Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Sinus Polyps: Reduce Inflammation and Congestion

| Modified on Mar 27, 2025
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Turmeric and Cayenne for Sinus Polyps.

Sinus polyps, also called nasal polyps, are soft, painless, noncancerous growths in the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. Often caused by chronic inflammation, sinus polyps may result from conditions like asthma, recurring infections, allergies, aspirin sensitivity, or immune disorders. Though typically not painful, they can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as nasal blockage, reduced sense of smell, and difficulty breathing. Medical evaluation is essential, but various natural remedies can complement traditional treatments.

What Are Sinus Polyps?

Sinus polyps are teardrop-shaped, noncancerous growths forming in the nasal cavity or sinuses, ranging in size from small to large clusters. Larger polyps may significantly obstruct nasal airflow and cause persistent congestion, frequent infections, and breathing issues.

Common Causes and Risk Factors

  • Chronic sinusitis (inflammation of sinuses)
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Sensitivity to aspirin or NSAIDs
  • Recurring respiratory infections
  • Immune system disorders

Top Natural Remedies for Sinus Polyps

These natural remedies target inflammation and promote healthy nasal passages:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for reducing nasal inflammation and infection.

How to use: Add a few drops of diluted tea tree oil to hot water and perform steam inhalation daily. Avoid direct contact with nasal tissues due to sensitivity.

Turmeric (Curcumin)

Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, effectively reduces nasal inflammation, alleviating symptoms like congestion and discomfort.

Recommended Dosage: 400–600 mg turmeric extract supplements (standardized to 95% curcumin) daily. Also, add turmeric to meals or drink as tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV thins mucus, fights infection, and reduces inflammation, potentially shrinking nasal polyps.

How to use: Mix 1–2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered ACV in water and drink daily. Avoid direct nasal application to prevent irritation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help combat inflammation, reduce polyp size, and ease congestion.

Recommended Dosage: 1000–2000 mg omega-3 (EPA and DHA combined) daily, or consume oily fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts regularly.


Healthy gut bacteria help regulate inflammation and support immune function, indirectly reducing sinus inflammation and polyp growth.

Recommended Dosage: Probiotic supplements containing 10–50 billion CFU daily, or consume fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsaicin)

Cayenne pepper's active component, capsaicin, helps thin mucus, improve sinus drainage, and relieve congestion associated with polyps.

How to use: Add small amounts of cayenne to meals or teas. Nasal capsaicin sprays are available but should be used cautiously due to potential irritation.


Goldenseal contains berberine, providing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, potentially reducing polyp size and associated symptoms.

Recommended Dosage: 250–500 mg goldenseal capsules or tinctures up to three times daily. Consult a healthcare professional before using, especially if pregnant or nursing.

Dietary Recommendations: Avoid Sugar to Reduce Inflammation

Reducing sugar intake can greatly benefit sinus polyps management:

  • Reduces inflammation: High sugar intake increases inflammatory cytokines.
  • Enhances immune response: Lower sugar intake improves immune function, helping control sinus inflammation.
  • Limits pathogen growth: Less sugar intake helps prevent bacterial and fungal overgrowth in nasal passages.

Diet tips: Limit sugary foods and drinks, avoid processed foods, and emphasize fresh vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Additional Lifestyle Tips

  • Regular nasal irrigation: Use saline rinses to clear mucus and allergens.
  • Humidifiers: Keep nasal passages moist and comfortable.
  • Avoid irritants: Minimize exposure to allergens, smoke, and strong odors.

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

While natural remedies can significantly reduce symptoms, consult your doctor if:

  • Your symptoms worsen or don't improve after several weeks.
  • You experience significant breathing difficulty or loss of smell.
  • You have severe sinus pain or frequent infections.


Natural remedies offer valuable support for managing sinus polyps by reducing inflammation, improving nasal health, and enhancing quality of life. Remedies such as tea tree oil, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, cayenne pepper, goldenseal, and dietary sugar reduction can effectively complement traditional treatments.

Continue reading below to learn how Earth Clinic readers have successfully used natural remedies for sinus polyps. Have you tried any of these remedies? Share your experience with us!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by martin (Thailand) on 05/02/2024

I have nasal polyps for more than 25 years. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work permanently.

3 operations.... only thing that works for me is prednisolone

Funny enough the doctors will not prescribe for me in the qty is use... 10-20 mg every other day, as they say it is a dangerous drug. I understand so I buy online... but... this constant reference to it being a dangerous drug keeps me alert on using it. Every 2-3 days my nose is blocked despite using the nose spray, tea tree oil, nasal rinsing with iodine or with saline...Chinese Traditional Medication, Ayurvedic, you name it, I tried it.

and then I saw an advertisement of an acupuncture clinic, I called and they confirmed they can treat me.

Tomorrow I go for the 7th session and I have not needed the prednisolone for the past 10 days

Only thing I do is use the cortinsone nasal spray in the evening..

Just wanted to report that this could just be it.... good luck with it..

