Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

| Modified on May 09, 2024
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/13/2024 461 posts

Find an image of the structure of your sinuses. Do a regular neti pot rinse, blow your nose really well, then do another neti pot rinse with a purchased probiotic nasal rinse, tipping your head around, as per the structure, being sure to bend over forward AND tip your head back - as well as tipping side to side from all positions - straight, bent over and with your head tipped back. Do that to distribute it throughout the sinus passages. You'll feel it. Just keep rinsing, stopping to tip your head around, then keep rinsing and doing that until the pot is empty.

I've had 3 sinus "things" since I had "the" bug three years ago and this time, it rapidly began migrating to my lungs but this stopped it. I only did it one time, before bed, and bronchial tubes and lungs were both clear by morning. Sinuses still a bit stuffy but I used just a very tiny pinch of probiotics from a capsule. I'm going to try some cultivated microbes I'm currently preparing as I suspect this infection is rebooting.

Can't be sure, but I know that microbial drain cleaners (probiotics) travel through the pipes - even CLIMBING if there's gunk to eat which is why you also want to use the drain cleaners before bed so that nobody is running water through the drains, rinsing them away.

Not sure if that's what happens with the nasal rinse but it would make sense as even that tiny amount cleared all of the upper respiratory areas - save a single small area that I can feel in my sinuses - but it cleared my broncial tubes and lungs which were NOT rinsed, so...

We naturally breathe microbes - including the probiotics that usually keep us safe - all the time from the air, but when one is indoors all day, with unfriendly microbes floating around and procreating and one is constantly blowing one's nose, one is also constantly expelling the probiotics that get shut into the house or office with us. Or, at least, that is my suspicion.

ANYway - VERY exciting! I would say that if you use microbes you cultivate, yourself, for instance, if you make LABS - I would guess that it wouldn't take much. For soil, it's used in a 1/1000 ratio - or even MORE diluted so, just be aware. I've purposely not done it again as I expect there are CONbiotics in the house and hope it will come back, at which point I will try LABS, starting with a very diluted mixture and see what happens.

What I used this time was just a tiny bit from a PB8 probiotic capsule in about a half cup of warm water with a pinch of salt and a pinch or two of sugar, to wake them up, as I don't keep milk on hand because I don't use it for anything but LABS, so I was out of LABS, but I got a little bottle of milk and I'm cultivating some microbes as I write this so I'll have some LABS in couple of days.

Posted by FRANK (FL) on 09/21/2023

I am so glad I tried your solution. It helped me where as I went thru many antibiotic solutions that didn't come close to what your formula did for me. I was diagnosed with a staph infection 2 years ago. went from green mucus to clear in 3 days. I am very grateful for your formula and Earth Clinic info. Frankie Cee

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/28/2023

Glycerin is thick and viscous, at high concentrations it can produce irritation upon injection into the sinus membranes. Plus, it will not work in a nasal sprayer properly. You want a fine mist, not a glob dribble coming out of the sprayer. This problem is avoided with alcohol aqueous extracts.

Posted by EC (Vail, CO) on 08/28/2023

Fascinating! Can you address why it needs to be alcohol vs glycerin based please?

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/27/2023


I had a client come to me with chronic sinusitis. She has been to the doctors many times over the past 6 months and has been prescribed different antibiotics and nasal sprays (Fluticasone) with no relief.

Since she was not responding to any anti-biotic treatment made me suspect she had a fungal infection and these lame doctors are not treating the underlying problem. Plus, researchers at Mayo Clinic discovered that sinusitis, an inflammatory disease, is caused by yeast 96% of the time and cured by anti-fungals. Fungi are the major cause of a chronic sinus infection. Individuals with weak immunity are more susceptible to such infections.

According to research, chronic sinusitis (there is also acute sinusitis) is a consequence of an immune disorder triggered by fungus. Back in 1999, a research team discovered that there were fungal organisms present in the mucus of 96 percent of patients who underwent chronic sinusitis surgery. Namely, fungus and mold spores are in the air all the time and therefore, we inhale them and they stay in the sinuses' mucus lining. Since yeast are opportunistic organisms that flourish as immune function declines, it becomes obvious why these diseases are seen more. People who are more prone to chronic sinusitis will experience an immune response to the fungi, which will further cause sinusitis signs. This is why antifungals will be much more effective than antibiotics in treating the problem. Antibiotics do nothing to kill fungal infections and I believe they make things worse.


She said she could see results after the 3rd spray. In less than one week, she is 90% better.

About Goldenseal Root

Goldenseal Root (Parts Used: primarily the root, to a lesser extent leaves) is widely used in many herbal salves and ointments as a disinfectant. Goldenseal root contains berberine and hydrastine which have a broad-spectrum antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action. Goldenseal root was used by Native American tribes, including the Cherokee and Iroquois, as a yellow dye and for health conditions.

The herb's primary value is as an infection fighter for upper respiratory congestion and sinus infections as well as a topical antibiotic in skin infections, staph infections of the skin, cuts, wounds, sore throats, mouth ulcers, athlete's foot, ringworm, bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, pneumonia, gastritis ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, constipation, acne, thrush, recurrent ear infections, vaginitis, urinary tract infections, and eye infections (such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis).

