Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

| Modified on Dec 29, 2024
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Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a versatile natural remedy that can help address numerous health issues. It promotes balance within the body, which may be its most significant attribute(1).

ACV is known to aid in weight loss and diabetes management by binding with enzymes to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.1

It also boasts antifungal,2 antibacterial properties, and immunostimulant effects.3 ACV supports good digestion and skin health.

9 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses

Here are nine uses for apple cider vinegar:

1. Eases Acid Reflux

ACV is an effective home remedy for acid reflux and GERD. Its pH-balancing abilities and nutrient content provide quick relief.

Dosage: Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water before and during meals.

2.  Supports Weight Loss and Calorie Reduction

ACV can help with weight loss and belly fat reduction by promoting satiety and reducing calorie intake.

Recommended dosage: Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV in 8 ounces of water twice a day.

3. Clears Sinus Infections and Congestion

Apple cider vinegar can be used for sinus infections and congestion.

It can be added to distilled water and used in a Neti pot (1/2 teaspoon vinegar and 6 ounces of water.) Or you can boil a cup or two of water on the stove. Remove the water from the heat and add 1-2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Drape a towel over your head to make a tent and lean over the steaming water. Slowly breathe in the steam, being careful not to burn yourself!

4. Treats Pink Eye

For pink eye (conjunctivitis) or pterygium, mix 1 teaspoon of ACV with 1 cup of distilled water. Use this solution as eye drops 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

5. Alleviates Earache Pain

ACV can be used to treat earaches, but not if the eardrum is ruptured. Dilute ACV with distilled water and use the solution in the ear 2-3 times a day. For fungal infections like swimmer's ear, combine equal parts ACV and rubbing alcohol.

6. Enhances Skin Health

ACV detoxifies the liver and balances pH, improving various skin conditions. Drinking a tonic made with 1-2 tablespoons of organic ACV in a liter of water throughout the day can help with acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and scalp infections.

7. Balances Hair Sebum and pH

ACV's pH level is close to human hair, making it effective for oily hair and removing product buildup. After shampooing, rinse your hair with a solution of 1 tablespoon ACV in 1 cup of warm water. This rinse can also complement lice treatments and prevent outbreaks.

8. Relieves Food Poisoning Symptoms

ACV can quickly alleviate vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping caused by food poisoning. Take 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons of ACV to experience relief, either straight or mixed with water or juice. If symptoms persist after 30-60 minutes, you can repeat the dose.

9. Reduces High Blood Pressure

ACV can help lower high blood pressure by clearing deposits from the vascular system's interior walls, allowing blood to flow more easily and with less pressure.

Earth Clinic readers suggest starting out with 1 or 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar with the mother in 8 oz of water per day to lower HBP. Read over 100 positive reviews from EC readers here about ACV helping high blood pressure.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: Top 65 Uses

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a versatile remedy that has been used to address numerous health conditions. Here are 65 common conditions that ACV can help with:

  • Heartburn
  • Reflux
  • GERD
  • Food Poisoning
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Shingles
  • Varicose veins
  • Warts
  • Eczema
  • Bladder Infection
  • Nail Fungus
  • Constipation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Dandruff
  • Sinus Infection
  • Gout
  • Pseudogout
  • Joint Pain
  • Gas
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Allergies
  • Lice
  • Rash
  • Hot Flashes
  • Gall Bladder Attack
  • Burn 
  • Hives
  • Insect Bite 30
  • Leg Cramps
  • PMS
  • Arthritis
  • Sore Throat
  • Low Energy
  • Brain Fog
  • Flu
  • Common Cold
  • Fever
  • Sprains
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Genital Warts
  • Trich
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Heavy Menstruation
  • Athlete's Foot
  • Bursitis
  • Canker Sores
  • Sunburn
  • Cold Sores
  • Coughs
  • Dandruff
  • Hypertension
  • Dermatitis
  • Fungal Conditions
  • Hormones
  • Mites
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Moles
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Rosacea
  • Body Acne
  • Poor Circulation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuralgia

Understanding Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits and Differences

Raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) is produced exclusively from apples, which are crushed to create fresh apple cider and then allowed to ferment. Unlike the conventional vinegar found in grocery stores, raw ACV is not filtered or pasteurized. These processes, which remove the "mother" and diminish some beneficial properties, are not necessary for preservation, as raw ACV can last for years without refrigeration when stored away from direct sunlight.

The pasteurization and filtering of most apple cider vinegar is primarily driven by consumer appeal. The presence of the stringy "mother" and the cloudiness of raw ACV might be perceived as less visually attractive. Additionally, marketing pasteurized and filtered products as "safe" can influence consumer preferences, even if this may not be the optimal way to consume vinegar due to the additional benefits of raw apple cider vinegar, it is the preferred choice for regular use. It is generally worth the extra expense, considering the increased nutrients and enzymes present in raw ACV. In a pinch, conventional (not raw) vinegar can still be effective for many health issues. In emergency situations, even white distilled vinegar can serve as a substitute in some cases. Ultimately, incorporating raw apple cider vinegar into your diet can provide a range of health advantages and support overall well-being.

Apple Cider Vinegar and pH: Balancing Acidity in the Body

A common misconception about raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) is that its acidity should contribute to an acidic internal environment in the body. While it's true that vinegar is acidic, with a pH of around 3, raw apple cider vinegar actually works to alkalize the body.

Raw ACV promotes better mineral balance and digestion, which in turn helps to maintain a more alkaline state. This balancing act is crucial for overall health, as an overly acidic body is more susceptible to illness and may require longer healing times. Excessive acidity has been associated with various health issues,, including an increased risk of cancer.

By incorporating raw apple cider vinegar into your diet, you can support your body's natural alkaline balance, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages

As varied as people are, the optimum dose of apple cider vinegar varies. But don’t let that discourage you from trying it for yourself. For most people, it is best to start with a smaller dose and increase the amount if you are not seeing the results you would like to see. This will allow you to see how your body responds to apple cider vinegar.

Typically, 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar are added to a glass of water. This water is then consumed once or twice a day. This tonic would be for overall health and well-being.  For certain acute conditions, more might be taken at a time. For example, if you have food poisoning, 1-2 tablespoons might be taken in only a little bit of water to allow the antibacterial effects of apple cider vinegar to begin their work immediately.

Best Way to Take Apple Cider Vinegar?

While the typical tonic is simply apple cider vinegar added to water, some people find this intolerable. If you do not like the taste of the remedy, you are less likely to be willing to continue with it. There are plenty of other solutions for getting your daily dose of apple cider vinegar.