ACV, Tea Tree Oil, Astragalus Nasal Rinse

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Pedro (Calgary, Canada) on 08/08/2016


Thanks for this great thread.

I've been growing these things for about a year now. Turns out I have the disease that comes on in your thirties where you get asthma, then sinusitis, then Aspirin allergy and then polyps.

I lost my smell and taste for the last year and they came back when I took the oral steroids, the nasal rinse steroids and the antibiotics. That was my fifth round of antibiotics. It worked during the treatment but the symptoms and polyps came back about a week after the treatment ended. They have me on the wait list for surgery (Canadian system) but they say I will have to continue taking the steroids after that surgery so what's the point (Also, the steroids cause weight gain and I've worked too hard to lose weight to pack on pounds again).

A few days ago I started treating my nose with a nasal rinse with the salt/bicarbonate solution with Teatree oil. After a week I settled on four drops four 8 ozs. Five was too painful and three is too easy. I think this had some affect. Then I added an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. A 1 to 8 ratio then I use 15 - 30 ml mixed with 8 ozs of water, the salt/bicarbonate solution and tea tree oil. That seemed to have helped clear one side completely.

I then added four drops of an astragalus root tincture (Will be adding more as the week continues) because it is supposed to be good for vascular endothelial cells (this is according to some articles my brother-in-law read about ancient Chinese longevity that we discussed in a non-related conversation). I wanted to try and do something that would help with the vascular system because of the article reported in here about Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.

In the last couple of days one side of my nose has cleared up and the other is getting better. It has also reduced the mucus in the sinus. I had weird flu like symptoms at one point today which I think could have been because the one side drained and let my immune system get back in that region of my body.

I still have the upper respiratory system inflammation but at least this seems to be helping the sinus. I will try a colloidal silver rinse in the next weeks if the progress stops. I was doing the rinse for three times a day for a few days then twice a day and now once a day.

I may go back to twice a day and trying the H2O2 inhalation as a last resort. I am also looking for things that are producing inflammation in my body. Sugar seems to do it, cheap beer (sniff - I guess I have to buy premium) and refined wheat (but only in a huge load like a giant sandwich [my gut will balloon as I digest it which seems to be a sign to me at least] - a little seems fine though).

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for all of the ideas folks. I want to avoid surgery but since it is in a year any ways, I have time to play with the home remedies. I am trying to look on the bright side of this. Maybe The Lord has let me have this affliction so that I change my diet to reduce inflammation and live a longer healthier life.

So many of you have suffered so much more than me on this and I will keep you as a general body of people in my prayers (whether you like it or not - ;) ).

Be in touch soon.


Replied by Chelsea
(Maryland Usa)

Pedro- What is the actual term for that "disease that comes on in your 30's"....the exact thing happened to me and NO ONE (not one doctor in 8 years now) has been able to connect the dots. I woke up one spring and started having allergies, sinus infections, then asthma and I think aspirin allergy and now I have had two surgeries to get rid of nasal polyps and they always come back.

Replied by Jennifer
(New Orleans)

The name of the disease is AERD or Aspirin Exaspirated Respiratory Disease. I began with symptoms of it when I turned thirty. It is totally miserable.


For anyone with AERD (aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease) - it's definitely a good idea to delve deeper - I have just discovered I have this! But it's often not only an intolerance to aspirin - aspirin contains a large amount of salicylic acid, and so do many many common foods and also personal care products. I have just cut them all out, and I'm already noticing a huge difference in the asthma and my breathing. The polyps have already started to shrink too, and my body on the whole is less inflamed, as I'm not reacting to most of the things I'm eating/using! The first stage of treatment is an elimination diet - you eliminate as many things as possible which contain salicylic acid (aka salicylates) and then you have to find out why you have this (often sudden) intolerance/allergy to them - in many cases, this is due to MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) where the body is reacting to many things (foods/chemicals etc) and another potential reason is mold toxicity (for those who have lived in toxic black mold and been affected by it, the mold in the body can then block the elimination of other toxins, and also non-toxic compounds such as salicylates, because they start to accumulate in the body, and the body can't handle so many, so becomes intolerant/allergic! ) There is definitely a way forward to healing this condition!!!

Replied by Jennifer

The same thing happened to me when I moved to Md. I have allergies, nasal polyps, loss of smell that all came out of no where when I moved to Md. I'm still looking for a solution to my loss of smell. Good luck to you!

Replied by Raj
17 posts

Hi Pedro

Pl can you specify the nasal rinse soln you made?

ACV + TTO + Salt + Distilled water right? What were the proprotions of the ingredients? you used this in a neti pot? how many times to use this in a day?

Plz do advise at your earliest.

Replied by Stu

It sounds like you have what is known as Samters Triad aka ASA Triad aka AERD. I realised I had it after an anaphylactic reaction to Aspirin after a road accident. There are loads of sites on the internet with information about it. There is no cure, only different remedies to slow its progress. Good luck.

