lower Herxeimer reaction. Toxins are really corrosive, especially heavy metals( positiv charged/ different story). Turpentine? Solvent. MCT C8? Solvent.... When Herxing, don't take fish, krill oil, Vitamin D, sardines....

Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/28/2020 462 posts

The chemistry of boron, boric acid and borax is extremely interesting, isn't it?

One of the components that borax breaks down into when exposed to specific kinds of acids - including stomach acid - is boric acid so, in a way, when you take borax you're taking - or, rather *extracting* the boric acid from it. Or, more accurately, your body is.

The "acid" aspect isn't what it sounds like as ACV is far more acidic than boric acid which is just to the acid side of the pH of water. A lot of tap water in the US is probably more acidic than boric acid so...

There isn't really any way to research these things because science makes up rules which they say are proven by exceptions and then just keep adding rules upon rules upon rules all the way back to the initial incorrect assumption rather than going back to the assumption and...fixing it. Every rule on top of another rule is an excuse for not doing that. And the writers of rules are perfectly willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary - including people's lives - to "save face". To preserve their social reputations. And not just scientists. Politicians do it, capitalists do it, industrialists do it - their standing in society, among their peers, in their professions and any number of subcultures or economic sectors is more important to them than the well-being of even children. Even their OWN children.

Boric acid shouldn't work for vaginal yeast infections - based on scientific assumptions and rules - yet it does. Most of the remedies here shouldn't work - but in a variety of circumstances, many of them do. Many illnesses are hyped up as horrific when they are no more deadly and no more difficult to treat than the sniffles.

We have capitalists and industrialists with hearts that are hundreds of times blacker than Hitler's and neighbors, political representatives, teachers, doctors and bosses whose are hundreds of times blacker than Manson's and if one's heart is NOT of the black variety, one truly is on one's own.

Do your own research. Don't dismiss anecdotal evidence because some black hearted marketing fan or expert claims it isn't evidence because the only reason they resent it is because they don't have any. Nobody goes onto social media singing the praises of marketing clients saying things like, "Oh, thank God! My liver is being destroyed, I'm probably going to die, spend all of my money on this poison they're giving me and still have my disease and feel like crap! Yeahh!! ". Don't believe all of the anecdotal stories - use your head. Or not - it's your choice.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/22/2020 462 posts

I wouldn't take a "boron supplement" because it's a trace mineral and everywhere - except, apparently, in modern foods. A capsule or pill could contain just about anything as long as it has some boron in it. And the liquid supplements could be anything or even just spring water. If you want to take a pill or dispense from a dropper bottle, make your own. That way you know exactly what's in it. Aside from whatever might be in the material used to make the capsule.

Borax Health Benefits
Posted by John Parker (USA) on 06/18/2020

I read a variety of published information and studies about potential health benefits of boron supplementation and safety of dosage. I found these to be useful summaries: ___

Excerpt from Walter Last.

The Borax Conspiracy — How the Arthritis Cure has been stopped. 2011.

“Boron is distributed throughout the body with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid. Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth. Boron affects the metabolism of steroid hormones, and especially of sex hormones. It increases low testosterone levels in men and oestrogen levels in menopausal women. It also has a role in converting vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing calcium uptake and deposition into bone and teeth rather than causing soft tissue to calcify. Also other beneficial effects have been reported such as improvement of heart problems, vision, psoriasis, balance, memory and cognition.”


Excerpt from Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT. Nothing Boring About Boron. IMCJ Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal. 2015 Aug; 14(4): 35–48. “Boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as hs-CRP and TNF-α; (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; (7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; (8) improves brain electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory in elders; (9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as SAM-e and NAD+; (10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and (11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents.”


