Natural Remedies for Autism

| Modified on Apr 20, 2024
Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Tintin (Sydney ) on 01/30/2021

I started taking this for myself as a natural way to heal my gut issues, my hair and nails love it, I have to cut my hair every couple months as opposed to the previous annual haircut because of slow growth...

The greatest outcome, however, was giving it to my family and finding my child who has autism start to communicate more easily overnight and his focus was clearer when we would take it, it has been a couple years now that we have taken it as a family everyday and he is highly functioning now, a happy child.

I do credit DE with helping his body heal (we also included good fats, healthy foods and lots of fun activities in his journey of health also).

Fish Oil and Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Roxanne (Perth, Western Australia) on 12/09/2007

High Potency Fish Oil w/ Virgin Evening Primrose Oil Has Made My Little Boy "Normal" I have two children aged 3.5yrs and 21 months. My eldest was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at the start of the year (Jan 2007). Because my eldest son is classed as Autistic, the health professional seem to think that my youngest may have a problem. Okay, my youngest is very hyperactive, used to run into things (like the kitchen table) and not feel any pain and he had a serious biting problem that went waaaayyy beyond teething. After geting sick and tired of hearing "your youngest maybe suspected Autistic/ADD" I decided to see a homeopath and ask (beg) for help. The lady there was wonderful and recommended that I try a mixture of high potency fish oil that also contained virgin evening primrose oil that was recommended for children and adults of all ages. Well, after a week of giving him 5ml a day (mixed with food), our little boy is all cool. calm and collected. He stills runs around but he has stopped running into walls and tables. The biting was gone and he interacts well with his autistic brother. He has also started talking again. And to think, only 2 weeks have passed now and he will only improve. Just wanted to share this with you. Thanks

Posted by Fittinpieces (Hernando, Ms) on 07/24/2009

My son was diagnosed with Pdd-nos or asperger's syndrome which are both on the autism spectrum about 2 1/2 years ago. This came after a long battle with special needs school district, pyschiatrists, pyschologists, therapists, and his regular pediatrician all misdiagnosing him for about 3-4 years. From everything of ADHD to Bi-polar disorder, we have finally come to rest on this with all of the testing that was done. I have tried so many different prescription medications to control his anger and rage, most basically putting him in a fog through the day just so he would not hurt himself or anyone else. I know this story is long but bear with me it is important to know everything i have tried to get to here.

With appointments to 2 different DAN ( defeat autism now) doctors(with tons of bloodwork and no results or help) and a weight gain of around 80 lbs from depression on my side, I finally stumbled onto an interesting website or personal blog for ADHD. A lady was documenting her journey with her son and his struggle to remain normal (whatever that means anymore). She spoke of this herb and how it helped him. I instantly started research on the herb, nervous to give it to my 9 year old son. Well he has been taking it for 2 1/2 weeks now, and i have him completely off his medication for aggression. He only takes vitamin supplements and this herb, which is a miracle. He actually acts like a normal child now, and works things through in his mind instead of instantly attacking or throwing a temper tantrum. He no longer attacks his sisters or hurts himself if he does not get his way. He actually laughs a lot more, and he gets further in his video games without my assistance or trying to break the video game console. Amazing?!?! I think so, but i also upped his amount fish oil which i think might be a little help, but there is no way it can take all of the credit! He is taking ____ rhodiola____ ____ once a day in the morning. And i cannot wait for school to start, Maybe this year instead of being a whiz at just math he will learn to read and hopefully ride a bike and tie his shoes! Wonder herb this is!

The Mercury Autism Connection
Posted by Jason Uttley (USA) on 12/14/2007

The Myths and Truths of the Mercury / Autism Connection
by By Donna Gates for

Statistics show that autism is the fastest growing developmental disability (10 - 17% annual growth), occurring in 1 out of 166 births. The annual cost is $90 billion and 90% of the costs are in adult services.

Modern Medicine Searches for Answers
In recent years, groups like Defeat Autism Now (DAN), started by doctors whose own children suffer from the condition, have done an excellent job of diagnosing what's gone so seriously wrong with millions of children.

They have consistently found a combination of conditions including severe intestinal dysbiosis, systemic fungal and viral infections, mineral deficiencies, abnormal serotonin levels and an abundance of toxic materials including pesticides other chemicals, mercury and other heavy metals.

To date, attempts to solve autism focus on the use of supplements and various therapies, including diet, to correct the disorder (and its milder forms, including Asperger's syndrome, ADD, ADHD and ODD).

Body Ecology - The Missing Link

I believe that Body Ecology has a much more valuable approach for unlocking the mystery of autism. Our theory is that the missing piece lies deep within the intestinal walls and includes conquering systemic fungal and viral infections.

Indeed I believe autistic children are suffering from a gut and brain infection that creates neurological dysfuction, which can be corrected with time. The research needs to be focused in this direction, rather than focusing on mercury. Here are some of the myths and truths you need to know:

Myth: Nothing Can Be Done Before or During Pregnancy

Truth: Both parents can play a role in preparing for their baby's birth, since the health of both parents contribute to fetal health. Ideally, this would include both mother and father going on a nutrient-dense anti-fungal diet, like the Body Ecology Diet. Studies show that the number one determining factor of longevity and quality of health is fetal nutrition. Fetal nutrition starts with the parents before conception and continues with the mother during her pregnancy.

