Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Sinus Polyps: Reduce Inflammation and Congestion

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Castor Oil, Steaming, Neti Pot
Posted by Marilyn (Canada) on 04/18/2016

I am very happy to report that my nasal polyps have not become a problem since using castor oil.

In the morning I steam my sinuses, then I use the neti pot with 1/4 tsp salt and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar to one cup distilled water (warm).

The AC vinegar stops all bacteria growth (sinus infection) In the evening I steam again and put 2 drops of castor oil in each nostril when I go to bed.

I used a rinse (cortisol) from the doctor for a month to get them down so I could breathe and smell again. Once that was done I have only used the castor oil and apple cider vinegar to keep all infection and polyps at bay for 3 months and running!! I think I'll cancel the MRI scheduled next month in preparation for surgery...don't need it!

Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract
Posted by Carmel (Gooch) on 02/12/2016

I have just had ( 3 weeks ago) to have two upper teeth removed as one was cracked in half and the other had a failed root canal and both teeth were very decayed and were causing abscesses and I had little spots above the teeth that were filled with puss. Since having them removed I have noticed my polyp has disappeared. I also recently had a lot of orange watery liquid coming out of my nose and I felt that my polyp had popped but after reading your comment it might have been connected to my decaying teeth.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by William (Scottsdale Az) on 02/04/2016

Sugar fits the proper definition of a schedule one drug. Think about it. Does great harm, extremely addictive (if you don't think so just try eliminating it completely from your diet if that is even possible?), has no medicinal value (please do not include baby laxatives or getting baby to drink more water because that is a certain method of addicting babies and children and yes even if used sparingly and better methods should be employed). Does that about cover it?

Dietary Changes, Probiotics and NAC
Posted by Lucy B (Sofia) on 01/25/2016

Polyps appear if you have candida overgrowth in your intestinal tract. Candida likes sugar - fruits, grains, alcohol, ect. You need to kills the candida in order to get rid of the polyps.

I just started an anti-candida program and hope it's going to work for me. I have polyps for 15 years - surgeries, steroids, fasting and what not..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cathy (Tennessee) on 01/12/2016

how can you inhale if the nasal polyps are blocking your nostrils

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Joe (Australia) on 09/15/2015

Hi Oliver and everyone,

Oliver, it seems very good advice you give here. Doesn't seem to be missing much. Do you follow a low fat diet? I am thinking a no oil, no fat, no dairy diet might be good at least until healed. This means especially no meat, which has saturated fat.

anti-inflammatory omega 3 and antioxidants

boost nitirc oxide levels..spinach and beetroot

Just some further ideas to try.

I burst polyps after no fat vegetarian diet and it took one week.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dante (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/08/2015

I am strongly leaning on the diet solution, though I can't wait for it to take effect. I will be getting the operation and then change my diet life style. I watched Dr. Berg's video on youtube on "what causes tumors, polyps, and moles and pimples." Check him out.

Ketogenic Diet, Supplements
Posted by Abra (Ne, Ohio) on 09/07/2015

I'm so glad I found this site! Like many of you I was desperate to find some relief from chronic sinus polyps and infections. Special thanks to Brian of So. Australia for the low carb diet posts and Bryan of Houston for the lecithin suggestion. Your posts really helped me with my sinus problems and started the healing.

My background: I've had Samter's triad (nasal polyps, asthma, and aspirin/salicylate sensitivity) and many allergies for most of my life. I've had several sinus surgeries, chronic sinus infections, polyps deep within my sinus cavities, total loss of the sense of smell, and round after round of antibiotics and steroids to clear up severe sinus infections, only to start again with the next serious sinus infection that was always right around the corner.

What worked for me after about 6 weeks:

A ketogenic diet, this is a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. Pretty much the only carbohydrates that are allowed are dark, leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables. To make up for the reduced carb calories, you eat LOTS of delicious fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, butter, bacon, and cream. Library books I found helpful: "Keto Clarity" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind." Google "ketogenic diet" and search on you tube. There is lots of information on this diet pro and con.

All I can say is that it made an amazing difference for me. The daily gallons of mucus just dried up. After several years of not being able to smell any odors at all, I can smell the coffee in the morning and can actually enjoy the taste of food again! Before I found the ketogenic diet, I went the anti-candida and low carb route, but I think it was still too many carbs for me. Low carb never killed the appetite and the carb cravings like the keto diet did. I'm never going back.

At the same time I started the ketogenic diet, I started taking the lecithin and ginkgo biloba supplements suggested by Bryan of Houston. Twice a day I took the following: 1200mg sunflower (non GMO) lecithin and 120mg of the ginkgo biloba extract. I didn't get Bryan's dramatic 2 week results, but my sense of smell is finally back and I'm grateful.

What didn't work for me:

Be gentle with the tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide as both can be a little harsh, so you might want to start with a diluted dose until your sinuses adjust and/or heal. I just use sea salt in a neti pot morning and evening to wash the sinuses. I tried the above, but didn't like the burning feeling and didn't feel any improvement to stick it out. Also, be careful of rinsing out your sinuses and tilting your head back and down to move the rinse deeper into the sinus cavities as it can force the liquid into your eustachian tube.

Hopefully I can get through the winter without a sinus infection?that'll be the real deal :>).

Nasal Polyp Remedies
Posted by Mari (Va) on 08/09/2015

Just found this site.

Was dx w/nasal polyp several weeks ago. I was having nose bleeds and didn't know why, so I went to the ENT who used the endoscope and then sent me for a scan. Left nostril is blocked in back. He Rx steroids, which I cannot take, since I have a reaction to them. He wants to do surgery of course, but I also have a problem w/anesthesia, and he wouldn't do it w/a local. He said they are caused by fungus... he is the same dr who years ago told me that nail fungus, dandruff and candida are caused by the same fungi.

I don't have colds but do have sinus problems often, and for years I have had a problem w/my ears feeling blocked, and not one Dr.has been able to explain fluid behind the ear drum. I have resorted to using hearing aids, but guess what..I don't hear any better w/them than w/o. Till today, I knew of no one else that had that blocked ear feeling, so I am happy to have found this site just to know I am not alone.

I was looking to see if Tea Tree Oil or Colloidal Silver would be a solution, and and happy to see that some of you have tried them and had good results. I also know that when I eat "junk" my sinuses are worse. I love my dairy, and don't really care for the substitute "milks"... have a sensitivity to the casein protein. Even when I gave up coffee and the occasional glass of wine the sinuses did not clear up... so it is back to eating better... someone mentioned eating citrus "acid food" it is not the food being acid that is the problem, it is the "ash" that is created when the food is burned for energy... citrus has alkaline ash.. meats are very acidic...turkey is okay. I will get back on track w/food and try the tea tree oil/CS combo in my little nasal spray bottle.. dislike the Neti pot... feel as if I am drowning when I use it.

Thanks for sharing your comments.. made me feel better that I was on the right track.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 07/31/2015

I wonder if Nattokinase or Serrapeptase would help rid you of your polyp?

Wishing you well!

