Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

| Modified on May 04, 2024
Posted by Gloria (Florida) on 04/17/2017

Garlic was the only cure for my shingle's problem. I got sick in 2013. When I got the pain in the right side of my face, I thought it was a tooth problem. I took pain killers and went to the dentist on Friday. The dentist fixed a cavity, but the pain kept getting worse. It was a holiday weekend and the dentist couldn't see me. I couldn't eat, the pain was terrible. I went to see the doctor and he thought it was a trigeminal neuralgia and prescribed me an anti-inflammatory steroid with antibiotic. It was worse and I went to see the dentist again. My face was very swallowed and the dentist didn't find anything wrong, then he sent me again to the doctor. My daughter had to take me there, I was in very bad condition. At this time I already had some blisters in my face. The doctor prescribed me the acyclovir. By the time we left the doctor's office, the pain was impossible to manage. I was taking Tylenol 800. My daughter took me to the ER and they had to put me IV Acyclovir and Antibiotic . They gave me morphine and it didn't work.

Because the case was very severe, it almost took my eye and ear. The nerves were severely damaged and after that I got the shingles all the time. I never recover completely and I had to be in acyclovir most of the time. I tried every remedy possible but it didn't help. In Oct 2016 I stated taking (about) 8,000 milligrams. of fresh garlic a day. As few as 2 weeks I stopped the Acyclovir. I changed my diet. After a severe shingle's episode the nerve system gets deteriorated. You have to restore it. NO sugar. No alcohol. No spices. At least 8 glasses of water. I tried fruits and vegetables one at a time.

Remember the garlic lowers the blood pressure; start it in small amounts and see how your system reacts. The blueberries were great but effects me in the eyes. The sugar in pineapple helps to lower the levels of sugar in the blood. It's good for me. Out meal, olive oil and bananas work fine, but you can gain weight. In the morning I have a banana, I eat at least 2 eggs a day and one or two cucumbers (peeled) with lunch. I control the rice, bread and potatoes so I don't gain weight. I take two tablespoons of oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of olive oil in half glass or regular milk a day before bedtime. It helps me sleep. I eat sea food once a week.

At this time I am trying to substitute the fresh garlic for the odorless tablets. Sometimes is uncomfortable, but hey! I feel great and I Thank God for this new life that I have.


Posted by Sherry (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/04/2021

Last year had an outbreak of shingles, had lysine on hand so upped my dose to help remove the shingles virus. Outbreak on the right side of my body in 3 weeks cleared. I've had 3 more outbreaks, the last one felt like it was going in my right eye so much pain, also in my scalp. It crossed over to the left side pain and burning on my hip, I took 6 lysine and within 20 minutes watched it dry up. Reading it is caused by too much arginine in the body, must keep more lysine than arginine. I was putting 1 tablespoon cocoa powder in my coffee every morning high in arginine, it blocks lysine. Now I watch my intake of arginine and take 4 lysine capsules a day. No more outbreak.

Posted by Louise (Saint George, Utah) on 09/26/2011

I have used L-Lysine for over 30 years to PREVENT and lessen the outbreak of cold sores and shingles. I first heard about it in the Saturday Evening Post in the 1980's. They apparently did several studies on the subject. At the time I had cold sore blisters on my mouth almost continually. I began to take mega-doses of L-Lysine (at least 3000 mg per day). I took them for about 15 days and because the cold sores were almost gone, I reduced the dose to about 1500 mg a day for another 30 days. I then took about 500 mg a day for another 2 or 3 months.

Then, because I had not had any breakouts, my drive to take the amino acid had become almost non-existant. What I discovered is that if I felt a tingle on my lip--I knew that an outbreak was immenent and I began to take the mega doses of L-Lysine again for a week or so. Then I never had an outbreak of cold sores again. Each time I got the tingle the L-Lysine prevented the outbreak. What I didn't know was that the virus is sneaky. I broke out in shingles on my chest during a time I wasn't taking the L-Lysine and I didn't know what the pain was signaling. When I started to breakout in the blisters I realized what it was and began the mega doses of L-Lysine again. When I was able to see a doctor to confirm my outbreak--I had no pain, and refused to take the offer of pain medication. He, of course, scoffed at the idea the the amino acid had anything to do with the lightness of my outbreak.

By the way, I've not had another outbreak of shingles, either. If I feel the burning/tingling sensation anywhere on my body. I take the mega doses of L-Lyine and I have never had any more outbreaks. IT WORKS!!!! It saved the quality of my life!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Gary (Claxton, Georgia) on 02/01/2015

The War On Shingles

Sunday, February 1,2015,0408, As I lay sleeping, my position came under attack by, varicella-zoster virus (better known as shingles). I awakened to the "off the charts" pain that comes from a red hot piece of shrapnel being laid across my right hip, back of the right thigh and groin. It is the kind of pain that my sweetheart best describes as a "Take me now, Lord" moment. I have been at war for nearly two weeks with this insane foe. I've counter-attacked daily with copious amounts of organic apple cider vinegar, aloe-vera gel, coconut oil and cayenne pepper from day one.

