Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

Posted by Bill (Santa Ana, ca) on 09/03/2007

I burned my finger one day at home. I quickly grabbed the DMSO washed my finger, poured it over the finger. The pain and swelling stopped immediately. No subsequent problems. While winter hiking in the Sierras a girl in our group burned her hand on a hot stove. I applied the DMSO from my backpack. She came to me the next morning to say she had no distress at all from the burn.

I also used it on my mother's face when she fell on the cement smashing her glasses and nose. It moved the blood right out. The next day she had yellowing of the skin. Great stuff. I carry it everywhere.

Posted by Rober tHenry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , ,

Ticks are bad this summer at our farm even though I have Guineas , which are supposed to rid you of this parasite. We use DMSO for some of our ailments and I had a brain storm. This is one of the most powerful solvents known. When I find a tick, I no longer try to pull it out of my hide. I just cover it with DMSO and it is dead within a few minutes and you can just roll it off. I buy DMSO gel from the Doctor in Oregon who did all the initial research, but you can buy it at any Farm Co-op. If it works on million dollar horses, it will work on you. ATS.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 04/22/2023

Hi Andra, I watched a video on youtube, This heart surgeon could not get over the second X-ray which showed almost all the plaque was gone. All the Patient did was take 1 tablespoon of Organic Olive Oil daily.

I take it just in case.

Take care


Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 04/23/2023

Hello Andra of Calgary, Alberta,

Researching can be fun and certainly wise if you are about to jump into a new adventure. I was up early this morning so I decided to help you in your research. I did not see any Pubmed studies for DMSO plaque cleaning. What I did find is two articles that can be helpful.

One article says:

"Some people claim that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) helps to dissolve calcium deposits, but DMSO isn't approved for this purpose."

The next article is a more flavorful, it says…

"Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. As a result, oxygen-rich blood flow is limited to both your organs and other parts of your body. Typical treatments involve lifestyle challenges like a healthy diet and exercise. In laboratory testing, DMSO has demonstrated its ability to delay the development of narrowing arteries induced by dietary cholesterol. It also suppresses the accumulation of cholesterol in tissues, despite severely elevated levels." laboratory testing, DMSO has demonstrated its ability, of cholesterol in tissues, despite severely elevated levels.

Long-Covid, Strokes
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 04/24/2023

Gary you are right,

I have an Olive oil for the heart story.

One of our church mothers testified that when she was a young woman, her heart was so bad that walking up a flight of stairs was breathtaking for her. She said, as she and her husband slept one night, her husband saw an angel. The angel said, "Give your wife a spoon of olive oil each day." She did not say what size spoon. She said it as if she was still taking it.

What I do know for sure, is that she was still visiting the sick in hospitals, and often doing her own shopping until she went to be with the Lord at ninety something. I would be going in a building, and with a smile, she would wave at me leaving the building. I would wonder what keeps her going. I never got the swing of daily olive oil, maybe I should try again.


Here is a very encouraging Amazon Review for DMSO:

5.0 out of 5 stars 100%

Reviewed in the United States on February 10,2019

Size: 16 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase

It seems to be clearing up my blood clot issues. I had a massive pulmonary embolism April 2018 and have had shortness of breath since then. After about 3 weeks of taking a capful of this mixed with juice, I am able to do 4 flights of stairs with no breathing issues.

Internal Use
Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 06/30/2021 73 posts

I am 79yrs old, been around for awhile and I found this site not long ago and I have read many comments, am using some of there natural things that have been posted, perhaps people will try things that I have posted. Now the real reason I am replying to this posting is your DMSO comment and you feeling that EC should debate you, well that is not the business they are in, AFTERALL who are you? You should be so glad that the Staff here posted your comment, I never would have. I used DMSO over 55 yrs ago, big deal. Be thankful your comment was accepted, hoping you go after Big PHARMA now. I love this site!

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Slauwkoo (Manitoba) on 04/07/2021

Where in Canada can one get DMSO? I have tried at farm supply stores, drug stores and hardware stores but no one has even heard of DMSO.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Lou (San Francisco, CA) on 04/09/2021

I have few questions for you -

1. where do you buy DMSO?

2. what purity DMSO and type?

3. how do you take it? and how many times?

thank you

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Margeaux (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/05/2018


Thanks so much for the reply about what to use to apply the DMSO. I hadn't thought about the cotton having pesticides, interesting, and you're right!

Now using a small glass jar is quite a unique idea. I'm thinking that the glass jar would probably have to be kind of small, so one could have more control of it when applying the gel to the skin? The idea of a glass pestle is great. I'm going to look for one next time I'm in a store that has higher end kitchen acoutrements, I know I've seen these somewhere. I was thinking of a glass stir, like one of those to stir up a drink.