How to make a Goldenseal Root Tincture Sinus Spray for Chronic Fungal Sinusitis

Material needed:

* 30ml empty clean nasal spray bottle

* Distilled water

* Goldenseal Root Tincture 1oz (must be alcohol-based ~ Not Glycerin based)


1. Add 15ml Goldenseal tincture to an empty nasal spray bottle. (1:1 ~ v tincture to water)

2. Top off bottle with distilled water.

How to use:

1. Use this spray twice in each nostril 2-5 times daily for a few weeks to resolve sinus infection.

Note: It stings a little for about 15 seconds but after that you're good to go.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/21/2023

The green tea extract is 725 mg. This is a high dose, but under the toxic level which are over 800mg. The Life Extension brand which I'm using has no caffeine, comes in capsules, and use one daily orally . As of today... my symptoms are almost GONE...So this along with the recent goldenseal droppers in saline in nostrils after eating, have changed my life.

I also use 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin C powder 1 to 2 times daily

ACV daily

Since hardly any symptoms last 2 days no goldenseal, as this is powerful and I'm only using if symptoms are significant.

The H2O2 and iodine did help, the baby shampoo did cleanse and drain but the draining was drip drip and lasted for hours so I don't know if I would recommend it, and I only used 1 drop of baby shampoo in salt in a cup of water. These remedies helped, but the symptoms still persisted.

To be sure ... check out any contraindications for you using green tea extract.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/20/2023

I'm continuing my breakthroughs. I'm writing on this thread b/c I never had a sinus issues and then 10 months ago... pure hell, in fact this is a special tormenting hell. So I feel to reach out to others b/c unless you deal with it, you don't know how debilitating it is. Not sure if it was from Covid, but it started around when I contracted it. My new added remedy is Green Tea Extract by Life Extensions 785 mg.[no caffeine ] So this is a game changer, the first day it gave me headaches but sinus symptoms were less. Next day no headache, and hardly any sinus symptoms, and I at pasta with cheese last night. I know...right? I use the 1/2 golden seal 1/2 salt solution in a cup of water. I've only had to use one dropper in each nostril head at ceiling but I use it after eating [another game changer]. Today no need for the golden seal so it's really working.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/17/2023

This is very effective for sinus infections.

Goldenseal tincture, I have from Earthpharm.

Use 1/2 dropper in 1/2 teaspoon salt solution. I used a dropper with my head tilted to ceiling, one dropper of the mix into each nostril. It didn't burn at all. It helped more than anything so far. Also drank a cup of water with a 1/2 dropper of goldenseal tincture. As GS also has berberine it passes through the blood-brain barrier, it's powerful, and helping as mentioned -more than any other remedy.

Vibration for Sinus Drainage
Posted by Morninglaurie (Michigan) on 03/01/2023

Actually, I went back to just saline in neti pot after noting some other contributors saying some of the other additions can slow down the action of the cilia…so 5 days later I am still feeling much better and still getting mucous out after doing the Heat/Vibration/Blow/Neti pot routine. Each day has become less “infected” and more clear.

Vibration for Sinus Drainage
Posted by Morninglaurie (Michigan) on 02/27/2023

I discovered this by accident…washing my face in the shower with an oscillating face brush. I had a terrible sinus infection, nothing was helping. I tried almost all of the other things posted here…2 weeks flat on my back. So after running hot water over my face, used the face brush, and accidentally crushed the bristles so that the backer was against the corner of my nose and felt the urge to sneeze as it vibrated. Interesting. So I crushed the bristles under my cheekbones and just let it vibrate. Moved it around..a little at a time, letting it vibrate each time for maybe 30 seconds. Didn't realize it because I was already wet, but my nose started running. When I discovered it, I reached out of shower for a Kleenex, and blew….infection.

Oh my gosh it was finally moving. And my head no longer felt like it was ready to explode. So after that every few hours, I wrapped the bristles in a cloth so as not to scratch, and after heating my face with a warm rice pack, I would vibrate my sinus cavities. Every time I was able to blow out infection.

Now, I am still using the neti pot also with povidone iodine, Grapefruit seed extract and xylitol and now that is helping to rinse out mucous (hadn't touched it before). Still draining a few days later, but I am not coughing after sleeping where the drainage settles in my airway, and am feeling almost human again. Will be ordering a silicone face cleaner/massager that vibrates so the bristles wont be an issue.

I have tried almost everything, including pressure points and massage, cayenne pepper drinks, honey, cider vinegar, sage tea, peroxide, povidone iodine, GSE, xylitol in the neti pot, etc. with no success. I used to be able to forestall an infection if I used the neti pot as soon as I could feel one coming on, but that no longer stops an infection for me. I don't see a lot of research out there….wondering if I do this on a regular basis will it keep sinuses open?

I hope this helps someone out there..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by sam (miami) on 01/17/2023

If you complete NAET treatment course you sinus issues would most certainly disappear.

