Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

Sore Body After Flu
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 01/11/2022

Caught a bad stomach bug (or food poisoning) while in Mexico. The locals said a flu bug was going around. I always carry ACV, Lugol's iodine, charcoal, oil of oregano, probiotics, and a host of other goodies just in case. Regurgitation (8 times was so violent), I thought I'd be carted off to the ER. The next day my entire body was terribly sore, even my eyes, teeth and fingernails hurt. I rubbed DMSO cream everywhere that hurt (no - didn't put in eyes! ) and it took away the soreness. Eyes still tender. Just remember to take OofO in the AM, and at night repopulate the good gut flora with probiotics.

DMSO Smell Issues
Posted by Michelle (Utah) on 01/04/2022

In researching DMSO, I found a patent from someone who said that if you mix a little bit of raw honey into your DMSO that it will make it so you don't smell!

I've been using it that way since the beginning and I've never been told I have an odor. The owner of the patent said that the best mix is 1 part honey to 7 parts DMSO and 3 parts water.

Deep Vein Thrombosis
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 01/02/2022

DMSO thins the blood, naturally. Way better than warfarin or coumadin. There are books on it by Naturopathic doctors and such, attesting to its healing qualities. Here is my experience:

Had a hard fall mostly on my shin, it hurt but I got up by myself and walked away as I had errands to do. Got home 2 hrs later, noticed my leg didn't hurt anymore and was surprised to see it had swollen to 1.5x its size! I did icepacks, elevation & acv/epsom salt soaks. I also applied DMSO 4x a day.

About a week later I was on a flight sitting beside a doctor, still swollen. He thought it could be DVT related and told me to see a Dr. Not wanting to take warfarin or coumadin, I stepped up the DMSO (rubbed on leg only) to every 2 hrs, and arranged to drink 3 or 4 750ml bottles of water one afternoon/night, and the next day my leg was back to almost-normal.

I have a good lymph system, I've been told. I wanted to open the dam sluices and get that excess water out! I peed alot that night. Only I could tell there was still a little swelling left at the ankle, which was gone soon after. I boarded my next flight the next day with no problem with my leg.

I haven't seen DMSO mentioned as a blood thinner, so I wanted to mention it is worth asking a Naturopath about and looking into on your own.

Best of Healing, everyone.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Jim (Laurel Springs NC) on 10/31/2021

How do you use for cancer??? Tks

Sinus Infections
Posted by Tray (Lake Forest, CA ) on 10/25/2021

Just the 99% DMSO? Or was it diluted in the spray bottle? If so with distilled water?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Joel Rosenblum (Senegal) on 10/26/2021 16 posts

Regarding diluting dmso for topical application, usually 50% dilution is good but everyone is different so just experiment.

To take dmso by mouth you can either put it in large cellulose capsules 1mL at a time and swallow them before they melt (in a minute), or you can just dilute it in enough water. 1mL in a liter of water is hard to taste. But you might want to use more, so in that case capsules and topical.

To avoid smelling bad, take extra magnesium and drink ( raw goat preferably) milk. Lots more info from the website or in the book DMSO:Nature's Healer.

Skin Cancer
Posted by G. (Douglasville Ga.) on 10/11/2021

I used DMSO on a skin cancer spot, and I added a lot of vitamin C, and it cured the spot. Vitamin C kills viruses, and the DMSO helped it to absorb since it is an industrial solvent. It goes to the bottom, and a little more. Antiviral herbs and DMSO would work, too, maybe.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Lyn (Tulsa, okl) on 09/22/2021

I think the reason you had such strong diarrhea after mixing those ingredients with the DMSO it's because magnesium if taken in a large dose causes diarrhea the DMSO just amplified everything you took as if you took larger doses of each of them.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Erin (ID) on 09/17/2021

Do you simply use Ascorbic Acid in the bath water to remove the chlorine? If yes, how much?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Marcy (Jackson, Michigan ) on 09/11/2021

I mixed a dropper full in with a tablespoon of coconut oil. I'm putting it on 3 or 4 times a day. It made my side feel great and I am putting it on my face and every where. They say not to use plastic containers, so, I'm using 1/2 pint mason jar with a food grade plastic lid. I didn't think the metal lids would be a good idea. I'm new at using this too. Months ago I bought a roll on, and that did nothing for me even though I put it on several times a day. I prefer to add more DMSO if I need too. I have pain in my hands too. I'm hoping it will cure my joints.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Vicky (NSW Australia) on 08/29/2021

Tumors return because they're still in the bloodstream. Dr. Christopher (master herbalist) says. He has a 'blood stream' formula that cleans the bloodstream and a formula that cleans out the bowel too- so that all the c.a.n.c.e.r cells can be eliminated out. Type in herbal legacy Dr. christopher tumors.You'll see what he says there. Hope this helps- it's VITAL information.

