(Santa Fe, NM)
What is it with such antipathy to ACV taste? I don't find it hard to handle at all - just mix in some water and throw down; I usually add some stevia but don't really find it necessary.
ANYWAY, I do have a good testimonial, amidst doing a lot of other natural health stuff these recent years, so it's a little hard to scientifically isolate results. ONE thing I know for sure the vinegar has immediately helped me with is clearing up a sort of dandruff condition under my eyebrows -- frustrating and sometimes embarrassing for over 20 years! I never really liked applying things to my skin, even natural oils and creams; they never helped. The ACV cleared it up! Now I'm experimenting with my scalp too - wonder if it will help with my somewhat-thinning hair that seems possibly related to my scalp condition, tending to both oiliness and dryness.
(Goreville, IL)
I have seen a couple of people using V8 "juice" to take their ACV or H2O2. Two servings of regular vegetable V8 meet the RDA's max for sodium intake. I don't trust the RDA to determine what I need and don't need, but just be aware of what you are doing if this is your regimine.
(Sarasota, Florida, United States)
Hi I must add my voice to the crowd of people who find the taste of pure ACV to be absolutely unpalatable at best, nauseating at worst. That said, I have an interesting anecdote to report: I recently finished a bottle of very old ACV that had been sitting virtually untouched for 2 - 4 years (no kidding). It was never refrigerated, and for the last few years wasn't even properly closed (the cap broke). What happened is that it turned a very dark color, and the "mother" was so fully developed that it looked like kombucha starter, if you've ever seen that. I'm talking about large brown gelatinous masses rather than small filaments. Here's the most interesting part: it tasted great! It definitely had the right acidity and "kick" but there was no foul odor (excuse me if you're a fan), and no strong after taste at all. It was a very clean taste. It seems that ACV only gets better with time (and maybe even more healthful), like a fine wine, so if you ever see a long-neglected, dark colored bottle with well-developed "mother of vinegar, " snatch it up!
(Clacton, Essex, Uk)
Very interesting. I bought a large bottle of this months ago and was told when I bought it that it had the mother in there. I was naive, had never bought this stuff before. When it was delivered and I looked for this fascinating mother I had read so much about I could see just a few bits in there, like grains of pepper. It tasted horrible so I decided to put it to one side while I had a think. A month passed and the few grains had become more and yes like kombucha. Still have not drunk it. Am contemplating doing so to help with my sinuses and blocked ears but hate the taste.
(Sarasota, Florida, United States)
Carmel, here's another "recipe" tip in case your batch is still foul-tasting. I'm from Russia and I usually drink my current bottle (still young, light colored, and quite gross) the way Russians drink cheap vodka. Pour yourself a shot with 2 tbsp ACV. 1/4 tsp baking soda is a good idea to neutralize the acid. (Other stuff is optional, cayenne pepper, honey, etc.... )
The real key is breathing properly:
1) Inhale
2) Exhale fully
3) With no air in your lungs, drop the whole shot with bravado
4) Inhale (if the stuff is real bad, then take the first inhale entirely through the mouth)
If you want to be on the safe side, you can take a few more breaths through your mouth before inhaling normally.
Chasers help too, even plain water...
If you have an old bottle of spirulina capsules, try emptying one in the shot. It won't make it taste any better, but it will turn it a neat radioactive green, and you can pretend you're about to turn into the incredible Hulk.
Click here for many more shingles cures.
(Toowoomba, Australia)
35 yr old male, I too got a bout of shingles on my back. Doctors said it was too late for cream treatment. It blistered and pain became unbearable so I tried ACV swabs 5 times a day. It stopped the pain and in a couple of days it had cleared up. Amazing!!
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
(Tarpon Springs, Florida)
I read your Post About Sinus Attacks. Drank Apple Cider Vinegar And Water and Was Cleared up in a Few Hours. This was as Good as it Gets
(Tel Aviv, Israel)
My sister had very serious sinus problems and was suffering badly and said that the chronic conditions had completely ruined her life for over a year and half with mega doses of antibiotics and was considering to undergo an operation. As a last resort she went into google and looked up natural remedies for her problem and came up with this wonderful site and it has been a G-d send and read up all sorts of home remedies for the sinuses. One of the remedies was drinking 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar in a cup of water (using a straw so as not to ruin enamel of teeth) 3 times a day. From the first day she found relief to her chronic problem, but then came up with the idea of adding vinegar to a boiling kettle with water and breathing the fumes up her nose making sure not to burn herself - u must keep a distance so as not to burn herself and keep a low heat and use a towel over the head and making sure not to use too much vinegar because of the strong fumes, start with too tablespoons, if too strong add more water until comforable, if too weak add more vinegar. Since then and until this day her problem has completely gone thank G-d and I am a witness as to how much she had suffered before using apple cider vinegar. Halleluyah!!!
(Paris, France)
I feel a real sense of obligation to post something here touting the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar to combat a sinus infection. I first read about it here and must concur with the other "yeas".
I am 4 months pregnant and had been suffering with an incredible sinus infection for three weeks. This is apparently rather common for pregnant women due to various reasons. Not ever having one before, I just thought it was a severe cold with headaches, toothaches, etc. Finally, I found out what I actually had. I did the saline solutions which helped and took in more vitamin C. No doubt these were helpful, but it was when I starting the magic concoction suggested here: 2 tbsp ACV, 1 tbsp honey, 1 cup warm H20. I actually had to chase each horrific gulp with water. But I got it down. That was YESTERDAY! Today, I woke up having a full night of sleep and no headache, no earache, no face tenderness.
