Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

Posted by Lhyn (Dubai, UAE) on 03/11/2007

I had cysticerci in my upper abdomen (left and right) in my calculation it is almost 60 cyst with the size of mung beans each of the cyst. After I zapped it with hulda clark zapper and put castor oil pack and the heating pad, some of the cyst was gone... i'll continue zapping and castor oil packs.

Caution: Risks of Spontaneous Combustion with Castor Oil
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/30/2023 462 posts


Double bag and seal up your castor oil pack when not in use. It CAN ignite/spontaneously combust - no spark or heat source required - if left out and folded to oxidize in the air and light. You will smell it before it actually ignites but only IF you're at home, awake and in the same part of the house. And, no, I didn't set my house on fire. It just occurred to me as I was pricing "oily waste" cans

Anyone who does woodworking or refinishes furniture using linseed oil probably already knows this. The furniture doesn't catch fire, but the rags used to apply oil can.

Also, if you ever feel a sense of warmth in some spot in your kitchen that you can't identify or figure out, check for oil. A rag or paper towel with oil on it, spilt oil and whatnot.

You may also want to double-check and clean the electrical outlets and light switches around your kitchen as they can be a heat and/or spark source. Being careful not to shock or electrocute yourself, obviously.

Chances are, you don't leave stuff like that laying around but just be aware.

Urinary Incontinence
Posted by Sharon (MI) on 10/07/2021


Ok...I have found your posts so interesting...any more info on your Castor Oil Trials?

Internal Use of Castor Oil
Posted by Glenn (Toronto, Canada) on 05/19/2020

I purchased the "food grade" castor oil and gave it to my teen aged daughter for a spring clean out. Even though I put it in a bit of orange juice, I was shocked that she drank it without any fuss. I remember when I had to take it as a child that it was very unpleasant to drink and I put up so much fuss. The dosage I gave her, 2 table spoons, should have had purgative effects on her but nothing happened!!! I was quite surprised so I checked the bottle to make sure I got the right stuff. It was fine and not expired but I noticed the oil was thinner and clearer than I remembered. Also the bottle said tasteless and odourless. I feel like whatever process was done to make the food grade / taseless / odourless castor oil somehow made it much less effective. My parents told me that when they bought castor oil in the past that there wasn't a "food grade " tasteless odourless option. I don't know if that's something new. I'm going to try the cold pressed hexane-free organic one, on myself first, and see if it works and is what I remember from my childhood. Has anyone else experienced the same thing with the new food grade tasteless odourless castor oil? Has anyone recently consumed a cold pressed hexane free organic oil and had good results? t.i.a.

Application Tips
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/28/2017

Dear Rsw,

Thanks for your details about the castor oil packs! I did not know that the store bought packs had the plastic built in. That is great and I am sure more tidy/handy than what I do. I will be looking in to that further!

Thanks! Always something new to learn...

~Mama to Many~

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Phoenix (Ca) on 02/05/2018

Thank you sooooo much for sharing this! So appreciated. I will use it for sure! :)

Puffy Eyes
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 08/26/2013

I discovered on accident that cold pressed Castor Oil will relieve puffy eyes / eye bags. I apply it to both eye lids with my ring finger.

Activates T Lymphocytes
Posted by Marcelle (South Australia) on 06/29/2023

That's incredible. Thank you for sharing that information.

Side Effects
Posted by Shiloh (Escondido, Ca.) on 12/09/2010

Hello everyone, I have tried the castor oil four times now and every time I use it my eyelids swell so bad I can't even see my eyelashes. The first time was on my eyelids for the purpose of better sleep. Boy what a mess, I was to go to a funeral the next day and my eyes looked like I had been crying for a week. That perticular brand was only for topical applications.

So I bought the kind you can use internally. Same thing happend, and by then I had read a post here that it was good for wrinkles so I put it on my whole face. I saw a difference the next morning and was pleasantly surprised, but disappointed because of the swelling. Well I must say I must be a glutton for punishment, the last time I used it was just around my mouth. I really didn't think my eyes would swell since it wasn't anywhere near my eyes. Wrong. The bad thing is they stay swollen for two days. Guess I must be allergic to it, unless anyone has any other ideas what's wrong.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 02/07/2016

Castor Oil will not give you blackheads. I regularly use it when I have pimples that have not come to a head yet. I simply rub a dab of the oil into it and then it stops the pimple from forming and it goes away. I never use the oil on a pimple with a head, however, as it causes the pimple to collapse and leaves a small red mark, like the pimple was squeezed or popped. However, on big, red and sore "erupting volcano" zits, Castor Oil stops them dead in their tracks, every time.

