Bentonite Clay for Health

| Modified on Mar 22, 2024
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Bentonite Clay Benefits
Bentonite clay is a well-regarded natural remedy particularly favored as a detox agent. This includes detoxification of heavy metals.

Bentonite clay is a naturally alkaline substance that has been used medicinally for centuries. Its ability to expand in water and to ionically attract toxins and metallic ions has made it a popular natural remedy for a number of systemic conditions as well as for use as a topical treatment. Different variations of bentonite clay exist, based upon where it was pulled from the ground, with the major difference being in the specific balance of certain elemental components. It is sometimes called Montmorillonite after one of the clay's principle crystalline components.

Natural Cures: For use as a laxative, as a detoxing agent, in heavy metal chelation, as part of a poultice for wounds, and in skin care and treatment of skin conditions. Some studies have indicated bentonite clay as effective against candida infections.

Abscessed Tooth

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Diane (Sacramento, California) on 01/01/2008

Montmorillite form of Bentonite clay. I had an absessed tooth that broke off. The absess was not really painful but my dentist advised a root canal because the tooth was dead. How I wish I would have tried the clay first and just had a temp crown put on. I continued to have a soreness at the root. The pocket of infection had been there for years. I didn't want to do the antibiotic thing or have more work done, so I tried the clay. I simply tucked a pea sized bit of clay with a bit of cotton up at the root where the pain was. The next morning it was somewhat better. I continued for months until every bit of the soreness was gone. It took time but I just know I probably could have healed it without the root canal. I still do it once in awhile because I know dead teeth in your mouth infect the body eventually, per Dr. Weston Price. The one advantage?...It takes almost no effort to do.

Replied by Gene R.
(Great Barrington, Ma, Usa)


WARNING! You do NOT want to mess around with an abcessed tooth. They are extremely dangerous and must be treated quickly. The infection can, in a matter of a few hours, travel down the neck and into the heart or up into the brain. This is what used to kill people in the old days. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES WITH A TOOTH ABCESS!!! See a dentist ASAP! If you can't afford a dentist, try looking for free dental clinics in your area.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

I very much agree with Gene R. From Barrington, An abscessed tooth is NOT something to play around with. A good dentist is needed for this potentially dangerous condition and is very treatable by a good dentist. With timely care the tooth might be salvagable. And it may not be. The longer you wait for such care the less likely the tooth will be salvagable. In the GOOD OLD DAYS: the ONLY remedy was tooth extraction and this was what was done. Some conditions DO require timely care by a qualified doctor. An abscessed tooth is one of those conditions....Oscar

Replied by M

I've had a broken tooth from a filling that has caused an abscess a couple of times (swollen jaw and gum too) using clay and Apple Cider Vinegar I've stoppped the infection both times and the tooth is slowly growing back. Fat soluble vitamins, clay and acidic foods are great for health in general and dental health. Blow off the fear mongering comments above...there are natural remedies that work even for painful infections.

Susan E.
(Tallahassee FL)

I loved your post, I have one really bad abscess and one lesser one, plus multiple infected teeth and I just cannot bear the thought of losing so many teeth, which is what the dentist wants to do. Can you please share the specifics of your protocol? How much clay, how much ACV and used when, for what lengths of time? Thanks, I just cannot accept that my body cannot heal this. I have altered my already pretty clean diet to squeaky clean. I know this will help. Thank you!!!

Replied by Diane

May I ask how you were able to slowly grow back your tooth. What does your diet consist of? Can you please give a detailed description of what you eat everyday. Did you put the apple cider vinegar on your tooth to stop the infection? I would truly appreciate your response. Thank you!

Replied by Yvonne Bent

In regards to clay and apple cider vinegar, each of these substances increases the alkaline level in the blood and body. Acidity in the body breaks it down, whereas alkalinity brings it up. As light orders all matter, the light level in the body (pH, meaning potential hydrogen, and the sun is a hydrogen star--can't get more light than that) it is showing how the natural things enhance the body to respond to its most natural method of healing.

Replied by A.b.
(Concord, Nc)

I hope you are still around.Can you please tell me how you used the clay and apple cider vinegar protocol? I am extremely in debt and have no way to pay a dentist. This feels like an abscess. Thank you for your help and I truly mean that.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

A.b. I use only clay. Mix a little bit with water to make "mud". Apply and leave it there a while. Rinse. I do it a few times a day.

Replied by Ab
(Concord, Nc)

Thank you for the reply. How do you deal with all the saliva that the clay produces?

Replied by Katzie
(Calgary, Alberta)

I have stopped many dental problemd with a q-tip and Hydrogen Peroxide - and it works every time! One short stop at a dollar store ought to do it.

And if you are worried about losing your teerh, or they feel loose in their sockets, you should order some Bee Propolis w/Iodine Tincture. This I one of its specialties and works!! Amazing stuff.

Best of luck!


I cannot find bee propolis with Iodine, do you add iodine yourself?