Replied by Lilly

Thank you for the tip. Rinsing can go either way and has to be with the right ingredients. I would also suggest checking your home and workplace for hidden mold (behind walls, ceilings, crawlspace etc). The mycotoxins emitted are responsible for my autoimmune issues, and I am guessing that breathing them unwittingly for years, may have triggered my polyps.

Replied by Bob

Chelsea - It's called Sampter's Triad.

Alkaline Diet

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Oliver (Paris) on 12/30/2012

Nasal Polyps - I've suffered from nasal polyps for seven years now and the last three I have lost my sense of smell. I've tried every possible remedy and two sinus operations and nothing works. The tea tree oil remedy some of you mention is, I believe, only effective for polyps caused by fungus, or perhaps those in sinuses you can get to with a Q tip. Mine are too far inside for that and although the diluted tea tree oil feels good and opens up the airways it did not cure them.

I've tried everything else, including fresh water ray oil, acupunture, Sinus Wars homeopathic remedy, various natural cold remedies, antihisthamies, all kinds of antibiotics -- you name it. There are only two things that work, and both temporarily: corticosteroids and a draconian alkaline diet. I think you all know about steroids; in high doses they work like a dream, but the polyps come back after a few weeks and, at least for me, the sprays don't work.

However, the diet I did was near miraculous. I was actually not even thinking about the polyps, but just wanted to do a near fasting diet for a week or so. I eliminated coffee, alcohol, dairy products, meat and anything else that causes mucus, and lived basicically on a few nuts, water and raw vegetables for a week. Suddenly everything cleared up and I felt like new and could smell and taste again. Even my ears, which I hadn't realized were partially blocked because of the sinusitis caused by the polyps, were suddenly free. Unfortunately after I started adding back some cooked foods (although still totall vegan) the polyps returned and I lost my sense of smell again. At least I lost 7 kilos in less that a month.

So if you are really frustrated and have some self control, try a fast or near fast and eliminate all acidic foods.

Replied by Ro
(Los Angeles, CA)

Oliver from Paris, this is what I do:

1. I Eat a few leaves of fresh basil before breakfast and before dinner

2. I Do the nasal rinse (cup of warm distilled water, 1 tsp seasalt, 12 drops of bloodroot (herbal), and 12 drops of h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide).

3. I Do the vapor (boil a cup of distilled water and a few or 3 drops of tea tree oil)--inhale vapor for about 1-2 minutes. I close my eyes when I do this. I can feel a burning sensation in my nasal but that's for the polyps so it's good for me.

4. I drink black tea with ginger powder and green tea with natural honey.

5. I increase alkalinity in my body and drink a half cup of warm water with 1/4 tsp citric acid and 1/4 tsp of baking soda (citric acid that I find in herbal section of the market, where I find the ginger powder). Even if I eat acidic food, I'm ok.

6. I drink half cup of fresh coconut milk (or almond milk)--warm and then add half tsp of turmeric powder.

7. I make smoothie everyday that covers most of the foods that are effective for my polyps (dandelion, broccoli, spinach, berries, apple and brazil nuts). If I don't find brazil nuts, I take selenium.

8. I take zinc which I get from a vitamin shop or healthfood market

9. I started taking Pulsatilla pellets 200c (herbal-windflower) which I get from a healthfood market and take 3 pellets 3 times a day. I will do this for about 10-15 days and see if it's effective. This is good for my nasal discharge. I may continue to use it if needed.

10. I take Vitamin C if I don't have enough citrus for the day. I also take Vitamin E. My smoothie covers most of my Vitamin A so I don't take this anymore.

I feel good now, can breath and just have a little nasal discharge. I also feel healthy and more energetic.

RR from Northridge

Replied by Joe

Hi Oliver and everyone,

Oliver, it seems very good advice you give here. Doesn't seem to be missing much. Do you follow a low fat diet? I am thinking a no oil, no fat, no dairy diet might be good at least until healed. This means especially no meat, which has saturated fat.

anti-inflammatory omega 3 and antioxidants

boost nitirc oxide levels..spinach and beetroot

Just some further ideas to try.

I burst polyps after no fat vegetarian diet and it took one week.

Anti-Candida Diet

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Colin (London, Uk) on 02/10/2013

Hi I am 50 years old live in london and am contented with my life. Although I am tall I have always been undecided and not clear and y body has followed with a runny nose colds sore throats and coughs.

I agree the candida diet works a treat for nose polyps. I think that candida is an imbalance in my body. The two times I have felt best has been when I have been on herbal treatment from Chinese or Ayurvedic (indian) doctors for over 3 months. This has been relatively cheat £30/month, if you do not take the physical treatments which I cannot afford. In india it is much cheaper just locate a busy ayuveda pharmacy and ask the doctor or pharmacist. Everyone is different so treatments are different.

After 3 months I feel cured but it always comes back after a while this time I am going to keep going till I have finally found a cure/cause of my debility.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Burcu (Istanbul, Turkey) on 06/24/2012

I have been a sufferer for two years, lost the sense of smell for the last 6 months. I appreciate all the remedies mentioned. I have tried some of them myself. I truly believe that operation should, be the alst option (had one, at the time I had polyps inside the left side, polyps came back in three months to all my sinuses :((

I belive that candida is a big cause, I read extensively about that. Working on it and hoping for the best. yoga seems to be helping as well.