Borax is an compound of boron. Borax (sodium borate) is a natural mineral mined from the earth like salt (sodium chloride), both of which have a long history of being used to preserve food. I read that borax and salt are generally considered safe in small amounts and of similar toxicity (LD50) in large amounts. California is home to one of the world's largest borax deposits from which 20 Mule Team Borax has been manufactured since 1891. The product is packaged in its pure form, with no chemical additives. The only processing it receives after its removal from the ground is washing, drying and packaging. The product is 99.5 percent pure, with the remaining 1/2 of 1 percent containing naturally occurring trace minerals, with no risk of heavy metals. I read that pharmaceutical grade borax is not noticeably purer or better. I wash my hands after handling borax powder and am careful not to get it in eyes. To make a borax solution, I add one US teaspoon (leveled-off, average 4620 mg on my Weighmax CT20 milligram scale) of borax powder and 16 US fluid ounces of purified water into a cooking pot. I heat on the stove until the solution boils for one minute, and stir until the borax is fully dissolved. I pour the solution into a labeled glass jar with lid and store in a dark location at room temperature. 4620 mg borax powder * 0.113 (11.3% boron by weight) = 522.1 mg boron, divided by 64 (number of 1/2 US tablespoons in 16 US fluid ounces water) = 8 mg boron A 1/2 US tablespoon of this solution with 8 mg boron is comparable to the estimated 5–8 mg/day boron intake for people in parts of the world such as Israel and Western Australia which have high boron levels in the soil and water (and very low rates of arthritis at 1% or less). This amount is well under the Upper Tolerable Limit (UL) of 20 mg/day boron, determined unlikely to cause any adverse effects for healthy people in long term use.

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Kameran (Jordan) on 12/23/2018

for Lupus you can use also with Borax

Peroxide hydrogen 35% food grade diluted

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ken (Hampshire, Illinois ) on 11/12/2018

Get a gallon of distilled water from store and use that. It's as pure as you can get.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Steve (Usa) on 11/11/2018

I don't understand the confusion in how much borax to take? I use an old glass ACV bottle = 32oz to this add a 'heaping' teaspoon of '20 mule-team' borax then fill with 'distilled' water, this formula is the borax CONCENTRATE! This should be 30mg of borax / 3.3mg of boron.

Shake the bottle to dissolve and then let rest in refrigerator overnight. Next morning take 1 teaspoon of the CONCENTRATE and add to whatever amount of water/liquid you want.

I have been taking, up to 3 doses a day, this for about 4 years, with occasional 'breaks' of 1 to 5 days a month, without side-effects or gastric distress.

When starting out used 1 teaspoon on 8oz 'well-water' once per day, followed this for 6 months prior to increasing to 2 then 3 dose per day. Now I just add 1 teaspoon of CONCENTRATE to about 2 ounces of 'well-water'.

If you don't have a good source of 'well-water', then I would use 'distilled' water, to make the CONCENTRATE.

The following website is what I based my CONCENTRATE on;

I hope this helps the confusion. Blessing and peace to all.

Borax and Hormones
Posted by Brandon (Wa) on 11/08/2018

Urine therapy works great for everything. Also Dr. Lugol's Iodine is a powerful tool as well. Researching old books has brought me to alot of this information. It is a fact, that when Rothchilds/Carnige created the first University, they removed ALL books of knowledge that promoted critical thinking. Schools were put in place to create "workers" not "thinkers".. That is a quote from Rothchild himself.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Sheila (Ky) on 11/03/2018

Teresa in Oh, wonderful news! How are you doing? How many tsps is in 150 mg please? I have arthritis in my spine from a failed Lumbar fusion! I am currently taking a very small amount of borax and want to increase my dose! Your post convinced me!

General Feedback
Posted by Stephanie (Ca) on 09/30/2018

+Sharon from Vancouver - Actually, the article you mention is available in pdf on the web and also can be found at:

Otherwise, much truth to what you are writing. Good info!

Importance of Borax
Posted by Stephanie (Anaheim, Ca) on 09/29/2018

Table salt is refined and treated not with water but with chemicals and additives. Sea salt is generally not though. Borax, like Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt), is not refined or treated at all. It is just mined and milled.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Joel (Colorado) on 09/29/2018

Clement, 8 ounces equals one quarter of a liter.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Virginia (Tasmania, Australia) on 09/16/2018

Hi Rob. I just weighed 1 tsp of borax obtained from Blants on my commercial scale and it weighs between 4 and 5 grams.....

