Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Sinus Polyps: Reduce Inflammation and Congestion

| Modified on Mar 27, 2025
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Aspirin, Coffee
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 09/20/2024

I recently went through my second severe bout of nasal polyps. Both were triggered by toxin exposure - the first by dental mercury, the second by herbicide drift. Once the polyps block the nose, infections and inflammation seem to perpetuate the problem.

A couple of weeks ago I found a comment on another forum that suggested that congestion of nose and ear seemed to be linked to excessive serotonin. Looking into it I found the following:

"Conclusion Serotonin receptors are highly expressed in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis in both turbinate and polypoidal tissues which proves that serotonin has a strong role in the formation and growth of nasal polypi and allergic reactions."

Then I came across a post on another site where someone said he'd been pretty much free of congestion for the past 9 months, while drinking lots of coffee, and taking aspirin. Now, I've read that about 30% of, sufferers have aspirin intolerance, also known as AERD, or Samter's Triad. Often they need to avoid high salicylate foods also. They often have asthma too. If this is you DON'T take aspirin, please! For me, aspirin has always tended to shrink the polyps slightly.

So I searched for factors that raise, and factors that lower serotonin. I'd been doing lots of melatonin, which raises serotonin, so I dropped that, and raised my coffee (which lowers serotonin) intake from my usual 3 cups a day to 5 cups a day. I took 1 aspirin after each meal. I took 1 Pepcid (famotidine, which lowers serotonin) a day.

Within a week my nose was almost entirely clear, visible swelling gone, sense of smell back, barely using any tissues. Within 2 weeks nose in great shape, breathing easily and fully, no more runny nose, acute sense of small. Not bothering with the aspirin or famotidine any more, enjoying 4 or 5 cups of strong black coffee daily, 2 first thing in the morning, none too near bedtime, sleeping about as well as when I was taking melatonin.

Exposure to Toxins Link
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee, USA) on 07/06/2024

Nasal polyps suddenly appear due to exposure to toxins

I had extremely bad nasal polyps for 15 years, right after heavy exposure to dental mercury.

I got rid of them (using iodine in saline rinse, plus boosting thyroid function). For 7 years since I've breathed easily and perfectly through my nose.

About 10 weeks ago a neighboring farmer sprayed his crop field a quarter mile from us, with 2-4d and glyphosate. It drifted downhill to us, we breathed it all night. It made us both sick. My polyps came back within 24 hours! We met another family who were sickened by the same farmer's spraying. The (pregnant) wife cannot breathe through her nose now!

The remedies I used before are not working for me this time.

If you want to be healthy, support organic farmers.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 07/06/2024

I had good results with saline nasal rinse, to which I added 10 drops of 2% Lugol's iodine, years ago. Now they are back. Did you keep this treatment with just Lugol's iodine up long term? What was the result?

By the way, I've had polyps that were white/grey, and others that were reddish, or yellowish.

Posted by martin (Thailand) on 05/02/2024

I have nasal polyps for more than 25 years. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work permanently.

3 operations.... only thing that works for me is prednisolone

Funny enough the doctors will not prescribe for me in the qty is use... 10-20 mg every other day, as they say it is a dangerous drug. I understand so I buy online... but... this constant reference to it being a dangerous drug keeps me alert on using it. Every 2-3 days my nose is blocked despite using the nose spray, tea tree oil, nasal rinsing with iodine or with saline...Chinese Traditional Medication, Ayurvedic, you name it, I tried it.

and then I saw an advertisement of an acupuncture clinic, I called and they confirmed they can treat me.

Tomorrow I go for the 7th session and I have not needed the prednisolone for the past 10 days

Only thing I do is use the cortinsone nasal spray in the evening..

Just wanted to report that this could just be it.... good luck with it..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/23/2024

Daniel, Oats are gluten free anyway. You just need to make sure they are not contaminated with wheat if processed in the same factory as wheat items.

Vegan Diet, Water Fasting
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/23/2024

Did that include oats also? I have read about grains such as barley, rye and wheat and the issues with gluten but oats are gluten free.

Ketogenic Diet, Supplements
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/20/2024

Hi Abra, how are you now? Yes I can relate to the blockage of the eustacian tubes! I wouldn't recommend anyone to rinse the sinuses when proper blocked. The saline rinse doesnt really get anywhere and if it does, it gets stuck beyond the polyps.

Did you have any brown rice as part of your diet plan? Oats? I have read those have low GIs so don't spike the blood sugar, which candida in the system yearns for.