Add your dose of apple cider vinegar to juice. It goes almost unnoticed in apple, orange, grape or cranberry juice.

Add a healthy sweetener to your tonic. You can add honey, maple syrup, or stevia to your tonic.

Use your apple cider vinegar in cooking. You can keep a bottle on the table and add some to vegetables. Apple cider vinegar with olive oil, salt, and pepper makes a delicious salad dressing.

Apple cider vinegar can be made into a hot drink as well. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey, and a squeeze of lemon juice to a mug. Add hot water and stir. This hot tonic is especially helpful for the flu.

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Taste Better

One Earth Clinic reader suggests adding 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to a pint of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and purified water to improve the taste and provide essential nutrients.

Here's her post:

Posted by Andreina (Roma, Italy) on 12/27/2007:

"In the morning, I mix 1Tbl ACV with a pint of water, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. I put it in a bottle and drink it throughout the day. I repeat the procedure in the afternoon, so I drink 2 pints a day. It cures everything (my acne, sore throat, stomach ache, dry skin, sore joints...etc) I've been doing this for 3 months, and have dropped 7.5 kilograms! I <3 water! Be sure to mix it with salt and vinegar, so you don't lose vital nutrients and sodium!"

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar?

The best time to take apple cider vinegar varies according to what you are trying to accomplish.

For overall health, you can simply make the tonic of 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and sip it throughout the day.

If you are using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, take 2-3 teaspoons in water 30 minutes before meals.

If you are taking apple cider vinegar to help with gall bladder attacks, heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion, it can be taken when you are experiencing symptoms. It can also be taken before or with meals as a preventative. Many cultures serve fermented foods as a condiment with meals. Using apple cider vinegar is compatible with this principle, as it is a fermented drink.

Are Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Effective?

If you can contain the benefits of an apple into a spoonful of vinegar, can you then put the benefits of a spoonful of vinegar into a capsule? Maybe. There are certainly pros and cons of using apple cider vinegar in over-the-counter capsules or tablets, not the least of which is the ease of use. For many people, they are an excellent option. If it seems the best option for you in your situation, it may be worth a try!

Can I Use Apple Cider Vinegar Topically?

Apple cider vinegar has many wonderful benefits when used topically as well. Sometimes it can be used undiluted and other times it should be diluted, depending on why you need to use it. If you have sensitive skin, you should always dilute it first!

Undiluted apple cider vinegar is typically used for sprains, toenail fungus, and bug bite relief. For children or those with sensitive skin, use only 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water for these issues.

For skin problems like molluscum contagiosum, eczema, acne, and perioral dermatitis, apple cider vinegar should be diluted by at least 50%. For sensitive skin, even a solution of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water will benefit, though it may take a little longer.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe for Pets?

Pet owners will be thrilled to know that apple cider vinegar is a stellar remedy for a variety of common pet health issues including fleas, bladder infections and stones, parasites, and skin problems.

Any Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is not the perfect remedy for everyone. While it works amazingly well for many people, it can cause side effects for some people. For this reason, it is best to start with a small amount and increase the amount slowly if desired. See this important page for all the side effects of apple cider vinegar including heart palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks and more.

Where to Buy Organic and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar?

Organic and raw apple cider vinegar can now be found in almost all grocery stores in the USA. If you cannot locate it, check online at amazon. If you live in another country, please visit our Where to Buy ACV page here.



For a partial Spanish translation of our apple cider vinegar page, please click here.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance

Posted by Susan (USA)

It's suggested that Apple Cider Vinegar has such curative abilities because it causes one's pH levels to become more alkaline. If you are going to try apple cider vinegar for allergies, or even to prevent sickness, we suggest you do an investigation of your own by buying a pH test kit at a local pharmacy, garden nursery, or even pool supply store. You can use these kits or pH strips to test your urine to see if you are more alkaline or acid during an allergy attack, virus or bacterial infection. Once you ascertain your pH levels, you can adjust adjust your dosage of Apple Cider Vinegar accordingly.

If you live in a highly polluted area like we do (Los Angeles) where allergies and sinus infections are rampant, your system may better balance itself with a small dose of apple cider vinegar each day. Ultimately we suggest you experiment with a kit to find the pH balance your body functions optimally at. Want to know more about pH? Click here.

Our Bangkok contributor Ted tells us, "Apple Cider Vinegar in itself is alkaline because of its "ash" content, which means if the apple cider vinegar was burned, what is left over becomes ash. When you check for the pH of that ash and dissolve it with water, the content is alkaline. Whenever our body digests anything, it undergoes oxidation, which is similar to burning and the end result is that you can determine whether the end product was alkaline or acid. Apple Cider Vinegar has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, primarily coming from the malic acid and acetic acid portion of the vinegar. Apple cider vinegar acts as a buffer in the body because the acetic acid reacts with base or acid compounds to form an acetate, therefore rendering them chemically bioavailable for the body's utilization. Additionally, Apple Cider Vinegar can reduce the toxicity of certain compounds by converting the toxin into an acetate compound, which is less toxic. This is why they are ideal for insect bites and certain skin allergies. While Apple Cider vinegar in itself is considered alkaline, a chemically pure vinegar (acetic acid) is neither acid nor basic forming as it leaves no ash as the entire portion, when burned evaporates completely. Ted

Replied by Celticmom2
(Hanover, Pa, Usa)

Hi! I am a gastric bypass patient, 6 years out. I tried to drink Teds recipe of 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar to 1/4 tsp baking soda then adding 1 whole lemon and 8 oz of water. The first drink felt weird in my stomach, almost sickening, so I waited a bit to drink more. My stomach really didn't feel good when I drank it so I stopped. Has anyone else had this problem? I really want to do this to help get my body feeling better. Thanks! Sandra


Sandra, Stick with the vinegar, lemon, baking soda formula every day. I let my set sometimes for a while . I use distilled water also. Try different times of the day and see what works for you. Drink slowly. Your body will become used to it.

Lynn Greene

Yes. I have had gut problems for over 15 years. I started taking apple cider vinegar and got worse, instant diarrhea, stomach pain - very terrible. I ordered the book: The Bloated Belly Whisperer by Tamara Duker Freuman, MS. RD, CDN (Crazy title name, for sure). She recommended NO vinegar, and soluble fibre (acacia -) and had lots to say about many gut problems. I have no association with her or her books. Her suggestions helped me a great deal.