Best to detox the whole system I'd say- liver and all.

General Feedback
Posted by Daryl (Arkansas) on 08/21/2021

I've been using farm-store grade DMSO for many years. I decided that if it was good enough for million dollar race horses, it was good enough for me.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Nichole (Houston, Tx) on 08/13/2021

Would love to know more and discuss how you treated your arthritis. Such as how much, how often, what worked, when it didn't. How often did you take a break?

Posted by Michelle (Illinois) on 07/28/2021

How do you apply to wart? Do you have to dilute?

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 07/27/2021

Well, ORH, I can assure you that many of the posters (me included) know the score. However, perhaps this isn't the best forum for those types of discussions.

I admit - sometimes it feels like we're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titantic. However, there are lots of people (doctors, lawyers, whistleblowers, real scientists) who are doing their bit to get the information out.

You may have heard of Del Bigtree. I get his newsletters with links to the videos. His website is being updated to have a community forum some time soon (he said July) so people can interact with each other.

I'm sure you will find it interesting.

Take care,

Tessa (definitely NOT from lala land!)

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 07/26/2021

KATZIE, ORH here and think you are on the right track about DMSO. I know you should wash your hands before because the solvent will take everything into your body. But I do not wash my hands afterwards because the residue will help your hand joints. I have read several books on DMSO, but something happens to your mind with age. I read my posts these days and wonder who that idiot is? He is me. That is the reason I have no ill will toward D when she flushs me. I needed flushed. Guess, I come and go. What is spooking me now is the illuminati. My research tells me that what we are going through now was planned hundreds of years ago. It has gone too far and now we are at the dog eat dog stage. We are now at good vs evil. That is usually what gets my posts flushed. No one wants to hear that. We all want to stay in lala land. ====ORH====

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 07/26/2021

I do not subscribe to the dilute above the waist and not below stuff. I use DMSO on my knees regularly and always put on a thin layer of castor oil first. This helps with protecting my skin AND from half the DMSO being soaked up by the skin in my hand on the way to my knees! DMSO is a solvent and it wants IN! The one time I forgot the castor oil and used the stuff straight, and the skin on my kneecaps was red and scaly. I threw every healing oil I have at it, and the stuff that worked overnight was av-ee-no lotion. Please so not use DMSO straight unless you're diluting, and that just seems its more trouble than it's worth.

Tip: do take a moment and rinse the stuff off your hands after or they'll look pickled later for a little while. I don't like this sensation so I always wash it off.

Best of healing to you!

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/21/2021 439 posts

I would simply pour some into my palm and rub it in. If and when it became uncomfortable, I'd lightly rinse, rub the water into my hands, shake and let dry.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 07/19/2021

Although this post is 7 years old, I just had an experience in Mexico after traveling there 3 times this year on business. Upon each return my system was a bit out of sorts. This month I had something like an IBS attack (stomach was in great pain which caused bad lower back pain). Acupuncture, DMSO and a low does of CBD/THS (2.5mg each) helped. After about 3 days of pain, I remembered the discomfort was similar to having a horrible parasite many years ago. Reintroduced an IBS elemental liquid diet with absorb plus (also bone broth) to calm inflamed intestines and 1/2t pure gum spirits of turpentine to kill whatever it was. I keep turp on hand and will start traveling with it in the future especially to third world countries. After the second day of the diet, the discomfort stopped but still eating foods that are easy to digest. I suggest researching absorb plus, and Dr. Jennifer Daniels about gum spirits.

Dental Health, Heart Health, Anti-Aging
Posted by Art Jackson (Sg) on 07/19/2021

Keeping the circulatory system moving is a must -

If you gargle about a shot of DMSO it will help tighten loose teeth, saturate the gums with oxygen while destroying gingivitis bacterium lurking at the gum line & then after a few minutes of swishing "Swallow" Yup, clears the arteries slows or stops Alzheimer's & lots of other goodies Ted raves about - ask & he will tell. But then ya stink like Potato socks or rancid garlic.

Now follow the Borax Baking Soda regime ( & your sweat will smell like a freshly washed baby. Ok, maybe not but you won't stink like Road Kill either.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Selena (Ontario) on 07/18/2021

Hi! Please help me with DMSO. I need the help of audience :-)

I bought 99.99 % DMSO for arthritis in my hands.