I have a DEEPER question to you all. I wonder why this happened to us? I mean other than the symptoms and similar stories what else do we share? Here are my questions.

  1. Do you live in a big and polluted city?
  2. Do you have a stressful life in general?
  3. Are you a contented person in general?
  4. Have you had seet tooth all your life?

Please let me know.

All the best

Replied by Chakra
(Magnetic Island, Australia)

I live on this beautiful unpolluted, tropical island. I have nasal polyps. I'm backing mould as the cause. I had a boyfriend with nasal polyps in Sydney years ago. His doctor suggested it was caused by mould (which backs up the candida connection) and recommended he kept his bedroom clear of dust (which becomes mouldy in hot damp climates) and to get plenty of sun in the room to kill any lurking mould. Swedish Bitters cause temporary relief, but if I miss a day, I can see it getting bigger. I already have a healthy diet which I adopted because of risk of return of cancer. My plan is to ferment. I've started with seeds. Today I'm going to start fermenting carrots and also carrot juice. If successful, I'll move on to pumpkin and then who knows?

(Magnetic Island)

Bloomin 'eck Chakra, your post could have been written by me even down to the ex in Sydney with polyps. I've been living on Magnetic Island for 15 years. I've just started using Swedish Bitters and they do seem to give relief although I think I had better results from ground black seed (years ago). I make sauerkraut, have been using kefir for years, make sourdough bread have very little sugar and processed food in my diet.

Replied by Radha

I lived in the uk for 40 years with a very clear sinus.I moved to live in a tropical island-so call paradise and lived there for 3 years.Well you know living on a tropical island is no fun.The humidity is very high and built up of mould everywhere in the house.There was mould everywhere on the furniture and even on my purse. If there is a rain and wind, then everything in the house get mouldy. You have to take everything from the wardrope and wash them, dry them. At the end of the 3 years, I notice a swelling on my left nostril. I did not know what they were.When I got back to UK at the end of 3 years, I was breathless when I had my flu. Everything was blocked up.I had no sense of smell and I was breathing through my mouth. My dr told me that swelling on my nostril was the beginning of polyps. Drs will tell you they do not know the causes of polyps. Here is a typical scenario of mould and polyps. Drs do not believe in all that. They only believe in surgery. So we sufferers of polyps must stand together and try to fight this evil nasal polyps.Thanks to the internet we might be able to find a cure for the nasal polyps.

Replied by Anon

I wonder if Nattokinase or Serrapeptase would help rid you of your polyp?

Wishing you well!

Replied by Frank T.

I live in a large polluted city.

I have had a sweet tooth all of my life.

I have severe nasal polyps one of the symptoms of a condition called Samters Triad (inflammation of the lungs nasal passages and sinuses). I have tried lots of different so called remedies including the Manuel Richards method, Acupuncture and herbal infusions, nothing has has made any difference other than nasal corticosteroid spray which is no longer effective. I am trying to avoid systemic steroids due to the side effects, but feel now they are the only option left for me as surgery gives only temporary relief as the polyps grow back.

There are some drugs under trial at the moment which have shown to be effective, Fevipiprant and Dipilumab. Fevipiprant is currently available but prohibitively expensive and only prescribed to patients who have frequent admissions to hospital. Dipilumab is only available within a research study.

I have a healthy meat free diet, I have a saline sinus rinse morning and evening and I'm quite active.

I notice a slight improvement when spending time out of London, so living in a large polluted city doesen't help.

I will be trying some of the suggestions made on this brilliant website.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Frank T., IMHO your solution is in the beginning of your post: try cutting down on sweets. My doc told me a trick that works: a craving for sweets shows a need for protein. When the crave strikes, try a nice piece of salmon or a delicious egg dish!

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Lara (Sydney, Nsw, Australia ) on 06/25/2011

Hello I wanted to share with all those suffering from polyps, sinusitis etc. Like most of you mine is an on going saga of surgery to remove these things, visits to doctors, homoeopaths all types of medical people. This had been part of my life for over 15 years. I hadn't had a sense of smell for about 10 years and always a blocked nose, it just became part of who I am.

This enlightening book showed me that almost all allergies are caused by an underlying problem of sugar. Too much. Candida being an almost certain trigger to allergies. This includes of course polyps which are just an allergic reaction as you all know.

I cut out what the book told me too including all fruits and of course sugar and processed flour items and dairy. The next day I could smell again. Also got new pillows and new mattress with cover and wash these regularly. This and living with floor boards instead of carpet has helped too. I no longer have a chronic sinus problem. I do still have blocked ears, well, blocked ear usually and some other symptoms of allergies. However you all know how depressing it can be to be constantly blocked up, so to not have this problem I have felt much, much better. Although I am a true believer of all these wonderful remedies I also believe that it is more important what don't ingest rather than what you do. That is change the diet, it is the only way to get to the problem's core.

