Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Cayenne Pepper. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Sindee (San Diego) on 06/24/2017

Editor's Choice Cayenne is used in India for thousands of years and midwives use it to stop bleeding as Schrimsh from Seffner, Florida testified to in her post from 2010. I use cayenne in my buttermilk with a pinch of salt to make a drink in hot summer days in our valley (runs around 100 degrees for days), a good side-effect my blood has thinned out so no more heart problems in over 12 years and in winter no more cold feet and numb fingers.

I gargle with cayenne at the first onset of scratchy-sore throat and haven't had a cold or flu in years.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Everson11 (Mt) on 12/31/2015

Editor's Choice This is my general post concerning my treating of almost all issues with cayenne, despite having a history of surviving 2 heart attacks by using cayenne, after reading the story of Dr. Christopher, and my Awakening tonight... I had an extreme bout of anxiety / agoraphobia for a stretch of a week, with combined almost fainting / vertigo for 3 weeks or more... This is what happened after my nap, the first real sleep in 3 days... I woke up after drinking a lot of beers (7) and felt great, no anxiety, still had head fog but no dizziness... Went to check the mail for the CBD spray, and had no "anxiety" or agoraphobia of being outside... I drove fine, albeit just to the mailboxes and back, but still, the previous 2 days were difficult to get that distance going to the store for beer

A couple of hours later, the anxiety started kicking in, so without the spray, I did what I had to and drank beer as fast as possible, which this time only increased the anxiety and brain fog / dizziness...

For the fun of it, I searched Earth Clinic for "Cayenne Dizziness"... Being that the dizziness and vertigo was triggering the massive panic attacks, I completely forgot that Cayenne treats the ENTIRE circulatory system, which obviously includes the brain, and Arrhythmia matches all the symptoms

I boiled water, added it to about 1/4 tsp of Cayenne and drank it...

The anxiety was gone within 45 seconds or so, and I cleared several paper towels worth of mucus, clearing my lungs... I had been planting my foot in the floor so hard when under these attacks, that I literally tore a gash in my new slippers... The foot pain was intense... It's GONE now, I can feel it warm, but no pain

When I cut my finger deep and healed it with Cayenne, Adrenaline kicked in, and I ignored that it was helping the anxiety and lungs completely... Same thing with the Heart Attacks... I was hitting the prime target for the Cayenne, and ignoring the other benefits...

I guess I would have known on both occasions if I couldn't breathe, but I'm sure I could perfectly, so I had NO IDEA until now that Cayenne takes care of the lungs as well...

There is surely some adrenaline involved now because I'm able to see and concentrate etc, and it will take more experiments to figure it out, but I'm going to drink a cup every morning... Everybody should, it costs about 2 cents.

High Blood Pressure, Surgery Recovery

Posted by Deshawn (Las Vegas) on 09/22/2014

Editor's Choice When my doctor first told me I had high blood pressure and then he had prescribed me bp pills my first thought was I will fill the prescription as a back up but I refused to take them without first RESEARCHING natural alternatives.

I chose powdered cayenne pepper and in the beginning it did raise my bp but then after 2 days it normalized.

I love the results of cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp in a small amount of warm faucet water is what did it for me and continues to do it for me. It is cheap and highly effective but don't do it on an empty stomach, I did and it wasn't a good feeling. I felt like I wanted to vomit, my mouth kept watering and my stomach felt weird but only for about 5 minutes, afterwards I felt great.

It helped me out again in a major surgery I had back in March, my healing was rapid and amazing.

You do not need organic or any special type of water a small amount of warm faucet water and the regular grocery store cayenne pepper works perfectly fine.

I don't believe in hyping others up with you must take organic and the water must be either this type or that type but if taking organic makes you personally feel better than that's great.

I only paid $1 at the grocery store for my powered cayenne pepper and the warm faucet water was free it just doesn't get any better than that and I had amazing results each time.

And please before any gets offended I am not putting down organic anything nor am I against organic I just personally do not help spread the deception that it must be organic to be effective because my results have proved organic is not necessary to achieve great results like mine.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Silent Prayer Herbal Center (Jamaica W.i.) on 11/23/2013

Editor's Choice Cayenne Pepper is a wonderful spice, it's not only great for sinus problems

It helps to protect the heart, it has the ability to stop a heart attack or stroke instantly. this is personal experience that a friend whom I introduced Cayenne pepper to had with her older sister.

This is the experience.

One morning at the breakfast table she noticed her sister stuttering and, in a few seconds she saw her face sort of twisting one of the indication of a stroke or heart attack, she immediately ran and got some cayenne pepper put it in her mouth and in a minute or so her sister was back to normal.

She then took her to the doctor only to find out that she suffered a stroke and if it had not been for the application of Cayenne Pepper she might have died or suffered permanent brain damage.

Cayenne Pepper is also one of the best spice for weight loss, in fact this is Beyonce's favorite. It helps to reduce weight while protecting the heart.

Cayenne Pepper works real well for Arthritis: Poor circulation, High Blood pressure and more.