Ideally, parents would begin the Body Ecology diet 6 months to 2 years before conception. This is critical today because a systemic fungal infection, like candida, can set the stage for autism.

In addition, many infants begin life with the added disadvantage of inheriting weakened adrenals and congested livers from their parents.

Cleansing toxins from your body and increasing vital life force in each parent will ensure that the fetus inherits more constitutional, pre-natal vitality. This is the greatest gift you can give your baby.

How Systemic Fungal Infection Sets the Stage for Autism

Progesterone levels normally climb during pregnancy and as they climb, blood sugar levels or glucose climbs as well. While this is a natural part of pregnancy, there can be risks if the mother has an undetected, systemic fungal infection or candidaisis. A fungal infection in the body of an expecting mother can become more acute as blood sugar levels naturally go up. All infections in the mother's blood are passed to her baby.

This is why babies are being born today with systemic fungal infection. When this happens, yeast is in the baby's gut. Studies show that yeast in the amniotic fluid can paralyze the gut wall, so babies are in turn constipated at birth. This can be serious because the baby won't have the ability to eliminate inherited toxins - including metals, like mercury.

Myth: Autism Is Mercury Based

Truth: Body Ecology teaches that autism is not mercury based, but begins in-utero, with a fungal infection and the inability to detoxify. These are the children who are born at risk for autism because they lack a healthy inner ecosystem at birth. A healthy inner ecosystem is made up of the friendly microflora (good bacteria) that reside in our intestines and keep us healthy and strong. Babies who lack this inner ecosystem have almost no immunity (since 85% of our immunity is located in the lymph tissue in the gut).

Vaccinations were originally created for people with strong immune systems who had resistance to the pathogens that were injected into their blood stream.

Newborn babies have not had time to build strong immune systems. Without a healthy inner ecosystem, the immune system will never be strong.

Beware of Systemic Fungal Infection Combined With Vaccinations

A baby's blood-brain barrier isn't formed until 6 weeks after birth. Before the blood-brain barrier is formed, there is potential for fungus and viral infections to enter your baby's brain.

While more research needs to be done, our theory is that an anti-fungal diet like the Body Ecology diet is critical to protecting babies from fungal infections.

Many children appear to be relatively normal upon birth. They may have problems with things like constipation -- until they get the MMR vaccination around 18 months. Based on my research, I believe that upon inoculation with these three live viruses, the mumps portion causes the blood-brain barrier to open. We know this because when a child becomes infected with the mumps virus, his blood pressure elevates. Research shows that the blood-brain barrier opens with elevated blood pressure. Your doctor may not know this, since it is not taught in medical school. Swollen lymph glands in the neck and high blood pressure are symptoms of mumps infection -- and because the child has an underdeveloped immune system, instead of building antibodies to the live viruses in this vaccination, he becomes infected by the vaccination.

While a child is supposed to develop immunity, the immune system is not in place due to the existing fungal infection. The child has no ability to resist the assault from 3 live viruses: measles, mumps and rubella (measles has been found on the gut wall by Dr. Andrew Wakefield). The child is not the same and shows signs of infection in the brain. He begins to regress in language development and social behaviors.

We believe that the systemic fungal infection (that was unknowingly passed to millions of newborn babies) can not only secrete dangerous toxins, but also pass through the open blood-brain barrier. The child then becomes infected with candidial meningitis or viral meningitis. It's very important that this theory be researched as quickly as possible. If it has not yet entered the brain, the elevated blood pressure allows it to enter through the blood-brain barrier.

Based on what I've seen in my BEDROK program, (Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids) our theory makes much more sense than autism as a genetic condition. This can empower parents to make changes that will benefit themselves and their children.

Myth: Gluten-Free/Casein-Free Is Enough

Truth: While the gluten-free, casein free diet is a step in the right direction, it's not enough. Body Ecology takes it to the next level with a protocol for autism that has helped hundreds of children improve in our Body Ecology Diet Recovering Our Kids (BEDROK) program.

Summary of the Body Ecology Protocol for Autism
The key is establishing your child's inner ecosystem. In order to do this, there are several steps we recommend:

1. Heal chronic and acute bowel dysbiosis and restore gut immunity
2. Correct nutritional deficiencies
3. Create energy so the body can begin the process of healing (with a special focus on the adrenals and thyroid)
4. Conquer systemic viral and fungal infections

The Body Ecology Diet Goes Beyond Gluten-Free/Casein-Free

o Gluten
o Casein
o Sugar (even natural sugars in fruit, breads and carrot juice)
o Bad fats - for more information on the risks of bad fats and how to choose high quality fats, read Why The Processing of Consumable Oils Has Devastated America's Health.

o Plenty of fermented foods and beverages - to create a healthy inner ecosystem.
o Plenty of land and ocean vegetables.
o High quality fats - for important essential fatty acids.
o Vitality SuperGreen - to alkalize overly-acidic blood and heal the intestines.
o ImmunePro (casein free) to aid detoxification and increase gluthione.
o Raw egg yolks to nourish the brain and help fight viral infections.
o Raw butter

To learn more read The Body Ecology Diet.

