Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

Colds, Flu, Viruses
Posted by Geoff (Birch Run, Michigan, Usa) on 04/09/2010

I got to work today and everyone is sick. Half way through the day I started feeling my throat get scratch and my nose starting to plug up. Just went and got some nasal spray and 3% peroxide. Dumped out the nasal spray, washed it, and filled with the peroxide. Just did five pumps in one big inhale. Will let you know if it works for me. Also, my father just got diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and is on 24 hour oxygen. Pretty much said he only has a few years with us. I see this has worked for many things. Anyone ever heard of someone trying a peroxide method for this??

Lung Issues
Posted by Sue (Allentown, Pa) on 03/04/2010

A few months ago I developed a sinus infection and bronchitis.(Symptoms were severe congestion in head and couldn't breath through my nose, post nasal drip causing coughing spells, etc...then using OTC sudafed and nasal sprays would help relieve the congestion only temporarily, finally went to the doctor last month.)

So my doctor gave me prescription antibiotics which didn't help at first, then the next week a different antibiotic, which possibly worked because now, after a few weeks, the yellow mucus has finally turned clear.) I've been a smoker for over 30 years, and many people claim that's why I get sinus problems and bronchitis!

Nevertheless, I am still having congestion and stuffy nose, so, when I came across this site, today I started using Bill Monro's inhalation spray method, sparingly. (I'm a little scared at doing it many times a day, so I'm just doing it morning and evening, for now.) I also went so far as to order food grade 35% H2O2 and will dilute with distilled water 1:11 ratio to make 3%. I also will be putting a few drops of 3% in my drinking water. (One drop in a 16 oz size container.) I also read about drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cidar vinegar in a glass of water every morning, so I've already started doing that too!

I'll report back in a few weeks, or sooner, if my symptoms improve! Thanks!

Lung Issues
Posted by Donna (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 03/05/2010

to Sue from Allentown: I have sinus problems constantly,and asthma, and copd. And yes, they are probably caused by my smoking. (30 years) I have been using h202 diluted to 1% in a portable nebulizer. I don't use it all the time, because I am not sure of what happens when taking a bunch of other meds or vitamins or remedies at the same time. I am not sure if I read it here that you should not take h202 and ACV within 6 hours of each other. I also read that you should take anti-oxidants while taking h202 because of its oxidizing effect. I feel that the h202 has worked for my nasty sinus infections. I not only inhale through my mouth, I breathe the vapors through my nose also. Not alot, just about 5 or 6 breaths. I also put 1 oz. per gallon in my humidifier every night. That really helps my congestion. I do take ACV on a "when I remember basis." I cannot say for sure if all of this is really working or not. I can say that my colds have not been as bad this year, and I have not had to run to the doctor for anti-biotics, or prednisone. I still have sinus congestion, and bronchitis at this time, but another virus has yet again run through my family and friends. I wish I could find answers to all these questions about taking H202. I wish there was a page here on this site, that showed when, how, what to take or not take with it. I have looked into many sites for these answers but there aren't many, and they don't really tell you about any precautions with other meds or remedies at the same time. Hope all turns out fine for you.

Side Effects
Posted by Linda (SC) on 08/22/2021

That is very interesting that you can use your nebulizer and put liquid MSM in it? Where do you get your information? I'm very interested. I use saline in mine.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Gwendolyn (Littleton, Nh, Usa) on 08/13/2010

It's sad to think all the great news on this forum and it's being stolen. Keep up the good work readers.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Dennis (Coral Springs, Fl) on 02/24/2013

Anyone submitting to this site needs to know and Bill will attest to this, that you want to be using 3% FOOD GRADE Peroxide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not what is in the Brown Bottle in the drug store!!!!!!!! This is very important. The brown bottle HP has other chemicals and preservatives in it and could cause a problem!!

Breathing Issues
Posted by Misty (Central, Ohio) on 04/02/2016

Some brands of the cheap 3% hp have stabilizers and some do not. Read the label! Even the ones with stabilizers say they can be used as a gargle or rinse. So I would think it would be safe to just hold a small amount in your mouth for a few minutes while breathing deeply through your nose. That is just my opinion. That's what I am going to try, before I dig out my nebulizer. Let's not make this harder than it is.