I have been using Cayenne Pepper for years and I can testify to the wonderful healing properties of Cayenne Pepper.

Just a few days ago I feel my head start hurting, I remembered that the Capsaicin in cayenne Pepper is good for pain, I just ran for the Cayenne Pepper placed some under my tongue and in a few minutes the pain was gone.

Cayenne Pepper is awesome, but since it also takes out toxin from the system as well hot, one must drink plenty water so as not to cause kidney damage.

Just use natural herbs and spices wisely and you'll be OK.


Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon, Uk) on 10/31/2012

Editor's Choice Cayenne does indeed heal ulcers.

Mine were caused after injuring my back and taking ibuprofen, the ulcers came on a few months after them. I tried cabbage, pine nut oil, oats etc. etc., these things helped a little but none of them were able to get me back to my previous perfect health.

At first I was a little unsure about taking cayenne as I thought it wold burn and make things far worse, but this turned out not to be the case,

The little jar of shop bought cayenne had been sat in the spice cupboard beckoning me for weeks, eventually, after months of ulcer discomfort I was forced to act, I only took about an 1/8 tsp. 2 -3 times daily.

I noticed improvements after day 1, about a week or 10 days later my pain and discomfort had all gone and has never returned.

I still take a pinch daily for its health benefits, it also cured my coccyx pain after my back injury.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Nightfire (Danville, Illinois, United States) on 03/10/2012

Editor's Choice I have grown accustomed to taking cayenne so decided to try the lemon, cayenne drink 'before' eating anything this morning and

WOW not only did it ENERGIZE me, when I went to eat breakfast I only ate a third about what I would usually eat AND an hour later still NOT hungry and still energized.

ALSO *ha ha* I found out yesterday when I took my lemon cayenne drink in warm water religiously through the day and got on my stay ball (actually on this site for a long period... Can't help it I'm aging backwards and 'hooked') that my shoulder which usually aches horribly (had torn the muscles in both left and right some years ago and never felt right since)

HAD NOT GIVEN ME ANY PROBLEMS, I had only sat in a normal chair to eat dinner... Curbs appetite, pain reliever, energizer (also a never ending list haha, glad I'm half Mexican and love HOT spices)... No downfalls I'm aware of, better and cheaper then any 'Energy drink' out there (but don't keep me up at night : )


Broad Benefits
Posted by Ray (Blairsville, Ga.) on 01/30/2012

Editor's Choice I did a good bit of research on the Cayenne treatments before getting it for myself and told my wife about it and she trusted me enough to say she would give it a try also.

Listen up folks, she is 73 on blood pressure medicine and arthritis pain pills for lower back pain which got so bad she would sit on the couch to watch tv and use a heating pad. The pain was so bad sometimes after being on her feet for awhile she would go to tears and it seemed to take hours for the pain pills to work.

I told her not to take the blood pressure medicine while trying cayenne because it may be unsafe. Within 24 hours the pain was gone with no pills, her blood pressure which was causing her bad headaches every afternoon is still as good as it was with the medicine and no headaches. She has lost 11 pounds in just over a week her energy level us up also.

She has had stomach problems all her life and hasn't needed any antacids since she started on the treatment just a little burning in her throat which was expect from it and she takes another drink of water and it goes away. She sleeps great and gets plenty of exercise going to the bathroom from all the water she drinks.

Folks, she has motion sickness and yesterday she forgot to take her pills before we took a trip from Ga. to Kentucky to visit relatives on winding mountains roads part way and didn't have a single problem even though she normally throws up and gets sick to the point sometimes of throwing up foam when her stomach gets empty.

We are on well water where we live but I have read how bad fluoride is for you since it's toxic, look on the back of your tooth paste it says if swallowed go to the emergency room so if it's in your water what do you think.

Use room temperature spring water at least, I can't tell you how much better she has gotten in just a week.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Sunita (Santa Cruz, California) on 10/09/2011

Editor's Choice My dad used to mix 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in home-made buttermilk, drink it after meals everyday as long as I can remember. He said he was cured of peptic ulcer, ringing in ears, indigestion, gas problems and something else I forgot. He died a healthy 67 yr old from an auto accident. I have been sprinkling it on my food every day for about a year now and have had no colds. When I stopped for a few weeks while traveling I had terrible problem with swollen feet so I noticed as soon as I began taking the CP swelling was gone. An 86 yr old friend of mine swears by it for candida, circulation, eczema and her good vision. She has taken capsules for past 20 yrs. I have taken turmeric with warm milk for acid reflux and it has worked wonders.

Cayenne Recipes

Posted by William James (Seattle, Wa) on 08/20/2011

Editor's Choice I ingest cayenne through a tasty blended drink I call Bill's Spice Juice:

  • 1 whole lemon and/or lime
  • 1 tray of ice
  • Orange Juice (or orange concentrate)
  • 1 tsp Cayenne
  • 1-2 tsp powdered ginger
  • water
  • Blend till smoothOptional delicious variations to the above recipe add: spinach and banana or berry jam or frozen berries.

