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Hydrocele of Canal of Nuck Remedies Needed

1 hour ago
Posted by Ann C. (London) on 05/31/2024

Hi there I'm very worried about my sister who is approaching 60. She has recently been diagnosed with Hydrocele of canal of nuck which is apparently very rare in females.. She has not been herself at all as in pain with this and gone off her food etc etc because it makes her feel nauseous sometimes. She generally is quite depressed and with the doctors situation in London has been put on the back burner for her ultrasound the end of July which is a long time when your in pain. She's very worried about finances which doesn't help I wanted to help her and wondered if you could kindly tell me of any way that might help Kind regards

Lungs Lost Elasticity After Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment

1 hour ago
Posted by Violet (Pitmedden) on 05/31/2024

I am needing to know if there is a natural cure for my breathing problem. I have been in the hospital and diagnosed with lungs that are losing their elasticity due to radiation for breast cancer. My oxygen is normal as is my Bp. My only other concern is fatigue. I am not convinced this is right. Is there any thing naturally I can do. I do have utis occasionally that have the same symptoms. Thank you for any advice you can give me.

  Re: Bill Thompson's Protocol for Leg Cramps and Numb Feet

1 hour ago
Posted by Tessa (BC) on 06/01/2024

Thank you, Bill, for the saturated magnesium chloride solution for muscle cramps. As you said, the key is the saturation.

I used a glass Mason jar and filled it up half way with magnesium chloride flakes (I used Ancient Minerals last time, but I've used other brands - no difference).

I added distilled water close to the top and waited for the flakes to dissolve. If they all dissolved, I add more flakes until the bottom of the jar has a layer that remain due to saturation.

Then I pour some of the dissolved liquid into empty glass roll-on deodorant bottles (old Nivea or Ombra roll-on bottles).

Whenever I get a cramp (usually because I've eaten too much sugar), I use the roll-on over the cramp and rub it in the painful area. A short time later, the pain is gone.

I leave these deodorant bottles everywhere in the apartment since magnesium helps with headaches, sore joints and muscles, sleep problems, etc. I even use it as a deodorant but I need to really rub it in or it can sting (don't use right after shaving).

For small burns or irritated skin, I use the magnesium roll-on, then apply a light layer of aloe vera gel and gently pat that in.

Makes a huge difference! Thanks again.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Cheers, Tessa

  Re: Baking Soda and Lemon Juice for Bladder Cancer - 9 Year Update

1 hour ago
Posted by Tracy (PA) on 06/01/2024

Still in remission? Did he start with the 12 day protocol then convert to 5 days a month? Or did he just do 5 days a month from the beginning? Thanks so much for posting this.

  Re: Treating Mycotoxins

1 hour ago
Posted by Lisa (FL) on 06/01/2024

Have you tried Chlorine Dioxide? (Master Mineral Solution). It is a great general cleanser. I took it for a year to help with constant infection/fungal issues.

  Re: Detoxing

1 hour ago
Posted by Nicole (South Africa) on 06/01/2024

Hi Robyn. I recommend 2 days of vegetable juicing with beetroot, carrot, organic celery, organic spinach, etc. Then on the third day eat a lot of protein, preferably kidney beans, adzuki beans, butter beans or black beans. And for 10 days eat only brown rice. This works tremendously to detox one's body. I wish you all the best

 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infection

1 hour ago
Posted by Lisa (FL) on 06/01/2024

You could try garlic oil, colloidal silver and iodine and put on the site several times a day and put on at night.

To make garlic oil, take several pieces of garlic, cut up and let sit out 30 minutes. Then add olive oil and a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Make a poltice with that and add a drop of lugols iodine and as much colloidal silver as it will hold.

My friend did this and got rid of a MRSA infection she still had after her antibiotic.

DMSO for Tendonitis

1 hour ago
Posted by Michele (Los Angeles, California) on 05/31/2024

I had pain in my upper arm and shoulder and I first used mint essential oil to massage it. For three days I had no improvement. After reading Earth Clinic's recommendations and confirm it with an internet search, I used 99% DMSO because that's what I had at home. As I was afraid it would be too concentrated, I first massaged it with a little cream then applied a few drops of DMSO. In three days I was cured. It is truly a miracle product for all musculoskeletal problems.