Myth: Autism is a Genetic Condition and is Not Preventable or Treatable

Truth: One thing has become increasingly clear: autism isn't the genetic condition that it was once assumed to be. It is preventable and even treatable if we understand the multiple causes of the "systemic failure" that brings it about.
A lack of understanding of the role of our inner ecosystem is preventing researchers from unlocking the mystery of autism. If we fully recognized the value of the amazing "subculture" of microflora that our intestinal tracts are designed to support, we would discover the key to preventing and healing this disorder.

The good news is that we are in charge of creating the health of our children - as parents and even grandparents. Parents can begin creating beautiful, happy, healthy babies by taking charge of their health before conception and supporting the health of mother and baby during pregnancy.

That is why I ask you to PLEASE forward this article on to any woman who might someday have a baby, and encourage her to sign up for the FREE Body Ecology e-newsletter for essential health and dietary insights. For any woman intending ever to have a baby, the time to start planning for a healthy baby is right now.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet Protocol
Posted by Ben (WA) on 03/05/2022 1 posts

Autism is a complex issue requiring a complex course of treatment. Turpentine is one tiny piece of a huge jigsaw puzzle called autism.

Study the work of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet and you will begin to unlock autism's many secrets.

The very first primary bit of truth about autism is that the child's immune system has been shut down by the presence of NAGALASE .autistic kids invariably show massive levels of nagalase.

What is nagalase? It is an enzyme produced in nature by a fertilized human egg. it provides absolute protection from the immune fact nagalase enzyme is the only substance in the universe which is genetically coded to fit into human DNA and shut down the immune system. it is ONLY found in a fertilized human egg.well at least until science took over. Almost 60 years ago science found a way to duplicate natural occurring nagalase and subvert it into a weapon that literally shuts down immune system function. Since the 60s nagalase has been added to several vaccines and many different viral species including most forms of cancer to make them to over run your body and suppress your immune system .Dr Jeff Bradstreet and colleagues discovered the truth of this and paid for it with their lives.

Study nagalase and its counterpart GCMAF and you will be off to a good start. Japanese researchers working on the immune system found the on switch which fires up a deactivated weak immune system and supercharges it by a factor of 30 times its resting state. It's a human protein all healthy people make called GCMAF .this is the exact opposite of nagalase and it blocks the effect of nagalase creating health where sickness used to prevail. Dr. Bradstreet used gcmaf on 1100 autistic kids and 85 percent improved while 25 percent fully recovered from autism.

He used diet correction, corrected intestinal dysbiosis, got rid of candida such as the turpentine cure does, clear out biofilm with serrapeptase systemic enzyme then hit the bad microbes with colloidal silver, and chelate out the heavy metals with EDTA and herbs like cilantro, etc then replenish good bacteria with prebiotic such as primal defense ultra or better yet bravo yogurt a blend of 42 species which kill off the harmful species unique to autism. The intestinal microorganisms of healthy kids and autistic kids are different as nite and day.

Researchers gave fecal samples from autistic kids to monkeys and they soon turned autistic. a huge effort must be made to correct and monitor the intestinal tract otherwise no progress can be made. Autistic kids who receive fecal transplants from healthy kids often start doing great. Doctors don't do simple common sense treatments often enough in my opinion.

Again, study Dr. Jeff Bradstreet's work and it will take you a long way on your journey

Information on Autism
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/19/2024

I just came across an article that has left me with immeasurable hope for family members of autistic children, including our own grandson. I hope and pray E.C. will print the link. It's an interview with Maija Hahn, pres of R.E.A.C.T. whose 3 children regressed after vaccines. She began researching after losing trust in the medical establishment. “These kids' brains are inflamed—chronic encephalitis, can be autoimmune encephalopathy— that inflammation is much like a stroke.”

Please help get this interview out to the world. Our babies and parents deserve all the help we can offer. Thank you E.C., you're my go to!

The Mercury Autism Connection
Posted by Dustin (Texarkana, AR) on 07/30/2007

Autism is caused by mercury poisoning from vaccinations. If you know someone with autism, take them to a doctor and tell them you think they have heavy metal poisoning. After the doctor tests the person and sees the high mercury content, they will begin a detoxification program for the child. People who have had autism for years have suddenly "woken up" out of autism after the mercury is removed from their brain.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Posted by Nicolle (Port Orange, Florida USA) on 04/27/2009

I am writing in to tell of the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. My 5 year old son has Autism and one of the therapies we have tried is HBOT. After his first two hours in the chamber he made sentences. Before we went in he only had words. We recieved two 2 hour treatments twice a week until we reached 40hours total. He continued to improve throughtout the year even though he was no longer getting the treatments. We are now on our second round of treatments and the results have been amazing once again! I am hoping that more people will post their successes with the treatment. Thank you for this wonderful site!!!

