Top Natural Remedies for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/24/2016 2063 posts

I have recently researching the amazing nutrient Pyrroloquinoline Quinone or PQQ. PQQ has proven effective in restoring my damaged mitochondria and thus restoring energy and also insuring longevity, but more research is finding it's efficacy in preventing or treating Alzheimer's & Parkinson's disease.

Hope this link works for further reading.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/03/2015 2063 posts

I first read about a person that testified to being diagnosed with Mycoplasma infection in the spine which was eventually cured by Ozone injections.

So, there are a number of especially virulent pathogens (virus, fungus, bacteria, and of course the fungal/bacterial hybrid --mycoplasma) that can escape the compromised immune system as well as standard antibiotic therapy, and bone, spinal, and joint fluid seems like the main reservoirs for these P's.

I first started treating brain pain w/ magnet therapy a few yrs ago, and eventually needed to graduate to zapping which, again eventually, zapped my spine and my brain-fog was much reduced and sleep dreams were much clearer. Now my protocol is first do Magnet, then Fir Belt, then Zapping. A local Chiropractor or Massage Therapist could probably use some local natural antibiotics to penetrate those areas with further results.

As for diagnosis, well there is a very large school of scientific study now with the latest researchers, scholars, professionals, educators etc. in the latest format of presentations on YouTube; and there is that great disparagement with the "applied sciences" aka conventional diagnosis & treatment.

Alzheimer's and Fungus
Posted by Jerry (Miramar) on 09/01/2018 22 posts

What's TCM?

EC: TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted by Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 02/04/2014

There is a great deal of good research being done on Turmeric for Alzheimer's. Also my father is doing well on this, but he has also recently added BHT to his regime (in case of HSV infection).

Here is some research from Japan:

Effects of turmeric on Alzheimer's disease with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
Ayu. 2012 Oct-Dec; 33(4): 499-504.


We describe here three patients with the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) whose behavioral symptoms were improved remarkably as a result of the turmeric treatment, which is the traditional Indian medicine. Their cognitive decline and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) were very severe. All three patients exhibited irritability, agitation, anxiety, and apathy, two patients suffer from urinary incontinence and wonderings. They were prescribed turmeric powder capsules and started recovering from these symptoms without any adverse reaction in the clinical symptom and laboratory data. After 12 weeks of the treatment, total score of the Neuro-Psychiatric Inventory-brief questionnaire decreased significantly in both acuity of symptoms and burden of caregivers. In one case, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score was up five points, from 12/30 to 17/30. In the other two cases, no significant change was seen in the MMSE; however, they came to recognize their family within 1 year treatment. All cases have been taking turmeric for more than 1 year, re-exacerbation of BPSD was not seen. The present cases suggest a significant improvement of the behavioral symptoms in the AD with the turmeric treatment, leading to probable benefit of the use of turmeric in individuals with the AD with BPSD.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Leslie (Fl) on 03/01/2018

Please update!

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Marsh57 (Denver) on 08/30/2018

My sister-in-law heard about an MD who reversed her husband's alzheimers: Dr. Mary Newport, I hope EC allows this content - it's too vital not to pass along.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/21/2014

I saw this quote..."withanolides, chemical compounds derived from ashwagandha, help improve the structure of both healthy and already damaged brain cells in subjects with Alzheimer's disease". There is a product called Ashwagandha KSM-66 which has 5% withanolides. I actually bought some a couple weeks ago just to experiment with it for cognitive related problems. It seems to get a lot of positive reviews.

Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2014 2063 posts

This may be more evidence as to the efficacy of Coconut Oil in preventing or treating Alzheimers. We have been assuming the saturated fats in VCO was supplying the brain w/ an alternative fuel source in the absence of glucose, but the antipathogen properties of VCO may also be at work here.

Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 10/28/2013

Prevent Alzheimers Disease with Nattokinase. Here is explanation:


Alzheimer's disease occurs when there's a build-up of amyloid. Amyloid is oxidized protein. It's a waste product that builds up inside all non-dividing cells. This includes the cells in your heart, brain, kidneys, etc. It builds slowly. And it slowly shuts down the ability of your cells to properly function. It irritates them, sort of like a chigger on your skin. Your brain cells are particularly sensitive.

It's rare to find a compound that can dissolve amyloid. But recently, researchers discovered that my favorite enzyme, nattokinase, cleaves to the protein and enhances its removal. What's interesting is that other protein dissolving enzymes, including trypsin and plasmin, don't do it. Trypsin is a protein-dissolving enzyme made by your pancreas. Plasmin is a protein in your blood that dissolves clots.

Interestingly, nattokinase got its fame as a clot buster or clot preventer. Now science is showing its superiority in dissolving this other unwanted protein.


I noticed Nattokinase was missing from Earth Clinic's Alzheimer remedy list.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 10/29/2013

Here is a link that would support the use of both Nattokinase and Serrapeptase in rats with Alzheimers:

Since Serrapeptase also has fibrolytic activity, I should have somewhat same effect on amyloid plaque. It is not as natural to the body as Nattokinase but that may be why to add it. Many supplement formulas used both to remove plaque from arteries. When one considers the list of very positive effects that these fibrolytic enzymes have on clots, heart attacks and strokes, i'd add it even if I didn't have Alzheimers especially if one is 40 years or older.