Also there are 4 sinus cavities: frontal (the lower forehead), maxillary (cheekbones), ethmoid (beside the upper nose), and sphenoid (behind the nose); which cavity sinusitis do you have? Sphenoid sinusitis is only treated surgically.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carrie (California) on 01/12/2023

After watching both Dr. Mandell and Dr. Berg on YouTube regarding sinus problems I started taking the following action. At night I avoid food (especially dairy) for the last couple hours of the day; after I brush my teeth before bed I gargle warm distilled water with a little Himalayan salt in it. I then use a Neti pot. When I do that, I am able to breathe through my nose throughout the whole night. They said things that led me to believe I might have a fungal infection in my sinuses and I think I've gotten it under control now.

Posted by Zee (San Diego) on 07/23/2022

The Ear, Nose Throat doctor's are not into looking into causes. ENT'S typically do a scan prescribe steroids to get the inflammation down and throw antibiotics at it. If it doesn't work they will begin working on selling the patient an expensive surgeries, Alternative medicine doctors look deeper at food or environmental allergies, even laptops can cause sinus issue from EMS people. I think in the future we will see sinus infections done rarely.

Sniff Warm Water
Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/05/2022

same with working jigsaw is amazing how dusty they are and cause me congestion.

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/05/2022 are a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for the info.

Lemon or Lime Juice Snorted
Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/04/2022

Do you know a minute or two is a lifetime for us elderly :)

Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/04/2022

Antioxidants help sinus infections.

Bright colored vegetables and fruits such as berries, kiwi, pumpkin, papaya, sweet potatoes, and pineapple are all rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Pineapple also contains enzymes that break down the buildup on the sinuses and reduce inflammation.

Lemon or Lime Juice Snorted
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/14/2021

Snorting lime or lemon juice to get rid of a sinus infection. Painful for a couple of minutes, but worked perfectly. Lemon/lime juice is anti-septic, anti-bacterial, fungal and viral. Some people use juice from the store in a bottle. I prefer fresh from citrus fruit.

It stings less when you dilute the lemon juice (or lime) with distilled water. But, most people say it works better full strength.

It's very simple to do. Squeeze out one teaspoon of lemon or lime juice into a spoon. Close off one nostril with your finger and snort up the juice in the spoon in the other nostril. Right after you do this you will have the feeling that you snorted a “blow-fish” up in your head. The pain only last a minute or two.

It worked for me. Cleared up the sinuses immediately.

Video: Cure sinus infection lime juice home remedy

Video: Sinus infection (lime juice)

Posted by Tiffany (Texas) on 05/29/2021

Use Xlear. It works. It is a premixed combination of xylitol and grapefruit seed extract. If you have dogs, never cuddle them after using it because xylitol, while safe for humans, is toxic to dogs. It may take a few days, but it will work. Start three times a day then do once a day after you are healed.

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/14/2021

Povidone Iodine “the Silver Bullet” Nasal Irrigation for Chronic Sinus Infection

Great, I started off the 2021 spring season with a horrendous sinus infection when the tree's started to pollen. I've been struggling with my sinuses for a few months. I'm normally ahead of the season drinking gallons of nettle tea to help cope with the pollen but got off to a late start and the season came early.

I ended up with blood coming out in my snot. Pain around my eye orbits and cheeks, top of my teeth hurt, drainage in the back of my throat, both ears had fluid, etc... There was no way the antibiotic was going to work fast enuff to heal my sinus infection. It would have cost a small fortune and the doctors in my area are dumda$$'s. So, here is what I did.

I bought a bottle of Povidone Iodine 10% (PVP-I) and started using it as a nasal flush, but not as a neti-pot flush like most people including me are taught to do.

The nasal cavities in your head are very vast with pockets where infection and polyps can grow. Here is a video to show you.

Tour of the Nasal Passages 3D

How to make the PVP-I solution:

- Add 1 1/2 ounces of distilled saline water to a clean cup.

- Add 1 teaspoon Povidone Iodine 10% (If you want a stronger solution to deal with candida infection simply add more PVP-I but never more than 1:1 ratio, see chart below)

- Stir mixture is ready to use. It won't take much solution to do one treatment.

How to use it:

A web tutorial by DMRPub gave me the idea but my sinus issues mainly were pain in the forehead and behind/between the eyes with fever and a lot of nasal congestion and nasal swelling. His technique was not helping me.

DMRPub sources:

A “neti-pot” sinus rinse will never get into the Frontal Sinus Cavities (located behind the eyebrows) or the Sphenoid or the Ethmoid Sinus Cavities (located between the eyes). The main reason is because your head is tilted to the side. Water flows in the direction of gravity. Saline from a neti-pot will go in one nostril, make a turn downward with gravity around the nasal cavities turbinates and out the other nostril. It never makes it into the frontal and sphenoid cavities. If your infection resides in those cavities, this technique will NEVER WORK.