Replied by Bill
(Norton, Va)

I am writing to clarify some statements broadly made on this site. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is composed of 5% acetic acid with a pH of 3 clearly making vinegar acidic rather than alkaline. The pH would need to be higher than 7 in order for the vinegar to be alkaline and then it would not be vinegar, it would be sodium or potassium acetate and would likely do little for those of us taking it other than possibly elevating blood pressure that might be caused by the increased levels of sodium.

Replied by Doris
(Il, Usa)

Have u read Dr Jarvis' book? Vinegar is an acid. The whole reason for taking it is to make the urine more acidic. Alkaline urine demonstrates u are not healthy. It all works biochemically via electrical energy. His explanations are very strange, but he proved this folk remedy with cows, horses, and dogs so he could see for himself whether it had all of the benefits espoused. However, he added Lugol's iodone to the mixture as well - at least 3 drop to one serving 3 times weekly. If one has a health problem, they are to drink with each meal. The vinegar & natural honey are supposed to be mixed together well in a glass before adding water. The honey adds solar energy to the concoction.

Replied by Scott

ACV in its chemical liquid form is acidic, but when consumed it converts to citric acid in the body via the Krebs Cycle. ACV is a type of acetic acid and is changed to citric acid by combining with oxaloacetic acid with the help of Acetyl CoEnzyme A and ATP (adensosine triphosphate). Acetic acid is decomposed in our body into hydrogen atom (H+) and acetyl (CH3CO-), which is alkaline. Because it is converted to Citric Acid, it actually causes an akaline effect on the Blood. Types of Citric Acid foods are lemons. Lemons are known for alkalizing effect. This is why ACV is very good health food, when consumed in small quantities dissolved in water. It helps with all kinds of illnesses because it has an alkalizing effect. Most illnesses are due to acidity in the body. Modern humans have lost touch with this thousand year old remedy.


Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

I've read quite often in allopathic research and in doctor's articles that the pH homeostasis mechanism in the human body always operates perfectly and never goes wrong. Really?

So even though the western diet is so bad and so poisonous, even though people have all manner of sickness in huge numbers, including autoimmune and other diseases and even though our immune systems and hormone systems have been thoroughly trashed through our poison processed food diets -- through all this the final conclusion for some people is that our homeostasis pH regulating mechanism always remains untouched, works perfectly and never fails us?

Here is some interesting research evidence from my side on the direct association of acidosis that is increasingly accumulated in the body and which is caused by poor processed food diets over a period of many years. This research looks at our dietary evolution and the ultimate corruption of our older but healthier natural diets in terms of the rising acid levels in our bodies that are apparent today.

Diet, evolution and aging

Apple Cider Vinegar History (Part 2)

Posted by Susan (USA)

We thank Jonothan Shiloka for emailing us the following:

Vinegar: A Natural Approach to Avian Management
By Wanda Barras

"Many herbalists recommend the use of raw, unpasteurized, unheated, organic apple cider vinegar as an important dietary ingredient for humans, farm animals and pets, including birds. The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care describes apple cider vinegar in this way: "Long a folk remedy, cider vinegar has been shown to improve the health of dairy cows, horses, dogs and other animals. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease and protects against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium; it normalizes acid levels [pH] in the stomach, improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal and fecal odors, helps cure constipation, alleviates some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections."

Vinegar Through The Ages

Vinegar has been used to cure ailments for centuries. For hundreds of years, folk medicine practitioners have recommended daily doses of apple cider vinegar, not only for specific medical problems, but also for overall food health. In Asia vinegar is called the friend of Chinese herbs because it is often used to process herbal preparations. It is also successfully used in modern Chinese medicine.

Historically, the origin of vinegar was never specifically noted. Vinegar was probably discovered when one of our ancestors found that wine exposed to the air would turn sour, thereby creating vinegar. It is amongst the oldest of foods and medicines know to man. For its healing ways, vinegar has been used for thousands of years. In 400 B.C, Hypocrites, known as the father of medicine, treated patients with vinegar, making it one of the world's first medicines. Throughout biblical times, vinegar was successfully used to treat infections and wounds. For centuries medical textbooks have listed various ways to use vinegar. These uses include everything from keeping a sharp mind to purifying the waters of the body and to easing pain and alleviating dozens of other ailments. Modern laboratory analysis verifies the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of vinegar. Many of the old-time uses are just as applicable now as they were centuries ago. (Moore xii)

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar: One of Mother Nature's Most Perfect Foods

Fermenting sweet juice makes vinegar. The juice turns to wine or cider which is allowed to ferment a second time until the alcohol mixes with oxygen in the air, changing it into acetic acid and water. Natural---that is, undistilled, organic, raw, apple cider vinegar is often called one of Mother Nature's most perfect foods. Apple cider vinegar should be made from fresh, organic, crushed apples that are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels. Natural apple cider vinegar, found in health food stores, should be a rich amber color with the "mother" quite visible as sentiment on the bottom. The strength of vinegar is important. All varieties of vinegar contain about 4 to 7 percent acetic acid, with 5 percent being the most common amount. Acetic acid is what gives vinegar its tart and sour taste.

There is nothing beneficial about commercial distilled vinegars except for pickling, cleaning and disinfection ---they have no health value! They do not contain the health values of organic, raw apple cider vinegar with the mother still intact and viable. Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar sold in supermarkets are considered "dead" vinegars with none of the enzymes and other live factors that make raw, unpasteurized vinegars so valuable. Distilling removes the beneficial "mother" from the vinegar, thereby, destroying the powerful enzymes and life giving minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, natural organic sodium, magnesium, sulphur, iron copper, natural organic fluorine, silicon, trace minerals, pectin and other powerful nutrients. Also destroyed are natural malic and tartaric acids, which are important in fighting body toxins and inhibiting unfriendly bacteria growth (_____ 1- 4).

Apple cider vinegar has shown to be an extremely valuable constituent in the body's biochemical operations and an essential building block in the construction of many complex substances in the body. Vinegar is low in calories and carbohydrates but does contain small amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron and, of course, lots of potassium. A cup of ACV is 98.8% water, has 34 calories, a trace of protein, and no fat. (Moore p.viii) Acetic acid, the principal constituent in vinegar, plays an important role in the release of energy from fats and carbohydrates. It is of primary importance in the body's metabolism.

Apple Cider Vinegar Can Make Any Living Thing Healthier

Dr. D.C. Jarvis, MD who wrote "Folk Medicine, A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health" and "Arthritis and Folk Medicine", is completely convinced that apple cider vinegar could make any living thing healthier. He believes, Potassium, which is found in just the right amounts in natural apple cider vinegar "is so essential to the life of every living thing and that with out it there would be no life. Potassium is the most important of all minerals that are necessary for good health." Potassium's main function is to promote cell, tissue and organism growth. It is necessary to replace dead cells and tissue. There is no better source of potassium than vinegar---particularly natural apple cider vinegar.