Thanks great ideas!


DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Art (California) on 05/15/2022 2165 posts


DMSO is a solvent and plastic is known to leach. Although quite convenient, possibly not the safest method for application because the nature of a spray bottle is that it holds the fluid in the plastic pump even when not in use. That means the solvent is in contact with the plastic 24/7 and there is no practical way to determine if the plastic has leached into the solvent. Is it worth the risk, since DMSO is well noted for carrying things through the skin barrier?


Natural Antibiotic
Posted by Enid (California) on 11/19/2016

Dmso works great when paired with coconut oil which is a natural antibiotic

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Fred (Nicaragua) on 09/17/2016

Perhaps if your husband would use a little also he wouldn't smell it on you. Like eating an onion, if both people eat a little neither smells it.

Where to Buy DMSO Locally
Posted by Barb (Usa) on 08/19/2016

I get dmso at the farm store, too. If it's good enough for million dollar horses, it's good enough for me. It has to say not for human use or it would be regulated and you wouldn't be able to get it. Your lightbulbs probably say don't eat them, too. It's all government regulations gone amuck.

Bone Spur
Posted by Jorge (Redmond, Wa) on 02/01/2015


DO NOT DO WHAT NICK SUGGESTED. First of all, taking your blood pressure medication with DMSO will cause the amount consumed to rapidly filter into your bloodstream, which may cause a precipitous drop in your blood pressure. Second of all, blood pressure medications are designed to reach a certain concentration in your blood for a given amount of time; even though it will be more rapidly absorbed, the final concentration, if you use 1/10th of a pill, will be 1/10th of normal. This is a bad idea all around.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill Leach (Idaho, Usa) on 10/04/2014


Veterinary DMSO is pharmaceutical grade. What you MUST avoid is industrial grade primarily because of the trace solvents present.

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/11/2014


You can get the pure DMSO on line from "Dr Jacobs DMSO" and can see a great 3 part video on DMSO by googling "dr Jacobs DMSO 60 minutes youtube"...

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Tommo (Thailand) on 06/09/2020

I am not qualified in any way but if I had the ear problem I would try mixing the DMSO with Colloidal Silver and put a few drops in. Slowly slowly.

Pain Relief
Posted by Kate B (Southern Ala) on 04/23/2016

Get DMSO at Tractor Supply. 16 oz for 8.00 bucks

Recommended DMSO Books
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa ) on 07/17/2012

HU U MYSTIC SAGE, , , , , , , , , ,

This is not the only natural medical thing that gives me concern that the Traditional Medical folks fight tooth and nail. We have cleaned out our blood vessels with EDTA Chelation and have used the CEDSA to learn of the parasites that have taken us over. That is now a thing of the past. We main line Glutithione to avoid Dementia. We have yet to receive the blood test results that was developed by Purdue U that tells you 5 to 7 years ahead of time that you have cancer on the way and has a protocol to combat the problem. That will be a biggie.

These are all things to keep you from having these problems. I am just a lowly Ch E. But I think DMSO works best as a carrier in an IV situtation. Dr. Jacob is the authority on DMSO, but the Gov. has cowed this great man.

My latest project is to use a lowly Egg Plant solution to treat the Actinic Kerartosis which covers my face before it becomes cancerous.

Love you all ======ROBERT HENRY=====

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Water, S-o-t-r (Albuquerque, N.m.) on 10/23/2010

Whenever using DMSO I always mix it with Rhus Tox ointment (available through any Homeopathic Lab or retail source) to protect against skin reactions which are common with DMSO and which were the excuse used by the Feds to not approve DMSO for human use. This has worked with many dozens of persons and hundreds of applications.

Posted by Pammy (Malibu, California, United States) on 07/03/2010

One of the most amazing treatments I have ever used is DMSO for burns. I have had serious burns and minor burns.

Usually I just open the container and slap a big tablespoon of DMSO on the burn. It is best to do it right away. I keep it on for about 1/2 hr. I keep a jar in my kitchen for the possibilities of getting burned at the stove. It takes the pain away immediately and the pain never comes back. You can apply a little each day for awhile, but I have not found that necessary. I wish every one knew about this as burns can be so painful. And the burns heal up nicely.