  Re: No Results from Oil Pulling

1 hour ago
Posted by Nicole (South Africa) on 05/31/2024

Hi, I recommend first oil pulling then rinsing your mouth with warm salt water and then drinking Sole. It would be less effective to oil pull after drinking Sole because then the oil would pull some of the salt with the minerals out of your mouth; and the salt will help clean your mouth from the residue of the toxins that might still be in your mouth with the little bit of oil that was still in your mouth after spitting the oil out.

Colloidal Silver and Comfrey Salve for Hotspots

1 hour ago
Posted by Meg (Kentucky) on 05/31/2024

I have a large German Shepherd grandpup that I hike with. When I picked her up she had a terrible hot spot. It had started to bleed. I put colloidal silver on it with a cotton pad for about 20 seconds, at the most. I let it dry and added comfrey salve. The next time I picked her up it was almost completely healed with hair growing back. I asked my grandson if anyone put anything else on it and he said no. So, one application of colloidal silver and comfrey salve did the trick.

  Re: Jewelweed Recipes From Mama to Many

1 day ago
Posted by Jill (USA) on 05/31/2024

I also use fresh Jewelweed and distilled spirits to make a spray for poison ivy.

My husband loves the spray as it clears up the ivy rash very quickly and helps a lot with the itch.

  Re: Citric Acid for Oxalic Acid Crystals

1 day ago
Posted by Shafick (Florida) on 05/31/2024

The dose of potassium citrate per day should be 4700 mg. I recommend that you buy it in powder form since to reach the dose of 4700 mg you would need 49 tablets or capsules of 99 mg. I also recommend that you take 100 mg of borax (borom), 3 times a day, borax removes the calcium from your body and will destroy the kidney stones that are made of calcium, and I recommend that you take magnesium citrate and consume a initial dose of 1 gram 3 times a day for one week and the next increase to 2 grams, 3 times a day, I think that in about 3 weeks you will have solved the problem

  Re: Horsetail, Nettle and Oatstraw for Sports Injuries

1 day ago
Posted by tony (london) on 05/31/2024


How much tea do you drink per day, like how many doses and how much tea per dose?

Usually in how many days/weeks does an injury heal with this protocol?

Thank you

  Re: Borax for Psoriatic Arthritis

2 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 05/30/2024

Hi Irine,

Hopefully borax ends up working as well for your PA as it did for mine! Please keep us posted on your results.


  Re: Earth Clinic Browser Issue

2 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/30/2024

Firefox does that sometimes. It's as if, despite a site being secure, either something in the site or the browser requires/demands permission to take down the browser's defenses before it will proceed.

Doesn't seem to be a way to determine if it's the site or the browser as one is seldom able to reproduce the issue in any browser. Which just makes it extra fishy.

As an internet/network security explorer, I have 5 different browsers. But none of them is Chrome and all I care about is a secure connection with banking or credit card activity. I'd be the absolute most boring person to track so I don't really care about that. I do keep logs and one of these days I'm going to invoice some folks for following me around at rates determined by ME but that would just be for fun. My rates are quite high.

  Re: Migraines From Estradiol Product Containing DHEA

2 days ago
Posted by J. J. (Washington, DC) on 05/30/2024

Did you find a migraine-free alternative? I'm having terrible migraines from an estradiol product and hoping you found something I could look into other than DHEA.

  Re: Borax for Psoriatic Arthritis

2 days ago
Posted by Irine (OR) on 05/30/2024

Hi Art, it's my mistake. I am taking 1/8 of the teaspoon along with few granules of Celtic salt and Bob's Mills baking soda. I'm Attributing flares with increased dose of borax hands hips aches all over I guess it's just my body getting used to a new dose. I'm really hopeful as I don't wanna be another victim to pharmaceutical industry.

Earth Clinic Browser Issue

2 days ago
Posted by joe (UK) on 05/30/2024

your website is restricted in chrome browser

Reads: Not Secure

EC: Hi Joe,

We can't replicate that error message on Chrome. Can you please email us (staff @ a screenshot of the error and the URL? Thank you.

Silver Sol Gel, Ivermectin for Cat With Mange

3 days ago
Posted by Seamore (Christiansted, VI) on 05/30/2024

I've successfully treated our cat with about 1inch of silver sol gel mixed with an ivermectin solution (1%) 0.1ml. Mixed in organic coconut oil 30 ml. Shaked up well and adding 7 drops to the silver sol gel and then just rubbing on the cat where they lick the most apply every day for month once a day if problem returns continue 1 X day for month and so on this will also help to prevent parasites, infections etc.

  Re: Cinnamon for Arthritis

3 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/29/2024

@ Hollyhock

Sure, I would take the 600mg capsules. Ceylon is perfectly safe. But, so is Cassia. It is the most commom cinnamon spice found at US grocery stores.

