Top Natural Remedies for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/10/2016

My Dad is 87 and has Alzheimer's. I went to visit him last weekend (He lives near my siblings, ten hours away.) I only get to see him every few months. I arrived and he was sitting on the edge of his bed. I greeted him and he wasn't very responsive. He wasn't sleepy, he was just kind of vacant. I encouraged him to get up and go sit with me and several of my kids in the living area. He was having a hard time comprehending basic directions. He was making a repetitive noise, which was new for him since I last saw him. I was feeling pretty discouraged.

We got to the living room. My kids had stringed instruments and started to play. They played some songs that I knew he loved and had been singing for more than half a century. Dad immediately perked up. He sang along, he smiled, he showed nostalgic recongnition. He even stood up and started "directing." We sang and sang and sang. He clearly enjoyed it. What was interesting is that he seemed mentally better after we had been singing. When I had arrived, I don't think he knew I was his daugther or even someone he knew. Later he was introducing me to someone as his daughter. He couldn't recal my name. I supplied it and he said, "Oh, yes, " and then he said my middle name.

I have seen music affect my babies. I have seen music help children learn to read. And I know it is powerful.

I wonder what would happen if my Dad had a lot more singing time each day.

The nursing home where he lives does work hard to cater to the needs of memory care patients. The movies they play are the oldies that most residents would rememember from younger days - lots of black and white movies, even. Every day during meal time they play "big band" music. I have often seen my dad begin to dance a little when he hears the music. He loved to dance as a younger man even taught ballroom dancing.
I know research is being done with regards to the elderly and music. I would love to understand it more. But meanwhile, I know that music helps the brain, even of those with Alzheimer's.

How to put this into practice? If you have a loved one with Alzheimer's, make a point of playing music they loved when they were younger. Sing with them, when you can. I don't think all music is equally helpful. Music is emotional - it evokes happiness, depression, anger, excitement, restlessness, peacefulness. So be mindful what the music you chose is going to promote.

I am also convinced that complex classical music does amazing things for the brain. If you do not know where to start with classical music, start with Bach. It will keep you busy for years. Play Bach for the elderly people you love. Play it for your babies and toddlers and children, too. In fact, play it for yourself. I think it is something from which everyone can benefit.

"To send light into the darkness of men's hearts, such is the duty of the artist." Robert Schumann (German composer from the 1800's).

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 11/02/2015

How about “Fungus and Parkinson's” as well, folks? The second research link in my original post, explaining the fungus-acetaldehyde/dopamine-salsolinol dynamics, really pertains more to Parkinson's disease than to Alzheimer's disease. It is the death of the dopamine-making neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain that causes dopamine levels to drop drastically, causing parkinsonian symptoms. Other researchers and/or authors have pointed to fungus as a possible cause of Parkinson's.

Fungal volatile organic compounds: Biogenic toxins as etiological agents for Parkinson's disease;jsessionid=A3B2BCF1576B95E7AD833F0EE18DF39F.f01t01

Parkinsonism secondary to bilateral striatal fungal abscesses

The book, Road to Recovery by Richard Rodgers, discusses the author's belief that Parkinson's is caused by a fungal infection. This topic is addressed on page 106. You can read that page by following the above Google Books link.

Chronic polysystemic candidiasis as a possible contributor to onset of idiopathic Parkinson's disease.

A Health-Destroying Toxin We Can't Avoid And Must Detoxify

Article is written by a Clinical Laboratory Scientist--see paragraph titled Detrimental Effects.

Acetaldehyde and parkinsonism: role of CYP450 2E1

In the paragraph titled Acetaldehyde and Parkinson's Disease, they don't mention the fact that acetaldehyde is a by-product of fungus; they relate it to alcohol consumption, which is another reason for acetaldehyde to be present in the body.;5(3):68-78

Fungal infection possible pathogenic role in Parkinson disease and parkinsonism

This 2015 journal article published in Poland by researchers at Odessa National Medical University in Ukraine is published in the Russian language, but the abstract has been translated into English.

Method for treating diseases of fungal, yeast, and prion protein etiology

This veterinarian believes that many neurodegenerative disorders are caused by fungi. He has developed a method of treating symptoms of the disorders by administering anti-fungal fatty acids, as explained in his patent application.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, US) on 08/14/2014

Two months ago my 85 year old father was using a cane and having quite a bit of trouble getting around.

Since then, he has been going to the YMCA 3-4 times a week for an exercise class for Seniors. It is an hour long. Some attend in wheelchairs.

I just got back from a visit with him. I am amazed at how well he is doing. He no longer needs a cane. He can walk much further. He even had some decorative brick work around some flowerbeds that he put in himself! He would walk around his yard picking up stray leaves in the yard!

Anyway, it is exciting to see him improving in his mobility. Perhaps I won't underestimate the value of exercise again!

~Mama to Many~

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/24/2014

Great story Joyce! Isn't God great? I take niacin myself for multiple health issues. Interesting to read about the Vit A form used. My mother is showing signs of Alzheimer's so this story I'll share with her. This sounds like a good plan for her. Thanks for sharing this great testimony. God Bless and may your mother continue good health!

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Tony (Palm Bay Fl) on 06/18/2022

Thank you so much Joyce this remedy really helped my mother, you and this site are so amazing. Recommend this remedy for anyone suffering from memory loss. Thank you.

Vitamin D, Juice
Posted by Tree (Green, Pa) on 03/17/2013

For anyone out there that wants to do something that works!!! I recently took care of a person with Alzheimer's when I first started helping she just stared ito space when you tried to converse all you could get her to say was "I don't know" started her on 1000mcg of vit D a day and 4-8oz of juice which is a mix of veg and fruit the strawberry/bannana flavor. Change began in less than a week she went from not knowing people unable to take care of herself etc.... To trying to do things for herself/ having meaningful/remanicent conversations with her spouse with in 2 months!!! If you have someone you love with this affliction try this it might not work as well on all I don't know but I have experieced it working on her!!! Oh yea take away all the useless alzhimer meds and traqulizers (only use for emerg behaviors that can't be talked thru) God bless you all.

Coconut Oil
Posted by C (Pd, Fl) on 02/20/2013

This is a video that everyone should see about Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's. A doctor came up with this cure for her husband with Alzheimer's: Everyone needs to see this video.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 02/23/2013

Hi Brandi, The only thing that causes weight gain is starches in all its forms, elimination of starches = weightloss. So coconut oil will not cause weight gain but the coconut oil will actually help with weight loss.

Posted by Kasturi (Mountain View, California, USA) on 07/04/2009


All "research" that claims a low incidence of Alzheimer's in India is ERRONEOUS! Especially, it is amusing when westerners make this claim based on whatever "research" they managed to do. Let me clarify a few facts about India:

1) Majority of the doctors (not to mention the layman) in India are woefully unaware of Alzheimer's. Only in the last decade has awareness been introduced through campaigning.

2) Statistics in India about Alzheimer's is very skewed because of non-diagnosis and mis-diagnosis. Not surprising if even doctors are unaware of this ailment.

3) Longevity in India is around 60 years for men and 65 years for women. Put simply, they don't live long enough to get dementia or Alzheimer's.

