Top Health Benefits of MSM for Pain Relief, Skin and Lungs

Hair and Nails
Posted by Belle (Los Angeles, CA)

I recently started to take MSM to help with neck pain. While it's too soon to tell if it is helping, I can report that it is making my nails grow like crazy!!

Frozen Shoulder
Posted by Marsh (CO) on 07/01/2021

My husband started taking MSM for his frozen shoulder. He believes it significantly helped. After taking it for about 2 weeks he came across an old interview with James Coburn, the actor. His RA was so debilitating, prescription drugs weren't helping. He discovered MSM and said that was the only thing that would help him get out of bed. (Me, I can't take it as it causes heart palps.)

Posted by Rc (Dallas) on 04/22/2015

I experienced a mild case of tendonitis and learned about MSM. I found MSM in my health food store. I have had great results using a teaspoon mixed with the vitamin C packet.

Shoulder Pain
Posted by Cate (Melbourne, Vic., Australia) on 08/05/2012

I've found relief after two days of 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day of MSM in water or juice for a chronic shoulder problem. It would ache sitting here at the comp. Desk, lying in bed, cooking, doing dishes and driving, even walking around. Constant irritation, now gone. I'm so excited about this stuff.

Deidre, infinite blessings! : )

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Angel (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/26/2012

Let me let all of you know that some pills or capsules have added stuff to them like fills and floaters (not to say its only in pills or capsules) things like that in them so

I advise everyone to try taking opti-msm flake its pure its in a crystal form and which is its original form but crushed into a powder form so you could drink it. My only side effect with it is sleepiness which now I found out from reading someone's post that you shouldn't take it after 2 pm or you will experience sleepiness but I still do cause it's not much of a problem.

To test if the powder is real with no fillers or floaters all you have to do is take a glass cup (a clear one of course) and put (WARM WATER) into the cup and put 1/2 teaspoon of msm (or two 1/2 teaspoons if you want to be sure) into the cup and stir with a clean spoon after it dissolves in the glass cup of water it should be clear as if you never put anything into the glass cup

NOTE: give the water a little time to settle after you stir. If you happen to notice a fog or floaters in it, DON'T TAKE IT call and get your money back cause your not getting it from professionals that actually want you to have the real thing they only care about money, the jerks.

I advise you to get it from another supplier that knows about msm.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Robyn (New Plymouth, New Zealand) on 07/30/2011

Re: side effects to MSM, it must be taken with a 1/3 Vitamin C.

I make capsules up with Vit C powder or make sure I have at least 1000 C every time I take MSM. This may help those who get a reaction to it.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 02/15/2011

I had said here a while ago that I wanted to try MSM for my allergies, hoping it would do something for my lower back pain as well but unfortunately, after almost 5 weeks nothing happened. My allergies are the same as before, sometimes itching eyes and throat and sneezing, my back pain has actually got worse. Since yesterday I am really worrying but I don't want to go to the doctor yet. Before I started taking it I read a book and I was convinced, in the meanwhile, because I had a friend coming over from the USA I ordered another book which was a lot less expensive over there to be sent to his home address. I am now starting to read it and really, it feels like a bad joke! Is it as good as they say but it just didn't work with me? It seems to do wonders for so many people.....

Right now I really fear for my back! I am 53, not too old yet but feeling like an old lady! The pain started almost 5 years ago when we got a foam mattrass, equally for me and for my husband so we thought the mattrass was to blame. 18 months ago we decided to go for one twice as expensive. My husband didn't want foam again but I felt comfortable in this one and too bad he didn't insist he didn't want it. He still has problems but I am far worse than he is especially because during the week I tend to read in bed for a bit in the morning. If I sleep on my back it is even worse. The only thing that seems to have got better with the MSM is my digestion, nowadays I eat and I never feel full.

Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/15/2011

Hi Francisca - Sorry that MSM didn't help your allergies. It was one of the few things that worked for me.

However, in Dr. J. Wright's newsletter (he operates a clinic in Washington state), he recommends the following for allergies:

There are several vitamins that can help reduce -- and in some cases eliminate - inhalant (i. E. , environmental) allergy symptoms.

Vitamin C is always the first vitamin to try. It's been shown to reduce bronchial, nasal, and sinus allergy symptoms. I recommend the "bowel tolerance" quantity of vitamin C. Basically, this means using as much vitamin C as possible, every three to four hours, without causing gas or loose bowels. For some people, this is 1, 000 milligrams (1 gram) three to four times daily; for others, it can be 4 grams or more three to four times daily.

Some people with inhalant allergies also find that taking 1, 000 milligrams of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) along with vitamin C three to four times a day helps relieve their symptoms even more than vitamin C on its own.

I don't know if that is something you might consider trying. Good luck!