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Radha (Uk) on 07/31/2015

I lived in the uk for 40 years with a very clear sinus.I moved to live in a tropical island-so call paradise and lived there for 3 years.Well you know living on a tropical island is no fun.The humidity is very high and built up of mould everywhere in the house.There was mould everywhere on the furniture and even on my purse. If there is a rain and wind, then everything in the house get mouldy. You have to take everything from the wardrope and wash them, dry them. At the end of the 3 years, I notice a swelling on my left nostril. I did not know what they were.When I got back to UK at the end of 3 years, I was breathless when I had my flu. Everything was blocked up.I had no sense of smell and I was breathing through my mouth. My dr told me that swelling on my nostril was the beginning of polyps. Drs will tell you they do not know the causes of polyps. Here is a typical scenario of mould and polyps. Drs do not believe in all that. They only believe in surgery. So we sufferers of polyps must stand together and try to fight this evil nasal polyps.Thanks to the internet we might be able to find a cure for the nasal polyps.

Castor Oil
Posted by Nitin (India) on 07/28/2015

Hello, am based in India, can you please let me know which brand/make of castor oil did you use.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus) on 07/26/2015

Marie, both antibiotics and prednisone have no effect on polyps and can actually worsen the condition and cause even more ill health, then surgery is offered for, at best, temporary relief for a few months. The invitation in my post dated 08/25/2012 still stands, it just needs a little deciphering.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Marie (Randolph, Ma) on 07/25/2015

I am fighting nasal polyps anti biotic & predisone I am going to try your method. Sounds very good. I am trying to stay away from surgery but this can drive you crazy was always healthy & the last 8 months miserable glad I found your article.

Castor Oil
Posted by Andrew (Dayton Oh) on 07/03/2015

I used Home Health castor oil-- cold pressed, cold processed, and hexane (poison) free. It has been safe for me.

I mixed one tea spoonful castor oil with 4 oz hot water and drank it before going to bed

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus) on 06/10/2015

Hi Derrick. Yes, I eliminated all sweet fruits, especially bananas, pears and apples. Even today I only consumed fruits with less than 10% carbs by content. That's regardless my nasal polyps disappearing several years ago and have never returned since. The replacement fruits I found have far better nutrition values and offer a greater and healthier variety to choose from.

You are on the right track with the gluten connection, which I hereby formally add to the opening theory, as being the absolute starting point for developing polyps. Dairy intolerance and food allergies are more likely a side effect from the damage caused by gluten. Only buy meat from a reputable butcher who procures product from pasture raised sources. Avoid wheat, barley, rye and all cereal, flour, pastry and pasta products therefrom, whether or not they are organic or GMO. They are all above the 10% carbs limit protocol anyway.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Derrick (Lakeland) on 06/08/2015

I blend a lot of fruit. So did you really eliminate all sweet fruit in your diet? I also heard gluten/dairy causes polyps insome people. I wonder if that's because most dairy comes from cows with bovine growth hormones (causing lactose intolerance?) Unless the wheat is organic, it is GMO wheat. I wonder if that's the reason people get gluten allergies...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jes (Birmingham) on 06/02/2015

How did you take the ACV. dose and how often, etc.

Posted by Elissa (Uk) on 04/23/2015

I I could not breathe through my nose or smell for many years! The suffering was unbelievable. I would never wish it on anyone. My nasal polyps were cured in a few short months by taking Combination Q tissue salts initially by New Era tablets for "Catarrh & sinus disorders". For some strange reason I have never got a straight answer as to why New Era are no longer in business! I searched for many months until I found a small outlet that makes the same tablets. Combination Q consists of four active constituents in equal proportions: ferrous phosphate 6x; kali mur 6x; kali sulph 6x; nat mur 6x. Try homeopathic outlets, they should understand all this! I suffered from years of major nasal polyp growth in both nostrils. My GP sent me down the only route they know: pharmaceutical drugs & surgery! I had several surgeries virtually every year or 2 years until a friend told me what his Dad took for exactly the same thing which cured him. Since my cure I can breathe through my nose and my sense kf smell is fantastic too! No thanks to regular drug pushers ie today's GPs! When I told my old GP about this cure he had no idea of alternative cures! It seems the conventional medical establishment motto is "a patient cured is a customer lost"! It's not in their business interest to cure you! Whenever I feel the polyps growing again I simply take more tablets for a few days until it goes again! Once every few months I may flush both nostrils with pure warm water with a small amount of salt. I Boil water then let it cool. I add about half or 1 teaspoon salt and it works well for me. For the nasal flush I use a dedicated "Sinus Rinse" plastic bottle. It took me many years of suffering to figure out what worked for me. I thought I'd share my experiences with all those suffering. We should seriously be asking why aren't our general practitioners telling us this!?

Posted by Paul (St. Louis) on 04/14/2015

I stumbled on this post in researching this subject because I have just started taking massive doses in addition to lecithin. I believe this can work and already started noticing a help in my breathing. Lecithin contains choline which helps move fat. Vitamin A is a fat soluable vitamin and to function in the body is most likely going to need choline. So I think there is real promise here. I'll know more soon as I keep this up but I have had nasal polyps for years.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Jayan (India) on 03/31/2015

I think Nizar used ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar drops. Hope Nizar clarify.

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by Allgood (NE Georgia) on 01/24/2015

Sinus polyps and infections:

I had sinus problems for many years--3 surgeries--fungal infection etc--finally saw dr donald dennis in atlanta--he always saw polyps until I added provodine iodine 10 percent--10+drops per cup to my saline rinse. My polyps suddenly went away--he now recommends adding potassium iodine to rinses--said he has cured many people--even a friend he had been treating for 10 years--it certainly has turned my life around.

Posted by Carol (Tucson Az Usa) on 01/17/2015

I would try to avoid surgery at all costs. I lost my sense of smell, and therefore taste, of course, about 7 years ago due to sinus polyps. The only time I can smell is when I have to take steroids for an asthma flare, or if there are residual effects from a steroid joint injection. The only time I feel decent is when I'm taking steroids, so I must be a flaming blob of inflammation. I had the surgery about 5 years ago and the polyps came back in full force a depressingly short time later. The ENT doc (whom I equate with a used car salesman now) told me I would have to use steroid drops for the rest of my life. I tried that for a year, but they did nothing so I stopped. They can't reach my sinuses and I can't stand on my head to take them. I'm not sure what exactly is causing them. It's probably mold or allergies. I'm thinking of bracing myself and trying diet. I'm spineless when it comes to sugar, so before I try diet I'm wondering about one of the salt inhalers I've seen that supposedly work wonders for asthma. Has anyone tried that?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Middle Tennessee, US) on 01/17/2015

Have had nasal polyps about 13 years. Have done the nasal steroids and about every remedy in these pages over the years. A few months ago was still in my chronic state of 100% blocked nose on both sides, chronic sinus infection, soaking wads of tissues, sinus headaches etc - you all know! Nose was swollen and fat.

Much better last few months. I have been taking twice daily a rotating and varied mix of a tiny pinch of goldenseal, 1 drop GSE, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop oregano oil, now and then 20 drops myrrh or olive leaf tincture - all of the above to keep infection at bay.

Have been squirting home-made nasal spray (distilled water, xylitol, baking soda, colloidal silver, GSE, 3% h2o2, baby shampoo - all these not measured but in tiny dabs into the distilled water in an empty saline nasal spray bottle), alternating with an oregano oil-based nasal spray I purchased and plain homemade colloidal silver also sprayed in the nostrils. I squirt each of the above in the nose at least once each per day.