I want to take a minute and talk about Cassia cinnamon.

Cassia cinnamon has been used as a medicinal herb in China since 2700BC. It is the 4th most consumed spice on planet earth.

The link between Cassia, Coumarin, and Liver Damage

Though Coumarin is a natural ingredient, it carries a risk for causing “rare liver damage or failure in a small number of sensitive individuals” in large amounts. Cassia cinnamon has high levels (about 0.4-0.8%) of coumarin, those who “have a history of liver issues” and are taking Cinnamon on a daily basis for health reasons should switch to Ceylon Cinnamon, which only has 0.03-0.04% Coumarin. However, Cassia is used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In this regard, research varies from study to study on the suggested amount of Cassia cinnamon that may be consumed daily to avoid liver damage, ranging from less than 1-5 grams, or 1½ teaspoon a day. For those that consume more than this amount on a regular, daily basis; switching to Ceylon cinnamon may be a better option.

What would be a Lethal Dosage of Cassia Cinnamon

The median lethal dose of coumarin is set at 275 mg/kg of body weight, and there is only .31g – 6.97g of coumarin in each kg of Cassia cinnamon. So how much needs to be ingested for the average adult, weighing 195.5 lbs. for a minimum lethal dosage?

Answer: The average 195.5lb adult would need to consume roughly 3.5 kilos (123.459 oz) of Cassia Cinnamon to get the amount of coumarin in a day for the minimum lethal dosage. That's about 15 cups of Cassia cinnamon powder. That is insane. Most sane people won't do that. But, I'm sure some D.A. will try it. Hell, they eat tide laundry detergent pods….

This internet fear-mongering of the big brown cinnamon stick boggy monster is hugely over inflated and pointless. More people die from liver damage caused by Tylenol pills then do cassia cinnamon. Each year, about 4,500 people are hospitalizations in Canada occur due to acetaminophen overdose.

In fact, in my lifetime, I've personally seen 3 people die in their 50s from living on Tylenol for chronic pain issues and destroying their livers where, as ‘0' people dead from drinking cinnamon tea or taking cinnamon supplements.

This argument can be made for any prescription drug, OTC medicine or herbal supplement. It all depends on the “general health statis” of the individual take the drug. If you are in general good health, average weight (male 172lb female 144lb), eat healthy, your chances of an “adverse reaction” are slim to none. If you are taking prescription drugs or living on OTC's, then your odds increase. If you are totally dependent on drugs just to function daily and your over all health is poor, over weight, well then you are screwed… don't expect a miracle...

I found one case reported from 2015, From the American Journal of Case Reports


Case Report: A 73-year-old woman was seen in the Emergency Department complaining of abdominal pain associated with vomiting and diarrhea after she started taking cinnamon supplements for about 1 week (the report was not specific about which type of cinnamon she was taking). The patient had been taking statin for coronary artery disease for many months. The laboratory workup and imaging studies confirmed the diagnosis of hepatitis. The detail workup did not reveal any specific cause. Cinnamon and statin were held. A few weeks after discharge, the statin was resumed without any further complications. This led to a diagnosis of cinnamon-statin combination-induced hepatitis.

Conclusion: Don't mix cinnamon supplements with statin drugs. (note: she did not die, report does not mention that statins are known to cause liver damage – see more below)

I switch back and forth between ceylon are cassia depending on what I'm trying to achieve in the body. I find that cassia is more drying to the body which is great for mucus condition (i.e. wet cough, congestion in lungs, mucus in the digestive tract...).

Cassia cinnamon is Generally Recongized as Safe by the FDA.

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 – Substances Generally Recongized as Safe

Note by Rob: Will I ever take a statin? Hell NO! And here is the reason why. Over 300 drugs are known to interact with statins.

Here are some side effects of statin drugs:


• muscle pain

• fatigue

• exercise intolerance (muscles too painful and weak to exercise)

• memory loss

• tingling, numbness or burning pain in limbs

• irritability

• sleep problems

• sexual dysfunction

• cancer

• stroke

• diabetes

• autoimmune diseases

• digestive problems

• kidney disease

• liver issues

• lung problems

• weight gain

and many more….

A few good books to read about this subject are:

The Great Cholesterol Myth Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan That Will by Jonny Bowden PHD and Stephen Sinatra PHD

The Cholesterol Myths Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease by Uffe Ravnskov MD, PHD


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