First, there is an underlying congestion problem caused by any number of factors ranging from environment to diet. One nurse once told me that she had observed a correspondence between those who had chronic congestion and those who had a particular blood type and she believed the blood type produced a thicker mucus.
Second, those who suffer with such congestion will correspondingly be most likely to find an infection developing in the sinus cavity... because it is inflamed and as such an infection can more readily grow there.
Third, the infections in such people tend to be cronic and hence the cronic infection will produce the polyps that is housing either, virus, fungus or bacteria or a combination of the three. The variability of such a mix is the reason why polyps are of a variety and "behave" differently, some spreading.
Fourth, a partial solution: As to the underlying congestion issue (see the item "First" above) I have no suggestion but as to the consequential result of infection (see item "Second" above) we can aleviate the infection easily. By using on a regular basis "collodial silver" to knock out the "oft occuring" infections we can keep the sinus cleared of the congestion, postnasal drip and running nose because those three are the by- products of the infection. The polyps will not grow or will die off with constant irrigation of a silver solution.
I use silver in my sinus cavity when ever I feel any sign of post nasal drip or runny nose; sign of a cold; congestion like a stuffy nose. I use an ear syringe to squirt the colloidal silver (gently) into my sinus cavity and there will be a stinging on the dominately infected side.
The reason some people get results from Tea Tree Oil is that TTO is an anti viral and anti biotic and anti fungal. I do not think it is nearly as effective as colloidal silver and TTO can have some side effects as enumerated in preceeding posts.
I make my own colloidal silver, a very simple process.
So in conclusion: An underlying congestive sinus is caused by any number of reasons but the real problem is the consequential infection of the cronically thick mucus passages. If the infections linger, polyps will develop. Thus, one must irrigate the sinus passages with colloidal silver to eliminate the secondary effect... cronic infection which is causative of the polyps.
Pranayama Breathing
I struggled to breathe through my right nostril at all - I used nasal sprays and sometimes steam to get rid of any mucus causing nasal congestion in my nose and then to soothe the inflammation caused by polyps. Gradually I was able to get enough out that I could more effectively use pranamya to breathe through the nostril and now a significant amount is gone. I still use nasal spray as needed - it helps reduce inflammation - note: when I sneeze I find it easy to exhale and the polyps come to the surface with liquid from spray also coming out my nose.
My ENT specialist says situation in my case is not bad enough to undergo surgery I can just keep doing pranamya and using spray as needed. I was also given a spray to lubricate my blocked ear and that has also helped. At first my nose and ear were so blocked that even when there's no liquid stuck in the ear if I tried gently using a cotton swab to clean excess earwax the cotton would get stuck in the ear. Not anymore I can safely put a cotton swab in my ear to remove earwax and pull it out.
When the ear was too blocked for a cotton swab I used an earwax removal liquid product my doctor recommended for loosening the wax in the ear. I've heard some say its not a good idea anyway to use cotton swabs no matter how careful you are. I'll probably just start using such sprays in my ear to reduce the earwax regularly now even when ear is completely opened.
I don't know how or why when polyps develop it occurs in one nostril instead of another - for me as noted it was the right nostril but have had great relief with this approach. Also to help sleep at night I use a Vicks like solution that can be put in the nose to provide temporary relief to help breathe through your nose.
Also recently to help reduce the chance of nasal infection and clean the insides of my nose I use a nasal saline spray - that is non-medicated but according to the bottle is pediatrician recommended. One can look up on the Internet instructions to make their own home made nasal saline sprays using water and non iodized salt - iodized salt tends to cause more irritation in the nose. The nasal saline spray I have is a sample bottle that was purchased (I don't remember where) so its not a home made solution.
I hope this helps.

Anti-Candida Diet
I agree the candida diet works a treat for nose polyps. I think that candida is an imbalance in my body. The two times I have felt best has been when I have been on herbal treatment from Chinese or Ayurvedic (indian) doctors for over 3 months. This has been relatively cheat £30/month, if you do not take the physical treatments which I cannot afford. In india it is much cheaper just locate a busy ayuveda pharmacy and ask the doctor or pharmacist. Everyone is different so treatments are different.
After 3 months I feel cured but it always comes back after a while this time I am going to keep going till I have finally found a cure/cause of my debility.
Sinus Papilloma
Hope this helps somebody!