Vitamin D and Serrapeptase
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/20/2024

Did you get any improvement at all?

Dietary Changes, Water Fast
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/15/2024

2024, how is your husband now?

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/15/2024

The problem is, how can anyone do breathing techniques with fully blocked sinuses? It's impossible.

Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Posted by Blade-runner (Edinburgh, UK) on 02/15/2024

It's now 2024, how are you now?

Posted by Blade-runner (Edinburgh, UK) on 02/15/2024

Hi Elissa, 9 years down the line, how are you? Polyps still at bay?

Carrot and Black Grape Juice, Coffee
Posted by Blade-runner (Montreal, QC) on 02/15/2024

Those Flixonase drops are a waste of time. Never worked for me. For a period Betnesol drops worked, but they no longer work either. I suspect the maker changed the formula. So it's in my hands now to look for a natural remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blade-runner (Edinburgh, UK) on 02/15/2024

Hi there, it's now 2024,8 years down the line, how are you now? I see a lot of posts on the results short term but proof in the pudding is long term relief. I see you are from Edinburgh. I have not long moved to Canada after my last surgery of June last year (Spire Shawfair) and the polyps were back within the month. That was my 5th surgery and I think my last. It's in my own hands now. Ive been using the neilmed for years, but as a sinus rinse, its fine if you dont have polyps. May give ACV a try. Always thought these things were hocus pocus so who knows.

Posted by XYZ (Chicago) on 02/15/2024

Please report back how it goes. I only trust people's experience, not articles. Thank you. Be well.

P.S. I do have H.Pylori which is impossible to eradicate, just to reduce its levels. H.Pylori is blamed for everything from heart disease to like you are writing nose polyps.

There used to be an excellent article about the role of H.Pylori, but unfortunately it looks like it has been removed (I bet they were forced to remove it). But I still have several email from people all over the world thanking me for that article. Many were scheduled to stomach ulcer surgeries which they cancelled after reading the article and following its advice.

Posted by Pauline (East Yorkshire, UK) on 02/15/2024

While investigating ways of dealing with nasal polyps which are driving me nuts, I came across this very interesting and surprising article which links nasal polyps with Helicobacter Pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Doctors say that they don't know the cause of polyps but it would explain why people have cured them with Lugol's iodine, colloidal silver, ACV etc and why they just grow back after surgery. I am presently experimenting with lugol's iodine in a saline nasal spray as recommended in other posts and significantly increasing probiotics.

Castor Oil, Steaming, Neti Pot
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 10/20/2023

There's really no need to use apple cider vinegar, as castor oil is a well-known antifungal. It kills candida and other fungal species.

Treat for Low Thyroid
Posted by Daniel (Greater London) on 06/07/2023


I got the same symptoms chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps and recently had diagnosed with underactive thyroid. I suspected the amalgam fillings and root canal fillings may be the cause of long term sufferings. Now I am in the process of removing them. If not changed, then low body temperature may be the cause due to underactive thyroid.

Fingers crossed

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 12/17/2022

Regarding your first question: by tipping my head forward and then back it seemed it got to all of the sinuses quite well.

As for the second question: the polyps are gone along with their underlying cause (low thyroid), I am cured, I need no remedies for that any more.

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by lifathon (CA) on 12/03/2022

Thanks a lot for digging into this and sharing info about BKC - Benzalkonium Chloride. What you wrote is actually true.

Effects of nasal saline spray on human neutrophils-

Benzalkonium chloride as a preservative in nasal solutions -

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Art (California) on 10/11/2022 2439 posts

Barbara Allat,

It may be helpful to alternate days of colloidal silver(CS) nasal application with days of Xlear Nasal Spray(XNS) at maximum dose on label. This can increase the antimicrobial activity and both have antibiofilm activities which can be helpful in long standing infections.,aps,257&sr=8-2

So one day of CS treatment followed by one day of XNS treatment at max dose and continued in that fashion to better fight the infection('s). The oral CS can remain at everyday as you are already doing. How many ppm is your CS?

The XNS contains Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) along with Xylitol. Both Xylitol and GSE have antibiofilm effects as does CS and the GSE is a potent antimicrobial as is CS.

h showed antibacterial effects against, in the microdilution MIC test.ttps:// showed antibacterial effects against, in the microdilution MIC test. demonstrated a fungicidal effect, were killed by GSE-treated.

Silver Nanoparticles have also shown anti inflammatory effects in animal models of chronic sinusitis :

And GSE also has also shown anti inflammatory properties :, agent with anti-inflammatory property.


Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Barbara Allatt (Uk) on 10/11/2022

Hi, one of the posts talked about a remedy they are trying but did not leave the name of it. I have had 2 x Fess surgery and am slowly getting rid of sugar. My polyps are huge again on right side of nose with thick toffee like encrusted mucus. I'm currently on Colloidal silver sprays day 2. Also drinking 2 x 10ml daily although the Consultant has given me prednisone steroids as they do help with swelling. Just want something to naturally shrink them and get my life back. Thank you

Vitamin D and Serrapeptase
Posted by Diana (Salvador ) on 09/09/2022

Hi! I surfer with nasal polyps for more than 20 years and I'm trying everything to get rid of then. But nothing seems to work for me. I have stopped eating glúten, milk and sugar, tried teatree, castor oil, nasal rinse, acv, but I'm just worse than before. Please, can someone tell me how long before you notice some improvement from using these supplements? Thank you very much for any help.

Fungal Sinus Ball Remedies
Posted by Joy (Lady Lake, FL) on 08/17/2022

Hi Jay,

I too have a fungal ball(s) for 11 years now. Constant mucus down my throat, especially after eating and when I lie down. I've tried EVERYTHING except the swimming pool. I'm going to have a pool membership at the end of August and I will try your method...Do you remember approx. how many pool swims it took before it came out? Did you put your head completely underwater?..How did you keep from drowning yourself?..I can't wait to try it, but I want to get it right. Thanks, Joy in Florida.

Fungal Sinus Ball Remedies
Posted by jay (los angeles) on 08/16/2022

i had fungal ball taking up 8%of sinus. I was going to have the surgery but kept putting it off. During this time when I would swim in the pool at the gym I would go under the water put my head back and let the pool water fill my sinus. I did this for a while and what was left of the fungal ball flew into the back of my throat and I spit it out. It was about the size of half a golf ball

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by Joseph (NJ) on 05/03/2022

Hi, thank you for posting this. I will have to look for the iodine. I do have a few questions.

1. Will this help with polyps in the sinus cavities above and below the eyes?

2. Did you continue with the iodine as a preventive after they were gone?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Patricia Alber (Indiana) on 12/23/2021

Eating many small meals is not easy on your body! It creates insulin resistance which is the basis of most disease.

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 10/20/2021

Hi yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) -

I read through your "Treat for low thyroid" from the sinus polyps thread. It was interesting the number of things you did to get rid of them (only to have the polyps come back).

Actually I have a bottle of tyrosine I bought awhile ago. I'm not sure why I ordered it, but I will be taking them now. I am hypothyroid and have small sinus polyps. Hope they will do a disappearing act!

Thanks again for the information.

Best wishes,


Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 10/19/2021

Hi Gmjk:

Yes, it did wonders for me. However, please see my posts under "Treat for low thyroid" in this sinus polyps thread.

Ever since I did the latter, I no longer need the iodine/saline rinse. Sorry, I did not respond to your query much sooner, I got discouraged that no one seemed to be trying my suggested remedies, so have not looked here in ages. It saddens me that so many are suffering prolonged misery, as I did when they might be cured, as I was.

Castor Oil
Posted by Rowena (Canberra) on 08/06/2021

Thank you to everyone praising the benefits of castor oil for nasal polyps. I have been afflicted with this for 20 years. I've had surgery which was life changing (deviated septum), however every now and then they would return. I am using a tiny spoon of castor oil in my nose and I was able to breathe within hours. I'm still unwell and recovering from seasonal flu, but castor oil is providing excellent relief. Thank you to you all.

Keep Head Warm
Posted by Diane (California) on 07/11/2021

Chronic Sinusitis and Sinus Polyps:

If nothing works it could be Cold affecting your head!

Try wearing a warm cap on your head and don't allow your head to get cold! Also you can get a blow dryer and use warm air on your head and see if that gives you relief! I didn't have this problem when I was young, it happened when I hit my late 50's! I am back to normal knowing this cold can affect my sinuses! And once in awhile even the air-conditioner starts my sinuses up again, only I place a warm cap on my head and the sinus problem stops!

DON'T LET YOUR HEAD GET COLD! See if this helps!


Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Grom1t (Magnetic Island) on 07/07/2021

Bloomin 'eck Chakra, your post could have been written by me even down to the ex in Sydney with polyps. I've been living on Magnetic Island for 15 years. I've just started using Swedish Bitters and they do seem to give relief although I think I had better results from ground black seed (years ago). I make sauerkraut, have been using kefir for years, make sourdough bread have very little sugar and processed food in my diet.