Trigger Finger
Posted by Charlie (Ft. Smith, AR) on 07/23/2006

I used both Apple Cider Vinegar and MSM to cure a "trigger finger". ' A big knot appeared on the inside of my thumb joint. It was EXTREMELY painful. I couldn't write or do anything with that hand. I didn't realize how important my thumb was. The dr. gave me a cortisone shot in it (ouch) and said if that didn't help, he would have to do surgery and cut the tendons in my thumb to try and relieve the pain. The cortisone shot didn't help. I received a magazine in the mail shortly after this talking about MSM. I decided I had nothing to lose by trying it. After a few weeks of using MSM, ALL the pain went away. (This all happened about 5 years ago). The knot was still there even though the pain was gone (it was a very obvious knot). I then started taking apple cider vinegar tablets and WOW, the knot disappeared!! It is still gone and so is the pain.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Nampa, ID) on 11/18/2021

Hey neighbor, Madelyn

MSM is stimulating, heightened alertness. It will give you whatever brand of insomnia you're prone to if too much is taken too late in the day. That's why some folks just bang the whole dose first thing in the morning. I like to spread it. So that last dose of the day takes a little experimenting to get right--where there's a little boost in the evening (no yawniness at 8pm), but no insomnia either. It also matters how quickly you process it using moly. If you've spent years moly deficient, you process very slowly. So a 5pm dose, day after day, isn't going to end well. After saturating with moly for a few months, processing speed comes up and a small late dose becomes possible.

I tried compressing the total daily dose of molybdenum into the late afternoon and evening, but early morning headaches erupted again. Went back to spread out over the day, back to normal. Apparently, when given an adequate amount of moly in the moment, I process. But doubling or tripling the dose of the moment doesn't increase the processing rate. I either eek along at the pace or I don't. Given all of this, the only real course of action is take MSM skewed toward the morning, tapering down toward evening. And then take the moly first thing in the morning, get the processing going, and keep it going through the whole day with further doses, taking care not to overrun the day's moly with the day's MSM. Until additional experiment bears fruit, this is where I'm at.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/17/2015 461 posts

A couple of thoughts regarding MSM and kidney stones:

It stands to reason that MSM, in opening cell walls, would flush loose any crystals that are attached to the walls of the renal system.

It also stands to reason that as the cell walls close up, trapping toxins inside, that the crystals COULD attach themselves and grow in the first place. Otherwise, the urinary salts would be suspended in the urine and flush themselves out.

Might not be a bad idea to add lemonade or the "lemon and olive oil" treatment for kidney and gall stones while you're taking MSM - or before you start.

The stones are no big deal as they're easily dealt with, but they can be uncomfortable and create various urinary symptoms that would tempt one to seek out harsh and dangerous "medical" remedies.

Also, vitamin C - ascorbic acid - would break down the crystallized organic matter that holds the stones together causing pieces to detach and creating discomfort that way. So, the occasional dose of olive oil or regular drinking of lemonade or limeade (even more acidic than lemon) in general is just a good idea, regardless - to keep the urinary salts in solution to facilitate natural flushing. Of course, the MSM would prevent them from attaching to the walls and growing in the first place but if they're already there, it's probably best to break them up as they can be extremely painful.

Just a thought.

Bad Knees, Weight Loss
Posted by Plumhappy (Eugene, Oregon) on 07/26/2012

I have some interesting results from taking MSM. I am gluten intolerant (not celiac). Normally when I get into gluten, I get sores in my mouth, on my tongue, my tummy hurts bit, left side hurts, gas, bloating, burping, etc. Very loose stools the morning after. Last night, as I was making hamburgers, I decided to through caution out the door and have a bun with mine instead of wrapping in lettuce. HMMMM, none of the usual except for some slight roughness in my mouth and some sinuses plugged up.

I have been taking MSM since May for my knees (works like a charm). I started with 500mg 3x a day and am up to 10,000 per day( not all at once). I also went off coffee in may and started drinking Yerba Matte (a lot, lol. With a tad of stevia in it). I take Vit. C with the msm and nothing more for supplements. I never thought this might help my stomach troubles but it has. Also dairy has been a issue and is better. I don't plan on going hog wild with gluten but was wondering if anyone else noticed this when taking MSM. I have also lost 14lbs. Yeah, I am not a big gal, 5' 3" and usually wear size 8/10 so am very pleased since I needed to drop a few. Would like to hear from others on this. The tea has curbed my appetite nicely. I did the research on Yerba Matte and it seems that some of the bad hype on it is because they don't tell you that the research done was on native south americans who also smoke. Hard to trust all research since some of it is so biased.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Shesgg (Sandusky, Oh) on 07/23/2012

Hi, I just wanted to add to be sure and take 1000 mg vitamin C along with the 2 teaspoons of MSM for arthritis pain or blood sugar/blood pressure. I have had good success with this amount each day. I slowly drink the MSM in about 2 liters of water throughout the day and take the Vitamin C in between there sometime.