The Mercury Autism Connection
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/13/2007 391 posts

Two interesting articles regarding a mercury-based preservative in vaccines (Thimerosal) causing a steep rise in Autism and the government's attempts to surpress the data:

To quote from one of the articles: "Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with the preservative be given to extremely young infants -- in one case, within hours of birth -- the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.

The Mercury Autism Connection
Posted by Christine (Melbourne, Florida) on 05/18/2007

My son was diagnosed with high functioning autism and ADHD. Five years ago, my Lt gave me about 35 lbs of ground venison he had shot. Since I was in paramedic school and very short on money, that venison is the only meat product the kids had for over a month. I used it in hamburger helper to make it last longer. After one week, I noticed a big change in my son. He was no longer harassing his sisters as much and he would lay quietly beside me while awake! (a first!) after 2 weeks, he was like any other "normal" child. As soon as we ran out of venison (no growth hormones or antibiotics added to livestock feed) within hours he went back to his hyperactive uncontrollable self. When he is on natural meats, he is fine, a joy actually, when he is not compliant with his diet, no one needs to tell me, I can see it in his actions. Parents with autistic or other "behavior/neurological" problems would be wise in trying a diet free of the hormones and antibiotics pushed into our children's systems via store bought meat.

Excerpt From Karyn Seroussi's Book
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

This following is an excerpt from "Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: A Mother's Story of Research and Recovery" by Karyn Seroussi. This book is highly recommended!

We Cured Our Son's Autism

By Karyn Seroussi
Copyright © 2000 Karyn Seroussi

"When the doctors said our son would be severely disabled for life, we setout to prove them wrong.

When the psychologist examining our 18-month-old son told me that she thought Miles had autism, my heart began to pound. I didn't know exactly what the word meant, but I knew it was bad. Wasn't autism some type of mental illness -- perhaps juvenile schizophrenia? Even worse, I vaguely remembered hearing that this disorder was caused by emotional trauma during childhood. In an instant, every illusion of safety in my world seemed to vanish.

Our pediatrician had referred us to the psychologist in August 1995 because Miles didn't seem to understand anything we said. He'd developed perfectly normally until he was 15 months old, but then he stopped saying the words he'd learned -- cow, cat, dance -- and started disappearing into himself. We figured his chronic ear infections were responsible for his silence, but within three months, he was truly in his own world.

Suddenly, our happy little boy hardly seemed to recognize us or his 3-year-old sister. Miles wouldn't make eye contact or even try to communicate by pointing or gesturing. His behavior became increasingly strange: He'd drag his head across the floor, walk on his toes (very common in autistic children), make odd gurgling sounds, and spend long periods of time repeating an action, such as opening and closing doors or filling and emptying a cup of sand in the sandbox. He often screamed inconsolably, refusing to be held or comforted. And he developed chronic diarrhea.

As I later learned, autism -- or autistic spectrum disorder, as doctors now call it -- is not a mental illness. It is a developmental disability thought to be caused by an anomaly in the brain. The National Institutes of Health estimates that as many as 1 in 500 children are affected. But according to several recent studies, the incidence is rapidly rising: In Florida, for example, the number of autistic children has increased nearly 600 percent in the last ten years. Nevertheless, even though it is more common than Down syndrome, autism remains one of the least understood developmental disorders.

We were told that Miles would almost definitely grow up to be severely impaired. He would never be able to make friends, have a meaningful conversation, learn in a regular classroom without special help, or live independently. We could only hope that with behavioral therapy, we might be able to teach him some of the social skills he'd never grasp on his own. I had always thought that the worst thing that could happen to anyone was to lose a child. Now it was happening to me but in a perverse, inexplicable way. Instead of condolences, I got uncomfortable glances, inappropriately cheerful reassurances, and the sense that some of my friends didn't want to return my calls.

After Miles' initial diagnosis, I spent hours in the library, searching for the reason he'd changed so dramatically. Then I came across a book that mentioned an autistic child whose mother believed that his symptoms had been caused by a "cerebral allergy" to milk. I'd never heard of this, but the thought lingered in my mind because Miles drank an inordinate amount of milk -- at least half a gallon a day.

I also remembered that a few months earlier, my mother had read that many kids with chronic ear infections are allergic to milk and wheat. "You should take Miles off those foods and see if his ears clear up," she said. "Milk, cheese, pasta, and Cheerios are the only foods he'll eat," I insisted. "If I took them away, he'd starve."

Then I realized that Miles' ear infections had begun when he was 11 months old, just after we had switched him from soy formula to cow's milk. He'd been on soy formula because my family was prone to allergies, and I'd read that soy might be better for him. I had breast-fed until he was 3 months old, but he didn't tolerate breast milk very well -- possibly because I was drinking lots of milk. There was nothing to lose, so I decided to eliminate all the dairy products from his diet. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous. Miles stopped screaming, he didn't spend as much time repeating actions, and by the end of the first week, he pulled on my hand when he wanted to go downstairs. For the first time in months, he let his sister hold his hands to sing.