Borax Dosages
Posted by Clement M. (Botswana) on 08/31/2018

Please clarify how much 8 ounces is, in metric unit measurement ie, in millilitres or litres.

Posted by Mary (Mi) on 08/29/2018

I started reading about ingesting borax and was kind of afraid at first but I've been using a 1/8th teaspoon in a bottled water (liter of water, to which I add more water as I drink it) every day except weekends. I think it has given me more energy, which is why I am keeping it up. I recently fell outside and twisted my ankle-but actually not a whole lot of pain (except when I first did it) and I was able to walk and work (and my work is standing factory work)-and I did twist it so that it swelled up and bruised. I don't know if the borax drink helped-because when I did it I thought I was going to have to call in to my work.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/21/2018 2165 posts

Based on the fact that measuring spoons can vary depending on where you are in the world, it may be more accurate to describe Ted's Borax protocol in terms of milligrams per dose instead of in fractional teaspoon measurements. The 1/4 teaspoon dose delivers approximately 970 mg while the 1/8th teaspoon dose delivers approximately 485 mg. While the 1/8th and 1/4 teaspoon doses work fine here in the US, people from many other country's come to EC and their measuring spoons may be significantly different than ours!

Based on the known toxicity of borax, both of these doses fall well below that toxicity level.


Borax Dosages
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/20/2018 2165 posts


It is my understanding that borax contains 11.36% boron. I use a "level full" 1/4th teaspoon bakers measuring spoon (USA) to measure my borax. The 1/4th spoon, when measured with a digital scale, shows on average, 970 mg of which 11.36% is boron. If I multiply 970 mg x .1136 (11.36%) = 110.192 mg of boron in my 1/4th teaspoon or about 110 mg per 1/4th teaspoon dose and about 55 mg of boron per 1/8th teaspoon dose. These are the two doses recommended by Ted on this website.

Based on this, I do not understand how you arrived at the figures in your post showing more than double what I calculate for these two doses. I get that different types of spoons from around the world may vary in their accuracy or actual size, but If I am also using a digital scale in conjunction with the spoon for verification, how can I be that far off? What am I doing wrong?



Borax Dosages
Posted by Rob (Brisbane, Australia) on 08/20/2018

Just a very important note:

The suggested borax doses are very inaccurate! They are based on the premise that a teaspoon of borax is 4 grams. The weight of Borax is NOT 4gm per Teaspoon, it's actually 8.65gm per metric teaspoon, which means you're taking more than double the stated 113mg and 56mg.

In actual fact,

1/8 tsp = 119mg of boron

1/4 tsp = 238 mg of boron


Please don't just cut and paste information without verifying its accuracy!

Posted by Art (California ) on 07/03/2018 2165 posts

I take the 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in a quart of water per each day of the week with weekends off. I tried going down to the 1/8th teaspoon dosing, but that was not fully effective for me.

Glad to hear that the aloe was helpful for the LP! I hope you have great results with your TCM experiment!


Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/03/2018

Hi Art,

Wondering how much borox do you take during the weekdays? I have just started taking two teaspoonfuls/day, of a two cup water/ 1/2 rounded teaspoonful borax solution, in water (also five day/ week) which I believe is about 18 mg/day. I plan to reduce it after a while.

By the way, I have found the preservative free aloe vera juice you suggested to be very beneficial for the lichen planus! It gives almost immediate relief. It wears off but you can take it as needed. I have finally made an appointment with a Chinese medicine doctor in August for six appointments, twice/week for three weeks, which is what he requires. Have been thinking about it for years and finally decided to call. Will post any results after trying this.

Thanks for all your helpful posts and links, as usual!

Posted by Art (California ) on 07/02/2018 2165 posts

Well, Borax has many other benefits than just arthritis, so in order to get those benefits, I take it continuously on weekdays.


Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Jacqueline (California) on 07/01/2018

I agree the drugs I was taking for rheumatoid arthritis almost destroyed my mind.