A new technique to ensure that you reach these cavities plus the nasal larynx area is to stand in front of the kitchen sink and look up at the ceiling and inject the PVP-I diluted solution into each nostril using a “Kids Oral Medicine Dropper for Kids/Toddlers 5ml”.

While keeping my head tilted up, repeat injecting the solution into each nostril at least 2-3x til the solution comes pouring out of my nostrils. This will ensure that the disinfectant will reach all the cavities and pockets in your sinuses. This also reaches the back of the nasal larynx where infection causes chronic sinus drainage.

Once my sinus cavities are filled up. I roll my head to the left and right to ensure the liquid reaches all the cavities in my cheekbones. Then lean my head forward over the sink and allow the PVP-I liquid to drain out naturally. Blowing my nose to get any thick mucus out. Then I repeat again until all the PVP-I solution in the cup is all gone. I repeat this 2 to 3x a day.

I am now into day 5 and I have no fever in my forehead. Breathing thru my nasal passages are clearer. A little bit of drainage but on a scale of 1-10 I would say I'm at about 8. I will continue this for another 5 days to completely clear up my sinuses since this was the worst I've ever had it and I now know how to fix them. I've never been a big fan of oral antibiotic since every time I taken them. My digestive tract will be screwed-up for a month afterward, and I always develop candida infection from antibiotic use.

The money I saved for a doctor visit for people without insurance cost between $50-$200 or more. No insurance allergy shot cost $100. No insurance for antibiotics cost $30 for amoxicillin or $150 for doxycycline.

Cost of Povidone Iodine 4oz $4. Kids oral syringe $2. Distilled water $1. Sea salt and baking soda to make saline water free (already had).

Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic with activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It has been previously used in both intranasal preparations against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) as well as oral preparations in in-vitro studies of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), influenza H1N1, and rotavirus with good efficacy. This study will evaluate the efficacy of PVP-I as prophylaxis in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19)-negative front-line health care workers and hospital patients.

Iodine is a deadly enemy of single cell microorganisms thus it can be our best friend in our fight against the most dangerous pathogens. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics can't.

Source: page 14.

Iodine is able to penetrate quickly through the cell walls of microorganisms.

Table 4: Microbiological Efficacy Activity of PVP-Iodine versus Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds, Actinomycetes and Rickettsia




Proteus (41)

100 - 2500

15 - 180

Staphylococcus (36)

66 - 2500

15 - 80

Pseudomonas (36)

25 - 2500

15 - 900

Streptococcus (25)

200 - 2500

15 - 30

Escherichia (23)

200 - 2500

30 - 120

Salmonells (9)

1000 - 2500

15 - 60

Candida (8)

3.75 - 2500

10 - 120

Serratia (6)

200 - 2500

60 - 120

Spores-Baccillus; Clostridium (6)


2 - 5 Hours

Trichomomonas (5)

400 - 2500

30 - 60

Enterobacter (4)

1000 - 2500


Klebsiella (4)

500 - 2500


Clostridium (4)


30 - 60

Shigella (3)

1000 - 2500


Corynebacterium (3)



Diplococcus (3)

1000 - 2500


Mycobacterium (3)

1000 - 2500

60 - 120

Bacillus (3)

7.5 - 2500

10 - 30

Sarcina (2)

500 - 2500


Trichophyton (2)



Aspergillus (2)



Mima (1)



Herella (1)



Edwardsiella (1)



Citrobacter (1)



Providencia (1)



Acienetobacter (1)



Epidermophyton (1)



Microsporum (1)



Pencillium (1)



Nocardia (1)



Posted by Prov31J (Somewhere Over The Rainbow (KS)) on 11/06/2019

I was ALWAYS having sinus infections after ice creams especially in the 80's and 90's... at some point, I read of sage helping with sinus infections... Worked great and I've not had as much of the sinus infections (of course, I rarely eat ice cream and the chemically enhanced soft serve type "frozen desserts" either...).

Even the kitchen spice bottle like you use for cooking Thanksgiving dinner - just plopped a teaspoon in hot tea water and let it steep 3-5 minutes or longer.

At first I wanted it with stevia or honey to deal with the sage astringency/flavor - but now I can just shoot it straight. Be prepared to spend some time in the restroom bringing all the phlegm up - doesn't sound pretty, but the pain goes bye-bye with every glob that I spit up and out into the trash (I shouldn't have to tell you all to not "recycle" it by swallowing whatever you cough. It only buys you a little time until it comes back up so you still need to clear it out of your sinus passages!!).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aj (Oregon) on 03/30/2020

I suffered from sinus infections my whole life. I was fully vaccinated and suffered both in health, and learning curves. Diet was low fat and convenience foods, like cold cereal, pbj sandwich, and starchy white rice or pasta, (enriched foods lol). I was always on antibiotics for secondary infections, always in the doctor's office. I suffered from GERD, headaches, constipation, viruses...Secondary infections ranged from ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough caused by post nasal drip, and if I didn't have an accompanying fever, I at least had the body aches, and sore muscles that resulted from coughing. I became dependant on cough drops! I lived most of my life in Washington and Oregon, with a few years in Michigan, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, and Minnesota.

