Parasite and Worm Remedies

| Modified on May 16, 2024
Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Helen (Sioux Falls ) on 07/10/2023

I mixed diatomaceous earth, 1 teaspoon with his food, because I thought he might have a parasite. The next day he threw up this mucus and it had a little bit of blood in it and there was a worm. I think it was a tapeworm that came out about 12 inches long. So I took him to the vet and I put what he threw up in a baggie and we were in the room waiting for the doctor to come back in and I asked her what it was and she says we don't know what it was and I ask her can I have it back so I can find somebody that knows what it is and she said that they had already thrown it away. Every time I take my dog to a vet I tell them about the diatomaceous earth, and they're all against it but after my dog did the diatomaceous earth, he gained weight he was healthy, running around like a wild dog. He was having fun again. Also, my Maltese had ear mites, and my Dog Groomer said to use diatomaceous earth and I did and they're all gone now.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Canada) on 07/05/2023

Just last week I adopted an approx 3-month old chihuahua. I was just thinking about adopting another dog (I lost my previous one), after grieving was over. So I picked my little sweetie up and took her home. She was warm to the touch and had a distended belly.

So I thought of Diomataceous Earth and started to put 1tsp/2x day, sprinkled onto her food. Within 24 hrs she was no longer warm, belly was way less swollen and her poopies-daloopies were semi-solid. 4 days later and all was well. In fact, I read that it is beneficial for us adults to have 1 tbsp/day, and for my puppy to have 1 tsp/day - and both of us will continue this forever. I think parasites are the caused of alot of our ill health issues and we just haven't proven or learned it yet.

I just wanted to let people know that there is a natural, and dirt cheap, way of quickly deworming your pet. I will keep my sweetie on 2 tsp/day for 60 days, so as to take carr of any eggs, then 1 tsp furever. I will also be using my beloved D.E. for if she ever gets any fleas or ticks. Just two of its wonderful effects. And I never would have heard of it without this site!

Stay well, everybody

Posted by Candice (Mount Pleasant WI) on 05/06/2023

Yes I give to my dogs Gum Spirits (pine turp--not same as paint turpentine!)

Okay I am really into JENNIFER DANIELS MD . Her books are amazing. Her website has a free guide on taking turpentine for people. Its for "candida" but candida is fungus and what thrives on fungus???? Parasites. Thus why its great for those with parasites.

And if you have dogs/pets and garden, you have parasites. Jennifer Daniels says this whole parasites hysteria is overblown. That you just need to keep them under control and she has taken turpentine since 1994. She takes 1/2 tsp 2x a week.

So when I decided to try it for my dogs I wondered how to get it down quickly yet with sugar. So I wrapped up the dose of sugar and gum spirts in Black Forest ham. Which went down very quick with the dogs. I used a 1/2 tsp of sugar on a piece of Black Forest ham with 2 drops of turpentine on the sugar and gave to a 70lb Golden Retriever. Did the same for my Toto sized terrier of 40lbs. I gave her one drop. All went well, and so we up the dose every week one more drop . I plan to give the larger dog 1/4 tsp total after she has proven safely she can handle it. The other dog 3-4 drops.

Today my husband said the Golden had small worms so its working. I also give the dogs Dr. Goodpet vitamin C for dogs about 3x a week. Help their teeth and gums and their body. I also give them super silica (YouTube it) in their water.

I used the Dr. Vitamin C PLUS I LOVE THEIR Flea Tincture which keeps the dogs mellow and less itchy with fleas. I give NO flea meds anymore. This tincture is incredible. I used it all last Summer. That along with lots of vacuuming -totally worked. I also give the dogs Ivermectin 1x a month 6 months out of the year. And I give them Goat Dewormer 2-3x a year.

I read the whole thing and started out with two drops of turpentine after starting Cell Cores Bowel mover. Then when I was getting used to it and found it to work, I started my dogs on it. They are getting older and need extra help.