I was taking Leflunomide 20 MG and Prednisone, this combination was a nightmare for me. Now I drink Borax and also drink Marshmallow root tea and I feel so much better my fingers are no longer swollen and the stiffness in my shoulders has improved after only 1 week.

Posted by Aaron (New Zealand ) on 06/30/2018

Greetings Earth Clinic, I have been using the Borax remedy now over 11 months with a quarter teaspoon borax into 1 litre of water and drinking 1litre of water as well 5days on 2days pain has reduced exponentially yet living near a mountain my osteoarthritis is affected by the cold until the summer months of course.........I'm uncertain as to how long should I still be taking Borax..........which is my question?

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Tea ( New Zealand) on 06/29/2018

Actually not hair and scalp but the bone chip from the above lady. I heard of someone with a permanently brittle crushed spine and she was told to rub pure frankincense from neck to tailbone twice a day for 6 months from the founder of an essential oil company.

Later down the track, an X-ray revealed it has fused back together and repaired itself much to the shock of the doctors who could t explain it..... worth a try????

Multiple Cures
Posted by Stu (Naples, Fl) on 06/26/2018

1/4 teaspoon in how much water? Do you have any idea how many mg's you are taking? Are you taking it after eating it on an empty stomach?

Long Term Use of Borax
Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 06/02/2018

The borax dosages that EC quoted from Ted are quite correct. Also bear in mind that borax has the same toxicity profile as common table salt. When you take the male dose of 250 mgs of borax(1/4 tspn) you are only actually ingesting about 113 mgs of boron -- and the woman's borax dosage(1/8 tspn) is ony about 55 mgs of boron.

To further help you to understand the dosages, usefulness and importance of Borax for our bodies, you should watch this video:

The Boron and Borax Miracle (Dr Jorge Flechas)

I've also been using Ted's male Borax Water dosages on a regular basis for about the last 11 years (since 2007) without any problems at all -- and I'm 68 y o.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Teresa (Oh) on 05/31/2018

IMHO 3 mg of boron is useless. Search YouTube for Dr Jorge Flechas videos on boron. He recommended to my dentist that I start with 90 for 3 months then dropping to 60 for 3 months. Then dropping to a maintenance dose of 30. Every time I decreased my knee started hurting. I had to wait six months for each decrease. I have put off knee replacement for three years and still going. Every time my RA flares up, I up my dose. Currently I am taking 150 mg to combat osteoporosis. According to Dr Flechas this is the dose his wife needed to reverse her osteoporosis. And My RA is doing great.

Skin Tags
Posted by Rene (Valencia, Ca) on 05/04/2018

I have to tell you I am quite shocked. I've been doing 30 mg worked up to 110 mg a day of borax past few months. I started it for my 2 knee arthritis which it has helped I still have pain but it's not the light me up screaming pain when I move it the wrong way. It's also helping my Candida overgrowth which I'm overjoyed about. But what really sets borax apart for me is I haven't read this from anybody yet.… Are you ready for this? Skin tag Yep that's right. I never get skin tags but about 10 years ago I got a skin tag in a private area. And it was a good quarter inch long. It's been there like I said for about 10 years. Well two months into doing the Borax and guess what the skin tag is almost all gone from taking borax orally! I am so happy this stuff is amazing I'm doing 110 mg and I am a woman, but this is a treatment dose, sure I will end up with the maintenance dose once everything feels better.

I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and other co issues. Eliminating my Candida overgrowth that I've been fighting for 20 years is just a blessing. This stuff is amazing I started my own Facebook group to give people support we all talk about how great it's been using borax thank you for all you do we use a lot of your videos to encourage people. I just haven't found anybody talking about borax and skin tags again this was orally, I did not apply it to the skin tag that's what really trips me out. I bet if somebody put it on a cotton ball and held it on their skin tags it would work even faster! God bless keep up the good work.

Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Vicki (Missouri) on 04/24/2018


You have to replace the minerals that were removed in the distilled water. Himalayan sea salt, the pink kind, makes distilled water the healthiest water you can drink. The exact minerals our bodies need are in this salt, all 84 of them.

