Borax, Topical Application
Health Benefits

Borax Topical Application for Rapid Pain Relief and Help for Arthritis

on Mar 28, 2022| Modified on Jan 19, 2025
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Topical Borax Application.

I wanted to share my new topical borax application method with the Earth Clinic community as it's working so phenomenally well and fast, I am quite stunned.

The recipe is very simple, with only three ingredients: borax, distilled water, and DMSO. I believe it will help many joint and pain conditions that Ted's famous internal borax remedy treats, except much faster.

I have been applying this solution to my lower spine, where I have had severe tailbone and sciatica pain the past few months from a herniated disc, and also on my hand and knees. I have no pain or stiffness. I actually forgot I had a bad back!

This targeted method works much faster than the internal borax method, in my opinion, plus it has absolutely no side effects. I think it also works better than DMSO alone, which I have tested extensively. I started to have pain relief and increased joint mobility in only two days.

Topical Borax Application Benefits

I believe topical borax solution might help the following ailments:

  • Arthritis
  • Herniated Discs
  • Bone Spurs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)
  • Sciatica
  • Tailbone Pain
  • Bone Fractures
  • Meniscus Tears
  • Knee Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Hip Pain
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Jaw Pain


  • Bottle (I use a 4 oz amber bottle)
  • Borax
  • DMSO (buy on Amazon - 99.99% purity)


  • Fill the bottle with 4 oz hot distilled water.
  • Add one teaspoon of pure borax, such as 20 Mule Team borax.
  • Shake vigorously until the borax is dissolved. Make sure to shake vigorously every day before use.

Application Method

  • Shake, and then pour some of your borax solution into the palm of your hand and then apply to any problem areas you want to treat. Apply to clean skin before you do this because DMSO is a solvent. Right after a shower is a good time.
  • Massage into the skin until most of it has been absorbed.
  • Add a few drops of DMSO to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and then apply the DMSO on top of the borax. Massage into the area and then allow the area to dry before you put on any clothes.


I have absolutely no pain in my hands after the 4th day, increased flexibility in the joints, and no clicking when I open and close my fingers. I have arthritis from years of karate as an adult and intense gymnastics as a child.  My back pain is gone. I don't even have tight muscles, as an added benefit, in the areas where I applied the borax solution on my lower back.


To see results, one only needs to apply the borax and DMSO solution once a day. Perhaps twice is better, but I get results just once a day.

The targeted topical application method appears to work much faster than Ted's borax protocol of drinking an entire liter of borax water (1/8th-1/4 teaspoon in 1 liter of water) 5 days a week. It often takes people weeks to get results.

I tried Art's fabulous borax arthritis topical cream method last year but had difficulty dissolving the borax, so this hot distilled water method works perfectly for me. Thanks for the original suggestion, Art!

Please try this topical borax application method and let me know how it works for you. If you have your own topical borax solution method, please share it with us!

Related Links:

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide
Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing
The Powerful Health Benefits of Borax: Natural Remedy for Wellness

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 03/28/2022

Thank you Deirdre! I use borax daily and it helps my knees but not my lower back pain (3 herniated discs). I will try your method daily to see if I get relief!

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Well done Deirdre,

I am very happy for you and for your sharing this with the EC Community.

Well done for your innovative discovery!

It would indeed appear to be a wonderful new weapon to include in the "Arthritis Toolbox" for many people who suffer horribly for this evil affliction, which can destroy their quality of life!

The medical profession usually send these people home with some pain-killers or anti-inflammatory pills! We should have got beyond that by now!

The only possible reservation I have, is a suspicion of the use of the DMSO in your recipe, and, whilst I realize that it may be essential for its efficacy, I am a trifle concerned at possible side effects? Are you able to elaborate on the safety of DMSO please? It being a "solvent" worries me a bit but I am unsure of the science behind that. Perhaps you would be kind enough to take the time to clear the issue up?

You are unfortunately a day late for an Oscar but you might get an Editor's Choice as a consolation prize I should hope.

Cheers from Down Under where the Autumn (Fall) Equinox has recently paid us a visit.

(Cabarlah, Qld.)


Walter Last has written articles on DMSO and borax available online.

(Cabarlah, Qld.)

Michael and other Earth Clinic readers. A Midwestern Doctor on Substack has written quite a few articles about how DMSO transforms the treatment of many diseases.