I can confirm that it doesn't matter the climate, or geology, if you have allergies, illnesses, damp air, dry air, warm weather, cold weather, you will suffer. My allergies are year round. Mold in the cold months, pollen in the warm months, dust all year, perfume, laundry detergent, wood smoke, cigarette smoke, traffic congestion, factory smells, dryer sheets, high or low humidity, indoors or outdoors, you must be diligent in treatment. You can't live in a bubble. You can't avoid them. I have used hepa-filters on vacuum cleaners, air filtration systems, dusted and cleaned until I made myself ragged! I still couldn't avoid the headaches, congestion, exhaustion, and a generally unwell feeling. Nearly 4 1/2 years ago, my family returned to Oregon to live.

We are on the coastal range, about 45 minutes from the beach, in a rural area. Regular trips to breathe sea air doesn't help, (when we lived in Washington, I was always near the Puget Sound, Seattle or Olympia), and when I lived in Oregon years ago, was in Portland and surrounding area, always in rural or suburban communities, with lots of evergreens and low air pollution.

So what does work? For starters, to avoid the effects of feeling unwell, it takes both internal and external care. Keep in mind that the biggest organ to the body is skin. Do not wash hair or body with chemically made soaps and shampoos. Do not wash or soften clothes with commercial products. What does that leave? Apple cider vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, and soap nuts! You can make your own.

Fun fact: the brain is a fatty organ, and relies on fat and omega 3 fatty acids! Learning and health are dependant on fats and whole foods. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal teas for hydration. Use coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter to moisturize skin. Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure is good for you! Sunscreens not only cause cancer, but prevent the body's natural ability to create vitamin D3, also known as the feel good hormone, which is imperative to health. Babies with jaundice are sent home with parents with instructions to get at least 45 minutes of sunlight every day! So why block what keeps us healthy? Its only when we are in excess of natural UV rays that we become at risk of sunburn, which does cause cancer.

What we eat directly impacts our health. Non-GMO produce in season, whole grains, nuts and seeds, wild game, and wild caught fish with scales should be our primary source of food, farm fresh eggs, and non-homogenized dairy products without the fat removed. Why? Because that is real, unaltered food! Stop listening to all the [experts], (I use that term loosely!) They want to keep us sick so they can make money on all our illnesses and diseases! Its a fact that vaccines are not safe and effective, and that they scare the masses into mandates to control them. (Its usually when they are lobbying bills that informed people wouldn't otherwise agree to, and during election years, that they attempt to dupe even the most intelligent people into giving up "We the People" power.

Did you know that vaccine ingredients are chock full of aborted babies and disease causing toxins? Don't take my word for it, read the vaccine inserts! When we get sick, it is our body's response, both to environment, and to our ability to fight what we are exposed to. We must be exposed to wild strains to both boost the immune system, and to keep from catching the illness again.

Vaccines, (what the medical community calls clinical immunity) do not last. Now we are dealing with COVID-19. People are under quarantine, (something China didn't mandate and the whole country is over it!) scientists racing for a cure or vaccine, (for a virus milder than the flu, overall causing far less deaths), the majority recover, (extremely low death rate per million), healthy people and children not experiencing symptoms, (or extremely mild ones). COVID-19, because it is a respiratory infection, can cause sinusitis, and people are quarantined and afraid to go to get medical treatment. The quickest way to get over any virus, is to have a well supplied body of nutrients, in conjunction with the following:

Not everyone has a netti-pot. I sure don't, and we don't vaccinate. We don't go to doctors anymore, which has made us healthier. We take probiotics daily. We use peroxide in the ears twice a day at onset, and on cotton swabs in the sinuses three times a day. We get enough sun or take D3 supplements, eat a holistic diet, consume various combinations of chilis, cayenne, onion, garlic, oregano, turmeric or curry, and other spices and vegetables in our dinner every day, with a whole grain. We don't add salt unless its pink Hemalayan salt, and only a little.

We use herbs and citrus juices, (lemon juice for example) to flavor our meals. Breakfast is oatmeal, cinnamon or nutmeg, raw honey, fruit, nuts or seeds, pure extracts, raw, unprocessed sugar cane, and kefir or butter. It holds us until dinner. If we snack, its on fruits and vegetables, Greek yoghurt, and homemade granola, popcorn with real butter.

We use essential oils to clean, to use as medicine, on our bodies and clothing. For sinusitis, I have had best results with both peroxide swabs during the day, and at bedtime I swab with tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil. We don't sniffle, we blow.

We dont use cough drops, but use raw honey and elderberry extract in herbal tea. We alternate our herbs in teas and foods, fruit, veggies, ect...we use coconut oil to fry meat and eggs. Most importantly, we don't get sick anymore, and don't go to doctors, because we don't need them! It is my hope that this comment blessed you with healthful and informative advice. Be well!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 11/24/2020

Thank you for your post, Faye.