Black Walnut
Posted by Kasra (Tehran) on 05/16/2017


We found a rescued dog, skinny, we could touch his ribs when we took him home and bathed him, as he ate and drank anything in the streets there were no doubt that he had worms, so by what I read here in earth clinic long time ago, I had made a walnut tincture out of walnut hulls and absolute alcohol ( 99.9 % ) which had been resting for about 1.5 year. Decided to give it a shot, why not, a natural remedy with no side effects, so if it doesn't help it won't harm if I try it on him for a few days so ; we added 1 teaspoon to his food for 3/4 days ( we're still giving it, we're at day 6 now ),

Consequently :

-before walnut tincture he peed with a normal consistency but after, he started having diarrhea for about 3/4 days in a row
-his stool became so loose and many tape worms started emerging out of his bowels, by day 1 all alive and moving, by day 4 I found some dead /some moving .
-before walnut tincture, he just took pee once a day but after, he had bowel movements for about 3/4 time a day .
- we found blood in his stool

After 4 days, unbelievably, he peed with a normal consistency, no blood, no tape worms! People are shocked when we tell them the story, we're in shock as well .
thanks earth clinic and everyone posting here.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Chris (Milton, Fl) on 09/30/2022

Thank you! That is very good advice I have not at all considered. My cats always have fresh water in- and outdoors.

After now giving Blu 1/2 tsp DE in wet food mixed in with water for 3 weeks twice a day the tapeworms are gone.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Sofia (Wilmington, DE) on 09/01/2022

Be sure to hydrate the cat well….massive constipation if not careful. I would take 1/2 tsp once a day for a cat under 15 lbs. good luck! It works!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Chris (Milton, Florida) on 08/30/2022

Started treatment for our cat yesterday and put about 1/2 tsp of DE on his wet food twice. This morning I could not see ONE tapeworm raising its ugly head!! Will keep it up 3x/day for at least another week and then report back.

Posted by Carla (Glade Hill, VA) on 07/16/2022

Those studies used dosages far above what you would normally give your dog. In excessively high dosages, it can cause a change in the blood, but it would have to be given in massive dosages. Garlic is safe to give daily and will not kill your puppy or dog when given at the right amounts. I have given my dogs garlic and they have never had any ill effects. Garlic is not toxic to dogs when given correctly.

Book Recommendation
Posted by Marcee (Usa) on 09/10/2021

Can you please tell me more about the zapper, where you get one and how you used it?

Thank you!

Posted by Karen S (Hamilton, Ontario) on 08/08/2021

I bought cloves on the advice of a friend to add to my dog's food for worms. I added it to the wet dog food and my little basset hound gobbled up the food. You add cloves daily (crush whole cloves preferably) once a day for a week, then one week without, then a second week to get the final ones.

A warning about cloves: do not give cloves to a pregnant dog, as cloves can cause uterine contractions.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 12/03/2017

Hey Animal Lover,

I have used oregano oil for my dogs - the parasites were micro-organisms and not large ones like tape worms. I think you would have more success by using lamp flea traps in each room, and perhaps using DE in their food and possibly to dust each cat if you cannot give them flea baths. I cannot stress the lamp flea traps enough - I have found them to be super effective in ridding a room of fleas. Tape worms are super hideous to think about but they are mainly an eye sore and are NOT an immediate threat to your cats health. I have no problem using the traditional drugs prescribed by the vet [Praziquantel- find online or even at pet store] to worm cats for tapes; these meds have been used for decades with no ill effect and are also used on humans. If you are determined to go the pharma free route, keep in mind that the natural wormers out there are not risk free and pose dangers of their own, especially if you are not trained in their dosing and use.

I would strongly advise finding a holistic vet if you intend to use any natural remedy on your cats to rid them of their tapes.

Posted by Animal Lover (Canada) on 12/01/2017

I just wanted to go back to oregano oil and cats . I can't seem to see any positive experiences anyone had giving oregano oil to their cats for parasites; yet I have heard it works great for dogs. Is it safe to give to cats? Perhaps a few drops in their wet food? I have 6 cats and take care of a seventh stray and they all seem to have contracted tape worms and tapeworm fleas. It is awful. I have a dog as well so I have to treat him too . I find it very stressful to deal with this situation and I have never seen such a flea infestation! I appreciate all advice. Thank you everyone. I love this site!!