General Feedback
Posted by Anthony (Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa) on 11/08/2009

There is one question regarding 35% Food grade H2O2 I would like to know?

I mix 35% with distilled water 11 to 1 and store it in a Plastic spray bottle in my bathroom which is cool. This container is the type you would buy from your local hardware store to mix weed killer etc. My concern is that the plastic may contain toxins which could leech into and may contaminate the H2O2? I know glass is pure and clean?

General Feedback
Posted by Annie (Mexico) on 05/12/2010

Hi, do not store your HP in glass bottle. buy a bottle of HP 3% at the drug store and replace the contents with the mixture you have made, be sure to label it.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama (London, Ontario) on 05/12/2010

Can you or anyone tell us why we shouldn't store H2O2 in glass bottles? I just figured it would be way healthier than plastic. Annie from Mexico didn't let us know why when she said that we shouldn't use glass.

General Feedback
Posted by Crabby (Townsend, Delaware, Usa) on 05/13/2010

because it expands overtime ,, and would break a glass container.. h2o2 should be stored in a plastic bottle with the cap slightly loosened.. best in fridge and never frozen.. AND SAFE FROM CHILDREN..

General Feedback
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado) on 05/13/2010

Another reason that food grade peroxide shouldn't be in a glass container is because H2O2 is heat and light sensitive. Without using a dark, opaque container, the H202 will dissolve into oxygen and water faster than you'd like (and it doesn't keep indefinitely anyway, that's why drug store brands have "stabilizers"). The glass' inability to withstand expanding from the oxygen is very dangerous, but if you're used to fermenting things in glass containers this wouldn't be the biggest worry. Keep your H202 in a cool, dark place in an opaque, dark container to keep it as long as possible. Good luck and be careful!

General Feedback
Posted by David (Rogersville, Mo) on 07/06/2010

I just read this concern about not freezing H2O2 and I store my 35% FG in the freezer, but it does not freeze as I have to assume the freeze point is lower than the freezer temp goes, which is around -2 degrees below F. So it may seem that 3% could freeze at a standard freezer temp, but it appears the freezing point for 35% may be lower and safe to store in a home freezer. Anyone have advice on this?

General Feedback
Posted by Pauline (Uk) on 07/07/2010

Don't store 3% FGHP in the freezer. I did overnight and it expanded and leaked so now I keep it in the fridge.

General Feedback
Posted by Robert (London, England) on 07/09/2010

Hi Pauline,

I'm in London with copd. Can you tell me where I can get 35% H202?


EC: Hi Robert,

Our "Where to Buy Food Grade Peroxide" page has a few posts on the UK: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/hydrogen_peroxide_where_to_buy4.html#UK

General Feedback
Posted by Pauline (Cheshire, Uk) on 07/09/2010

Hi Robert

Bought 3% FGHP from www.bobbys-healthy-shop.co.uk. They also sell 35% and other goodies.

Lung Issues
Posted by Malibupat (Flower Mound, Tx) on 11/06/2009

Re the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method: Has anyone who was on oxygen therapy 24/7 been able to get off it with H2O2 therapy?

Posted by Alice (Shingle Springs, Ca, U.S.A.) on 11/07/2009

I would be really cautious about using peroxide internally since your body continually uses anti-oxidants to quench the peroxides it makes to kill bacteria. If you are on medication inform your doctor of what you are using so he can adjust your medication. Fig leaf, bay leaf, geranium leaf, pelargoneum leaf and cinnamon all inhibit the absorbtion of sugar. Gymnema sylvestre is an indian herb that also does the same. I have reactive hypoglycemia, so that I get too high then too low blood sugar when I eat high carb foods. I find 1-2 tsp of crumbled dry fig leaves in a tea, and using cinnamon or garam masala on my cereal keeps me from reacting to the carbs in the cereal. I have lots of fig trees so that's cheapest for me. Also get a glycemic index to mostly avoid high glycemic foods like potatoes unless mixed with high fiber or high protein in the meal.

Posted by Loloma (Perth, Australia) on 01/28/2010


Did you keep taking your medication/insulin the whole time whilst taking the drops? I am a insulin dependant diabetic.

