Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

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Posted by Dr Manisha N.Jadhav (Mumbai) on 05/08/2020

Very interesting article. Most useful method.

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Posted by Laura (Pensacola, Florida) on 05/05/2020

Thanks for showing how to do this!!

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Posted by Diana ( MN) on 02/25/2019

I would like to use a diffuser with hydrogen peroxide in it but I sleep with 2 dogs. My question is can I safely do this with dogs in the room? Thanks.

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Posted by Richard (Wagoner, Oklahoma) on 10/06/2012

I had posted a write up on this subject several months back. The improvement I got from the treatment has stabilized and leveled out at a defiantly improved condition. I now do the treatments on an occasional basis but have gone for weeks at a time without it and the benefit seems to be long lasting. As an experiment, I have been using a vitamin and mineral supplement which has added a new level of improvement! This combination has really helped me out. I did a cut and paste on mixing this solution after reading it somewhere on this site but can't recall in order to give credit. I put into "word" and will be happy to share it with anyone who requests it.

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Posted by Gracer (Ore City, Tx) on 10/09/2011 64 posts

I started inhaling the h2o2 just over 3 weeks ago. I have a facial pain situation like a stinging and burning now for 17 years. Have tried lots of things. This h2o2 inhalation is excellent for my pain. First I dilute it to 1%. That is 2 parts water added to one part 3% peroxide in a pint jar. For spraying, I use an elongated, 2 oz spray bottle from Wal-Mart. I spray every 30 minutes after meals until the pain subsides because my pain starts after eating. When my pain is suppressed, I spray every hour or two. I spray 3 pumps per breath, for 10 breaths, which is 30 sprays per dose. I look forward to doing this long term to cure whatever is diseased in my body. I may purchase the Conair or Revlon facial sauna system to try breathing the steam at the same 1% peroxide strength.

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Posted by Jimbo (Talisay, Philippines) on 03/17/2011

bill, I use h202 a couple of times a month to clear my lungs, I am 71 and smoke at least 2 packs of cigaettes a day I have found that h202 cleans out my lungs very well, also live in philippines and was asked to buy this guy some medicine, went to see him, he was about 50 years old, and doubt if he weighed 60 pounds, just skin and bones, he was on his knees next to bed and every time he took a breath he coughed, so he couldnt sleep or eat, looked like he was dying. I got him 3% peroxide and sprayer, he inhaled it and his cough was gone within 30 seconds that was 3 years ago he is ok now, but inhales a spray of h202 every night before he goes to bed, dont know what he had, but the hydrogen peroxide worked wonders.

I also give my 3 dogs a rinse with it to get rid of bugs, and it works great, { but the dogs hate it} they start scratching when the paraites start dying. It is a great mange cure. Thanks for the info on the h202, I really beleived it saved this guys life, and it has sure helped me also, thanks again

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Posted by Larry (Dubuque, Iowa) on 03/02/2011

I use half 3% hydrogen peroxide and half water via nebulizer and mask, when I feel a cold or sinus infection coming on, or if I have an ear ache, which can often lead to a cold, or vice versa.

The technique I use is to breath shallow through the mouth for half the time, and shallow through the nose the other half. Now it can be irritating to the nose, so just cut back on that if need be. And every now and then take normal deep breaths without the nebulizer. But inhale the nebulizer mist for a total of five minutes. Do this three to four times a day until the symptoms subside, for me this often occured after the first day.

I don't recommend taking deep breaths of the nebulized hydrogen peroxide, as it can be very irritating and cause bronchospasm, so asthmatics, try this remedy at your own risk. You must be well hydrated and have a good cough mechanism to do this remedy, because the bronchial mucosa will swell with phlegm, and you need to have a good cough mechanism. If your cough if weak, or if you're asthmatic, perhaps you can limit yourself to only inhaling lightly only through the nose and focus on the sinuses.

You may cough up a lot of phlegm, and if the sinuses are involved, mucus may literally start pouring out of you. The phlegm may be foamy in appearance, which shows the action of the hydrogen peroxide.

I first tried this about seven years ago, used it for maybe four cold and flu seasons, and haven't had a cold or flu since.

Also, at the first sign of an earache, I get in the shower and wash my ears and rinse, then I tilt my head and pour a bit of plain white vinegar in the ear, then I kind of tug the lobe to get the vinegar down in there, then I stand there for a minute, then I rinse the ear, tilting the head the other way to get the water out. Then I do the other ear just the same. I repeat this two or three times. Then I do the whole process two or three times a day, or until the symptoms subside, which is often in a day or two. I used to get ear infections all the time that required antibiotics, but since starting this method eight years ago, I haven't had an earache episode that required antibiotics.

I keep a bottle of white vinegar in the shower, often putting a bit of vinegar in the ears as a prophylactic. White vinegar is also an excellent aftershave if you get bumps and pimples like do, the from splashing it on is exquisite.

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Posted by Tom (Elberton, Georgia) on 11/04/2010

For years and years every cold I got fell into my chest and I often ended up with broncitis several times a year. I have been nebulizing h2o2 for the past 4 years as soon as I feel a sore throat and haven't had the stuff get into my lungs yet. I gave a friend a nebulizer who suffered worse than me from things getting into her chest and she was reluctant to try it until it had started in her chest--she called back 2 days later to say the h2o2 had stopped the cold in its tracks---it is very important to spray early and often when you first feel an onset. 4 or5 breaths at a time 4 or 5 times a day usually does it.

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Posted by Deb (Slanesville, West Virginia) on 07/19/2009

I am truly amazed. I can hardly believe this Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation WORKS! It can't get any easier to get healthy again. It's a miracle! What a discovery! Mr. Munro is a GENIUS and my HERO!

Anyone who understands and appreciates HP should watch this cartoon, The Sunshine Makers (link below)....JUST FOR FUN! It was made in the 1930's and I'm betting that "sunshine in a bottle" is really Hydrogen Peroxide! HA!!! I hope you enjoy the cartoon.