Posted by Jo (US) on 06/15/2021

Neither of those are dangerous..they are VERY safe if used correctly.

Castor Oil
Posted by Philippa (Gloucestershire) on 03/27/2021

I know this is an old thread but I am writing this to help others who may be suffering from similar conditions.

I think I got Covid in October 2019 or early November that year. I had been really fit that July and then moved house in October which was very stressful. There were several cases of severe "flu" in the village next to us which lead to some deaths but nobody knew about Coronavirus or SARs-Covid-19 until 31 December 2019 when I had an aha moment when the WHO made the announcement about a newly emerging virus. Happy New Year!

My symptoms were severe Hives for 8 months, severe sinus congestion which I still have (March 2021) and extreme fatigue. Also I gained 20lbs due to fatigue and being in bed for 8 months. Since last August my health is still poor.

I had nasal polyps for the first time in my life during this time and I now have chronic sinusitis.

I too have been doing the "lazy" Castor Oil pack - flannel and hot water bottle over night. I do sleep much better.

I know that Candida is opportunistic when the immune system is challenged so I am returning to a 90% raw vegetable diet with broths, water and green tea.

I am charging my filtered water with healing frequencies - especially 528 Hz - use head phones on the bottles and You-Tube from your mobile!!!!

I have made up a nasal spray of ACV and cayenne - yes it hurts, but works.

I oil pull with VCO anyway.

Fresh air and walking help even if I am paralysed with fatigue afterwards.

I had latent EBV anyway and Coronavirus has been proven to reactivate it.

These are just a few things but I do hope this helps someone else.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Follownature (United Arab Emirates) on 04/10/2019 17 posts

Sinus Polyps, from my various experiences with sinus polyps I can very well understand the pain a sufferer goes through hence would like to share the little bit of information I've learned, if it can help people i would be most most happy. I am available anytime for any questions so feel free to drop a query and of i can assist I will :)

The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :)

1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day.

2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm.

3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good.

4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc

5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine

6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing.

7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer!

8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries

9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc

10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses.

12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level.

13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip.

14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion

15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it,

16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril.

17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up.

So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kim (B.C., Canada) on 01/11/2021

I'd like to know too, if your polyps came back Sunny!

Tea Tree Oil, Omega 3
Posted by Peter (Chelmsford ) on 12/31/2020

Hi, did you take it in capsule form or actual liquid? Regards Peter

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Idot13 (Co. Dublin) on 10/04/2020

Try elderberry as there are some people here getting great relief and for most it is gone completely.

Make a syrup - two cups water to one cup of dried berries, then add either honey or sugar to your own liken and take a dessert spoonful every day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Daniel (London ) on 09/30/2020


How did you get on? Are you nasal polyps free? I do know that you posted message one year ago. I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps for many years like most of us.

I admire you for deep knowledge of sinusitis ailment. Could you please give more tips on diet to follow? Such as free gluten porridge is allowed or other free gluten products?

I would be grateful if you could reply to me.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Daniel (London ) on 09/13/2020


My name is Daniel living in London. I found your post very informative as you mentioned that polyps could be also caused by holding grudges or anger to someone close to me.

Could you give some more tips on diets eliminating polyps formation. On the other hand, l would like to maintain my body muscle mass also to keep my strength allowing me to do my physical job. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kate B (Hungary) on 09/04/2020

How are you since then? Did the polyps come back or not? thanks :)

Castor Oil, Steaming, Neti Pot
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 08/28/2020

Castor Oil, Steaming, Neti Pot
Posted by Mahfuza (Manchester, Uk) on 08/28/2020

Hi Marilyn, are you using Organic, unfiltered, with mother apple cider vinegar? I am using the organic Apple Cider Vinegar, in my nasal rinse 1/2 spoon two times a day, it's been more than a week, but did not see any improvement yet, I use tap water, however boiled it for few minutes.

I will try castor oil.

it's been 25 years I am suffering from nasal polyps, steroid spray doesn't help, my nose is always block. I had operation for two times.

Thanks for sharing.

Carrot and Black Grape Juice, Coffee
Posted by Mahfuza (United Kingdom) on 07/21/2020

Hi, do u buy carrot and black grapes juice or make juice at home from the fresh black grapes and carrots?

It's been 25 years I am suffering from nasal polyps, I had done two operation, 2nd one had on 2012. however I never feel better after operation. Polyps back. I am using flixonase nasule drops, steroid spray doesn't help.

