Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

Scars, Age Spots
Posted by Kayla (La, Ca) on 06/05/2012

My ND wanted me to use organic cold pressed castor oil packs on my abdomen for assisting in herximer effect. So, after a shower in the evening I would rub castor oil on my abdomen and put a hot pad on my abdomen for an hour or two. In less than six weeks I noticed a scar on my abdomen disappeared! So I started castor oil on my face. I let the steam do the work while in the bathtub or shower I rub the castor oil on the face and let the steam send it deeper into the skin and just leave it on overnight.. I've seen a remarkable decrease in age spots.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 09/12/2010

I agree that castor oil is an amazing face oil. I have been using it as a night-time treatment for nearly two months now. I use a tiny amount which I thin down with a few drops of almond oil which makes it easier to pat onto the skin, since castor oil has a thick consistency. I have also noticed that my eyelashes are growing longer!

Yeast Infections
Posted by Eleny (Graham, WA) on 09/25/2008

My son recently had a horrible yeast infection on his bottom. I did not notice it right away because it was right on the outside of his anus. The reason I did not notice it right away is because he had not been passing regular bowel movements and I had no need to wipe him there. I was giving him his bath and wiping him when I first noticed it. At first I thought it was feces but it would not come off and when I looked he had what looked like a horrible case of acne that was about to pop. Initially I thought it was a diaper rash but soon realized it was not. I took him to the doctors office the following morning and the doctor said that he had a yeast infection and prescribed some ointment. I was honest and told the doctor that I would not try the ointment until I tried a natural alternative first. I then went home and applied diluted _____'s Organic ACV on a cotton square and wiped him and also put some H202 on another cotton square and applied that to the infected area. I then decided to use Castor oil because of the many health benefits it has when applied to the skin onto the yeast and I kid you not within a 24 hour period the infection was COMPLETELY gone! And believe it or not since I have used the Castor Oil on his bottom he has been passing bowel movements regularly.

Cold Feet
Posted by Sara (southern USA) on 11/13/2019

Castor oil is great for SO many things - including my most recent discovery - a cure for cold feet! As a child my mother forced castor oil down me for every illness so I shunned it for years. But thanks to the Earth Clinic community, I've returned to castor oil using it on my face with great results. And on nasal polyps which seems to be helping.

But the biggy for me was this: I finally decided to try a castor oil pack. Made a small pack (4”x6”) using cotton cloth I had available, soaked the cloth with castor oil (wet but not dripping), placed it just below my right rib cage (liver area), plastic wrap over the top, covered with a heating pad on low. After an hour, I felt better - can't quite describe the feeling - surely a combination of being still, quieting my mind and the castor oil. BUT THEN I got ready for bed. I ALWAYS always wear socks to bed because my feet are cold. To my amazement - my feet were warm!!!! Thought it was a fluke. Tried it again the next night. Yes, warm feet!!! Thank you, Earth Clinic community!

Eye Injury
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, USA) on 05/31/2013

My teenage son was doing some woodworking yesterday and got a piece of wood in his eye. He was outside for another hour before he came in. I think the piece of wood had absorbed the fluid on his eye because now it was stuck to his eyeball. It was the size of a pin head. I could touch it but it woudn't move. First we tried rinsing it out with any eyecup I have for this purpose, but it woudn't budge. I put a drop of castor oil in his eye. After a few minutes, the piece of wood was able to move again. We were able to carefully work it to the corner of his eye and remove it. We would probably have not worked with it had the wood not been on the white of his eye. We would have waited for blinking and such to work it to the corner of his eye.

His brother once got some sawdust in his eye. His eye was very irritated. I think the sawdust worked its way out, but his eye was still very uncomfortable. (And he isn't a complainer. ) I tried an over the counter product that was supposed to sooth they eye and it seemed to help. When that has happened since, I just use castor oil. I think it is safer and more natural and also something I always keep in the house.

Posted by Junglegirl (Haiku, Hawaii) on 08/11/2009

Shingles treatment: My mother used a high quality pure castor oil slathered on the worst spots. She applied it most heavily at night and wore old pajamas because it's messy, but it worked immediately for her. We found the remedy somewhere online, years ago, so I can't reference it. But it worked.