Love this stuff, hope it doesn't cause problems down the road with surprising side effects but so far so good.

Hip Pain
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex England) on 02/01/2012


I started using MSM for a painful arthritic hip and noticed the difference within a couple of days. Don't know how it reacts with pharmaceuticals as I don't use them. By the way, as reassurance, they give MSM to horses so it must be OK since folks take good care and invest a lot of money in their animals. Matter of fact I'm getting my next supply from the local stables; much more economical.

Creaky Joints
Posted by Babs (Washington, Dc) on 06/15/2011

I've been taking MSM for 6 weeks and I am very pleased with the results. My bones were squeaking like an old machine :) Not any more.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 02/16/2011

Hi Bess, thanks so much for all the information, I really appreciate! Yes, quite odd the MSM didn't help... I am taking three half teaspoons three times a day so that would make 7, 5g a day but there were no changes at all, not for my back pain either..... I feel rather frustrated! I am now reading "The power of MSM" by Earl Mindell and he advises taking MSM together with Vit. C, quercitin and pantothenic acid for allergies so a bit like what I read in your post but adding MSM and quercitin. In the past I have taken quercitin but not in this combination although, if I am not wrong, it was a complex with pantothenic acid but again it didn't really solve my problem.

Right now, together with the MSM powder (I buy it in the UK because here I only find tablets and even there they don't seem to sell crystals) which is almost finished I take 3 times a day 1g of Vit. C and also Vit. E. For the pain I might try Hyaluronic Acid which I can buy in the UK (we are going there soon and I always visit the same health food shop). But I am also going to the doctor tomorrow, something I dread doing, because I stopped taking the anticonceptive pill and the fact that the pain now is worse might be a consequence of me missing some hormones, that has always given me back pain in the past! The troubles of menopause, I suppose.....

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Anna (St Louis, Mo) on 01/16/2011

I read that MSM will last in the body for only 12 hours. It sounds correct that most people on this site that are getting good results are taking it twice a day. Someone below said it may cause sleeplessness, so don't take it after 2pm. These are all good things to know to get the best results.

Knee Pain
Posted by Elyn (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Usa) on 12/12/2010

I started on powdered MSM 6 weeks ago for my arthritic knees. Although they still twinge on occasion, they're MUCH better. One additional delight was that the nasty heel spur that I've been suffering with since about Christmas last year-- the pain is GONE!!! I don't understand! My chiropractor said the MSM didn't cure it -- it just is masking the pain and that I need to be taking calcium in addition. The MSM tastes funky at first-- my husband won't touch it. It's an acquired taste but I don't notice it anymore. I highly recommend it.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Robert (Martinez, CA) on 03/22/2008

I have been taking msm 1 gm/day for years as well as family & friends in a combo supplement which includes vit. c & mineral ascorbates.No negative effects reported from anyone.

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 09/27/2010

Troy, I am sure everyone understands what detox is. But when your 48 yr old husband whom you love more than life itself wakes up in the middle of the night with a heart jumping out of control after taking msm for 2 days, detox is the last thing on your mind!!! My hubby had already made 2 trips to the ER with rapid heartbeat a couple years ago. These symptoms decreased to almost zero with the addition of magnesium, co-q-10 and L-carnitine to his daily diet, but is now truly down to zero after adding d-3, k-2, quercetin and milk thistle. Yay!! Then last night, he had another episode thing with the heart pounding. I also had severe head pain and EXCESSIVE thirst, even though I drink tons of water. We are stopping this msm after only 2 days. He doesn't need it bad enough to experience heart problems, and try to work through a "detox". I need HIM around more than he needs msm! To encourage someone to stay on something that is causing serious side effects is simply dangerous advise in my opinion! Arthritic and joint pain can be treated with Hyaluronic Acid, which is what we are doing. Husband just wanted to add the msm to see if the results would be even greater, so that's why we added it to our mix. Not anymore, though! I'm throwing out that big bag of white powder today!

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Maria (Canberra, Australia) on 08/28/2020

Some years ago, a scientist announced that worldwide people are Vitamin D deficient, even those who are working in the sun. What he said was so controversial that he has been shut down. Cannot find his work anywhere and sadly didn't write down his name but am sure he was Scandinavian. I think he said that there is a change in our Sun.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Angela (Georgia ) on 09/15/2021

I take it for asthma - to breathe- so I have to take it morn and night.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 11/21/2021

Aahhh, makes perfect sense now!
I appreciate the explanation.
I'll report back if I have any noticeable results.
Thanks :)

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