1. Should I dilute it?

2. What should I use to apply DMSO on my hands? ( apply it with my bare hands or cotton puffs or something else)

All personal experiences are Welcome!

General Feedback
Posted by Sandra Jones (Arizona) on 07/15/2021

You should watch the documentary-“Root Cause”.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Richie (Western Australia ) on 07/09/2021

Although I have got about 6 bottles of DSMO in a cupboard, I haven't as yet used it either externally or internally for one reason alone. That is the bottles are made of plastic and as DSMO can absorb the molecules of most substances that it comes in contact with I am afraid of what's in the plastic. So do you think that my fears are justified?

Internal Use
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/04/2021

Hello Everyone,

Some people have written books on their death and life experiences and were kind to leave a summary of their story on line. There are so many different stories, and some that are similar others.

Some stories are just as suspenseful as a TV show.

Here are two sites, Enjoy.

Internal Use
Posted by HisJewel (North Carolina) on 07/01/2021

Here is a somewhat spooky but interesting death and life experience as testified by one man.

He said he was angry with his wife because she had smacked him. In his anger, and while driving, he was devising a way to get back at his wife. The next thing he knew his car crashed. He came out of his body. He noticed there was a man on his left and right. He asked, "Who are you?"
They introduced themselves, " I am Goodness, the other man said, I am Mercy., "
He said they took him and gave him a tour of heaven. Then they took him and showed him hell.
After he viewed it, they were about to cast him in it. He said, "Wait a minute I'm a preacher! " He said they replied, but you have not forgiven your wife.

Long story short, he was given another chance to forgive. When he was restored to his body his wife and church family were still praying for him.

Thank God for his Goodness and Mercy.


Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2021 439 posts

People don't talk about it but I've never had a problem with death since learning, upon my first experience with it, that everybody dies which meant, in my little girl mind, that since the best of the best and the most cowardly cowards that have ever lived all got through it, it can't be a bad thing so, we've been buds ever since and I spent a lot of time exploring the idea of it. Much to my mother's chagrin - and stark-raving fear for her fearless kid.

Strangely, men seem more susceptible to a fear of death. I suspect, due to a life of pumping testosterone, creating instances of not always "doing the right thing" and the judgement angle.

I'm glad to know that a woman took it as intended. It was interesting and a hoot but wasn't actually a "big deal". Which was sort of...I don't want to say "disappointing" but I would have thought it would have been more...exciting...I guess. - I was young and an explorer and so...everything was exciting.

And, you're welcome.

Internal Use
Posted by HisJewel (North Carolina) on 07/01/2021

Death and Life Experiences

I have heard many tell of how they went from earth, to Glory and back to earth stories.

And if you are not a resident within the gates of pearls or the gate of hell you have simply been given more time.

Almost every one that I have heard tell the story of the Light, and many tell of feeling liquid love around them, even those who did not believe in Love.

If you are back in your body there is more to the life and death story to experience.

My brother tell's of how in his young gang banging days, at about 16 years old he almost died. I know that he was almost beaten to death with a baseball bat. His friends called mother and said he was dead.

He told me of his tunnel and light experience. He repeats his story usually when a friend dies. Yet he knows he did not make the whole trip. And if anyone says they are in a better place, he asks how do you know have you been there?

I try to console him by saying, maybe the speaker is saying heaven is better than hell.

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/01/2021 439 posts

ORH - just to be clear, as an explorer, I enjoy dialogue but I don't do "debate" which is why I failed to read past the first lines of either of your remarks. I merely skimmed them and didn't realize I'd offended you. I won't apologize because it wasn't my intention but I shan't bother you again. Best wishes.

Internal Use
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 06/30/2021

Hi Cindy (Illinois) -

I felt a great comfort reading your experience about death - a very interesting awesome ride.

We all die eventually. Your description was natural and logical - after all, it is part of life. No judgement. Nothing to be afraid of.

Thank you, Cindy. I always enjoy your postings!

Take care,


Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2021 439 posts

ORH - I know you have your own ways so I won't say any more on that.

Re: death - been there, done that, didn't hurt, wasn't scary, no pitchforks and not alone. Zero trauma. Very interesting, awesome "ride". Not a tunnel but, rather, very fast travel along a perfectly straight trajectory. Like if you were in a rocket car, going rocket fast, the "air" (which is actually fluid) around the car would be quite solid if you were to try to stick your arm out the window and the straight line travel would make the target perfectly clear, in your sights, which provides the sense of "the light at the end of the tunnel" which seems singular but that's because you're moving straight toward it so it's not blurred or wobbly. It's a bit like "zooming in", as with a camera.

