MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

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Posted by Jerome (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/04/2011 8 posts

YEA for MMS. I had a longstanding case of epididymitis and prostatitis for almost three years, that I suspect came from a case of Chlamydia that I contracted years ago and never fully got rid of. It got to the point where I had a constant pain in my left side (where my testicles meet my leg) and my left testicle was extremely sensitive all the time.

A urologist gave me a course of doxycycline (back when I still trusted doctors) which seemed to bring the pain under control, but a month or so after I stopped the antibiotics the pain crept back and became as bad as ever. After giving up on doctors, I began to try alternative remedies, the first one being colloidal silver (a common brand sold at Vitamin Shoppe). To my great joy I immediately began to notice a decrease in pain from taking 5-7 tablespoons of colloidal silver a day. After a couple of weeks taking colloidal silver the epididymitis and prostatitis was 80-90% gone. I figured that was as cured as I was going to get, and I was happy with the lack of pain, so I stopped the silver.

After the silver I began taking MMS for other lingering health problems I had. I began with 5 drops of MMS twice a day on an empty stomach. After one day I noticed my urine was suddenly cloudy with white blood cells. This told me that my body was fighting something in my urinary tract area. At the same time, I noticed that my epididymitis/prostate pain had disappeared--and I mean 100% GONE, almost overnight. What this told me was that the MMS had basically kicked the living heck out of whatever bacteria/parasite was causing my crotch pain. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

After less than a week on MMS, when I reached 9 drops twice a day, I started to notice something else--I was passing WORMS with my bowel movements. Needless to say, I was simultaneously disgusted and happy that the MMS was killing these parasites and that they were now leaving my body. I will continue taking the MMS and increasing the drops until I feel that I am free of these disgusting parasites.

Finally, I would like to add a note to readers not trust any so called "quackwatch" or other sites calling MMS poison or a scam. I gave MMS a chance because I felt I was at the end of my rope with a laundry list of health problems that seemingly nothing would cure, and so far MMS has surpassed all expectations with no side effects except for a couple of instances of mild nausea (which I suspect was the worms being killed by the MMS). Why are there so many (dishonest) people online who don't want to see others get well??

Replied by Ellietx
(Dallas, Tx, Us)

I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I do, however, have serious concerns about mms, that I think EC readers would as well. Especially after the FDA's latest warning. When mixed according to package directions, it becomes a potent bleaching agent with many industrial uses. Anyone considering mms, please read the FDA's warnings about the dangers of mms. They advise to stop taking immediately.

Continued good health.


To EllieTx, we must also remember we are discussing the same FDA that legalized thalidomide, glysophate, DDT, aspartame, and as of late, OxyContin and fentanyl. They also are demonizing hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin but are giving the green light to Remdizivir (spelling???) for C19. I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of these bought and paid-for evil-doers at the FDA. Whoever greases their palms will get their drug approved, even if it kills countless Americans. Follow the money. This is, of course, my opinion based on hours of research into the FDA. I haven't yet received my MMS in the mail, so I've yet to have an experience with it. Getting it tomorrow.


Actually, the FDA's warning is false lol... the bleaching agent is 100x more potent and a completely different molecule.

That's why thousands take CDS/MMS.

The FDA is not trustworthy either as they don't care about you. They care about profits and big pharma.

Please continue taking CDS/MMS :)

Replied by Coco
(Teaneck, Nj)

Hi Jerome--what is MMS please??--Thanks

EC: Miracle Mineral Supplement

Replied by R.
(Dallas, Texas, Usa)


Hi EC readers, I to was interested in MMS for Hiv/Aids, and other illnesses(prostatitis included). But after talking to 4 different friends who bought this product, and used it for a month, or more, said they all got sick from it, and MMS did nothing for there other health issues either. In fact all 4 of my friends said there T-Cells and Viral loads were worse than they were before they started this toxic drug. So I would not take it, and advise anyone to do your research as Ellie said! Google it and make your own intelligent decisions. Everyone has different opinions regarding this MMS, and what works for some might not work for others.

I have also tried 5 or more other so called Hiv/Aids treatments/supplements that did nothing to help me either. So I am about to just give up and keep taking the dreaded pills that I have loathed for the last 20 years of this disease! At least I am still alive from taking all of these pills prescribed by a doctor, 20 years later. But that does not mean I like it! And I will continue to do my research and look for a way to help myself. I eat healthy, don't drink or do illegal drugs, and I guess this has helped me to stay alive. So just do your research before you take this toxic MMS, for any health concern! Your life is in your own hands.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn, Usa)

MMS is Chlorine Dioxide and is one of the most powerful bleaches known. Hey, but so is Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine, Oxygen and Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite. All of these were used for many years to bleach pulp. Only Chlorine Dioxide and Oxygen are used now because the others form a carcinogen with the lignin. Both Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine will kill you deader a hammer as a gas in the right concentration. The paper industry can no longer use Sodium Hypochlorite because it has been outlawed by the FDA but you can at home because they don't dare try to take Clorox from the house wives , just as they backed off Sweet and Low. The FDA is not about health, it's politics. DMSO is a prime example.