Replied by Teresa

I hope you get relief, I was looking for a place to ask, do you know why Distilled Water? I know the reasons for most things I just wondered if you can use Tap water in a pinch.


Hi Teresa,

Yes, you could use tap water, but make sure it's filtered. At any rate, borax removes tap water's added fluoride from the body as one of its many benefits.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your post. DMSO is very safe, been used by people for decades. You just have to use it on clean skin. There is a lot of information (and feedback from readers going back 15 years+ ) on Earth Clinic about DMSO so I've provided the link to our page article.

But if you really want to learn all the uses for DMSO, get the book DMSO Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton Walker. Here's the book on Amazon. Fabulous read.

P.S. You should also read the Amazon reviews on various DMSO products. Here's the one I buy.

(New Zealand)

Thank you Deirdre,

Very useful information.

Am glad you are reaping the benefits of the topical Borax and DMSO.




The few poor customer reviews from the link to the DMSO from Amazon, has me questioning the authenticity of the product. If the product didn't solidify when put into the refrig, is it really true pure DMSO? Just asking...


I use this one and I have always been sure it is good because the first time I ordered it was in the fall and when I opened the package from inside my mail box it was crystalized ice already.

(New Zealand)

Good day Deirdre,

Would your DMSO/Borax method assist with treating Calcification of the Muscles (Calcium deposits where they ought not to be)?

Your interesting experiment sounds as if it might prove useful!

Sometimes physiotherapists USED to use ultra-sonic device to do this but seem reluctant to do so these days!

Calcification might need a new section (within Arthritis) of EC maybe - just a suggestion.

Cheers from Down Under


EC: Hi Michael,

We do have a page on this. Please see


Hi Marcie,

Yes, I read those DMSO reviews before I bought the product and I'm not sure they are legit. It's an excellent product. I've bought 6 bottles now and they have definitely solidified when left on the counter in my kitchen or bathroom when it got chilly at night with the temp down. I didn't even need the fridge test. I'm happy with this brand but there are plenty of other companies to choose from.


Hi Deirdre, is this the legit product? Just want to try the “correct” one.


Hi Kay!

Yes, that's the one. Brand name is Heiltropfen.

(Toronto, Ontario)

Hi Deirdre!

How are you applying the Borax solution? Are you using a spray bottle?

Thank you!


Hi Lulu!

Please read my post at the top of the page with the instructions and feedback. I turned my original post into a new borax topical application remedies page on Earth Clinic so more people could try it. It's amazing... I can't tell you how much better my hands feel in only a few days with this simple remedy.

(New Zealand)

Thanks Frances,

I will check up on Walter Last as you suggest.


2425 posts

Editor's Choice Hi Michael,

As a successful user of Borax for arthritis for well over a decade, I often recommend it and definitely orally if the arthritis is wide spread, but topically when it is confined to one or two areas of the body. Taken orally, it is also useful as an inhibitor of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis and likely useful for teeth.

The main person I have read about who actually started using Boron or Borax in his arthritic patients was Dr. Rex Newnham in Australia in the 1980's. Through epidemiological studies, he was able to determine that areas of the world that have soil with low boron content have higher levels of arthritis and areas with high boron soil content have lower levels of arthritis. Here is a link to info on him :

Borax contains 11.34% boron. I have found that a high enough dose of Boron is as effective as Borax for arthritis. Not everyone is able to tolerate Borax and for those people, it is worth trying boron in supplemental form as sometimes those who do not tolerate Borax can tolerate Boron. It is an extremely inexpensive remedy for arthritis of different forms at just pennies per year. There has only been one study (2017) using Borax for arthritis that I am aware and it was successful but very limited in scope. Unfortunately, more human studies have not followed that one study which can be read at the following link :

Given that the potential for profit on Borax is nil, I am doubtful that there will be more studies using it as a treatment for arthritis. The study link above was 5 years ago and it generated enough positive data to warrant a follow-up study at a minimum, but that has not happened.

Good luck!


(Denver, Colorado)

Just seeking support/information. I've got a knee that is killing me, which is osteoarthritis and a possible torn meniscus. I've taken borax internally and applied externally with DSMO. I'm only 5 days in. Can I expect good things/improvement. I just rec'd an order of CDS, but am wondering about this with the borax underway. Will CDS help with relieving me with the arthritis?