4) In India, parents live with their sons as a rule. So, even the real Alzheimer cases are "kept under wraps" by the family and not really admitted to a nursing care facility. It would be tantamount to "abandoning" your parents or "exposing" their dementia to the world. Just not the Indian culture.

I am currently caring for my mother who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's after I brought her with me to the US. Prior to that, my father and relatives were complaining that she is acting crazy and is really difficult to get along with. But nobody even thought of it as a possible mental condition, they just attributed it to her "evil" nature. Sounds horrible, but that is the sad truth in India. Mental illness is often brushed off or ridiculed as if it is a personality trait. That is also why India is not very advanced in Psychiatry. Not because Indians don't magically have depression or other psychiatric issues. It is just that the society is not tuned in that well to these ailments.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia , Pa) on 04/20/2013

Hello, thank you for mentioning the link to metal toxicity as a potential cause of AD. I don't know if zinc or copper are as problematic as some of the other well known heavy metals since both zinc and copper are essential for immunity and fighting microbiota. Many people are actually low in these two essential trace elements. Signs of deficiency can be found on Dr Myhill's website.

So far no one has mentioned vaccines as a source of aluminum in the elderly who are strongly encouraged to have yearly flu shots. There was one study I came accoss showing increasing doses of flu vaccine with higher rates of altzeimers. Some have even suggested that altzeimers is very similar to autism and that both seem to result from a combination of metal poisoning and a resulting chronic inflammation in the brain.

Mercury is an other culprit. We all should be very careful to avoid this neurotoxin yet it is fairly easy to be exposed to it from "silver" dental fillings, coal smoke, contaminated food and water and from vaccines that contain thimerosol.

Some other heavy metals to watch out for are cadmium, lead, arsenic, and nickle. Lead pipes are still a problem in older houses. Arsenic is becoming a major problem because it was used as an agricultural pesticide for many years and remains in the ground where food crops can easily take it up as with citrus and rice from heavily pesticided southern US states. Nickle is a component of stainless steel cook ware and silver jewelry. It, like the others, is neurotoxic and carcinogenic.

I would also like to highlight the problem with cholesterol lowering drugs. Dr Mercola has spoken out against them because they may in fact cause dementia and AD. Neurons need cholesterol coatings so preventing cholesterol should lead to brain problems. Low fat high carb diets are potential cause of dementia for the same reason. Each cell is composed of cholesterol. Vitamin D needs cholesterol to be produced in the body. MSG and aspartame and other synthetic neurotoxins are probably to blame too. Vaccines often contain MSG, formaldehyde, and other strange chemicals.

As for treatment, I see coconut oil mentioned very often. The Weston A Price Foundation also had a fabulous article on the need for sulphur to detox, in which case cruciferous veggies, garlic and eggs should help. DMSO is another good option for detoxing. Finally, I know proper gut bacteria can play a huge role in overall health, improving metabolism, fighting bad bugs, making vitamins, and helping eliminate heavy metals. Fermented foods or probiotics could help here. Others have mentioned vitamin D, iodine and selenium, B 12, juicing etc.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Tammy (Texas ) on 12/04/2015

Chlorophyll will remove heavy metals from the body use separate in the morning 1 hour apart from any medications or supplements, because it will remove them as well. Will help to build healthy clean blood. The spice turmeric also works well.

GV-971 Seaweed
Posted by Art (California) on 03/22/2022 2165 posts


It was in the first link, but here is the description :

Sodium oligomannate (development code GV-971) is a mixture of oligosaccharides isolated from the marine algae Ecklonia kurome that is used in China as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease (AD).[1] It was conditionally approved in China by the National Medical Products Administration in 2019 for mild to moderate AD to improve cognitive function.[1

This form of seaweed is plentiful there.


Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Deb (Florida ) on 05/30/2016

Dear ORH, you are right as usual! We have many Mad scientist creating unbelievable things for pHARMa profit! If people knew what is in vaccines they would never believe it. Aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted human fetal cells, animal DNA, GMO yeast, polysorbate 80, are just a few ingredients. And we wonder why America is so sick.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/02/2015

Hello, Bill (Philippines) ---

Thanks for your post with video links. Most interesting and most appreciated.

However, I look back at swallowing mercury in the dentist chair and a few other things such as they peddling fluoride and mercury fillings at my own peril. Added to which the procedures which cost thousands of dollars and have caused havoc destroying the health of many.

I for one would have to become indebted and lose my home. Is that the way to go?

I have now lost three teeth this year, make daily efforts to stay above this situation. I hear very well what consequences one may be facing. I have no pain as I keep doing urine therapy but my mouth looks now like those of the head hunters in the trophics who file their teeth.

I have absolutely no confidence in allopathic med. and at eighty am doing actually quite well. So, what to do?

Namaste, Om

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/08/2016 2063 posts

Anon: It is refreshing and empowering to read your recent post.

In my current situation I haven't the wherewithal to do all the kitchen recipes you suggest. The extent of kitchen remedies is making Liposomal Vit-C and Colloidal Silver, so I simply rely heavily on supplements.

Yes, I do keep chemical exposures to a minimum. As for the fungus in my spine, it has recently made a comeback as I have not been zapping properly & effectively, so it's gonna take a few wks to get the fungal infections that have spread through out my body killed back. Taking Chitosan helps very much to prevent the absorption of those spores in the gut, but I do not take daily as I should; anyway, now focusing on zapping my entire spine. Using magnets prior to zapping helps very much.

I constantly drink watered down coffee/black tea for a minimal caffeine which seems good for me. Tyrosine is great for the Thyroid, energy, and mood, but currently I can only use occasionally as it raises my BP. Lot's of St John'sWort to fight the Hep and boost the mood. I listen to lots of healing harmonics on YT which helps. Here's one I like and would love to share.

Happy to share the healing journey with you.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Hashieaussie (Melbourne) on 01/31/2014

Thankyou for your post. I lost my own mother 18 months ago and wish with all my heart that we had known this and joined some dots. Maybe someone else will benefit. My family observed that every time my mother deteriorated, (over at least 8 years) which did not happen steadily but in bursts, that she had a strong distinctive smell around her body. I now think this was due to the urinary tract infections you describe which of course we knew she had too but never drew the connection. I have also read recently that silica in mineral water has been shown by researchers to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's and stave it off, they think by chelating aluminium. Interestingly, horsetail or equisetum, which has a lot of silica is traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections. Perhaps this is something else to try for your mother - some horsetail tea probably easier than the litre a day of silica water used by the researchers. We also had some success with coconut oil skin cream which 'woke' my mother up after 15 minutes or so in the later stages. I wish you all the best and thankyou for your insightful posts.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Mary Jane (San Antonio, Texas, Usa) on 12/19/2012

Update on my Dad, its been over a week and he is doing great, my Mom is still giving him 2 lemon per day. One in the morning and the other at night. I also read Ted advise on Alzheimer's Disease and I started giving him 2 pills of Lysine in the afternoon a total of 1000 mg. Thank You Ted... Thanks, and God Blessed...