I didn't stick around - just sort of popped in, sensed the presence of others - mentally high-fived everybody and came back. Just a sort of "Hi! AWESOME ride! Gotta go! " sort of trip. All on my own ticket - totally by choice. Had I been more severely injured or unhealthy, I would have stayed. And I COULD have stayed, by simply choosing to.

And just to be clear - nobody who's ever known me would ever mistake me for an angel and there was no sense of..."judgement". Zero. Like with all things, I suspect one's experience is an extension of one's state of being, at the time, and as I'm an explorer, that's pretty much my state of being, 24/7 - interested in whatever has my attention which I reserve for things that interest me and which is always and only ever my call.

The light is like a big hug, high-five and celebration, all at the same time. Nothing to be afraid of.

Internal Use
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/29/2021

ORH, you can hang on and around as long as you desire. He gives us the desires of our heart. Now that is not to say you won't have a fight on your hands to make that real. I study body, mind, and spirit and lately the battle for me has gotten down to the last straw and I plan on winning. You might like some people I follow to engage the battle with supernatural strength . I am not that smart, just really stubborn and born a goat, induced me for a tax break on new years eve. I think the scapegoat. I been circling the wilderness with every ones sin on my back.

This pastor did a controversial medical procedure and ended up with his life and now helps others.

MY STORY: 9 YEARS BATTLE & VICTORY over STAGE 4 MELANOMA. How faith and repentance brought healing. - YouTube

I been chewing on this bone for over two years and I will not let go until I get all that is in it to bring to me revelation of what I already have.

You've Already Got It!: Week 1, Day 1 - YouTube

I follow health sites and relational sites and spiritual sites. I am body mind and spirit and they all affect me. Love heals.

I don't like anything watered down, I want the full effect of what is out there, no lies, no games, no manipulations.

Placebo, a wake up call to the Church by Howard Pittman

I hope you get to read this and partake in the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Blessings, Charity

I read the MSM book years ago and use it daily with vitamin C.

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/29/2021 439 posts

I don't think lymph acts like blood. I suspect what gets in it is passed along, "hand to hand". The nature of what it is would depend on where it's passed along TO but it appears to move "stuff" faster than blood but I'm still exploring so...I'll probably never get to the bottom of it - no pun intended, LOL!

Internal Use
Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 06/30/2021 73 posts

I am 79yrs old, been around for awhile and I found this site not long ago and I have read many comments, am using some of there natural things that have been posted, perhaps people will try things that I have posted. Now the real reason I am replying to this posting is your DMSO comment and you feeling that EC should debate you, well that is not the business they are in, AFTERALL who are you? You should be so glad that the Staff here posted your comment, I never would have. I used DMSO over 55 yrs ago, big deal. Be thankful your comment was accepted, hoping you go after Big PHARMA now. I love this site!

Internal Use
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 06/29/2021

CINDY, ORH here, and I have no clue why I am even in this conversation? You are aware that DMSO is one of the most power solvents there is? It takes stuff to where you want it to go. I am worth about 50 cents, but a race horse is worth millions and the owner uses it on his buddy full time. So, being a Redneck, I figure it works on million dollar race horse, it might work on a two bit guy like me. You took my bait and sinker as I wanted. When I say dumb things then D does not publish. Other folks say dumb things, they are in print. Let me keep this civil for one time. What I know is that Dr Jacobs knew more about the properties of DMSO that anyone. Would you read his book? This site does not need to become a slug feat, but there needs to have some gives and takes. That is what is missing here. We know the smart folks on EC, but sometimes they are just blowing smoke. But nobody takes them on. You have taken me on about DMSO being a carrier . I use it with all my pain liniments and you say that's bull. How do we have a debate and draw a conclusion? You mention the lymph system. I have stumbled into a few things in that regard. I am in CHF and thought I was gone a few months ago. My heart is so weak that my lymph was not getting out of my body. I went to the folks that wrap your legs, etc. I had the professional stockings and was improving but lying flat in the bed, my lungs were filling with fluid and I was drowning. That is frighting and spooky. I know how the lymph system works. the legs flows to your center and your head flows to your center. So I bought a bed that you can raise your head and your feet.Guess what, I stopped drowning. Gravity still works. Lymph has no pump like the heart, so gravity, exercise and vibration keeps this fluid moving. I am an engineer, not a doctor. but this is an engineering problem. Upon awaking I take a professional vibrator and trace my lymph system by the numbers. I have lost 30 #and weigh every morning. I did not lose muscle, I lost lymph. My situation is such that I have 2 to 5 more years to live. I am tight with the Lord, but want to hang around as long as I can......jus cause. I would like to continue this debate but will not tolerate a smart mouth . ====ORH====

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/29/2021 439 posts

Hey, ORH - the problem with that is that when somebody tells me to do something or to not do something...I think you can guess the rest, ROFL!