(New Zealand)

Thank you for your input Art,

I acknowledge that Borax is a favoured remedy on EC and many posters seem to have experienced relief by taking it orally (including your good self!).

Now Deirdre has had success by applying it topically with DMSO.

However, when I tried the "Borax in water protocol" I did not react well to it but may not have persevered sufficiently !

I have been actively seeking out and taking Boron though.

One product did not actually stipulate the amount of Boron the capsule contained but said it was in the form of "glycinate" (sp?). Sixty tabs cost me approximately twenty U.S. dollars, which is a bit steep even for over here!

The second had Boron as part of a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, which I still take once per day as recommended. It has Boron (chelated) at 50mg (weight) and 2.5mg (active).

My pill for Joints has (amongst other ingredients). Boron from sodium borate pentahydrate at 500 mcg. They recommend 2 tabs 2X / day with food but I have only been taking one!

I would be interested in learning your thoughts about whether you feel the amounts are sufficient I.e. both the last two together?

The apparent correlation of Arthritis sufferers and Borax/Boron in the soil is an interesting one.

Apparently Israel has little Arthritis as there is ample borax in their soil, whereas Jamaica and Western Australia are at opposite ends of the spectrum as it were with proportionally more sufferers. NZ is supposed to be OK in my neck of the woods but much of our food has traveled further that I have!

I have this week resorted to a "Turmeric Extra Strength" pill to try to cope with the pain and will hopefully reap results soon. I will let you know.

Having been trying to go gluten-free for three months with no benefit other than a bit of weight loss, I am now having to resort to a low-starch diet with all the bother and drama that that entails.

Good health to you Art,

Michael from Down Under

2425 posts

Hi Michael,

The dose of Borax that has generally shown benefit for different forms of arthritis is 1/4 teaspoon for men and 1/8 teaspoon for women taken 4 days per week as per Ted's directions. I think Ted's idea was to take 3 days off per week in order to allow excess Borax to be easily eliminated during those 3 days.

So you would be taking 1/4 teaspoon of Borax for 4 days of the week for a total of 3.5 to 4 grams of Borax per week. A 1/4 teaspoon of Borax weighs in the 950 mg to 1000 mg range. So if Borax is 11.34% Boron and you want to take an equivalent dose of Boron to be similar to the amount of Boron in a 1/4 teaspoon of Borax, you would multiply 950 x .1134 = 107.73 or 108 mg of boron. This indicates that the doses of Boron you are considering are too low.

When I tried Boron at 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg, or 18 mg/day, I got zero benefit for relief of my severe psoriatic arthritis which was affecting every major joint in my body to the point that I was in constant pain and I could no longer lay flat on my back, but rather had to toss and turn and lay mainly on my sides resulting in very poor sleep which will always have a negative effect in your overall health. I could no longer get up from a squatting position and it basically always hurt to move. So I could no longer go for my daily walks or exercise.

When I moved up to the amount of Boron available in a 1/4 teaspoon of Borax, I simply became normal with no pain and that has remained for well over a decade. I Have stopped Borax completely at least twice. Each time over a period of months, the pain started coming back, but before it got to as bad as it was when I first started Borax, I started taking Borax again. When I read more about all of the benefits of Borax, I decided to take it 4 days per week for the rest of my life to try to obtain the other benefits associated with its use and not take vacations from its use except possibly when I go on vacation.

I realize I can possibly get by with less Borax, but my condition was severe enough where the doses Dr. Newnham was recommending were worthless for me, but I have not had any problem at this dose taken 4 days of the week, so I don't give it much thought. I think the reason that Ted suggested these doses is because it is high enough to elicit a fairly quick response while being low enough to not run into toxicity issues.

If you don't mind saying, Michael, what was the problem that you had with taking Borax?

I know from experience that some people simply do not tolerate Borax, but may be able to tolerate Boron as an alternative for arthritis.



Hi Art, I've been taking 1/8th tsp borax now for approximately 2 years. It has helped my knees so much! But I have severe lower back pain (3 herniated discs) I am now using Deirdre's topical application as well. I guess what I am wondering is if I can increase my internal dosage to 1/4 tsp, I am a large framed woman 180 pounds. Thanks for your input! I really need relief!