Thanks you in advance for your information.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Follownature (United Arab Emirates) on 04/10/2019 17 posts

Sinus Polyps, from my various experiences with sinus polyps I can very well understand the pain a sufferer goes through hence would like to share the little bit of information I've learned, if it can help people i would be most most happy. I am available anytime for any questions so feel free to drop a query and of i can assist I will :) The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :) 1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day. 2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm. 3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good. 4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc 5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine 6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing. 7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer! 8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries 9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc 10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses. 12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level. 13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip. 14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion 15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it, 16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril. 17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up. So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.

Treat for Low Thyroid
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 12/13/2018

I am astonished, flabbergasted, simply can't believe that apparently no one has left any feedback on this! Now two years after I first posted this, the huge nasal polyps that completely obstructed my nose, the endless sinus infections, are still 100% gone! After at most a few months, I no longer needed to take either the natural thyroid medicine, nor the tyrosine.

Once the polyps shrank away, the vicious cycle of inflammation/infection was done. If any of you want to breathe absolutely freely and normally again, please try this approach.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Manipur, India ) on 11/14/2018

I applied apple cider vinegar on my obstructive polyp but I feel nothing, no pain, no sensation.

Dietary Changes, Water Fast
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/12/2018

DORI,,,,,,,, think you are right on. We eat what we raise mostly. Some things we can't raise. I just learned that all critters and plants have an energy aurora that can be photographed. Kinda like Thermography used to detect breast cancer.

An organic vegetable has a healthy aurora, but a GMO does not. Soon technology is going to work in our favor. You go to the grocery and a device will tell you if you want to buy that veggie or not.

We won't need a doctor to tell us if we have problems or not. Our aurora will tell us. This phenomenom is not new. After 58 years of marriage me and my Tractor Driver know what each is thinking. It's the Aurora thing. Para folks have a special thing and can read folks bettern most. They don't need a lie detector, and solve many criminal cases. That is the reason a dog will bite you if you give him bad vibes and lick you is you give him good vibes. It's the aurora you give out. Animals still detect it. Humans lost most of it years ago.

It's a wifi thing. We all have it, some just have a better receptor than others. I can size up a person far better than most. I have no clue why. I think this will be a good thing for natural folks. Would like to hear from EC folks about what they think about this phenomenon. Kinda spooky isn't it?


Dietary Changes, Water Fast
Posted by Dori (Usa) on 11/12/2018

Editor's Choice

We had lived in Hawaii for one year before my 33yo husband started having asthma symptoms (2010) which started a few months after a sinus infection that wouldn't quite go away. He lost his smell and taste almost immediately but the nasal polyps and aspirin allergy didn't show up till a year later. (Sampter's Triad) He was overly stressed, drinking alcohol and coffee daily, and had a high processed food diet. I had him trying every single remedy/cure that I researched online for about 5 years until he refused to try anything else. Some diets minimized symptoms but nothing cured him.

HOWEVER!! About 3 years after the symptoms started, he again got a cold/flu. He was flat out on the couch for 3 days. He didn't eat one bite of food and only drank the fluids that I gave him which consisted of ACV diluted in warm water, Bone broth that I made, herbal teas (Pau d'arco, echinacea, licorice root etc and water. All of his symptoms completely disappeared after only 3 days of fasting and drinking those liquids.

He got his smell and taste back, the polyps were gone and he could breathe easily through his nose and he had zero reactions to any foods that he ate. (we were too afraid to test his aspirin allergy) This amazingly lasted for the 3 weeks that he abstained from coffee, alcohol and eating relatively healthy. He then decided that he would begin drinking decaf coffee and after several more days he started in on the caffeinated coffee. All of his symptoms returned within the week.

I have a feeling that a liquid fast, or maybe even better, a water fast for 5-7 days would cure this thing. Then of course no coffee, alcohol, sugar, white flours, processed foods, dairy (unless raw/organic), meat (unless grass fed/organic), along with lots of fruits, veggies, water, bone broth, some nuts.... Aflatoxins seems to pervade lots of foods out there. I think that, along with chronic stress is enough to destroy the digestive system which makes you susceptible to food allergies, leaky gut, respiratory issues and a host of other things.

Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Posted by Anthony T. (Rotterdam, Thenetherlands) on 09/01/2018

I would like to thank Don in Toronto for his advice regarding the probiotic supplement, the description of which I googled. It is indeed Colon Green, which I have now been taking since March of this year. My nasal polyps seem to have shrunk to some degree, but I have much if not most of my smell back, which was nill. Even strong smells went unnoticed, and now I can enjoy food and drink again! Many thanks Don!

Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Posted by Iowama (Ny) on 08/31/2018


Regarding the discussion of nasal polyps; I also developed those for a short while. In my own case, the polyps were food related. I had developed them 3 years ago after returning from a trip to Asia and was scheduled for their removal until I read about the possible after-effects of that removal surgery here.

My reading caused me to realize that I had changed my breakfast diet while at the hotel, to include raisins and other dried fruits. I also ate a few raisins for a quick snack during the day. As it turned out, I recovered my hearing quickly and fully when I gave up the dried fruit. Perhaps there was some fungal connection, I can't answer to that. I gave the dried fruit theory a quick test recently, by snacking on raisins for a few days and I could "hear" the muffled sound of my polyps returning again.

Best wishes to you for discovering your own answers.

Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Posted by Anon (Canada) on 08/29/2018

I'm wondering if Don in Toronto (2012) is referring to this: Futurebiotics Colon Green Fiber Supplement (150 vegetarian capsules). It says on the bottle:

  • ALL NATURAL: A gentle, All-Natural Fiber Supplement with Probiotics and Enzymes

Here is the Amazon link:


Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Posted by Avinder (Essex) on 08/29/2018

Is anyone able to figure out the name of the probiotic supplement written in the 2012 post, please? Many thanks.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Sue (Dublin) on 08/28/2018

Hi Mikes

Sorry for long delay in replying - only saw this now as I scrolled down.

I bought colloidal silver in the health shop - not cheap but lasts for ages. If you get a large bottle, then put some in a smaller bottle and add a few drops of tea tree or lavander oil. Just spray a few squirts in each nostril morning and night. I also find if I have been eating too many carbs I get a bit clogged up, but the raised bed really helps too.

Again, sorry I didn't see this message from you for ages, and hope you get relief. Best wishes.

ACV, Tea Tree Oil, Astragalus Nasal Rinse
Posted by Bob (Pennsylvnia) on 08/25/2018

Chelsea - It's called Sampter's Triad.

Posted by Michelle (Co) on 07/15/2018

Just read your post Bryan. It's now 2018, do you have an update by chance? Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ron (Kenosha, Wi) on 05/28/2018

Editor's Choice

Just liked to say after reading posts on ACV, this is a super remedy maybe even a cure. Anyway suffered with polyps for 19 years now, and had one surgery to remove. Dr said I'd be on flonase the rest of my life. Didn't want that but did for little while. Then said there's got to be other options. By then polyps were coming back, so found sinus wars an that only kept them at bay, if u drink alcohol then they would flare up. So thanks to earthclinic reviews ACV, has done more than anything. I'm only on day 4 but after having a polyp the size of grape coming to the end of ur nostril, u have to try.

So I started swabbing inside an on the polyp for 2 days. Started turning white with full strength, but then had to back off off polyp and just do inside around of nasal area, because of blood, so I diluted with purified boiled water to ACV. 1 ounce dropper bottle one teaspoon to the rest water, may sting a little but much safer. Anyway both nasals are almost clear after the 4 day. I also take Table spoon in 1/4 cup water morn, noon, and nite, going real good, like I said this has been the best remdey to date or maybe even a cure the way it has been working sinusus are feeling the best ever!! Just stay with it it works!! Thanks again for the reviews on ACV it is a miracle solution!!

ACV, Tea Tree Oil, Astragalus Nasal Rinse
Posted by Lilly (Utah) on 05/08/2018

Thank you for the tip. Rinsing can go either way and has to be with the right ingredients. I would also suggest checking your home and workplace for hidden mold (behind walls, ceilings, crawlspace etc). The mycotoxins emitted are responsible for my autoimmune issues, and I am guessing that breathing them unwittingly for years, may have triggered my polyps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Klaas (The Netherlands) on 04/06/2018

My cold is caused by temperature differences, cooking air and mite. Such a cold is called vasomotic rhinitis. Or idiopathic rhinitis. Then the tips of nerves in your nose react hyperactively to these environments. This reaction has to do with your autonomic nervous system, but I have no knowledge of it and it is not important to go into this message.

Because I had a chronic cold (due to the above environment) this caused nasal polyps.

ACV is temporary relief because it does not remove the above-mentioned substances from the environment. Conclusion: In my case of vasomotiric rhinitis, ACV does not help to remove nose polyps or reduce colds.

