Arachnoid Cyst on the Brain

| Modified on Sep 08, 2023

Arachnoid Cyst on Brain

Arachnoid cysts are found between the arachnoid membrane and the brain or spinal cord; they are sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Babies are born with primary (intracranial) arachnoid cysts. Secondary (spinal) arachnoid cysts are a result of tumors, a head injury, meningitis or brain surgery. Symptoms depend on the size and location of the cyst and usually develop in children or teens. Boys are four times more like to have arachnoid cyst on brain.

Symptoms and Diagnosis
- Nausea, headache, vomiting, seizures, vision, hearing, balance and walking problems.
- Spinal cord cysts cause tingling, pain or numbness in back or legs.
- There may be no symptoms or symptoms may develop if the cyst grows.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain or spine scans are used for diagnosis.

- A surgeon may surgically remove the cyst membranes.
- The cyst may be opened and drained.
- A shunt may be installed.

Natural Treatment
This would address treating symptoms such as headache or nausea.
- ACV, cayenne pepper and turmeric help many with headaches. Aroma therapy and massage, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, feverfew or rubbing on oils (lavender).
- Drink up to 8 glasses of water daily. Do not drink any caffeine.
- Put a cold, moist cloth where it hurts. Do not use a warm or hot cloth; it will make it worse.
- Nausea may be helped by charcoal, baking soda or sniffing alcohol swabs.

Nerve Pain Remedies

Posted by Sandy (Cedar Grove, Wisconsin) on 10/24/2018

I need help with severe nerve pain coming from arachnoiditis. I had a double spine fusion and the surgery failed. Since then (2002) I've been in pain every day of my life. I've been on opioids for at least 10 years and I know they are just covering the pain. They are not helping any more. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions.

Replied by Art
2165 posts

I would try magnesium oil to see if it is helpful. That is a very non-invasive thing to try and is fairly inexpensive to try out an 8 ounce spray bottle of it. Mag oil helps some people with nerve pain. if it is helpful, you can buy a larger bag of magnesium chloride flakes and make your own mag oil very inexpensively and very simply by just mixing the flakes with distilled water.


Replied by Toni

Sandy, did you ever discover anything that helps with this? I have a friend that just got diagnosed.