I don't do MMS, but I would after I researched it's use. I do Hydrogen Peroxide, but only at 3% concentrations.

Spent 40 years making and working with these chemicals in the paper industry, but can't speak for their medicinal uses. The word bleach does not scare me.

Replied by Jerome
(Brooklyn, Ny)
8 posts

In reply to Ellietx from Dallas, Tx, Us: Ellie, thank you for your concern, but at this point I give the FDA about as much credibility about nutrition as the National Association of Circus Clowns. If I would have continued following the FDA's and USDA's 'guidance' on medicine and nutrition I'd probably be in a grave right now. Thanks to alternative medicine I have all but beaten the dozen or so maladies that no doctor was able to help me with, and which I now believe is the result of antibiotics and junk food. I have seen zero side effects thus far from MMS, and the fact that it can be used as "an industrial cleaner" means nothing to me, since the same can be said about vinegar or baking soda. But again, thanks for your concern.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , I write to tell you that Chlorine Dioxide is explosive. In the paper industry, we have explosion lids on the generator and on all storage tanks and even the spent tanks and bleach towers. I probably should not discuss this until I understand how MMS is made, but at a certain concentration Chlorine Dioxide gas will explode. Until I know more I will caution you to keep your solution refrigerated. In the paper industry , we kept it at 40 degrees F. It is the gas that explodes, not the solution.

I've also got to study the pH thing. When you add lemon juice, you are adding acid to lower the pH. There is an optimum pH for effectiveness in bleaching pulp and I would assume the same applies to your body.

Don't get me wrong , I think Chlorine Dioxide does all folks say it does. I just have not studied it in that sense. What I have told you above is what I know from messin with it for 40 years as a bulk bleaching chemical.

My message is keep on keeping on, just keep your solution refrigerated.

Shoot , I'm like ya'll , at 75 I wants to live to 92.

ATS =======ROBERT HENRY========

Replied by Renate
(Hiawassee, Ga)

I had a very painful infection in my gums and outside of my gums a very large pus pocket formed on the gum, I took MSM twice a day and after 5 days no more painful gums teeth or skull. I have never had any side effects, been using it for years. Have been slack about using it for about two years hence the infectious gums and teeth. Will not do that again two drops every day from now on.

EC: Hi Renate,

Please confirm that you meant MMS and not MSM? You've posted on our MMS page. Thanks!

Replied by Tony
(Tampa, Florida)

You need to make sure your friends took the mms properly... also remember you cannot have it with vitamins c as this will deactivate its effectiveness. I don't believe the old adage "what works for some may not work for others" because we are generally the same. And this works to kill any virus bacteria fungus or mildew.. the doses may need to be upped ... you just need to find the right dosage for you.

Replied by Grace

Hello all!! This page is still active???

Replied by Charlotte
(Heavener, Oklahoma)

I heard they were using hydroxychloroquine for HIV treatment with success in Africa.

Replied by ron

Jerome, nicely said. MMS is a great remedy for many conditions and don't you just love the taste so good like you have to suffer something in trade for getting well ha. best wishes ron

Replied by Anita

Could someone clarify the 2011 post from Jerome?

He said "I began with 5 drops of MMS twice a day on an empty stomach"

Would you be so kind to tell me in how much water you put the 5 drops of activated MMS?

Thank you so much!


Jim Humble says 4oz (1/2 cup) in his book no matter how many activated drops are used.


The most recent recommendations is 3 drops of MMS, 3 drops of Hydrochloric acid to 4 ounces of water, no more than 3 drops, every hour, for 8 hours. You mix 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of Hydrochloric acid together first, wait 30 seconds until it turns dark yellow and then add the 4 ounces of water. It is best to mix it every hour, but if you are out and about, you can mix the 8 hours in advance. This information is from a video Jim Humble made and I personally watched.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alta (Richmond, Va, Usa) on 03/03/2010


My daughter and I started MMS 10 days ago. We started with 2 drops 2 x day. My daughter (grown) had a severe reaction to the citric acid so we switched to vinegar.

Slowly increasing the dosage. On the 3rd day, I had diarrhea. On the 5th and 6th day I had diarrhea with a small amount of nausea. I cut back for a day, untill I was feeling better. After 1 day of feeling better, I had diarrhea with nausea again. Is it normal to have 4 days of nausea so close together. We are going by the directions but we are putting it into capcules because of the taste. We are up to 10 drops 2 times a day.