Posted by Peter (La, Usa) on 02/24/2010

Hi Loloma,

Yes, I am still taking insulin regularly, but the units are slashed by 50% in every shot. I just dont need that much insulin anymore.My weight now dropping very slowly but diet is unchanged all the time, I only replaced breakfast with the Budwig (flax seed oil fresh cottage cheese) dish. So I figure the complete elimination of insulin would call for additional exercise. Exercise must be at calorie burning rate (consult professional), exaggeration will only RAISE glucose level-sort of paradox situation.

Posted by Saba (Mentor, Oh) on 04/10/2010

Question to Michael from Green Bay, Wisconsin, do you do these before or after your meals? Thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by Dez (Beatty, Oregon) on 01/28/2010

First; Zinc lozenges stop throat Coughs and prevent Flu and Cold virus from replicating them selfs. Not a cure, but you can sleep and recover, usually in 3 days. I am a very healthy 78 and do not use drugs or know a doctor. I have and do take Vitamins and supplements for many years. Because of an article on the internet about a Dr F R Klenner (Deceased 1984) I increased my Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) intake to bowel tolerance (light, non toxic diarrhea). Your body's way of telling you have enough ascorbic acid. Two to six Grams a day is healthy for most people. If your immune system is depleted, it may want more, maybe, much more. Listen to your Body. I do. My big change was my enlarged prostate and having to get up several time at night. No more. Others, more flexible, better balance, no joint pain. I feel better now than ten years ago. I just discovered Hydrogen Peroxide therapy this week and and EARTH CLINIC tonight, thank you very much. Love the feed back stories. If you are persistently sick or exhausted, look for a immune system deficiency. Dr Klenner said that, Quote: "Unless the white blood cells are saturated with ascorbic acid, they are like soldiers without bullets." Ascorbic Acid Produces Hydrogen Peroxide in our bodies!!! Interesting, yes! Dez

Multiple Cures
Posted by Yos (Jakarta, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia) on 03/04/2010

Hi Fajar,

I am really sorry for very late reply, I have not check this website for long time. For you people in indonesia or 3rd world country who interested in this remedy. Just go to local drugstore that sell "Hidrogen Peroksida" or H2O2 3% approximate 50-100ml each bottle. It is the same H2O2 that use as "ear drops". The price is cheap but some place sell it high price, try to buy it from several drugstore or "apotik" to compare the price. I don't know if my H2O2 use stabilizer, but already buy it from 4 drugstore and all get the same result.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Yos (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 03/07/2010

Please check tristarchemical.com website, a local online store to sell h2o2 35% food grade.

Lung Issues
Posted by Chris Martian (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 10/08/2009


Iv'e been inhaling 3 percent hydrogen peroxide for just over a week now at 4-5 pumps 3 times daily. The first 3 or 4 days it worked great cleared my lungs out got rid of my cold it worked well. After that i got a sore throat and have been coughing up green and yellow stuff. I'm a smoker, smoke about a pack a day, just curious if any one else has had these symptoms.

Posted by Ivy (Pluckley, Kent, England) on 01/02/2010

I've just joined this great site but have been visiting for some time. Has anyone tried usibng H202 at 3% in a nebulizer? Thanks

Posted by Norma (Illinois, US) on 08/14/2014

I was wondering when doing the H2O2 method (I am doing the inhaler with H2O2) do you use the plain hydrogen peroxide in brown bottle that is common or do you use food grade? I have food grade but personally cannot see the difference it makes. I have shortness of breath (from smoking) walking just a short distance, but not when laying down, and also is the plain brown bottle safe to use, so many say it is poison and yet others say it will not hurt you. I don't know what to do. Please advise. Thanks. I also tried Jacks Tea for about 4 days and that did nothing for me.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Howard (Delray Beach, Fl) on 09/17/2009

I read someone's question concerning use of HP for emphysema and didn't see a response. This concerns me as well. Can someone discuss this, please? Thanks.

Where to Find Nasal Pumps
Posted by Jane (Austin, Tx) on 09/15/2009

Just wanted to let all who are having a hard time finding that perfect spray bottle to do the H202 inhalation properly. I was having a hard time with this, and came across an herbal throat remedy that I had on hand for my children. I emptied out the contents (almost empty anyways) and this is perfect for the inhalation method - it sprays a fine mist and is intended to be sprayed at the back of your throat. I found this at Whole Foods in Austin, TX but any health food store should carry an herbal throat spray. Hope this helps.