These weapons have been sufficient for the surge. I have re-taken most of the territory the enemy occupied from the onslaught. This latest attack is shingles' futile last gasp effort to return to the fray with a vengeance. DO NOT concede! Return fire with straight ACV to the infected area 3-4 times per day and a salve composed of 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil and 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Stay focused and keep up the fight! You can and will defeat it. I sincerely thank God, Gloria (Salem, MA) who posted on 02/25/2007 and the good folks here at Earth Clinic. God Bless.

Vitamin C
Posted by Alexander (Louisiana) on 12/22/2017

My shingles outbreaks were continously, in the same place. As soon as one outbreak would heal, another would break out.

Then I started taking Vitamin C to bowel tolerance daily and have never had another shingles outbreak in years. Not to mention my overall health has also improved.

Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 10/19/2021

My wife's grandmother, when in her early 70s, had had chronic shingles for a couple of years. Kroger started carrying acidophilus milk. She started buying it once a month, and each time would be shingles free for a week. She started buying it twice a month, and would then be shingles free for 2 weeks out of each month.

Finally, she found she could buy acidophilus in capsules, and as long as she continued to take them she had no more shingles.

Posted by Michelle (United States) on 07/04/2015

My father had the worst outbreak of shingles ever seen by the local hospital.[he is diabetic, so immune compromised] I started him on 1000 mg of lysine, daily. He experienced rapid healing, and with one daily has experienced no further outbreaks. This also works for oral herpes, if taken at first sign of tingling- 2 1000 mg to start, then 1 cap 2x daily for one week.

Vitamin D
Posted by Kathryn (Ar) on 05/01/2018

In response to Kayla (Md) post on 04/27/2018

I'm 25, and this current outbreak of Shingles is my 6th (yes, SIXTH) outbreak in the last YEAR. Yet I can't get the Shingles Vaccine. I have a 3 year old and a newborn that can both easily get Chicken Pox from me now. But nope, can't get the vaccine, I'm not 50 yet. Only 25 more years of this before I can get some long-term relief without taking pills every single day. I am so sick of getting Shingles!!!

Kayla, my sister in law is 47 and began having repeated outbreaks of shingles. Her doctor tested her vitamin D level and found it was low, he told her to start taking vitamin D capsules and once her level got up to where it was supposed to be, her shingles outbreaks stopped. She told me she hasn't had any outbreaks since. Maybe this could help you too.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Lizzy (Asheville, Nc) on 10/16/2014

Thank you so much for posting about the antifungal cream for shingles. I bought some ringworm cream at the pharmacy yesterday and applied to my shingles patch. It was the 6th day of my shingles outbreak and even though Dave's wonderful remedies were helping, the blistering area was still painful and red. I can't believe it, in just over 24 hours and 2 applications, the area has almost completely dried up and is no longer painful. Remarkable!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Isabelle (BALTIMORE MD USA) on 02/25/2023

December, 2022

Day 1:
Pain in the shoulder. I put it down to my itchy clothes. But I start applying ointments of all kinds, for pain.

Day 2
I slept very badly. The pain continues, radiates to the arm and goes up the neck.
I start taking turmeric.

Day 3
At night I can't sleep. I get up and beg God to heal me. And suddenly I think it must be shingles! (probably God inspiring me.)
I immediately do researches in my books:
I read that it is very important:

- to alkalize the body.
- eat a lot of greens.
-de-stress as much as possible
-a lot of rest/sleep on demand.

Day 4
I start taking the products every hour. And others every two hours.
Curcumin. 1000mg x 8/ day
Bromelain 500mg x 6/day
Vitamin B12 2000 mg x 3/day
Vitamin D 20,000 IU
Magnesium homeopathy
Valerian extract: 1 pipette
Propolis spray. 3x/ day
Every 3 hours I drink sodium bicarbonate 1/2 tsp. coffee, with 1 tbsp. tablespoon cider vinegar in water

Day 5
Still very tired like yesterday. Since Sunday, the pimples are visible on the collarbone. More appeared at the base of my neck today. The pain in the arm goes to the elbow, and hurts a lot. I continue to take care of myself.

Day 6
Slept well. Less tired. But hurt in my arm. The pimples still haven't popped. I applied black cumin oil 3 times a day, in which I added drops of essential oil of :clove, tea tree, lavender and geranium.

Day 7
Today I have more strength. I slept well the arm pain is average. I keep taking many times a day
- baking soda and cider vinegar
- vitamin B12
Just added Colloidal silver – 250 ppm.

Discovery! I read in my book that HE eucalyptus is very good for cases of neuralgia and that it is antibacterial.