Replied by Katzie
(Calgary, Alberta)

I found it in Mexico. But I believe it would work just as well to add iodine drops to bee propolis yourself. My bottle is a tincture. It was interesting as it sticks to the "seat of the infection", so I could see where the troublemakers were. It works quickly and I was amazed at the difference!

Acid Reflux

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5 star (3) 

Posted by Cc (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/22/2012

Bentonite Clay: Try it for acid reflux, it works! Mix 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon with 1/2 cup of water when you need it. It just seems to nuetralize the acid!

Make sure to take it 1 hour BEFORE you take your prescriptions & drink lots of water throughout the day. Hope this helps.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 09/21/2009

I've had acid reflux for months and while using the "watercure" has given me some relief, if I slack off on it at all I have persistent pain/burning the next day. I have tried charcoal, but it takes 30 minutes or more to kick in, and sometimes I need a second dose, and I have tried baking soda in water, but that seems to last only a couple of hours. Last night I tried bentonite and not only was the relief almost instant, but lasted for over 12 hours. I just tried a second dose and again, instant relief!

What I do is take a small jar (8oz) of warm water and mix in about a tablespoon of bentonite. I then let it sit out overnight so that the clay becomes saturated with the water; this will prevent it from absorbing too much water in your gut and possibly causing constipation. This makes a jelly-like consistency; if it's too watery, then stir in a bit more clay, or if it's too stiff then add more water. Then I keep it in the fridge and use as needed. For the acid reflux I take 2 teaspoons and chase it with water. It does not have an unpleasant flavor or a gritty texture. The coolness from keeping it in the fridge is soothing to the throat, and could also be soothing on the skin for poison ivy, sunburn or cooking burns, insect bites, etc.

Replied by Leelannee
(Sussex, Nj)

Just a correction and update: it takes about 2 tablespoons of bentonite in 4-6 oz of water to make the "gel". This is still working great for me! In fact, I skipped it yesterday, so it's been a day and a half since I've taken it, and still no acid! Before this I was taking the "watercure" every 2-4 hours, before I tried that I would be coughing & in pain ALL DAY, and I usually woke up already feeling bad.

Acid Reflux
Posted by GT (Vero Beach, Florida) on 08/24/2007

Used Medicinal grade Bentonite clay for acid reflux,works within a few sips. Get a small bottle of water put in a teaspoon of bentonite clay (PH is 9.1) shake hard so it disolves in the water and take some sips. You will notice within the second sip the acid starts to calm down. A note; People with bad acid reflux have trouble sleeping, magnesium gets depleted when acid is on overload, a few sips of bentonite clay before bed you sleep like a baby. Magnesium' has a 'calming' effect for the mind and the physical muscles. There is magnesium in bentonite clay.


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Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 10/23/2009

I use the sodium clay for acne externally. A thin coat of clay really helps my oily skin. I've tried it internally, but I really didn't feel it was benefiting me in any way other than it did help stomach acid problems.

Asperger's Syndrome

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Posted by Christine (Melbourne, Fl) on 05/25/2010

Editor's Choice

My daughter has Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism. I gave her two "00" capsules of bentonite clay every day. She was 17 at the time. In less than a month, she had no more tactile issues (could not STAND the sensation of light touches among other tactile issues) AND had spontaneous empathy for strangers!!!! Something that does not happen with any form of autism that I know of!

The only caution is because she is a menstrating female, if she gets too much bentonite clay, she will occasionally go anemic. Iron, despite being needed by the body, is still a heavy metal. So we cut back when that happens. Now she only takes is maybe twice a week and we have not been having problems with anemia.

Autoimmune Skin Conditions

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Posted by Jessica (Illinois ) on 02/28/2019

So I have a autoimmune disease called granuloma annulare and have a red raised itchy areas all over my body. My face, neck, bilateral arms, chest with some on my upper shoulders as well. Do u think bentonite clay will be beneficial to use to help soothe areas and draw out toxins? If so, pls tell me where to get organic (if there is such a thing) and how much to use to apply to body pls. Thanks in advance !

Replied by Melanie

Hi Jessica, I have some sort of inflammatory auto immune condition not yet fully diagnosed - and I watched a documentary about a man who had a chronic autoimmune skin condition and he managed to alleviate I think all symptoms over time using a juice diet initally. It is so worth a watch - and he's not the only one, I also spoke to an Irish guy who healed himself from Rheumatoid Arthritis using a similar technique. I did a long juice fast last January and it made a huge difference to my symptoms then, and I would definitely recommend at least investigating the possibility that it might help!! all the best Melanie


Hi Jessica, My husband has had GA over 12 years. The clay didn't do anything for him. He has tried so many things over the years. Recently he stopped eating any peanut products and anything cooked in peanut oil. Within a month his rashes were 90% gone. I don't know if this will work for you but it's worth a try. He always felt something he was eating or drinking was causing inflammation.