I've always had a problem with swollen ankles but dr ran tests and could not find anything. My ankles seem to have gone down some, and I find I am not craving. I am overweight and hope to lose.

My daughter, I expected to have more problems because she has epilepsy but she has had less problems so far.

Has anyone had success with epilepsy? We want to get her off all meds (she was off meds for 4 years with less seizures than when she was on meds) but a couple of years ago seizures came back severe and we put her back on them.

Thanks for any help.

Replied by Jack
(Toledo, Ohio)

Dear Alta; The founder or creator of the "MMS" protocol states the nausea is the result of your body getting rid of the disease's in your body so its normal to have the nausea dear.. and as for the taste mix the MMS, and let it set in a covered cup for 3 1/2 minutes then mix with white or natural grape juice as long as it has no added vitamin C in it. this is how I take and I can't even taste it Alta....GB.....jack

Replied by Codysmom
(Alexandria, Va)

To Jack and Alta, I suggest you take the solution with apple juice. If you take the solution with juice that contains vitamin C, the effects of the MMS will be canceled out. I know this from reading either Jim's booklet or from this website. Please check if grape juice contains vitamin C. If it does, then switch to apple juice. Good luck.

Replied by Nickie
(Ruislip, Middlesex, Uk)

To Alta - Is your daughter getting enough magnesium? I recall Adele Davies emphasising it for epilepsy. Can't hurt and may help. Good Luck.

Replied by Cayita
(Welland, Ontario)

Dear Alta,
My son used to suffer from epilepsy. It was corrected completely with Empower Plus from the company Truehope.

We take MMS. We have had excellent results on other health problems. I had a bladder issue (for 4 years) that is 100% cured now. My husband had a lump in one of his testicles, now is gone. My son takes it when he gets a cold or the flu and it dissapears very quick. We put 3 MMS drops and the citric acid solution drops in a veg capsule, close it and swallow it with 4 oz of water every hour. My husband and I have been doing this protocol for 5 weeks now and want to keep doing it for three months. We would like to see his diabetes and my scalp condition gone.

I get all the side effects, but I know they are part of the cleanse, so I don't make a big deal about it.

I hope this helps :D

Replied by Frederique

Gluten triggers seizures - put her onto a strict ketogenic diet with high fats, moderate protein and very low carbohydrates (no gluten at all), a diet that was specifically designed for people with epilepsy, and her seizures should stop.

Replied by Donald
(Menominee, Mi)

High folks; In the book called "Zn and Other Micronutrients", the author (either Dr. Passwater or Dr. Pfifer(sp?) found that epilepsy was caused by a Zinc deficiency. You can run a hair sample from a lab and they can tell you what the situation is and what you need to fix it. I have had good results with them over the years on more than one problem.



Replied by Vida
(Puerto Rico)

Hi there. Thank you for sharing your thread. Have you had any success with mms and Epilepsy. Im trying to find something to help my brother with his epilepsy. Any suggestions?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chaz (Hanover, Pa) on 01/06/2010


Good morning everyone. I have read many many posts on this site and I have studied alternative medicine for decades in an effort to "beat the system" with regards to the high price of health care. I have tried many remedies for many things over the years in my attempt to find what really works and what is simply hype and overexageration. Within the last 12 months I have discovered a compound that is absolutely fascinating although not very pleasant to the taste. I had a tumor on my vocal chords and this resulted in a cancer scare. I was on the alternative cancer cure studies day and night and happened across a compound that consisted of Chlorine Dioxide. I studied the compound for 5 weeks night and day and studied it both inside and outside of alternative medicine. I ingested all of the data that I could find on the subject and ended up making a purchase of the product. I have tested the compound and found it to erradicate any type of harmful microbe that may be living in the human system. I have seen this compound eradicate swine flu, herpes, and chlamydia just to name a few microbes. I have run lots of field tests on it to verify its effectiveness and have not seen it fail once. I believe this compound should be in everyones pantry who wants to have an alternative anti-microbial agent. I've seen this stuff erradicate MRSA in one day. It's estimated that it is roughly 100 times stronger than any antibiotic that we have now. It's no joke though and should be taken after being studied with due diligence.

Replied by Loloma
(Perth, Australia)

Good morning Chaz

I don't know if you or anyone else can help me with some information. I have been taking MMS for just over a week, now on 8 drops twice a day and am feeling better for it. Currently taking medication for Diabetes 2 (insulin 4 times a day). Under active thyroid, high blood pressure, Angina, high cholestrol etc. Blood sugar level mornings still at 15.9 english reading. Should I still take this medication whilst taking MMS. Any info would be appreciated.