B12, Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (Ne) on 05/26/2018

I wouldn't be so quick to condemn sugar. My aunt has used it in her coffee for 60 years & in her mid 80's she is sharp as can be. I would be more concerned about chemicals, drugs & shots than I would be about sugar. My dad was also a big sweet eater and he was very sharp up until he died. My mother-in-law has alzheimers & she lived on that crappy coffee creamer full of artificial ingredients; she also had some work on her teeth a year before losing her memory; same thing happened to Peter Falk (Columbo) the poisons travel to your brain. She also rarely ate protein & just ate processed food (more artificial food) Just food for thought...........

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jeno (Kona, Hawaii ) on 01/19/2018

Aloha, coconut water comes out of the coconut and it is clear. Coconut milk is made from the white meat of the coconut. Whole coconut milk does contain coconut oil, however it is processed if you are cooking with it and it came from a can. It is far more beneficial to your body to eat organic virgin coconut oil

Coconut Oil
Posted by Thenewguyintown (Westwood, New Jersey, Usa) on 12/17/2010

I recently came across something that seems to revive the brains of those suffering from this horrible affliction [Alzheimer's Disease]. Some of you may be familiar with Doctor Mercola, anyway he sent out an video link in his last email update about VCO & Alzeimers. I highly recommend that anyone dealing with this affliction on any level take the time to view it. I was SO impressed that I upped my personal intake of VCO as a preventive. Apparently the medium chain fatty acids are the perfect brain food. When combined with ALL the other good that VCO provides, its a no brainer (no pun intended).

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by John Catmull (Trang, Thailand) on 05/20/2011

I agree. I have begun my own Alzheimer's with the usual forgetting words and what I was planning to do as I went from one room to another. The silly thing is, when I wait a few minutes the word I was seeking, comes, so it was there, in my head all the time, but I chose not to access it. I don't know why.

Alzheimer's description. EG: I don't give a damn anymore & that includes having to remember every little thing. It illustrates the control we have. We already accept, selective memory.

Here are some of the quotes from EC's posts. Body-mind find relief from the toxic feeling of helplessness and escape by creating this condition, insecurity, hopelessness, powerlessness, boredom even boredom, bullied by their mate, are reasons why we make ourselves sick;

I was always attacked by my older brother, hence the programmed, being always ready for 'fight or flight'. 'Older Brother" is first born who gets all the love, cuddles, food, pretty clothes and everyone for miles around says, " Isn't he/she lovely - just like his/her blah, blah, blah", and this goes on for a year or so, getting all the love, pretty clothes, toys and attention. Then the sky falls. There's something else, 'younger brother/sister' getting all the love, etc, etc, etc and the first born is getting ignored and starts to hate the little brother/sister and gives him a push, a shove, a pinch when this little thing is in the cot and a year or so later, just pushes him aside when he's not really in the way. Bullies him/her.

When little brother/sister wants to do something, go somewhere, older brother says "No, you're not old enough yet", and so on and the bully grows to enjoy his power and hate and in school becomes a prefect or leader of something and later gravitates to a position of power where he can continue to bully and control.

Mindless bullying leads to mindless Government, administrators, local Government, police etc. and you know who all the rest are.

Little brother/sister resists older brother/sister and tries to beat the nasty older brother and excels at just about everything. Check it out. How many people you know are in positions of power, have a younger brother/sister?

One example of our control which I enjoy involves: "A women of 52 who had carcinoma of the uterus, originating near or in the cervix. It had spread to the intestine, and death was expected within weeks, but her much-hated drunken, bullying husband suddenly died. Today, a year and a half later, she is entirely well, the baseball size lump has disappeared. " Remission of cancer means, 'I did it myself'

With alzheimers the reason usually is, the person is in an intolerable situation which anyone who is just a bit of a thinker will feel, living on this planet of defective homosapiens. An intolerable situation might be: I see no answer to the retarded races who have controlled, dominated and killed and imposed ignorance, caused poisoned air, food and water and kill people who won't submit. So I don't want to live here. I will forget everything I can and eventually go belly up without the imposed fear, or stress and go 'being peace', not feeling peaceful but being peace. Alzheimers sounds OK to me.

Peer pressure, consensual opinion, consensual belief force us to have to remember all sorts of things, and behave as others want us to, we never had to before, when living in a much earlier time.

However if being here with all the nonsense is your desire, then I read 2 tbs coconut oil a day, mixed into your morning oatmeal helped to remember lots of little things. I will try it and if I don't like remembering, I'll stop.

Posted by Bonnyjishop (Donegal, Ireland) on 02/02/2015

Hi John

Just read with interest what you had to say about coffee and Alzheimer's, I am a big coffee drinker and am still very forgetful, But I read an interesting article about Alzheimer's and Dementia and water intake. We live in a world where today Tea and Coffee (and alcohol) is the preferred drink and yet all are diuretics, Think of the Elderly in nursing home, The Tea trolley is always around but sadly never a fresh jug of water like in hospital. Our brain needs more water otherwise it shrinks, think too when we are dehydrated we always tend to get headaches as a 1st sign, People suffer with back pain more today than ever. Usually dehydration and the kidneys crying out for water, I wonder if water is the key to better mental and physical health? Greetings from the Emerald Isle

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/22/2012

I am really glad I read this. Just made a healthy (organic) soup, in an aluminun pot, and sea salt was one of the first things I put in. Used a wooden spoon, if it matters, and it has not been on the heat but in the fridge, and reheated not in the pot but in ceramic bowls. To top it off, I had frequent seizures as a young kid (am 41 now) VERY likely from a MSG-laden vaccine, but am completely cured of them for the last 30 yrs, save for never being able to get out of obesity.

Just one question though. On a separate note, what about taking zinc and copper supplements for Alzheimer's Disease? They seem to offer many benefits. If they are labelled as chelated, are they fine and not considered as bad? The last thing I want are the antioxidants that I've been believing are helpful actually having a detrimental effect.

Migraines and Alzheimer's Disease
Posted by Art (California) on 07/19/2023 2165 posts

A friend who I have known for roughly 30 years always has had migraine headaches for as long as I have known her. About two years ago, she started showing symptoms of early onset Alzheimer's Disease (AD), which is advancing very rapidly.

I was wondering if migraines might be a forewarning of future AD, and according to the following article, it definitely is with people who regularly have migraine headaches being three times more likely for men and 6 times more likely for women to get AD than non-migraine people : study found that a, 9.9% of cognitively intact participants.&text=They also found that people, dementia than people without dementia.

Here are two very relevant quotes from this interesting article :

' A 2001 study examining the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease found that men and women with a history of migraine were three times more likely to develop AD.5 Looking at women alone, the study found that they were almost 6 times more likely to develop AD.5 '

' Another study was conducted to determine if migraine was a risk factor for dementia subtypes; Alzheimer's and vascular. The study found that a history of migraine was noted in 23.5% of participants with AD compared to 9.9% of cognitively intact participants.6 They also found that people with a history of migraine were three times more likely to have dementia than people without dementia.6 Similar to the previous study, they found that people with AD were four times more likely to have a history of migraine disease.6 Interestingly, when looking at the subtypes of dementia, they found no correlation with a history of migraine and vascular dementia.6 '

I tried to convince my friends to try alternative means of improving her situation, but my other friend, her husband, will not try any alternatives even though she is declining very rapidly. She is now so bad in just two years that she could not remember to take helpful supplements without someone giving them to her.

If you have migraines regularly, you are at increased risk for AD, especially if you are a woman. It may be worth taking steps early on to improve your chances against getting AD.