Other vital parts of this regimen that have helped greatly:
L-arginine (500mg) once daily.
1000 iu methylcobalamin B12 once daily (in the morning! ).
500mg cordyceps capsule each morning.
5000mcg biotin once daily.
From 2 to 5 drops 2% Lugol's iodine daily, depending on how I feel.
The oral and nasal items in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are to kill/prevent infection.
The arginine boosts nitric oxide, which helps kill infection and seems to assist in opening the sinuses (humming 20 minutes a day also boosts NO).
The methylcobalamin I saw mentioned on a few forums as greatly relieving decades of chronic sinus trouble in many people.
Cordyceps boosts immunity.
Biotin is needed to help the body beat back fungus - whether sinus infection, dandruff, athlete's foot, jock itch, etc.
Iodine helps to improve low thyroid, which is endemic now due to bromine having replaced iodine in American bread, and chlorine and fluorine in the water. Low metabolism is loved by fungus, & 96% of sinus infections are primarily fungal (Mayo Clinic).

One final thing and likely the most important: look up "cured nasal polyps -normal body temperature", then look up Matt Stone and read his e-book "Eat for Heat". The latter worked for me better and faster than iodine alone.
I can smell things for increasing lengths of time every day now! I can even get some air through one or both nostrils for some time every day. My nose looks mostly normal now, and I am using less tissues. It wakes me up, running, much less often.

Good luck to you all, and remember, use your own judgement and discretion on any of these suggestions. Pay attention to how your body responds.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Middle Tennessee, US) on 01/17/2015

Samter's Triad is a salicylate sensitivity. If you avoid not only aspirin etc. but also high-salicylate foods, you may be able to breathe much better. Salicylates in skin-care products may be even worse (wintergreen etc). Alternatively or in addition, you can buy special enzymes to help you digest salicylate-rich foods. Or look up "aspirin de-sensitization".
Best of luck to you, I have nasal polyps too, but not Samter's or I would know how to relieve the problem at least in large part!

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Carol (Tucson, Az, Usa) on 01/17/2015

Nizar, yes, please, what were the drops you used?

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Ro (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/17/2015

Oliver from Paris, this is what I do:

1. I Eat a few leaves of fresh basil before breakfast and before dinner

2. I Do the nasal rinse (cup of warm distilled water, 1 tsp seasalt, 12 drops of bloodroot (herbal), and 12 drops of h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide).

3. I Do the vapor (boil a cup of distilled water and a few or 3 drops of tea tree oil)--inhale vapor for about 1-2 minutes. I close my eyes when I do this. I can feel a burning sensation in my nasal but that's for the polyps so it's good for me.

4. I drink black tea with ginger powder and green tea with natural honey.

5. I increase alkalinity in my body and drink a half cup of warm water with 1/4 tsp citric acid and 1/4 tsp of baking soda (citric acid that I find in herbal section of the market, where I find the ginger powder). Even if I eat acidic food, I'm ok.

6. I drink half cup of fresh coconut milk (or almond milk)--warm and then add half tsp of turmeric powder.

7. I make smoothie everyday that covers most of the foods that are effective for my polyps (dandelion, broccoli, spinach, berries, apple and brazil nuts). If I don't find brazil nuts, I take selenium.

8. I take zinc which I get from a vitamin shop or healthfood market

9. I started taking Pulsatilla pellets 200c (herbal-windflower) which I get from a healthfood market and take 3 pellets 3 times a day. I will do this for about 10-15 days and see if it's effective. This is good for my nasal discharge. I may continue to use it if needed.

10. I take Vitamin C if I don't have enough citrus for the day. I also take Vitamin E. My smoothie covers most of my Vitamin A so I don't take this anymore.

I feel good now, can breath and just have a little nasal discharge. I also feel healthy and more energetic.

RR from Northridge

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lora (Texas, US) on 01/15/2015

Does inhaling the apple cider vinegar boil help the polyps as well?

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Mary (Australia) on 01/14/2015

Hi Nizar.

You didn't mention what drops you put in your nose. Can you please tell me. And also tell me if you could smell before you had used the drops? I've lost my sense of smell and taste :( and also have constant blocked sinuses. Thanks in advance.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Myway (Delaware) on 01/12/2015

Troy, do your research on Nigella Sativa (Black Seed Oil). I take a teaspoon once in am and once at night to help reduce inflammation for asthma. I just about have this asthma licked (former Advair user). I don't have polyps but the black seed oil may have a stabilizing effect on your body chemistry hence, improve taste and smell. Perhaps do some reading my Michael Smith, MD on this topic. Just google his name. All the best.

MyWay, :D

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Pnokeo (Bahamas) on 01/12/2015

Hello Brian,

I just stubble on the Earth Clinic site and read your threads. I was very excited about the recommendation you provided because I am a polyp and asthma suffer. I'm looking for some permanent relief. One year ago I started the process of cleaning up my diet and eliminated table sugar, along with most dairy products. I had stop eating red meat more than 14 years ago. My diet consist mostly of fruits, nutra-bullet smoothies, turkey and fish.

In addition, I lost my sense of smell and taste about 11 years now.

About two weeks ago when I found the Earth Clinic site, I tried one of the recommendations, the tea tree oil. As a result, I am able to sleep well, stop snoring and breathe through my nose for the first time by not using oral steroids. Also, after three days of using the tea tree oil, diluted with water, I sniffed inward and felt something roll to the back of my throat..I think it was a polyp??during my physical last year my doctor had said I had a large polyp higher up in my sinus??Unfortunately, I'm still not able to smell or taste.

What else can you recommend that would help me regain my smell and taste?

I await your reply. Many Thanks, Troy

Helminthic Therapy
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus) on 01/10/2015

Hi Will. Well done to decrease your sugar consumption and go low carb, which is what caused your polyps to go away, and probably every other health issue you had, just by doing that. Infecting oneself with hookworms is totally unnecessary.

Castor Oil
Posted by Emilio (Stony Brook, Ny) on 01/09/2015

Hello Dave, I had sinus and polyp surgery in 2008. Thankfully, I've had not need to operate again. However, my sense of smell is minimum to none. I saw a nee ENT and he says that, small polyps are blocking my smell sensors. I wounder if your smell has come back after you are using the castor oil. Also, you only insert it in the nose right? Not ingested?

Thanks, Emilio

Helminthic Therapy
Posted by Will (Puerto Rico) on 01/08/2015

It's been great. I'm now been almost a year on this "change" (reduced dramatically the sugar consumption, "white" product (bread, rice, potatoe) and maintain a low carb and I'm very gratefull to have found this blog. I've been suffering from polyps for over 20 years, three sugeries and I was about to have one more because I had a sinus passage blocked completely with polyps and now I can breath like never before...Feeling great. IT hasn't been easy but very rewarding. I was very skeptical at first but given that I have tried just about anything out there I figured what do I have to loose to try one more method....thank you, thank youuuuuuuuu.

Castor Oil
Posted by Fk (Bahrain) on 01/06/2015

Hello, I would like to know the method of using Castor Oil. And does it have any side effects? Thank you, Fakhra

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Nizar (Ontario, CA) on 12/25/2014

I am 71 now, and have suffered with sinuses for the last 50 years. About three years back, I put in about 7 drops in each nostril for about 10 days before going to sleep. I kept my head facing up for about 10 minutes, and after that, I would turn round and go to sleep. After about 10 days, sinus disappeared.

Castor Oil
Posted by Hannah (Phoenix) on 12/14/2014

Why Castor oil only six days a week? Is it harmful to take every day? What does six day of one or two weeks mean?