Vitamin B3
Posted by Happy (Wva) on 01/30/2015


you said... "I'm looking for some insight into why this would have happened. My mother-in-law has Alzheimer's. She injured herself in a fall and got a steroid shot. The next day we noticed a significant change in her function, it was almost as if she had reverted back to the beginning stages of 5-6 years ago, an amazing improvement."

The explanation is found in a paper written by a Vit B3 expert, Abraham Hoffer. He says that the cortisone shot stimulated the production of Nicotine acid [= B3] by the body..... thru the tryptofan to nicotine pathway. So the cortisone shot was acting to cure her Vit B3 deficiency, and thus the cause of the dementia.

The cortisone shot gave her some extra B3. Read the entire paper here:

Vitamin B3
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/30/2015

HI U HAPPY, , , , , , , , , told this story numerous time but you can check it out on the net. The U of Cal, Ervin did a mice study about 5 years ago where they engineered mice to have Alzheimer's , they then fed them nicianamide , which is Vit B 3. They all recovered in about 6 weeks. They were elated and said that they were next doing this with humans. That never happened. My ole boss in Wi., wife was having problems. We waited and waited and he finally called them. That trial was not to be. Like cancer, too much money to be made by treating, instead of curing.

Whenever I flub up mentally, my wife asks, " are you taking your Nicianamide"? My answer is usually , "No".

For all you folks suffering from dementia , research Vit B 3. The cost is about $ 4 a month. It is another one of those 'Merican things.

Time is neigh, =====ORH==========

Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/21/2013 2063 posts

I-healthtube has also posted some doctor/researcher recommends on Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's. Big problem is that the medical/pharmaceutical industry doesn't want to loose any profits for the research or treatment of chronic diseases like Alz. The sequester budget cuts which are to go into affect here in the USA on March 1, would include millions (if i'm not mistaken) in research on Alzheimer's Disease over the next decade.

So, its probably best that the issue doesn't get major research/studies funding and mass media attention. If this happened, there would be a push to make C.O. a "prescription drug", like what's already happened in E.U. Countries. For those on the road less traveled, the word is out that Coconut Oil is very beneficial for Alz, as well as Thyroid and Immune disorders.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nevadasmith (Portland, Pa) on 02/21/2013

What concerns could there possibly be of too much coconut oil? Beats drugs. And coconut oil is healthy and not fattening taken in conjunction with a ow carb diet. Besides my Dad is 87 and could use some added weight.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Marcie (IL) on 03/22/2022

Sweet & low is a neurotoxin and should not be used. Try monk fruit powder that is pure & clean. Some companies put junk it in (alcoholic sugars ending in lol). Avoid any monk fruit powder that has junk in it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dan (Pasadena, Texas ) on 04/10/2018

Maybe mct oil will help more than coconut oil

Essential Oils
Posted by Beth (Hamilton, Ohio) on 12/03/2010

My father has early Alzheimer's. People with this disease often have problems with sun downing and getting to sleep. We have a little bottle of lavender oil he rolls on his wrists in the evening and before he goes to bed. I was pretty surprised, it really seems to help! Also, he can be a real cranky pants in the morning. For the heck of it, I had him use his lavender oil then, too. It helped tremendously! I've heard other aromas help, too, but have only just started with this. If anyone has any tips, please let me know! Anything to avoid his being over-medicated is a blessing!

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 04/28/2010

i'm sorry but i completely disagree with this assessment. i'm sure you have seen many cases of Alzheimer's Disease, but i have seen only two up close and personal. my mother and my aunt. these women ran their household with a strong hand. every aspect of there lives were their responsiblility and i would have to say they were the dominent one in their marriage. if anything i think that maybe an emotional burn out of handling everything took it's toll on these ladies.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Shining Star (Gainesville, Fl) on 05/04/2010

I do not think the body-mind connection for Alzheimer's Disease that I spoke about is something that is seen. It is felt. The feelings are never seen but they are out-pictured in the body. Feelings of insecurity, hopelessness, powerlessness, boredom even boredom. Who can see a feeling? Each of us wears a mask do we not? But knowing how this observation would not be received in the spirit it is intended, I posted it anyway. It is leading edge and you will see more and more people beginning to explore this as science and medicine fails them. One can not explore someone else's insides or feelings but the results are out pictured in the body and mind. One lady I took care of had not spoken in 5 yrs and had a feeding tube in her stomach. I worked with her and observed. One day she stood up (been on a walker shuffling) and started talking. I called her husband who was golfing and asked hime to come home and witness this miracle. He refused. She took the phone and told him he had done her wrong. They talked for a few minutes and then it was over. She passed a yr later and then him a year later. He never spoke of that day to me. They were married for 52 yrs. He told me that when he quit smoking her took a cigarette from her mouth and told her she was quitting and she never said a word and quit smoking. He was amazed at this even though it had happened over 20 yrs earlier. This is a perfect example of what my point is. This lady worked all of her life, appeared at social functions and retired with plenty of money. Outside she appeared to have it all.But see what I mean? I have had 3 more cases that with close observation though looking different produced the same Alzheimer's Disease which means lack of ease.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Nadine (Union Grove, Wisconsin) on 07/20/2016 12 posts