MMS, Dietary Changes +
Posted by conya (jmst, ND) on 05/11/2022

My husband was on 3 heart pills and 3 pills for blood sugar. He also took Trazadone and some others per the VA and was then diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

We started MMS, plant food diet, herbs, lots of water, and vitamins. He was taken off all pills and communicated with us. We did lots of our own research. That was 7 years ago. It is worth it to research everything, the truth is out there.

Posted by Janet (Starke, Fl) on 09/04/2018

I started taking Serrapeptase for the first signs of dementia and it's helping a lot. After reading your newsletter, it may be the reason my inflammation has been a doing so much better also.

Posted by Art (California ) on 04/12/2018 2165 posts

To add to my previous post about probiotics and AD, here is another article showing that curcumin, which is an active component derived from the spice turmeric is also useful for improving the symptoms of dementia.

This study was conducted at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) using twice daily dosing for 18 months. Here is a link to the article:

Again, this study is important because it was a double blind, placebo controlled study and because it is a human study as opposed to a rodent study and it showed benefit in the patients who received the curcumin compared to those who didn't!


Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 12/15/2015

Robert Henry,

I was reading a reply to posting Dr. Nordquists you tube video on killing spirochaetes in the mouth and one of the group I am in, talked to a Dr. practicing Chinese medicine and he mentioned the eight ingredient chinese blend in the video is most likely Nin Jiam Peu Pa and has allot of honey in it and is very sweet. several patients in the jawbone group are purchasing to benefit their mouths before surgery. Remains to be seen for an outcome.

But thought you might like a name to research.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (Ny, Usa) on 06/19/2013

I'm about to start this for my father, 79. And myself, 52. Might not be alzheimers or dementia, but he has severe memory issus and mine is getting bad. Must be genetic but I'll be dammed if I let the Monsanto madness take me out like that. Thanks for this thread and best of luck with your efforts.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Shirley (Toronto, Canada) on 05/02/2013

Coconut is actually very good in aiding weight loss. Just don't take it before bedtime if you are aiming to lose weight.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Mary Jane (San Antonio, Texas,usa) on 12/30/2012

Update on my Dad, he is doing great, still doing the lemon and l-lysine every day for Alzheimer's Disease. He did have a bad day so I question my Mom and she told me she had skip 3 of his lemon juice drink because she was sick and didn't give my Dad his lemon juice but was still taking the l-lysine. We put him back on the lemon juice and he was back to normal the following day. He is starting to use the phone again he had stop calling us when he was sick. He is also starting to eat some of his meal in the table. He was only eating in his chair in the lliving room. My Mom called me a few days ago and said that my Dad was doing great and she wanted to start taking the l-lysine also. So now my Dad is still at 1000 mg in the evening and my Mom is taking 500mg. Stay Blessed

Lemon Juice
Posted by Mary Jane (San Antonio, Texas, Usa) on 02/06/2013

Update on my Dad. He is doing very well. Still giving him his lemon juice and l-lysine everyday. If my dad doesn't want to go with my mom to the store she now can leave him alone at the house for a while since he is doing great... Stay Blessed.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandra (Usa) on 01/26/2017

How does one convert 5 tsp (liquid) to milligrams? Too difficult for my ALZ brain. Thanks for any input.

Also, does anyone ever see comments by patients rather than relatives or caregivers. Is anyone you know with ALZ researching as much as I am? My problem is compiling (the nature of the disease, I guess). But doing the research has been good for my mind and attitude ... and maybe someday will help someone else. Thank you to anyone who will share.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Nicole (Québec) on 03/02/2016

I agree with Shining Star and with your comment as you are both right. Alzheimer's is more complex and cannot be diagnosed one way only. It is true that we often find the less dominant in a relationship with Alzheimer's as described by Shining Star. Others with Alzheimer's are the type with very controlling active brain. Those people eventually get so exhausted that they just let go and eventually are no longer able to lead. It could just be light dementia and exhaustion but too often the doctor jumps to conclusion and prescribes medicine for A and most of the time it is not a cure but a crutch. I have a partner who is beginning Alzheimer's and he has both qualities you mentioned. His previous partners were very controlling and being the soft kind one, he just let them take over. He was also very active mentally doing many complex things at the same time. He does tend to let me want to take over but I have to help him be who he really is and it's not easy. I am succeeding.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Love,joy,peace,harmony&gratitude2all! (USA) on 09/25/2014

Have you considered glass cookware? Check out where they feature glass stovetop and glass ovenware. We use a glass kettle to boil water for tea. Corningware might also be an option.

Let us know what you come up with when you find a solution. All the best to you!

Gingko Biloba
Posted by Adele McN (Aussieland) on 08/08/2019

Hi, I am 68 and have been taking ginkgo for over a decade. I believe it has kept my brain sharp. I started with one capsule once a day in the initial years but have increased over the years to four capsules per day. I also drink at least a liter of water each day.

Posted by Johann (Atlanta) on 03/07/2019

Curcumin supplementation for Alzheimer's and Dementia. Heartily recommend (I give to my 86 yo mother). Start in your sixties if not before. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, aids digestion and is a potent antioxidant. If you can't afford curcumin, just buy turmeric powder in bulk and take a teaspoon of the powder in a non-dairy beverage every day.

Posted by Art (California) on 10/09/2023 2165 posts


That post is from five years ago making a reply from the original poster less likely.

Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase are all proteolytic enzymes that often show similar effects. In the case of dementia, to the best of my knowledge, there so far only in vitro, in silico and animal studies showing that these enzymes show the potential to degrade amyloid beta 1-42 as well as reduce its toxicity suggesting potential for use in AD and some dementias.

Here is a recent in vitro and in silico study suggesting as much :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' The findings of the present study indicated that LK and SP, not only had Aβ 1-42 amyloid degrading potential, but also could reduce the toxicity which can make them a suitable drug candidate for AD. Furthermore, the in vivo studies are needed to be executed in future. '

On a related note, the following may interest you :


Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 06/12/2023

Hi Steve

D.M.S.O. is the second miracle.

If you want to speed up healing for the spine. Rub some Blackseed Oil before the D.M.S.O... The D.M.S.O. will carry it to the spine. Powerful cancer killer. Also if Cancer is present take 1 teaspoon morning and night. Tastes like - lighter fluid, but it really kills cancer.


Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/02/2015 2063 posts

SO: My thoughts are Thank You for posting and I agree with the broad findings of the article. This is very good research even though I haven't read the article itself, as your abstract post seems entirely sufficient and collaborates with much of my personal experience as well as others here on E.C. who have chronic infections like fungal in particular.

One item I will add, is that the intermediate stage from high glucose levels to fungal infections in the brain, is the same infection in the spine. I have made major progress with the spinal fungus but am still battling it with local Magnet therapy, FIR Belt Heat therapy, and Zapping therapy. No more headaches & brain pain, no more brain fog, and much more clear dreams during REM sleep.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/04/2015 2063 posts

Another contributing factor for a big portion of the population is the food additive, sugar substitute Aspartame, which contains wood alcohol or methanol, which for some people, never get completely metabolized or detoxified and becomes formaldehyde which is directly linked to neurodegenerative disorders.