Posted by Char (Texas) on 07/10/2017

Castor oil packs on painful arthritic knee really helps reduce pain when used overnight while sleeping. Are there any adverse side effects from this? Thanks!

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/11/2017

Dear Char,

The only side effects I can think of would be that it is kind of messy! And ladies should not use abdominal castor oil packs during menstruation because they increase blood flow.

Thanks for sharing your success story. I love castor oil for lots of things - knee pain included!

~Mama to Many~

Vaginal Polyps
Posted by Darla (Canada) on 10/29/2018

Thank you sooooo much for posting this and I am so glad I found this! My recent pap has revealed a vaginal polyp to add to my abundance of lumps and bumps my body is making! I am trying frankincense and myrrh for the breast lumps but wasn't sure what to do for the fibroids in the bottom half. You have given me hope I can do this hopefully before the specialist.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Steve (Toronto) on 03/07/2021

Question for Post from William in Plains, Mt:

Exactly how did you use the castor oil on your gums and teeth? I have a similar problem.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/11/2021

@ steve follow this link on castor oil teeth

Posted by Grace (La, Ca) on 04/28/2013

I was ill for a 15 months before they figured out I had chronic appendicitis I was soooo sick that all my glands swelled up my ND told me to start rubbing good quality castor oil on my gland I would do while I was in shower (if you do this be careful it may make the shower slippery) I spray my shower daily to break up the oil. I also used a heating pad to get the oil to penetrate deeply within a few days all my glands returned to normal and my appedix was removed a couple weeks later.

Scars, Age Spots
Posted by andri (Naples. Fla) on 04/02/2023

Nothing like castor oil for many things. Also great to help with Cataracts!

Side Effects
Posted by Carolyn (Canterbury) on 02/11/2023

I had trouble with a reaction to regular castor oil purchased at the lips swelled up. Switched to "cold pressed organic" and have never had a problem since. The regular pharma kind is processed with chemicals, hence the bad reaction.

Posted by Alicia (Orlando, Fl) on 05/05/2011

I have been struggling with syringomas (tiny, skin colored bumps/tumors) under my eyes for quite a few years ago. I have had them removed by a dermatologist, but they not only eventually came back, but are multiplying! I decided to try castor oil after reading about the good results some people on EC have achieved on skin tags, warts, etc. I've been using it for one week twice a day, and they are almost gone! I have also started applying it to my entire face before going to bed each night. Castor oil is amazing! I plan to try liver packs next for congestion.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Michy (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 04/14/2011

Thanks for all the great info about castor oil! I have found great relief to my many months of dry eyes and hopefully will be seeing some wrinkes disappearing too!

Posted by D (Minneapolis, Mn) on 03/15/2011

I used castor oil for my sons sprain, he could not put any pressure on the foot without it hurting badly. I put a castor oil wrap on it for the night and he woke up walking. It started hurting later in the day and I did the same thing and he never complained again. That all no tylonol or pain med, just castor oil on flannel with saran wrap to keep it on. I thought of this because I had tried it with my 5 yr old who had a hyperextended knee. She could not use it for a week so I finally tried a castor oil wrap. Left it on for 24hrs. And when I took it off she still wouldn't try use it, I bribed her with a trip to the store and within 20 min. She was walking. So I'm not sure if it was the castor oil or the trip to the store, up until then she would only crawl or scoot.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Risa (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 01/04/2011

Hi Tricia,
Congratulations, and thank you for letting us know how the castor oil has improved your skin. I have a question regarding the usage of castor oil on the face. I have read that castor oil promotes hair growth. So doesn't castor oil when applied on face promote facial hair growth? What was your experience?

Application Tips
Posted by Miriam (Miami, Fla) on 03/14/2013

Castor oil... I use packs and use it on eyelashes small amounts here and there but one time thought more is better and applied liberally over face torso and ended up with an allergic reaction itchy rash all over. I still use just liver packs and a little on face just not total body lotion.

Sore Feet
Posted by Aurelia (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/30/2009

I have found that a good quality castor oil rubbed into the foot for about 5 minutes will relieve foot soreness temporarily. Hope this is helpful.

Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 10/10/2016

You are spot on.

Pink Eye
Posted by Merk (Seattle, USA) on 01/26/2008

I have used Castor Oil many times for treating Pink Eye, put 1-2 drops in each eye two times a day, eyes will get better with in one day but keep using for 4-5 days. Always treat both eyes. After putting in eyes they will blur some from oil but will not sting at all and will be very soothing, castor oil is antimicrobal and a very healing oil.

Calcified Bursa
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 03/01/2018

Heat can help, but most people are pretty snuggly warm in bed at night so it is not strictly necessary.

Posted by Mi (Danton, TX) on 03/10/2006

I had a non-cancerous tumor on a salivary gland. I tried castor oil packs before surgey to no avail, but 2 weeks after surgery I had fluid build up in my neck, I had my doctor drain it and it came back. I did a castor oil pack for one hour and when woke up the next day and the fluid was gone. I have since continued the packs every other night to help me not form keliods or scar and every night I do one I see an acceleration in healing the next day.

Hazy and Foggy Vision
Posted by Terri (Tyler, TX) on 03/08/2024

Castor oil has greatly reduced my hazy/foggy vision due to Sjogren's Syndrome. I had used unfiltered coconut oil for years - which did heal the ocular hypertension & dryness, but did nothing for the h/f vision.

When I switched to Castor oil (hexane-free, organic), a few months ago, I could tell a big difference in that it took care of the dryness as well as the h/f issue!!

I use 1 drop under my upper eyelid & it coats the whole eyeball as it slides down. After a minute, I wipe the access that leaks out. I do this just before bed, and again in the morning - before & after my shower. To remove the heaviness of the oil off my face, I apply a small amount of coconut oil to moisturize. It does take 2-3 min to absorb.

Heart Palpitations
Posted by Dr Howard (Torrance CA) on 07/22/2023

Mag phos 12 X or C potency homeopathic great for the heart and negative symptoms. Helps cramps twitches, etc. Magnesium works on the white motor nerves giving them rhythmic harmony as they prolapse and contract.

Watch alcohol as it diminishes magnesium.Note when drunk people have a hard time even walking that's because the alcohol destroyed or used up most of their magnesium so they lose body or muscular control to some degree.

Helps with sugar issues, including cravings.

Can reduce desire for alcohol too. I have seen all of this treating people.

One client said he was getting free drinks on his bday. I proffered mag.phos 3X. He took a dose every 30 minutes. He was the only one to not get drunk. He was amazed. He was replenishing the magnesium the alcoholic drinks were using up!

Internal Use of Castor Oil
Posted by Susan (North Carolina) on 03/02/2020

I just read the article and I only saw putting it in the eyes as internal. I don't remember reading about taking it internally. The oil pack, and applying on the skin is what I read. When you put something on the skin it will penetrate and a small percentage will go into the blood stream. In the old days they did give it by the spoonful, and I think they all survived. So, use your judgement, and maybe a little more research?? BTW, I agree the companies are just protecting themselves.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Marianne (Seattle) on 02/07/2018

I don't think I would use heat with castor oil on the eyes.

Vaginal Cervix Scar Tissue
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 02/16/2015

Dear Viola,

I have had 5 abdominal surgeries and scar tissue from it as well. You have my sympathies!

You can get castor oil in a gel cap. You could then just insert that vaginally each night to get the castor oil to the os. And regarding your concern that once the castor oil is there, it is there--well, it will absorb into the tissue. I use castor oil on my face at night. By morning it is all absorbed. So you could do this 4 nights in a row and take 3 nights off.

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil Pack Use During Pregnancy
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/25/2016

Dear Maria,

My understanding is that castor oil is not to be used internally during pregnancy, because of its laxative effect (which can also cause contractions) or as a pack over the abdomen in pregnancy because it can cause the baby to have a bowel movement (though that would only be late in pregnancy) and because detoxing the liver in pregnancy is not a good idea.

All that said, at 8 weeks pregnant and on the breast, I don't know of a reason it would be contraindicated. For me, I would consider castor oil to be one of the safest treatments for the swollen lymph nodes in that area, even in pregnancy.

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil Application Tips
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 05/21/2021

I just wanted to chime in and say this idea was brilliant! I was on vacation and used this emergency remedy - and it works! Thanks so much for sharing that tip.