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Phil (Sydney, AU) on 12/13/2014

40 years of chronic sinusitis (the last 25 with polyps), 4 surgeries, so many unsuccessful diets I can't begin to list them all. Encouraging signs after 48 hours of Low Carbs. Fingers crossed.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Chakra (Magnetic Island, Australia) on 12/03/2014

I live on this beautiful unpolluted, tropical island. I have nasal polyps. I'm backing mould as the cause. I had a boyfriend with nasal polyps in Sydney years ago. His doctor suggested it was caused by mould (which backs up the candida connection) and recommended he kept his bedroom clear of dust (which becomes mouldy in hot damp climates) and to get plenty of sun in the room to kill any lurking mould. Swedish Bitters cause temporary relief, but if I miss a day, I can see it getting bigger. I already have a healthy diet which I adopted because of risk of return of cancer. My plan is to ferment. I've started with seeds. Today I'm going to start fermenting carrots and also carrot juice. If successful, I'll move on to pumpkin and then who knows?

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Nicholas (Edison, NJ) on 11/29/2014

Hello Martina,

Pranayama breathing can be done effectively through the mouth. If your mouth is too sensitive for yoga breathing I recommend acupuncture. It can tap into and release some of the suppressed emotion that is the basis of sinus problems. Good luck.

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Martina (Arizona) on 11/29/2014

How can you do Pranayama yoga if both of your nostrils are completely blocked 24/7?

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Mark (Newman, UK) on 11/04/2014

Thanks for your input! What pranayama exercises did you use? Many thanks, Mark

Posted by Mandy (Colorado Springs, Co) on 10/18/2014

I always boil my water for 5 minutes.

Salt Crystal Inhaler
Posted by Amanda (South Wales, UK) on 09/01/2014

UPDATE: I wanted to update you - I've carried on using the salt pipe and it's now 6 months on. It's been incredible, I can now smell everything about 80% of the time, and even when the smell fades for a day or 2, I can still taste 100% of the time!!!!! This treatment has been incredible, I can't recommend it enough. I noticed that when I caught a cold it only lasted about 5 days and never went to sinusitis like it usually would (and take about 3 weeks to recover from! ). I've been sleeping much better and generally feel great - what a fantastic relief! I still use my prescribed nasal spray as I noticed it does still help along with the salt pipe, but I'm hoping that I can eventually fade this out.

Posted by Dee (Belfast Ni,) on 06/05/2014

Has anyone tied bloodroot for nasal Polyps with any success?

Posted by Marie (Uk) on 05/21/2014

No, no one told me anything. I am at my wit's end, as you are. I am going to an ENT specialist in June and I'm sure I'll have to get them removed, which I don't want to go through either. A month ago, I had to go on an antibiotic due to a sore throat and infection I had trouble fighting on my own. Almost immediately, the polyps shrunk and I was able to breathe. It was like a miracle. But of course that didn't last once I finished the pills. I am fed up with doctors either not knowing anything about these horrendous things or not telling us how to get rid of them without surgery. I just cannot believe there is no cure for this nonsense. It is so irritating!!!

Posted by Deirdre (Ireland) on 05/13/2014

Can you tell me, did you get any response re the use of bloodroot? I am like many others at my wits end with this condition. I am also waiting for my first surgery which I would like to avoid.

Helminthic Therapy
Posted by Will (Puerto Rico) on 04/22/2014

I've been on this "treatment" for a month now and all I can say is that for me is working. I have been sufering from polyps for over 20 years....or at least I think this is a great remedy....will keep you posted.

Sinus Papilloma
Posted by Fight Back!! (Columbia, PA) on 03/31/2014

Get a reusable nasal spray bottle and fill with distilled water, add 1 drop tea tree oil, 1 drop eucalyptus oil, and 1 drop of grape seed oil. Use it as you feel you need it.

Helminthic Therapy
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus, Australia) on 03/09/2014


With every due respect to Tim's conviction and noting there is no follow up post for over 2 years, it was a dangerous can of worms anyway. About 740 million people in the world are infected with hookworm and not by choice, which is viewed as a disease and not a treatment, mostly through Asia, Africa and South America. Hookworm infections have virtually been eliminated in Australia, Europe and North America. I doubt that it follows that not one of those 740 million people don?t have nasal polyps too. Hookworms have a mouthful of teeth, which is scary enough, and mature into adults in the small intestine where they ingest blood, rupture the red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body and degrade haemoglobin. Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, intestinal cramps, loss of appetite, vomiting and anaemia are symptoms. Possibly it was a loss of appetite and a reduced food intake that gave Tim the results he claimed. As an off topic, cane toads were introduced into Qld sugar cane fields to control a beetle problem. The cane toads are now the bigger problem, impossible to eradicate and infest most of the northern half of Australia, and are killing off the smaller natural inhabitants ? there is a lesson in that. Cheers.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Australia) on 03/09/2014

Congratulations, Tanveer. I know going Low Carbs is not an easy decision to make, but as well as beating the polyps, please also take comfort in the many other health benefits you now possess. Such as, vastly reduced risks of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and possibly even cancer, to name a few. The longer sugar is reduced the easier it gets to resist it and then find ways to reduce it even more. I agree the more you exercise the higher your sugar tolerance will be, which is why you are getting away with the fruit and protein shakes. If you ever stop exercising though, please ensure you make the necessary adjustments. I hadn't thought of the body odour benefit before, suffice to say, all I do to avoid scented aluminium based expensive commercial deodorants, is make a cheap chemical free mix of 2 level teaspoons of bicarbonate soda per 100ml of aloe vera juice in a spray bottle. It doesn't stop sweating, which is a natural body function that shouldn't be stopped anyway, but it sure does stop odour. Cheers.

EC: Hi Brian!

Yesterday we posted on Earth Clinic's Facebook account about your wonderful thread. Here it is if you haven't seen it yet!

Posted by Marie (United Kingdom) on 03/07/2014

Hi, I have nasal polyps but one in my right nostril that is so huge, it is embarrassing and horrible to live with. I applied bloodroot salve to it and it seems to have a hole in the centre of it. Does that mean it is working? I'm scared because I don't want to use too much but since there is no info on it, I don't know how much to apply each day with a cotton swab. I don't know what it means that a hole is through it but I want the whole giant thing gone. Can you advise me? I am due for surgery within the next six months or so and frankly, I'd rather not have to go through that. I appreciate your help on this matter. Most Sincerely, Marie

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Tanveer (Sydney, Austtralia) on 03/03/2014

Hi Brian, I must admit I was a bit sceptical about sugar being the driving force behind my nasal flares, but your logic made sense and as I had tried everything else I decided to give your suggestions a go and wow, I can't believe how wrong I was, I am on my second month of low sugar diet and never in my life do I remember waking up in the middle of night and breathing through my nose, I used to have constant tension in my nasal passage due to inflammation, I have slight dust-mite allergy but the sugar in my diet was fuelling the allergy ten folds, I was bed ridden at least few times a month due to constant runny and itchy nose This was really ruining my career and life so much so that I had discussed with my family to go under knife,

One thing I would like to point out is that I have not completely eliminated all sugar from my diet, I still have my fruits but have eliminated all sugar that I used to add to my tea coffee (at least 4 cups a day), no fizzy drinks for me, no sweets but due to me being gym junkie I need to have protein shakes that do have sugar in them but that does not seem to have created any problems, may be because I burn more than I consume.

What is amazing is that even lowering my sugar intake has given me my life back, I can only see it getting better if I eliminate more sugar.