There are many people with vasomotor rhinitis who benefit from Capsinol. A spray with red pepper extracts. This is a spray with natural ingredients. It makes the nerve endings less sensitive to substances from the environment and can possible make that the nose will behave normally. I will try this. A lot of strength with your nose problems!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree and Coconut Oils
Posted by Byron Boshoff (South Africa) on 03/29/2018

Editor's Choice

So it's been over a year that I've had nasal polyps, in three days I managed to reduce my polyps by 50% by making my own natural and organic nasal spray.


  • 12 drops tea tree oil
  • 2 tea spoons coconut oil
  • 4 table spoons Apple Cider Vinegar 100% pure
  • 100ml warm distilled/ pre-boiled water
  • 1 Nasal spray bottle.


Combine all ingredients, shake until mixture is cloudy (oil and water need to mix this way)

Pour into nasal spray bottle and prime the spray.

Dosage and Preparation:

1 spray per nostril in the morning and evening, DO NOT inhale or sniff, you want it on the polyps not down your throat, if the bottle has been standing for a while the coconut oil will start separating, war the bottle in a cup of hot water for 5mins then shake until cloudy before use.


It burns like hell fire for 60 seconds, DO NOT sneeze or sniff during this time. Make sure all equipment, containers and utensils are 100% sterile. DO NOT use tap water, distilled or boiled water that has cooled ONLY. Please keep it organic, tea tree oil, coconut oil and ACV usually are organic, don't assume, CHECK.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Milvie (Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur Philippines) on 03/08/2018

Thank you for sharing your ACV to cure nasal polyps...I have mine ..and I think I follow your way of curing nasal polyps.

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Raj (United Arab Emirates) on 02/27/2018

Dear Manpan, I have started doing breathing pranayama exercises too, please can you share exactly which exercises did you do to cure your polyps and what routine did you follow? Many Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/22/2018

Dear Raj,

I am sorry to hear of the return of the polyps but it sounds like you are taking prompt action and I am hopeful that you will get this resolved quickly!

I have high hopes for essiac. It seems to help so many things.

Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissue. It seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach.

I do not know about the basil leaves for polyps. I have heard of inhaling basil fumes for migraines. And I love basil. I would love to hear if this helps you.

Do you have allergies that flare up and may aggravate this? Nettle tea may be useful if these other things you are doing do not prove to be effective.

Thank you for asking - I am doing well!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Raj (United Arab Emirates) on 02/21/2018 17 posts

Dear Mama to Many,

Good afternoon, trust my email finds you well. Been a while since we last chatted in Sept.

Its been a good 4-5 months up until now. The polyps have started to cause issues again. Although this time thankfully the mucosal thickening isn't there but there is congestion like its waiting to be released. There has been anosmia again since 8 days now, just traces of smell in between. Ive restarted the castor oil and TTO oil mix for over 8 days now but waiting for it to fully show results.

Ive ordered for essiac tea as well, and will be hunting for dandelion leaves too as ive read that it can really help with polyps. Read that green tea also helps to shrink them and have started that too. Whats your view on basil leaves? And can basil oil with steam inhalation help? I didnt call for serrapeptase yet but dont know much about it too. Is it a natural remedy Mama to Many?

Any suggestions from your side? Really tired of just surfing for information on this condition, need to cure it now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Klaas (The Netherlands) on 02/13/2018

Hello, my therapy (composed by myself) is in the morning nose flushing with a bottle of warm water and 1,5 teaspoon ACV. In the afternoon nose flushing with special nasal rinse salt. Later in the afternoon fluticason drops on the ENT-doctor his prescription.

I notice that I have less snot in my nose. And I believe the theory that this ACV attacks bacteria, one of the responsible causes (or the only cause). Now I can't find a clear therapy on the web about the frequency (how many flushes or cleaning with Q-tip?) and necessary period of use (how many days? weeks?).

- Are the complaints completely gone after you used ACV? I mean no chronically inflamed nose.

- If yes, for which period did you used the ACV-cleaning?

- Did they came back after stopping ACV-cleaning?

It would be very nice if you tell me your story, it can be useful for me and other persons who try this method and need improvement in their nose condition and hereby overall health.

Regards from the Netherlands, Klaas

Carrot and Black Grape Juice, Coffee
Posted by Priscilla (Nv) on 12/05/2017

Are you serious, I have been living with them off and on for 12 years, have had 3 surgeries, but they have returned. I have been trying teatree/melaluca essential oil, apple cider vinegar, but nothing is shrinking the polyps. I would like to try your remedy, but my stomach can be sensitive to coffee after a couple days I start to get a lot of heart burn. Is black grape juice the same as purple grape juice? I hope it works!