Dear Heather, I would like to know if your Chronic fatigue S. has been any better these days. I have this terribly also. Many of your posts sound like all the issues I have been having through out the years. I am using Methylane blue not to help and I use borax which is a big help. Please let us communicate about this so we both can learn. Many thanks for posting here on the earth clinic all your results. Nadine

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Mary (Los Angeles, California) on 10/20/2014 49 posts

I just read that if you are a nervous person you are more likely get Alzheimers. I have had severe panic attacks and depression for many many years. I have already started to forget so many things. Does anyone have help for me? Thank you. Mary

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/21/2014

Hello Mary:

Re your panic attacks and forgetfulness;

I use niacin for panic attack issues. See "Doctor Yourself" .... Dr. Abram Hoffer's work on Niacin Therapy is very enlightening for his use of Niacin; which is Vitamin B 3.

Use of niacin helps with forgetfulness with me. I also use some brain nutrients such as phosphatidylcoline, phosphatidyserine, ginko, calcium AEP (NOT just any calcium, but AEP). I also use real ginger as a tea. Ginger is a "driver" and increases circulation.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Calfornia) on 10/21/2014 49 posts

Dear Bill:

Thank you so much for this information you have given me the most excellent information to help me live again. God bless you always and for taking the time to give me the source of your information, I will go and get asap!

Peace, Mary

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, California) on 10/21/2014 49 posts

Dear Dave,

Thank you so much for your valuable information. I really want to live and am so tired of this constant fear. Blessings to you always.

Peace, Mary

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/22/2014

Mary...also besides what to take is what to make sure the sufferer is OFF of....

Someone suffering from dementia styled issued must get off of statins. Statins STOP the liver's beneficial and necessary production of cholesterol in the Liver...with that production stopped (80 percent produced by our own body) then cell development is impaired.

They will likely have a shortage of CoQ10 also. So for a long term statin user; get extra CoQ10 and Evening Primrose Oil. EPO is wonderful for helping with all kinds of myelin sheath issues. And dementia styled issues can be linked to that deficiency also.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Ron (Montpelier, Id) on 04/12/2015

If you look at the brains of these patients one will see that they look like swiss cheese or dried up fruit. The brain is 40% cholesterol , called Mylitan, and has increased to one of the leading causes of death in the past 15 years. Also consider that we have been told that cholesterol is terrible for our health. My doctor, Dr Joel Wallach, has shown that it is the low/no cholesterol is the real cause of Alzheimer's and Dementia. Eggs are the best source for safe cholesterol and he recommends that everyone eats 4 - 6 eggs daily. I have 4 a day and have seen remarkable changes in my health and vitality. With that, I also take fish oil 3 times a day to keep the veins and arteries clear. That oil also helps with brain function.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Carolyn (Capitan, Nm) on 01/09/2016

I didn't dismiss your post because I knew a lady who had Alzheimer's and had gone completely silent. She couldn't find her own room in her own house. Her husband refused to care for her because he had always been a rat bas---d. Her kids moved her to a care facility 150 miles away from him. She immediately began to visit, interact and pray for all her new friends. I wouldn't dismiss your observations outright because the causes, like many conditions, can be physical and emotional.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum
Posted by Mary C (East sussex) on 08/04/2023

Stainless still does exist - recently bought an expensive SS fry pan with an incised 'non stick' surface Which I will not use again for scrambled eggs, as most stuck to the incised surface. However the French product enamelled on every surface seems a healthy option, as long as soft utensils Like wood or silicone are used (le Crueset). Research is required!

Posted by Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 02/04/2014

People have been eating tofu for hundreds of years in Japan and China.. and they haven't suffered an Alzheimer's epidemic because of it. In fact the opposite is evident. My suggestion is if you can't find some evidence to support this then I would disregard the warning.

This part I agree with the above poster: Soy protein powders sound kinda synthetic/industrial and unnatural so I would be avoiding it due to likely contamination/corruption. I did try some soy protein powder once when I was a teenager (trying to put on weight and muscle), and that didn't make me feel well.

Tofu has never made me feel unwell though - it is a very different to these nasty soy protein powders, one is natural and time honoured, the other is not.

My 2c

Migraines and Alzheimer's Disease
Posted by Art (California) on 07/21/2023 2165 posts


You may find this of interest :


Migraines and Alzheimer's Disease
Posted by Art (California) on 07/22/2023 2165 posts


I forgot to mention that I have updated this memory regimen by dropping the Amla Extract and replacing it with Benfotiamine. Optional is to add Citicoline as it has also shown benefit in terms of memory improvement.


GV-971 Seaweed
Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/22/2022

Thank you, Art! How did I miss that when it was right up front? Can I blame it on brain fatigue :)

This is a very interesting find.

GV-971 Seaweed
Posted by Sharon (Oregon) on 04/26/2023

Seaweed is a vital source of Vitamin D for vegans, so, maybe Vitamin D is crucial in as many forms as possible. Just my sidebar.