Where to Find Nasal Pumps
Posted by Deb (Slanesville, Wv) on 08/28/2009

For those of you who are having trouble finding spray bottles here are a couple of links to some that are available on-line:

I bought some of these on ebay and they arrived in about a week. Here's the auction link:


Also, www.specialtybottle.com has some nice cobalt blue glass spray bottles that spray a fine mist and work well. Here's the link:


Good luck and good health to everybody!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Songbirdsiren (Torrance, California) on 10/02/2012

Hi, I can't believe I came across your post! I am suffering from every single thing you are talking about, from the insidious cough, to the weezing and not sleeping from coughing to the hospital visits with breathing treatments and steroids only to come home and get worse!

I was wondering if I breathed this in thru a vaporizer (the only thing I have right now) if that would work also? I am just starting on the food grade H.P. 35 percent 1 drop per 12 oz water 3x per day. I will be increasing each day by one drop.

I would greatly appreciate your help! thanks so much, "suffering"

p.s. I was exposed to mold and have been sick now for 1 year

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/03/2012

Hi Songbirdsiren... Using HP should certainly help to kill the mold in your lungs but you must make sure that you are using the right kind of fine-mist nasal pump spray. There is a picture of the right type of sprayer on Bill Munroes HP inhaltion Method page on EC -- which you should also read for more info:

There is also a direct youtube link to a video where Bill Munroe fully demonstrates how to use the fine-mist nasal sprayer for HP inhalation into the lungs:

Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Sumesh (Mumbai, India) on 08/19/2009


Hi -

I am a 36 year old male and suffer from chronic back problem (dull ache from nape of neck to lumbar region) for almost 16 years. Also during the last 4-5 years used develeop sore throat 3-4 times in year and had to use antibiotics. I also started getting frequent stomach infections which again had to be contolled using antibiotics

During last 2 years I have switched to more natural foods and cut down on processed foods and eating out in restaurants. I also started exercising regularly and since then I feel better....sore throats have become less intense and more manageable...haven't had a stomach infection in 2 years now and back also feels better and stronger. However I am not completely cured, there's still some muscular pain in the entire back region and my body still feels tired . I still get sore throat...the last one being about 3 weeks back.

So I first tried drinking h202 3-5 drops in 8oz of water for a week, but it caused acidity and I could n't eat properly ..so i discontinued it.Even 2 weeks after discontinuing intake of h202 the acidity continued. And by chance I started drinking a cupful of milk in morning and after about a weeks it cured the acidity .

Then i tried with nose inhaler, but it didn't work out since it not giving out a fine mist ( rather it worked like a spray bottle) and so I dicontinued it also. Then i read other posts on this site regarding using nebulizer.

I have started inhaling 3% ( 35% Food grade diluted to 3%-1 part h202 and 11 parts distilled water) hydrogen peroxide two days back using a nebulizer. Although generally i feel better- mind is more alert, breathing is deeper and i think i could work out better at the gym for last 2 days.

But there are two side effects that I have felt after taking h202 inhalations- 1) I have developed severe pharyngitis (sore throat and it hurts) and my voice has become hoarse and 2) I have noticed that my tongue has a yellowish coating.

I have some questions which I would request Mr Bill Munro to answer.

a) Could it be that there's some problem with quality of h202 that i am using or aree these symptoms signs of "healing crisis"?

b) should I continue taking h202 inhalations despite the sore throat or should i stop it for a day to two and then continue again?

c) Should I use a lower dilution for sometime instead of 3% dilution ?

Thank you in advance.

Warm Regards,
Sumesh, India

Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 08/22/2009 185 posts

Hi Sumesh, Please give a try to Magnesium Oil, it may help your condition. Baldev

Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Sumesh (Mumbai, India) on 09/09/2009

Hi Baldev

Thanks for your response. Do you any idea from where I can get Magnesium oil or Magnesium Chloride crystals in Mumbai?


Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 09/09/2009 185 posts

Hi sumesh, If you are in Mumbai get in touch with me, I do make Magnesium Oil and may be I could be of some help to you.

Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Vishal (Mumbai, Maharashtra) on 09/14/2010

Dear Mr. Sumesh from Mumbai,

You have mentioned that you had consumed 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I stay in Mumbai and just need for myself. Can you help me with where I can get it here in Mumbai. Thanks
Warm regards,
Vishal Chomal

EC: Hi Vishal,

Please check out the India section on our Where to Buy Food Grade pagehere.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Judith (Nampa, Idaho) on 08/03/2010

To Tom from Boise, ID- Have you found a source locally to purchase the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? I live in Nampa and would like to give it a try. My email is judithcoo[at] gmail.com. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ronna (Kerrville, Texas, United States) on 05/10/2011


Hi I just started my HP therapy and am causiously excited because I saw results right away! I am curious as to how you are doing at this time. Did you continue with your HP therapy? How has it affect your ailments?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Minty Hanson (Moses Lake WA) on 06/23/2021

I just found this site and I'm really excited. I've been squirting food-grade H2o2 up my nose and gargling it .. whenever I felt a cold coming on. It worked! Everyone thought I was crazy. I wonder if anyone takes it internally. Any feedback on this?


Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Mikeleekc (Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia) on 07/26/2009

I read with much interest on the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method by Bill Munro and also all the reader responses to his method. I am just wondering whether can be adapted to use an ultrasonic nebulizer e.g. like those used for asthma, bronchitis conditions. Maybe breathing in the mist will be much easier and since the particles are smaller and more uniform, it will get to the lungs better. can anyone please share their experience/opinions on this.

General Feedback
Posted by Kathryn (Hicksville, Oh) on 02/13/2010

To Deb from Slanesville WV

OMG that was just too good. And I think you are right, they are making Hydrogen Peroxide : )

Posted by Sandra (Sudbury, Ontario) on 09/16/2009

Where can I buy food grade H202? I live in Ontario Canada.

EC: You can check out the Where to Buy H202 page...

Posted by Angie (Ontario) on 04/22/2022

I bought mine at amazon.ca

Posted by Chaste (Miami, Fl) on 09/19/2009

Just wondering if you should wait 1hr before eating when doing the inhalation method as you would if drinking?? Also does h202 therapy conflict with the use of any other supplements (ACV, l-lysine, coconut oil)?

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/19/2009 495 posts

Hello Chaste,

I can't say definitely on your question re waiting l hr. after inhalation H202, but since when taking it orally it goes to the stomach, and ideally when using the inhalation method most of it should be headed toward the lungs, it probably doesn't matter much if you don't wait l hour after inhalation.

Posted by Samdi230 (Brantford, Canada) on 01/03/2012

Hi, go to goodness me in Hamilton, On- they sell h2o2. You will find them on google map. good luck

Improved Sleep
Posted by Jack (Palm Bay, Florida) on 05/23/2009

Began Bil Munro's inhalation method around noon yesterday. Found a nasal inhaler at a local store, easily acquired for about five bucks. Followed Mr. Monro's instructions and after only two inhalations of 3% solution (in purified water)slept better than I have in years! Today, I have had three inhalations of 7 pumps each and feel great with no side effects as yet. I'm 65 years old and in good health, some old injury pain has seemed to ease a bit. I will continue treatments and provide updates as my wife and I go along.


Lung Issues
Posted by Peggy (Bainbridge Island, WA) on 05/04/2009

Hello, I have been struggling with a lung infection called MAC for about 10 years. It is a rare distant relative of TB which then causes all sorts of secondary infections of bronchitis. I have just started using Bill Munro's inhalation method. I am wondering if any else out there has been diagnosed with MAC and if you have had any positive experiences with H202 or any other remedy, I believe I have tried everything from diets to drugs to Chinese medicine to acupuncture. I am hoping that the H202 works because its really my last hope... I will keep you posted on the H202 inhalation. I've started gently, 3 inhalations 4X a day.

EC: More about Mycobacterium avium complex on Wikipedia.

Lung Issues
Posted by Peggy (Bainbridge Island, WA) on 05/08/2009


I have a chronic lung infection. I wrote about it a few days ago. I started the inhalation therapy last Sunday (6 days ago) with one inhalation and then now I am up to 4 inhalations 5 -6 times a day. My breathing is worse, my chest hurts and I am extremely tired. The interesting thing is that my chronic cough has gone away but the other symptoms worry me. Has anyone experienced these? Any suggestions? I'm afraid that if I have some sort of infection sores in my lungs that they are being very irritated.