Other benefits I found by lowering my sugar intake were, my teeth seem to be glossy and whiter, As mentioned earlier that I am a gym junkie, I found that my sweat does not smell at all, I had read somewhere that the body odour is caused by bacteria feeding off sweat and it's their faeces that give out the foul smell, I guess their digestive system does not cope with sugar very well either ;-) (This would be something for people who are fed up with finding a chemical free cure for body odour),

I also find my energy and attention levels are stable (I feel I am able to focus better now, may be because my body does not go through sugar spikes anymore which allows me to stay focused longer).

I hope people find this helpful as I had,

Thanks again, Tanveer

Salt Crystal Inhaler
Posted by Amanda (Wales Uk) on 02/27/2014

Nasal Polyp relief from a Himalayan Salt Crystal Inhaler! I had to write on this forum to tell you all about an amazing remedy for polyps! I've suffered badly for 22 years, no sense of smell for most of that time. I had the operation about 8 years ago and only lasted a year. Since then I've had all the usual terrible problems, sinusitus, mucus, constantly blowing my nose etc, etc. At the beginning of this month, I saw an ad in my local paper for a ceramic salt inhaler filled with Himalayan salt crystals, and would last for 6 years. I decided to give it a go, you inhale the vapors through the mouth and breath out through the nose, for about half an hour a day. After the 2nd day I noticed my nose had cleared a lot at night and I had had a better night's sleep! I've used it for nearly a month now and I can't believe the difference! I'm virtually clear at night from mucus, so I'm breathing through my nose with my mouth closed so less snoring. I'm using significantly less tissues throughout the day as my airways are much clearer, I would say about 50% improved so far.

The BEST news of all though is that over the past couple of days I have actually had a faint sense of smell coming back! I first smelt a faint coffee smell, then today I was cooking and all day I have smelt garlic and the cooking smell. It's still only faint but it's definitely coming back! This has been the best treatment I've tried so far, and believe me I've tried a few on here - cider vinegar, tea tree oil, etc. I am still on my nasal spray which is prescribed, but it's actually able to spray up my nose at last, instead of hitting the polyps and dripping back out. I would say that the salt inhaler is having the same effect as when I've used steroids in the past, but the massive difference here is that the salt is 100% safe and natural. I read how it works and it's something like the crystals are totally untreated in the natural form, and when inhaled into the lungs particles coat the lungs and airways to fight bacteria and dry up mucus. Only need to use for 30 minutes a day, and breathe out through nose (this was hard at first due to the obstructions, but I persevered and it has got easier each day). The feeling I get after using the inhaler is it feels cold on my chest, like I've been up in the mountains on a really crisp clear day, or been by the sea breathing in the windy air.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sullpwr (Mcintosh, Minnesota) on 02/08/2014

I had tried tree tea oil, and castor oil in the affected nostril with some improvement. This went on for several weeks. I then tried the ACV in steaming hot water, inhaled it for several minutes and had wonderful results. I also started breathing exersizes. I will continue the AVC .

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus, Australia) on 01/11/2014

Hi Dave. Your intent was excellent and I thank you for that, but I think you responded to a misleading heading not of my choosing that appeared in Real-Time Posts. Please understand my sense of smell is totally functional and it was all due to the Elimination of Sugar that did in fact restore it. Also, as well as nasal polyps, every other health issue I acquired from a high carb diet has been eliminated since adopting a 10% Low Carb Lifestyle. I don't take chemical treatments of any sort, which empowers my body chemistry to do its natural job, which further eliminates the need for treatments. It's simple but it works. Cheers.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/09/2014

Hello Brian from Australia,

Concerning loss of sense of smell. I did enjoy your post and your fine analytical style.

If you google "google scholar" and then "reasons for loss of sense of smell" you'll find a number of scientifically inclined papers which discuss a primary reason for loss of smell as

......Infection. And next,

......Lesions from some trauma to the nose/head.

For infections, I use colloidal silver to knock out viruses and for the lesions the use of serrapeptase, the enzyme which seems to have the ability to dissolve tissue structure. For instance, "serrapeptase scare tissue."

Other possible causes but of the articles that come up under the search I mentioned, those two seemed to be the most common.

On the "yeast infection" theory, very close to being "right on" but also might be viral. So if this were me, I'd at least try colloidal silver. I use CS as an irrigation; if it stings, I know an infection is present. I have to repeat many times to completely knock out the infection.

"Cheer" back at you.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus, Australia) on 01/07/2014

My original theory on a yeast infection being the true cause of nasal polyps included the extension that it also caused corruption of the Immune System. It could also be that the reactions to dairy that Lisa described “Mucus, olfactory issues, swelling of the throat, itching ears and more” are also caused by a corrupted Immune System, which identifies the proteins in dairy as an invasion, releases antibodies in response, which in turn release histamines which then cause the bad reaction.

I will further theorise that it should then follow that the ability to consume dairy products without any ill effects would confirm a healthy Immune System. Conversely, a bad reaction would therefore confirm a corrupted Immune System which in turn, must then confirm a yeast infection as the cause of the corruption.

Yeast infection can only be eliminated by diet, by removing their carbohydrate food source being sugar and starch. Low Carb diets abound and can be quite confusing. I ignore them all and apply a 10% Carbs Content Rule to stand alone and products in combination meals. There are only three simple qualifications to apply:

  • Convert the Total Carbohydrates total on packaged products to a percentage by weight or volume. Avoid any over 10% unless to be combined with a lower offset.
  • Determine carbs content in fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds by researching ‘nutrition data'. The site I use, typing “raw” after a product limits the result.
  • To maintain energy levels, consume protein in moderation and healthful fats without restriction but totally avoid all products containing trans fats.

High carb diets are also implicated in probably all of the major ailments that befall the world today, even including cancer. The only happy people are surgeons and owners of white collar drug companies and their shareholders.

Life is all about choices. People can also legally choose to either smoke or not and one is a healthier option than the other. In a perfect world, everybody would live their life without medical expenses. I have been polyp free and medication free for a long time now and instead of thinking Low Carb as being a restrictive diet, I think of it as a lifestyle choice. It isn't a diet anymore, it's simply a better way of life and easily the best choice.


Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Paul (Uk) on 01/06/2014

Hello Brian, Paul from Leeds here. I've suffered with polyps for a few years now and have tried various methods and a couple from here, the Tea Tree Oil didn't seem to work for me, my polyps are quite high up, I'm interested in your reduced sugar method. The 10% carb intake you mention, is that per day or per meal? Btw, well done for sharing your findings, it's such a terrible condition and it's so difficult to try to get good help and information for. Paul

Pranayama Breathing
Posted by Manpan (Usa ) on 12/06/2013

Well I just thought of giving an update on the status of my nasal polyps. They are almost completely gone. Pranamaya has really worked wonders for me. As noted I have used nasal sprays before to shrink polyps but using nasal spray does not resolve the underlying problem of inflammation and irritation in nasal cavity. That is what breathing exercises like pranamaya are for. Use a finger to cover one nostril and try to breathe in and out through the other nostril. In my case I covered my left nostril and inhaled/exhaled from the right nostril that had the polyps. My polyps were very bad when I first discovered them (went to regular family doctor and was told I had nasal polyps and should make an appointment with an ENT to determine a course of treatment - in the meantime was given nasal spray)

I tried a number of different things to resolve the situation. I used the sprays given, I used nasal decongestant pills (this sometimes was effective) but what worked best was pranamaya to not only get rid of polyps but prevent their return. I know it's been said in most cases people who get polyps surgically removed discover they grow back. So it is important to treat the underlying irritation and inflammation. By the time I went to see my ENT specialist - my polyps had shrunk to a point that the ENT specialist as noted said surgery was not needed.