    The addition of powered ginger and jam alters the drink in a tropical manner. I find this drink so tasty, I can't wait to come home to drink it. I've been drinking it since June 2011 and I noticed (on August 14) that my tendon & joint pain I've suffered with for four years now has vanished.

Cayenne Tips

Posted by William (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 02/25/2011

Editor's Choice I've been filling my own "00" gel caps with cayenne pepper for a year now, with no side effects. I take it orally now. This is the most beneficial way to do it. But you must start out with organic cayenne pepper at about 40, 000 SHU (heat units) by taking 1/8 tsp. In 4 oz. Room temp. Distilled water, after every meal and build up to hotter pepper.


I am now taking 1 level tsp. of organic cayenne pepper @ 90,000SHU in 4 oz. of distilled water after every meal. I can even swirl it around in my mouth for a while. You will get used to it...

This spice/herb is truly amazing.

I am 66 years old and I've never felt better in my life. If cayenne pepper was $50.00 a pound (which it isn't) I would still buy a pound every month.

Thanks for listening...


Posted by Kolin (Nottingham, England) on 02/13/2011

Editor's Choice Yesterday I had, unusually while awake, a strong episode of atrial flutter, my chest felt like a washine machine full of golf balls! It would not calm down with relaxation etc, so, half teaspoon cayenne in a cup of warm water followed by a short deliberate heavy coughing session, 5 minutes later all went back to normal, well worth trying!

Keep up these posts, love to all, Kolin.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Cayenne619 (San Diego, Ca) on 09/14/2010

Editor's Choice The power of cayenne powder:

The reason it suggested to take it with warm water is it works faster because the warm opens up the cell structure--makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it in powerful food.

I am a recovering alcoholic in my 26th year and have bit longer without drugs. Before finding cayenne powder, the only holistic products was Epsom salt and ice for my pains.

September of 2009, I did the master cleanse for 7 days and 2 weeks of milk thistle with bentonite clay. During this cleanse noticed the odd annoying pain in my left leg had vanished.

Upon more investigation came to the conclusion that caffeine had restricted my circulation and capsaicin (cayenne powder) had opened it.. I used to lie in bed and my leg would hurt or be sitting in a recovery meeting drinking coffee rubbing my ankle in pain. I am pain free.

Every night on an empty stomach before bed without food, I take 1 fresh squeezed orange, half a teaspoon of cayenne powder and a drop of safflower oil.

Also in the morning I do the same but have food immediately or else there is the possibility with moving around that it will cause a horrible stomach problems from my movement.

What I have read is cayenne powder works as a blood thinner. It is suggested don't use it if you have high blood pressure, on other blood thinners.

It does lower ldl and raise hdl. It works also like Midol (pain inhibitor) for women with cramps.

It stops the production of "Substance P" in the spinal cord that sends synapses to neurons to the brain to let us know that there is pain.

I have found personally it has help me get a better night sleep and to feel restful and energized in the morning. I swear by it and use it for all my ailment names.


Posted by Sybilg (Sainte Eugene De Ladriere, Prov. Quebec Canada) on 01/18/2010

Editor's Choice I had pain for years in my bones a month ago before I started to take cayenne pepper capsules and I now am pain free. I continue to take 1 capsule per day. It's nice to be pain free.

I started off with 2 daily then I increased the dose 1 per day until I reached 5 i stayed at 5 a day for a week. Then I decreased then to 1. This works well on the heart, diabetes, and diverticolosis which I have. A big improvement.

Oh, 400 gram capsules they were.

Nephrotic Syndrome

Posted by Cheryl (Bakersfield, California) on 12/01/2009

Editor's Choice Kidney help

Years ago, in 1998 my son was sent home from the hospital, on a friday, after one week, with a very swollen abdomen and swelling in his ankles. He has had a disease called Nephrotic Syndrome since he was fifteen, and he was then twenty-four. At that time he had been hospitalized over forty times for this awful disease. This hospital that had had him for a patient for nearly ten years, lost his medical file!

So my son told this new doctor that when he is in a swollen state that Lasix in pill form will not make him urinate. He told him that the only treatment that would get the fluid off of him at that point was lasix given intraveinously. Well, the doctor refused and kept on trying to give him pills.

When I told the patient advocate about the problem the doctor sent my son home the next day with about two gallons of excess water still inside him. He was unable to urinate more than an inch of urine that contained blood and pus. Well, I made him a bed on my couch and tried to make him as comfortable as I could. I knew that it would be nearly impossible to find a kidney specialist on the week-end. So I went in my bedroom and closed the door and laid across my bed and cried and cried. And then I remembered something I had read in a little book titled: '10 Top Herbs to cure big diseases'

It said that cayenne pepper unblocks any blockage! So I thought to myself it is worth a try. I looked in my kitchen cabinet and I had it in my spices. I thought I would put some in soup, and then I told myself 'No' because that is just more liquid in him he doesn't need right now. So I dumped out some big capsules and filled up four or five of them. I gave them to my son and within a four hour period he urinated three long times! After that his pills kicked in and began working!