Dr. Jarvis believes Apple cider vinegar can help fight infection, simply by keeping fluids where they belong---in body cells, not in bacteria. Bacteria need moisture to thrive. As bacteria multiply, they will pull necessary fluids from healthy cells in order to flourish, particularly during times of stress when resistance is low. Stress is a major agent in causing a previously sub-clinical problem to break into a full-blown illness. If the process goes unchecked illness will occur. In order to defeat bacterial infections and illness it is important to keep moisture in the cells and prevent germs from depleting that moisture. According to Dr. Jarvis: "If there is enough potassium in each body cell, it will draw moisture from the [harmful] bacteria, instead of the bacteria taking moisture from the body cells." Therefore by providing natural sources of potassium in the diet (fruit, berries, sprouts, edible leaves, edible roots, etc.) and including apple cider vinegar to that diet the body cells are provided with the necessary moisture-attracting potassium. It is interesting to note that many traditional medicines used to combat bacterial illness also work by depriving bacteria of moisture and thus keeping fluids inside the cells (O'Brien p40)

Acidic pH Balance Will Discourage Bacteria, Yeast & Fungal Growth

Apple cider vinegar destroys microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and others, and prevents poisons from reaching the rest of the systems of the body. It has been proven to inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacilli, Pseudomonas, and Candida. The acid nature of vinegar makes the digestive tract environment unpleasant for germs and fungus. Apple cider vinegar has proven to be a natural treatment (and preventative) in simple cases of avian pediatric digestive disorders. Dr. Jarvis through his own research believes that apple cider vinegar will lower bloods natural alkalinity, bringing it closer to a natural healthy acid state. A naturally acidic digestive tract digestive, with the correct pH balance, will discourage bacteria and is less likely to grow yeast and fungus. Apple cider vinegar can assist the natural process of breaking food in the stomach. The acidic qualities of ACV will help break down protein, in the digestive system, for absorption into the bloodstream.

Apple Cider Vinegar On The Farm

For the past year and a half I have routinely added apple cider vinegar, to my baby birds' hand-feeding formula, to all drinking water and sprinkled some on the food of the animals here at our aviary and small dairy farm. These animals include several species of breeding exotic parrots, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and LaMancha dairy goats. The vinegar keeps the water bowls and bottles very clean and sanitary and the animals seem to love it--- of course, the nutritional and health benefits are a plus. Apple cider vinegar added to young birds drinking water encourages early weaning and healthy weight gain and they will feather out faster. Adding a little raw apple cider vinegar to the hand-feeding formula water can prove nutritionally beneficial and help to inhibit the growth of yeast, fungus and bacteria. In formula a ratio of about 1/4 tsp per 4 oz water is best.

You may safely add cider vinegar to food and/or drinking water, starting with small amounts and building up to 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per 15 pounds of body weight or about 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (health food store variety best) to 8 oz water. That is about %1/4 cup per gallon of water and/or you may sprinkle or spray small amounts on bird's food. Gradually add small doses to food over time, you can help even the most finicky eater to accept this. Do not use metal food or water dishes when using vinegar, stainless steel is OK.

In Conclusion

Why Vinegar? Because it can be used medicinally, gets rid of poisons in the body, has disinfecting and cleaning properties and is a natural, nontoxic, biodegradable substance. That is, vinegar is an unadulterated food, a powerful cleansing agent and healing elixir---a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria. We would be smart to make use of vinegar in our own lives and in our avian nurseries and breeding facilities. --- For a healthier, stronger, longer life for our animals and ourselves.

For further reading on vinegars medicinal and antiseptic qualities:"

Contact Information
Telephone: 337-394-6683 FAX: 775-542-2120
or 337-394-1944
Postal address: PO Box 493, St. Martinville, LA 70582

Replied by Janette
(Salem, Or)

This was so wonderful. Thank you. I have a beloved cat that has remained healthy from a redox signaling molecule drink called asea, but it is not working with a lung issue. It sounds like he is trying to throw up a worm, then swallows. Then hacks. Parasite meds do nada. So found your site on apple cider vinegar. He immediately calmed down with 4 ml in mouth and on cottonball in shoulder blades and on feet. I feel hopeful so am researching more on acv. Wow. Thanks.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

J: Just guessing, but I have a similar situation w/ my kitty minus the redox potion. Mine is a case of indoor/outdoor kitty that prowls around the bushes and gets those little green stick-balls on his long fur, lays around and pulls them off with his mouth and can't help but swallow them rather than spit them out. This may not be your case but the symptoms you listed are similar to my kitty and I think is those little green stick-balls terpenes that cause such intestinal irritation. On the good side, there's probably no greater natural parasite remedy for wild animals which are often plagued by parasites.

Bitter Taste and Sometimes Exceedingly Acidic

Posted by Susan (USA)

Some apple cider vinegar brands are extremely acidic, causing heartburn and yeast infections. (Note: certain brands of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar stop a yeast infection, yet other brands are so acidic that they can actually cause a yeast infection. Thus start with a lower dose to see how your body responds to the vinegar.) 5% acidity level is what is posted on all apple cider vinegar (ACV) labels, however it seems that some brands are far more acidic than others! We once bought an expensive, organic, unpasteurized brand with a fancy gold label and got terrible heartburn that lasted for hours from just 2 teaspoons' worth!

Replied by Dcaplinger
(Southwest Missouri, Usa)

If you turn the acidic ACV into a base tonic, it's much easier to take. I usually mix 1/8 cup of ACV with a full teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), plus 1/2 to 1 full cup of water makes it so much easier to take. It waters down the bitterness, and the bicarb completely neutralizes the acidity. To me, when I drink this mix, I taste baking soda more than I do the ACV, and there is very little after taste. Always be sure to follow it up with at least 1/2 cup of water, or you are going to start burping because of the mixing of the baking soda with your stomach acids.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Susan (USA)


Be careful if you decide to buy apple cider vinegar capsules. They are extremely acidic and can cause heartburn. However, they are a useful alternative if you are worried about protecting your dental enamel.

Replied by Amy
(League City, Texas)

If you suck apple cider vinegar through a straw, it doesn't bother your teeth nearly as much! (Remember not to brush your teeth for an hour afterwards since it softens the enamel.)"