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/22/2018 233 posts

Diane, I take borax with sea-salted bottled spring water. I also ensure to sup Magnesium. Maybe borax just didn't work for you, or there are other things going on in your body that it was working on. Most people are deficient in iodine, perhaps this (lugols iodine) or kelp extract will make a difference in your health. Just a thought. Since improving my reproductive cycle with a pot of fresh garden tea every day (the goal was better health through easily absorbed nutrients, this was unexpected and very welcome), I am supplementing vitamin e, Magnesium, coconut oil, vitamin c and have just really started Iodine properly after receiving the tablets. I will be starting high dose iodine after reading some benefits, this is the adjustment phase and fortunately with clean diet I have had no ill effects, started 1/4 pill, 1/2 pill now one pill daily. On my next few days off work I will trial 50 mg a day, initially for monitoring purposes. From high dose Iodine I expect cysts, lumps, stones and worse to dissolve, to not feel cold all the time, and for the disappearance of many moles, which from my understanding are a result of internal fungus. My best advice to you is to keep reading, researching, you are sure to find what your body needs to heal. Oh also add some herbs to assist the liver, an overloaded liver can not cleanse your body of the toxins that accumulate whenever pathogens, fungus etc are attacked. This (dandelion) is in my daily tea. Best to you.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Caroline (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 04/11/2018

Borax for arthritis pain and hair growth

I am 70 years old, and take no prescription drugs, and am a 0+ blood type.

I had a bakers cyst, torn meniscus and severe swelling and pain in my right knee for several months. The Dr. wanted me to do a clean out surgery under a general anesthetic. I instead went to a Chiropractor who did three sessions of a laser and 2 weeks before that I had started borax, doing 1/4 teaspoon in water daily. My knee is perfect now and also 2 knuckles on my right hand that have hurt for years is also gone, and much fewer body aches, also my hair is coming back in after a lot of hair loss.

Borax and Gut Flora
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 04/11/2018

You can take it for as long as you want. Boron is supposed to be in our fruits & veggies naturally but our soil is deficient in North America. If you keep taking the borax, it will help you during middle age too by assisting the parathyroid gland to help regulate your hormones, which is great for hot flashes.

Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/10/2018 233 posts

Try Blants online. Very reasonable delivery costs even for bulk purchase. Stock many healthful products.

Hidradentis Suppurative
Posted by Diane (California) on 04/09/2018

Do you know what KIND of water is needed for the Borax remedy? Should it be distilled or just regular water and NOT mineral water (since I received no results using mineral water)? Thank you.

Borax and Gut Flora
Posted by Anissa (Alberta) on 04/09/2018

For how long can I take the borax solution?

Posted by Lyn (Qld) on 04/09/2018

Just wondering where you bought your borax from?

Shoulder Joint Pain
Posted by Robert (West Midlands) on 03/27/2018

Borax for Shoulder Joint Pain:

I have been using borax for 3 weeks now and I have noticed a big difference in my shoulder joints which both have arthritis. I have no pain now and the range of motion is better.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Beamer (Brisbane, Australia) on 03/27/2018

1/2 teaspoon between 4 people per day is 1/8 teaspoon each - which is what Ted recommends. So you are taking his dose.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 03/11/2018

Hi Daniel,

I have only been taking Borax for 4 days. Yesterday I started developing an itchiness around my lower legs, just above the ankle ( this are tends to get itchy for me sometimes, maybe an allergy? ), but I am just thinking that this is the Borax "working" and this is a small reaction, as I anticipated, but I will monitor it. Last night I had several visits to the bathroom, not diarrhoea, just a bit of a clean out. Now luckily I had read your post last night earlier on, as one of the movements was loads of tiny white "flecks" almost like Sesame seeds, and I thought that was weird as I hadn't eaten anything that would come out like that in the past few days. Then I remembered your post! ............. Wow, I am convinced that is what it was, either that or Candida coming out? .............. but I would tend to agree it is probably lots of Calcium deposits being expelled. Today I am feeling great and the itchiness in my lower legs has noticeably reduced. I am having a day off Borax to let everything settle down again, but I will do it again for 5 days next week. What amazing stuff this is............... And thank you again for mentioning the Calcium thing, or I would never have noticed.