It is either Canada or Alaska that they use DMSO in ER for burns. Blessings to all. Pammy

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Dr. Gerald (Armadale, Western Australia) on 01/23/2011

Hi Everyone

It is best to store DMSO in glass bottles because as a extremely good solved it can leach it or even dissolve some of the ingredients in the plastic. Having said that there are some plastics which can be used to store DMSO (some manufacturers use a plastic bottle not sure what plastic is used in these). More research needs to be done on the effects of DMSO on various disease processes the potentials are fantastic. I have used 1 to 2 teaspoons taken internally with great success the only side effect is a garlic type odour.

kind regards

Dr. Gerald Veurink

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Vic (Colorado Springs, Co) on 12/15/2012

Hi Dr: I was wondering what type of DMSO you used where you bought it and for what purpose you used it? Thanks Regards. Vic I would like to use it for COPD.

1or 2 teespoons of dmso oraly Please explain?

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Robin (MD) on 07/13/2022

Leaded glass? Need we inquire any further?

Posted by Nancy (Iqaluit, Canada) on 04/24/2007

Hi there I just have to say that I have battled cold sore for my entire life since I was a very small child. These are embarassing and very sore. I found out about DMSO and purchased some. I put it on my lip as soon as I feel that tingling feeling that comes prior to an outbreak. Since using this product the cold sore does not become visable. I am thankful and recommend others who suffer to give it a try.

Posted by Rob (South Africa) on 07/02/2022

My wife is on (10%-DMSO) and Colloidal-Silver through the Nebulizer.

We separately do 5ml (10%-DMSO) and then 5ml Colloidal.

Her terrible coughing has improved 90% within the first day.

She had Asthma as a child.

DMSO With Food
Posted by sunshine31527 (Jekyll Island Ga) on 02/18/2023

Hi Josey..........

I have used DMSO drops on on my cat's food, about 5 or 6 drops each meal, because of a respiratory problem he had. And it worked so well that in a few days he was acting like a cat again and doing all the cat things they do. Also putting 1/4 teaspoon borax in a bowl of water for him. I also use dmso on my skin and as a mouth wash mixed with distilled water. It's great stuff.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/21/2021 461 posts

I would simply pour some into my palm and rub it in. If and when it became uncomfortable, I'd lightly rinse, rub the water into my hands, shake and let dry.

Internal Use
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/01/2021 461 posts

ORH - just to be clear, as an explorer, I enjoy dialogue but I don't do "debate" which is why I failed to read past the first lines of either of your remarks. I merely skimmed them and didn't realize I'd offended you. I won't apologize because it wasn't my intention but I shan't bother you again. Best wishes.

Internal Use
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 06/30/2021

Hi Cindy (Illinois) -

I felt a great comfort reading your experience about death - a very interesting awesome ride.

We all die eventually. Your description was natural and logical - after all, it is part of life. No judgement. Nothing to be afraid of.

Thank you, Cindy. I always enjoy your postings!

Take care,


Internal Use
Posted by HisJewel (North Carolina) on 07/01/2021

Death and Life Experiences

I have heard many tell of how they went from earth, to Glory and back to earth stories.

And if you are not a resident within the gates of pearls or the gate of hell you have simply been given more time.

Almost every one that I have heard tell the story of the Light, and many tell of feeling liquid love around them, even those who did not believe in Love.

If you are back in your body there is more to the life and death story to experience.

My brother tell's of how in his young gang banging days, at about 16 years old he almost died. I know that he was almost beaten to death with a baseball bat. His friends called mother and said he was dead.

He told me of his tunnel and light experience. He repeats his story usually when a friend dies. Yet he knows he did not make the whole trip. And if anyone says they are in a better place, he asks how do you know have you been there?

I try to console him by saying, maybe the speaker is saying heaven is better than hell.

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by Jen (Cape Coral) on 12/17/2022

Look up joe tippens

Arthritis, Cancer
Posted by martio (Ramapo NY) on 10/23/2022

Many people have asked Kenny to explain how to use dmso especially for cancer as he mentioned, Kenny has not been heard from Kenny is missing. I don't know if Kenny was honest with his information or not. Please people if you post any info, please explain the protocol that was used so you might help someone and avoid any anxieties. Thank you

EC: Hi Mario,

Kenny might not have signed up to be notified by email when someone replied to his post. Also, sometimes our auto-reply notifications end up in someone's junk mailbox and they never see it. That might explain his lack of response.

Nebulizing DMSO
Posted by Cindy (Illlinois, USA) on 05/19/2021 461 posts

I'm not going to "nebulize" DMSO but I DO take the stopper out and inhale the vapors. I don't really have any issues but I can definitely feel it, nevertheless. I also do that, occasionally, with hydrogen peroxide, ClO2 and an extra strong cayenne tincture I made. Though not at the same time, mind you. They all have an effect, inhaling the vapors, but I don't really have any issues so can't attest to the effect any of them would have on a problem.

