Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Healing Cuts: Expert Tips and Reader Insights

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Epsom Salt

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Blanche (New Iberia, Louisiana) on 06/22/2010

What always worked for me is soaking the finger in a warm epsom salt solution for a few minutes, then gently pressing on it. If it is ready to expel pus, it will come right out. If not, wait another day and try again. Don't really measure but about 2 or 3 tablespoons to a cup of water.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 11/09/2007

Epsom salts will pull out infection from wounds. I mixed it about 1/2 cup to 1 quart of hot water. Submerge infected area in solution 4 times a day. If unable to submerge area, just use washcloth to dip in solution and apply over infected are (hot compress method) 4 times a day. I have seen this cure infection after red streak was running up arm (indicative of blood poisoning). No antibiotics were needed. I have many times bathed in 1-2 cups epsom salts in hot bath when muscles or nerves said "help". You really feel relaxed. I have used a saturated solution of ACV - epsom salts to clear up deep infected ulcers in scalp. No antibiotics were needed. Swab ulcers.

Epsom Salt, Turmeric, Charcoal

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/26/2013

Hi! Last week my husband stepped on a nail that was in an old board at work. It went through his shoe and foot. He cleaned it up and put on a bandaid. It didn't bleed much, as it typical for a puncture wound. While it was not a rusty nail, it was old and obviously not freshly sterilized! My husband has not had a tetanus shot since he was a teen. (He is now 47.)

When he got home from work, he soaked it in hot water with Epsom Salt. (This is what Herbalist Rachel Weaver says to do. She says she grew up on a farm and when they stepped on nails they treated it this way. They never had tetanus shots and never had a problem. But they soaked each wound many times and used very hot water.) I put a charcoal poultice on it overnight. I also put him on 4 capsules of turmeric 4x a day. (Turmeric is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and a blood purifier.)

The next day he went to work without a charcoal poultice. When he got home his foot was sore and also red. Not hot and angry red, but red nonetheless. We did another Epsom salt soak and charcoal poultice overnight. He continued the turmeric. The next day he soaked it twice (he was home.) and we continued the turmeric and overnight poultice. The red was receding, as was the pain.

He didn't like using charcoal poultices during the day. So, during the day I would put 1 drop of turmeric essential oil diluted in some olive oil on the wound. (Which was just a puncture.)

So, it has been a week. We are no longer soaking it or poulticing it. (I think we did that for four days.) I still have him taking turmeric, just in case. The wound looks fine. It is still just a bit uncomfortable. (I think he had some soft tissue damage that is still healing.)

We made the poultices very large. The charcoal part was about 4x6 inches. I had it covering the area that was initially red and at least an inch beyond.

I think the turmeric essential oil was optional. Charcoal poultices during the day would have been as good, just not as convenient. Turmeric essential oil isn't the most common thing to have around, like the other things we used.

We were glad to avoid a doctor or hospital expense to get a tetanus shot. There are instances when I would consider one but I like to know other options and share them, especially since medical treatment is not always easy to come by, and is often not affordable.

I hope this story will help someone else to deal with a nail wound.

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~

Eucalyptus Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/20/2024

Eucalyptus Globulus as a Surgical Dressing. Page 668

The Pharmacology of the Newer Materia Medica: Embracing the Botany, Chemistry, Pharmacy and Therapeutics of New Remedies, page 655-, by George S. Davis, 1892