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, Usa)
113 posts

Hello Loloma..I am a diabetic since 1992, I take insulin shots twice a day,,and I prefer this rather than taking any tablets,,,I also use MMS at times and it does not affect the medication,,if you are taking tablets, do that an hour after you use MMS, then it will be OK

Replied by Mms Cures 100%

To those who dont know how to read mms works you need to stop being negative and follow the jim humble direction. Jim humble is a saint from heaven he wants to cure the world so listen and read. Those who saying product dont work go get kill by your d. R. Wake up dum dum its all about the money. Any ways that shit kills pathogen on cont tact I had herpes now its gone. Thank you jim we love you. And if you over dosing well use your head and lower your doses twice a day, and if you cant read sorry go to school. Mms works every one with no side effects. And remember we all have different body, one more thing stop taking vitamin c like any oranges or any orange juice read read read. I take mine with water. All you guys that got well got bless you all mms is the cure for live. Thanks jim

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tomstyn (Adelaide, Australia) on 12/08/2009

mms did all the usual things you read about for me as well and i am now on some maintanance drops and it has made some small moles in the V of my neck lighten and then disapear. also it must have gotten rid of a bug in my gut that that was sucking the moisture out of what was going thru my intestines. previously no matter how much i drank there was always that dryness on its way out, now all is well. also less urge for sugars and carbs

Broad Benefits
Posted by Aresem (Saudi Arabia, Alkhobar) on 11/05/2009

MMS with Pneumonia & Parasites Infection

I came to know about MMS more than two years ago, I tried it my self first following very carefully the protocol as written in the book of Jim Humble. After my successful trial I started to use it with my family including my grand children with 100% success rate for various health conditions.

In one case one of my house maid expelled total of sixteen worms (Ascaris) using MMS. I started her from a drop per day increasing a drop on each succeeding day backing off a drop every time the stomach discomfort is felt. By the time she is up to ten drops the worms drop out dead with the feces. She notice that her belly where she had those hard lump are all gone and where not hard as it use to be before taking MMS.

In another another case my daughter came home from school with high fever and I told my wife to give her 4 drops of MMS after a few hours she is back to normal health.

My son who got pneumonia and his doctor wanted to have him admitted for confinement in the hospital but because of financial constrained he refused instead opted to take MMS after I told him about it. I gave him a bottle and started taking it as directed. Starting from a drop increasing a drop each day. When he started having diarrhea and feels nauseous he back off by a drop staying at that dosage until the body is comfortable again. After a day of taking MMS the symptoms of the disease start to subside and after a week he is back to normal. Before he started on MMS he was already taking antibiotics which his Doctor prescribed and taking already for a more than two weeks but failed to help him.

MMS works and is safe as long as the direction for its use is followed carefully. Probably safer than pharmaceutical drugs which kills people by the thousand a year. Many people who are in the medical profession may not like it for some financial reason and it is for that reason that some of the posts here are meant to discourage people from using it.

Replied by Jerome
(Brooklyn, Ny)
8 posts

This is a reply to Aresem from Saudi Arabia about MMS: That is amazing, I also had the same exact experience as your house maid! I increased the MMS drops one a day, and when I reached 9 drops worms started to drop out dead with my bowel movements. Before trying MMS I had tried wormwood/clove/black walnut as well as several other anti-parasite and anti-candida supplements, but apparently none of them worked because the worms were evidently in me until MMS got them out. This stuff really is a miracle supplement.

Replied by Osama
(Riyadh, Ksa)

Hi, I read in this topic that you are in KSA, alkhobar and you have used MMS, I am in Riyadh and I realy need to find it. Can you tell where it is sold in KSA, preferably in Riyadh.

Thank you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kate (Washington DC, Washington DC) on 04/18/2009


MMS - Lyme Disease, EBV & Lupus Treatment.

I initially started treating naturally with Cat's Claw (liquid drops). I took 15 drops 2 times per day. I took this for 1 week and noticed my energy level increase and my vision improved. It also took my joint pain away but it kept me up all night. I may have taken too much. I then ordered MMS and stopped taking the Cat's Claw so I could fall asleep at night again.

I started MMS with 1 drop and made it to 10 drops before herxheimer. I experienced extreme vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting lasted 1 hour while diarrhea lasted 7 hours. Saw 4 different types of worms and other parasites in the stool. Some looked like small jellyfish - really gross. I then stopped the MMS for 2 days and started back with 5 drops. After the vomiting and diarrhea, the kill off of the parasites were released from my body and I began to feel so much better.

At this point, my energy level is much improved. My eyesight is getting better, I am able to focus a little more and all my joint pain has gone away. I have suffered with Lyme disease for 2 years. I have been taking the MMS for 3 weeks now.