According to Dr. Ivker, fungal sinusitis is the most common cause of chronic sinusitis. In fact, Dr. Ivker has seen this in 92% of his patients over the last 20 years. “It's become quite common because of widespread use of antibiotics, and the S.A.D. diet (Standard American Diet), which fuels this fungal infection, ”.

A 2003 study examined tea tree oil as a treatment for the common yeast infection strain Candida albicans, including 14 drug-resistant derivatives. During lab testing, they found that the oil was effective against all strains.

A follow-up test on rats confirmed these results. The oil cleared drug-resistant infections in rats after three weeks of treatment. Untreated rats or those treated with common yeast infection drug (fluconazole) remained infected at the conclusion of the study.

The main benefit of using tea tree oil to relieve headache/fever/sinus symptoms caused by infection. An alternative to antibiotics and chemical treatments. Tea tree oil contains anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it an ideal remedy. Tea tree oil helps in sinus headaches by getting to the root of the problem—microbial infection. It also reduces the severity of inflammation of the sinuses so that the mucus can be drained more efficiently. The anti inflammatory property of tea tree oil reduces the inflammation which causes the pain of a migraine. Various studies show that tea tree oil is indeed a potent fighter of inflammation, helping in a wide array of inflammatory diseases [7, 8, 9].

When my sinus get ready bad, I use a nasal sprayer re-purposed for tea tree oil.

Here is a good recipe:

Material needed:

*Saline Nasal Squeeze Bottle (New with saline water inside purchase from any thrift store for $2)

*Tea tree oil

1. Remove nasal tip from Saline Nasal Squeeze Bottle with needle nose pliers and a piece of paper towel around the nasal tip to prevent scaring the tip.

2. Add 1 to 20 drops tea tree oil depending on your tolerance. (20 drops in 1.5oz saline solution = around 2.5% dilution)

3. Re-cap nasal tip to bottle. Shake bottle well every time because saline/water and oil don't really want to mix together and spray up each nostril at least 3-4x/daily.

4. If you are having chronic sinusitis issues, plan on doing this remedy for at least 3 weeks to fully resolve your problem.

Buteyku Breathing Exercises
Posted by Kate (Florida) on 08/27/2020

Several years ago I was researching the anaerobic nature of cancer and breathing which led me to the concept that modern breathing is too frequent (too many breaths per minute) and I came across this valuable resource.

I had forgotten how much of Dr. Buteyku's work was referenced here and was grateful to be directed back to it by this conversation; so, thank you!

Colloidal Silver, Iodine
Posted by Luann (Indiana, Usa) on 07/31/2020

I had a used plastic nose spray bottle left over from using the Afrin for sinus infection. I washed it out very well, let it dry for a few days and then filled it with a 500ppm colloidal silver water solution that I had bought online. I then put one drop of 5% Lugol's Iodine (also bought online) into the bottle of colloidal silver water solution and shook it up well. I then proceeded to put two to three sprays of this into each nostril while sniffing it deeply into my sinuses...did this three or four times each day ending at bedtime. I have used this to kill my sinus infection and it kills mine in anywhere from a few days to a week of daily use.

I have also used Colloidal silver 500ppm internally at 1/4 tsp four times a day taken internally on colds and also the flu and it works well to kill the germs that are causing the illness. I have also used just Lugol's Iodine 5% in a cup of warm coffee in the morning.

Not telling anyone else to do what I do as I am not a doctor, but I have healed myself with these methods for many years. The way I use the Lugol's on myself and my spouse is: I put 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine 5% into my one cup of coffee in the morning along with a teaspoon of coconut oil and yes, I do use sugar in my coffee. I put the six drops of Lugol's into a glass of water in the middle of the day and drink it all in an hour, then again before bedtime. This works for us very well. Thanks for having this site to help people help themselves and I hope this helps someone as it has me and mine. Read up on it, there are many nay sayers out there to try and keep us from healing ourselves, to make us have to rely on big pharma but I for one don't fall for all of their crap they try to tell us. I believe that we can heal ourselves but we do have to do our research on things very well. Like I said, I am not a doctor nor am I telling anyone to use this and I would not take this much of iodine but just to give you an idea of how much has been used...Here is what I read online:

Just to give you an idea of how high iodine dosages have been taken to in the past we have to revisit the 1930s when iodine was still a universal medicine, present in the US Pharmacopeia and was used at much higher dosages than anyone even dreams of using today. The usual dose for treatment was 300 mgs (46 drops of full strength Lugol's) to 1 gm (1000 mg, 154 drops).

“Extremely high doses of iodine can have serious side effects, but only a small fraction of such extreme doses are necessary to kill influenza viruses, ” continues Derry who tells us, “In 1945, a breakthrough occurred when J.D. Stone and Sir McFarland Burnet (who later went on to win a Nobel Prize for his Clonal Selection Theory) exposed mice to lethal effects of influenza viral mists.

The lethal disease was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing influenza viruses.”