Zinc & Niacin deficiency is likely responsible for the people who do show symptoms of Aspartame toxicity, especially if they consume alcohol beverages regularly.

Here's a link for more info on Aspartame:

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 07/13/2021

I have a marsh we haven't cleaned it up in years and it's dark and wet slippery mud with puddles and streams and full of horsetail. Horsetail is full of nutrients and silica . Silica helps the body excrete aluminum and aids in the absorption of calcium. It helps bones and teeth be strong and helps fight candida and other fungi. You can make a hair wash with it or drink it as a tea or make other products to use for health.

Horsetail Benefits, Uses, History, Risks, Side Effect, Interactions - Dr. Axe (

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 09/19/2014

One morning I had a message from Google saying the new article in my e-mail might interest me. It showed an elderly lady with a nice cat in her arms in front of her house.

Since I am known as the cat lady in some places I thought it was about rescue. Oh no! I kept on reading about this lady and over three hundred readers replies.

This happened near Vancouver, BC and made the headlines that day. This lady was in her early eighties and had been diagnosed with advanced Als. I forget the terminology. She was an intellectual, so were her husband and acquaintances. She made it public that she would commit suicide not being able to face her destiny by dragging a mattress onto a scenic spot by her residence and take pills. She succeeded .

The gist of this is as I see it: She is not the only one and reading of the conditions in old age homes and that the body forgets even the most basic functions, is too much to handle. Thus her decision. Caregivers gave much account of the heinous effects of that condition .

Our medical community is making money out of this, but no cure. No public education either. No care, period.

When in the best years of life, stress and total ignorance as to the body's basic needs plus spiritual balance, when intellect is thought to be all that makes the man, disaster is in the offing. Some succumb early, others late.

Many of us know through EC the many steps that must be undertaken to prevent such disasters. We are making use of it and get educated. But is seems we are a civilization that sees no other option than suicide in view of the horrors awaiting even before old age. Most of the readers would have followed that old lady's decision and a tiny handful made mention of our creator. There is a serious gap existing and I personally put much of the blame at the present disease mongering system for profit. Please wake up and do your utmost to prevent such tragedies. Study EC and take your life into your own hands - nobody else can do it.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/21/2014

Regarding Alzheimer's, the beta amyloid always gets mentioned as the culprit. Here is another perspective.

..."If beta amyloid were the cause of Alzheimer's disease, then why would ridding the brain of this protein actually cause patients to worsen? Harvard researcher Dr. Stephanie Soscia and her associates may have the answer. Their recently published research questioned why beta amyloid accumulates in the Alzheimer's brain in the first place, and concluded that in fact, the protein actually serves to rid the brain of a variety of bacteria and viruses. They described beta amyloid as an "antimicrobial peptide" which accumulated in response to an infectious agent. Their work looks upon beta amyloid in a new light as they stated, "If the normal function of beta amyloid is to function as an antimicrobial peptide, then an absence of the peptide may result in increased vulnerability to infection." Rather than causing the disease, beta amyloid may be our brain's natural response to an infectious agent, accumulating as a way of defending us against a pathogen. So perhaps we should reconsider beta amyloid since it has been said that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend...."


Posted by Emmanuel (Rotorua, New Zealand) on 01/18/2014

While it is encouraging to discover that B3 vitamin appears to be helpful in effecting the course of Alzheimer's positively, yet not completely to the point of reversal or even as a prophylactic, one has to ask the question why there is so much emphasis on one agent, when in fact all chronic diseases are a result of multiple deficiencies. Can people not think in multiple factorials? Or is it mental laziness that prompts people and scientists to want single solutions for diseases which they have decided are a single entity caused by a single factor or agent. All agents that will help to energize brain cells, such as D ribbose, creatine, MSM, coconut oil, coQ10, should be taken into consideration. One must also remember that toxins such as aluminium, fluoride and mercury are neurotoxic and probably play a major role in causing mental deterioration. If such factors are ignored, the research done on any disease becomes null and void and of no value what so ever.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Mary Jane (San Antonio, Texas, Usa) on 03/14/2013

Update on my Dad, he is doing great, he turn 78 in February. He just went to his apointment 2 days ago to see his doctor. And the doctor told my dad he is doing very well and does not have to see him for another 6 months. My Dad ask if he can drive again and his doctor told him no, lol. Still giving him his l-lysine and lemon juice everyday... Stay Blessed.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/26/2017 2165 posts

In reply to Sandra (Usa),

According to this converter,

5 teaspoons of coconut oil equals 23 grams and 23 grams equals 23,000 milligrams.


Essential Oils
Posted by Tawanna (New Jersey) on 01/30/2021

😆 That is absolutely false, this info has been floating around for years and people keep repeating the same info.I would be concerned about pharna meds making me look deformed than lavender altering my hormones.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Shiningstar (Gainesville, Fl) on 04/28/2010

Alzheimer Disease. The body-mind connection.I have worked with people who have been diagnosed with this condition on a personal level in health care setting. What I have witnessed is that the dominent one, in a marriage or relationship, never has this Alzheimer's Disease condition.It is always the one that is the dominated one. I have seen them come out of the condition for short periods of time when they are removed from their mates company. People who stay in relationships because they feel like they have to stay for religious reasons (keep the family together;don't ever leave, ect) find relief from the toxic feeling of helplessness and escape by creating this condition. A warning to all of us to be equals in our relationships with friend and family. If anyone is interested I will be happy to give exact casees and what I learned more completely.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Tricia (Ireland, Ireland, Ireland) on 04/29/2010 84 posts

I'd have to disagree as well. I have worked with the aged and seen patients from pre to post alzheimers and could't see a definite trend in dominence. I have seen couples get it and hit a point where they didn't know each other.
There was one couple, very gentle people, who didn't know each other. If you asked him who she was, he would say he "didn't know her at all but from everything he heard she was a very nice woman altogether." Posing the same question to her she thought he might be a new neighbour. But if she saw any of the nurses or doctors or helpers going too close to him she would violently attack them and tell them to leave him alone. Walking away she would keep shouting that they fancied him. She couldn't tell us why she did it. And it never happened with anyone other than her husband.

The original attraction was still there.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Pam (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/16/2010

I absolutly agree with your Alzheimer's Disease comment towards the end of your feedback. My father-in-law is very "diabeticly sick". Everything bad they could have, he has it. For starters I have countless of times tried giving his wife remedies, she would try it once and say its not working or come up with her own ideas! I feel sorry for them because I know he could better himself, but there ignorance wont allow them. Her patience with him is very low and talks to him as if he were a child and not to mention he was not a very good husband, so she now has resentment towards him, is very angry that she now has to care for her once abusive and now helpless husband. AND if they just listen a little, he could be taking care of himself. Love all you earth clinic-ers! =)

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Heather (San Diego, Ca) on 06/26/2012

The two people I've known who died from Alzheimer's were very domineering (the "boss" in the family but not necessarily in a good way - both women) so I completely disagree with this idea.