I have been taking, along with the MMS treatment, a kidney support tablet, coral legend, a probiotic and a greens mix to maintain a balanced ph and to flush the kidneys. I test my ph 3 times daily which remains at 7.0 since on the MMS.

The MMS is definitely working. I have recommended it to two friends that are also taking it now with positive results.

I have created spreadsheet which contains the date and time of when I eat, what I eat, my mood, MMS dosage, ph level, bowel movements, and any pain etc. I plan to take the MMS and chart my experience each day. Once I reach about 2 months I think I will be able to see exactly what if any reactions or improvements happen with food and MMS, exercise etc.

I'd like to mention that I am a vegetarian (15 years) and believe that this has benefited me by allowing the healing to take place in a more alkaline environment. I suggest that meat and dairy products be avoided to promote the positive effects of the MMS. I also suggest eating as many raw fruits and vegetables to promote the proper ph of the body. I have seen a complete turn around with this diet and MMS.

I am finally getting my life back. MMS works!

Replied by The_singer
(Auckland, New Zealand)

If you have HIV the MMS will only do part of the job. You should be eating a few Brazil nuts per day to get your Selenium levels back up and this is the deficiency in cases like this. Any auto-immune system malfunction including HIV-AIDS depletes the body of Selenium, increase your levels and be in for a big surprise!! Brazil nuts can be bought at your local supermarket. For those of you who are not aware of Selenium I strongly recommend you do some research on it. Its essential in food and it has become weaker in our soils in most parts of the world, especially Africa where the HIV/AIDS problem is the biggest.

I think its also fair to say, most people are taking too much MMS, for those who are taking 15 drops twice a day give or take, you should try taking much smaller doses but perhaps more frequently.

I'm a distributor of MMS and I have my own health problems in which I'm using myself as an guinea pig. The feedback so far has been amazing.

MMS should be used carefully and much research needs to be done. All who are very sick should also be checking out a product called DMSO which can be used with MMS.

Replied by Mike
(Philadelphia, Pa)

How much selenium should one be taking daily too see positive results?

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, USA)
113 posts

To The_Singer,,thank you for you input,,If you would, please give more information on how much, how often, and how long a time you would take MMS. I have used the product and saw great results for parasite internal cleansing. But that was 3 months back,,now I see that I will be starting it again this week, I guess I quit too soon!! Please share your exsperense with DMSO,, I have been using it some and would like to learn more. Merryanne

Replied by Patti
(Camlachie, Canada)

I'm so glad to see information about MMS! My hubby and I have been using MMS for almost a year and it has and is, everything it is touted to be!

What I am finding though on many sites that talk about MMS, is people are asking the same questions over and over. All distributors and users should refer folks to Jims website where EVERY answer possible for the use, dosage and how much for what type of disease or illness etc. is noted. This site is where the research is posted. Hundreds of thousands of cases are documented. Take the advice right from the horses mouth! The site is well organized with links to every question you have. Enjoy and be well! It's all there!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Algarve, Portugal) on 03/31/2009


I've been using mms for about 5 weeks. I started with 5 drops and the next 3 days were amazing!I felt a huge fizzing inside my body. I had gone down with yet another cold which made my head feel like a football. This fizzing was very strong in my head. I sweated moderately, but the most amazing thing was that I felt as though something had opened. I have always hated the cold, always put loads of clothes on, but now I feel normal and am no longer afraid of the cold.

At the same time I felt as though my body was going through a fast, dullness on waking, lethargy, short lived stabbing pains, and very coated tounge. I was very impressed with mms and got to 25 drops when the nausea came.....I stopped for 24 hours and then began again at 5 drops.

My smell has returned and my hair is amazing!!!! My eyes are opening and whatever was in the urinary tract, which caused lots of dramatic loo runs, has gone.

I am now on 15 drops and am very bloated. Since taking mms I cannot tolerate eggs at all, and I wonder if I'm wheat intolerant as whenever I eat it I feel awful. I havn't seen any testimonials on bloating which makes me wonder if its the bread. Maybe the mms is clearing the debris? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.


Replied by PR
(Houston, TX)

It is wonderful that you are getting the results with MMS that you are. I know others who have used it and are also liking the results. My thoughts on the bloating you are having could possibly be back up from the number of pathgens, virus, and etc the MMS is getting rid of. Things have to stand in line to pass out of the body. At least this has been the experience of my friends. I have read that eating several apples a day will get rid of this problem and help with any nausea or tireness. Good luck. Hope this helps.

Replied by Pat
(Algarve, Portugal)

Yes quite right, things have to stand in line. In fact I have the feeling that mms works like homeopathy, it works backwards and as the cells are cleaned memories are jogged and also smells. I thought I was unique in this but I spoke to someone recently who was having the same experience. I have been eating apples and I also find fresh ginger tea helps. Thank you for your message, you confirmed what I felt.