Posted by Julaine (Englewood) on 04/18/2017

My Schipperkee has worms for the 2nd time in 5 months. They were flat before now round. The humane society gave dewormers to both the boy and the girl. They are on Ivermectin and Nextgard they shouldn't be getting worm. They are on artificial grass. I can only think that the mosquito or fleas in the are re introducing the worms. They get their annual check ups faithfully. The boy also tested positive for heart worm and had the shots to clear that up. Any thoughts?

Posted by Marcia (Birmingham) on 04/15/2017

I have been giving my Pomeranian garlic and garlic pills since she was a pup! She is flawless and has never ever had worms! There is no cure like a natural cure! People thinking Big Pharma is the way to go are killing their pets! My dog is on a totally natural regime and is gorgeous with luscious shiny fur and never sick! Afraid you are wrong! 0

Book Recommendation
Posted by John Beasley (Florida) on 03/12/2017

We have had the zappers for over 10 years. They work great. We have bought 2 or 3 of them with the individual drivers. They are lightly constructed, so if you sleep with one on, sometimes the wires get ripped out.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by James (Uk) on 02/26/2017

Use diatomaceous earth for worming, add to food for 90 days to kill the eggs that might be lieing around and ingested at a later date. 1 teaspoon with each meal for 20 to 30 pound dog (10kg to 15kg).

Posted by Cynthia (Hot Springs, Ar) on 12/15/2016

My puppy weighs no more than 3 pounds has round worms. I don't have money right now for a vet. Can I give her garlic to get rid of them and if so how much

Posted by Delilah K. (Tulsa Ok) on 11/02/2016


Please don't give an animal tobacco products. Yes it will initially kill worms in varying stages of developement but it obviously doesn't kill the eggs. Tobacco is very toxic and chemicals are used on it during processing. You could kill your beloved pet!! Please research safe alternative methods, better yet stick with the vet.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Karen (Western Australia) on 09/23/2016

You need to do some more research on DE. De shouldn't be used as a stand alone prevention, or treatment.

Posted by Vicky (Nsw) on 09/20/2016

Please don't overdo the amount of garlic... Just because some is good doesn't mean more is better. Both people and animals have died because of that "more must be better" thinking. DOSAGE is highly important in anything. A wise man once said- Though good for you- ALL healing substances are poisonous- it just depends on the amount.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Vicky (Nsw) on 09/20/2016

ALWAYS always always FOOD grade. Animals are living creatures and they eat food just like you and I- If it's not FOOD GRADE it's poison to them just like us.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Joyce (South Carolina) on 07/31/2016

Have you tried giving your dog pumpkin puree (not pie filling) mixed w/white rice for the diarrhea. I tried on my dogs & cats & it worked great. Actually, that's what the site called for, I couldn't find the pumpkin so I substituted sweet potatoes drained, rinsed & mashed mixed w/1 cup of rice. hope this helps.

Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 06/26/2016

Hi Jackie, you are so right, vets getting a kick back from drug companies, but what I can you and others there are willing to try more natural to heal our animals. Here in aussie if it doesn't come from the vet it's no good. I don't know how many times I get told I am not a vet nor do I claim to be so I should be not be telling people how to treat their animals. GRRRR

Posted by Jackie (Louisiana ) on 06/26/2016

What an ignorant comment. Nowadays we have chemical/ prescription meds in the world. There is money to made form prescription meds.Actually Vets can get kickbacks for some meds they prescribe. Herbal and natural remedies were around long before and often work. Without side effects some Rx /OTC meds can cause. ALSO there are agencies in most states that offer spay/nueter service for a pittance. Like 25.00. Contact your local humane society and explain your issue. They can refer you. In Georgia (Cherokee County) We had a huge "Cat Snip" bus that provided this service, incl shots as well, for next to nothing. If states want to control the pet population they have resources such as this. I got my doxie spayed, a rabie shot, and her second series of core vaccines FOR 25.00 Georgia Animal project. Based on income

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Tx) on 06/19/2016

How much DE would you give a cat in their wet food to treat worms and how often? He is over 13 lbs.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Barbara (Tennessee) on 05/22/2016

I always give DE mixed in wet food so there is no chance of the animal breathing it. Of course, I am careful not to breath it when mixing it too.