I ended up going to ENT several months later because while pranamaya helped shrink the polyps my right ear still felt clogged. When my ear ached I had to apply a warm compress to it and to help reduce the polyps further I occasionally used (as directed) some nasal decongestants that also helped at least for a while in suppressing and shrinking my polyps.

Using nasal decongestants or nasal sprays and/or antihistamine nasal sprays may have had some positive effects but they are only for short term use and should not be used longer than intended. Fortunately, pranamaya has worked wonders - it is the best solution of all. Even if you use the sprays to shrink the polyps they only work for a short period of time and once you stop using them they can grow back. Same with surgery which is expensive and risky I hear. A number of people with surgery have their polyps grow back and have to get surgery again later.

A better solution: even if you go for surgery all nasal polyp sufferers should try this: do nasal breathing techniques (pranamaya) for at least 5-10 mins a day to help treat the underlying irrititation and help prevent polyps from growing back in the first place.

I have now gotten rid of most of the polyps - I no longer feel any pain around or in my nose due to polyps and my right ear feels better. It is still slightly clogged but the ear canal has opened up quite a bit. Before it was completely blocked.

Posted by Cyndi (Florida) on 11/22/2013

Hey, just wanted to say I would advise against using tap water. It can contain deadly parasites. Always use distiled bottled water. It's very rare but it can happen a few people have died from using tap water in their pot.

Sinus Papilloma
Posted by Deirdni (Ireland) on 11/17/2013

Hi did you get an answer to your question about where to get the cream and if you did did it work?

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Caitlin (Ausin, Tx) on 11/14/2013

Karen, loved what you said & especially this: When we get back to basics here in America, the population may heal itself from the diseased condition it has arrived to at present.

This week we learned that diabetes is now considered epidemic level around the world, particularly in the United States. Corn syrup, honey, white flour or white crystalline sugar -- it is all the same. As Gloria Swanson's husband William Dufty indicated in his book "Sugar Blues, " sugar (and grains) is as incidious a poisen as heroine & cocaine.... and can be linked to nearly all health problems in our bodies today. Before she moved to another state, a friend once told me she swore off sugar for 1 year at the funeral of her beloved father who died of diabetes complications to his eyes, organs, and limbs. She said, with sugar being the only exclusion from her diet, she lost 30 pounds and she never looked or felt so healthy and beautiful. She said it was like looking in the mirror at another person. Before and after pictures of William Dufty are the same! It is UNBELIEVABLE how sugar DESTROYS our looks, our minds, our bodies! I learned some years ago that most killers in U.S. prisons were/are sugar addicts And, when prisoners volunteered to go on experimental diets that did not include sugar, their rage/desire to kill decreased. Sugar should be labeled a dangerous poisen to all human and animal species on this planet! Dare we go there? We will see....

Peace out, Caitlin

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Karen (Clearwater, Florida, Usa) on 11/13/2013

You say that you had to revert to carbs because you became so weak.... May I ask what type of carbs? Simple or Complex? Simple Carbs are what are killing America. Do you know that every grain turns into sugar? The rule I give people is avoid anything white; white sugar, white flour, potato, macaroni cheese, fries etc. You can certainly eat COMPLEX carbohydrates and eaten with protein is good. Have an avocado vinagrette instead of a Big Mac meal for example. I buy Ezekial bread - it is made with sprouts of seven grains. The sprout stage of a grain is the most nutritious, therefore this bread is FUEL for the body, unlike the white flour baked goods that go on the arse and hips. Love handles, baloney! Soft flabby bodies (from all the sugar breaking down the minerals in the body) I say. I load the Ezekial toast with REAL butter; either Irish, Danish, Australian or New Zealand (where they still haven't destroyed or watered down the butter with cheap additives) or coconut oil is great too. Second I scrape on a tiny spread of Miso (fermented soy paste that is nutritious) for a little salt flavor, add slices of avocado and pile with 2 inches of Alfalfa sprouts. This is a dieting meal for me. Try it! If you do not know these terms it is time that you researched them and learnt. Food is meant to be UNprocessed, WHOLE and nutritous for our bodies. Eating for our ancestors was not a hedonistic activity, it was an action done to run the body with the purpose of survival. When we get back to basics here in America, the population may heal itself from the diseased condition it has arrived to at present. 13 Nov. 2013

Dietary Changes
Posted by Raquel (Los Angeles, California) on 10/13/2013

Get a food allergy test. I had 2 sinus surgeries for polyps and get fed up with my ENT who told me there was nothing I could do. I saw a holistic doctor, got a food allergy test, and when I eliminated the foods I was allergic to (wheat & dairy - common allergens), my sinus problems totally disappeared!

Nasal Polyp Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/12/2013 2042 posts

@Mel: The systemic enzymes (Nattokinase or Serrapeptase) which Faith recommends can also be used as oral caps (which is the standard method); maybe easier than topical admin but either way will work. Then you could use the exact same method F. Proposed w/ natural antibiotics; additions from her list would include Grapefruitseed Extract, Oregeno Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, Aloe Vera (inner leaf) gel.

I had my first ever Nasal Polyps a few moths ago and Nebulized Colloidal Silver for a quick end to the problem (Can't recall exactly if I was or was not taking systemic enzymes during that period). Mine were only a few days old as a side effect of detoxification (bad stuff entering the bloodstream); the "few days old" may have been an advantage as the fibrin coat would not have had time to develop.

Cod Liver Oil applied directly over the entire nose will certainly help; you may smell fish for a few hrs but it's worth it, lol.

Do report your results.

Nasal Polyp Remedies
Posted by Faith (La) on 10/11/2013

I hope this helps. I saw many specialist they were baffled at what was making me sick, they all had different ideas. It appeared to be a guessing game. I took my CAT scan to noted expert in the sinus field , and I had serious nasal polyps. For 16 months, I was sick my symptoms were flu like symptoms, dizziness, nausea, pressure in my head, teeth sensitivity, and headaches. I had dry, red , light sensitive eyes, and eye pressure along with blurred vision this is from the sinus inflammation putting pressure on the optic nerve, and the dizziness is from the sinus inflammation putting pressure it on the nerves of the ears. Apparently, doctor are not taught this in med school.

I did lots of research, I think perhaps polyps are a fungal infection which has biofilms. First dissolve the biofilm by using serrapeptase and then you dissolve the fungus /polyps. First sterlize water and then let the water cool so you don't kill the powerful enzyme action of serrapeptase. Empty half a capsule of serrapeptase in the neti pot let it dissolve and then using the neti pot rinse out the sinuses. First you hold one nostril shut and breath in the contents of the neti with the other nostril, the water should go to the back of your throat and then spit this out and then alternate to the other nostril do the same thing. Then do it again and hold your head down to get deep into the sinuses and then let all the water drain out. Wait 10 minutes while the serrapeptase dissolves the biofilm. Now rinse sinuses with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of good quality collodial silver, 1/2 drop of tea tree oil and 1/2 drop of peppermint oil in some sterilized water in the neti pot.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/21/2013

Hello Alan from London:

You give yourself a Colloidal Silver "irrigation" by ingesting the solution into sinus by squirting gently with an ear syringe... Or putting about a teaspoon into palm of your hand and just sniffing.... or by using a nettie pot...