That said...I suspect DMSO, applied topically, doesn't go straight to the blood stream but, rather, the LYMPHATIC "stream". Which is why I think some can taste it when they apply it topically and some can't or application to one spot creates the taste but another spot doesn't. At any rate...I don't know enough about the lymphatic system to say, either way.

I don't use it as a "carrier" because it can't carry anything through the skin that can't get through on its own so...why waste it when a couple of drops of tincture under the tongue - which I suspect is a direct route to the lymphatic system - would work just as well. Or even tea, due to the salivary glands' connection to it. All you'd have to do is swish it around your mouth before you swallowed it. Even if it tastes bad, if your body wants what's in it, it'll take it. If it doesn't, it'll gag, spit it out, throw it up or otherwise reject it because a lot of elements of remedies the body only occasionally needs are merely toxins, when it has no use for them. Like muscle testing - which would be a whole lot less...uncomfortable, LOL.

Which is also why compounding - I.e. mixing a bunch of stuff together - is...well...not a good idea. The remedy might be in there but the first order of business for the body is going to be wrangling the toxins - I.e. the stuff it doesn't need - and a lot of the good "babies" are probably going to be thrown out with the bathwater.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Gary (Georgia) on 06/27/2021

DMSO can not cure RA.

Alleviate the inflammation, yes.

RA is an autoimmune disease and the only way to remedy this is to test for the triggers (auto antibodies) and eliminate them to turn off the body attacking itself.

Cancer lies on the spectrum of AI disease.

You should be tested for it. AI shuts down the immune response and your body cannot fight cancer with the innate immune system.

Functional Medicine treats immunity issues as it relates to chronic disease.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Karen (West Australia) on 06/20/2021

Mine came in a plastic bottle.

Internal Use
Posted by May (Australia) on 06/18/2021

I believe it crosses the blood brain barrier?

Internal Use
Posted by Gc (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/14/2021


I am diffusing DMSO 70/30 .5 ml in 100 ml of distilled water.

I have searched for this method but have only found nebulizer info and it is scant at that.

If the DMSO is anti inflammatory then the addition of Clove Bud essential oil seems a fitting combination right now and then perhaps Ginger EO eventually.

I will ease into it for now and see where it leads me.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Gary (GA) on 06/12/2021

I am not familiar with Dr. Jacobs's work, so I will look into his wisdom.

By not needing anything to get into the body, what are you referring to?

Aromatically is the fasted way for anything to enter the body.

Transdermally, your are fighting through 4 layers of skin, 5 on the palms and feet.

I do not see it as possible for the full dose to make it through the skin. Plus the constant uptake to keep the dose high enough to the area applied.

Thanks for the info on Jacobs and I will research it.

Internal Use
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 06/08/2021

CINDY,,,,,,, ORH here, and do not defuse with DMSO, however, the CZ DMSO plant supervisor told me in 1966 that none of his employees had had a cold or flu while working working there. All that work in a chemical process plant inhale the fumes, at least they did in the 60's. One employee did get the flu, but got it when working as a vacation relief in another department. I guess from that, you might assume it has to be a continuous thing. Myself, I nebulize reduced Glutathione in a saline solution. Never read, nor was told to do this. I just do not want to pay the cost of main lining and figure it is better than going through my digestion system. ====ORH====

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois USA) on 06/08/2021 439 posts

I think the "electrical" thing is a matter of using two (or more) things together, if they're close to the same, they interfere with one another but if they're far enough apart, they can work - not TOGETHER but - in TANDEM. Where one does its thing and the other does its thing and they sort of end up cleaning up after one another. Like MMS and DMSO. They're very different but appear to sort of "support" one another. Whereas they don't seem to work well with "middle of the road" things. Perhaps, being "too close" to them, when it comes to their "electrical" properties. Or, perhaps, the...frequencies (?) of their "microcurrents". Which is something I've only recently discovered are actually recognized, scientifically.

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/07/2021 439 posts

I haven't, no. I don't use essential oils - aside from repeated attempts to replicate the fragrance of an AWESOME body spray I had 20+ years ago called "Grapefruit & Daisy" which I didn't discover was a "special edition" until half past "too late".