Ginger Tea
Homeopathic Remedies
Alkaline Diet
I've tried everything else, including fresh water ray oil, acupunture, Sinus Wars homeopathic remedy, various natural cold remedies, antihisthamies, all kinds of antibiotics -- you name it. There are only two things that work, and both temporarily: corticosteroids and a draconian alkaline diet. I think you all know about steroids; in high doses they work like a dream, but the polyps come back after a few weeks and, at least for me, the sprays don't work.
However, the diet I did was near miraculous. I was actually not even thinking about the polyps, but just wanted to do a near fasting diet for a week or so. I eliminated coffee, alcohol, dairy products, meat and anything else that causes mucus, and lived basicically on a few nuts, water and raw vegetables for a week. Suddenly everything cleared up and I felt like new and could smell and taste again. Even my ears, which I hadn't realized were partially blocked because of the sinusitis caused by the polyps, were suddenly free. Unfortunately after I started adding back some cooked foods (although still totall vegan) the polyps returned and I lost my sense of smell again. At least I lost 7 kilos in less that a month.
So if you are really frustrated and have some self control, try a fast or near fast and eliminate all acidic foods.
Castor Oil
In the last 2 months I have been using hydrogen peroxide of 3% internally starting with 3 drops and going up to 10 to 15 drops per day in boiled water. Because of healing crisis I have taken it on and off, and some days I have just forgotten to take it. My nose is now clear and I need to carry on for about 2 more months (three months is sugessted) in Healing with whole foods.... Paul Pitchford. From what I have read H Peroxide rather than a cure it is a natural imunity booster. Please read for more guidelines and other uses.
There are books also and loads of info on the internet.
For more guidelines and other uses. It is great for the skin. Read about side effects it is important and it is better to get the food grade(amazon ebay ect. ) and dilute if necessary with ditilled/purified water.
I think the way forward is to do this and then try to stick to a diet which keeps me healthy.
In Ayurvedic medicine they recommend the following CEPHAGRAINE drops recomend these things. (I find it very hard to keep to the diet) but it keeps the polyps from growing.
Early to bed is very useful.
1) Consumption of turmeric, garlic, ginger and black pepper is recommended for these patients.
2) Prefer bland diet
Dont 's
1) Avoid fried and spicy food recipes.
2) Avoid food items, which cause indigestion and constipation.
3) Avoid exposure to excessive heat, cold and rain.
4) Avoid daytime sleeping and spending sleepless night.
5) Avoid curd, bananas and dried things. (Sinusitis)
6) Avoid drinking cold water and ice cream. (Sinusitis)
7) Avoid exposure to rain, excessive cold wind, smoke and dust. (Sinusitis)
8) Avoid irregular dietary habits. (Sinusitis)
9) Avoid daytime sleeping. (Sinusitis)
There are a few books about taking HP also and loads of info on the internet.
email me; colin_holford(at)hotmail.com
Only take It when you are sure. HP occurs naturally in rain water
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Castor Oil
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Multiple Remedies
First there is the diet. After being gluten free for several years and more recently elliminating processed sugars and dairy, I have adopted a Paleo diet that is beginning to take in principles of the Specific Carb Diet and even GAPS. Please Google especially the last two to find out more information about these things. Going grain-free and adopting a strict whole-foods diet (no 'organic' frozen pre-packaged foods) began to make a huge difference in how I felt overall. It has not cured my sinus issues, but it has supplied me with energy and vitality I otherwise lacked. It has elliminated most of the brain-fog I had for years with chronic sinusitis, and I have the energy to keep up with regular exercise, work, and school. It has also balanced out the bloating and wieght gain I've experienced being on low-dose nasal and lung steroids. Recent emphasis on rebuilding the gut using L-glutamine, therepeutic strength pro-biotics, home-made bone broths, and fermented vegetables has also increased this overall vitality. According to GAPS dieters, there is strong hope for being able to eventually tolerate the foods I developed sudden allergies and intolerances to (dairy, alcohol, almonds, grains) but for now I strictly avoid all of those things.