I prefer the ear syringe because the pressure from the squeeze forces the solution way back into the sinus cavity. It will sting a lot the first time you use it... But ten minutes later when you do it again, it will only sting a little. The silver is killing the virus/fungus/bacteria...whatever microbe is there.

Also squirt into the ears two or three times during the day. That will not only knock out the infection, if any, in the ears but between the squirts into sinus and ears, the eustacian tubes will also be relieved of infection.

As to your other questions: I use the CS at about 100 parts per million (ppm). Here's the test for knowing if your CS is strong enough: If you are infected and you are; does the application sting when you squirt into sinus and then within five minutes are you beginning to drain from the sinus?

If yes to those questions your CS is sufficiently strong and you have a good brand.

I started using my own little "generator" twenty years ago because I was so prone to colds, sinus infections and consequently chest colds. CS saved my life. I've only had five chest colds in a twenty year span. Prior to CS in my life, I was getting two or three a YEAR. (I was also plagued by migraines, but CS didn't help that... Colloidar silver kills microbes but is not a "SILVER bullet" for everything.)

If you decide you want to get your own generator (just two strands of silver with capacity to plug into socket or battery of 3, 9 volt, batteries. Mine cost less than a hundred bucks) google something like: colloidal silver generator, or economical colloidal silver generator. I've had mine for 20 years with the SAME strands of silver. Just got a new one because the wiring on the first went bad. I got that fixed so now I have two. (I am not associated with any silver manfacturer, nor do I sell or work for any silver making company. I'm a lawyer.)

Best to you and write back for any clarification. Dave

(By the way, I love London.)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Alan (London, Uk) on 09/20/2013

Exactly how do I go about this CS nasal treatment? Do I mix the CS with xylitol or water? Is your procedure similar to sinus flooding? What if I do not make my own CS, which one is best to buy?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Anonymous (Thailand) on 09/08/2013

Just read most of the comments about Polyps, I think most of the comments were excellent, I think David from Fountain Inn had it pretty well spot on, also some of the remedys might work for some and not others as other people have already said and I have just found out that we have a immune system slightly different from other people and its the reason we get the problems that we have, I have had sinus problems for as long as I can remember, the other day my ears were so bad I went to see the ENT Dr, My daughter said why not check your nose at the same time I thought why not long time since last check, she discoverd a large Polyp in the right side two smaller ones left side, I'm on loads of medication which works (I can smell and taste food now) strange that most people seem to have large one right side, also I would like to say I'm a great beliver in Castor oil and ACV, so when med stops salt bath and some of the others, all the best to every one.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Nadine (Goshen, New York) on 08/29/2013

How can I eliminate all sugars from my diet?

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Ian (Hengoed, South Wales, Uk) on 08/26/2013

I have suffered from polyps for about 20years, I had two operations, the first in 1997 and the second in 2000, I suffer with terrible headaches and zero sense of smell, however no affect on my sense of taste, I do have and have always had a very sweet tooth, I'm not over weight and consider myself quite fit for a 45 year old. From about September 2012 I started having flu like symptoms, these symptoms continued until eventually, my nasal passage on the left hand side, became completely blocked and the right hand side, became partially blocked, in the new year 2013 I noticed that I could feel a lump close to my nostril, a couple of days later it had dropped enough that it was almost showing outside of my nostril, enough was enough, so I visited my GP, my GP prescribed 30mg of a steroid called prednisone, to be taken for 10 days and a nasal drop called flixonase, which was to be taken as and when required, the steroid is very fast acting, within 4 hours it had shrunk up inside of my nose and within 12 hours appeared to be gone altogether, within a further 2 days my sense of smell was back and remained for about a month, which is fantastic when you consider I had spent all these years, with either very little or no sense of smell, plus the head aches, you tend too or at least in my case, live with your condition and just get on with it.

After 2 months of ending the steroid I noticed my eye sight appears to be affected, when something is too close to my eyes it is very blurry, I have always had perfect sight, then at the end of May 2013, we came back from a family holiday to Ibiza and I started developing a nasty cough, it is worse at night and morning time, I went to the doctors and as usual in the UK, they prescribed antibiotics, I still have the coughing fits to this day, back to the doctors and they now feel I have got Asthma symptoms, brought on by polyps, personally I think they are talking crap as they do not take polyps seriously enough, personally I think I'm suffering from side affected brought on by the use of a love or hate steroid, I have an appointment with a specialist 30th August 2013 about my polyps and a Astma test on the 2nd September 2013, so we will wait and see, the problem with the NHS in the UK at the moment is, that everything is geared towards cost, the doctors here will just keep shoveling tablets in to you, in other countries this is not the case, where my wife is from for instance, they diagnose the problem 100% first, before prescribing drugs, my wife as just come back from her country Latvia with my boys and while there she asked a doctor there is advice and he said the best treatment is to have them surgically removed with a laser, you have said about sugar being a cause, is very interesting to me and changing your diet by replacing carbohydrates with protein, I would like to give this a go but to be honest I have not got a clue, on how to go about it, could you or someone out there offer advice, on how best to go about this.

Nasal Polyp Remedies
Posted by Mel (Uk ) on 08/10/2013

So glad I've found this amazing site! I'm really fed up with no sense of smell, blocked nose runny nose! And the pain in my sinus and head! I've read through all your feedback and advice in the statements you have all posted here but my polyps are from back of my nostrils to inside my sinus in face and forehead - any ideas of what remedies I could try as I can't reach them with cotton buds etc!!! Help! Really trying to avoid another op! I'm also asthmatic. Please help thanks :-)

B Vitamins
Posted by Emily (Fairfax, Virginia) on 07/29/2013

Over the years, at various times, I have lost my sense of smell from 3 different causes: (1) nasal polyps, (2) congestion from migraine swelling, and (3) zinc deficiency. So, the cure would depend on the cause... By the way, when I get migraine swelling, I do NOT get a headache, instead I get nasal and sinus swelling. When had a zinc deficiency, I took a fairly low dose of 15 mg and took it with food. Otherwise, zinc on an empty stomache can give one a terrible belly ache!

B Vitamins
Posted by Joseph (Powder Springs, Ga) on 07/21/2013

I've had nasal polyps and had the surgery to have them removed and the polyps came back. Of course I took steriods and they are gone again. I am going to try the B Vitamins. Did you lose your sense of smell? I would like to know how to get my sense of smell back. Please advise if you know how I can get my sense of smell back.

B Vitamins
Posted by Emily (Fairfax, Virginia) on 07/19/2013

I have undergone 3 surgeries for nasal polyps, been on steroid nasal sprays, and been on steroid saline irrigation. I no longer use prescription medicine, instead I am on a B vitamin supplement.

My doctor and I accidentally found out that I had been cured of nasal polyps when I went for a check up and the doctor found no polyps despite the fact that I had stopped my nasal steroid 3 months earlier due to vaccinations I was receiving. Over the next year, I did detective work to figure out how I did it. Initially, I thought it was zinc, fish oil, and B vitamins. However, I stopped the zinc and the fish oil years ago and the polyps are still gone. The only supplement I take now is a daily B vitamin pill. B vitamins are important for keeping one's skin healthy; so, my guess is that the B vitamins keep my skin strong enough to prevent bacteria, viruses, and fungi from breaching it and causing infection and inflammation and the resulting polyps.