Borax Capsules
Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 03/11/2018

Try mixing it in with lemon water or juice :)

Borax and Hormones
Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 03/11/2018

Fantastic answer, thank you Bev :)

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Barbara (Apison Tn.) on 03/09/2018

I understand that a Castor Oil poultice will dissolve bone spurs. Maybe he could try this. Just pour some Castor Oil on a thick cloth and put this on when he goes to bed at night. You could tape it on or use an ace bandage.

Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Jay (California) on 03/08/2018

I wonder if the stomach pain could be because Borax is alkaline it might decrease your stomach acid and lead to indigestion when you eat?? Purely speculative. Inversely, taking an alkaline solution on an empty stomach can stimulate release of additional acid (in anticipation that you are eating) - this excess stomach acid with no food to digest could cause stomach pain as well.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by Julius (Louisville, Ky) on 02/22/2018 1 posts

I would like to know - after rubbing his feet with Borax how long did he let it stay on or if he let it dry without washing off?

EC: Let it dry without washing it off.

Borax Bans
Posted by Rskorj (Ga) on 02/17/2018

Don't take it for granted if you can buy it from the supermarket, I have seen corporations change the formulas of products and thus made them useless. The same thing can happen for the general public access to pure minerals. Stock up is good advice.

Posted by Hks (Australia) on 01/30/2018

I think Janet's comments about the minerals is important. I did also wonder about the cold snap comment and wondered if you had considered the possibility of increases in mold and mildew that might have occurred in the home you live in. From my personal experience, I had been doing better on boron but about a month ago started drinking fermented kefir juices because I thought they were healthy, the boron didn't seem to be working so well. I have always had trouble with alcohol and know that it just does not agree with me. My son alerted me that with the fermentation I was actually making alcohol even though it is a small amount. Removing this from my diet I seem to be doing better again. It's possible that the alcohol was causing my body to use up the boron faster, essentially neutralising the benefits. Likewise, I wonder if you may have unknowingly been exposed to increases in mold in your home during the cold snap, the borax could be being depleted trying to deal with possible increases in mold. Boron appears to kill yeast but conversely, I would think yeasts and mold could deplete boron reserves. Just my thoughts as a possibility, don't know if applies in your situation.

Fluoride Poisoning
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 01/10/2018

The kidney pain may be due to the alkalinity of borax affecting preexisting kidney stones. Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar a few times a day may fix it. Other remedies for kidney stones are available elsewhere on EarthClinic.

Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Jill (Tx) on 01/05/2018

Lynn, have you tried an autoimmune gut healing protocol like GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome/gut and physiology syndrome) or AIP (auto-immune paleo protocol)? I had symptoms of lichen sclerosis for years (it started more like interstitial cystitis) until my daughter was diagnosed with multiple food allergies including foods that are eliminated in both of those diets. When I adjusted the food our family ate to accommodate her food allergies my symptoms went away! Now if I eat much wheat/gluten (like if we're visiting relatives and I have little control over what I eat) my symptoms tend to start coming back. It could also make a huge difference to get the guidance of a functional medicine doctor too. A lot of FM docs are chiropractors. You can find an FM doc on a search engine.

MSM for Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mvm (Sinop) on 12/25/2017

MSM might be good against borax die-off reactions

Taking a serious risk, I took 1/4 teaspoon of borax with a glass of water. The next day, I got strong Herx reactions primarily including stomach and gut pain, nausea, and slight pains or pressures in various regions of my head.

I noticed that a teaspoon of MSM powder (which I've been using for a week now) with a glass of water and orange juice alleviated the reactions.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Fran (Greer) on 12/20/2017

It's wonderful. I only use a pinch. No more hard agony menstrual cycles. Nails are so hard. Skin so clear.

Borax Bans
Posted by Beamer (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/14/2017

Farm supply stores will have it.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 11/28/2017

Try wetting your feet, rubbing Borax into them, and putting socks on over it. You can leave it on all day. When I do this the muscles in my lower legs are noticibly more relaxed.