(New Zealand)

Hi again Art,

I appreciate your latest post very much thank you.

My trouble was in procuring Borax in the first place- not sure where to source it over here. I had a small pottle but was not sure if it was "Food grade" or "Laundry grade"!

My stomach is normally fairly well behaved compared to most others I know but it does not tolerate Borax in the make up you mentioned and which is usually touted on EC.

Nor does it tolerate the anti-inflammatories from the chemist, so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place on that front.

I envy you the benefits you are gaining from your Borax treatment - well done! That you have been so consistent over many years and without experiencing side effects is wonderful. How long did it take to reap the benefits after commencement?

So you think I should increase my BORON intake by how much more than I am doing already? I was not too clear on that part of your message.

Also, mg and mcg? How do they differ? We have only been under the metric system for a few decades, so am still learning!! Was brought up under the Ye Olde English system of weights and measures.

BUT, another confusing thing on EC is the frequent reference to ounces of water in a glass - we are unfamiliar with that concept in NZ. (EC kindly note).

Cheers and thanks again.



I want to use Deirdre's topical application, but can not find how much DMSO to use (or to dilute?) where can I find Deirdre's topical application?

2425 posts


It may be possible to get Borax in your part of the world here :

Regarding Boron, In a quarter teaspoon of Borax at roughly 950 mg of Borax, there is roughly 108 mg of Boron. So this would be an equivalent effective dose of Boron based on the amount of Boron in Borax. I am not a doctor so I can't tell you how much Boron to take, but I can tell you that the dose of Borax that Ted recommended contained approximately 108 mg of Boron while the dose of Boron Dr. Newnham used was around 12 mg, but that dose was insufficient for me and did not work while Ted's dosing recommendation worked for me relatively quickly. I guess that Dr. Newnham's dose could be considered as a starting dose and increase every two weeks until you get the reaction you are looking for. It would be a slower process than Ted's, but you might eventually find a dose that is effective.

If the problem with taking Borax is that it bothers your stomach, you can try two things to see if they help. Take a third of the Borax with breakfast, a third of the Borax with lunch and the last third with dinner or sip it throughout the day as Ted recommended. Mix your 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in a liter of water and sip that liter throughout the day so that there is never a lot of borax in your stomach at any time point during the day. Another option is to start with the 1/8th teaspoon dose in a liter of water sipped throughout the day.

Something to keep in mind when I am discussing arthritis and Borax is that my arthritis was "severe", so it took a full 1/4 teaspoon dose to get it into remission, but now with no symptoms, I could probably get by with the 1/8th teaspoon dose or maybe even less, but I do not care to experiment in that area as I am also trying to obtain all of the other benefits associated with Borax/Boron intake.

As far as a timeframe for my recovery in my severe state at the time of starting Borax, I first was certain of initial benefit after 2 weeks as my hip pains started to reduce at that time, but other areas had not changed. At one month in I was significantly better in almost all joints and I can say at two months all pain was gone. Again, keep in mind I was severe and I think that is why some people report faster results as they may not have been as bad as me. It is also very important to remember That Dr. Newnham reported that in very long standing and or severe cases, it could take 3 to 4 months to reach maximum improvement. I think this is likely due to the fact that the body needs time to heal the damage and the damage itself can be pain causing, but this is just speculation on my part.

Regarding converting ounces(oz.) to ml, just use this converter to eliminate confusion :

If your arthritis is confined to a few areas, Deirdre's DMSO/Borax topical should work well and quickly and is a very quick and easy method to see if you respond to Borax/boron as you hope to. It is also much less likely to cause gastro issues as you mentioned you have experienced with Borax taken orally, assuming that what you took was really Borax?

I hope that covers everything, Michael.


2425 posts


In case you were wondering, I am using what you referred to as "laundry grade borax" as I buy my box of 20 Mule Team Borax in the laundry aisle of my local markets.