Posted by Steve (Uk) on 06/12/2023

Using 99% is too much to start with as some people are more sensitive and will get the prickly nettle stinging. This far outways any future pain if you get over first 10m. Jacobs Labs has a 70% aloe gel which is really good or make your own but buy pure aloe. It is amazing stuff as it reduced my wife's BC which had gone to the spine.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 01/29/2015

A new movie documenatary is on the market and in theatres of a study done in nursing homes with music specifically arranged for each person that lights up their brain and they are seeing vast improvement in seniors locked in a world of their own. I found out yesterday ... spread the news. Here's a 30 minute interview with the filmmaker on YouTube.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/15/2014

Dear " Mama to many ". I very much agree with you about the importance of exercise for all people, especially the elderly. I am talking about moderate exercise. I am now an older person at 65. It is all too easy to fall into a pattern of just laying or sitting about doing very little exercise watching TV, reading books and such. Everyone needs to exercise. Bike riding, hiking, swimming and such. I also recommend avoiding jogging because it damages the joint tissues especially in older people. Also drinking plenty of quality water can only help. Sitting on your butt all day is NOT the way to remain healthy....Oscar

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Mother Earth (Ks) on 10/19/2014

Hi Earth Clinic here's a link for Hj re: information on Vitamin A and Alzheimer's:

Vitamin B3
Posted by H (Up The Creek In Wv, Usa) on 12/07/2013

Hay Robert Henry;;

What you need to do is grow your own natural tobacco. The hi-nicotine varieties that the Indians used as a sacred plant. then you could control the amount of pesticides and herbicides on it. I myself do not grow it, or use it, but I do take nicotine in the form of supplement pills. The Indians were exactly right; tobacco''s nicotine content is a necessary nutrient for the human body. They got their supply by smoking tobacco, that their creator gave to them. Then came the barbarians from Europe on to their continent, and killed them all, about 300 milion of them, except for a small remnant of them; and began putting poison on the sacred herb.

You are exactly correct about the true source of the diseases caused by tobacco consumption being the poisonous herbicides, pesticides, curing agent chemicals, put on the leaf by man.

They have never proved that tobacco causes cancer, or any other disease. That never happened. No experiment that they performed ever showed that.`A guy named "captain Joe" ( or some similar name) on the internet, tried to track down the research that proved tobacco caused cancer. He never found it. It don't exist. What he found out was that in the original research; the test animals were given cancer causing radiation in order to induce cancers, to the tobacco test subjects.[animals] So if I gave you cancer with radiation while you are testing milk out, and you get cancer; does that prove milk causes cancer? Of course not. And neither does it prove that tobacco causes cancer. What it does prove; is that radiation causes cancer.... which everyone already knew.

This is a case exactly like the cholesterol research that they have falsely reported on. If you go and find the original research clinical studies, and read them yourself, you will find the original research studies proved that high cholesterol diets DID NOT cause heart disease rates over and above low cholesterol vegetarian diets. The entire interpretation of the diet research was a fraud.

The Polio epidemic was caused by nuclear bomb testing radiation fall-out coupled to DDT pesticides. The Polio epidemic went away when these 2 things went away. There never was any polio virus. That was a fraud. People got polio from the DDT and nuclear bomb testing fall-out. It was the poisons, and not some evil virus creature., that never existed. Remember the news-cast films of the government employees spraying people and children with DDT as they walked down the streets of America, in the 1940's and 1950's , IN A CLOUD OF DDT DUST ?

Syphilus disease was caused by mercury poison. Mercury was a favorite medicine of the white man up until the 1950's, or so. All the symptoms of syphilus are the exact same symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning. Syphilus went away when the mercury was taken out of the food & medicine chain.

The same for aids; caused by man-made chemicals, and not a evil virus creature. Follow the money trail.

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 10/28/2013

Do you know if Serrapeptase also clears this plaque? Thank you.

B12, Folic Acid
Posted by Kathryn (Maryland) on 09/13/2013

I have given a b12 lozenge that contains hydroxycobalamin with a drop of a high-potency folic acid liquid supplement that contains 5 mg per drop on top of the lozenge every day to parents to help dementia. It really does help as some medications depete the body of these nutrients. Gives energy to them. Cognitive thinking. Not any b12 and folic acid will work.

Vitamin B
Posted by Susan Reed (Michigan) on 05/12/2016

I take 10 mgs of Biotin (over the counter, 10,000 mcgs = 10 mgs) 3x a day with food, I see my hair grow wonderful, I had issues in the past with tons of psych meds and I went nearly bald. Even Women's Rogaine did nothing for me. A friend of mine told me that her brother was diabetic and he was losing hair, I am borderline and my mom has diabetes, my dad had it before he passed away. I'm more than likely to have it myself. I was put on another series of psych. meds and I read up a lot on how it will affect the vitamin B in my body, it also said somewhere I read that my body will need more than usual with different vitamin B's. Biotin has plenty of that, and I do take 5 mgs more than the average person because I do lack it in my system. It helps with tons of awesome things and no need for a script.