He remained in remission for about eight years but it always flares up when he gets a cold or flu, or under to much stress.

I hope this helps.


Posted by Geri (Dothan, Alabama) on 06/21/2009

Editor's Choice Cayenne pepper effects on heart racing and arrythmia...

I have been using cayenne pepper for several months for racing heart and arrythmia. Within less than a minute my heart is back to normal!! I use 1/2 teaspoon in warm water, less than a cup, one teaspoon in 8oz is recommended, but I get the results from 1/2 tsp., also I use cayenne pepper liberally on most of my food, like salads, baked potato, omlets, etc.. I have tried MANY natural cures, but never had one work so fast. The Phamaceutical companies will probably try to get this miracle cure declared illegal! If people could try it, doctors and drugs would lose billions! I don't mind the heat at all for the results I get. It IS a good idea to have some food in your stomach, though. Wonderful site, Earth Clinic!!


Posted by Nick (Johannesburg, South Africa, Gauteng South Africa) on 02/19/2009

Editor's Choice One week before I turned 40 I became very ill- flue like symptoms. Docter told me I had prostrate problems. Since then, urinating wasn't what it use to be! 2 years ago I met this friend who only took natural medicines, and she recommended Cayenne Pepper. I've been taking it in powder form -3x per day with luke warm water- and I can honestly say i pee like a 30 year old!


Posted by Phyllis (Milton, FL.USA) on 02/18/2009

Editor's Choice God Created Cayenne Pepper for our health, along with other herbs. I have been an avid user of CP for 20 years. I make my own tincture of 2 oz. cayenne pepper powder and one pint vodka. Mix on new moon and keep covered for 14 days. invert bottle twice a day to mix. Strain through cheese cloth. Keep in a dark glass bottle or out of direct light. Will keep for evvvver, it seems.

I put tincture on an incision after bladder surgery in 1995. I applied once daily with a Q tip. When I went to get my stitches removed 10 days later, the Dr. was astonished to see how well I healed. I have NO SCAR at all. He said he had NEVER seen anyone heal that well or fast.

I used to be a dog handler and have been bitten on my hands several times, some very deep and to the bone. You will find no scars, tho some of the bites were evtremely severe. I never had stitches once or even went to a Doctor for the bites.I let the wound bleed and did not wash it. The bleeding was the cleanser of the wound. I then applied cayenne powder directly to the open wound and held it in place with a butterfly tape or two. Bleeding stopped instantly, with absolutely no burning sensation. AND no scarring. Healed each time in days.

I firmly believe that all military should and must carry a supply of CP in their first aid kits. It would save many many lives due to traumatic open wounds of all kinds. Cayenne pepper should be administered both topically and internally, if possible, in severe bleeding cases. Internally will almost always prevent shockin those cases.

A tea of 1 tsp CP and a cup of hot water 3 times daily prevented a friend from having to undergo a second baloon surgery for his heart. His Drs. did not believe his "cure" but him and I know what cured him.


Posted by Rita Cachia (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 11/10/2008

Editor's Choice Vision improvment

I have been taking 3 cayenne pepper caps a day and I cannot believe how i can see better. I am typing away without glasses this evening. My vision is +2.5 on the left and +2.00 on the right.

Also I suffer from a bad cocxyx (tail bone pain) since I started the caps my pain has halved. I read somewhere it heals nerves I think its true.

I am telling everyone about it.I take a capsule with everymeal.Its working. I had a brand new wart which became sore so I mixed cayenne pepper with a drop of water to make a little paste and put it on the wart. Put a bandaid on it and now its gone. Try it.

High Blood Pressure

Posted by Gabi (Toronto, Canada) on 06/10/2008

Editor's Choice When I red about cayenne at Earth Clinic first time I run to the kitchen to try it. I had wonderful experience! It was almost nirvana like. I was rested and full of energy. Since then I take it usually before bed time. I wake up in the morning without awful bags under my eyes and my feet aren't swollen at all. I told about cayenne paper one of my clients who is over 2 years on chemotherapy. She decided to try it. Most difficult for that lady are mornings (blood pressure is about 50/80!). Guess what happened? After 20 min we checked and her blood pressure was 127/73! We didn't check again but for the next couple hrs which are usually most difficult to get through during the day, she was OK! I got this idea from information to use cayenne paper as a first aid in a case of heart attack. Thank you Earth Clinic. If it didn't save a life it made it possible to live!

Broad Benefits

Posted by Dr. Blake HMD (Lake Elsinore, Ca) on 03/24/2008

Editor's Choice I have been reading your readers' emails and I wanted to make some comments about Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne is one of my favorate herbs for myself and my clients. I had prostate cancer 18 years ago and I cured it naturally using herbs, cleansing and diet only.

For the cancer I used the John Ray Christopher method of cayenne tea with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in warm water 3 times daily. Today I still use one or more teaspoons daily in my food at every meal.

Just recently I received a call from a Doctor of Chinese medicine who was throwing up blood from ulcers. As I alway do I suggested cayenne capsuls using 100,000 heat units plus. He could not believe that this would work but he took my advice and within a few days his problem was over. Of course I also gave him some advice on changing diet and lifestyle.