Posted by Tom (Sebring, Florida) on 11/24/2017

I'd had two surgeries and was scheduled for another. I had tried all kinds of home remedies, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, I had resorted to pulling them out myself with hemostats, not recommended. A gal at the local heath food store said she used serrapeptase for cysts on her ovaries and suggested I try it. I did and within a month I could breath through my nose after suffering for decades. I shared this with my physician and he was not interested at all, just said if it worked keep using it. I whole heartedly recommend it!

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Don M. (Nm) on 11/15/2017

What kind of drops?

Carrot and Black Grape Juice, Coffee
Posted by Joule (Denpasar, Bali Indonesia) on 11/08/2017

Hi everyone there!

I have got sinus polyps in my nose almost 4 years two of both in my nose. At first, I tried coconut oil mix with tea tree oil. And after 1 weeks I felt its good. But they are came back again. And I hear from my grandfather, he told me to drink carrot and black grapes juice, and black coffee without sugar.

I mixed carrot and black grapes juice and I drink, after two minutes, I drink black coffee without sugar. In one week, I felling better and sleep better. I watting in three weeks and my sinus polyps gone completely. And now I feel free sinus polyps for one year. Thanks.


Joule Yon

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus) on 10/28/2017

Pnokeo from Bahamas, sorry for the late response but polyps and asthma do often occur together. I believe the cause for both are yeast infections. However, your "large polyp higher up" may not be a polyp and instead be a prolapse in your nasal cavity. A prolapse will also cause breathing and smell issues. Refer to your doctor for that possibility.

William from AZ, you are spot on, sugar is an addictive drug.

Meredith from MA, there is a 4th option, which is cut out sugar. But the medical cartel will not tell you to do that or how to do that.

Debbie from Dorset, it is probably easier for a smoker to quit smoking than for a sweet toothed person to quit sugar. You need to possess a massive amount of perseverance. Starting from breakfast, monitor your food items to be under 10% carbs per volume per each and go further into the day as you progress. For breakfast, I choose from example items such as avocado with flaxseed oil, soft boiled eggs - salted, spinach leaves and oven baked bacon. When you can string one month together, the polyps will disappear. After that happens, keep it going for another month and then monitor your food items to be under 10% carbs for any one meal. You can eat meat and potatoes again one day and in the interim, to appease the sweet tooth, strawberries and cream do qualify. All the best.

PS My email address posted 08/25/2012 has been cancelled.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Debbie (Dorset) on 10/28/2017

I've suffered with this for soooo long. The word suffer actually does not describe how awful it's been. I have the worst sweet tooth so it's going to be super difficult but it actually makes 100% sense. I've tested positive for mould allergy which I believe is all linked.

I am unable to breathe at all through my nose, I have visible polyps in each nostril and awful pressure in my sinuses, my ears are always blocked and I have had no sense of smell or taste for more years than I care to remember. It's truly miserable and embarrassing!

I'm doing this TODAY!

Posted by Dexta (Adelaide, South Australia) on 10/17/2017

Hi all...been suffering nasal polyps for 2 years or more...tried every trick in the book to cure them....Ive had steriods twice and put every known home remedy up my nose to no avail....after losing faith In doctors I finally decided to change my diet...I felt I was at the end of my rope...depressed, couldn't breath through my nose...couldnt taste and I was physically and mentally what was there to lose...I bought a juicer and went on a 10 day fruit and vegetable juice diet...after 10 days I reintroduced solid fruit back into my diet and slowly began to clear my nose...on day 15 I tasted food again for the first time in 2 years....I cut out all processed food and sugar while on the weeks later my smell is fully back along with my taste...the moral of my story is dont concentrate on curing the symptom by puting anything up your nose....find the cause, in my case it was all about what I was puting in mouth....the bonus was I lost 7kg as may not work for everyone but in my opinion its worth a my case the culprit was mostly sugar...I feel fantastic...lots of energy and food taste soooo good...if I can help just one person to rid themselves of this debilitating curse then my job is done...good luck

Castor Oil
Posted by Sharon (Singapore) on 10/17/2017

David, Joule

Thanks for sharing. I have been diagnosed with small polyps blocking the air way to my smell sensors. I would like to try castor oil

I would like to know if there is a certain grade for the drops to be used in the nasal area.

Will any of the cold pressed castor oil sold in general store work?