Do you diffuse with DMSO? I want to see what it might draw out of cayenne but haven't gotten around to that. Cayenne and castor oil seem to have some sort of electrical activity to them that I don't think survives the process of a tincture whereas cayenne doesn't seem at all affected as a tea, which is strange...with the amount of actual heat used to make tea...but I can't actually be sure of that. DMSO seems to have an electrical aspect to it as well but I don't think it's the same. Cayenne and castor oil seem alike but DMSO seems..."deeper" or...something like that. Even to the point of incompatibility with a lot of things. Like MMS, which seems to be on the other, high side of what seems like a scale and also not very compatible with much...I don't know...

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 06/07/2021

GARY, ORH here, and again we have the blind leading the blind. My knowledge comes from Dr Jacob's books and he was the consultant to Crown Z, which did almost all of the R& D work. I worked for Crown Z in the '60s and with the supervisor of the CZ plant. Instead of speculating about DMSO, quote from Dr Jacob's books. Then, we are getting it straight from the horse's mouth. Besides, DMSO does not need anything to get into your body. You missed that a mile. You are right about bypassing your digestion system and the reason I use magnesium transdermally. I don't need an upset stomach.


Internal Use
Posted by Gary (GA) on 06/06/2021

Hi Cindy.

Have you ever tried to diffuse the DMSO with any essential oils?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Gary (GA) on 06/06/2021

If you are going to take it internally, then the best way may be to try and diffuse it with any essential oil of your choice.

Diffusing goes right into the blood stream within one minute and crosses the BB barrier without losing potency through digestion.

If you want to take internally, then you can buy enteric coated capsules and put a drop into each. This ensures it survives digestion and opens about 20% the way down into the small intestine.

Now, I have not done this personally but I am trained as CNHP and Certified Aromatherapist.

I also own a business in Indonesia that produces Essential oils and know that diffusion is the quickest and most effective way to treat the over all body.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Gc (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/06/2021

I wonder if using DMSO in a steam treatment would work for inhalation into the body and quickly traversing throughout the body?

Inhalation of essential oils is the most effective way to take them and I wonder if this is true for DMSO as well?

Internal Use
Posted by Pawel K. (Vancouver, Canada) on 05/28/2021


Thank You for explaining Vitamin C, short and to the point.

I had a similar observation doing alcohol withdrawal treatments on myself. The vitamins from the store were useless. But when I was getting an I.V in the vein, I was up and rosy looking in hours. Otherwise, it would be several days.

Withdrawal is not the same as "hangover". It's deadly.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by cfitz (Georgia) on 05/22/2021

Rob: See on the right side of screen a mini-menu which reads "DMSO Natural Remedies" it has the overview, editor's choice, and under popular conditions it has DMSO Application Tips, Multiple Cures and Back Pain.

I opened the application tips link in a separate window. There's a lot of info there.


Pain Relief
Posted by Priya (QLD, Australia) on 05/20/2021

Noticed that when taking MSM orally, you need to consume it at least 2 to 3 hours before sleeping as otherwise it will keep you up.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Cindy (Illlinois, USA) on 05/19/2021 439 posts

I'm not going to "nebulize" DMSO but I DO take the stopper out and inhale the vapors. I don't really have any issues but I can definitely feel it, nevertheless. I also do that, occasionally, with hydrogen peroxide, ClO2 and an extra strong cayenne tincture I made. Though not at the same time, mind you. They all have an effect, inhaling the vapors, but I don't really have any issues so can't attest to the effect any of them would have on a problem.

I DO wish I'd tried inhaling the cayenne tincture vapors 0 and the others if the cayenne didn't work - when I had that sinus awfulness after Covid, but didn't think of it until later.

I'm going to "wild ferment" some cayenne peppers all the way through the bubbling and try inhaling vapors (and maybe some probiotics) from THAT - without the CO2, of course. But I'll wait for some sort of sinus "thing". I'm thinking I'll just put some in a little pinch bowl with a bit of the brine and inhale whatever probiotics might come off it, see what happens. I don't get sinus infections but I DO get stuffy when the house does.

Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 05/18/2021

In response to Rob from NJ who wrote: "Bad pain in hands and feet. Please help how to take DMSO and what's the protocol is internally and externally."

Longtime DMSO user here.

I personally use mine on sore body parts straight. First I put on a thin layer of castor oil (to protect the skin), then I use an eye dropper to measure, and so I know my starting dose. Eg. for my two crushed discs I started with 7 drops per side. Leave the area uncovered for 20 mins, then get dressed again.

How I take it internally:

I typically use only 1/4 tsp of it 1x day. It's a solvent so it wants into your tissues, fast! So it's disconcerting to start to drink it, swallow, but there's nothing left cause it was already absorbed in the back of your throat!