Next, there is the direct attack to the polyps and sinus infections. Twice a day to a half-filled neti pot, I put in 1/4 tsp salt, a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of concentrated Grape Seed Extract, and a few drops of Goldenseal. Since one nostril is completely blocked by visible nasal polyps, I simply soak what I can for a few minutes instead of passing the water from one sice to the other, as that's pretty impossible for me at the moment. In the other nostril, I can get the water far enough back that it runs into my throat. I let that happen a little bit, but otherwise, try to hold it in as it can be a bit intense with all the oils and instead just soak the area. When I'm done with the neti pot, I apply a few drops of Neem Oil into each nostril and suck back what I can. Neem oil is not only an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial, but it is also a strong tonifyer to the mucous membranes, like Goldenseal as well. I aim to balance the bacterial-fighting properties of waht I use with some tonifying properties to help rebuild damaged tissues. Every once and a while, I dab a qtip into coconut oil and tea tree oil and pply it directly to the visible polyps and surrounding tissues.
In the two weeks I've been doing that particular regimine, I've experienced visible shrinking of the polyps and of the surrounding facial swelling. I've reduced my usage of my prescription nasal steroid to once a day and might aim to slowly elliminate it to allow my immune system to properly function in my nose for further assistance. My stuffiness has come in and out- I believe that as the polyps shrink, a TON of trapped mucous is being released. Every once and a while, I almost literally scrape out (with a qtip) thick chunks of bright colored mucous, which I could see easily getting trapped with the polyps and feeding their inflammation. Also, as larger polyps shrink, I imagine they leave room for the medicine to finally start reaching other hidden polyps for healing, so I am not expecting overnight results.
I have some days where I can nearly smell in one nostril, and where the airflow is so clear that I forget my struggles. Congestion and inflammation always returns, but it comes in and out. On stuffier days, my neti pot regimine almost always brings instant relief, de-inflammation, and sinus draining.
FWIW, I've also been committed to weekly acupuncture treatments and taking Bi Yan Pian, a chinese medicine complex you can find on amazon at great prices. For chronic conditions, this sort of treatment can take a long time to start showing their effects, but I believe in their support. I have a community acupuncture place that I attend with sliding scale fees.
Most days, I also have a cup of ACV 'tea' sweetened with stevia and occasionally spiced with cayenne pepper. I regularly drink dandelion tea, tulsi tea, nettle tea, and also take spirulina and chlorella supplements, all for their blood-cleansing immune supporting properties.
After reading things here, I'm going to experiment with adding Castor oil to my regimine, directly into my sinus and as a pack on my liver. But so far I feel really good about what I have going and think it'll take some time to measure my results drastically. The relief I've received so far is incredible.
I do the following self help. Nasal douching, made of warm water and a teaspoon of sea salt. As I pour into one side of my nose, I also sniff it right back into my throat. Then spit it out. That really helps and I've never had a single cold in the last two years. I do this as often as needed. I have so many polyps I have to take steroid drops, but by douching have cut that down to under half the frequency.
I do yoga every day, the inverted positions are invaluable and I eat a diet of 80% fruit and veg. This is a good anti inflammatory diet.
I'm having surgery in two weeks and feel very confident, that once gone, I will keep my nose free of nasties providing I keep up the diet, douching and yoga.
Eliminate Sugar
Eliminate Sugar
After reading the posts on this forum I understand the problems that arise with yeast and carbs but with my job (winter sports salesperson and photographer) and my love of sports it will be almost impossible to eliminate sugar, carbs and yeast from my diet. Sugar is enough! I am going to buy a product called ______. This is supposed to irradicate all polyps and the reviews look great from people who have tried it.
Brian - thanks for the help with your posts. I have now lost about a stone with the no sugar diet ;)
I will keep you posted with any results with ____. Its not a natural cure but I'm fed up.
Eliminate Sugar
The cure is free. It doesn't come in a bottle there are no magic potions, lotions or sprays and operations are a useless waste of time and money. All you need to do is swap the energy source you get from carbs and go high on protein at the same time. My absolute recommended low carb limit is 10% of product and there are no limits on protein bacon and eggs, all meat products, beef, lamb, poultry and fish- the diet of our paleo ancestors. Generally, serve with above ground and not below ground veggies (potatatoes & parsnip are the worst) but also avoiding corn, nuts and fruit.
To appease the sweet tooth, surprisingly, strawberries and cream are okay. It's the sweet tooth that gets one into this mess so it's denying the sweet tooth that is the only way out. From experience, the yearn for sugar does subside in due course. And also, if one is a Vegan, sorry to have to say it but you may never find a cure.