I'm more inclined to beleive the aluminum/heavy metals theory (and therefore detox from those), and would also look into coconut oil/ ketones as a cure.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Lin (California, US) on 04/03/2015

I don't see discussion here on Alz/Dementias being a Type III diabetis of the brain. There is a lot of science data on this now. The brain is unable to process glucose which is the main source of energy. This could have many causes. Our pancreas's may have had it with all our dietary and toxic abuses. There is some data showing that vaccines & GMO's may contribute to diabetis. But regardless of cause. Excess sugar or carbs that break down to sugar will surely advance things. Also the brain is literally starving for a fuel it can process to create new brain cells. Coconut oil is rich in ketones/medium chain fatty acids that the brain can use for fuel. 4-9 tblspoons spread out 3x day seems to be recommended.

It is also interesting that the plaques contain sticky misfolded Prion proteins, (a much more advanced misfolded prion protein shows up with Mad Cow disease/advanced brain wasting). No one knows yet, why these proteins are reverting to abnormal almost virus like proteins. But it is theorized that the Beta Amyloid is actually an immune response. Which may also explain why no drugs have been able to stop the formation of the Beta Amyloid plaques.

Turmeric/Curcumin to combat inflamation and Coconut Oil are musts. Along with dietary changes. My brother has mid range Frontal Dementia, and he got a huge recovery within 48 hrs of Curcumin capsules. Early onset folks on Youtube show immediate recoveries on even just coconut oil.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 11/03/2015

Thank You Bill. Great videos. Janet

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 11/03/2015

Timh, thanks for your kind reply and for sharing your chosen therapies. You wrote, "... the intermediate stage from high glucose levels to fungal infections in the brain, is the same infection in the spine."

So, if fungal infection of the spine can be diagnosed, that can shed light on the possibility of Parkinson's in the future? And there is hope for preventing an existing spinal fungal infection from getting established in the brain?

I read that fungus can enter the body through a leaky gut and follow the tract of the vagus nerve from gut to brain. Probably either scenario is possible ...

I'd like to see a cadaver brain study done for Parkinson's disease, similar to this one done for Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 11/01/2017

Thank you for the link, Tim. The music is nice. Have you tried essential oils like wild oregano oil, thyme, lavender, etc? I like oregano oil especially.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 07/23/2016 2165 posts

A computerised tomography (CT) scan is not fullproof for detecting Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Having an older base scan to compare with a recent scan can be helpful. The CT scan is helpful to rule out other causes such as tumors.

Many conditions and prescription meds can cause dementia like symptoms and some are reversible. A review of your mother's meds for possible negative side effects or dementia like side effects seems like a reasonable first step to rule out medication adverse event as a possibility.

Sometimes a vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause similar symptomology as dementia, especially in the elderly, but that can be tested for or simply ask the doctor to give a B-12 injection to rule that possibility out. If there is noticeable improvement in mental function or clarity shortly after the injection, a deficiency may be the cause or a contributing factor and should be corrected to improve quality of life before further testing.


Vitamin B3
Posted by Art (California) on 02/04/2022 2165 posts


Here is an explanation of why this conception regarding the nicotinic acid form of vitamin B3 : Niacin was originally called nicotinic, the words NIcotinic ACid vitamIN.

A relevant quote from the article :

>>> ' Niacin was originally called nicotinic acid because it can be created by the oxidation of nicotine with nitric acid. However, people knew nicotine as the addictive chemical in tobacco, so the name niacin was used instead. Niacin comes from the words NIcotinic ACid vitamIN. ' <<<


B12, Folic Acid
Posted by Rosina (London, United Kingdom) on 08/10/2017

I totally agree with Kathryn about folic acid, I have read a lot of bad things about this. She is correct when she is talking of folate. I also sadly disagree with Bill Thompson although I know he is absolutely brilliant, but to tell someone to take 1500 mg of niacin made me extremely ill. I phoned a priest once in desperation, he asked me if, when I looked at clocks? Did I get the hands mixed up? Yes I did, he told me to take 1500 mg of niacin! Never ever again! I was seriously ill and felt I was fighting for my life. I had to phone my doctor who asked me what I was taking? I told him "oh various vitamins? He told me to go through each vitamin or pill I was taking? And if the symptoms went I would know which one was causing it? I went through each vitamin and realised it was the niacin! I was so ill I thought I was dying, I was fighting for oxygen, I was boiling hot from head to toe and when I told my doctor he said "who the hell told you to take 1500mg of niacin? Now I cannot tolerate any doctor from the NHS but this doctor was the most wonderful and the only doctor I ever praised. He was a missionary, white, and had helped people as a missionary in Africa, no matter what was wrong if I mentioned a vitamin or anything at all, he was quite willing to let me try it. At the time I suffered severe depression, chronic anxiety, afraid of people, afraid of what people thought of me, was diagnosed as agrophobic? No I didn't fear open spaces, this was caused by my sick evil mother who was locked away for two years in a secure mental unit and let out after having 12 ETC treatments only to continue doing what she had already done, I cannot put it on here, the horrific treatment was bad enough all I will say is had the little 6 year old girl been taken away I don't think that little girl would be alive today! A long story, but she had it in for me. I loved my mum, but I was petrified of her sick evil mind, and she knew it, I turned to a priest In desperation who thought I had the symptoms of hypoglycaemia? Whatever he thought, the 1500mg of niacin made me feel so ill, even my doctor knew about niacin and said I should have started off slow. No one should ever start off with a high dosage of 1500 mg. As for coconut oil? I think this has been hyped up. I am a 71 year old lady who spent over 31 years dominated by my evil sick mother, whom I still loved very much, but in no way do I have any signs of alzheimers disease. I think if you keep active, do crosswords, keep your mind adjusted it really helps. I am one of the most intelligent people anyone will ever meet, I can recall anything from the age of 3 years! Every day a memory comes back to me from 3 years of age and I will relive that situation again again and again! I honestly don't think coconut oil will improve a serious illness like alzheimers disease, neither do I think a dominant personality causes it. I am one of the most gentle, loving, caring people anyone could wish to meet, I will do anything for anyone despite what they have done to me, and willing to forgive, not that it ever worked, I have 13 letters after my name, been under so called psychiatrists whom I had to correct their every mistake and was shocked when I requested my medical records as to what girls in their 20s had put about me, which I felt was totally sick and certainly untrue. I stopped taking 1500 mg of Niacin, simply because I really felt I was dying, I was literally near to collapse, and although I know there is a doctor who has saved many people (with psychiatric disorders) I too have been there with 31 years of chronic tranquiliser addiction, fighting to pretend I was normal in the face of the medical profession who almost took my life away with their ridiculous writings in their notes! I was cleverer than any of them. I had to fight to stay sane! And I won!