(New Zealand)

Thank you so much Art for taking so much time on my behalf. I feel that such a comprehensive post will surely benefit others too! I am not too well at the moment but will get back to you later on if I may. In the meantime... as I understand things, one dilutes the quarter teaspoon of Borax as you suggest, place it in the fridge and sip from it during the day as you describe. Got that. OR is it that you are supposed to dilute it a second time immediately prior to drinking? I really ought to check up on Deirdre's video clip on the subject I suppose. In any event, I believe Borax is one of those things that one should ease into gradually (for most people). Cheers and thanks again. Michael

2425 posts


It is 1/4 teaspoon of Borax dissolved in one liter of water. Sip this liter throughout the day until finished. Repeat for 4 days and then take three days off. I take it on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then take Friday, Saturday and Sunday off from Borax. I don't bother refrigerating between uses, I just keep it where I can see it so I am reminded to sip it every so often. Borax goes through the system fairly quickly and the 3 days off should allow your body to eliminate any excess amounts. This has worked very well for me for a very long time to keep my arthritis in remission. Thank goodness Ted shared this remedy with us while he was here!


2425 posts


Several common and useful items for calcifications in soft tissue are bioavailable forms of oral magnesium and also mag oil applied directly to the area of suspected calcifications, Vitamin K2 Menaquinone 7 and Chanca Piedra.


2425 posts


One possibility before you move your oral borax dose up to 1/4 teaspoon is to finish testing Deirdre's topical Borax/DMSO remedy. If it improves your lower back pain, then increasing your oral dose to the 1/4 teaspoon is likely to help, but if B/D does not help, then more oral borax is not likely to help either.

If B/D does not help, there is always Ted's hyaluronic acid(HA) remedy to consider or my alternative capsule HA remedy which has similar effectiveness to Ted's remedy but is simpler and more convenient to use.



Hi Sharon,

Please see my article at the top of this page.

I made Art's 8 oz water to1 tablespoon borax solution today and started applying that with a few drops of DMSO on each section I apply the solution to. I feel that a stronger solution is needed after rigorous exercise and weight training, which his recipe is.

Replied by Wendy
(New Zealand)

You can buy borax from Blant's in NZ. Also I've seen it recommended to start the borax at a much lower dose and build up gradually. That may help.

Replied by RaeMarie

Have been using DMSO with great success for years. I found that Tractor Supply has a very inexpensive one distributed by Valhome Corp. in Tulsa, Ok 74115 Generic blue and white bottle, 99% pure DMSO liquid, and does freeze up.

Best Way to Dissolve Borax

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Deirdre (Connecticut) on 04/04/2022

The borax in distilled hot water, when hand-shaken to dissolve, ends up at the bottom of the bottle after a day or two. I reached the end of my first 4 oz bottle tonight, so for my 2nd batch, I used my magnetic stirrer ($20-30 on Amazon) to dissolve the borax in near boiling distilled water. Takes only seconds to dissolve with the magnetic stirrer. I used a small, 250 ml glass beaker (also available on Amazon) and then transferred the solution to my 4 oz bottle.

If you end up using this new topical method instead of drinking it, this is the way to go. Actually, it's also a good method to use for Ted's internal borax remedy! Perfectly dissolved borax.

P.S. Make sure to buy good stirring magnets as well as the stirrer from a science store. Most magnetic stirrers don't come with magnets or if they do, they are cheap and start to crack after a few uses in my experience.

Replied by Art
2425 posts

Hi Deirdre,

A level full US tablespoon of Borax will saturate an 8 ounce cup of distilled water at room temperature if you don't happen to have a magnetic stirrer handy. If there is any undissolved particles left at the bottom, just filter them out with a coffee filter or similar. This will eliminate the potential for the hard crystals to develop later and you have a saturated solution of Borax now and don't have to heat the water.



Thank you so much, Art! Really great to know as I had a lot of granules left at the bottle of my first bottle.

Can you kindly help me with this calculation? If I were to make an 8 oz solution with 1 tablespoon of borax, how much boron would I be delivering with each pour from the bottle, estimating a pour into one's palm is about 1 teaspoon of the solution? Thanks in advance!

2425 posts

Editor's Choice Hi Deirdre,

One tablespoon of Borax weighs approximately 10.3 grams or 10, 300 mg, but this can vary based on density and moisture content of the Borax that is why I say approximately and this number should be close enough for this purpose.

One 8 ounce cup of water = 48 teaspoons

Assuming one teaspoon of the water/borax blend per use.

10, 300 mg / 48 servings = 214.583333 mg per teaspoon serving or for convenience 215 mg per teaspoon serving.