Posted by Lisnpac (Monrovia) on 04/08/2016

Just wanted to share my puppy had giardiasis and was on panicur from vet. 3 different times. It never went away. 4th time same drug she got sick I took her off. Decided natural. Oregano leaves. Did not tell vet I took her off the Meds. She was tested and finally clean. I highly suggest anyone battling with this parasite use oregano. You will be so pleased. Believe me after so many treatments and her suffering. Oregano is a miracle.

EC: Hi Lisnpac,

Thank you for your feedback!  Can you please tell us how much dried oregano you used and how many times a day? Also, was this a supplement you bought? Thank you!

Posted by Diana (New York) on 03/19/2016

Please tell me, what is MMS?

EC: MMS is the acronym for Medical Miracle Supplement.

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Bronagh (Spain) on 02/24/2016

I am finding these comments and advice so helpful, thank you. I have a little cat that I rescued as a street kitten. When he came home he had hookworms. Like every other cat I have had (17 in all) I gave him garlic capsules, and they cleared him. He still has his daily capsule, but the other day I noticed hookworm larvae in his motions again. I was telling a cat loving American friend and he told me his grandmother dosed their animals with tobacco, said the worms came out in loads! Unfortunately he couldn´t remember what type of tobacco, or what kind of dosage. So on Saturday I bought a tiny packet of rolling tobacco, and a tin of catfood, served him a little with a tiny sprinkling of tobacco. I told my friend and he said, be careful, the nicotine can be toxic! If he had said that in the first place I would never have tried it. Now I learn it should be chewing tobacco and it is risky.

The cat hasn´t seemed very well since, has coughed up some white froth, and I don´t know if it has worked; he will not use his tray, prefers to go outside so I rarely see his stools. I have kept him in in the hope he will provide evidence, but nothing so far. On a plus side, he feels "fatter" and his coat is shinier, it had gone very dull, and he was getting boney like he was when I found him.

But I won´t risk tobacco ever again.

I have tried commercial tablets on other cats and they didn´t work.

As for garlic, I have never had any problems with any of my cats, most of whom have lived to ripe old ages. The others died from totally unrelated issues, one was even killed by a vet who didn´t know what he was doing when he tried to neuter her; he swore it was a reaction to the anaesthetic, but I was there when he did it, and was very worried, by his procedures, the time it took, and the fact that he seemed uncertain. A colleague came in, looked and made some remark, that I took to be questioning what he was doing, but he brushed it off. At that time there were no small animal vets around here, it´s a farming área, so they all worked with livestock. I got the distinct impression he had never done this to a female cat before, although he had done her brother and another male with no problems. It´s a little different doing what is basically an external procedure, to full blown surgery with all the attendant risks. Thankfully we have a positive rash of domestic vets now, so I will stick with them in future.

Posted by King (Chicago, Illinois) on 02/21/2016

What's MMS?

Chewing Tobacco
Posted by Laura (Michigan (mi)) on 01/12/2016

Tobacco can kill or do long term liver damage. You won't see it right away please ask someone with a medical degree, a vet, a pet meds person, a pet store. Stop being foolish before you kill your pet.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Pippi (San Diego) on 12/08/2015

Please do not ever give your animal ground up perlite. It most certainly is NOT the same as DE (which MUST say "food grade' on it.) Perlite, while slightly similar to DE is not now, nor ever 'food grade' and cannot be safely ingested. EVER.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Nicole (Pa) on 11/05/2015

You must be using pool grade, not food grade DE. You must give you and your pets FOOD GRADE DE. If you find DE and you are not sure if it is food grade, DON'T BUY IT. Be safe and be 100% sure that it is food grade before giving it to yourselves or loved ones.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lesley (Florida) on 10/17/2015

Wild Wolf Creek Ranch is the best place to get it. They sell it in bulk and is Food grade. Plus they give instructions I how much.