What I said to the doctor is this. Low carb, high protein. The problem is a yeast infection of the nose. The yeast feed on sugar in the diet and produce ethanol (read alcohol, which causes brain-fog) as well as compromising the thyroid which compromises Vit D levels and in turn compromises the immune system which is supposed to control the alien yeast infection. The immune system desperately needs help and the only way to do that is to reduce carbs in the diet, reduce the ethanol, unconfuse the the thyroid, boost the Vit D, boost the immune system response and win the battle. All for free just by changing the carbs intake to less than 10% of product and go high on protein to maintain energy and weight levels. And it takes about a month to get there if you don't cheat. Cheers :)
I am still on my no sugar diet but have reintroduced carbs as I realised that I was becoming so weak that I could not think properly. I am on my forth week of the no sugar diet and still no results. I DID however get my smell back for about 2 hours in the evening on Saturday 1st September and it was sensational! But it went as soon as it came, pretty much. I am using my Micromist still three times daily. No sugar is a killer as I crave sweet things but I guess it's healthier and good for my teeth. So when my dentist asks me how I got such amazing teeth my answer will be "polyps" ;)
If this diet does not work after 1 month then i'm going to try something called 'Sinus Wars 13'. It's supposed to be a cure at about £70 a bottle. It's not a natural cure like the no sugar diet, but i'm desperate. I hate this condition.
I will keep y'all posted. Thanks.
Sinus Papilloma
God bless you! Ingrid
Eliminate Sugar
NO smell and still blocked up all the time atm. I am also trying tea tree oil (please still my posts above referring to tea tree oil). Peace.
Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract
Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract
Multiple Remedies
Get a food allergen blood test from such places as your medical nutritionist or naturopath. Do an elmination diet. Pick the five top culprits/suspects to start with.
Go on an anti candida diet and also try caprylic acid.
Eat extra virgin hexane free coconut oil. Nilstat liquid for your mouth to gargle and swallow and get nilstat tablets from your doctor. Also try oregano oil or herb tablets. Cook with it it is great with meat. Wonderful herb.
Hope these few suggestions help. Using a salt and bicarbonate soda filled neti pot can help but drain your sinus later and dry it by blowing gently.
Also, I was wondering whether you made any dietary or lifestyle changes apart from the Lecithin and Gingko? Have you ever had allergy testing done to assess whether your allergies are food-related or environmental-related (dust, pollen, animals, etc.)?
Eliminate Sugar
Eliminate Sugar
I will stay the course and hope to get my sense of smell back soon-I will let you know when it does!
Eliminate Sugar
Apart from cheating by offset, I would urge no other cheating until you are nose breathing 100% of the time, especially sleep time. Cheating just throws the yeast infection a sugar coated life jacket to hang on longer. Then when feeling confident, gradually reintroduce slightly higher carbs and some cheat times, but be prepared to back off immediately if any symptoms recur and try again later. Good luck and would love to hear that you can smell the roses again before the Summer is over.
I decided to try again with gluten/dairy free and this time I also eliminated sugar. It's been 4 weeks and again symptoms are better but still no sense of smell.
Are everyone else's polyps in their nose? Mine are not, they are higher up in my sinuses. (I have always been able to breathe through my nose) I wonder if nasal polyp location makes a difference?
Also, if you have eaten anything with sugar do the polyps immediately return, or can you "cheat" on occasion and still be okay?
I plan to continue this diet through the summer and hope for the best. Would love to hear more feedback from those of you who have been successful with eliminating sugar.
Recently I started taking Lecithin (2 1200 MG softgel caps) and Ginko Biloba (2 120 MG Caps) along with my daily vitamins. After about 2 weeks of this I started to detect odors. Now, not having smelled for 15 years I had no idea what I was smelling, but the fact that I could smell SOMETHING was great. About another 2 weeks and I caould breathe easily through my nose and I could smell all sorts of things. I had forgotten the joys of smelling freshly brewed coffee, chocolate chip cookies baking, and my wife's perfume.
I believe the Lecithin is the major player in my success. Lecithin, from what I've learned about it, is an emulsifier; it dissolves things and keeps them suspended in another liquid. This allows you to get rid of the waste products in your system rather than letting them collect in your body. The Lecithin has also helped lower my cholesterol and improve my cardiac health in general.
Take this for what it's worth. It worked for me and it is a cheap and painless alternative to some of the other treatments I've seen. I would love to see a clinical study on this, but whose going to do that when there is no drug to be marketed once the study is complete.
Eliminate Sugar
On 30 April 2012 I went off sugar completely and within 6 weeks, I had stopped mouth-breathing. My sense of smell came back gradually and is only getting better day by day. I can taste my food again! It is a gradual process where some days it may look worse especially in the beginning, but like you have mentioned, one must persevere, because it does work.