Replied by Pat
(Algarve, Portugal)

MMS discussion continued.....I wrote a few days ago about the bloating I was experiencing, most uncomfortable! Also strong nausea until one morning I couldn't eat anything so tried an apple. 10 mins later I threw up and had violent diarrhea!!!! Oh what a relief! The bloating has gone and my intestines are working really well. Taking Jim's advice I returned to 1 drop, am now taking it really slowly.

It is worrying when people claim that mms is very harmful, someone on the site says he has read the book and there are "holes" in his science. Perhaps he can say what the holes are?

The thing is I am 60 and live alone. I never visit doctors and I don't want to buy into the ageing sickness thing. I studied acupuncture 25 years ago and use needles on myself. However I was lacking in energy and vitality and kept thinking I should do a fast but mms has done the work without fasting. Because I feel so much better I am eating better foods, in fact I can't not eat in a better way because the low sugar levels and carbohydrate cravings have gone.

Since coming across this wonderful site I have filled my kitchen with ACV, molasses, manuka honey, sesame oil, superfood, omega 3 oil, cayenne pepper, turmaric, sea salt, bicarbonate of soda, also magnetic clay, juice bottles to take to school (I'm a teacher).

The drugs and anti-biotics doled out by the medical profession are very dangerous, they effect the liver particularly.................I have much experience of what the system prescribes as one of my daughters was born with ulcerative colitis (quite rare in a baby). She spent 3 out of every 4 weeks in hospital, was put on high doses of prednisolone and sulpher drugs which made her very ill/ She had surgery at 14 to remove her large intestine and at 19 developed peritonitis and gangrene from scar tissue which blocked the bowel. She now has very little intestine and a colostomy. How she survived I cannot say.

It took years for me to understand that there is always a natural way to heal. Like most people I believed the doctors and took the drugs. I believe Jim Humble when he says he has cured 100 thousand people. I do not believe the doctors. They are conditioned to believe that they are right but my experience has lead me to believe that they are mostly tunnel visioned and allow themselves to be controlled by the pharmaceutical businesses.

As Jim says MMS is changing my life for the better!

Replied by John
(Cerritos, Ca)

You are absolutely right.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chris Brown (OceanView, DE. United States) on 03/10/2009

It have been on MMS for 2 weeks and here is what I advise you, now that I understand everything. IT WORKS! This is how you take it and why :)

Start 1 drop & 5 Citric non vitamin C. you can't have vitamn c 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

So 1 = 5. Swish it around let it setup for 3 minutes up to 25. You move up a drop each session 1 in Morning and 1 in Night. Then I found out the reaction after getting to 15 drops so I went back to 11 drops the next morning slowly working my way up :). I then found a smell but it was in my nose haha becasue my smell came back.

For 19 years I couldn't smell anything because of smoking. Symoms *BEFORE! = Serious Brain FOG, Forgetting, Memroy Loss, Pain, Joint Pain, Herpes, Tired all the time, Had to have 20 teeth removed, Was getting worse and almsot bed ridden.

*NOW! Getting ready for work. Answering Fire Calls while other firefighters turn red with dehydration I just look at them and wonder and give them bottled water. So if you get the reaction just back off a drop or 2 when yu find that special dose and work your way up.

Get the BOOK and the DVD so you better understand it and do research of how poeple have taken it! that's my story.
I know what it does and how it works. If I had Cancer or anything I would definatly take it ASAP!..... If mms is left in sunlight it will negate and make it not a workable solution. The crap for many years has now broken up in my chest and now coming out by coughing it out. I almost have no phlem after 2 weeks *before I felt like I had Nemonia.
That' My story = It Works!

Broad Benefits
Posted by TJ (Phoenix, Arizona, US of A) on 07/11/2008

treatment for AIDS and Cancer and numerous other ailments: MMS is a product discovered by a engineer through experimentation while in South America... He was curing maleria in 24 hours and AIDS in 30 days... The originator has a book describing the process and how he discovered it... There are websites drscribing the positive results from this formula..

Chlorine Dioxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 06/02/2014


For about 30 years of my 40 years in the paper industry I enhaled ClO2 which is a solution used to bleach pulp to 90 brightness. For you old dogs from the 40's the brightest paper was less than 80. Newsprint is in the mid 70's because Hypo was the best bleach we had in those days.

ClO2 is the latest rage in killing pathogens. You know it as MMS. My question to you wormy folks. Was this good for me or bad? I now think it was good. This gas can kill you just as Chlorine can. Is life interesting or what?

=======OLE ROBERT HENRY======

Replied by Nick

If u are trying to help yourself, make your body alkaline not acidic, I am a brain cancer survivor of 38 years and going strong.