In my 18 years as a naturopahtic healer, I have used cayenne many times for bleeding ulcers. Cayenne also works great for emphysema sufferors, I have seen patients get off oxygen bottles and out of wheelchairs. But the person with the disease must go beyond the herb for the disease and look at the way they eat and their lifestyle. If they do not change their life the disease will appear somewhere else in another form.


Posted by Paul (Brisbane, Australia) on 03/04/2008

Editor's Choice I wanted to share the excellent result I got from using "organic" cayenne pepper to stop the bleeding on my foot.

Yesterday the 04.03.08, I got a cut on the top middle of my right foot about one inch long and all the way through the layers of my skin.

You could see inside my foot! It was very unsettling as I've never had such a deep cut before.

I'm a regular reader of Earth Clinic and have been familiar with the uses of cayenne pepper for a long time so my first instinct was to grab it and smear in about 1/3 of a teaspoon into the cut until it completely sealed the cut.

Let me say that reading others testimonials is one thing but seeing it personally in action was remarkable. The bleeding stopped instantly and only the slightest pain remained.

My family wanted to take me to the hospital to get stitched up but my intuition told me that it would be fine. After about ten minutes there was still no bleeding so I smeared a thin layer of manuka honey (Its rating was UHF 30 ) over the cut and covered it with a large bandaid.

The next day I checked the cut and it had rejoined and is healing nicely without any stitches required. I cleaned of the gunk from the previous day and applied a fresh thin layer of manuka honey over the cut and thin layer of organic cold pressed coconut oil to keep it free from infection.

Much Love and Gratitude to Earth Clinic and all the people who take the time to share their experiences so that the rest of us can be enlightened on the healing powers of Mother Nature! :)

Broad Benefits

Posted by John (New Zealand) on 03/04/2008

Editor's Choice This is my account of why cayenne pepper 150,000 - 300,000 BTU's kills the flu virus in significant numbers within 20 minutes, and with the use of activated powdered charcoal, is able to continue to do this, yet without hardly any hint of a burning sensation while yet maintaining the same power to kill the flu virus, as though one had taken the same amount of cayenne without the charcoal.

It is one thing to know that powerful cayenne tincture or powder is sudden death to the flu virus that attacks so many tens of millions or more times a year around the globe, but just as vital is that mixing of it in a ratio of at least 1cayenne:4charcoal making this remedy available to everyone other than the "super human's" that only could prefer the hot mix to the flu symptoms, besides, those kind of freaks of nature are unlikely to succumb to the flu anyway, so you can see how important the inclusion of charcoal is, if the remedy is to be of any use to the average person that has too much apprehension of the burn to take it in sufficient quality and quantity to kill the flu virus.

Fact one is merely a matter of observance: That if one is fortunate enough to be in a position to take at least one heap teaspoon of African Bird's Eye pepper (good quality and condition that is), and it has been mixed with at least four equally heaped teaspoons of activated powdered charcoal, and even better, had at least one to four spoonfuls of powdered barley green added (making sure that there is enough water in the mix to make a watery slurry rather than a paste, because this is to be drunk not eaten), that aesthetically removes the grittiness and helps lessen the need for as much charcoal, if it has been obviously a flu virus, the headache and fever symptoms drop off 100%, with loose stools possibly remaining, for 3-7 days but more in the case of the less serious flues. It seems, to my experience, that the more deadly flues have been the easiest to kill. Like the common cold the milder and more common varieties seem to cause diarrhea (although losing headache and fever just as quickly, as the more serious strains).

Fact two is: Anyone denying this assertion, while at the same time not supplying a better account, for why this observable fact one occurred, is telling us more about themselves (and the insufficient way that they view the world) rather than truthfully disproving the efficiency of cayenne and charcoal to painlessly and healthfully solve a very uncomfortable problem with horrible headaches, fever and loss of work time either in the work force, home care or the school attendance.

Just think of the number of hours lost to a nation's economy from all of the strains of the flu virus alone let alone other possible "bugs" that this remedy could also deal to.

One I know for sure is pneumonia, which I think is bacillus. I think that it is unacceptable that there is many container loads of the best quality African Bird's Eye cayenne in the pods still exported from Africa at around $4/kilo, making $70,000 a container, to disappear into the confusion of middlemen, certainly never to be seen in health shops or such like where it can save lives more than as bottled hot chilli sauce or something useless like that.

Feel free to post anything that I say at any time. Like Martin Luther, I am prepared to stand for what I believe in and be honest enough to put it to any test, while assuming responsibility to either defeat all comers or admit if someone can really show me where I am wrong.


Posted by Helen (NY, NY) on 01/08/2008

Editor's Choice A year ago my husband had one too many drinks, and tripped and fell hard backwards onto a sharp edge of a railing, which split open the back of his head. The wound was three inches long, and so deep....I was afraid to look at first, for fear that he had cracked his skull and would slip into an unconscious state. We were living on a remote island in the Bahamas at this time with no emergency people on hand, certainly no doctors or health care providers. A helicopter typically took 45mins to get you to a hospital.( If the last emergency was anything to go by) So I pulled myself together and instructed my eight year old son to keep Daddy awake by talking to him, no matter what! I tore my kitchen cupboards apart looking for the magical pepper I had read so much about year or two earlier.