As time goes on DMSO will actually heal you! And you will need less and less. If you don't want to fuss with castor oil, you could dilute the DMSO with distilled water, to a level of 50/50, and apply it that way. I was telling a friend of my crushed disc protocol, that I started 3 yrs ago and gradually cycled down as I healed when I realized I hadn't put any on my back in 2 months! So remember, you're not treating, you'll actually be healing. Best of luck on your healing!

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Babacyd (Ca) on 05/18/2021

ORH, can you please tell more about Dr Jacobs and his DMSO research.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Rob (Nj) on 05/17/2021

Bad pain in hands and feet. Please help how to take DMSO and what's the protocol is internally and externally.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by amy (MI) on 05/11/2021 15 posts


First, I'm praying for your cancer reversal! Second, how are you taking the DMSO and Vitamin C? From my understanding, DMSO must be between 1-2% if taken orally to work. Externally must be diluted to 95-97% with distilled water to work...

Thank you!

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by amy (MI) on 05/11/2021 15 posts

Hello Kenny!

I have a friend with lung cancer, I am not sure what stage. She has been taking Rick Simpson Oil, but recent tests show new tumors and tumor growth. I once read a study showing Oil of Oregano killed lung cancer tumors AND encouraged new tissue regeneration. I am searching now for how to use DMSO with RSO or Oil of Oregano to help her... Can you please explain the protocol your friends with cancer used?

Thank you so much for sharing this!

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Rim (AB - Alberta) on 05/09/2021

DMSO & More

Life Choice

213 Railway St E, Cochrane, AB

Phone: 1-866-226-1722

Fax: 1-866-226-1822

Email: [email protected]


Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (illinois, USA) on 04/27/2021 439 posts

Nothing much happened from a dropperful dose of straight DMSO under the tongue! A bit of extra urination but that's it. Talk about an anti-climax. Could be because I often use it externally - I put it on EVERYthing, from my feet to my scalp - so I often have it on my hands and whatnot but...I don't know what I expected - something cool - like x-ray vision or the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound!! ROFL - but no...nothing...poop...I'm sure it did something but it wasn't noticeable. Aside from a couple of extra pees.

Tooth Abscess
Posted by Dibro (North MS) on 04/25/2021

Tooth abscess /swollen gums:

  • Mix about a teaspoon of DMSO with a pinch or two of table salt.
  • Dissolve the solution/apply with finger on top of the abscess and all around the affected area. Spit.
  • Do not rinse or eat for at least an hour.

Bedtime application works best. bye bye root canal $$$$

Also ground sage and water make a great oral rinse for fast toothache relief.

But for infection & abscess, the DMSO and table salt mix applied topically can't be beat!

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/25/2021 439 posts

Never ingested DMSO before but, I'm watching the Avengers with a little bit of a stuffy nose from dust of spring cleaning, just went to put a dropper full of cayenne extract under the tongue. HowEVER - big fight scene, not paying attention, picked up the DMSO instead. Full strength. Whole dropper full. Under the tongue. Should be interesting! ROFL!!

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 04/21/2021

ClaudiO, ORH here, and I first learned of DMSO in 1965 when I worked for CZ in St Francisville, La. The CZ pulp mill in Bogalusa, La was where C Z make their DMSO from the mill's black liquor. Their DMSO Supervisor came over to help me start up our tall oil plant.

He related two stories that I have posted over the years and will post here again.

He said none of his employees ever got a cold, nor the flu while working in the plant. Also, he said DMSO will instantly heal a skin burn. Dr. Jacob in Ore. did all CZ's research and lived to be 93 and drank DMSO every day. Read his book. I still buy all my DMSO from his Lab.

You are right about DMSO reacting with plastic as I ruined my Tractor Driver's plastic measuring beaker with 100 % DMSO. A glass nebulizer would work. Dr. Jacobs says to use 75% below your waist and 50% above your waist. The employees had to breathe the DMSO vapors but I would have no clue what concentration to use in a nebulizer. I would go very low to start.

After I crushed my T 12, I use lineament and DMSO every morning on my hips. Dr. Jacobs testified before Senator Kennedy's committee in his investigation into DMSO. After that, Dr. Jacobs took a low profile as Big Pharma came after him. Would tell you much more, but this tale would not be posted. Error to the save side on the nebulizing and keep us posted.


Staph, Split Skin, Wounds
Posted by Pegann L (NJ) on 04/20/2021

I was wondering if you could share how you take it orally as your “maintenance” program? How much of what purity, what do you mix it with, what do you put it in & how often you take it? I am very interested in your results as well, if you are willing to share?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Michelle (NSW) on 04/20/2021

I have been taking DMSO and Vitamin C to treat Stage 1V cancer. It hasn't helped yet, but it's only been one month.