Posted by Lesley (Florida) on 10/17/2015

Wild Wolf Creek Ranch, I think that is what it is called. They have DE in bulk. Lots of information in this website.

Posted by Askmeaboutgmos (New York) on 09/19/2015


I used the tobacco method for six weeks. Tobacco killed the worms initially but, the worms kept coming back. Please do not use this method as it will turn your pet into a mad dog/cat. Also, standard tobacco is highly sprayed with poison. I used organic tobacco, "American Spirit" the yellow box which is a mild tobacco like a Marlboro. (Yes, I used to smoke it too but I have since quit.) Pumpkin Seed oil worked for my cat. Please see my detailed review for pumpkin seed oil that includes how much I used and where to buy it. Please do not be tempted to use tobacco on your pet.

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/19/2015

Hey Askmeaboutgmos!

Can you tell me if Petie had tape worms or another kind? I am only aware of tape worms being seen *on* a pet so was it tape worms or did you mean seen in the stool?

Also, did you verify with any sort of lab testing to confirm there were no worm eggs in Petie's stool?

I have heard of pumpkin seed ground up in the food for worms but they can be hard to come by - the oil approach seems ideal.

Thank you!

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Askmeaboutgmos (New York) on 09/18/2015

A woman that works in rescue recommended purchase Pumpkin Seed Oil to kills worms in your pet. It takes awhile but, it works. My cat, Petie, was a stray and very thin. It took almost a full bottle (4 oz.) of the oil and two months. Dosage for him was 1/2 teaspoon once a day or, 1/4 teaspoon twice a day in wet yummy food. Don't mix it in the food as the cat may not like it and then won't eat the food. Use a dropper and drop droplets here and there on the food. I was busy during this time and mostly only gave Petie the morning dose so it took over two months, but I am telling you, he is worm free. You'd be wise to buy two bottles if you have more than one cat/dog.

In your research you are probably coming across tobacco. In fact, I tried tobacco first after reading the posts here on EC about worms and tobacco.

Here is my opinion about tobacco. Please don't use tobacco, especially standard tobacco because it contains pesticides and herbicides. I did (I used organic tobacco "American Spirit") and my cat turned into a mad cat for days and was attacking the other pets. I felt really bad for doing that to him.

Also, the tobacco will kill a bunch of worms at first and you'll think you got them all but, for whatever reason, the worms keep coming back. I even increased the amount of tobacco. Desperate, I went searching on the net as you are and a lady that runs a rescue told me about pumpkin seed oil. It is not over night but it is safe for your pet and I haven't seen a worm on Petie in months. (One bottle was just enough for Petie, but he was very thin. You might need two bottles if you have a heavier pet.) Make sure you order a 4 oz. dropper to go with the 4 oz. bottle. I ordered mine from Mountain Rose Herbs. They also have other natural items for pets.

Cayenne Pepper and Raw Garlic
Posted by Lisa (Bel Air) on 08/12/2015

I'd like to comment on the lady that used the DEarth for worm removal. The idea is to see more worms in the stool when doing a cleanse. It was obviously working. You have to rid the body of the worms and obviously the dog was full of them. Don't stop the treatment. You want to see results. Just like in a human. If you take a product like ParaGone, it will take time for the worms to leave your body and the only way is through your stool. You might see many worms but keep on the protocol until there are no more. You might need a break here and there but it could take 6 months to a year to see a result.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 08/03/2015

Hey Dennisdish!

Garlic is dosed by weight:

Here's a guide on the garlic levels safe for dogs per day, based on a dog's weight (1/2 clove per ten pounds of body weight):

Fresh Garlic (from The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Pitcairn)

10 to 15 pounds: .5 clove

20 to 40 pounds: 1 clove

45 to 70 pounds: 2 cloves

75 to 90 pounds: 2.5 cloves

100 pounds +: 3 cloves


What I don't like about the above is that a clove of garlic can vary in size, so .5 of a clove of garlic is kind of a random amount, whereas if it were dosed in grams it would be so much more helpful.