Two weeks later, a month after we'd seen the psychologist, my husband and I kept our appointment with a well-known developmental pediatrician to confirm the diagnosis of autism. Dr. Susan Hyman gave Miles a variety of tests and asked a lot of questions. We described the changes in his behavior since he'd stopped eating dairy products. Finally, Dr. Hyman looked at us sadly. "I'm sorry," the specialist said. "Your son is autistic. I admit the milk allergy issue is interesting, but I just don't think it could be responsible for Miles' autism or his recent improvement."

We were terribly disheartened, but as each day passed, Miles continued to get better. A week later, when I pulled him up to sit on my lap, we made eye contact and he smiled. I started to cry -- at last he seemed to know who I was. He had been oblivious to his sister, but now he watched her play and even got angry when she took things away from him. Miles slept more soundly, but his diarrhea persisted. Although he wasn't even 2 yet, we put him in a special-ed nursery school three mornings a week and started an intensive one-on-one behavioral and language program that Dr. Hyman approved of. I'm a natural skeptic and my husband is a research scientist, so we decided to test the hypothesis that milk affected Miles' behavior. We gave him a couple of glasses one morning, and by the end of the day, he was walking on his toes, dragging his forehead across the floor, making strange sounds, and exhibiting the other bizarre behaviors we had almost forgotten. A few weeks later, the behaviors briefly returned, and we found out that Miles had eaten some cheese at nursery school. We became completely convinced that dairy products were somehow related to his autism.

I wanted Dr. Hyman to see how well Miles was doing, so I sent her a video of him playing with his father and sister. She called right away. "I'm simply floored," she told me. "Miles has improved remarkably. Karyn, if I hadn't diagnosed him myself, I wouldn't have believed that he was the same child."

I had to find out whether other kids had had similar experiences. I bought a modem for my computer -- not standard in 1995 -- and discovered an autism support group on the Internet. A bit embarrassed, I asked, "Could my child's autism be related to milk?"

The response was overwhelming. Where had I been? Didn't I know about Karl Reichelt in Norway? Didn't I know about Paul Shattock in England? These researchers had preliminary evidence to validate what parents had been reporting for almost 20 years: Dairy products exacerbated the symptoms of autism.

My husband, who has a Ph.D. in chemistry, got copies of the journal articles that the parents had mentioned on-line and went through them all carefully. As he explained it to me, it was theorized that a subtype of children with autism break down milk protein (casein) into peptides that affect the brain in the same way that hallucinogenic drugs do. A handful of scientists, some of whom were parents of kids with autism, had discovered compounds containing opiates -- a class of substances including opium and heroin -- in the urine of autistic children. The researchers theorized that either these children were missing an enzyme that normally breaks down the peptides into a digestible form, or the peptides were somehow leaking into the bloodstream before they could be digested.

In a burst of excitement, I realized how much sense this made. It explained why Miles developed normally for his first year, when he drank only soy formula. It would also explain why he had later craved milk: Opiates are highly addictive. What's more, the odd behavior of autistic children has often been compared to that of someone hallucinating on LSD. My husband also told me that the other type of protein being broken down into a toxic form was gluten -- found in wheat, oats, rye, and barley, and commonly added to thousands of packaged foods. The theory would have sounded farfetched to my scientific husband if he hadn't seen the dramatic changes in Miles himself and remembered how Miles had self-limited his diet to foods containing wheat and dairy. As far as I was concerned, there was no question that the gluten in his diet would have to go. Busy as I was, I would learn to cook gluten-free meals. People with celiac disease are also gluten-intolerant, and I spent hours on-line gathering information.

Within 48 hours of being gluten-free, 22-month-old Miles had his first solid stool, and his balance and coordination noticeably improved. A month or two later, he started speaking -- "zawaff" for giraffe, for example, and "ayashoo" for elephant. He still didn't call me Mommy, but he had a special smile for me when I picked him up from nursery school. However, Miles' local doctors -- his pediatrician, neurologist, geneticist, and gastroenterologist -- still scoffed at the connection between autism and diet. Even though dietary intervention was a safe, noninvasive approach to treating autism, until large controlled studies could prove that it worked, most of the medical community would have nothing to do with it.

So my husband and I decided to become experts ourselves. We began attending autism conferences and phoning and e-mailing the European researchers. I also organized a support group for other parents of autistic children in my community. Although some parents weren't interested in exploring dietary intervention at first, they often changed their mind after they met Miles.

Not every child with autism responded to the diet, but eventually there were about 50 local families whose children were gluten- and casein-free with exciting results. And judging by the number of people on Internet support lists, there were thousands of children around the world responding well to this diet.

Fortunately, we found a new local pediatrician who was very supportive, and Miles was doing so well that I nearly sprang out of bed each morning to see the changes in him. One day, when Miles was 2 1/2, he held up a toy dinosaur for me to see. "Wook, Mommy, issa Tywannosauwus Wex!" Astonished, I held out my trembling hands. "You called me Mommy!" I said. He smiled and gave me a long hug.