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aj (Oregon) on 03/30/2020

I suffered from sinus infections my whole life. I was fully vaccinated and suffered both in health, and learning curves. Diet was low fat and convenience foods, like cold cereal, pbj sandwich, and starchy white rice or pasta, (enriched foods lol). I was always on antibiotics for secondary infections, always in the doctor's office. I suffered from GERD, headaches, constipation, viruses...Secondary infections ranged from ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough caused by post nasal drip, and if I didn't have an accompanying fever, I at least had the body aches, and sore muscles that resulted from coughing. I became dependant on cough drops!

I lived most of my life in Washington and Oregon, with a few years in Michigan, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, and Minnesota. I can confirm that it doesn't matter the climate, or geology, if you have allergies, illnesses, damp air, dry air, warm weather, cold weather, you will suffer. My allergies are year round. Mold in the cold months, pollen in the warm months, dust all year, perfume, laundry detergent, wood smoke, cigarette smoke, traffic congestion, factory smells, dryer sheets, high or low humidity, indoors or outdoors, you must be diligent in treatment. You can't live in a bubble. You can't avoid them. I have used hepa-filters on vacuum cleaners, air filtration systems, dusted and cleaned until I made myself ragged! I still couldn't avoid the headaches, congestion, exhaustion, and a generally unwell feeling.

Nearly 4 1/2 years ago, my family returned to Oregon to live. We are on the coastal range, about 45 minutes from the beach, in a rural area. Regular trips to breathe sea air doesn't help, (when we lived in Washington, I was always near the Puget Sound, Seattle or Olympia), and when I lived in Oregon years ago, was in Portland and surrounding area, always in rural or suburban communities, with lots of evergreens and low air pollution.

So what does work?

For starters, to avoid the effects of feeling unwell, it takes both internal and external care. Keep in mind that the biggest organ to the body is skin. Do not wash hair or body with chemically made soaps and shampoos. Do not wash or soften clothes with commercial products. What does that leave? Apple cider vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, and soap nuts! You can make your own. Fun fact: the brain is a fatty organ, and relies on fat and omega 3 fatty acids! Learning and health are dependant on fats and whole foods. Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal teas for hydration. Use coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter to moisturize skin.

Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure is good for you! Sunscreens not only cause cancer, but prevent the body's natural ability to create vitamin D3, also known as the feel good hormone, which is imperative to health. Babies with jaundice are sent home with parents with instructions to get at least 45 minutes of sunlight every day! So why block what keeps us healthy? Its only when we are in excess of natural UV rays that we become at risk of sunburn, which does cause cancer. What we eat directly impacts our health. Non-GMO produce in season, whole grains, nuts and seeds, wild game, and wild caught fish with scales should be our primary source of food, farm fresh eggs, and non-homogenized dairy products without the fat removed. Why? Because that is real, unaltered food! Stop listening to all the [experts], (I use that term loosely!)

They want to keep us sick so they can make money on all our illnesses and diseases! Its a fact that vaccines are not safe and effective, and that they scare the masses into mandates to control them. (Its usually when they are lobbying bills that informed people wouldn't otherwise agree to, and during election years, that they attempt to dupe even the most intelligent people into giving up "We the People" power. Did you know that vaccine ingredients are chock full of aborted babies and disease causing toxins?

Don't take my word for it, read the vaccine inserts! When we get sick, it is our body's response, both to environment, and to our ability to fight what we are exposed to. We must be exposed to wild strains to both boost the immune system, and to keep from catching the illness again. Vaccines, (what the medical community calls clinical immunity) do not last. Now we are dealing with COVID-19. People are under quarantine, (something China didn't mandate and the whole country is over it!) scientists racing for a cure or vaccine, (for a virus milder than the flu, overall causing far less deaths), the majority recover, (extremely low death rate per million), healthy people and children not experiencing symptoms, (or extremely mild ones). COVID-19, because it is a respiratory infection, can cause sinusitis, and people are quarantined and afraid to go to get medical treatment. The quickest way to get over any virus, is to have a well supplied body of nutrients, in conjunction with the following: Not everyone has a netti-pot. I sure don't, and we don't vaccinate. We don't go to doctors anymore, which has made us healthier. We take probiotics daily. We use peroxide in the ears twice a day at onset, and on cotton swabs in the sinuses three times a day.

We get enough sun or take D3 supplements, eat a holistic diet, consume various combinations of chilis, cayenne, onion, garlic, oregano, turmeric or curry, and other spices and vegetables in our dinner every day, with a whole grain. We don't add salt unless its pink Hemalayan salt, and only a little. We use herbs and citrus juices, (lemon juice for example) to flavor our meals. Breakfast is oatmeal, cinnamon or nutmeg, raw honey, fruit, nuts or seeds, pure extracts, raw, unprocessed sugar cane, and kefir or butter. It holds us until dinner. If we snack, its on fruits and vegetables, Greek yoghurt, and homemade granola, popcorn with real butter. We use essential oils to clean, to use as medicine, on our bodies and clothing. For sinusitis, I have had best results with both peroxide swabs during the day, and at bedtime I swab with tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil. We don't sniffle, we blow. We dont use cough drops, but use raw honey and elderberry extract in herbal tea. We alternate our herbs in teas and foods, fruit, veggies, ect...we use coconut oil to fry meat and eggs. Most importantly, we don't get sick anymore, and don't go to doctors, because we don't need them!