The book that helped me was called: "The Allergy and Asthma Cure" by Fred Pescatore. A real turning point for me in my endless pursuit of feeling 100%. I had never heard of the author or the book until I stumbled upon it on the net.

This site is great BTW I am trying the bi carb / ACV remedy and finding myself getting a bit addicted to the feeling that bi carb gives your mouth after placing a pinch on your tounge and swishing it around your mouth. It feels almost you've just had your teeth cleaned by the dentist. I have to limit it to 2 times a day.

Replied by Anne
(Senlis, France)

I am a polyp sufferer myself. I have been doing several thing and I must say, I am much better. These last three days I have had a bad cold, but I find that I am still breathing through my nose when it would have been 100% blocked previously. I wanted to ask you how you are doing with you diet, I have been reading a lot about yeast lately and how some doctors consider it a cause even for cancer! Thanks

Replied by Nizar
(Ontario, CA)

I am 71 now, and have suffered with sinuses for the last 50 years. About three years back, I put in about 7 drops in each nostril for about 10 days before going to sleep. I kept my head facing up for about 10 minutes, and after that, I would turn round and go to sleep. After about 10 days, sinus disappeared.

Replied by Mary

Hi Nizar.

You didn't mention what drops you put in your nose. Can you please tell me. And also tell me if you could smell before you had used the drops? I've lost my sense of smell and taste :( and also have constant blocked sinuses. Thanks in advance.

Replied by Carol
(Tucson, Az, Usa)

Nizar, yes, please, what were the drops you used?

Replied by Jayan

I think Nizar used ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar drops. Hope Nizar clarify.

Replied by Don M.

What kind of drops?

Apple Cider Vinegar

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Ron (Kenosha, Wi) on 05/28/2018

Editor's Choice

Just liked to say after reading posts on ACV, this is a super remedy maybe even a cure. Anyway suffered with polyps for 19 years now, and had one surgery to remove. Dr said I'd be on flonase the rest of my life. Didn't want that but did for little while. Then said there's got to be other options. By then polyps were coming back, so found sinus wars an that only kept them at bay, if u drink alcohol then they would flare up. So thanks to earthclinic reviews ACV, has done more than anything. I'm only on day 4 but after having a polyp the size of grape coming to the end of ur nostril, u have to try.

So I started swabbing inside an on the polyp for 2 days. Started turning white with full strength, but then had to back off off polyp and just do inside around of nasal area, because of blood, so I diluted with purified boiled water to ACV. 1 ounce dropper bottle one teaspoon to the rest water, may sting a little but much safer. Anyway both nasals are almost clear after the 4 day. I also take Table spoon in 1/4 cup water morn, noon, and nite, going real good, like I said this has been the best remdey to date or maybe even a cure the way it has been working sinusus are feeling the best ever!! Just stay with it it works!! Thanks again for the reviews on ACV it is a miracle solution!!

Replied by Kim
(Manipur, India)

I applied apple cider vinegar on my obstructive polyp but I feel nothing, no pain, no sensation.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Polly (Edinburgh, Scotland) on 12/31/2016

Editor's Choice

I have had sinus problems and a polyp in my left nostril for 18 months. I couldn't sleep and sounded like Darth Vader all night! My GP prescribed steroid spray, it worked on the polyp but only temporarily. He then suggested the salt wash from a nasal aspirator but couldn't find a reference it to any of his pharmacy books, so gave me more steroids. I got the NeilMed kit from Amazon instead of using the steroids, and although very soothing and much easier than I was expecting, it didn't clear the mucus or the polyp which by now was appearing from my nostril if I tried clearing my nose. Thanks to your site, and others, I picked up that apple cider vinegar can help. I was desperate so like your previous reviewer. I used 2.5ml ie ½ tsp in 240ml water (distilled not chlorinated tap water).

I pumped this up my nose, and at first thought Oh No! What I have just done! The discomfort in the sinuses in my forehead quickly subsided and I did this twice daily for a few days. It started working from day 1.

After that, I used neat cider vinegar on a cotton bud, and massaged it as far in and around my nostrils as I could. My prescription was dated 3rd Dec 2016 and its now the 31st. My polyp has completely gone, and I can breathe easily through my nose.

My hypothesis is that the problem originates from a candida overgrowth. The lactobacillus in the LIVE ie unpasteurised cider vinegar killed off the fungus. (lots of people have found that mold in the home causes the same problem)

The Mayo Clinic recognises that Lactobaccilli can treat vaginal fungal infections and this is similar - just a different part of the body with a different biome. I suspect that the cider vinegar has treated the symptoms, but the underlying problem of candida needs to be dealt with by taking refined carbs, maybe gluten or other foods out of my diet. I am just about to start 30 day diet to see if the last remaining bit of congestion, now so mild I wouldn't trouble a doctor with it, will go completely. I hope this helps someone else. I have been grateful to all other reviewers.