Pineal Gland Decalcification
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 11/28/2017

I am 5'8, " 220 lbs., 38 years, female, and I take a teaspoon of organic nutmeg powder once a day in a glass of milk every few days. I have been using it this way for five years. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of ground cloves. The organic nutmeg sold in a little glass bottle by a big herb company isn't nearly as effective as the organic powder sold in a bulk jar at the same store. Groung fresh is even better. The effects are decreased pain, improved mood, relaxation, better sleep, and dry mouth. I took a larger dose a while back and the next morning was very dehydrated and dizzy. Fresh citrus juice, I have found, is the very best remedy for the dehydration. You must try it! I like nutmeg combined with valerian, kava kava, and/or green tea. Very recreational. Nutmeg also makes any food eaten afterward taste amazing.

I read an article that warned people about the dangers of using nutmeg to get high. It seemed dishonest in light of my own experience with nutmeg. It said users would experience some small high, but it would be overshadowed by extreme nausea. That has not been my experience at all. I have experienced nausea once from it, I had taken it with an expectorant containing lemon myrtle and eucalyptus oils, and a herbal guanfenison - contradictory herbs.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/27/2017

To Jerry who wrote: "Can I just take Boron Capsules?"

Things are dose dependent. All of the Boron supplements I find are rather low like less than or equal to about 10mg. 1/4 teaspoon per day though dissolved in water is between 115mg-158mg depending on the measuring spoon and how level or round your scoop is. That is a huge delta in dose. I have heard of 50mg-60mg tablets but have never actually seen them for sale.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's as a high school athlete the ones sold to athletes where 3mg-6mg - again far lower than what you get in a rather common dose of 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water sipped through the day!

I took 1/4 teaspoon per day the first 3 weeks then started to get diarrhea. I reduced it to 1/8 of a teaspoon a day for 2 weeks and all of the diarrhea went away completely. Some days I take 1/8 teaspoon some days I take a 1/4 and I am fine.

In theory anything is better than not taking borax so if someone was really sensitive or had IBS you could start at 1/16th of a teaspoon and slowly over weeks and months build up to 1/4 teaspoon. Evidence is showing that observational with individuals that you can get a lot of health benefits at varying does but the higher the dose the more consistent the results seem to be.

In post menopausal women a lot of individuals have found that reversing osteoporosis takes around 150mg of borax, vit and 400mg-600mg of magnesium per day to reverse it and that is a far higher dose than someone without osteoporosis needs. In those without severe fluorosis or osteoporosis that have healthy bone mass, 50mg per day seems to be the sweet spot but again you need magnesium and vitamin D3 in the diet. It is thought that enzymes and mineral metabolism is how boron works it's many benefits. Some people probably get enough minerals in their diet but for most Americans minerals and Vitamin D3 and iodine are almost always low. Iodine helps to keep your body from depositing fluoride in your bones.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Ronnie (Ohio) on 11/25/2017

I thought the same thing I am reading online upper tolerable limit for boron is 20 mg a day, I broke out my smidgeon (1/32 tsp) measuring spoon and filled it about a third full..probably about 7 mg..if my calculations are right..

Multiple Cures
Posted by Mike (Tn) on 11/25/2017

What made you try this for your dad. I'm curious. I've suffered from tinnitus for 30 years. Along with vertigo like many of us we've tried just about every thing and nothing works...the doctors here won't subscribe it just on my a little insight might help thanks

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/24/2017

Dear Becky,

My husband did not take extra calcium. He does get plenty of dietary calcium.

Honestly, I am not sure which supplements are best to complement the borax protocol!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Becky (Ca) on 11/23/2017 31 posts

Mama to Many,

Does your husband take Calcium? I few pages back someone said borax can deplete minerals like calcium, vit D... what must be taken when using oral borax?

Trying to get the best info before I start borax.Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Richard (Florida) on 11/19/2017

Borax is not any kind of soap..

When used to wash clothes it softens the water, making your laundry detergent more effective and you are able to use less detergent...