Lung Issues
Posted by Morgan (Bournemouth, UK) on 05/19/2009

this is really interesting due to many benefits of getting extra oxygen. so i've been researching to find out as much as I can, and also to make sure it is safe.

From what I can tell, this H202 inhalation method is probably true, in which case Bill really has got an incredible amount of benefit from this method of taking H202 and with minimal side effects

However, on the other hand. until i see proof i cannot be totally convinced.

there are some more than unsavory people out there who will do anything to profit from drugs and destroy alternative medicine, and I know it wouldn't be difficult to pay a guy to do this if it were a ploy to give alt medicine a bad name, and to trick idiots into making themselves sick

that being said however, i have trusted bill enough to try it on myself

i have been using this for a week now.

new symptoms: cough
multiple chest worries

it feels like there is sores in my lungs when i breath. and the top of my lungs/chest/up to my throat feels like its being pressured. it feels like someone punched me in the throat

anyway, here is a bit of info I found:

Ozone, the tri-atomic oxygen, is less stable than O2 and its otherwise helpful free radical O1 could become toxic if given in the wrong amount. In the same way, oxygen, which is absolutely needed to sustain life, can also be toxic if excessive amounts are introduced into the body, especially under hyperbaric conditions, in other words under pressure. With its additional O1, ozone when breathed irritates the respiratory mucus membrane because this lining of the lungs is filled with toxins inhaled from the air. The O1 in ozone oxidizes or burns up these pollutants and the resultant oxides cause irritation and a coughing reaction to expel them. If the air we breathed was pure oxygen, ozone would most likely not have this effect. Nonetheless, the effect of over-oxidation of toxins in the lungs due to excess O1 can damage the respiratory mucous membrane, which is why it is never taken directly into the lungs. Similarly if too large a quantity were introduced into the blood, ozone could damage the blood cells for the same reason (over-oxidation). Yet this would be difficult to achieve because it is easily avoided due to the tell-tale coughing sensation that arises when the body reaches its saturation point. Thus, if ozone is used cautiously, it can never be given in excess and can only improve the metabolism of the oxygen in the cell.

This is very worrying for me as I am a heavy cannabis smoker. I probably inhale more than half a gram of multiple poisons and drugs and crap everyday if you work it out and look at whats in the tobacco and cannabis smoke that i breath. this stuff being oxidized in my lungs worries the hell out of me.

I recommend ANYONE who smokes NOT to use this method.

Until someone steps forward who is a smoker and has tried this for a duration of more than a couple of months, I would seriously reconsider the risk.

I may or may not continue. I feel that it is important for us to learn but also we can not forget our original agenda: health.

Lung Issues
Posted by Dianne (Orillia, Canada) on 05/19/2009

Peggy Not familiar with MAC however bronchitis & asthma I know; I hardly ever use my inhaler anymore I used to use 2puffs x 4 per day, sometimes even more being a smoker, plus I had a steroid as well, now maybe 2 or 3 times in 6 mos. and no steroids. I now use the good quality Oil of oregano I sniff it right out of the bottle, in the beginning I inhaled everytime I thought about it. the deeper the better, there are lots of labels out there however you only get what you pay for the cheapest is usually just that cheap. This stuff is great, many many uses I'm sure it will kill some of the bacteria and infection check it out on the internet Your breathing will inprove and the phlem breaks up and if you have a cold or stuffy nose yep it clears the nasal passages. good luck and good health Blessings Dianne

Lung Issues
Posted by Frank (New York, NY) on 05/19/2009

To Morgan: Besides your lungs, you should also be considering what cannabis is doing to your liver.

Lung Issues
Posted by Peggy (Bainbridge Island, WA) on 05/21/2009

Dear Elizabeth in Nashville,

Thank you so much for your response. I have a few questions for you. Did you continue to use your asthma inhalers while on the H202? Do you still need them? You said you wouldn't be without the H202 now. How is your breathing? Is the chest tightness and asthma gone?