Any experience using DMSO and Colloidal Silver or Cesium Chloride?

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 04/20/2021

I have several books on DMSO and the only thing I can find on nebulizing with DMSO as it can only be a 40 to 50% solution....that would be a mix with distilled water and not to cause damage to equipment. I have not tried it yet, so only going by the written word in my books.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Dori (Mequon, WI) on 04/18/2021

How was the dmso taken for the people with cancer? Pill form, liquid/paste? How about for arthritis? Thank you.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Jax, Florida) on 04/15/2021

Each morning, I take a low dose of amour thyroid, 15 grains, the apply glutathione and a biodentical hormone, both transdermally. To help with absorption, I put a few drops of DMSO on the glutathione. I have been doing this a little while.

One morning, I added a lot more of the DMSO by mistake (maybe a teaspoon or more?), but since it was external, I didn't think it mattered. I then took guaifenisin (mucinex), and had all of the reactions of dosing too high on it. Thankfully, it wasn't timed release, but the effects still took about 4 hours to wear off, so mostly annoying, and guafinesin isn't toxic. It seemed the only difference that day was the amount of DMSO. I tend to be sensitive, and maybe it was because everything was taken closer together, but DMSO is pretty powerful.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Shirley (Spain) on 04/14/2021

Hi there, I have an irregular heartbeat and arthritis in the finger joint...

How would I take to DMSO to help these issues...orally? and what quantity. Do I mix it with something? I'm new to this product so any advise would help. Many Thanks.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Lonnette (Orlando, Florida) on 04/11/2021

Hello, great story. Can you tell us how you personally take your dmso? Do you drink it or rub it on your skin? Thank you .

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by cfitz (georgia) on 04/10/2021

Kenny: How would DMSO be used to treat arthritis - topically or internally; and what are the protocols?

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Rae (Texas ) on 04/09/2021

Is there a brand you can recommend? I just had 3 MRI's and apparently I have arthritis in my back. I deliver mail so I need something that really works and I truly believe this could help.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 04/09/2021

Hi Slauwhoo from Manitoba -

This is where I get my DMSO in Canada:

Best wishes,


Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Lou (San Francisco, CA) on 04/09/2021

I have few questions for you -

1. where do you buy DMSO?

2. what purity DMSO and type?

3. how do you take it? and how many times?

thank you

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Rebecca (Cedar Hills, Utah) on 04/09/2021

Hi! I have RA and I was wondering what your protocol for Arthritis is. Thank you so much. Do you eat it or rub it on the skin??? How much, etc.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Sanja (Ontario) on 04/09/2021 3 posts

How do you take DMSO please?

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Slauwkoo (Manitoba) on 04/07/2021

Where in Canada can one get DMSO? I have tried at farm supply stores, drug stores and hardware stores but no one has even heard of DMSO.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Kenny (Minor Hill, TN) on 04/06/2021

I have been using and recommending DMSO for many years! It cured my arthritis, and has cured three people I know of cancer! Yes, even stage four cancer! DMSO is a miracle drug! I do not recommend drug to be taken for preventative reasons, but I think DMSO can even help to clean the arteries and heal the heart, as I have also lived with an irregular heartbeat all my life but I've noticed that after taking the DMSO for my arthritis my constant irregular heartbeat has also vanished and now only once in a while feel my heart out of rhythm and even them not as pronounced as before!

I've been an herbalist most of my life and DMSO and wild lettuce have impressed me more than anything else!

DMSO Smell Issues
Posted by Donna Rabbitt (Denver, CO.) on 04/06/2021

My first question is how long can one keep DMSO? I have a gallon of Medical Grade that I forgot about and it has been stored in a dark closet for about 10 years. Is it still OK to use?

Secondly: Years ago I was using DMSO in an exterior manner and not really all that much but using daily. My friend and co-worker asked me if I was using it. I said Yes, she said that I stunk to high heavens and she recognized the smell because her husband used to soak his feet in it daily. I could not smell it at all and I have a really good smeller.

Is there an aromatic oil that will not be offensive after applying with the DMSO that anyone has used?

Love is....

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Reina (Groningen Netherlands) on 04/06/2021

A spray bottle has plastic parts, I would not use that for DMSO.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Eileen (New Jersey) on 04/05/2021

I tried the DMSO in a nebulizer and it ate through the plastic. If anybody can recommend a solution to nebulizing DMSO, I'd appreciate it- I don't want to be inhaling fumes from melting plastic. Thanks

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