I DO wish I'd tried inhaling the cayenne tincture vapors 0 and the others if the cayenne didn't work - when I had that sinus awfulness after Covid, but didn't think of it until later.

I'm going to "wild ferment" some cayenne peppers all the way through the bubbling and try inhaling vapors (and maybe some probiotics) from THAT - without the CO2, of course. But I'll wait for some sort of sinus "thing". I'm thinking I'll just put some in a little pinch bowl with a bit of the brine and inhale whatever probiotics might come off it, see what happens. I don't get sinus infections but I DO get stuffy when the house does.

Staph, Split Skin, Wounds
Posted by Pegann L (NJ) on 04/20/2021

I was wondering if you could share how you take it orally as your “maintenance” program? How much of what purity, what do you mix it with, what do you put it in & how often you take it? I am very interested in your results as well, if you are willing to share?

Joint Pain
Posted by Richard (Plymouth U.k.) on 09/08/2018

I am using 2 tablespoons of DMSO internally per day!! And my aches pains and swellings are all dissipating.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Bob (USA) on 11/25/2020

Try a small glass spray bottle.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Reina (Groningen Netherlands) on 04/06/2021

A spray bottle has plastic parts, I would not use that for DMSO.

Sinus Infections
Posted by Shelley (California) on 11/24/2017

I have been using DMSO in a spray bottle 3 pumps every 30 minutes for sinus infection. Have been doing this for 1 days. It is finally breaking up.

Sore Throat
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/08/2016 461 posts

The DMSO fixed my sore throat before it spread to full blown, on both sides. It also, apparently, eliminated some swelling in my neck that I hadn't realized WAS swelling. Not sure what that's about.

Haven't used the ear drops yet but put some of the DMSO aloe on a q-tip and ran that around in both ears, which are now popping - both on their own and when I swallow. So that' at approximately 5 minutes. Interesting.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Judy (California) on 01/09/2016

I have used DMSO 99.9% pure once using my fingertips and found that it "dehydrated" them, which lasted all night. I would recommend using another method if not diluting it.

DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sheila (Maryland) on 08/12/2022

I use both in a nebulizer daily, one part each of DMSO, H2O2, and sterile saline. Others may want a milder mixture, but I have been using this for 3 months now with great results for my COPD.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Dee (Ca) on 03/29/2015

Be very careful with DMSO. It's a great product but remember it will carry anything it's connected to through the skin - bacteria, viruses, dirt. So while its anti-inflammatory properties are great and you hook it up with the Ellawood to get it in, it can also take anything else so you have to have a scrupulous technique and make sure your hands are clean. Make sure you got medical grade DMSO for that matter.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Sean (Fl) on 10/03/2015

DMSO can be administered via-oral topical or iv.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/17/2015

Dear Glo,

I have 99.9% DMSO that I got at the farm store. I just dilute it for topical use. I believe that it is not recommended to use more than 70% DMSO topically. So, you could dilute 2/3 DMSO with 1/3 distilled water to get about 66%, which is close enough, I think. I have also diluted it half and half with castor oil, Colloidal Silver, Aloe Gel, and Mullein Root tincture, depending on what I am treating.

I have found it helpful and hope you do, too!

~Mama to Many~

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Rod (Portland, Oregon) on 05/22/2016

It is called "solvation." It is not, strictly speaking, a chemical reaction, as the molecules themselves are not altered--only their nearest-neighbor relationships change. The DMSO molecules like to be in contact with water molecules -- the total energy is lower, therefore potential energy is released as heat. The same thing happens when you mix salt with water, though the effect is too small to notice.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/28/2014

I am looking into this idea of "Oil Pulling". And if it does work, why would DMSO not be a good idea? DMSO has some of the characteristics of an oil. I started last night with DMSO and I did it this morning too. I used pure 99.9 percent pure DMSO. It has a warming effect. I did not find it objectionable at all. (If I kick the bucket, please ignore anything I have ever said because I never met Jack, and not know Jack).

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Frank (Rochester, Ny) on 03/02/2014

I would be careful using DMSO as an oil pulling "oil". The bacteria from any dental plague in your mouth will get absorbed into your bloodstream and might cause heart problems like Infectious Endocarditis. If I were you, I would only use the traditional oils that have been used for centuries in this particular technique.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Justin (Chiapas, Mexico) on 02/19/2014

Hello to Dave at Fountain Inn.