Borax is a larger molecule that does not easily cross the skin and dermal layers thus necessitating the use of DMSO to act as a transdermal penetration enhancer, but even with DMSO, not all of the Borax will be taken in, so the actual available dose to the joints is less than 215 mg per serving. Don't forget to wash and rinse your hands well before each use.


(Toronto, Ontario)

Hi Art!

I started to use Deirdre's topical Borax and DMSO application on my hands( only! ).

You are saying that it is necessary to wash hands after the application.

How long should I keep the solution on my hands before I wash them?

Many Thanks in advance!


Thank you so much, Art. Very helpful to know what mg I am roughly providing in each area. So I'm actually doing quite a large dose every day with my 4 oz water/1 teaspoon borax solution ... 12 teaspoons' worth at least! Amazingly, no side effects just increased energy. I will make your 8 oz /1 tablespoon borax solution next round and let you know how that goes. Thank you again!

P.S. Yes, I do wash my hands before and again after the borax/dmso solution has dried. It dries incredibly fast on the hands... no residue.

2425 posts

Hi Lulu,

I didn't say that, I said it is absolutely necessary to wash and thoroughly rinse your hands before using DMSO/Borax. Deirdre said to wash your hands after the DMSO has completely dried.


2425 posts


Yes, when you consider how small the area that you are delivering the Borax to, it is a high dose compared to 1/4 teaspoon orally that Ted recommended. This partly explains why the results are so fast at just 4 days to see benefit. Fortunately, topical delivery in this case will limit systemic availability and any potential toxicity of such a high dose.

Yes, I knew you are aware of how to use DMSO and being clean about it, I just wanted to reiterate that point for people using your new method and DMSO for the first time.

Bringing the pain level down to nothing can certainly make someone feel more energized, especially with chronic pain!

Your method is very useful for quicker relief from arthritis!

I've got a friend currently testing your method so I can report those results very soon!


Replied by Peter

Will this work with diabetic foot nerve pain also?

2425 posts


No. Diabetes can cause nerve damage in the form of peripheral neuropathy (PN). The standard supplements to help with PN are vitamins B1, B6, B12 and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA).

Some things work well with ALA to work against PN. Here is a basic example of the use of Baicalin and ALA used as a treatment for PN :


Here is an important quote from the study :

>>>' Compared with α-lipoic acid monotherapy, baicalin capsules combined with α-lipoic acid are effective in treating patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, this treatment can obviously relieve the clinical symptoms of patients, improve nerve conduction velocity, reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory injury, and it does not increase adverse reactions. Therefore, it is worthy of promotion. ' <<<

There are other options, but these are the basics.

Here is a link to typical Baicalin supplements :

Baicalin Link

Here is a link to typical ALA supplements :

ALA Link

Good luck and please update us on how you do.


(North Carolina)

What dosages of each would you recommend?

2425 posts


This is not my protocol so you would have to refer back to the original post by Deirdre for dosing considerations or ask her yourself. Here is a link to the original post that has her dosing directions in it :


Replied by Renee
41 posts

Borax in my glass bottle with distilled water is crystalized at the bottom and no amount of shaking will dissolve it. It seemed dissolved yesterday but woke up today to find it this way. Seeing this concerns me about taking it internally. Too much Borax versus water? I used about a teaspoon in 2 oz of distilled water to apply to my skin.

2425 posts


The reason this happened is because the water was warmer when you mixed the borax and this made your solution a "super saturated" solution of borax and distilled water and during the night it cooled and allowed the excess borax to crystalize. These crystals will not dissolve in your solution even if you were to add more distilled water.

If you pass your current solution through a coffee filter, it will remove these crystals and what you will have is a "saturated solution" of distilled water and borax, which I assume is what you wanted when you started out.


41 posts

THANK YOU. GREAT IDEA. I have it in a spray bottle and it is getting clogged. I hope the coffee filter will correct this.

2425 posts


You can leave your bottle of borax water in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before you run it through a coffee filter and that should help prevent your spray bottle from clogging.


Replied by Sherry
(New Bern, NC)

Can you send a link in the comment section for everyone, to a location of a store or online shop that sells the best magnetic stirrers please? Thanks so much.

Replied by Cheri

Why do you have to use a magnetic stirrer?? Do I have to?