Also along with this, I drink only 1-2 cups of coffee per day, I know my limit on that, it doesn't cause side affects and I read something on that regarding coffee with lower back pain (which I am diagnosed with chronic arthritis), something in that decreases the pain slightly, helps my brain function better. Most things I remember well like a memory from long ago. But I have trouble remember the names of an item like if I'm talking to someone I say "whatcha call it" and then the name of the item or object comes up. Not sure what that's about, but I also read Alzheimers can happen at any age really. I'm 43 and the following issues I am diagnosed with: PTSD, OCD, severe anxiety, depression and I'm 3 meds for those right now. It's annoying to not remember the name of an object when I see it right there in front of me or try to talk about it. But I can go back "in time" in my memory and talk about dates, times, years that pop up suddenly and I can even visualize where I was at the time.

The remember a name of an object problem started roughly 2 years or so ago and it's not getting much better. I don't know what else I can eat or drink that will help with that. I am allergic to orange juice and I don't like curry at all, the smell of that just is gross to me. If anyone has any other suggestions to be helpful (I read most of what can be helpful) please let me know. I can eat real oranges not a problem.. but with juice my heart will race bad and I don't drink it, apple juice is okay but I drink an okay amount of that, but if it's too strong like cider I can't, same thing happens if I drink orange juice.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brandi (Hartford, Ct) on 02/21/2013

Thanks for the link. I was shocked by the amount of coconut oil they were putting into the food, though. I watched as they put a chunk the size of half a tennis ball into oatmeal - pouring what appeared to be a melted 1/4 cup onto a serving of corn, etc. I wouldn't think it safe to take doses that large.

Unfortunately, the video article didn't mention how much is recommended per day, which would have been useful information.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Anon (Appleton, Ny, Usa) on 01/09/2013

Mary Jane, thank you for posting about Alzheimer's Disease. It's great that you give God the glory and honor. He is truly the source of every good gift. (John 3:16)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it sounds like before you tried this treatment, your Dad was terribly confused, upset, acting mean, and his memory was very poor. And now all of these things, including even his memory, have improved dramatically??

Please continue to post any clarifications or details or developments that you think are helpful.

I'm sure many people will be reading what you're posting here. Maybe some will try the freshly squeezed lemon juice (in water, with added non-sugar sweetener) twice a day and report their results.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/15/2013

New book at the library written by a doc who treated her hubby with coconut oil for his alzheimers... Very interesting.. Won't work for everyone but certain sugar uptake issues in the brain are healed by coconut oil added in the diet... hope this helps.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Ca) on 06/10/2018

I am in the same boat with my Dad. I am giving him coconut oil 3x a day.

Are there any particular brands of those supplements that you recommend?

General Feedback
Posted by Grannie Gay (Lakeland, Fl) on 11/27/2011

I had read Dr Wright's article on Lithium Orotate several years ago. My husband has been treated for Alzheimer's for several years. I decided to try the treatment. He had an immediate decline, so we discontinued treatment immediately.

We do use several supplements: Hup A (Huperzine), Digestive enzimes, Lions Mane Mushroom tablets, DMAE and lecithin. We had run out of the Lions Mane last spring - his decline increased at that time, and although he's taking it again, he never recovered what he lost. Although decline continues, he gets along pretty well.

I find that changes - travel - even to visit family members for holidays, etc, are the greatest challenge to his functioning.

(His younger brother died just a couple of years after Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis. He didn't have early medications to delay disease progress. ) Their mother and maternal grandmother both had the condition, and the youngest brother, @76, is also taking Alzheimer's Disease medications now.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/19/2023

How do you convert liquids to milligrams?

How can I convert ml to mg?

Note down the density of the substance you want to convert. For example, the density of water is 1000 mg/ml, and that of cooking oil is 0.916 mg/ml. Multiply the density by the amount you want to convert from ml. The result is the amount converted to mg.

Chronic Bacterial Infection
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 02/10/2011

Here some publshed articles about the implication of chronic bacterial infections in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer:

The funny things is the company Kenrico already patented Nattokinase for Alzheimer disease, because the enzyme digests the biofilms of Chlamydia pneumoniae and abviously the amyloid proteins are nothing but something related to Chlamydia biofilms in the brain in the second article.

I have found so many articles about MS and lyme disease. I will post the articles when I have more time. But it's interesting to know that the so called chronic disease can be treatable if the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies focused in the causes rather than symptoms. These pharmaceutical companies hire brilliant talented young scientists and I'm pretty sure they know all about this. But Money comes before health and it's up to us THE HUMANS to stop this and tell people the truth for a better world for all of us.

Money is not happiness. Maybe a means. Helping others is the true happiness.


Chronic Bacterial Infection
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/30/2011

If you were diagnosed with alzhiemers.. A few years ago a doctor would tell you to start smoking! He didnt know why nicotine halted or slowed the onset.. But it might be the antifungal properties of nicotine got through the the blood brain barrier.. And disrupted a possible fungal trigger?... The possibility that Parkinsons and altzhiemers are the same.. Is well worth considering as Parkinsons can progress on to alzhiemers. So perhaps methyl blue might be a consideration as for parkinsons.