Using garlic to worm an otherwise healthy adult animal or to keep it parasite free is done best using small amounts over time; using garlic to rapidly worm a severely infested puppy with a swollen belly full of roundworms or hookworms [a life threatening situation] would require a large amount over a brief or extended span of time and may cause more harm than good, as garlic in large amounts has a toxic effect. Please be careful if you are using garlic to worm a puppy who has a critical/life threatening wormload - certainly if this is the case traditional wormer from the vet does do an effective job.

Posted by Dennisdish (Kansas City, Missouri) on 08/02/2015

What is the right amount of garlic to be mixed in an 8-month old puppy's food to treat parasites and worms?

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/27/2015

Hey Mary!

Side effects include:

  • Vomiting
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Incoordination
  • Tremors
  • Weakness
  • Collapse
  • Death


Posted by Mary (Silver City, Nc) on 07/27/2015

What are the side effects of giving my puppy a little bit of tobacco to de-worm him?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Adam ( Oregon) on 04/29/2015

Does it have to be food grade? I would assume. I know lesser grades can be harmful to humans, but what about pets?

EC: Yes, food grade Diatomaceous Earth for pets too.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 04/11/2015

Hey Tea!

What kind of tobacco did you use? How much did you eat - tablespoon or pinch or ??

I imagine that it was not the commercial product but a home grown one. When I last researched using tobacco for worming pets I the stories I found talked about the tobacco killing just as many puppies as it cured - so very curious as to what kind you ate and how much.

Posted by Tea ( Ohio) on 04/10/2015

Tobacco is a age old practice for worms. I'm in my 50s, growing up even on the farm everyone animals n humans ate some tobacco on a monthly basis and any new animals coming in got it too. Does not hurt you, just repels the worms. Clean up good and wash hands well. We always buried the waste after worming and added a little lime with it to dispose of it.

Chewing Tobacco
Posted by (Michigan, US) on 01/03/2015


Whatever you do, PLEASE DO NOT use tobacco to get rid of worms in ANY pet. Droncit or Drontal for cats works and the proper dose dispensed for Strongid liquid can get rid of tapeworms. I've known of several puppies and dogs deathly ill and didn't make it because someone chose to give them tobacco. It's TOXIC and doesn't work....

Chewing Tobacco
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 11/18/2014

In the past, chewing tobacco must have been useful for parasites. But today, inform yourselves what the ingredients are. Things are not the same any longer. Use Diatomaceous Earth instead. Cheap and with many health benefits. Takes about three months to remove parasites.

Namaste, Om

Leishmaniasis Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/16/2014

Hey Joan!

Leashmaniosis is a protazoal infection; protozoa are single celled organisms and in this case parasites inside your dog's organs or colonized on his skin.

Many things *might* apply.

The simplest would be to treat this infection as a yeast infection and treat for candida:

I would pay particular attention to Ted's advice and consider using Borax in your dog's drinking water as one approach.

The other idea I have for you is something I have not used personally, however I have read many good results using these products to eliminate heart worm microfilaria - the product is made by Systemic Formulas and it is from the Bio challenge line; the specific products are VRM1, VRM2, VRM3, and VRM4:

These products may be expensive, and you must work with the company for the exact dose needed of the product as you are entering uncharted waters and have no one that has been in your shoes using this product to advise you. Despite the lack of experience in using this product for leashmaniosis, the principal is the same - parasite on the cellular level - so I do not hesitate in suggesting this remedy.

Please report back with your progress in treating your dog's protazoal infection!

Leishmaniasis Remedies
Posted by Joan (Spain) on 10/16/2014

Does anyone have any advice on natural treatment for a dog with Leashmaniosis?

Posted by Bugs Mom (Valdosta, Ga) on 04/08/2014

If fish oil is too stinky, Try krill oil.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/31/2014

Hey Slorff!

There are many OTC wormers that contain the effective ingredient Proziquantel/Droncit in them. You should be able to buy "TradeWinds Tape Worm Tabs Cat Tablets" at any pet supply store - these are cheaper than a vet visit and are effective usually requiring only one treatment.