I had to stop the H202 after several days - I think I increased the number of inhalations too quickly. I have started gain with a very very low dose (one inhalation 3 times a day) and at the moment I'm still uncomfortable but want to persist for several more weeks gradually increasing the number of inhalations and see how I feel.

Lung Issues
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, TN) on 05/28/2009

Hello Peggy...to answer your questions I do still take my asmtha medication.. (Advair diskus)...I try to space my medication and the HP out so I don't take them at the same time. I am currently going to a Dr. that specializes in HP therapy and she said there should be no problem if I continue taking my medications. I currently have no chest tightness and I haven't taken a rescue inhaler in weeks. I think one of the reasons for this is because I have been coughing up mucus that would have usually stayed in my lungs if not for the HP. I don't think my asmtha will ever go away but if I can keep it under control than I am HAPPY. I can even work out and not have to use my albuterol...which is nice! I have been continously taking the HP (8 pumps 3 times a day) and may increase this gradually. I have honestly not felt this good in YEARS. I was always so TIRED..sometimes I didn't think I would make it out of bed. Now I have tons more energy.

I started out slow the first couple of days...just 3-5 pumps once a day. Plus I had been drinking BS (1/4 tspn in 4 oz water once daily) to alkalize my body so this may have helped with the detox effect.

Hope everything goes well for you!

Lung Issues
Posted by Alex (St. Paul, MN) on 07/29/2009

To Morgan: Curious as to whether or not you continued with the inhalation process. I'm not a heavy cannabis smoker, but still do occasionally with friends (maybe 2-3 times a month). Wondering if your situation has improved.

Posted by firsttimer (Detroit, Michigan) on 05/03/2009

I have really bad GERD which has done some damage to my esophagus causing me to have bad breath. I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation after reading the Yeas and Nays. I only did a few squeezes into the back of my throat and it Burned. Not an I will never do this again, burn but a burn never the less. Is this normal or could it be because my throat is raw from the GERD?

Posted by H202Lover (Phoenix, AZ) on 05/03/2009

I have done this a number of times and it has only burned a small amount when I had a sore throat last winter. So I am guessing it's your gerd. You might want to try another remedy until the rawness goes away.

Posted by Mark (Aiea, Hawaii) on 05/04/2009

My throat also burned using hydrogen peroxide and I don't have GERD, so I diluted it with distilled water in a one to one ration then it didn't burn anymore.

Posted by Kristy (Texas) on 09/10/2020

did you dilute 35% to 20/1 or 3%

Posted by Linda (Tennessee) on 07/17/2016

Hi there... I have had great success with Mastic Gum for taking care of GERD... it is related to h.pylori.

Breathing Issues
Posted by David (Elverta, CA) on 04/29/2009


I tried the hydrogen peroxide inhalation remedy. i was having a lingering bronchitis. i feel like it did help, although i did have a nebulizer with essential oils and a few other things other things i was doing.

i want to warn people about the hydrogen peroxide. a few weeks into doing a spray every 2 hours. i noticed a white patch of hair on my chin. i am 24 years old. i have light brown hair. and this patch is WHITE. its about the size of a pea, but the hairs are very white. and it has remained for months now. I think this has to do with the hydrogen peroxide because i just read an article stating that HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MAKES YOUR HAIR GO GRAY. http://www.lifeagingand.com/life/hydrogen-peroxide-makes-hair-go-gray/

Breathing Issues
Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/13/2010

Taking at least 1,000 mg vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) may be able to protect this. H2O2 neutralizes vitamin C and a vitamin D deficiency can cause hair color loss.

Breathing Issues
Posted by Dave In Ozz (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/29/2011

Nobody heard of peroxide blonde, people used to use it as cheap form of hair colour, I. E. Blonde, although it was actually more of a yellow, think it was 6% but no longer on the market, not in ozz anyway. While I'm here would just like to thank everybody involved in this excellent site & the input of all the caring sincere people, it is a mine of information, thanks again... Dave in Ozz

Steaming Vs Inhalation
Posted by Lass (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/26/2009

I am using a portable steam inhaler to inhale the HP. My question is this: How much 3% HP should I add to the water? My inhaler uses 1/4 cup of water. I have been adding a scant 1/4 tsp. Does this sound right? I would appreciate any feedback.