Essential Oils
Posted by Anon (City, State) on 12/16/2010

Maybe a lavender sachet in his clothes drawer, or a lavender candle or room diffuser. I wonder if vanilla would work. I get depression, and eating bananas helps tremendously. It feels like morning all day. I have to stay away from gluten, if I have to eat it such as at a party, I have milk/kefir or psyllium before leaving for the party. A Chamomile/Lavender/Lemon balm tea is good, too. Things that help my liver and kidneys help my mood tremendously, too. You might try those things with your poor Dad. My heart goes out to you both. Try Kefir, goat milk, fresh fruit (lots of it oranges, strawberries, kiwi, cherries, blackberries, peaches), fresh green salads (spinach, romaine, red pepper, tomatoes, boiled egg, sardines, a little salt, no pepper, olive oil, amen. ), Cat's Claw, ginger, fresh garlic (no milk with or before it, only an hour or so later), basil/chamomile/catnip tea (no milk till hour later). Failing that chocolate and coffee work. And if all else fails, ice cream... Make a smoothie with frozen orange segments, frozen strawberries, and fresh baby spinach. These heal the body and thereby heal the mind.

Essential Oils
Posted by Bridget (New York) on 09/14/2020

I have heard that lavender alters your hormones if taken on a regular basis. I would research this before diving in.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 12/16/2010

Pam - It is only normal that she would have resentment towards her "once abusive" husband! For petes sake, until you have walked a mile in her shoes... Please do not be so quick to place judgement.

My father in law is in the same condition, and my mother in law is also having a very hard time of it. People in their predicament need day to day help.... They are being totally overwhelmed. Just saying. Maybe she needs some outlet or some help with him? ?Best to you.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/13/2015

I cannot help but disagree with these findings. Just using common sense. Have you ever seen how chickens live and are tortured by the people who make a living that way? They allow them no space, debeak them and tear their tail feathers by brutal force. Their food is GMO even if they are "free run". There are some additional practices which hidden from consumer knowledge, would change the minds of many. You are also taking in the subtle part - their suffering that will make up your psyche, the brain and a hidden source of heart disease. This is called "heart bypass" if you understand right.

As to anything from the ocean, not what the placard in my grocery store proclaims " The Ocean, a Healthy Place". North Americans continue as if nothing has or is, happening. Fact is that many newborns have thyroid problems as this radiation affects the young in particular.

So people eat food procured by exquisite cruelty, thinking it is for good health. Part of our ocean has died but see how many times the comment "I only eat fish or chicken".

We are made up of the five elements as is everything we see. We do it to ourselves and we also experience the results.

Many Alzheimer sufferers have in the past put faith in Allopathic meds that actually cause eventually their condition. Wake Up.

Namaste, Om

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 04/14/2015

I second that. Well said.

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Kayjay (Carmel, Ny) on 08/23/2015

I had terrible panic attacks and it was LYME! And I know of many more with this symptom from LYME!

Alzheimer's Cause Theories

Posted by John (Glasgow, UK) on 07/19/2008

Drinking coffee has been tipped as a possible way of delaying and even preventing Alzheimer's disease in previous research. However these studies have only ever involved a small number of people and were reliant on participants remembering how much tea and coffee they drank earlier in their lives.

This latest study showed that cognitive decline was significantly less among people who drank three cups of coffee every day. These findings add weight to the body of existing evidence suggesting long-term caffeine intake may have a protective effect against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

It is too soon to say our morning coffee or afternoon cup of tea is anything more than a pleasant pick-me-up. It is important to now research further how caffeine consumption impacts on dementia risk.

Posted by Sarah (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 07/07/2010


There is a statement someone posted on Earth Clinic that soy milk may help Alzheimer's, or help prevent it, is untrue, and could be terribly damaging if people follow it. There is very overwhelming evidence that eating unfermented soy, such as soy protein or tofu, can help TRIGGER Alzheimers, not prevent it! The recommendation to drink it "in case it may help" is sheer nonsense, and sheer suicide for those trying to avoid getting Alzheimers!

Two foods that appear to help PREVENT Alzheimers are coconut oil (unhydrogenated) and Turmeric (the spice)

Migraines and Alzheimer's Disease
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 07/22/2023

Most definitely! Thank you, Art!

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 02/12/2016 2063 posts

TY Mama for sharing your commitments to your dad. Coconut Oil & healing Music will go a long way for him.

I was, not long ago, very touched to have learned that one of my favorite folk musicians Joan Baez was such a serious & professional musician as well as humanitarian. Joan, along with her sister Mimi, made big commitments to keep music personal not industrial and healing rather than recreational.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 09/07/2014

Just reporting back regarding my father who has Alzheimer's.

His Alzheimer's has improved nicely and has now stabilised. The improvement in short term memory and ability to manage conversations is quite noticeable. The most important thing is that the gradual decline has been halted.

He is still taking Turmeric regularly (the preparation they chose includes black pepper), and the BHT is no longer necessary.

My last post was in April, but I should add that my father had been on Turmeric for some time already. He has been using this for over a year.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Nowhereman (Indiana) on 01/25/2014

Very impressive!!

I'm assuming you used Vitamin A in palmitate form since that's the only type I found online. If you could confirm that would be great.