Replied by Milvie
(Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur Philippines)

Thank you for sharing your ACV to cure nasal polyps...I have mine ..and I think I follow your way of curing nasal polyps.

Replied by Blade-runner
(Edinburgh, UK)

Hi there, it's now 2024,8 years down the line, how are you now? I see a lot of posts on the results short term but proof in the pudding is long term relief. I see you are from Edinburgh. I have not long moved to Canada after my last surgery of June last year (Spire Shawfair) and the polyps were back within the month. That was my 5th surgery and I think my last. It's in my own hands now. Ive been using the neilmed for years, but as a sinus rinse, its fine if you dont have polyps. May give ACV a try. Always thought these things were hocus pocus so who knows.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Msred78 (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/27/2016

Editor's Choice

Let me just say.. ACV is the cure to nasal polyps... After long years, stuffy nights, ears popping.. even tears ducts blockage, mouth breathing..taking medicines that caused acne breakouts ughhhh the struggle.. I read this post on here about using ACV.. and it only literally took bout 48 hrs before huge difference.. I been suffering from polyps since 2004.. never undergo surgery cause seemed very pointless after all the research.. and I literally tried everything.. I must say ACV gave me my life back.. MRI showed my left nostril was completely air whatsoever on left side.. which resulted in loss of smell.. the things we take for granted til its gone...

So here it is..all you is 2 household items: Need is organic ACV with mother, and Q-tips...

Wash hands, take qtip.. dip it in the ACV to soak tip...then use it to gently swirl inside of ya nasal passage (it will sting for about 15 secs) ... repeat once, but do so 3 times daily... (at night it helps to place tissue or cotton ball on side after you apply ACV method)

When I tell you.. I literally can blow my nose, and feel absolutely no blockage now and only been doing it for 4 days... I got my sense of smell back completely ..and the biggest polyp that I literally can see that was blocking my nasal cavity shrunk 75% already.. in just 4 days.. I'm so excited.. I got my life back..

Replied by Jackartmusic
(Charlotte, North Carolina)

Msred78, did you swab the inside of both nostrils or just the one side that was a problem? Did it relieve sinus pressure buildup in am so you could blow nose? I love Apple Cider Vinegar I drink it daily to reduce mucus.Thanks for sharing your post.

Replied by Sam
(Bethesda, Maryland)

Just curious, but for how long do you recommend applying the Q-tip in each nostril?

Replied by Klaas
(The Netherlands)

Hello, my therapy (composed by myself) is in the morning nose flushing with a bottle of warm water and 1,5 teaspoon ACV. In the afternoon nose flushing with special nasal rinse salt. Later in the afternoon fluticason drops on the ENT-doctor his prescription.

I notice that I have less snot in my nose. And I believe the theory that this ACV attacks bacteria, one of the responsible causes (or the only cause). Now I can't find a clear therapy on the web about the frequency (how many flushes or cleaning with Q-tip?) and necessary period of use (how many days? weeks?).

- Are the complaints completely gone after you used ACV? I mean no chronically inflamed nose.

- If yes, for which period did you used the ACV-cleaning?

- Did they came back after stopping ACV-cleaning?

It would be very nice if you tell me your story, it can be useful for me and other persons who try this method and need improvement in their nose condition and hereby overall health.

Regards from the Netherlands, Klaas

Replied by Klaas
(The Netherlands)

My cold is caused by temperature differences, cooking air and mite. Such a cold is called vasomotic rhinitis. Or idiopathic rhinitis. Then the tips of nerves in your nose react hyperactively to these environments. This reaction has to do with your autonomic nervous system, but I have no knowledge of it and it is not important to go into this message.

Because I had a chronic cold (due to the above environment) this caused nasal polyps.

ACV is temporary relief because it does not remove the above-mentioned substances from the environment. Conclusion: In my case of vasomotiric rhinitis, ACV does not help to remove nose polyps or reduce colds.

There are many people with vasomotor rhinitis who benefit from Capsinol. A spray with red pepper extracts. This is a spray with natural ingredients. It makes the nerve endings less sensitive to substances from the environment and can possible make that the nose will behave normally. I will try this. A lot of strength with your nose problems!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blueciel (Monterey, Ca) on 07/02/2016

Editor's Choice

I love this! [ Sorry for typos below ]

WARNING: Not for those with low pain tolerance and impatient. DO NOT READ IF YOU GET NAUSEOUS OR GROSSED OUT EASILY.

I have had surgeries for my nasal papillomas for 18 years, even since I was born. Since I am turning twenty I decided I HATE surgeries, so I wanted to try something else. I've tried tea tree[ burned but did nothing but clear sinus a bit], turmeric[ taken orally, worked slightly but not that good], I've even tried Indol-3-Carbinol [ which worked great! And I had them falling out left and right, but got too expensive and a formula switch for my favorite brand stopped me] so I finally tried apple cider vinegar again recently. I've been doing it everyday after work for three days now and here's my process.