05/11/2009: markkimb from dothan, alabama,america replies: "I can't drink apple cider vinegar, I bought capsules, 500mg. each. Help! I have no idea how much, or how often to take. Trying to help my acid reflux, any suggestions would help.thanks"

08/15/2009: Winniekate from Northern, Il replies: "Regarding: "Remember not to brush your teeth for an hour afterward since it softens the enamel.

04/13/2009: Amy from League City, Texas"Did you mean to say to Brush your teeth afterward? Or is brushing too harsh for teeth? Also, am I right in assuming from this that the enamel returns to its original strength after an hour? Thanks."

09/28/2009: E from Nw, Fl replies: "regarding the brushing your teeth...yes she is saying NOT to brush immediately, My dental hygienists have always said don't brush if you vomit (I think this might have been when I was pregnant) just to rinse with water to remove the excess acid from your mouth but if you brush immediately it can damage the enamel on your teeth since the acid has broken it down temporarily. So the poster is saying wait before brushing. Your saliva will help counteract/re balance the correct ph balance in your could always brush your tongue and gums gently and then rinse gently but just don't scrub the teeth. Hope this helps! :)"

01/18/2010: Dandygirl from Newport Beach, Ca replies: "I have suffered from GERD...heartburn/acide reflux etc... for years...have been on medication for years and finally found my cure! I started with digestive enzymes combined with 2 apple cider vinegar pills with EVERY I ONLY use apple cider vin pills with every meal and I have NO MORE heartburn or acid reflux! I also always keep papaya enzymes to chew on after a heavy meal or anytime between meals! It's like a MIRACLE!!! :o)"

01/31/2011: Andrea from Springfield, Missouri Usa replies: "Why not try rinsing your mouth with water or bottled water to get the vinegar off of your teeth so it doesn't ruin the enamel rather than waiting an hour for your ph to return the salivia to normal, because it is probobly just eating the enamel off of your teeth during that hour after taking the ACV.

Replied by Zolton
(Solon, Ohio)

I have been using ACV for years and it does work. I suggest people to buy it in capsule form at your local drug store or online.

Usda Breakdown of Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Susan (USA)

The below table is from the USDA's apple cider vinegar nutrient database. We typed in the words "Vinegar, cider" on the home page to get this chart.

Note: The USDA does not specify on the chart whether they tested a commercial, pasteurized brand (i.e., Heinz) or an organic brand (i.e., _____). We have the feeling they probably tested a commercial brand. An organic brand of apple cider vinegar may have slightly higher values.

Vinegar, cider(1)

Nutrient Units Value per 100 gramsNumber of Data PointsStd. Error
Energy' (2)
Total lipid (fat)
Carbohydrate, by difference
Fiber, total dietary
Sugars, total
Glucose (dextrose)
Calcium, Ca
Iron, Fe
Magnesium, Mg
Phosphorus, P
Potassium, K
Sodium, Na
Zinc, Zn
Copper, Cu
Manganese, Mn
Selenium, Se
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B-6
Folate, total
Folic acid
Folate, food
Folate, DFE
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12, added
Vitamin A, IU
Vitamin A, RAE
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
Vitamin E, added
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
Fatty acids, total saturated
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated
16:1 undifferentiated
18:1 undifferentiated
22:1 undifferentiated
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated
18:2 undifferentiated
18:3 undifferentiated
20:4 undifferentiated
20:5 n-3
22:5 n-3
22:6 n-3
Fatty acids, total trans
Amino acids
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Alcohol, ethyl
Carotene, beta
Carotene, alpha
Cryptoxanthin, beta
Lutein zeaxanthin
1 Contains 5% acetic acid. Total proximates do not equal 100%.
2 Acetic acid is included in energy calculation.

Vitamin and Mineral Content of ACV

Posted by Susan (USA)

Scientists have reportedly measured ninety different substances in apple cider vinegar such as thirteen types of carbolic acids, four aldehydes, twenty ketones, eighteen types of alcohols, eight ethyl acetates etc. It also contains important minerals, trace elements and vitamins as well acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids as well as roughage in the form of potash and apple pectin.

Apple Cider Vinegar contains minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon, fluorine. An alternative to drinking apple cider vinegar may be to take potassium supplements, as potassium is known to absorb excess fluids (ie, mucous) in the body. Drink lots of water if you take potassium supplements so you don't get dehydrated! Potassium, by the way, lowers high blood pressure.

Apple Cider Vinegar's vitamin content includes Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Provitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin P (bioflavonoids).

Replied by Lee
(Brooklyn, NY)

WARNING: This post on EC states that potassium supplements will lower high blood pressure. I worry that it may not be stated clearly enough: potassium supplements In Natural Forms may lower high blood pressure. Strictly taking potassium pills may actually kill you. I am speaking from experience with a doctor.

If you need potassium, make sure it is within a natural product that you may consume. That is the safest way to supplement it."

02/09/2011: Jfb Maarketing from Toronto, Ontario, Camada replies: "Hey I just started using this remedy and l can tell you one thing l am starting to feel younger and fully of energy. Have since stopped smoking and have more energy then l have had in years... Thanks for all the great information so far love all you have written about all of this great and best of all inexpensive methods of taking care of your body...

All the Best, JFB"

03/05/2011: Jms from Albany, Ny replies: "I have read everything up to this point, and I have to ask. Just above, the USDA data indicated absolutely NO vitamins or amino acids in apple cider vinegar (ACV). There are minerals, I'll give you that. But, honestly, for any other claims, how do I know it's not just wishful thinking? My ACV bottle has a pretty much empty list of nutritional info...

Replied by Azmath
(Hyderabad, India)

I have been suffering from bronchitis- my face has several hard pimples, very hard, no pain it is just starts on my face. Help me as soon as possible I am 31 now.

Replied by Kathleen
(Houston, Tx.)

I am but one voice, but I would sooner listen to the fact that apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been around for thousands of years and is known as nearly the first medicine known to man than listen to the USDA. Wishful thinking is excellent medicine, too.

We cannot believe all that is said here, but as someone mentioned a few posts back, real people talking to us. I feel more faith in these forums than listening to Gov. agencies.

Replied by Dottiep
(Poteau, Oklahoma, United States)

I have been taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) for three years now on a pretty regular basis. Now and then I slack off for awhile, but I always come back to it. I have allergies, acid reflux and a weight control problem. I have managed to conquer all three of these issues, plus keep down colds and infections by using ACV on a regular basis. I LOVE the taste. I mix mine in warm water and add a teaspoon of raw honey just to make it a little more palatable. I started doing this at night because that's when my acid reflux is the worst. I was terribly overweight at the time and I noticed my weight started dropping. I was pleased and continued to take it. I am now within 20 lbs of my desired weight and I will get there by using this formula. I mix 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar, 12 oz. warm water, 1 tsp raw honey and I drink it slowly at bedtime. I also have a blood pressure problem that is now completely under control and has been for some time.