By the time Miles turned 3, all his doctors agreed that his autism had been completely cured. He tested at eight months above his age level in social, language, self-help, and motor skills, and he entered a regular preschool with no special-ed supports. His teacher told me that he was one of the most delightful, verbal, participatory children in the class. Today, at almost 6, Miles is among the most popular children in his first-grade class. He's reading at a fourth-grade level, has good friends, and recently acted out his part in the class play with flair. He is deeply attached to his older sister, and they spend hours engaged in the type of imaginative play that is never seen in kids with autism. My worst fears were never realized. We are terribly lucky.

But I imagined all the other parents who might not be fortunate enough to learn about the diet. So in 1997, I started a newsletter and international support organization called Autism Network for Dietary Intervention (ANDI), along with another parent, Lisa Lewis, author of Special Diets for Special Kids (Future Horizons, 1998). We've gotten hundreds of letters and e-mails from parents worldwide whose kids use the diet successfully. Although it's best to have professional guidance when implementing the diet, sadly, most doctors are still skeptical.

As I continue to study the emerging research, it has become increasingly clear to me that autism is a disorder related to the immune system. Most autistic children I know have several food allergies in addition to milk and wheat, and nearly all the parents in our group have or had at least one immune-related problem: thyroid disease, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or allergies. Autistic children are probably genetically predisposed to immune-system abnormalities, but what triggers the actual disease?

Many of the parents swore that their child's autistic behavior began at 15 months, shortly after the child received the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. When I examined such evidence as photos and videotapes to see exactly when Miles started to lose his language and social skills, I had to admit that it had coincided with his MMR -- after which he had gone to the emergency room with a temperature of 106°F and febrile seizures. Recently, a small study was published by British researcher Andrew Wakefield, M.D., linking the measles portion of the vaccine to damage in the small intestine -- which might help explain the mechanism by which the hallucinogenic peptides leak into the bloodstream. If the MMR vaccine is indeed found to play a role in triggering autism, we must find out whether some children are at higher risk and therefore should not be vaccinated or should be vaccinated at a later age.

Another new development is giving us hope: Researchers at Johnson and Johnson's Ortho Clinical Diagnostics division -- my husband among them -- are now studying the abnormal presence of peptides in the urine of autistic children. My hope is that eventually a routine diagnostic test will be developed to identify children with autism at a young age and that when some types of autism are recognized as a metabolic disorder, the gluten and dairy-free diet will move from the realm of alternative medicine into the mainstream.

The word autism, which once meant so little to me, has changed my life profoundly. It came to my house like a monstrous, uninvited guest but eventually brought its own gifts. I've felt twice blessed -- once by the amazing good fortune of reclaiming my child and again by being able to help other autistic children who had been written off by their doctors and mourned by their parents."

Adapted from the book, "Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: A Mother's Story of Research and Recovery" by Karyn Seroussi.

The Mercury Autism Connection
Posted by Kate59 (Kingston, Ny, United States) on 11/19/2012

I believe there are several factors involved in the increase of autism, adhd and pdd's.

Environmentally: cell phones and cell towers emit electromagnetic waves which have been proved (in non-corporate funded studies) to disrupt the brain of a fully formed adult. I do not believe there are studies involving forming fetuses. Television programs for children have become sensory overload. The pictures change at a rapid rate and there again, studies show that youngsters under 3 who watch these programs have less of an attention span.

Dietary factors include a myriad of changes over the last 25 years, including Bovine-growth hormone in cow's milk, affecting anything made with cow's milk not clearly marked "No BGH". Combine BGH with genetically modified organisms and it's a wonder our kids and ourselves have digestive disturbances. Knowing which foods are not tainted with GMO's is a bit trickier, because the USDA and the FDA do not see GMO's as a health issue. California and Vermont have tried to require labelling, but I believe the bills didn't pass.

Vaccinnes have alot more in them that we are unaware of. If a parent doesn't want his or her child immunized, shouldn't that be their right? There's always homeopathy (which has no side effects) to qualify your child for school.

I see many children on the spectrum given heavy-duty prescription drugs, while diet is not considered. School lunches are full of processed, gluten-rich, genetically modified foods and bovine growth hormone meats and milk.

I honestly believe that as a parent of any child, it is imperative to give them the most nutritious foods, the healthiest communities and the most loving homes.

The government needs to get out of the way or do the right thing for our children and that starts with funding REAL scientists, not just the ones who are working for BIG BUSINESS. That means regulating GMO's, pharmaceuticals and processed foods by an administration who is not beholding to the drug companies (as IS the FDA).