It is my hope that this comment blessed you with healthful and informative advice. Be well!

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/05/2020

Povidone-iodine Nasal Spray:

I suffer from regular sinus issues caused by candida and polyps. This recipe has worked the best for me so far. It's portable so you can carry it with you in your pocket. It does not burn at all so it's pleasant to use.

Regularly use 2 – 5 times a daily with a Nasal Spray Irrigator and home-made saline. Povidone iodine is a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant. In contact with skin and mucous membranes povidone iodine works quickly and has a microbicidal effect (causing the death of a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa).

Material needed:

  • 30 ml empty nasal spray bottle
  • Distilled water
  • Sea salt
  • Baking soda
  • Povidone-iodine 10%
  • Eye dropper
  • Empty clean water bottle
  • Peppermint oil (optional)


1. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and 1 teaspoon baking soda to empty “clean” water bottle.

2. Add distilled water to bottle, cap and shake til salt and baking soda have completely dissolved. This is your saline solution.

3. Add 2 full eyedropper of Povidone-iodine (roughly 50 drops) to the empty nasal spray bottle. 2 drops peppermint oil. Top bottle off with your saline solution.

4. Use this spray twice in each nostril 2-5 times daily for a few weeks to resolve sinus infections, congestion and polyps.

Ayurvedic Method with Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kiara (Los Angeles) on 06/10/2018

Ancient Ayurvedic method for Sinus Infections

I did my 7 doctor rounds for my sinus infections no luck... So, I did research and cured my sinus infection naturally and so fast. I was amazed by it! I think the magic is in the tea tree and oregano oil.


Get 1 clean sterilized glass quart jar fill it with four cups ( 4 cups makes one quart) of distilled or filtered water. I boil the water for ten minutes to sterilize then you MUST let if cool down to room temperature.

Then add

  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Then add only one drop of Oregano Oil and add one drop of Tea Tree oil. These two oils are strong so one drop of each is all you need.

Pour the cooled solution into neti pot. I used this solution a couple times during the day and then again right before bed.

Here is the key:

When I pour this solution into my sinuses using my neti pot, I stand over the sink and I tilt my head slightly downward in the sink and then I take a deep breath in using my nose while pouring the solution into my sinuses. Then I hung my head upside down for 15 minutes and moved my head side to side and back to get the solution deep into my sinuses. Keep a towel handy in case it begins spilling out.

After 15 minutes I release the solution into the sink and spray the sink with disinfectant. I truly hope this helps someone as much as it has me.

Air Conditioners and Sinus Infections
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver) on 05/16/2018

Thanks Michael, you're right on target. I used to suffer horribly from the same when staying at hotels/motels. After speaking with an Indoor Air Quality professional, he explained molds/bacteria/nasty stuff is being recirculated over and over. I now stay in home rentals (haven't caught an infection while on vacation since! ). After the segment on national tv showing the germs on bedspreads, blankets, carpet under black lights in hotels/motels, that did it for me. Disgusting, scary and creepy.

Posted by Daniel K. (Freeport, Ny) on 04/18/2018

Sinusitis: Russians snort liquid iodine into their nasal cavities when they are sick, and also Germans put 10 drops of liquid iodine into their coffee or tea as a cure-all.

I tried it in my coffee and swear it cut my cold in half, I just don't have the guts to snort 7% iodine!!


Posted by Colette (Marin County, Ca ) on 03/19/2018

Yes!!!! The capful and a half of peroxide and salt saline rinse changed my life. I have not had a sinus infection or ear infection for years. Caution!!!!!!! There is a reason drs tell people to stay away from this treatment. If not used very carefully conservatively you could break down your silia. Without your silia your mucus membrane can't protect itself. The reason I tried it was unbelievable high pain level. Within 10 mi of my first treatment I knew it was going to help. Stop using as soon as the sinus swelling pain is down. Never use this as a daily rinse. As always just my experience. I am not a Dr.

Spleen Connection to Sinus Infections
Posted by Gina K (Charlotte, Nc) on 03/10/2018


The post from 2007 said she "went to work on your spleen".... how do you do that?

What do you take?

Quercetin, Bromelain
Posted by Maria L. (UK) on 01/19/2018

I agree, the Quercetin with Bromelain combo helped me with my sinus infection, it was not until I decided to take this combination that my sinus infection started to finally go away, I had a very nasty infection that was hurting my ears as well, my head felt like an Air Balloon and had dizzy spells, loud tinnitus and vertigo. I recommend this along with ACV and Honey (I would drink 2 tablespoons, lukewarm water and also would do some gargles as well) also add Oil of Oregano if you can which is anti viral and gives extra punch to the Quercetin. The Quercetin/Bromelain really reduced the inflammation, I used a formula which has both plus vitamin C and other stuff, it is a bit expensive like 18 bucks but worth it in my opinion. In less than 2 days I was basically cured.