I finally found the small bottle of cayenne pepper. I figured the whole bottle should slow the bleeding in time to find help.

Well.... not only did it STOP the bleeding, but after holding the wound together and having my son tip the entire contents of the bottle onto my husbands head the wound looked as though it was starting to stick together like glue! We sat holding the wound together for a further few hours for good measure, Then used thin strips of tape across it to act like stitches.

My son and I took turns waking my husband through the night, about every half hour to check he was ok, and to make sure the wound hadn't started bleeding again. To our amazement not only was there no pain after the first hour, but the burning sensation was very mild considering the depth of the cut.

The following day no one on the island would believe how bad the wound had been, and certainly felt there was no need to rush to the hospital.

Two days later we took the tape off. The wound had sealed with no infection, only a big orange crust from the cayenne pepper!

A further five days later, my husband had a shower and washed off the crust to reveal a lond thin line that looked like an old cat scratch!

To this day no one understands my decision to trust the magic of cayenne pepper. All I can say is........ we had no choice!

What a blessing to discover something so powerful.

I know it will travel with me every where I go for the rest of my life! And people often ask why I take strange capsules filled with red stuff.. I just smile......if only they knew!

Prevents Colds and Flu

Posted by Barbara (Baltimore, MD) on 12/26/2007

Editor's Choice From infancy through childhood, teenage years, young and middle adulthood I have always been blessed with excellent health -- with one exception: I suffered from one cold and sore throat after another.

While none ever progressed to pneumonia, I would recover from one and then two weeks later feel the start of the next cold. Yet I have never smoked and have had excellent health habits.

For whatever reason, about 15 years ago I started to take 2-4 cayenne pepper capsules a day. A miracle occurred. Since then, I rarely contract a cold -- maybe one a year and not as severe as the ones I used to experience.

I can't laud the properties of cayenne enough. Be sure to swallow the capsule with enough liquid and you'll have no uncomfortable effect.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Samantha (Portland, Oregon) on 10/17/2007

Editor's Choice I found cayenne a great cure for pretty much everything some time ago. It wasn't long ago that I came down with a bad sinus infection, cough, and fatigue. I decided to boil water on the stove, and add cayenne (open 3 capsules and pour them in), crushed garlic (4 cloves), half an onion, and grated ginger. THIS COMBINATION IS AMAZING. It is SO powerful. The most vital ingredients are the cayenne and garlic, but the onion and ginger are also very helpful. Make sure and boil everything until the onion is mushy, and the garlic is too. Keep a lid on, but every so often inhale the steam from the boiling remedy.. very soothing! Pour it into a glass and drink the whole thing. It is very potent, so what I do is add honey to it and it really tastes like liquid food- like a soup base or something.

Another remedy that I use is cayenne tea- just put a tea bag of your favorite tea in boiling water, and add a capsule of cayenne & some honey. Since I have been using cayenne in tea, and orally, and drinking the onion ginger garlic tincture, I rarely get sick.. and when I do, I can kick it within 3 days maximum.

Cayenne is also extremely helpful for menstrual cramps.

Acid Reflux, Heartburn

Posted by Bruce (US) on 07/04/2007

Editor's Choice On the subject of acid reflux and heartburn, I have all but eliminated it after 20 or so years of suffering.

I used to keep a large bottle of Tums with me at all times. The acid reflux was horrible, waking me up in bed with searing pain in my throat and gasping for air, not knowing if this would be the end. The choking went on for half an hour or more. Milk, more Tums, water, juice, nothing gave instant relief.

Like magic, after about three months, I had lost almost all of the symtoms of the acid reflux and heartburn. You can cure yourself easily if you are determined. It will take perseverence and patience and will gradually go from bad to good in three months or so.

Cayenne Pepper is the answer!

Now on a regular basis I take from one to two heaping tablespoons of granulated cayenne with my meals. Not on any cereal though! Usually if you can start off with a litle and work up to a large dose like I did, it will become easy and things after a while will not seem to taste right without it.

I am so happy I don't use Tums anymore and I don't have stomach problems. I would encourage anyone to read about "cayenne pepper healing effects."

Do a Google search and you will be surprised at what you read about its healing effects. I get my cayenne from a wholesale club in bulk containers. I use Tone's ground cayenne pepper and it is about $4.00 for a 1 LB container. That should last you about six months or more.

Good luck and remember, you will have to get used to the heat or it won't work.

In addition to taking the cayenne pepper, don't go to sleep on a full stomach. Give it 3 or 4 hours before you go to sleep.



Posted by Karenna (SF, CA) on 06/01/2007

Editor's Choice Cayenne is NOT unsafe per one of your feedback customers. I recently found your website in some research I am doing on Cayenne and Lymph but was a little disconcerted to see that you published someone's testimonial warning others not to use cayenne if they do not want their blood thinned.