I know Bill is highly thought of but I beg anyone who is going to attempt to take niacin, if you know what I went through, please start at a very low dose. I honestly don't think coconut oil will help people with alzheimers disease? I am a researcher and have spent years going from website to website and made many notes of any serious illnesses, and I read of a man who actually cured his wife of alzheimers disease. It was cheap and to him it worked? Now I don't know about that but it is worth a try? The problem is I write everything I find that will help absolutely anyone, I take notes, but at the moment having hundreds of so called cured for cancer, etc, etc, I have mislaid it, but as soon as I find it I will put it on earth clinic? Now if it doesn't work then it wont, and if it does that would be brilliant, you see I have a male friend who breaks down every time he sees his sister who is suffering with severe alzheimers disease, he is suffering more than her, and if I can help my friend, I will do just that! I have never charged a penny for anything I do, and have even bought medicine to help people with no charge. My aim in life is to help others unconditionally. I have been coming to Earth clinic for many years, and I also tell anyone I know if you have a problem go to earth clinic and just type in what is wrong with you? Sadly I was chronically ill 3 days ago, so I came online, I wrote down every single thing in an attempt to help myself, but not one single thing worked, not one! But I am willing to try and what didn't work for me could work for others! Alzheimers is a terrible illness, and so sad to see someone you love who doesn't recognise you, can be heartbreaking so I know where each and everyone of you is coming from, you are looking for answers, and I think that is wonderful. Don't give up! Like I said, what works for some wont work for others, but please, niacin is probably a wonderful thing, but please take it very slow, I really thought I was dying and my wonderful doctor and the only one I ever believed in tried so hard to help me but I did it all myself. Even today, I have 5 Polish half sisters who I've done so much for, I cannot believe what they have done to me, they don't care if I live or die, but I don't care about them anymore, I am a better person than they will ever be, because I will help anyone I can, no matter what creed, colour or race, if I can find what a man said that cured his wife in two weeks, I will put in it earth clinic, now like I said I have no idea if it will work? But it is cheap and worth a try? As I don't have anyone neither have I ever had of anyone in my family suffering with alzheimers disease. I finally joined a few days ago, around 9th August, but I can assure you every time something is wrong with me, I come straight on earth clinic? And I have to admit, I feel I owe Earth clinic and its members a very big thank you when I thought I was suffering with a heart attack and had no one to help me? My chest was on fire, like a block in the centre of my chest. The pain was unbearable, it turned out to be chronic acid reflux? I rushed out of my computer room and swigged a dose of gherkin vinegar? Yes, I was violently sick, but it took all the massive heat from my chest, and although it took me two days to recover, I felt without the help of the wonderful people on Earth Clinic, I could have been in a worse situation. Try whatever you can, no matter how silly or trivial it sounds whether it be coconut oil or anything else, all I am saying is, alzheimers disease is a very serious illness and I simply cannot see how coconut oil could assist? I know of many people that are losing their hair with the long term use of coconut oil and I value my hair! So no! I won't touch coconut oil in an form any more than I will horsetail, licorice herb etc, and nuts that people are taking in extremel quantities? and they wonder why their hair is falling out? Too much of anything can do more harm than good? Start off slowly with anything. Now if I can find what I read about alzheimers disease I will certainly come back to Earth clinic and will write down what I took notes off. May I wish you all the very best and hope you find your cures in whatever ails you. Rosina from London, United Kingdom x

B12, Folic Acid
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 08/11/2017

Rosina, I am so sorry you suffered as your mother was struggling with life. It is true that one man's help is another mans poison. I cannot eat salmon or olive oil. My stomach goes into absolute fits and swells out like a balloon. I use coconut oil for my memory and for me it works best with some sugar. My mother has no memory and knows nothing at 81 yrs of age. My brother cares for her and he will inherit the estate for his time and energy. She was mentally ill as long as I can remember and quite intelligent all the while she was out of her mind. It affected all of her children, who self medicated with street drugs as youth. My brothers drink and drug. My sis and I just use supplements trying to get our health back. I hope you find the sweet spot with your supplements and friends where your life is filled with JOY. Love, Charity

p.s. Mary Newport wrote a book on coconut oil helping her spouse with memory restoration

Vitamin B
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/15/2016 2063 posts

There is increasing criticism of long-term psych meds with patients that do no get better and big med & big pharma getting wealthier. That's a loose for you and a win for them. I prefer a fair game of win/win. So, in order to get your mental health back, see if you can slowly wean yourself off the meds.

An holistic approach would include Nutrition, Positive Thinking, and Eastern practices like Yoga & Meditation.

A few suggestions to get you started right away. As for Nutrition, yes all the B-Vit are good but they need Minerals to form co factors and co-enzymes that fuel the very complex physiology of the Nervous System. So get the best Multivitamin/Mineral supplement you can find. One big area in enhancing brain function is Fats or Fatty Acids. You will need to increase cold water fish like Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines. Coconut Oil and Flax Oil are great. Triple Strength Lecithin is great. Once you get weaned off the pharma meds begin natural brain meds like SAM-e, Tyrosine, 5HTP.

A small glass of Wine once or twice a wk is beneficial as small amounts of alcohol are very powerful adaptagen. To test this suggestion, take a day when it's been a long & tough at work and all the "to do" items pilling up and trying to get them done, get home and very exhausted, drink a small glass of wine (no alcohol with the psych meds). The Yoga & Meditation is also rejuvenating, and depending on your time, would be excellent to rotate with the Wine. These suggestion are powerful stress busters and you will be happier as a result.

There are numerous ways of improving your diet. In short, I think a good start in this direction is eliminating the top 10 worst foods in the modern diet, and increasing the top 10 best foods. I have been wanting to make this list for some time, but haven't the wherewithal lately, but you should be able to find a list on the internet somewhere.

Hope this helps and welcome your response and followup.

Vitamin E, Selenium
Posted by Jon (Othello, Wa, Usa) on 05/07/2012

It's been shown that alzheimer's is caused by the build-up of beta amyloid plaque, which are abnormally formed proteins. These plaques are in turn believed to be caused by small (also abnormal) fragments of amyloid precursor proteins (APP). These fragments result when a signaling protein on the cell's surface is cleaved incorrectly by various enzymes. It's been shown that vitamin E can reduce the presence of these APP fragments and protect brain neurons from glutamate toxicity. It's important to take a "natural" vitamin E source. It's been shown that the alpha, gamma, delta, etc.. forms all exert an effect.

Selenium is also an important factor, all alzheimer's patients tested had low levels of selenium.

Most noteworthy is that pigs get a "form" of alzheimer's called encephalomalacia and the historic vetrinary treatment was vitamin E and selenium. Encephalomalacia in pigs is generally associated with a virus, but that may be a result of deficient levels of selenium, an extremely important mineral for the immune system.

Dosage: Vitamin E 1500iu daily, Selenium 400mcg daily.

400mcg is approx 330% of the RDA, and 1500 IU is about 5000% of the RDA. They are both safe at these dosages. Megadosing with vitamin E was only found to be problematic when supplementing with just one form. When the various forms alpha, gamma, delta... of vitamin E are taken together in fairly large dosages there are only benefits.

Take a good multivitamin/mineral supplement (the best and most complete you can find) along with the vitamin E and selenium.

Cinnamon Extract
Posted by Jbub (East Coast, Usa) on 04/28/2012

A study published in 2011 describes success using water soluble cinnamon extract to reduce plaques and improve cognitive ability in animal models of Alzheimer's Disease. Has anyone tried water soluble cinnamon extract to address Alzheimer's disease?

Interested persons can read the study here:

Note: Do not confuse water soluble cinnamon extract with cinnamon oil. The researchers make this distinction in the last paragraph of the introduction.

I hope this helps someone...

Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/10/2013 2063 posts

700 Club began their broadcast the other night with another installment of Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's. The medical editor says that researchers believe the medium chain fatty acids of C.O. are utilized by the brain as an energy source (something to do with ketones) where the standard source of energy (glucose) is somehow depleted or non-functional (causing the mental decline). The use of the lemons may also suggest that Alzheimer's is a metabolic disorder, as lemon stimulates digestion.