Report 9 * (T. S. Floyd, M. D., Sedgwick, Kansas, in a paper read before the Kansas State Medical Society, May, 1880 ‘Therapeutic Gazette, 1880, p. 185”) – Something over two years ago my attention was drawn to the probable value of this agent as a surgical dressing, and my first application was of the fluid extract in the following case: A boy about 12 years of age came into my office, his hand covered with blood, and told me his fingers had been canght between a rope carrying a heavy weight and the edge of an iron pulley over which it ran; an examination showed the terminal phalanges of the first and second fingers to be severely crushed, and the joint of the second finger laid open . Believing that amputation would be necessary, and as his parents were not present, I straightened the crushed fingers on a slip of pasteboard, and confined them with a few turns of a roller open at the ends, and then saturated the fingers and bandages with the fluid extract of eucalyptus, and sent the boy home, saying I would call and see him later. On my visit I found the saturated bandage almost as hard as a plaster splint; and the fingers giving no pain. As the bandage was open at the ends so that I could easily watch for any change that might demand interference, I resolved to allow the dressing to remain and apply through the open ends the fluid extract of eucalyptus, one part to seven of water. As neither pain nor suppuration supervened this dressing was allowed to remain for ten days, when I removed it and found the fingers I had first expected to remove, nicely healed; the joint was stiff and the nails gone, but the latter have since grown out and the joint, under passive motion, recovered almost its natural mobility. I have described this case at length, as it illustrates the method I have employed in a large number of injuries to fingers and hands, always allowing the first bandage, when it could be neatly and closely applied, to remain until the wounds healed, and in each case the result has been entirely satisfactory.

In cases similar to the one described it is specially applicable, as the saturated dressing hardens and forms a sufficient support.

Flour Poultice

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Rita (TN) on 08/17/2021

My mother always used a Poultice on wounds. She made a poultice of flour. 2 to 3 Tablespoons of Unbleached flour and just enough non- chlorinated water to make a very thick paste. Stir well. Using sterile gauze or bandage material of choice, place a portion of the poultice on the gauze, large enough to cover the wound. Use tape to hold in place. Leave on overnight. As it dries, it pulls out the infection! You will not believe the drawing/pulling, power of this plain and simple poultice. Change daily!

Replied by Rob

Flour and Salt: To Stop Bleeding from Wounds. – Bleeding from a wound on or beast may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt in equal parts, bound on with cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use a large quantity-say from 1 to 3 pints. It may be left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. In this manner the life of a horse was saved which was bleeding from a wounded artery. The bleeding ceased in 5 minutes after the application. It was left on for three days, when it worked loose, and was easily removed from the wound, which very soon healed.

From the Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everybody page 234, by A.W. Chase M.D. 192

Frankincense Essential Oil

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Posted by Myway (Usa) on 10/27/2015

Editor's Choice

One of my cats took a swipe at my face yesterday morning and left a scratch about 3/4 inch long beside my nose. He was mad I had not fed him yet....anyhow, I cleaned up the scar with some soap and water, dried my face, then mixed one drop of frankincense essential oil and about 1/8th teaspoon of virgin, organic unrefined coconut oil in the palm of my hand. I applied this blend to my face and scar. I just rubbed it in to my whole face.

This morning I woke up - No visible sign of the scratch! I knew frankincense was powerful - but I sort of can't believe my eyes.

I purchased some frankincense and myrrh essential oils to make some organic face and body creams and tested my sensitivity to these oils on my skin with sweet almond oil a couple days ago but had no idea of the power of healing these oils had until I watched "The Truth About Cancer". I thought to myself, if frankincense could help people heal from cancer, it should work on a cat scratch! Wow!

From here on out, my skin care routine will always include organic lotion I make with frankincense and myrrh. Dr. Josh Axe has a recipe on his site that I will be using.

I'm sitting here....I still can't believe it.

MyWay :D

Fresh Broccoli Juice

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Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/17/2008

Candied ginger helped my husband's sciatica so well (thanks EC!) that I want to share my family's secret "weapon" against all skin cuts - they heal faster and do not leave scars! Even those initially neglected that got infected. I wash the wound with fresh broccoli juice. I just grate some stems and squeeze juice over wound. Sometimes I keep the grated broccoli there longer. Then I forget it. Has worked thousand of times so far. Never failed.

Gaffer's Tape and Kinesiology Tape

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/02/2016 529 posts

I've discovered two different types of tape that can be used on my skin, without irritation, without the expense of medical tape and without coming off, even in the shower. Gaff tape and kinesiology tape. Kinesiology tape is lighter and stretches but gaff tape is useful for hundreds of things. They both come in a variety of colors. Cutting clean old t-shirts into gauze squares, you'd have more bandages than you'd ever need.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sonia Azooz (San Antonio, Texas) on 12/30/2008

I had cut my finger with a knife while cooking, I was worried because I am a diabetic, it wasn't healing properly. I decided to cook another day and I was chopping some garlic, the juices got on my cut finger and like a miracle my wound was completely healed and dried like the next day.