Day 1

I apply it using a dropper and try not to let it slide down back of nose, although it DOES and stings but oh well. [ This mistake was helpful, as I noticed the one in the back fell out when this happened about an hour later, I just decided to use a cotton swab that wasn't soaking to prevent burning]

The warts turn white, but I keep dropping apple cider vinegar on them for about an hour or two straight then go to bed.[ watch youtube and be patient! This will help.

Day 2

I wake up smelling so well! Its about 20% clear, which is small but if u struggle with polyps or papillomas u know 20 is BETTER THAN NOTHING OKAY.

So I notice it is a bit smaller in size, and when I go back to add more after work [ for another hour or two] I notice the wart in the center of my nose begin to bleed out a bit, [ I know this is graphic I'm sorry] and when I try to add more vinegar it STINGS, like applying alcohol to a cut kind of stinging, but its nothing I cant handle due to my pain tolerence.

If u get to this stage stay strong because the third day is so worth it.

Day 3

I wake up smelling 50 percent better. NO JOKE! The wart in my right nose is 50% smaller, and has a small [again I'm sorry for the graphic and gross details] crust over it as it healed from last nights beating lol. I remove the crust and blow my nose, and notice that it is super reddish pink before I apply the vinegar.

But I have just applied more ACV to it and more warts from the back have fallen out, and the main one is turning a brighter white and I am so excited for tomorrow. If this is three days imagine a month!

Closing: ACV hurts. It also hurts ur normal nose skin a bit, but apply Vaseline and you should be alright. it wont burn ur skin [ it didn't to mine but may for sensitive skin] .

THIS STUFF WORKS. NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING has worked for me ever, and in three days [ a bit painful] nonetheless I have had such good results. I can actually look people in the eye again! So happy to say.

Please try this, even take it internally if u want, but applying it directly gave me these results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jill (Brisbane, Queensland Australia) on 08/03/2011

I recently had a problem with a nasal infection and polyps blocking one side of my nose. I discovered your site and tried ACV and by next day my nose was clear. Meanwhile my husband had a sinus problem and I wanted him to try ACV as well. He didnt like the taste... So I am better and he still has sinus... go figure! Your site is excellent - thanks so much.

Replied by Margo
(Jeffersonton, Va)

I am very anxious to know how you used ACV to cure the polyp. I'm suffering, and I *really* don't want to go back for more polyp-surgery.

Replied by Captnhammer
(Kallangur, Queensland, Australia)

Jill, I am also from Brisbane. Can you please let me know how much ACV to take and how often. Many Thanks, Brian

Replied by Earthsong
(San Luis Obispo, Calif)

Put 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a large coffee cup, along with water. Heat until it steams, then inhale the steam. Clears up sinus problems, but I don't know about polyps.

You can also put 2 tsps of ACV in hot tea and drink it. Tastes a bit like what lemon would taste like but instead it has apple flavor. I do not recommend ACV from the grocery store because it has been filtered. Buy the ACV from a health food store that has the "mother" in it (non filtered). I use store bought ACV (filtered) for hair rinse and rashes. Stings lightly at first, but then fades quickly and no itch afterwards. Great for dogs too, since fleas hate ACV.

Anyway..try the steam with ACV and inhaling, but be careful to not make it too hot so you burn yourself.

Replied by Chasj
(Okc, Ok)

How many days do you drink the tea with Apple Cider Vinegar in it and how many times a day?

Replied by Coll
(Brisbane, Australia)

I dont know if I have Polyps, but get severe sinus each year. How do you determine if you have polyps? My problems is, it wont come out! But runs down the back of my throat constantly... After reading your posts on ACV I will get some today.

Replied by Sullpwr
(Mcintosh, Minnesota)

I had tried tree tea oil, and castor oil in the affected nostril with some improvement. This went on for several weeks. I then tried the ACV in steaming hot water, inhaled it for several minutes and had wonderful results. I also started breathing exersizes. I will continue the AVC .

Replied by Lora
(Texas, US)

Does inhaling the apple cider vinegar boil help the polyps as well?

Replied by Jes

How did you take the ACV. dose and how often, etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree and Coconut Oils

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Byron Boshoff (South Africa) on 03/29/2018

Editor's Choice

So it's been over a year that I've had nasal polyps, in three days I managed to reduce my polyps by 50% by making my own natural and organic nasal spray.


  • 12 drops tea tree oil
  • 2 tea spoons coconut oil
  • 4 table spoons Apple Cider Vinegar 100% pure
  • 100ml warm distilled/ pre-boiled water
  • 1 Nasal spray bottle.


Combine all ingredients, shake until mixture is cloudy (oil and water need to mix this way)

Pour into nasal spray bottle and prime the spray.

Dosage and Preparation:

1 spray per nostril in the morning and evening, DO NOT inhale or sniff, you want it on the polyps not down your throat, if the bottle has been standing for a while the coconut oil will start separating, war the bottle in a cup of hot water for 5mins then shake until cloudy before use.


It burns like hell fire for 60 seconds, DO NOT sneeze or sniff during this time. Make sure all equipment, containers and utensils are 100% sterile. DO NOT use tap water, distilled or boiled water that has cooled ONLY. Please keep it organic, tea tree oil, coconut oil and ACV usually are organic, don't assume, CHECK.