Also, I am having a heck of a time finding a conversion chart that will convert mg's into IU's and hoped you could clear that up too. Evidently, not all conversions are created equal...converting Vit. A and Vit D from mg's to IU's involves a different process.

So if the Vit. A drops {palmitate} are 5, 000 IU's per drop, how many drops would = the 100, 000 mgs that you gave your mom? Since Vit. A is stored vs. eliminated, I want to be careful!

Like another poster here, I would also be interested in how much coconut oil you gave your mom each day too.

Thank you for sharing your success story. It's very encouraging!

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Hj (New York, US) on 09/26/2014

Hi Joyce. I was just wondering if you can share the link to the doctor's article that you read. I searched for it by putting in "vitamin A and Alzheimer's" and "vitamin A and beta amyloid, " but all that keeps coming up is vitamin E or vitamin D, nothing about vitamin A. Please help if you can. If you are restricted from putting a direct link on this site, please give some key search terms that I can use and maybe the doctor's name. Thanks so much in advance.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by John ( Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona ) on 05/13/2015

Joyce, I read your testimonial on the affects Niaminicide & Mycellized Coconut Oil had on your mother. and was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me the brand names of the products you used. My mom is 84 and dealing with almost identical memory problems. She is in good health & on no medications as we believe in Natural cures with no side affects. And do not want her on any phyco tropic medications. After reading your post I believe this may also work for her.I too have read many research studies trying to find something natural, as I believe it could be related to a vitamin deficency. Thank You for your time, John

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Alicia (Hollister, Ca ) on 07/22/2016

What brand do you recommend.of supplements? And can a 51 year old take this to prevent it? I'm very forgetful and it scares me, But I also work with a 101 year old who has all the symptoms of Alzheimer's but she had a CT Scan and they didn't find anything. She remembers the past but can't remember the present. In 5 minutes forgets and repeats her self. Please I love her and want to help her. Please answer me. Thank you.

Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Coconut Oil
Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 09/01/2018

If you go to the Alzheimer's page on EC you'll see that Mary Newport's info has been on this site for over five years.

Vitamin B3
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 12/06/2013

HI U GOD FEARING FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Just read an interesting article that equated Alzheimer's with the advent of mercury flu shots and folks that stopped smoking. The article had a graph of the last two and the advent of Alzheimer's. The graphs tracked. Upon more research, I learned that tobacco is an herb where our B 3 vitamin comes from. Research has shown that B 3 helps your brain. Mercury does not. The problem with smoking or chewing today's tobacco is not the tobacco, but all the chemicals that has been sprayed on it. That includes insecticides, fungicides, and pesticides. Only a few years ago arsenic was sprinkled on the plant to kill the boll worms. If you smoked you got all that garbage. I don't have a clue about nicotine, but now all the smart people are saying that caffeine is good for you. The problem with coffee is that unless you buy organic you are still getting the stuff that you did with tobacco. They spray coffee plants too.

I quit smoking back in '73, but I loved it. I now think that there may be a way to smoke and it actually would be healthy for you. It would have to be organic and could only smoke one cig after each meal or some other protocol . Anyways, this is a story of how greedy folks can take a good thing and make it into a bad thing. Hope this makes you think.

====OLE ROBERT HENRY==========

B12, Folic Acid
Posted by Brenda K. (Tx) on 06/01/2016

Its best to not to supplement with folic acid. Recently found out that I have MTHFR gene mutation. About 40% to 50% of people have it and don't know it. People with MTHFR mutations don't break down the Folic Acid which is man made. They need to get it naturally from food or take the methylated folate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. And most importantly they should avoid foods fortified with folic acid. Excess folic acid reduces immune function and has been found to mask Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 08/24/2013

I found an article on MSN dated 5/22/2013...

Vitamin B keeps your brain from shrinking, reduces Alzheimer's risk

"A new study shows that vitamin B supplements reduced brain shrinkage by up to 90 percent in certain areas vulnerable to Alzheimer's, suggesting the vitamin may be more protective than previously thought. Dr. David Smith of Oxford University, who led the study, said, "our work shows that a key part of the disease process that leads to Alzheimer's disease, the atrophy of specific brain regions, might be modified by a safe and simple intervention. " Others caution that there's no magic bullet against Alzheimer's..."


Vitamin B
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 08/15/2022

Azithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections, such as bronchitis; pneumonia; sexually transmitted diseases (STD); and infections of the ears, lungs, sinuses, skin, throat, and reproductive organs .Apr 30,2022

Zithromax does not work against yeast.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (York County, Southern Maine) on 03/20/2013

Hi Stevenson - what great news about your father! I truly hope to see monthly updates from you as "The Big A" is the real worry I have about getting older. As I've aged, I realize that 76 is not old at all - that's just 20 years from now, for me, and the time will pass in a flash!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Stevenson (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 03/22/2013

Hi Linda. That's true, time just moves so fast now it seems. Yes, really wonderful news for him, but also for us, as it's not easy seeing someone you love wither away like that. 6 weeks ago everything looked hopeless, but now, it's such an improvement, so I'll keep posting here good or bad to see how he progresses.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rowena Capacite (Philippines) on 06/28/2015

I want to know the exact amount of coconut oil to be given to the patient with Alzheimers. Thank you

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marco (Italy) on 08/02/2017

Hi there, any updates from your dad?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Natalia (M?xico City) on 10/10/2020

Can You please update your dad's progress? I hope he is doing great.

