A & D Ointment
Found an old A & D Ointment jar listing only 2 ingredients - Petrolatum and cod liver oil. In other words, Vaseline and cod liver oil. Which would actually BE perfect A & D Ointment. I made a small amount and, sure enough, that's what it was.
I would only make it in small amounts - rather than the huge jar I found - keeping the two ingredients clean and properly stored but it does make perfect sense. Cod liver oil IS, basically, vitamins A & D which makes an excellent antibact combination.
I may have written about this before (or meant to) and forgotten...LOL - I do have vague memory of CLO and Vaseline being A & D ointment...I used to use A & D on just about all skin conditions. Plus, of course, on the kid - whom I don't recall ever having diaper rash.
I like the idea of using Cod liver oil or aloe instead of petroleum vaseline. I worked as a wound care nurse specialist to help resolve difficult to treat wounds. I was taught that vaseline has micro glass in it that interferes with cell wall integrity and healing.
Aloe Vera
(Kingston, Ny)
Aloe is great! Topically applied, the gel from the cut stem of the plant dries to form a protective layer on the skin's surface, preventing any dirt or bacteria from entering. Aloe contains a concentrated mix of enzymes, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, and compounds that boost the immune system and speed healing. I found some good information on how to use aloe at home here:
Couldn't agree more the best way to heal a cut or abrasion is to use the Gel cut straight from the Aloe Vera leaf and placed over the wound. It will cut healing time in half and also improve the look of any scaring that may be left behind after the healing process. An Aloe Vera plant is a great thing to keep at home for such instances. Natures natural remedies are always the best.
Aloe Vera, Arnica
Yesterday at 3:45 pm I was cut by a chain saw in between my ring and second finger. The owner of the house put juice from the aloe vera plant I just happened to have because me and my cat have been taking father romano zago's formula and am on the second ten day period of the on aloe cycle. Took 3 arnica tablets. The juice oozed out freely and he put a gauze pad on top and in two hours changed the bandage. I think the gauze stuck and it started bleeding. This time put a slice of the plant on top of the wound which was rough cut and a gauze pad on top of that. The only pain I have had is when the aloe touched the wound.
Took two more arnica tablets and have had nothing since. It is 6:46am the 29th and I still have absolutely no pain. The bandage has not been changed again yet and have taken no more arnica. I later remembered reading the history of aloe vera. It was given as gifts to ancient monarchs to use for soldiers' wounds so I felt that I had indeed done the correct thing. It should have had many stitches.
I am writing this with my bandage on to record this so I don't forget, and stretching to reach the keys as little as possible to hit the keys. Still no pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Emerald City)
ACV works very well!
A very dear friend of mine was in the passenger seat during a car accident. Her face was quite badly cut and bruised when the airbag activated.
We recommended ACV and it worked beautifully. All the bruising and swelling cleared nicely. The first morning after the accident she woke with swelling around her mouth (the airbag hit her mouth and cut it quite badly), she applied the ACV and the swelling quickly went down. 3 weeks later and it is healing beautifully and it looks like there won't be any scars.
It stung a bit so we diluted it until tolerable, she found that it would only sting at first and then after a few minutes the sting would cease to be an issue when ACV was reapplied. ACV can dry the skin out a little (nothing major), in which case you just need some moisturiser.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Another mishap on the farm caused me to step on a log nail. I hate tetanus shots, I knew they would make me take one if I went to the hospital. My mother also warned me to watch out for 'lockjaw' which is said to come as a result of stepping on rusty nails. I ran into the kitchen foot dripping with blood. I ingested the ACV along with some regular apple juice. The pain was gone by nightfall. Everyone looked and was amazed at the instant recovery. No limping or soreness as a result of ingesting the ACV. This is truly a miracle substance. I cannot overstate the benefits I have heard about from those individuals who have begun to drink ACV on a regular basis, Someone please Call the Doctors and tell them!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar and Copper Sulfate
Arnica Gel
(Reno, Nevada)
One more thing
The arnica gel I used included some other herbs as well. It was from a brand that formulates a mixture of herbs to help heal tendons. The ingredients on the label in order: organic comfrey, arnica, organic rosemary, and aloe (as well as some natural preservatives, etc...) I ended up using almost all of the 3.5 oz that I bought during the month.
(Elsewhere, Ca, Usa)
So glad to see your post!
Many years ago as a teen I was given Kenalog shots and was told by the nurse that they could damage the surrounding tissue. Just being a kid, though, I didn't really understand how disfiguring it would be. I have one "crater" that sounds a lot like what you describe (not discolored, just deep) and at least one smaller one that I attribute to these injections. There may have been discoloration at the time, but I just didn't look. I didn't know until years later how bad the damage was.
Just in the last year I searched the net looking for side effects of Kenalog injections and did not find tissue damage among them. In fact, I couldn't find a lot about Kenalog at all. And this is the first time I've heard anyone else describe having an experience similar to mine.
Even though it has been many years, I believe I will try the gel you had success with. I did a search and came up with TR by PM. I hope this is the same stuff you used.
Thanks again! At least I know I'm not the only one.
(Detroit, Michigan)
To: Elsaeasterly from Elsewhere, Ca
How did it work for you? Did the dent fill in? I'm told that with cortisone sometimes it can naturally fill in on its own ever times; but that is usually 6 months to a year. Since you said you had it for "years" I'm very cursious so see if you had success. Please share!
(Elsewhere, Ca)
DC-girl, When I saw your post, I could not believe that it had already been nearly 3 years since I posted my comment. Shortly after I did so, I took on a HUGE responsibility in my personal life which sidelined a lot of other activities and pursuits. That responsibility is about to come to an end, though, and hopefully I can get back to a normal routine.
I do not want to be one of those people that posts and never follows through. I am glad that you asked about it because your post renewed my interest in this product, and I ordered it online a few days ago! It will be delivered soon, and I will definitely report back my results. Remember, though, that the original poster had only had her "wound" for a few months, and I have had mine for many years, so I don't know if the outcome will be as good. But I will let you know.
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy Cream
(San Francisco, California)
The first time I used this cream I was six years old, and had been scalded on half my body very badly. My mom immediately applied the cream and you couldn't even tell the next day. I still use it all the time, for burns and bruises. Its amazing. Do note, the older it is, the better it works.
Black Pepper
Castor Oil
Cold expressed Castor is another natural cure from Edgar Cayce that could draw out pus. Warm castor oil - soak cotton ball, apply over the cut, cover with plastic wrap then apply heat on top for 15 min, daily. This also works for tooth abscess. Castor Oil is safe to get into the eye area.
I received an awkward injury in the fleshy part of my palm, I decided on Cayenne powder to assist the clotting. Once bleeding had stopped I got assistance to add some castor oil, it was the closest healing one, to create a bit more of a paste.
Ultimately the paste formed with the scab, attempts to wash off after 6 hours proved this, and has healed well.