Replied by ORH

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, and I'm on a roll. As all know I have worked with ClO2 all my industry life, but never for my health. Yep, it is a bleach, but that is to distract you from what it can do for your health. In 1941 when I was in the first grade and our tablets had a brightness of about 73. When CLO2 was used in 1954, the paper brightness went to 88. With the advent of the computer most of the white fine paper mills have been shut down or converted to brown and round because all order on line and a shipper must use a box. We have just done a 180 in my lifetime and you had no clue. BROWN TO BRIGHT AND BACK TO BROWN.

I am going to give you a site about what ClO2 can do for your health. Please start at 45 minutes in the testimonials and then you will go back to the start and learn the whole story.

ATS ====ORH====


Information is not available.


It's on rumble.


Hi ORH. I just saw this post. The site you included no longer exists. :(

I do know there is a channel on Telegram called "The Universal Antidote Videos Chat." Great info and Andreas Kalcker CDS Protocols and eBook available there.

God bless. 🙏

Replied by marrerof
(Freemansburg (Bethlehem) PA)

How can I obtain chlorine dioxide and where to buy it and correct way of using it..

I've tried to get it on the internet but have been unsuccessful. They only have bad reviews about it.

Thank you..



Hello Marreof,

Your best bet is to watch the videos of Dr Andreas Ludwig Klacker (Natural Biophysics), where he teaches how to make your own CDS solution. On his websites or in his books he explains how to make and use it.

Books:Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday, Essentials, Health Is Possible and Bye Bye Covid).

Websites:; Email: [email protected]

The potency of CDS is short-lived, 2-3 months so, it is recommended to make your own. However, there are many products on the market. You need to verify when it was made and if there are any other adulterants added. Glass bottles are ideal. You can also make your own solution of sodium chlorite 22-25% using technical grade "flake" sodium chlorite powder (it must be in flake form), see the books by Jim Humble.

A few CDS sources: - Clinic's Choice CL O2 - several different products - DioxiCare - WPS CDS 3000 PPM Water Purification Pure Chlorine Dioxide Solution - Keavy's Corner

Aqua Zen Wellness


Need: standard glass shot glass, 500 ml hermitically sealed glass canning jar (silicone or rubber gasket seal), HCL 4% solution or Citric Acid solution, Sodium Chlorite (NaCLO2) 22-25% solution, plastic syringe, distilled or purified mineral water.


1. Place shot glass inside of jar and fill jar approximately 2/3 - 3/4 full with distilled or purified mineral water (this will be about 250 - 350 ml of water). Water level should be below the rim of the shot glass so that no water enters the shot glass.

This is a "gas saturation" process that depends on: water pH, sodium chlorite quality, temperature, ultraviolet light, minerals dissolved in water, etc. Gas saturation mainly depends on the temperature. This gas is very soluble in water.

2. Take a plastic syringe and measure out 5 cc of sodium chlorite and put it into the hot glass.

3. Then, add 5 cc of HCL 4% to the shot glass. It will turn into a dark golden color.

4. Tightly close/seal the jar. This allows the CDS gas generated to enter the water, water absorbs the gas.

5. Place the entire closed jar into a cupboard and cover it.

After 12-24 hours the two liquids are now identical in color, a medium- light golden/yellow color. The water has now been saturated by the gas.

Take the jar into a well ventilated area (e.g. outdoors). Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. Now, you can open the jar and remove the shot glass without breathing the gas.

Pour the liquid in the shot glass into a glass or plastic container and place in refrigerator to lengthen its life. Can use this "residual" as a disinfectant - kitchen, bathroom, cutting board, etc. The water in the jar is your CDS solution.

After 12 hours, the concentration of the water in the jar is approximately 1,500 ppm (parts per million) which is a measure of concentration. This is 0.15%. We want 3,000 ppm concentration, so:

6. Repeat the entire process though, use the yellow water remaining in the jar instead of fresh distilled water. After 12 hours in the cupboard, we now have a saturation of 3,000 ppm, 0.3%.

These are close approximations.

Note: you can learn how to make your own sodium chlorite solution in Jim Humble's books.

(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

The hassle of making CDS is not necessary. I mix my 40 drop decaffeinater and disinfecting solution in a dry creamer pitcher. Add some water once it's developed. Pour it into a 250ml non-reactive laboratory wash bottle, put the lid on (with NO tube) and keep it in the fridge. I've never had it dissipate even before I started decaffeinating my coffee and decontaminating processed foods with it - I.e. if you take it out and put it right back every time you use it, the fridge will keep it in suspension. Plus, if you want to freshen your fridge, you can just squeeze off a couple of gas squirts.