Side Effects
Posted by N. Bennett (Michigan) on 02/09/2018

I am also type O and have never had a problem with applying castor oil anywhere on my body.

Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 08/21/2009

As a teenager I had five "seed" warts on my right middle finger. They drove me nuts for a about three years until my mother suggested I use castor oil. I would soak small pieces of of a cotton ball in the castor and then place it on the wart held on with surgical tape. After about three weeks of this all of my warts had disolved. There was no scar and the surrounding skin was not effected. I hear that castor oil is also good for longer, thicker eye lashes.

Posted by Denise (Westboro, Ma) on 04/27/2017 24 posts

That is such a good story and the one by Francine. I love the way we share our stories. It seems there are more and more things we are finding that are simple cures. Surgery puts so much stress on the animals, even going to the vet does. Vets don't even know of these cures - they don't teach them that in the colleges.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/04/2023 462 posts

I wonder how many times people say, "Oh, it must not have been sprained." or "it's just a coincidence" or whatever, when something works. Zero pain this morning. Not a twinge nor even any stiffness. But, to be honest, it IS a little hard to believe. I can't even actually think of an injury of that sort that would be gone is that even possible? But it is. Gone, that is. And applying castor oil DOES feel good so, I'll take it! The healing, that is. Not the castor oil. It definitely feels good applied externally but I ain't swallowing it. Because I'm an adult and I don't have to! Yuck! LOL

Diabetic Feet
Posted by AliB (Wales) on 01/31/2024

Hi Philippa. I am 67, also diabetic, but reversed the neuropathy in my feet 16 years ago with diet & supplements.

i dumped highly refined wheat/gluten & sugar & adopted a natural unprocessed whole food diet with some supplements, especially the B vitamins, so crucial for nerve support & repair.

But I also do use Castor oil, & yes, it has made my feet beautifully soft too. I'm also using it on my eyes to (hopefully) heal the cataract & bit of retinopathy I have in my right eye.

Internal Use of Castor Oil
Posted by El (Washington, DC) on 03/02/2020

Please answer. EVERY bottle of castor oil I see, even cold-pressed, hexane-free, organic, says “External Use Only.” What brand is safe to use internally? And, it just a CYA for the companies? It’s really frustrating that they do that.

Eye Blister
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/09/2017

Cold pressed is what I use as well. I put it into my eye for the eye bubble. I used it nightly in my eyes for months previously with no side effects.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 05/30/2018

Dear Sandy,

Carrot juice taken daily over a a long period of time may be helpful to your eyes. It cured a friend of mine of an "incurable" eye disease!

Regarding castor oil, yes, I love it for dry skin. You have to gently massage it into the skin. I do this sometimes at night and then by morning it is all absorbed.

Regarding the concern about your jaw bone and tooth problems, could you remind me what you are currently doing? Supplements? Diet? Medications?

I don't think castor oil would have that negative effect on the inside of your mouth, but since everyone is different, I wouldn't rule it out entirely.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Brent (Spartanburg S.C.) on 08/13/2018

@Sandy from IL: I've read that L Carnosine eye drops will get rid of cataracts. Check Amazon or ebay.

Liver Transplant Preparation
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 03/19/2023

Contractions would/may possibly start only if Ingested. My sister with 5 kids did this after their due dates with the last 2.

Topically, it's fine. It stimulates the immune system to send T11 healing cells to the area it's placed over.

So, NO problem!!!

Healthy healing, everybody.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Lynda (MA) on 08/05/2022

Did you just put castor oil on the tooth using a cotton ball and did not swish the oil between teeth?

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 09/09/2023

Hi Alison

Get a small cotton ball and soak it in Caster Oil and wedge it on the tooth, do this as many times as needed. Even at bedtime over night.

keep healthy


Side Effects
Posted by AliB (Wales) on 01/31/2024

Yes. I agree.

Castor oil is a ‘drawer'. It can pull toxins out - or enable the body to push them out by its ability to increase white blood cell status in the area - and many of us have used quite toxic cosmetics & products over the years. Conjunctivitis, like anything coming out of the body anywhere, is a purging symptom. It's likely to only be a temporary issue.

Often, reactions we get to a natural substance comes not from the substance itself, but what it is doing to help cleanse & detox the body. But people assume it's the substance they are reacting to & stop using it - which of course appears to resolve the problem. But the toxins may still be present, secreted away in the tissues.

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