While I do still take medication, I now only take ONE pill daily instead of three different ones twice daily. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best cures I have found and it works no matter how old you are. I was very ill for 8 years before I discovered ACV and its many uses. I started taking it three years ago and I am amazed at the difference in my energy level, my ability to move around, my quality of life in general and my overall health. My doctor is even more amazed. I also take a tablespoon of bee pollen every morning for my vitamins, but that's another story altogether. I encourage anyone who has health issues to consult your doctor about taking ACV and honey and bee pollen, but I assure you, unless you are allergic to something in the bee pollen, you WILL feel better. It will happen gradually and one day you will realize you feel better than you've felt in years and you are doing more than you have in years.

Acid Reflux

22 User Reviews
5 star (20) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Angeli (Manassas, Va) on 08/16/2012

I too have been helped by using the Apple Cider Vinegar. The acid reflux is so bad that I have heartburn that feels like a rubber band across my chest pulling in both directions and it hurts to laugh, cough or twist and bend. When I take the apple cider vinegar this goes away. I use the below combination

1 cup heated water

2 TBLS unfiltered ACV

2 TBLS Raw natural unfiltered honey

Not only does it help with my stomach, the acid reflux it is also helping me with my hair and skin and boy am I full of energy. Hate to brag too much they may raise the price of this natural product that God made and the goverment may try to alter it by adding all kinds of junk to it. Can't beat the benefits. One way to stay healthy and not depend on this new healthcare insurance that the government is pushing.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Taz (Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa) on 04/03/2012

I have had such bad bouts of reflux. When I had my gallbladder removed it improved. But this have gotten stressful medication prices have hit the ceiling never mind to mention the side effects. Out of desperation I googled a natural remedy. I used normal vinegar and it worked. So I know that the apple cider vinegar is going to be even more effective. Thank you!!!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Gary (Palm Desert, Ca) on 02/03/2012

About 12 years ago, I read that taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and a teaspoon of honey in an 8 oz glass of water twice a day would help lower cholesterol... I don't know if that helped... but what I do know is that my heartburn and what I later found out was called gerd disappeared.

I could be having a severe attack of heartburn and take a teaspoon ACV in a half glass of water and it will immediately disappear.

If I take a teapsoon in an 8 oz or even smaller glass once or twice a day, I almost never experience either heartburn or gerd. I've recommended this to several friends, it has worked for most of them!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Kevel (Marysville, Washington) on 01/04/2012

Hey everyone. I'm only 21 and turning 22 in a few weeks and I feel my health is robbing me of my youth. I'm am plagued with digestive issues for about a year now and my doctor told me that I may have functional dyspepsia and mild ibs. I also have acne issues. And just two months ago I started to have symptoms of acid reflux like the throat sensation and chest tightness after eating. I felt miserable and helpless so I searched the internet for remedies and came across the apple cider vinegar remedy for heartburn and reflux. I started drinking apple cider vinegar about 1 tablespoon mixed in a glass of water roughly 8-10 oz twice a day. It is about a week and a half since I started drinking the AVC and so far there are no improvements. I still have reflux symptoms after eating, acne flare ups and loose stools (which is maybe due to the detox effect of the apple cider vinegar). I'm just wondering how much time does it take for me to see improvements or am I taking the wrong dosage of apple cider vinegar? thank you guys a lot.

Replied by U Taylor
(Jacksonville, Ar)

I wanted to respond to Kevel from Marysvill, Washington regarding apple cider vinegar (ACV). First of all, I am not a professional health provider, but I did want to relay my own experiences so far, using ACV, and hopefully add some suggestions. The first thing I would recommend is to see a doctor for all of your symptoms. That being said, here are my own experiences, which some are similar to your own. I have been diagnosed with acid reflux and have been taking the "purple pill" for years!! Like you, I searched the internet for more natural solutions to my many illnesses. I also have adult onset asthma, chronic sinusitis, hives, allergies, mild acne, and high blood pressure.... But I am also a lot older than you, so hopefully you won't have to go through what I did! Not to mention the tremendous money I have spent for all of these meds over the years... I could have bought a small country!! Anyway, in my search, I found several websites that basically said the same things about apple cider vinegar, which was that it has been used for centuries, starting with Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, who was considered to be the father of western medicine, who not only advocated ACV, but used it himself!

And so with all of the knowledge that I gained in my investigation of ACV, along with a LOT of testimonials, especially here at EC, I decided to try it! I am so glad I did! I have been taking ACV now for going on 7 weeks and it has "quieted" my system! I find I have so many benefits.... Some I hadn't expected! I no longer need "the purple pill" because I don't suffer from the symptoms of acid reflux; I am weening myself off of all my medication... Just to see if all I need is apple cider vinegar... But I still have my meds on stand by... Just in case! My mild acne has totally gone away; my blood pressure has stabilized; my sinus are just as clear without sinus meds... AND without the side effects! I also don't have upset stomach, and my appetite has subsided a LOT!!! Other side benefits is that I'm losing weight and I sleep a little more soundly at night! I don't know what kind of ACV you're using, but make sure that it unpasturized, raw and organic with "The Mother", which is the enzyme that settles at the bottom of the bottle, and part of the normal production process with natural apple cider vinegar. That's where all the "good stuff" is. Each time you use it, make sure to shake the bottle very well before using. For a while, there was a company that is pretty popular for making this type of apple cider vinegar (ACV), but now another familiar company that is known for making vinegar of all kinds, (found in grocery stores) has just introduced their own version with "The Mother", and it's just as good! I take about 3 tablespoons with 3 tablespoons of raw honey (the raw honey needs also be organic, and also has a lot of health benefits! ), mix that together well, then add 8-12 ounces of purified drinking water. I add ice, then sip through a straw, (otherwise, the ACV eats at your tooth enamel over time). I do this twice a day... Like clockwork. I am so pleased with my results, and I hope you will continue to take it! I hope it works as well for you as it has for me!! God Bless you in your quest!!

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Kevel and U Taylor, it seems to all boil down to whether one has TOO LITTLE or TOO MUCH acid in the stomach. For too little, the apple cider vinegar (ACV) is marvelous, but if someone doesn't get benefits from it, and the situation is agravated, then the opposite measure (baking soda) would probably be more helpful.