So I make an oil, having as base olive oil with:
-HE eucalyptus (a lot of drops! )
-HE Thyme
-HE Lavender
-HE Sage
-HE rosemary
-HE geranium
And I apply this oil to myself, each time the pain comes back.

Day 8
This morning I don't feel very well like I have a fever. Not a lot of energy. I feel that my body is fighting hard.
To be able to go shopping, I take an aspirin 1000.

Day 9
This morning a pain starts near the ear. I immediately apply my oil containing essential oils.
The pimples are drying on the collarbone. I take another aspirin 1000 so as not to have pain, when my daughter comes to visit me.
This afternoon, I feel very strong!

Day 10
Today the pain is also in my ear, pain like otitis. I stick a cotton ball with Swedish Bitter herbs in it. The pain went away after a few hours.
Neuralgia in the shoulder at the pimples. I take baking soda and colloidal silver.

Day 11
Slept for nine hours like a baby. The pain in the ear is gone. But still shoulder pain. Application of eucalytus HE directly on the skin as well as my oil mixture hard all over the arm.

Day 12
The neuralgia in the right shoulder continues. But I prayed this morning for a complete healing.
The name of Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous take refuge in it and find safety.
I continue :
Baking soda plus apple cider vinegar
– turmeric mega doses
–complex, B 12
–silver, colloidal
The buttons are dried.

Day 13
I'm doing well! Just a little more pain in the shoulder but I apply the mixture as soon as the pain is there.

I am the Lord your God who heals you of all your diseases.

Day 14 and 15
Slept well. Still a little launch in the shoulder. But I notice that after each application of my oil, the pain goes away and comes back less and less often too. I praise God for my healing.

16th day
First day I wake up feeling comfortable. Just once or twice I felt a bit of shoulder discomfort today! Thanks my God!
I still continue some vitamins, and oil application.

Until the 21st day.
No more pain at all. I will continue the applications twice daily, morning and evening, for another week.

One of the secrets was to start right at the beginning and to fight hard with megadoses.

Posted by Chrissy (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/28/2011

I recently had a serious bout of shingles; huge blisters from my clevage under my left arm through to my spine, After taking all the meds the doctor prescribed which did little to help the pain or help me to sleep, I decided to give acupuncture a try. The relief was instant, I have slept like a baby since beginning the treatment and the pain is very much under control. I'm only sorry I didn't get the treatment right from the onset as the acupuncturist says she could have stopped the shingles in it's tracks.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Izma (Hollywood, California) on 03/19/2007

From what I see of your numerous cures. It appears that Shingles may just dissappear. Personally I used the antifungal cream clotrimazole, followed the next day by Clorox disinfectant spray applied with a Q tip to each spot, and the shingles and the pain left.and havn't returned in more than five years. I had used the clorox spray before to no avail but when first used the anti fungal cream apparently that did the trick. Another thought viruses seem to be resistant to nearly everything but they may have a protective coating that takes a wetting agent to crack. and the anti fungal creme may have that ingredient. I know that it takes a wetting agent to break down ordinary mold, before clorox can disolve it. A chemist probably could explain this better than I can.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/05/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and will do little medical practice without a license. Tractor Driver has another Shingles outbreak and is always around her left eye. Treatment in the past has been antibiotics and Vit C IV. It is now back after only two months. As all know I spent almost 40 years breathing Chlorine Dioxide fumes while working in pulp mills. Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are two different animals. I have the compounds to make a weak solution of CDS and it takes a day for the gas to be absorbed in distilled water. Jim Humble called it MMS but this is called CDS, the proper name. Shingles is a virus and this will address it. We shall see. It cures Covid 100% in 4 to 8 days as all know Bolivia went from 100 deaths per day to zero. They even passed a law that it had to be used. If this works, BIG BROTHER will be after ====ORH==== for certain.

Aspirin in Water Based Cream
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/02/2016 2165 posts

If the coconut oil doesn't work for shingles, try ground up aspirin mixed into a water-based cream. The cheap uncoated aspirin that dissolves quickly in water works for me.

It not only gives quick pain relief, it slows viral replication when applied topically because the localized concentration is much higher than you can get from taking aspirin orally at the highest recommended dose according to these studies below.

Aspirin is antiviral.


Posted by Ron (Idaho) on 09/14/2022

Echinacea for shingles- get a 1 or 2 oz extract tincture and take the whole thing throughout 1 day, you can't overdose on it. This worked for me and three others, I noticed changes before the day was over, and by the next day, all that had to happen was to heal the damage done by the shingles.

Licorice Extract
Posted by Pam (Columbia Falls, Montana ) on 02/25/2022

My husband had shingles on the back of his head in his hair. He had them for two or three weeks before he showed them to me. Too late for an antiviral from the doctor. I got licorice root extract and applied 2-3 times a day and my husband rubbed it in. His shingles dried up and went away within 2-3 weeks. Completely gone. My son's father-in-law got the this fall and they got some right away. It took his pain away and healed his shingles also. We swear by it!