Gut Issues
Posted by K.C. (Portland, Oregon) on 06/25/2007

I have had gut problems for years. (I have an extra-long colon, like twice normal length.) General inflammation, sometimes burning an inch or two below my sternum ( a good remedy for that is pancreatic enzymes), a pointed ache in the gall bladder area (just below right ribs) whenever I ate anything with fat, and a pain in the left lower corner of the abdomen aftter eating. I did an all night castor oil pack and all of these symptoms have disappeared and have not come back.

Plantar Wart
Posted by Shauna With A 'u' (Clearwater, British Columbia) on 12/03/2017

A year ago I started using Castor Oil (organic and cold-pressed) on my planters warts on my feet. Just rubbed a little right on them once a day. By three months they were all gone and haven't returned.

Eye Wrinkles
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 03/20/2013

I use castor oil around my eyes, mixed 50/50 with organic coconut oil as per Bill's remedy. I don't get puffiness or any irritation. Also make sure you are using castor oil labelled as hexane-free.

Diabetic Feet
Posted by Diabetesguy (London, United Kingdom) on 12/26/2011

Castor Oil really works on Sore Feet and Burning Feet - I am diabetic and I massage Castor Oil into the bottom of my feet when sore after walking or exercise.

I also massage Castor Oil at nights to stop BURNING feet - It really works- Hope this helps.

Posted by Becky From Ohio (Ashtabula, Ohio, Usa) on 12/18/2010

I had great success with castor oil and baking soda. I believe it is an old Edgar Cayce remedy? You add enough castor oil to baking soda so that it makes a thick paste (to where you can roll it into a little ball like gum) and put it on the wart. Cover with bandaid. It took me probably a month or so for it to work, but I was not religious about appplying it every day. Sometimes I would forget for a few days.

About the last week (when I could see that it seemed to be dying) I got serious and applied it every day. I think if I had applied it around the clock (instead of just for 8 or 12 hours) it would have disappeared much quicker. I had had that wart for about 10 years (between my toes). I had tried just about everything- over the counter and a foot doctor. I thought that wart and I were going to grow old and die together! After 10 years I was so thrilled to finally be rid of it!

Application Tips
Posted by Merilee (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 07/03/2009

I have a Castor Oil application idea that I would like to share:

I have suffered from pain for years - first endometriosis, and now full-blown fibromyalgia, neck (both muscle and lymph), gall, and kidney pain (which I now know all stems from Lyme infection of 15 years...). Ever since using a heating pad for the debilitating monthly cramps in my teens, I have found heat to be an aid. In addition to the over-used hot water bottle, I also use an infrared heat lamp that a Chinese Medicine Practitioner gave me, which I place over whichever organ/area I wish to treat (he uses one to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture). It's about 8-10" in diameter and has a swing-arm stand, which holds the light about 8-12" from my body, resulting in an approx. 12" treatment area.

This has been very helpful to me. Apparently, the infrared wavelength of light penetrates a couple of inches into the body, vibrating at a wavelength that resonates with fat cells (the water in them?), and can cause them to mobilize and excrete toxins (much of our toxic load is attached to fat cells, and hard to remove). It has a greater impact on my pain than the water bottle (greater muscle relaxation, I think), and I find it soothing, especially as it does not have to be particularly hot to work (it works because of its particular wavelength of light, not just the heat).

The reason for my post:

I have recently been using the lamp as a means of Castor Oil application, with the thought that it might produce deeper penetration (and much less mess) than simple Castor Oil packs. I just slap some on my skin and apply the light for 20min-1hr, then wipe/wash it off. I have nothing to compare its effectiveness to (I never tried castor oil packs after a few messy, unhelpful PMS cramp-releif attempts in my teens), but it does seem to ease my uterine and gall bladder pain, and my sore/swollen groin-area glands.

As both therapies are purported to mobilize toxins, I'd like to think they potentiate each other, and together pull out some of the stuff that is giving me trouble.

I would be interested in hearing what someone with more Castor Oil know-how thinks of my practice, and perhaps other infrared lamp owners could give it a try.

Knee Pain
Posted by Al (Collinsville, IL) on 06/13/2008

Call it what you wish, Voodoo, Witchcraft, "BS", whatever, but it DID work for me.