I don't use the tube in the wash bottle because, apparently, the tubes are NOT made of the good, non-reactive plastic so they don't last long. You DO have to turn it upside down to dispense BUT, you also have a pocket of gas you can dispense when it's right side up so, 2 advantages to the wash bottle with no tube.

I've always used it this way and never had a batch depleted of gas before I used it up. And I've had it last in the fridge for months.

Note: I do keep my fridge a bit colder than most folks but I doubt it's enough to make a difference.

Chronic Viral Infection

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tea (New Zealand) on 07/18/2015

My dad came down seriously ill with a viral infection overseas and was ill there after for 2 years....hospitals in Spain, Uk and New Zealand hadn't a clue what he had - they kept thinking heart attacks and BP but wasn't..... only thing that got him back on his feet was MMS old protocol of higher doses...

Im going to try Autism protocol on my two aspergers kids as they have had mms on and off over the years.

Great for my sons respitory tract infections and croup too, just by gasing it in sleeping quarters overnight....

Replied by Lovelytree13
(Maryland, US)

I've recently read that mms drops cure all types of disease. I believe that 100%. That's why it's probably getting degraded by the FDA and off the market. Has anybody been able to purchase this product from a legit website? If so from where? Is buying the book and the DVD the only way to know how to use it correctly?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Lovelytree --- Google Jim Humble MMS1, MMS2, CDS, CD

Namaste Om

Replied by Phyllis Adams
(Kenedy Tx)

I can't get help from the people I've tried buying from. It is understandable but I sure would like to talk to someone who uses it. Until now I've only used it for colds, flu and to prevent infections when the dog scratched me. Now I'm trying it for my RA . Don't know if I'm doing it right. Need help! Phyllis

Replied by Cathryn
(Salt Spring Island, British Columbia)

Hello Phyllis,

Where can I buy MMS in British Columbia? I'm having a hard time finding a supplier in the province. Thanks.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OM, , , , , , , as mentioned many times, I worked in bleach pulp mills for 40 years using ClO2 and breathed the vapors every day. The gurus now tell me that I can't use this CLO2 and must use the crude way Jim Humble produces it . To that I say BS, as ClO2 is ClO2 and one ClO2 plant as exists in one pulp mill could cure the world of most of it's illnesses.

Of course that would mess up the medical industry big time , so that will never happen.

As in years past one sulfite pulp mill could produce enough vanilla to supply the world so that never happened either.

Is life grand or what? Games we play.


Clinical Trial of MMS

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/07/2021 518 posts

Chlorine dioxide has undergone its first clinical trial!!! FINALLY!! And against COVID!! With astonishing results!!!! WOOHOO!! Not in the US, obviously, but Kalcker talks about it. I won't include a link so anyone interested will have to duckduckgo kalcker +"clinical trial". You might have to dig a little bit to find information in English...


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by sparkleheart (Canada) on 08/24/2024

My mother and I have been getting rid of colds and flus within the first 24 hours with this method for a while now, it works incredibly well. And we have suggested it to others who do it also. As soon as we start to get the headache, runny nose, scratchy throat, aches, sneezes etc, we immediately do a 6 and 6 protocol (6 drops of each mixed, diluted in 3-4oz water and drank, then repeated one hour later) and it works every time at getting rid of the cold/flu and we don't get sick. I highly recommend this method to others, it's definitely pretty nice not getting sick!!

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

Aside from using it to decaffeinate my coffee and for cleaning, 6&6 is the only protocol I use.

I've had cold and flu symptoms that have only lasted a half hour. EXCEPT for "the" bug whose name must not be uttered. But I never had a chance to use it for that as I was simply very tired, went to bed early and woke up 3 days later - weak as a lamb and smelling like a goat but, in recovery mode.


Hi Cindy,

is it 6 drops of sodium chlorite + 6 drops of an acid to activate it? I just bought sodium chlorite + hydrochloric acid drops.

Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 10/15/2009

A few days ago I came down with a cold: - congested sinuses, sore throat, cough, tired. I took 6 drops of MMS, (activated with 1/2 teas. lemon juice, wait 3 min., add 1/2 cup water. Drink.) then an hour later another 6 drops. Went to bed. Next morning I was almost completely well, and about 24 hours later cold was gone.

I have found that when I don't do MMS every day but save it for when I really do get sick, I don't get nauseated and it really helps. I get more nauseated if I keep taking it day after day "whether I need it or not". I probably will start doing the 6 drops and another 6 drops an hour later on a weekly basis, since I find I feel fantastic, like it really cleansed me or something. Not more often than that though.

Posted by Paul (Tucson, AZ) on 12/15/2008

I would like to know what people think of this stuff besides myself - it cured my cold in a day and a half, it is said to kill all the bugs in your body that does not belong there.

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