Bill Thompson Protocol
Posted by Lina (Los Angeles ) on 03/08/2023

Hi Bill

thanj you for the information. I have read your book and I like it however it is intimidating grabbing any supplement mentioned and give ing to a 3 year old who has mild symptoms of autism …what dosage is ok and when is best time during the day to give these supplements and which ones are better for a child who is three and which ones are not safe …. He does not speak only barely says hi and bye and mom and dad but he doesn't not pronounce the letters in those words well … he does not play with other kids and is into himself … does not respond when you call him and does not make eye contact etc. He bites his dad quite often.

please if you could provide some insight as to dosing I would greatly appreciate it and if you could also let us know if bentonite taken orally or betonite clay bath is good for getting rid of toxins .. also which test is beta test to administer to see where he is at and what is his main issue to solve be it fungus or metal toxins such as mercury or lead or aluminum or parasites or Candida …

Many thanks


Bentonite Clay
Posted by Carla (Melbourne Australia ) on 03/18/2014

Autism chelation therapy detox results and reaction 19/03/14: My daughter 5 is recovering from ASD, we do a lot to assist her function at optimum that is eg Gluten free, casein free, sugar free, no processed foods. With great results. Therapies.

We came across Bentonite clay on-Line and its ability to remove toxins from the body got me very interested. As the majority of those with ASD have difficulty removing toxins and heavy metals.

I gave her half a tsp on the 1st evening and noticed that she was more talkative the next day and less repetitive. On evening number 2 I put 1 tbs into a bowl and mixed it with putrefied water into a paste, and we did a body mask, and left it on until it dried (5min) in the bath I noticed little places of red where the clay had been on the longest , she really enjoyed her bath and was making sighs of relief (she usual hates bath and never lets me wash her back so this is notable) after her bath My daughter lent in and put here nose to mine! This is also something she never does, I asked her how she feels she remarked much better. and her speech became clearer , and more varied she asked questions.

Ok so any result like this is very encouraging but I think I got a little to excited to quickly, later that evening she was vomiting and she continued to vomit close to an entire night, she was in pain and had a fever at first I'am thinking its a bug but now I am thinking she was detoxing too fast. My advice to parents is to start very small as kids with ASD have a huge load of toxins, metals ect to offload.

Tips for Raising Autistic Children
Posted by Teresa (Leeds, Yorkshire) on 02/15/2013

I noticed a few posts on autism on this site and I wanted to share my own experiences in this in case anyone can take anything from it and find it useful.

I have 15 year old autistic twin girls. From the age of 18 months their behaviour and development was noticeably different to other childrens. Their speech was delayed, their comprehensive abilities and their ability to communicate was markedly different to other children of the same age. They had all the classic traits of "autism" and most ppl in my life began asking me "what is wrong with your children?" to which I would reply, "There is nothing wrong with my children"

I cannot even begin to list all the ways they were different, from hand flapping, to lack of speech, lack of empathy, no eye contact, loathing physical contact, lining things up, strict rigid patterns for time keeping, routes to places, not liking certain foods because of the textures etc.. Food touching each other.. Lacking basic understanding of social normaties, sensory overload from lights and sounds etc.. No comprehension of sarcasm, humour and many other things.. I could go on...

They attended speech therapy, were on the special needs register at nursery and school .. Had extra support in school.

From the time I had realised they were different, I was supporting them and engaging with them myself alongside the school and the speech therapist. I had decided early on when I noticed their differences that I would re-train them so their rigid patterns would not interfere or reduce their life to eating the same food or walking the same path day after day.. Never wanting to go anywhere different or to eat anything different or to try anything other than what they always knew. Stuck in repeat patterns for the rest of their lives. I wanted for them to be independent free spirited adventurous beings with a zest for life and a capacity for boundless Love and exploration.

I turned to my doctor so I could get extra support and kept getting passed from one department to another who all told me I was in the wrong department. In frustration I decided I had had enough. I decided to keep doing what I was doing and go it alone, as by the age of 4 speech therapy had stopped and there was only minimal basic support in school at this time.

I treated the twins just as I treated my eldest child, able bodied and able minded. I instilled the same values in them as I did my eldest.. Taught ALL my children that they were highly intelligent evolved beings with a capacity for great things and that all they had to do was believe in themselves.. As I already did. That they could create anything and do anything they put their mind to. I reinforced and still do that they are amazing beings and are mega talented and super!

All of my children including the now 15 year old "autistic" twins (aside from their little quirks they still have) are highly intelligent, independent, talented, free thinking individuals. The twins, tho a little more gentler in nature than other children of the same age.. are as and in some ways more focused and evolved than others of the same age including many adults. For anyone who knew them when they were babies and young children, the difference is amazing. No one would ever believe they are/were autistic unless they knew them as young children and saw their progress.

I am sharing my experience for others and to say .. Take hope.. It's not the end of the world. Anything is possible if you can dream it and apply it. Never ever see your autistic child as disabled or as handicap.. See them as able minded, in fact more able minded than others in some ways.. Appreciate their differences and work with them.. Talk to them.. Appreciate them and explain things to them as you would any normal child and allow them to take the lead as you would any other child. Treat them as your shining children.

Posted by Maggie (Portland, Oregon Us) on 04/14/2011

I work with autistic and aspergers children and adults and have for years. I think diet is the cure. The results are amazing. Dairy, gluten and sugar free. I've seen nothing but good results even with just good effort. These things are not in a 'doctor's' repretoire at all so it's up to you to do it yourself. The only problem I've seen is most autistic children have a parent in the spectrum, and are too set in their ways to do things differently, they would rather accept that there is no treatment than change their diets. I really commend both the parents and adults with AS here that are willing to try do something about it.