The other thing that I did was I applied Tea Tree Oil directly to my polyps with ear-buds for about a week. I believe Tea tree oil is a strong anti-fungal and many people have recommended it here too. My thinking was that if there was any surface fungal growth, that would be taken care of by the Oil.
I have also noted your additional point about reducing carbohydrates too, and I am in agreement and will put it into action.
Thanks Brian. People, this really works!
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Since my theory in the cause of my nasal polyps has been that they were caused by food (I had them year round and in all locations where I travel so any dust, exposure to bedbugs or pets never seemed to be making it any worse) - I figured it was probably food. Recently, I changed my diet to cut out coffee, sugar, salts, wheat, alcohol (like the rest who have stated on here, alcohol is an instant trigger). I had run out of foods to eat... But, it did appear to not be getting any worse. I was due for another surgery and I really wanted a natural cure, but still wanted to eat what I wanted and to be able to breathe through my nose (something I haven't been able to do for years! ).
1 month ago I tried a 'gentle, all-natural fiber supplement with probiotics and enzymes' - as it says on the label. Reasonably priced at under $10 per bottle for 150 capsules taking 6 per day. And OMG, joy of all time joy - my polyps are shrinking and I am able to blow my nose and even breathe out of both nostrils!!! To all of you who have given up on ever finding a long term solution, please try this out (not sure if similar items will work as well, since I had success with this one I have not tried anything else).
I had longed to find something that will work for so many years now and this is shrinking the polyps. I am back to eating almost normally - I still stay away from alcohol. The polyps are not gone but they no longer protrude down my nostrils. No surgery for me now. I will update here again with progress. I pray for all of your speedy recoveries from this relentless suffering. Best wishes.
I belive that candida is a big cause, I read extensively about that. Working on it and hoping for the best. yoga seems to be helping as well.
I have a DEEPER question to you all. I wonder why this happened to us? I mean other than the symptoms and similar stories what else do we share? Here are my questions.
- Do you live in a big and polluted city?
- Do you have a stressful life in general?
- Are you a contented person in general?
- Have you had seet tooth all your life?
Please let me know.
All the best
The most successful anti fungal/anti polyp diet should consist of nothing but lean meat, eggs, nuts and low carb vegetables (luckily I love steak or lamb chops & 3 veg, beef & veg stews, mince meat recipes, almonds, strawberries & cream and for breakfast, bacon & eggs alternated with avocado & yoghurt). No other fruit except tomatoes. No cheese. Also limit caffeine which prompts the liver to dump large doses of sugar into the blood stream. I will admit I do eat wholemeal bread at 37% carbs as toast under the bacon & eggs and also for a work lunch sandwich but I offset the bread with low carb fillings so the total carbs in the meal itself is under 10%.
I don't believe this is a lifelong sentence and at a guess may need between 4-6 months before safely reintroducing sugary products again but by then, the yearn for sugar (read poison) has hopefully diminished anyway.
Thank you for the Yea!
Eliminate Sugar
Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract
Eliminate Sugar
You are quite right. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation it converts a cholesterol derivative in the skin into calciferol, or vitamin D3. The calciferol travels in the blood to the liver where it undergoes a first conversion and then on to the kidneys for a second conversion into calcitriol. Calcitriol is the biologically active form of Vitamin D. However, the link with the thyroid is that the conversion in the kidneys is promoted by a hormone released by the thyroid.
My theory is, when the thyroid receptors are confused by ethanol into thinking there is enough vitamin D in the body, then the thyroid shuts down the release of the hormone which is needed by the kidneys to enable the second stage conversion, which then results in a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system. My theory included affecting the ability of the Eosinophils to battle the fungi residing in the nose - in a weakened state, they accidentally irritate the nasal lining instead, which then causes the polyps to form which then causes the breathing difficulties.
I theorised that the weakest link in this eternal loop of misery was to reduce the ethanol produced by the fungi by reducing sugar in the diet. This would not only starve the fungi but also un-confuse the thyroid, get vitamin D production going again to boost the immune system and thereby give more grunt to the Eosinophils to do their job properly and provide the knock-out blow to them.