If this is true, supplementing a good multivitamin/mineral plus extra Chromium and Cinnamon should improve Alzheimer's, along with dietary changes like ACV or Lemons. I would also venture to assume supplementing DMG or/and Quercetin should make big improvements in all manner of age-related declining health conditions. Many researchers believe that Cancer is essentially a metabolic disorder of decreased cellular energy.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 05/05/2010

Hi Raquel: I think you are really onto something here! It takes a lot of energy to suppress negative emotions. If she spent her life with an emotionally abusive/neglectful partner, maybe she did want to check out. Her moment of clarity is a snapshot of her marriage of all thoes years. Wow so sad!

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Nuri Leigh (Tacoma, Wa) on 12/16/2010

I am very inclined to agree with your post regarding Alzheimer's disease. I am not sure how the disease is diagnosed because that has not been my field of study. My study is holistic health, nutrition, psychology, addiction, family dynamics and the mind body connection. I have come to the conclusion through my work with families that there is a very strong long standing "passive-aggressive" sickness going on with many couples. This sickness is so widespread because it is almost impossible for normal people to correct it or cope with it in their relationship. It leads to "crazy-making. " I worked in group settings with many women who had what was labeled Alzheimer's. In all cases the care givers and nurses in control of these people were dominant players and definitely passive aggressive which I found the mates of the "Alzheimer's" patients to be also. I am just a mellow, easy-does-it, empathetic type of volunteer and my experience with these patients was remarkably different from the experience of the busy impatient caregivers who "tried" to act patient.

There is an atmosphere of thick palpable emotions that radiates from the "well" people who deal with "Alzheimer's" patients; an atmosphere that sensitive people can cut with a knife. But most of the "well" people have turned off their sensitivity valve because it is expedient to do so. People mentally fall apart for a variety of reasons; and people who hold on to their mental faculties do so for their own reasons.

In my observations of couples over the past 30 years some of them had a real history of being bullied by their mate and when they reached a certain age or crisis incident in their life the tables were turned and the docile partner began to drive the more dominating person crazy through a ton of passive aggressive games. Many games being unconscious. Frankly I think all forms of mental disorder start early in life because of a lot of unfair, untreated, unresolved family matters.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Skinnythia (Canton, Georgia) on 02/12/2012

I think you are seeing things here and trying to link things that are not linkable. My mother, aunt, and grandmother, and several great-aunts and uncles all have/had Alzheimers. It is very genetic. But for many years, no one knew what the symtoms where cumulative of, or called it something else, just like my ADHD. That is called Medical Progress. And it will continue. I am sure there may be a case or two where people just give up, and their symtoms over take them, I've seen that. But to link one set of symptoms only on one disease, and not conclude that there could be other factors or diseases at work is incorrect to do. It is misleading. It looks like Alzheimers can also be caused by our environmental factors of what our diets are, our nutrition, vitamins and suppliments. Even though Alzhemimer's has everything to do with memory and loss of, and there are great emotions, I don't think your conclusions hold water. I don't think dominate people won't get it vs. dominated people will get it. This is just not relevant in the world of Alzheminer's. What you are seeing is what you want to pick out and try to make work, but it isn't there. There are many domintate individuals who have gotten it. For example. My grandmother. Mother, Uncles, Father, and the lists go on for many. It, like ADHD, is not a one set of symptoms-fits-all diagnosis.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Ahsaan (Fort Worth, Texas) on 07/28/2012

I also do not agree with the "domineered" theory as a cause for Alzheimers. My mom has it and was definitely THE domineering type, both in marriage (which ended in 2 divorces) and at work, where she was a tough manager. If anyone has anything else on the coconut oil remedy or anything else, please advise.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/20/2014

Hi Mary...If you are having both panic attacks and depression, try taking higher dose niacin. To fully understand niacin's beneficial and useful effects, please read this.

How to Take Niacin for Depression and Anxiety

Although niacin(Vitamin B3) is the cheapest and best form to take (and the form that I take regularly ) -- it can give you an unpleasant flush effect on your body. You can also take the no-flush niacinamide form. But, as the article in the link above says, niacinamide does not appear to be as good as niacin for relieving depression or anxiety.

Another useful alternative for you to supplement is the no-flush or slow release niacin form called Inositol Hexanicotinate. You can buy this slow release niacin form at any health shop chemist.

Try taking this slow release niacin form at 1500 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. This should help to rapidly reduce your depression and your anxiety and will also help you to sleep better and you will wake up rested with more energy.

I would also take 1 x B50 vitamin complex pill per day(with a meal) along with higher dose vitamin C(1000 mgs three times a day) every day as well together with the niacin.

Taking a tablespoon of VCO twice a day with your meals also significantly helps against Alzheimer's.

Virgin Coconut Oil and Alzheimer's Disease

VCO Research

By the way, niacin also helps protect against dementia and Alzheimers. See these links

Niacin/Altzheimer Reseach

Mayo Clinic Niacin Research

I currently take 500 mgs niacin regularly for maintenance and would increase this dose during more stressful periods in my life. That's the way to use niacin. I've also found that supplementing niacin keeps me both calm and clear-thinking.

Posted by Ruma (Calcutta, India) on 02/05/2009

It is NOT true!! Cancer is not rare at all in India, though certain types of cancer are rare (such as colon cancer). Also, Alzheimer's is getting more and more common - one of my aunts suffered from Alzheimer's before she died.

But Turmeric is a powerful herb - it is a purifier of the blood and it is very good for you. It is best eaten in its raw form, and also does wonders for the skin if you make a paste out of the root and slather it over the face.

It really is an amazing herb but one needs to be careful before making claims about the occurrence of cancer!

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Raphael (Kent, Ohio) on 10/31/2007

Re Alzheimer's and Aluminum -- I have read that Juice fasting can remove heavy metals. read up on fasting. get some books, check out curezone ETC.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Hj (New York) on 09/25/2014

Can you or anyone reading this suggest good and safe types of cookware. It looks like every set of cookware has aluminum in it. Even ceramic will have nonstick coating which is also dangerous. I thought cast iron was the answer, but I read here that iron is a problem as well. I have even read that stainless steel is a problem, and that it doesn't even really exist except as just a brand name. Please help. Everything around us is either aluminum or plastic. What material/brand is safe to use? If you cannot mention a brand name, please include a link where I can purchase safe cookware and supplies. Thanks in advance.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum

Posted by Joel Rosenblum (Senegal) on 10/26/2021 16 posts

Regarding diluting dmso for topical application, usually 50% dilution is good but everyone is different so just experiment.

To take dmso by mouth you can either put it in large cellulose capsules 1mL at a time and swallow them before they melt (in a minute), or you can just dilute it in enough water. 1mL in a liter of water is hard to taste. But you might want to use more, so in that case capsules and topical.

To avoid smelling bad, take extra magnesium and drink ( raw goat preferably) milk. Lots more info from the website or in the book DMSO:Nature's Healer.

Posted by Toni (Philadelphia, PA) on 03/11/2023

Put it into capsules, have water available to drink and take it quickly because the capsule will start to disintegrate within a few seconds

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