Garlic-Infused Yogurt

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Posted by Carra (San Diego, California) on 07/13/2008

I have had two startling healing successes using fresh plain yoghurt with active cultures infused with fresh raw garlic and I wanted to share this.

Recently I had a tooth unexpectedly abcess so swiftly that my jaw swelled overnight and became extremely painful. I had transportation and schduling problems and couldn't get into a dentist, didn't know what to do. Until I re-red an old herbal of mine that listed clinical studies on the antibiotic prpperties of fresh garlic on wounds and infections. I then went on the internet for more current information.
I had a container of fresh, plain yoghurt with probiotics /active cultures and I had cloves of fresh garlic on hand. I decided to peel and slice several cloves of garlic and infuse the yoghurt with the garlic as a means to get fresh garlic into my system and directly on the affected tooth as well. My decision to use the fresh yoghurt as a medium for the garlic was based in the research that has sown raw garlic to be supportive of friendly bacteria and to target harmful ones. I figured that the yoghurt's having the probiotics would support my system and help cushion the shock of my suddenly ingesting the raw garlic.

I started eating the strongly-inflused yoghurt before I went to bed that night and then again when I woke up the next morning. My stunned family and I watched as the swelling in my jaw decreased almost on the hour. Within in 24 hours after starting the garlic-infused yoghurt my jaw was back to normal and I had no tooth pain.

My second occasion to turn to garlic-infused yoghurt occured several moths later.

When a mis-step sent me sprawling and I caught the corner of a concrete step on my right shin I found another use for garlic-infused yoghurt that was equally amazing.

In the process of falling and trying to catch myself I had one small gouge in my right shin right beside a very deep gouge that took out several layers of skin-- through a boot no less.

I tried the topical antibiotic ointments that are typically recommended on gauze as the doctor recommended and had a painful mess.

Following traditional doctor's orders I either had a gash that wouldn't close or a bandage painfully stuck to the wound. In desperation one night I soaked a painfully stuck and encrusted gandage in garlic-infused yoghurt before I went to bed. lightly covering it with a thin layer of more gauze.

The next day when I went to tend the wound the garlic-infused bandage had painlessly released. I began to put the garlic-infused yoghurt on fresh clean gauze and continued to tape around the bandage. Not only did the bandages never stick -- the yoghurt dries and released apinlessly--- but the rate of healing and cell regeneration was astounding.

I had no stitches and I have no scar today.

I was pleased by the way the wound stayed clean, and healed so rapidly.

Since I have never heard of anyone using actife culture yogurt infused with fresh garlic before this, I thought I would share my experiences in case this remedy can open the doors for healing for others.

Within the past two days I have just begun the oil-pulling and I plan to try the apple cider vinegar remedy -- I hope to be writing again with successes there as well.

Thank you for all the work you do and for the doors of healing you are opening to all of us!

Gotu Kola and Sea Buckthorn Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Pocahontasspirit (San Luis Obispo, California) on 01/19/2018

Skin abrasions, Road rash, Skinned knees, Burns. (Probably Cuts and Incisions.)

Buy online and Twice a day (am and before bed) apply:

Gotu Kola (non-alcoholic extract! )PLUS Sea Buckthorn pure oil. Just put enough drops to cover wound. A typical knee scrape is about 2 drops of each. Touch the oils lightly on the skin with your finger to ensure absorption. Cover with Bandaids until oozing stops, then cover only at night to prevent rubbing of wound until skin looses it's pinkness.

Amazing combination for difficult abrasions and burns!!!

I've used it many times with quick, non-scaring results. Pass it on...

(I imagine it would work great on cuts and incisions, I've just never have had the opportunity to try it on those yet.)

Ground Black Pepper

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Posted by JoJean Nelson (Oregon) on 10/13/2021

my husband sliced his finger deep while cutting meat. I filled a shot glass with ground black pepper and had him stick his finger in it for 5-10 min. It built a crust and the bleeding stopped.

Herbs, Honey, Castor Oil, Lanolin

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/17/2018

I am always tweaking my wound treatment protocol. And my children keep giving me opportunities to do so!