Posted by Amy (New Haven, CT) on 02/18/2007: Love your site but wanted to let you know that the reason you are supposed to stop taking cayenne pepper before surgery has nothing whatsoever to do with inflammation (which in most cases it doesn't cause anyhow). The reason is that Cayenne Pepper is a very effective blood thinner and so, like aspirin, you don't take it prior to surgery, to ensure minimal blood loss.

Cayenne is used in midwifery and in other instances when needed to stop hemorrhaging, and has the ability to correct and balance both ends of many circulation issues. It will assist in dissolving clots as well as stopping bleeding, and it will -- over time -- correct both high and low blood pressure.

I suggest to all readers that when it comes to benefits and contraindications of herbs and medications, that they exhaustive research, or at least more than they think is necessary, to discover what they need to know for their particular situation or those for whom they are caring.

Strep Throat

Posted by Gerry (Seattle) on 10/23/2006

Editor's Choice Cayenne pepper cured a sore throat that had expanded and totally shut down all breathing including through the nose and mouth. I take 1/2 tsp of 90k heat units of cayenne daily in my protein drink along with several fruits and herbs etc. This past Friday night my throat became very sore and I could not swallow. The throat swelled and totally closed off. Breathing through the nostrils ceased as well. I put my fingers down my throat to give a convulsive reaction and try to get some air. My wife was going to call 911 and I waved her off. Finally after several tries to throw up I was able to get a little air. I had my wife drive to the store for some expectorants/lozenges etc. (the usual things we try).

I jumped on the net and found your site about the cayenne and gargle. I could not gargle so put 1/2 tsp of cayenne in warm water and sipped it down.

The breathing started to come back almost instantly.

After 3 cups of 1.2 tsp each, my breathing was back to normal and I was able to sleep for 5 hours without any discomfort. When I woke up, my throat was still a little sore so I drank a cup of "brew" 5 times during the day. The breathing was fine and the sore throat was gone but I still had some "cold" symptoms.

After two days I feel great. Being able to take a deep unrestricted breath has never felt so good.I noticed on your responses I was reading some people say they "sprinkle" some on and it doesn't work. Others are afraid to swallow some for fear it will hurt them.

Cayenne is one of the best herbs we have and has many uses. I would not use less than 1/2 tsp in a cup of water either warm or cold it still works.

Cayenne will heal internal bleeding and ulcers. It helps the heart and helps clear the arteries. Next time you have a cut and are bleeding take cayenne and "sprinkle" it liberally over the cut and watch it stop bleeding almost instantaneously. A great drink for hiking or driving long distances is about 20 ounces of fresh grape juice that you make in the blender and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne. It takes a short while to get used to it BUT you will not fall asleep at the wheel and it is great for extra energy on a hike. We have used it for years.

I am glad I found your site and kick myself I did not think to put cayenne in water and drink it myself when I was in total oxygen deprivation.

A little trick to cut down on the really "hot" feel when swallowing cayenne:

Take a couple of swallows of cayenne then immediately close your mouth and do not breathe either through your nose or mouth. Wait about 10 seconds and drink a couple of swallows of water etc.

Also the "cayenne heat" slows down with each swallow until after awhile you barely notice it. Please notice that the store bought cayenne in the bottles is normally 5k heat units and some from health food stores is 40k heat units and some will be 90k heat units.

You can also special order it up to over 200k heat units. If you are using 5k heat units it will take a little more to get the desired results. As for swallowing cayenne, it is good stuff for your system and has vitamin "C" to boot.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/17/2006

Editor's Choice A friend told me about cayenne for cuts and infections. I added salt to it, because that's what I used to use and I liked the taste with salt, and it has cured everything I have used it on. I even broke up completely blocked sinuses with the mix, squirting it in my nose. Go easy and dilute it a lot more than for gargling, since it is Hot, but it works SO fast, and the burn doesn't last very long.

I have used it on so many infections, and had a hound that had some chronic digestive problems. I had cured most of them with yogurt and tripe, but he still wasn't right. When he got diarrhea and it was in to its 5th day and Nothing was working, I thought, maybe he had been harboring some bad bacteria all the yrs, and they increased. I had been giving him rice so mixed some cayenne in. It was a funny scene as he took a bite, shook his head, snorted, and walked around the yard, always coming back to eat more till he finished it. The next day his stools were firm!! I made up 2 capsules and gave them just to make sure the cayenne got into his intestines, but I don't think they were needed. His food sensitivities disappeared AND what had been a Very Skiddish animal after a bad scare when I first got him, and he had many before, became brave, and he became a normal, confident animal that I was always trying to create, and Believe Me, I am a Master at desensitizing scared animals, and in minutes, but this guy was a Real challenge. His problem was he never felt well enough to be bold, and he would go aggressive when he felt threatened.

Try cayenne And salt for Any and every infection, or what you think may be one. Boil it and drink it for urinary tract ones. Vince F

Colds and Flu

Posted by Aaron (New Port Richey, FL) on 02/11/2006

Editor's Choice Well, where to begin.