Aspirin, Coffee

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 09/20/2024

I recently went through my second severe bout of nasal polyps. Both were triggered by toxin exposure - the first by dental mercury, the second by herbicide drift. Once the polyps block the nose, infections and inflammation seem to perpetuate the problem.

A couple of weeks ago I found a comment on another forum that suggested that congestion of nose and ear seemed to be linked to excessive serotonin. Looking into it I found the following:

"Conclusion Serotonin receptors are highly expressed in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis in both turbinate and polypoidal tissues which proves that serotonin has a strong role in the formation and growth of nasal polypi and allergic reactions."

Then I came across a post on another site where someone said he'd been pretty much free of congestion for the past 9 months, while drinking lots of coffee, and taking aspirin. Now, I've read that about 30% of, sufferers have aspirin intolerance, also known as AERD, or Samter's Triad. Often they need to avoid high salicylate foods also. They often have asthma too. If this is you DON'T take aspirin, please! For me, aspirin has always tended to shrink the polyps slightly.

So I searched for factors that raise, and factors that lower serotonin. I'd been doing lots of melatonin, which raises serotonin, so I dropped that, and raised my coffee (which lowers serotonin) intake from my usual 3 cups a day to 5 cups a day. I took 1 aspirin after each meal. I took 1 Pepcid (famotidine, which lowers serotonin) a day.

Within a week my nose was almost entirely clear, visible swelling gone, sense of smell back, barely using any tissues. Within 2 weeks nose in great shape, breathing easily and fully, no more runny nose, acute sense of small. Not bothering with the aspirin or famotidine any more, enjoying 4 or 5 cups of strong black coffee daily, 2 first thing in the morning, none too near bedtime, sleeping about as well as when I was taking melatonin.

Replied by yearningtobreathefree

Still cured! Would like to add a caution: I now have tinnitus, pretty sure it came on due to the congestion/infection I had in my sinuses and eustachian tubes. However, as I already knew, aspirin can cause tinnitus, later found that Pepcid can too, in a few people.

I'm now off both of those medicines, still drinking 4 cups of coffee a day. Fixing the tinnitus is the next project, but I had to get rid of the polyps!

Polyps still cured, breathing normally is wonderful! Use your own judgement of possible risks and benefits for you.

B Vitamins

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Emily (Fairfax, Virginia) on 07/19/2013

I have undergone 3 surgeries for nasal polyps, been on steroid nasal sprays, and been on steroid saline irrigation. I no longer use prescription medicine, instead I am on a B vitamin supplement.

My doctor and I accidentally found out that I had been cured of nasal polyps when I went for a check up and the doctor found no polyps despite the fact that I had stopped my nasal steroid 3 months earlier due to vaccinations I was receiving. Over the next year, I did detective work to figure out how I did it. Initially, I thought it was zinc, fish oil, and B vitamins. However, I stopped the zinc and the fish oil years ago and the polyps are still gone. The only supplement I take now is a daily B vitamin pill. B vitamins are important for keeping one's skin healthy; so, my guess is that the B vitamins keep my skin strong enough to prevent bacteria, viruses, and fungi from breaching it and causing infection and inflammation and the resulting polyps.

On a side note, I was supposed to have a 4th surgery in 2007. I went for a third opinion, and that doctor said that he could get rid of the polyps without surgery. He gave me oral prednisone AND had me put budesonide (liquid prednisone) in saline solution and irrigate my nasal passages twice a day. The polyps were completely gone in 2 months.

On another side note, my friend's doctor told her to go on a migraine free food diet to stop her sinus infections. I have found that avoiding certain migraine trigger foods (almonds and oranges for me) keeps me from getting sinus congestion. Avoiding sinus congestion probably helps prevent the polyps by keeping bacteria from growing in all that stagnant sinus fluid.

Replied by Joseph
(Powder Springs, Ga)

I've had nasal polyps and had the surgery to have them removed and the polyps came back. Of course I took steriods and they are gone again. I am going to try the B Vitamins. Did you lose your sense of smell? I would like to know how to get my sense of smell back. Please advise if you know how I can get my sense of smell back.

Replied by Emily
(Fairfax, Virginia)

Over the years, at various times, I have lost my sense of smell from 3 different causes: (1) nasal polyps, (2) congestion from migraine swelling, and (3) zinc deficiency. So, the cure would depend on the cause... By the way, when I get migraine swelling, I do NOT get a headache, instead I get nasal and sinus swelling. When had a zinc deficiency, I took a fairly low dose of 15 mg and took it with food. Otherwise, zinc on an empty stomache can give one a terrible belly ache!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dee (Belfast Ni,) on 06/05/2014

Has anyone tied bloodroot for nasal Polyps with any success?

Replied by Jewel

Don't use bloodroot or black salve. DON'T. It is dangerous...


Neither of those are dangerous..they are VERY safe if used correctly.