My son was on a construction project at work and fell backwards and gouged his hand on a cinder block. He ripped off layers of skin in a line and his hand was sore and swelling.

The cinder block had been dirty. He did immediately clean the wound with peroxide.

I had him shower when he got home and we began treating the wound. I gave him turmeric internally to help with pain, swelling and infection prevention.

I mixed together equal parts of powdered goldenseal (for infection), Plantain (for skin regeneration) and slippery elm (nutrients for skin and a "natural" bandage) This powder I sprinkled generously onto the wound.

I took two strips of old clean t-shirt. I applied a thick layer of a mixture of castor oil and lanolin down the center of the t-shirt strip. Then I applied a layer of honey onto that. Then I applied this "bandage" to the wound.

So the wound had the following on it, in order from the wound site - herbal powder, honey, castor oil/lanolin, t-shirt bandage. I held all of this on with a cohesive tape that I buy by the case!

I changed the bandage every 24 hours. Within 24 hours we could see new skin growing in the wound.

He missed 2 days of work because he thought he was at risk for re-opening the wound with the type of work he does. He was able to return to work after that. I think another day or two of the bandages and he won't need them any more.

A difficulty with wounds is that moist wound healing is ideal. But the skin can get kind of waterlogged with no air. I did not use any plastic to hold in moisture this time, just oil, lanolin and honey to keep in moisture. I think this was better than anything plastic but the wound did not dry out.

~Mama to Many~


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Maryellen (Boston USA) on 08/03/2021

My mom had a vein removed from her arm to use in a live reconstruction of her jaw from cancer. They used medihoney. It was flat piece of medicinal honey that you applied to the wound and then covered with gauze bandage. It worked great. Closed up the wound, which was 1.5 inches wide by 8 inches long.

Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 11/21/2017 233 posts

Editor's Choice

Honey for Healing of Wound With Grit

I recently went on holiday to Thailand with the family and thought my health kit was well stocked. I had tea tree oil and Vicks for bug bites and repellant, also tto is antiseptic, magnesium malate for magnesium and as an apple cider vinegar replacement, Olive leaf for antibiotics should anyone develop sickness, a wholefood multi vitamin to replace the many tablets I use at home, borax for laundry and head to toe body wash inc teeth brushing (add water) rosehips for wholefood vitamin c, beet root for my husband's blood sugar, kids organic multivitamin and melatonin for sleep assist with the added benefit of gut health. I thought I had every situation covered! Until I fell in the street (narrow foot path) directing all sorts of filth into the soft part of my inner ankle and foot. I had twisted my ankle in the fall as well but did not realise for a few days.

Not in much pain but embarrassed and bloody, I returned the short walk to the hotel and passing the bar collected some salt. In the room I soaked my foot in the salt and water, cleaning it was difficult it now hurt sooo much and to my dismay I saw grit embedded in the wound. I hobbled to the couch whereas before treatment I was walking normally, albeit slowly, the attention I had paid to my injury had been rewarded with large pain increase. I applied the tto oil and researched poultice that I could access in Thailand. If I was at home there would be at least twelve plants in my garden I could use for this purpose, my husband calls some of them weeds. I could have really used one of Mama's charcoal poultices!

I found that honey could be used as poultice which I was not confident of but thought at least it has healing properties, so when hubby and kids returned from foot massage (! ) I asked him to get the purest honey they had at the chemist. I applied the honey, covering with tea bag wrapper (limited supplies) so it wouldn't stick to the wound, and a sock to hold it in place. I rested it by having a few days just watching the kids in the pool. Twice a day I applied the honey, I didn't have to touch the tender skin which was a plus, just plopped the honey on it till it was covered. The grit was still there though, but I couldn't touch it still and would not allow my husband to either.

When the wound scabbed over I was a little concerned because I knew the grit had not come out, but I had put my faith in the healing properties of the honey. I stopped applying the honey once the scabs formed. Couple weeks later when the scabs came off, the skin was pink and healthy. I guess that as much as I thought I was prepared you cannot prepare for everything, but EC got me through.

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Update on using honey for wound, no scar.

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