I got up Sunday with a tickle in my throat. I was suppose to sing at church and by the time I arrive could not. By half time of Superbowl the sore throat an congestion had set in.

Worked Mon, Tues and Wed thinking I could get through it, but after not sleeping Tues and Wed, I was simply put exhausted and tired of being sick.

Called in sick Thurs, figuring I really needed to rest to beat this, since I had not been this sick in 5 years. Missed work again Fri. By Fri evening I decided to look online for natural remedies.

My symptoms, sore (strep throat), hard packed congestion, coughing up the vilest green/yellow crap I have ever seen.

Having diagnosed myself with strep throat, I search Dogpile with ("strep throat" "natural cures"). This is how I found the Earthclinic website, of which I consider myself blessed to have found.

Under the "sore throat" section I read the "Penny's cayenne pepper remedy". I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me.

However, I was so miserable I figured what do I have to loose. So I sprinkled some cayenne in a glass, mixed in some warm water and gargled about 5 times (swallowing only a very small amount each time).

By the time I was done, I could tell there was something good happening. I waited 15 minutes and repeated the same procedure. When I finished I just couldn't believe it. My swollen sore glands were all but gone and the thick green/yellow was breaking up.

I said "praise God", took a Melatonin (for sleeping) and crashed. I woke up about 3 hours later, hawked a few loogies (no where near as bad as before), gargled again and went back to sleep.

When I got up in the morning I simply could not believe how good my throat felt, so I gargled again thinking if what I did makes me feel this good, doing it again will make me feel even better. However, my sinuses were still pretty packed and discharge still fairly green/yellow.

By now Doris, my wife, had arose around 6:00 a.m. (she had the same thing prior to my getting it and still had not fully recovered now almost 2 weeks after it started). I told her the above, she then asked where did I get the info and what do they say about sinus infections.

We both looked at the site this morning and saw the info about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). We looked at each other in amazement, looked at the ACV on the top of the stove and made a couple of ACV cocktails for breakfast.

Within an hour I had no more green/yellow snot. It is now 10:30 a.m. and my nose still runs abit but clear discharge verses the vile stuff previously mentioned. I simply cannot put into words how much better my throat feels. 12 hours earlier I told my wife the best thing I could use for my throat would be a knife. :-)

I am still coughing a little but nothing like the 4 days prior that make your head ache and pound. Even sitting here finishing this script, I keep saying outloud to myself, "I can't believe how good my throat feels! I can't believe how good my throat feels! ..."

I am a skeptic who has been turned into an advocate. The only thing you have to loose is sleepless nights and a smaller pay check. Are you with me??

Strep Throat

Posted by Penny (USA) on 02/01/2006

Editor's Choice If it is too late, as in strep, it takes gargling with cayenne in water every fifteen minutes until it goes, and be patient, because it GOES.

I haven't had a sore throat take hold in 15 years or more, though many have tried to start up, which also is a way for many illnesses to sprout.

I generally will gargle cayenne in water at whatever strength I like and do it as much as I can until I tire of it, and then repeat every fifteen minutes, each time swallowing a tiny bit real slowly (not necessary).

It only stings the tongue a little when spitting out, otherwise, no discomfort, you can get used to even the swallowing part when you see how well it works.

I use the cheap Mex. stuff, but also keep on hand in refir the pesticide free stuff from health store.

Cayenne is a miracle cure for ulcers and so many other conditions, plus aids assimilation of nutrients and vitamins. I will keep cayenne in water in the bathroom in case I get up in the night, so I can gargle once in the night if I am very sick, but if it is in water, it will go bad quickly and needs to be put back in refridge in morning.

Afterwards suck on a clove (see below). I have never seen a sore throat that won't succumb to it.


Posted by Ted (Bangkok) 392 posts

Editor's Choice While ginger seems to restore energy in most cases, however I find capsicum powder (cayenne peppers) mixed with fresh ginger works the best as it helps with circulation. Especially works well if you are drowsy and raises oxygen level to those tiny capillaries which receives little or no blood flow. If you can find them, fresh ginger and fresh cayenne peppers (fine chopped) work the best due to higher bioflavanoid, vitamin P content, as well as vitamin C, etc.

When I need a good good circulation, I just eat the ginger, then the fresh cayenne peppers. The ratio is 50:50.

Of course, I don't expect anyone will do that, so just try getting a mortar and pestle and mix the fresh cayenne peppers and ginger. Try 1/4-1/2 teaspoon for each. Then either mix them in lemon and honey. I can't be too specific about the recipes. It depends on how well you can tolerate the hot taste of peppers. Fresh peppers worked the best.

If you find this too hard for the stomach, just take Vitamin B3, Niacin. That will get you on skin flushing and it works also, but differently. Cayenne peppers are more powerful and for the heart. While Niacin seems to be active on small capillary circulation on the skin. Niacin seems to reduce cholesterol and helps repair damage tissues (such as gum disease and heart circulation also).