Replied by Curtis

Kelvin. I think you should be adding the raw unfiltered honey with the ACV. I think it's the combination that does the trick. But read more about it. I use ACV and honey and my Acid reflux has gone away.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Shaina (Bloomington, In) on 04/21/2011

ACV help acid reflux because your body needs more stomach acid. The body may also need more digestable foods. The combination between a poor diet (may be a personal dietary situation, or processed conventional food including pasturized dairy products) that is had to digest and the body not having the resources it needs to produce the stomach acid to fully digest this food. Without enough acid to digest, indigestion (not digesting) occurs and results in burning of the esophagus.

Inhibiting stomach acid production with an antacid may halt the burning but will surely increase the digestion problems, probably resulting in constipation or other digestive upset. Would seem better to tackle the source of the issue than to compound stressors, through to each his own. Vitamin C also helps this greatly.

Replied by Sophie

Acid reflux is usually caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), not by a lack of acid. It is a widespread myth on the internet that not enough stomach acid causes GERD. With GERD, the LES either doesn't close properly, or falls open, usually while lying down, which allows stomach acid to come up into your esophagus and throat. That's why GERD symptoms are so much more common at night when you're asleep or lying in bed. That is also why sleeping with the head of your bed raised or sleeping on a wedge pillow helps. It can also help to sleep on your left side because that position makes it anatomically harder for stomach acid to exit the stomach.

When the LES is open when it shouldn't be, it allows stomach acid to come up into your esophagus/throat. The acid can also get into your lungs and cause a lot of pain and damage. Treatment for GERD is focused on lowering the amount of acid, thereby making it less likely that stomach acid will reach your esophagus/throat. Another treatment is to lose weight because decreasing weight on your abdomen will decrease the amount of pressure on your LES. There is a surgery that can tighten the LES, but it is pretty extensive and therefore only used when GERD is very severe and all other remedies have been tried.

I just wanted to explain what is happening with GERD so that people will not be misinformed and think they need more stomach acid, or that adding acidity will help the problem because it won't. People with GERD have the same amount of stomach acid as people who don't.

Replied by Don
(Columbia, Tn)

Sophie, you do not understand gerd. The strength of the les is established by the strength of your stomach acid. See Doctor Johnathan Wright's articles and his research at his Tahoma Clinic. Before the 1950s, low stomach acid was taught as the main cause of gerd. Big Pharma changed all that in our medical schools to make the billions of dollars in H2 inhibitors and other reflux drugs. Less than 10% of gerd is for other reasons, most of which is h. pylori bacteria, which also lowers your stomach acid.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Sophia;

About your GERD post asserting the esophageal sphincter is the cause of reflux and not the oft cited acid issue. The question is, even if you are basically correct, what causes the sphincter to malfunction? Harvard School of Medicine has a cite on GERD and lists 15 drugs that can cause reflux. See and you will find the article. Harvard Medical with its list of OTC and prescription drugs gives us a lot to dwell on; if those 15 listed items can cause GERD, what else may alleviate GERD?

I found dramatic reduction in my 10 year fight with GERD by greatly reducing intake of acidic foods; coffee, excess dense meats, ice cream and dairy products of most all kinds and at night taking a tablespoon of ACV with one quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a half glass of water.

Replied by Patricia
(Brownsburg, In)

Sophie-the LES may be weak but what really happens is that the eating of modern wheat products (not ancient grain products) allows fermentation in the duodenum to push open the sphincter muscle at the lower end of the stomach which them allows the gas from the fermentation into the stomach which then pushes open the LES causing what stomach acid there is in the stomach up into the esophagus. This fermentation happens for several different reasons in different people but mostly because the grain we are eating is really messed up. So much so that even birds won't eat it. It contains way more chromosomes than the ancient wheats (spelt, kamut, emmer, etc) and has caused a plethora of digestive conditions. Also, too many people don't have enough acid in their stomachs anymore. I don't know why that is yet. Still researching. So food is not being broken down well enough before it passes to the small intestine where it wreaks havoc.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Mike (Casper, Wy ) on 08/15/2010

I had very bad Gerd conditions. Occasionally I could not even digest my food for days. I would have night sweats and general flu like feelings. I was prescribed pills from the doctor, and also tried the over the counter pills, all with varying results of success depending upon the severity of my condition. I had all the fun tests done on my digestive system with no real issues found, except Barrett's esophageal which the acid burning my throat caused. I determined to resolve the problem, and read many articles about diet. For me it was coffee, smoking, and stress which caused my worst break outs (in hindsight). Alcohol could also trigger an outbreak. Not overloading my body with coffee all day and drinking in the evening accompanied with smoking throughout, alone made a big difference. But while I was making these changes in diet I found information on how pills might not be that great for someone either, and I found Ted's recipe. Perhaps I should say I found the ACV treatment first, which didn't do anything for me, but then I added the Baking Soda, and what a difference! I threw the pills away and have never been back since! I began taking it 2-3 times a day, and after a week I was doing it only occasionally. Now I take it only as needed, maybe once or twice a month, though it wouldn't hurt if I did it more regularly. My most serious gerd symptoms are gone and now I only get occasional heartburn when that diet I spoke about earlier gets a little heavy on the bad stuff. But just one or two treatments in a day have me back on track. Make no mistake, for the worst conditions, you must modify your diet. I cut the coffee, stopped smoking (for awhile), and limit my alcohol consumption (though it's worse or as bad as coffee to me). After making difficult changes I was able to return to normal enjoyments in moderation. All things in moderation is something which must be observed for the best recovery. My mix is slightly different than Ted's by accident. I was confused about the water so I only used enough to slightly dilute the mixture, about 2-3 ounces of water (an easy amount to take in one or two gulps). A minute later I let out a big burp and I feel instant relief everywhere. If I do not feel better or burp I give it about 30 minutes and I do it again. I've never had to do it a third time, and once the symptoms are gone I don't do it again until they return. Usually I will be back in moderation mode and it isn't necessary until my next slip up. Also, I only use 1/4 to 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda to two teaspoons of ACV, so a lot of baking soda is not necessary, as has been mentioned. This is not a temporary daily fix like antacids, the effects seem to last days. Recently I was with friends for a weekend. It was early evening when we started drinking and my reflux began hammering me more than I had seen in a long time. I took this remedy and resumed to the festivities (hoping it would undo the damage that had already started and allow me to continue what I had started) and with only 1 dose I was fine all that weekend through the all "fun". I am posting this because my friends made alot of fun for me for this recipe. I explained that I did not know how it works, but I have tried alot of things and it just works. And works it does! Apparently, it can even stop reflux dead in its tracks when moderation isn't optional! My friends aren't convinced (likely far from it), but if you suffer, try this, it works, and it cost maybe 5 bucks for a 6 month supply. It has been about 2 years since I first read and begun this cure, thank you Ted! I try to pass it along to those who will listen.