Thanks so much for yor response. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I just broke my first fast- a 72 hour dry fast. Wow. That was by far one of the most intense experiences that I have ever willingly put myself through. Especially because for the last two weeks my bowels were totally out of wack and having so much diarea. I think I went into the fast very much dehydrated. Then on top of that I am and always have been very thin with probably -50 % body fat. So I immediately turned into a living skeleton. That is why I didn't continue. I was in fact feeling really good. No healing reactions to speak of. actually I had a surprising amount of mental and physical energy. at times I felt like I was flying. And my bowels feel much better, having given them a vacation. But in the end I just let myself be consumed by fantasies of water, flowing rivers and pools of sweet colorful juice. I was living always just out of reach of the most mouth life saving mirage. And finally on the third night when I first looked at myself in the mirror I was shocked to see the grissle I had reduced myself too. I was thinking to continue fasting but I was concerned that if I passed through another night I just may disappear all together.

Now I am two days into breaking the fast. Slowly slowly. chewing my water and fresh coconut water. Yesterday I drank a the juice of the most heavenly watermelon. Today more water, coconut water and maybe some mango juice. mmmm I can't wait.

you may be right Dave aboat the Montezuma's Revenge. I have never had it before so it very well could be that. last month I inquired at a few "naturista" - health food/ supplement stores for ACV. I thought maybe I could get the good organic stuff, but they didn't have it. I was told that I could find it in the supermarket. Would definitely prefer the organic. Man that stuff is delicious. Now after spending more time on this Earth Clinic web site, I have read aboat how many people are using ACV for everything under the sun. So I will definitely try to get my hands on some.

That's cool that your were in Romania and Albania. Man I have wanted to check out Romania and that part of the world for quite some time. I hope to get over to Europe this summer to walk El Camino de Santiago. Then after was thinking that I could slowly make my way over to Macedonia and then maybe Bulgaria and then possibly winter over in Romania....hahaha, wouldn't that be nice and bone chilling. then pass the spring somewhere in Albania. Yes it is a very nice "what if" journey. I know one could spend a life time exploring each one of those countries, so maybe I'll make it to Macedonia and never leave.

Cool man. hey thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it. And like I said I am a big fan of DMSO. I am very curious to personally witness her healing powers in the future. If I may ask, why have you been using DMSO?

Yes this is a wonderful site. It feels like a community with concerned people trying to help each other out....such a beautiful thing. I spent a considerable amount of time reading aboat peoples personal testimonials using all kinds of treatments. most recently I have been reading all that I can on the uses of Turpentine for healing. I always thought it was poison but I see know that I was wrong. So I would love to get my hands on the purest Turpentine. As well as Fulvic acid/ Shilagit.....Nascent Iodine, Ormus. The list goes on.

Ok Dave, all the very best to you.....Justin

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by JOHN (HI) on 12/15/2020 6 posts

Justin, did you see this?

Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol, is chlorine dioxide, an industrial bleach. It is made by mixing aqueous sodium chlorite with an acid (such as the juices of citrus fruits or vinegar). This mixture produces chlorine dioxide, a toxic chemical that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening low blood pressure due to dehydration.

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

I have been very satisfied with the DMSO I bought from Robert L. Brock at his DMSO is 99.996 % pure. That is good enough for me. All I could find local is 99 % and that leaves 1% of unknown. That might be fine for a silver coin but not for DMSO. I know this stuff is pure because it freezed right at the tempurature of the chemical. It was 65 degrees and it was frozen solid. The freezing point is 65.4 degrees of pure DMSO.

Plantar Fasciitis
Posted by Janice (Long Island, Ny.) on 06/12/2016

I was thinking about using DMSO for the same condition but am hesitant because it's your feet and you step on all kinds of dirt. Even if you put a sock on, I'm not sure if it's safe because of germs getting in there.

Pain Relief
Posted by Priya (QLD, Australia) on 05/20/2021

Noticed that when taking MSM orally, you need to consume it at least 2 to 3 hours before sleeping as otherwise it will keep you up.

Posted by Naomi (NC) on 10/24/2023

Make yourself a solution of DMSO and a good aloe vera gel (1 cup aloe to 1/4 cup DMSO). You might also add 1/4 cup of colloidal silver if you want. Use this on your face and you won't have the drying and flakiness because the aloe vera counteracts that.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/18/2014

Dear Sojourner,

I think I would err on the side of caution and throw it out.

~Mama to Many~

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Rita (Broomall, Pa) on 12/11/2014

Leaded crystal is very dangerous. If you put alcohol in it, lead will leach into the liquid. Therefore, I imagine the same would be true of DMSO. I put nothing in leaded crystal containers. It's not worth taking the chance of consuming lead.

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