On a side note, I was supposed to have a 4th surgery in 2007. I went for a third opinion, and that doctor said that he could get rid of the polyps without surgery. He gave me oral prednisone AND had me put budesonide (liquid prednisone) in saline solution and irrigate my nasal passages twice a day. The polyps were completely gone in 2 months.

On another side note, my friend's doctor told her to go on a migraine free food diet to stop her sinus infections. I have found that avoiding certain migraine trigger foods (almonds and oranges for me) keeps me from getting sinus congestion. Avoiding sinus congestion probably helps prevent the polyps by keeping bacteria from growing in all that stagnant sinus fluid.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Claire (United Kingdom, Manchester) on 06/27/2013

After reading your posts about eliminating sugar for sinus polyps, I decided to try this. I am on day 3. Yesterday for 5 minutes I got my sense of smell back! Today I have tasted my lunch and have had my sense of smell back twice throughout the day. I have had 2 FEES operations and within 6months of each op the polyps have come back, I have tried steroids but they came back. I am allergic to dairy, they also trigger my polyps. You are a genius! You really have changed my life! People who don't have polyps won't understand. Thank you so much! Hopefully in the future having a sense of smell will be a regular thing for me :)

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Loraine (England) on 06/19/2013

I have had polyps for 16 years. Now it also causes me severe sinus problems I have got so bad I have become housebound.

Salt, Baking Soda, Black Seed Oil
Posted by Abe (Usa) on 06/01/2013

Hello, I had nasal polyps for 2 years now with no sense of smell or taste, got surgery with no luck. I didn't try eliminating sugar, but I don't really have a sweet tooth. My problem started when I started painting cars with no mask on somtimes, the fumes were starting to burn my nose and stayed stuck.

I started rinsing my nose with 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, and a drop or two of Black seed oil but if more it burns, all in warm distilled water.

With God's help I started to smell and taste after two or three weeks. But now I stopped smelling and tasting because I stopped after month and a half I got lazy mixing and warming up the distilled water.

Wish you good luck.

Posted by Marblenose (London, England) on 05/24/2013

If your nasal polyps are swollen or inflamed due to infection etc, a temprorary relief to this is to crush ICE force it up your nose compacting the polyps :-) I had one the size of a marble in my right nostril for last 2/3 weeks Ice has reduced it considerably. I can actually breathe in an out of that nostril today for the first time in weeks, sadly its probably only temprorary , the first time I used the Ice was last night was amazed to wake this morning swelling gone right down , give it a try it costs nothing spread out a tissues or cloth on table lean ur head forward the ice will will obviously melt on to the cloth.. I'm going out to try another ICE session now ...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joe (Wollongong, Nsw Australia) on 05/23/2013

I know why water fasting and other fasting can help sinus conditions and polyps and many other conditions and that is because it clears the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is important for our immunity and helps in dealing with stress and allergy. If the lymphtic system is clogged with the over consumption of foods and some very challenging foods then your nose and sinus receive more inflammation from the garbage build up. The lymphatic system is like the garbage man that takes away the garbage. Garbage may just turn into polyps. Instead of polluting and causing a worse diseased situation little sacks of garbage called polyps form to protect us.

How do we heal this?

1. Drink your 8 glasses of water per day. Enjoy herbal teas. Maybe goats or almond milk if you must add something. No sugar.
2. Avoid lots of fats. Just a little fat to cook in and satisfy your stomach as this will help stop sugar cravings.
3. Avoid dairy and wheat as much as you can.
4. Thinks about eating lots of greens instead of grains.
5 Get a good night sleep and let your lymph system work when it prefers. It works better as you lay down and rest.
6. Exercise regularly as your lymph needs that help it to do its work. You need to be active for it to circulate.
7. Get good lymphatic massage and remove tension from your lymph restricting chronic tight muscles. Especially those ones cleaning your head and sinuses.
8. Take lymph herbs like fenugreek, bayberry and redroot(not bloodroot), take vitamin c 5000mg spread throughout the day and 2000mg of bioflavanoids. Take quircetin and bromelain. There is a bloodroot nasal drops you can make up as a spray from godshear herbalist UK this will dissolve polyps.
9. Also smaller meals spread throughout the day can be easier on our body. Try taking meals with a good digestive enzyme supplement. You can try taking this supplement between meals also and last thing at night and let it help clear your lymph.
10. This information is like gold. I am sure it will help. It's your time now. Wishing you the best of health.

Dietary Changes, Probiotics and NAC
Posted by Frog513 (Swansboro, Nc, Us) on 05/20/2013 13 posts

I suffered for many years (10+) with nasal polyps and chronic sinus infections. I had other health issues but this was one that was chronic and annoying!

What helped me the most was

1) going gluten free/dairy free and

2) taking a good non-dairy pro-biotic and NAC 600mg (N-acetyl cysteine).

I haven't had a sinus infection since 2008 and I rarely get sick with colds/flu and I no longer have allergies... I know this may seem extreme but it is worth it. Hope this offers some hope!

Good Luck ~ Carleen

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kkt3 (Castlegar, B.c., Canada) on 04/18/2013

Hi, I have been reading up from this amazing site for quite some time and now will sit and explain my experience. Yes, nasal polyps are the worst. Nuff said on them. On April 13th my girlfriend switched our diet. We have been eating meals from this site, The difference has been unbelievable. The weight loss is incredible to. The polyps in my right nostril have decreased in size by at least 75%. Don't know whats farther up there. But no more bulging sinus on the right side. I now have some air flow thru that side and each day it gets a bit better. Sometimes better than other, but some. Patience being the key as it will take some time, We are trying this diet for 1 month. I have also been putting some castor oil on the bridge of my nose on the outside for the last 3 days. ACV has been a regular in my diet for a long time. What works for 1, might not work for another. Will update along the way. Keep the faith!!!

Sinus Papilloma
Posted by Bambino (Detroit, Usa ) on 04/09/2013

Can you please show where I can go buy this cream? my polyps are so bad

Helminthic Therapy
Posted by Paul (Leeds, Uk) on 03/31/2013

Hello Tim, Your post is fascinating, I suffer with polyps AND ibs and have tried various methods to cure both, could you update us with more info as to whether your hookworm treatment has continued to work, many thanks, Paul, Leeds, England

Colloidal Silver
Posted by David (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/16/2013

Hello Robin, I've used Colloidal Silver (CS) for 18 years. The blood type observation was just to say that the underlying congestion is not caused by a virus/fungus/bacteria but vfb sure do grow in a constricted nasal passage... It's an infection factory! I'd love to get rid of the underlying constriction (thick mucus) but at least I keep it from becoming something worse... Turning into an infection. I take a little bottle of CS with me even on trips. The slightest indication of infection and I irrigate the nasal passages. Before I knew of CS I'd get 3 or 4 serious infections a year. Often they would become a serious upper respiratory infection.

Sometimes I do have to fight off a persistent infection for a week or longer but the infection never gets past the sinus cavity.

Best to you in your health journey. Post here if you want to elaborate or ask any questions.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Robin (Rural, Va) on 03/16/2013

Yes, I have found Colloidal Silver to be the absolute best thing for my constantly runny nose, and post nasal drip. I have suffered this for more years than I can remember. I don't know about polyps though. I am a blood type O. I use a bottle that has a nasal saline spray in it, and empty it.

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