I'll now take this opportunity to make an important alteration to my theory and therefore the diet strategy, that being in every post I have made so far:
About 5 weeks ago I had nasal polyps reform with a vengeance, worse than ever before. I was eating low sugar foods but they were high in total carbohydrates. Remembering what Carly from Seattle said, I took her clue and went to the next level and limited the foods in my diet to Total Carbohydrates of 10% of Volume. The body does need carbohydrates for energy, I'm not saying go to zero level, just back them off. I can only guess that being deprived of simple sugars, my body got more efficient at metabolising the sugars in the more complex carbohydrates, the starches.
So out went the pizza, potatoes, oven baked chips and crumbed fish. The fungal die off stage was the worst ever this time - sniffling, snortling and nose blowing 24/7 for about 2 weeks. I persevered through it all, staying with the revised theory and then suddenly in the space of 48 hours, almost miraculously, I went from full blown symptoms to absolutely no symptoms at all.
The result the third time is the same as my first two efforts with simple sugars, cured again. The polyps have either gone or shrunk away and I am breathing free and easy again. Life is so much better without them and I'm not about to invite them back soon - I'll stay with the 10% carbs plan instead.
Eliminate Sugar
Multiple Remedies
So people mint oil! MINT OIL! Since yesterday since the second one came out I can acctually breath like I can not remember when was the last time I was breathing like that. I have to say I was also doing some pranayama exercises, trying to breath strong thru both of my nostrils... So I was now completely shocked, first of all I had no idea I had these monsters inside and second of all I can not belive my nose is finally free, and it doesn´t look so swollen any more, and I am happy these things are not inside anymore. So I recomend mint oil.! Be patient. but after one week make a little pause so that the skin can regenerate
p.s. my foreheadskin I must say was a bit peeling after a few days but it helped!
Multiple Remedies
So people mint oil! MINT OIL! Since yesterday since the second one came out I can acctually breath like I can not remember when was the last time I was breathing like that. I have to say I was also doing some pranayama exercises, trying to breath strong thru both of my nostrils... So I was now completely shocked, first of all I had no idea I had these monsters inside and second of all I can not belive my nose is finally free, and it doesn´t look so swollen any more, and I am happy these things are not inside anymore. So I recomend mint oil.! Be patient. but after one week make a little pause so that the skin can regenerate
p.s. my forehead skin I must say was a bit peeling after a few days but it helped!
Dietary Changes
Castor Oil
Eliminate Sugar
3) Vitamin D may well be a critical factor. Good sources are eggs and fish which are definitely on the menu, or there are supplements, but the best source is sunlight, which is free. Vitamin D deficiency can be determined with a simple blood test but regardless of that result, try to get 5 to 10 minutes of direct sunlight on as much of your body as you can without sunscreen lotion (and without offending the neighbours :) about twice a week. (My theory includes Vitamin D boosting the immune system to provide the knock out blow to the fungi.)
Dietary Changes
The good news is that whereas there are drugs (complete with a range of likely side-effects) to inhibit VEGF, there are scientifically known and accepted lists of foods (and some herbs and supplements) which work as well or better, minus the side-effects. Do a search for "Dr. William Li's list of naturally anti-angiogenic foods". Also, go to PubMed and do a search for "Herbs that specifically inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor and have direct activity against angiogenesis".
I am very hopeful now of slow but steady progress toward being rid of these pesky polyps. If results take months, so what?
Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy some green tea, dark chocolate, red wine, and a bunch of delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables - especially in "green smoothies".
I will update you on any significant improvements in my condition (and the polyps have been _bad_ in recent months).
Eliminate Sugar
1) Besides the sugar content displayed on packaged foods, if you google or search 'nutrition data' you will find a site (no affiliations, not even a member) with all the sugar content of natural foods. Don't eat any fruit or natural food with more than 5% sugar content of total weight and the curing occurs.
2) The condition worsens initially and you may think this is a wasted effort, but please persevere. As the nasal polyps shrink and the passages to the sinuses reopen, there is a lot of trapped gunk up there that finally comes out. Take this as a positive sign of healing in action, it will soon pass.
In about 4 weeks time, it would be great to hear about your progress.
Eliminate Sugar
Castor Oil
After extensive research, I started applying castor oil drops 'inside' my nostrils each night before bed. I use about 3-4 drops in the nostrils. Within the week, my polyps have shrunk so much I can no longer see them when looking up my nostrils with a mirror! I can breath out of both nostrils now!
I'm also noticing that my sense of smell is slowly starting to return. I'll continue this regimen until I can completely get my sense of smell back so hopefully by May/June of 2012 I'll be 100% again. :)