Vitamin D, Juice
Posted by Logan (Ca, US) on 12/10/2014

I want to comment that one should take NIACINAMIDE in ONE DOSE per day, and NOT the time-release Niacin- as that could lead to LIVER DAMAGE.

Also, MELATONIN has been shown to reverse Alzheimer's. Therapeutic doses are between 10-25mg/night

MELATONIN has no toxicity levels and no side effects.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brandi (Hartford, Ct) on 02/22/2013

Well, I do have to watch my caloric intake as I have always had to struggle to maintain my weight. The size of the serving in the video was HUGE. I would guess it was the equivalent of 6+ tablespoons. That's over 700 calories!

And while the benefits of coconut oil 'sound' promising, the reality is, that there are no scientific studies to support the claims. ALL of the current info is anecdotal.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Anon (Appleton, Ny Usa) on 01/05/2013

Mary Jane, please give more updates about your Dad. Has drinking the fresh lemon juice helped his memory at all? Have you seen any definite improvement in his memory? Any less confusion in his thinking? Thanks.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 02/07/2013

Hi, Great news! I look forward to your feedback - keep up the good work.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Maureen (United Kingdom. England) on 03/24/2022 3 posts

Hi Mary Jane. I've just come across your post from 8yrs ago. I'm in need of help for my mum who's 85 and has Alzheimer's. Could you tell me if the lemon juice you used for your dad was used alongside other medications, please? If you have time to email me I would really appreciate it. Thank you, God bless.

B12, Coconut Oil
Posted by Rick (La) on 10/22/2012

The use of cocoa may also contribute an independent beneficial effect. Cocoa powder contains flavonols that improve cognitive function, blood sugar and lipid profile. Your homemade hot cocoa may be giving a boost. For best effect the cocoa powder used should be the natural unprocessed kind (so not alkanized/dutched) and mixing with sugar and milk should be reduced or avoided since milk might neutralize its effects.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/22/2012

Does anyone know anything about apoaequorin or where to get it? Its a natural protein that clears excess calcium from the brain. One of those nobel prize-winning discoveries that has been suppresed by the Alzheimers industry.

This is the best link I can find on it, apologies for any inherent bias.

Vitamin E, Selenium
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 05/07/2012

Alzheimer's has been linked to iodine deficiency as well. Not negating anything you said, just w/o sufficient iodine, other stuff happens that shouldn't and you get all kinds of health issues.

Cinnamon Extract
Posted by Sabri (Larkspur) on 08/11/2023

Would simmering cinnamon sticks have the same effect, do you think? Thank you for this entry.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carmel (England) on 06/16/2015

Iodine helps people to feel warm because it helps with underactive thyroid which causes people to feel cold. If your thyroid is working fine then maybe it would not do this.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nimrod (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 05/07/2011

I have just heard of the possible benifits of CO for Alzhiemers and only in reading more discovered thatn it seems to have a generally benifical effect on health in many aspects. As I do not frequent health stores I have yet to buy the oil. However as over the years I often use coconut water (milk) for cooking pseudo indian or Indonesian food I do consume this. I note that it contains 18% fats and wonder if this is a good source.

Yours Nimrod

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lamar (Baton Rouge, Louisana ) on 08/06/2022

I have read a bit about Coconut Oil, bought a bottle.

Now starting to ease CO into my daily diet. Comes in soft pills. I'll let you know when I know!

Essential Oils
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/01/2021

See this article:

Chemicals in lavender and tea tree oil appear to be hormone disruptors | Endocrine Society

Alzheimer's Cause Theories
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Do silver plated utensils contribute to Alzheimer's? Three old ladies I know with memory impairment/Alzheimer's have that old fancy silver plated silverware, and use it.

Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/10/2009 391 posts


I don't like lithium aspartate it's an excitotoxin much like aspartame. It may reverse, but only temporarily. Therefore the preferred lithium needs to be lithium carbonate, lithium citrate being the safest one. Long term use does more harm in aspartate form then good. Aspartate, MSG and aspartame are all excitotoxin. The beta amyloid is a toxicity of high level exposure of metal zinc, and hence 1000 mg of L carnosine and some small amounts of EDTA to remove zinc, as well as other metals is the cause of the alzheimer. Scientist found beta amyloid removes heavy metals, but in excess, beta amyloid becomes a problem. Therefore it makes more sense to use those that gives energy to the brain without the excitotoxins such as drops of methylene blue which is protective of the cell's mitochrondria systems, and the removal of heavy metals such as cilantro and carnosine and perhaps drops of sodium thiosulfate, or even chlorella to help remove the heavy metals. Potassium citrate will further alkalize the brain so the brain can heal. i don't believe in lithium aspartate because I have received several years ago that while initially it helped alzheimer, the condition later on became progressively much worse. It was from the excitotoxin of the aspartate.


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