Having recently torn the cartilage in my left knee, simultaneously diagnosed "with a little arthritis" in the same, and swelling behind the knee. My Sport's Ortho said that the swelling was common with the torn cartilage but should go down in time. I began searching on the Web for a magical pain relief remedy (other than my already supplementation of Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin, Taurine, Collagen, HA, Cats Claw, Bromelain, MSM, etc., etc., etc - .all of which I have been taking for years due to 27 yrs of cycling but at almost 68yo, something had to give).

One subject that kept surfacing on the Searches was an old time remedy of Castor Oil. I'm not in terrible pain, but it is a 24/7 aggravation, as anyone who has similar discomforts can attest to.

I decided to give it a try; purchased a package of ladies' cosmetic, cleansing pads (~3"x4") and a small bottle of Castor Oil (CO), I placed a pad on a saucer, saturated the pad with CO (not dripping) and popped it into the microwave for about 35 secs. I, then placed the (105F) warm pad on my knee; wrapped my knee-pad with plastic wrap (to keep the CO from staining the heating pad) and then applied a heating pad, set to Med. heat. I left it on for about 1 hour and when I removed everything,

I did a "test walk" -not only was my knee not stiff, and the swelling was 95% GONE!! I could walk with 100% less discomfort and this was 10x more effective than the Cortisone or three Hydraluronic Acid injections I had received in a two months period. The other nice thing is that you don't have to throw the saturated pad away; place in a Ziploc bag for the next application and just add a little more CO.

I generally apply this treatment daily, each time the knee feels better - I know it's not going to remedy the situation 100%, but has made my life much better.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, TX) on 03/02/2008

I have religiously used castor oil for over 22 years on my face. About three times per week, I put it on my face and neck and go to sleep! It has continually given me a fresh look, and I have no wrinkles. I also rub it on my elbows and knees. I wash my face with Dr. Bronners Castile Almond soap. The castor oil is a little thick, but keep on trying it. You will get used to it.

Urinary Incontinence
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/29/2021 439 posts

Day 7 - coughing fit - coughed up a lot of phlegm from the lungs that I didn't even realize I had. I had sinus issues after covid and some other sort of "thing" about a month after that went straight to the chest after madly working to keep covid from going down into the chest. Expelled a large amount of clear phlegm with no sign of infection but I hadn't even realized I still had "stuff" in the chest. Probably because I was focused on a quite significant form of all-over muscle weakness that went on for almost a year after covid. Until I started rebounding.

Anyway, kind of sore from a LOT of coughing but my lungs and throat are very..."open" so...interesting.

Also had "activity" in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen, which was interesting. Possibly an adhesion dissolving but, of course, I have no way of knowing. Another "issue" I didn't know I had, apparently.

Aside from the hydration - 8 oz every two waking hours - the "Belly Rub of Happiness" 2 or 3 times per day, a little castor oil on a couple of itchy spots, a bug bite of some sort and a spot on my arm that was like a new mole that turned black, then a larger, ugly dead-looking gray but is now pink - no idea what it was - but the castor oil and hydration is all I've been doing so...interesting results.

Oh! And when I started rebounding, it cleared up edema in my lower legs except for two "knots", one on the outside of each leg, a couple inches above the ankle. I would guess it's swollen lymph nodes, possibly "clogged" or something but they've been changing as well. The one on the left is smaller and the one on the right was flat, this morning, so I figured I'd rub some castor oil in while it as flat and was able to detect a small lump so, perhaps applying castor oil while it's flat, in the mornings, will help that along. We'll see. The rebounding didn't seem to be shifting it but maybe it's just a slower process.

And here I was, thinking I didn't have any "real" issues! Very interesting...I suspect the mole on my arm may have been a skin cancer and God only knows what the swollen knots on my leg idea what the gut activity was but it's gone for now.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Posted by Charlotte (Texas) on 08/11/2017

My castor oil pack for knee osteoarthritis consists of a cotton cloth saturated with castor oil, Saran Wrap to cover it, and an Ace Bandage to cover all that. It's not too messy, and works well with a heating pad applied, or just to sleep with alone overnight.

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