Chronic Bacterial Infections
Posted by Heather (Washington) on 02/06/2014

Any one who has a child or adult with autism or anger or depression should have them treated at a oxygen healing place where they do hyperbaric treatment. They must bring them down to at least 40ft level. It is an amazing thing. The results after the first hour to hour and a half. I have had so many results in my family that I do not have time to list them all. My son had a lot of anger and dark thoughts and other symptoms. It dramatically changed in 1 visit. I can't explain the calmness he showed after. Same with my stepdaughters son. Who always cried a lot and threw fits and was angry every morning. She was loosing her mind because he constantly said I hate you. He went into a deep level treatment and he became a better kid. He isn't perfect but no longer says I hate you. Much easier to handle. I have many more stories like my brother n law having a level 4 prostate cancer. it wasn't responding to normal chemo. He was scheduled for surgery and We talked him into going into the oxygen treatment. He went 3 times then went to surgery 3 days later. The doctors were shocked that the pear size tumor was crumbling and not alive. They removed it and he is cancer free.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Daniel (Idaho) on 02/04/2021

Thank you for your post.

With regards to autism, a link between gut bacteria and improvement in autistic symptoms has been established.

Homemade milk kefir is an excellent source of many strains of good gut bacteria, some of which have been proven to improve autistic symptoms. The commercially available store bought kefir contains only a few strains of bacteria, while the homemade version from real kefir strains contains 26 or more strains. It is also much cheaper than buying probiotics in pill form. The kefir digests much of the lactose in milk, so it should be tolerated in smaller amounts even by those with lactose intolerance.

Bill Thompson Protocol
Posted by Bill (San Fernado, Philippines) on 03/20/2014

Hi Carla...The current thinking on Autism and all ASD disorders is that these problems are all caused due to massive infestation of the child with parasites, candida and associated bacteria. It is the waste toxins that these pathogens produce that interferes with a babies brain development which is the main causes autism. See this research by Dr William Shaw. These constantly-produced toxic poisons from parasites and pathogens are what cause the learning, behavioural and social problems in the child. The treatment and cure for all ASD disorders is to kill off all the parasites, candida and other pathogens in the child's body thus removing all the dangerous toxins causing brain development problems as well.

Some months ago I was contacted by the father an autistic two year old boy who was in a private autism group trying to cure their children. He was following Kerri Rivera's protocol to cure autism which roughly involves the following protocols:

MMS(Chlorine Dioxide Protocol) as promoted by Andreas Klacker and Jim Hubble

MMS Enemas

Hulda Clark Parasite Protocol

No Anti-oxidants


The father of the autistic child had been on Terri Rivera's protocol for many months. He contacted me because he had read my book and wanted to know more about the Turpentine Protocol. He said that Terri's protocol had improved his two year old sons behaviour, learning etc by 80%(according to his ATEC scores) but that he could get no further improvement with Terri's protocol. I advised him to include and use 1/4 to 1/2 tspn turpentine mixed with castor oil and molasses or honey for taste.

Terri Rivera's protocol has so far cured 121 children from autism(with ATEC scores of less than 10) which is highly commendable. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. However, the cure is not consistent, because many people seem to have problems making progress. Terri Rivera has an autistic teenage son who has been on her protocol for 10 years and is still not cured. I have identified two reasons for this inconsistency -- Terri's protocol seems to be weak at getting rid of large parasites and is also not very good at getting rid of candida or bacterial biofilms. Turpentine is much better at doing both these tasks. The father has now stopped using the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol and is just using the turpentine protocol because he told me it was better with far less side-effects. His son also continues to improve. I am still advising and helping the father and the private autism group.

From my own research , here is a simple document that I wrote that describes additional protocols that will help to reduce both Herx or die-off reactions as well as reduce pathogenic poisons and will also help to reduce detox symptoms. As a group, all these simple protocols in the document are designed to more quickly heal the child's brain to normal social behaviour, learning etc.

Adjunct Nutrients to Help Minimize Detox, Herx Reactions and Poisons and to Help Proper Brain Development and Healing (wrt Learning, Social and Behavioural Problems)

Posted by Ron (USA) on 11/01/2022

This is an arbitrary view not based on fact. Methylmercury is best OUT of the body. The tissue does what it can to isolate it until it can be removed. I will say it is likely a great idea to have a plan for detox available before and following any type of high dose b12 for intents of mercury mobilization, and not to do it without a plan, for myself anyways. I personally tend to try to open up the detox pathways with many means.

But don't sit here and tell people there's nothing you can do for Autistic children, whilst simultaneously spreading fear and doubt about removing heavy metals from the body.

Nothing you can do.

Sounds quite the opposite from most peoples' stories. If they're such bogus, why are there so many success stories?

Follow this guy's advice and don't act, you won't see results.

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