Replied by Marti
(Sedalia, Mo)

This is in response to comments made by mike of casper, wyoming. Your mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda worked instantly for me! I have suffered from gerd for a long time due to a side effect from a med. I was put on ranitidine and then graduated to prilosec for this new horror. I have been trying desperately to find a natural way to control gerd. I don't want to take a medication to counteract another's side effects. So.. I found this site and read your comment yesterday and I simply do not know how to thank you! This horrible gerd has vanished!

Replied by Aishhappy
(Jersey City, NJ)

Hi I know it's hard to explain your friends but there is one medicine from India that Is Eno, which works on same concept, this is instant gas, acid relievers. It comes in flavored powdered form. Just put into 6 oz of water and drink. After 6 seconds, burp will come and all set. Magically it gives instant relief, thanks for sharing your experience; it's very helpful to me.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Keith (Monroeville, Nj, Usa) on 03/17/2010

HI...Im 54 yrs.and I've had heartburn since I was a child. It got worse the older I got. My Mom always cooked us a well balanced dinner. By the time I was in my late teens I had severe heartburn and always had antiacids in my pocket. Even kept baking soda in my lunch box.We couldnt afford going to doctors unless it was an emergency. I had insurance when the first brand of Acid Reflux meds came out in the mid 80's. I thought it was a Blessing. Soon I lost my insurance and could buy some over the counter brands. But it always seemed to come back twice as bad when I didnt take anything, and a pack of antiacids only lasted 2 days.

I tried 2 teaspoons of acv to 8oz of water 3-4 times a day. It burns going down. So I added 1/4 teaspoon to it. Its been about 2 weeks now. I havnt had to take any meds yet. I have more energy. My sinuses are getting better. But I still have a little heartburn. How can acv be a alkaliser if it says acidity right on the bottle.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Ted (Bennnington, Vermont) on 02/05/2010

I also have suffered from acid reflux for about a year. Took acid-dissolving tablets which only temporarily alleviated the symptoms. Discovered ACV on this site and after taking two doses (2 tsp. of ACV in 8 oz. of water) in one day, I felt better for the next five days than I had for months. Problem totally gone.

While looking for information about ACV, I discovered at least one site that purported to pop the ACV balloon by declaring ACV has no medicinal or health-giving properties, etc. Amusing to see that the site's sponsors were all pharmaceutical and health care-insurance companies. Gee, how about that! As if those folks would tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

Acid Reflux
Posted by John (Germantown, MD,USA) on 01/08/2009

Hello everyone, first i would like to say what a wonderfull website this is and i have learned a lot by reading here every night THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

I am 28 years old and i have Acid reflux, i started taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) (_____s) 1 to 2 tsp with 8 ounces of water and i saw tremendous improvement in my reflux, everything in my body started to come back to Normal, Unfortunately it also mad me constipated and it is giving me gas/Bloating and discomfort. pressure type of symptom right where Liver suppose to be, i have tried to do research of why this is happening with no success.

I am Guessing maybe because i have TOO much acid and taking ACV Makes my food go quicker without proper digestion which also causes gas and bloating? i don't know..please someone help me, no way i am giving up on apple cider vinegar it's too good, but how do i get rid of this pressure on my side of a stomach and constipation? any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance and God bless.

please emaill me if possible at [email protected].

Thank you again.

Replied by Seana
(Bennett, CO)

If you're experiencing constipation after drinking ACV, you'll want to drink more water. You should be drinking about 1/2 your body weight in ounces over the course of your waking hours. So, if you weigh 120lbs, you'll want to consume 60 ounces or 7.5 - 8 ounce glasses over the course of a day.

ACV is a mild cleanse. It gently cleans out your digestive system. If you've never drank it before you may have a lot to eliminate. More water will make your bowel movements softer and easier to pass. It should help with gas, pressure and bloating, too.

Sources: personal experience

Replied by Sean
(Asheville, NC)

In terms of adding more acids to your body while experiencing Acid Reflux you may also want to increase your alkaline mineral intake by drinking raw green drink or bone broth. Bitter greens will increase bile production but will strengthen digestion as well as alkalize you. As far as the lower digestive tract and liver pain have you tried colonics and flax/ psyllium/ charcoal stuff, early and late in the day, to promote more regularity? Or maybe only drink ACV water in the morning on an empty stomach. Good Luck!

Replied by Porky
(Metro, Gab)

Try taking the ACV with honey (I think 1 tbspn or 1 tsp?) IN 2 tbspn of ACV or 2 tsp and a HUGE glass of H20. This will help lessen the raw stomach feeling or sick feeling with ACV and acid reflux. Won't eliminate it, but eventually you won't need the honey anymore. This helped me I am late 20's and have acid reflux. The ACV DID help SO much, and with energy. I only knew of _____s prior to this well written article. It costs a bit, so I haven't used in a LONG time, but a hair forumn made me realize that ACV is made by more people than _____. I will try the over the counter as long as it is not pasturized since on this forumn someone said that takes away a lot of the good properties.

Much love and blessings and I hope this helps everyone!

Replied by Porky
(Metro, Gab)

If you have Acid Reflux, ACV will be TOO strong and TOO harsh on your stomach first thing in the morn with NO food. It may leave you with a sick feeling for up to 10 minutes. It feels not so good, but Try ACV in honey. They say it helps with diabetes taken before a meal, and with other things.

I did it (empty stomach, first thing), but it worried me because it felt SOO like my bod was warning me with the discomfort. But it STILL near cured my acid reflux.

OTHER ACID REFLUX CURES/HUGE HELPS: do NOT lay down after you eat. Sit upright, even laying back a bit is not good enough. Sit as upright as you can for 5 hours after eating ANYTHING. You'll notice you wake up in the morning with 0 buring throat. Also NO SPICES--especially before bed. Even if you sit up right, spices BURN your throat in acid reflux, they'll make your stomach feel raw, bad, and sick--not HUGELY noticeable, but still, kick the spices! I use Morton's Kosher Salt--flavors my food BEAUTIFULLY. Also ramen noodle chicken flavored packets added to water fake chicken stock well! Be sure you ONLY by the ramen noodles with NO transfat and NO MSG's!!!! They exist at grocery stores, you have to check the packaging though!!!! I guess MSG's are Monosodium Gloutamate...I could be wrong, but I KNOW that I want MSG FREE salted stuff! :-)