If you wish to go the herbal route consider VMR1 [], and also slippery elm tea, as well as worm wood and black walnut; dosages for these products would be listed on the bottle and you would need to calculate based on the weight of your pet.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Slorff (Abbot, Maine) on 03/31/2014

Do you know any products that get rid of tapeworms in cats?

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/13/2014

Hey Edie!

Sounds like you need to worm for roundworms/ascarids.

Garlic alone has many great health properties including antiparasitic properties -but I find it is more effective on protozoans - single celled organisms - and completely ineffective when fed on its own to combat a round worm infection.

There are natural remedies that you can try - tinctures usually incorporate wormwood or blackwalnut but there are prepared combinations ie 'Para-gone'. Folks use these along with diatomaceous earth and garlic and it has proven effective for some; the dosing can be tricky and these remedies tend to work slowly and depending on the weight of your pet, the bottled products require purchasing multiple bottles of the product for and optimal treatment. That said, the folks whom I know who have reported success in using these natural approaches typically fed exclusively RAW or BARF diets and their pets all got plenty of hours of daily open air, sun and exercise, ie fit and hard bodied canine athletes. Certain remedies such as garlic and DE need to be used continuously, 24/7/365, tend to be effective only when incorporated in a RAW/BARF feeding program, and work slowly over time - so not like using prescription wormers from the vet.

For my own experience, its actually been far cheaper in the long run for me to go to the vet for prescription wormer ie Panacur/Fenbendazole, than to fiddle with using natural remedies over lengths of time, particularly when dealing with puppies and severely infected crisis cases. The fenbendazole works quickly - you see the dog evacuate the worm load that is present [adult worms] within 24 hours, so you know that the damage they are doing is stopped in its tracks; this is particularly critical in severe infections and with tiny pups. Ideally you would worm 3 times, 2 weeks apart, to eliminate first the adult worms and then any eggs that may hatch out after the initial worming.

I would not bother with OTC wormers from the grocery store ie Hartz Mountain products. Worming products available without a prescription that can be obtained online that are effective on roundworms should contain Pyrantel Pamoate. This is often combined with praziquantel [Droncit] to make it cover tapeworms as well.

CAUTION: Its possible to obtain these key wormers in horse products from the farm and fleet supply stores; this approach can be effective if you have an excellent grasp of mathematics and can calculate the required minute dosage needed for a 40 pound dog vs a 1200 pound horse - otherwise this approach runs the great risk of you overdosing your dog can causing great harm!

Read up on how to identify dog worms and the problems associated with these worms here:

Posted by Edie (Toronto, Canada) on 02/13/2014

Is garlic really proven to kill parasites and safe for my dog, I noticed a white worm in stool this morning @ poop & scoop time.

Posted by Edie (Toronto, Canada) on 02/13/2014

Is garlic really proven to kill parasites and safe for my dog, I noticed a white worm in stool this morning @ poop & scoop time.

Whipworm Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/10/2014

Hey Janetnicks!

"Wormwood" is reputed to be the most effective herbal remedy for whipworms. In researching possible doses I kept finding cautions about how dangerous this particular remedy is, and all the other research only yielded websites with various combined tinctures offered for sale.

I will add, there has been little well done research on natural alternative pet wormers. Herbal websites I have researched, along with advice from my own holistic vet, and from my own trials and errors in dealing with using natural wormers winds down to this: the most effective way to get rid of whipworms in a dog is Fenbendazole/Pancur from your vet.

Because of the long maturation cycle of young worms, a second deworming some 75 days or so after the first deworming is needed to fully clear the infection (easy to forget). Often another deworming in between these doses is recommended to further control the whipworm numbers.

Soil contaminated by whipworm eggs is contaminated for years. It is virutally impossible to remove the eggs from the soil or kill them. If you have heavy soil contamination you may wish to remove the contaminated soil to a depth of 3 feet and replace with clean soil, or adopt a quarterly or twice yearly worming protocol to keep your pet free of worms.

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