Just WOW! I did do a bit of research into the possible adverse effects of ACV for pregnant women before proceding, but found nothing to concern myself with. I wouldn't choose to use it daily however during a pregnancy, but for combatting that debilitating infection, yes! Yes! Yes!
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
(Grand Blanc, Mi)
This is my first time trying the ACV diluted in water and I find that I like the taste! Maybe because my nose is so stuffed up from my allergies. If they do clear up as you guys say. Then maybe my sense of smell and taste will come back! (And that I will still not mind the taste of the ACV! ) Hoping to lose some weight too. . . . Keep ya posted! . . . Caroline
(Beaumont, Ca)
I am so happy to writing this email right now. I like so many others were skeptical about trying Apple Cider Vinegar. I had high hopes but since nothing had helped in the past I wasn't going to hold my breath. Since I didn't have any ACV on hand I ran to the store to buy some. I was so excited to try I almost opened it on the way home. I mixed 2 tablespoons with 8 oz of water and chugged it. TASTE GROSS! Really gross. Sorry but it does. I could feel it starting to work. So after an hour I took a shot of straight ACV and soaked some paper towels in it and stuffed it up my nose. NO REALLY I DID. Laid down and inhaled it for 10 mins. An hour and half later I feel so much better. I have suffered with this for many, many years. I was starting to look into surgery for it. Hopefully now I don't have to. Thank you so much for advice. I really can't thank you enough.
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
(San Diego, Ca)
Your feedback on the use of ACV resonated with me more than you would guess. I too am 58 this year and for years have "suffered" from sinus issues. Now, it seems that I can not have a good night's sleep because I usually wake up with terrible sinus preasure above my eyebrows. I have been on antibiotics twice since December. I hadn't read anything lately about ACV but remembered my grandfather always had a bottle in the bathroom and mixed it with baking soda and water. Because I was a child I didn't take note of the quantities. Last night, after searching the house for something to take for the horrible headache, I remembered the "concoction."... (maybe grandpa from the grave?) Anyway, I popured a little into a glass and slugged it straight. No water and no baking soda. Immediately my eyes teared and my throat got phlemmy (sp?)I coughed and my nose began to run...and run and run and soon, no headache! So this morning I got up and wanted to search for the "recipe." I read yours and now I hope that I will finally get a good night's rest.
Did you ever get full recovery on the sinus issue using the apple cider vinegar?
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
(Boston, Ma, Usa)
Omg! I am a first-timer to this site, just stumbled upon it in when searching for some relief for my latest sinus infection. I am 30 years old and have gotten them chronically since childhood.
This one is particularly bad and it has come with the added bonus of sinus pressure-related tooth pain. It is about 4:00 am here and the pain and sinus pressure was keeping me and my poor, sympathetic husband, awake.
I was in so much pain and had taken a cocktail of over-the-counter pain relievers and sinus meds with still no relief. I had even spent the last hour alternating hot and cold compresses which I read can help with the pressure of compacted sinuses.
Nothing was helping. Then I found this thread about the ACV with honey and water mixture. I decided to try it, I figured at this point, anything was worth a shot.
I made the mixture and I also took a big swig of the ACV right from the bottle, just for good measure! Though the taste was a little off putting, the result was worth it!
In about ten minutes, the throbbing in my face and teeth began to subside, my sinuses began to clear and the pressure and pain was markedly subsiding.
I'm stunned. So stunned that I needed to post this response right away, even at 4:00 am! Thank you for this site! I have bookmarked it and am looking forward reading about other useful remedies!
Off to bed now for what may be my first congestion and sinus pain-free sleep in days!
Thanks again everyone! Cheers!
Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Every morning - prior to eating anything:
5 glasses of good water
(with the last glass)
1/2 shot (use a shot-glass) of ACV & 1/2 water (in shot glass)
DOWN that shot with the last glass of water. You will never be constipated and as far as sinusitis... takes a while to get use to the taste, but now I like it.. PAIN IS GONE! woooo hoooo
(London, Uk)
Looks like it does matter what sort of cyder vinegar you are using. I tried this generic one, from Sainsburys, didn't to much, it did not hurt, made the whole wart swell up a bit, and when I soaked my feet in it, the skin started peeling from my sole. When I visited my parents, I had to buy a new bottle of vinegar, and it was pouring rain, so I went to the whole foods shop next door, and bought one of their ridiculously expensice fancy oranic cyder vinegars. That night I soaked a cotton ball in it, and bandaged it to my feet, and the next morning the wart was throbbing with pain so much I could barely stand on my feet. The middle has blackened, and as I continued treating it with the vinegar, peeled off in a few days. Once I had to wake up the middle of the night to take the bandage off the vinegar was hurting so much, but I kept a few days off between treatments, and it was not so awfully painful. About two weeks later the wart is almost gone, in fact I think it is gone, only the skin arond the hole is still hardened and whiteish. The winning vinegar-formula is from "bionic" ulfiltered and unpasteurised. I had the idea from Earth Clinic, thank you Earth Clinic so much!!!!