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nancy (Az) on 03/29/2022

I've been using DMSO for years and it's a wonderful product for eliminating pain! I will not be without this product and have told many people about it! I just read where it helped a women's facial skin clear up. I havent tried it but will tomorrow! I use a roll-on for convenience.

Painful Joints

Posted by Gracie (Nottingham) on 04/05/2022


Love the idea of applying borax and DMSO to painful joints. Is there any way they could be made into a salve?

I took 1/8 teaspoonful of borax for a long time but it did not help with the pain. I'd be interested to learn if other Earth Clinic readers have success with the Borax/DMSO mixture.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Gracie,

Not sure about making a salve with DMSO. Perhaps Art has input on that!

2425 posts


Because the effects of Deirdre's topical Borax/DMSO arthritis remedy are so fast, It might be better to get the rapid benefit from her topical remedy and once you are pain free just switch to the oral dose of Borax to maintain the effect. This would be much easier than having to apply an ointment on all of the problem areas.

I don't know how to make an ointment/salve with DMSO. With DMSO you have to remember that everything in the ointment has the potential to be drawn through the skin and dermal layers. With Deirdre's topical, you are only working with Borax and DMSO. If you use an ointment base, it is likely to have other components that you may not want to pass through the skin and dermal layers.


Replied by Toni

I tried running the borax through a coffee grinder, (I think Art mentioned this in his post about using it with lotion) but instead of using lotion, I use castor oil and dmso. It's still a little gritty, so for my next batch maybe I'll look into heating a little olive oil, adding the borax, then adding this to the castor oil- which I don't want to heat. Castor oil also has pain relieving properties and it along with the borax and dmso definitely helps with my SEVERE back pain. I chose not to use lotion because most have ingredients I don't want to add dmso to.

Art and Deirdre, THANKS!!!

Sciatica, Knee Pain

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michael (Colorful Colorado) on 04/03/2022

Thank you for this Deirdre! I had been taking Borax orally for a week and noticed some relief from Sciatica. I followed your protocol and had some relief before 8 hours had passed. I continued this treatment morning and evening for 2 more days adding 1/8 tsp of ionic Magnesium to the recipe. This eliminated the pain entirely! I applied this 'formula' to the area where my Sciatic pain originates and down my leg with an extra pass on my knees. This has also helped with pain and stiffness in my knees. I am now on day 3 of no additional treatment as I try to determine the lasting effects of this treatment to put it into a periodic regimen. At this point in time still having no pain. Thanks again.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear it's working so well and good to know about the addition of ionic magnesium. I will definitely try that.

I'm expanding the area where I am applying it to knees, hands, elbows, neck, and the entire low back. I find the increase in flexibility almost instantaneous now, which is really incredible. I went pretty hard at the gym yesterday with weight training, jogging, running and the step machine with the Kaatsu bands on (those bands make workouts REALLY HARD, let me tell you! ) and today had almost no joint pain. My hands are usually very painful after swinging the kettlebell around, but there was none of that yesterday after the workout.

I'm also using the solution on my 16 year old dog, who has very painful feet at this stage of his life. I apply it to his pads. 3rd day of doing this and I think there is an improvement. Will update in time.


Ms D& pet parents might check this out...vid 🐶Toenail Trims ARE Brain Surgery! if you hear toenail clicking (on floors), trim em stat...
toenails are a major source of neurological feedback

too long ones disturb optimum spinal alignment/balance...biomechanics...negatively affecting dog's entire health...causing osteoarthritis, stress hormone rise, fatigue/instability/energy depletion in muscles, tendons, metabolic disease in organs
Dog Nail Trimming
Animal Chiropractic Education

Dr. Amy and Dr. O stress the importance of toe nail trimming in dogs.


Thank you so much, dd. I was just looking at his nails earlier tonight thinking a few of them really needed a trim and I do have the right tool for it. That video was excellent, I just finished watching it. Thank you so much for recommending it. All dog owners should watch it! Great tips, esp about 1) wetting dog's nails beforehand by walking them in wet grass and 2) cutting the front and sides of the nail and not worrying about the back of the nail. I will work on his nails!

Replied by Oppiesee
(Melkbos SA)

Be cautious with those hands and swinging of the heavy kettle bells, it may do more harm than good.

Thanks for the recipe. I'll be applying it tonight.