Replied by Nasim

Hi there.

I know it's been a while since you posted this but I thought to reply anyway :) I think you can totally use calcium bentonite clay on your rash topically. I have a rare skin disease (autoimmune) and get a severe itchy rash all over my chest, breast and neck. I was suffering for a year until I discovered bentonite clay. I use a few spoons (2-3 or even more depending on the area), mix in some water until it becomes a clay/paste. I prefer mine to be thicker meaning I don't add too much water but it's preference. I leave it on for as long as I can (1-2 hours) whilst sitting down and I make sure to have a cover underneath me so if it gets messy it's easy to clean. Make sure your bowl and spoon is metal free, and metal interferes with how it works, so you must only use plastic! You can do it everyday for 1 month and then do it a few times a week, just see how it goes. I don't recommend taking it internally. But even by applying it topically it removes the toxins and heavy metals from your skin. It has really helped me and I hope it helps you too! :)

Replied by Nasim

And sorry I forgot to add! I am not sure whether you can buy organic but I get mine from amazon!

Bentonite Clay Side Effects

2 User Reviews

Posted by Sarah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/22/2010

OK- I THINK i had a severe reaction to bentonite clay... I was starting a cleanse 2 days ago- so had only juiced and eaten brown rice that day... I had some Bentonite I use for baths, ( I think it's the sodium one- but the person I bought it from claims he takes a tablespoon of it every day w/ no problems)and in the evening as an afterthought I added about 2 tsps. to my protein shake... it made it really thick so I added more water. I downed it and in about 3 hours I came down with the worst stomach cramping, diharea and vomiting I have EVER experienced... I mean tore-the-toiletpaper-holder-off-the-wall violent puking!!! It lasted for about 6 hours that severe- with a fever the entire time. The vomiting/ diharea subsided but my fever remained the rest of the day... am wondering if anyone has any ideas if this could've been severe detoxing, or reaction to the clay or stomach virus coincidence? I called poison control and they scared me to death about possibly rupturing my intestines, so I went to the DR the next afternoon and he basically sent me home with no advice (waste of $!!).

I am weak 2 days later and am still waiting on a bowel movement of any kind...? any input appreciated...

Replied by Sarah
(La, Ca)

OK- update... I am now wondering if it might have been a gallbladder or pancreatitis attack? Either that or Norovirus ( saw on the news was going around)... but I'm wondering if the clay could stimulate a gallbladder/ liver cleanse that would give symptoms like what I experienced...

Replied by Bella2718
(Richmond, Virginia)

You used the incorrect form of bentonite clay. There are two types of bentonite clay, sodium and calcium. Sodium Bentonite clay should not be used for internal use because of its extreme swelling properties and it is geared towards commercial use. Calicium bentonite clay is the form that is used for internal use. It absorbs but at a lesser degree vs. sodium. Calcium bentonite is not used in industrial applications.

Replied by Rsw
(Canton, Oh)

I took it last week, 1 tablespoonful, and had the exact reaction! I bought it already mixed in a bottle with directions to take it by mouth. I apparently doesn't agree with some people because I rarely get sick, much less to that degree. I might put it in my bath but no more ingesting it for me.


I know this is an old post, but may I give some sound advice for anyone reading this thread?

Whenever starting something natural like Bentonite Clay, first make sure you have the correct form, then start dosing with 1/4 recommended dose and work your way up slowly to the recommended dose.
Remember that recommended dose is just that, its a recommendation. So start slow and gradual and be conscious of any side effects, good or bad, then adjust accordingly. Find the right dose for your individual needs and responses.

Good luck

Replied by Jesse
(Washington, Dc)

From what I believe I have learned, some of you are wrong. The two types of clay are both ingestible. The Sodium is best because it absorbs the most toxins. The Calcium is not so good because it won't absorb much but I have seen it stated that the Calcium is better suited to enter your blood stream and cleanse that part of your body. So they both have a purpose. When people have problems it is proably because:

1.They aren't using food grade clay.

2.They are using too much to start off with.

3.They are using Sodium clay, which expands a lot, and not giving it eough time to absorb water and expand fully before drinking.

4. They aren't drinking lots of water after ingestion like recomended.

Try mixing it with water and letting it sit for hours before drinking. Afterwards drink a whole bunch of water.

Replied by Mark
(Exeter, United Kingdom)
12 posts

I disagree, the sodium clay is used in industrial applications mainly as a swimming pool additive, it has microscopic sharp spikes that if ingested is dangerous, the calcium clay is not microscopically sharp like the sodium.

The sodium clay used as a insect killer works by scratching cuts all over the insect including fleas which then prevents water holding in their bodies so they dehydrate and die without possible rehydration due to the spikes puncturing them full of holes.

I have been frantically warned from every store I brought from NOT to confuse with the pool grade sodium, if inhaled will cause respitory problems due to the micro spikes damaging yr airways. So stick with calcium clay and research difference between sodium and calcium clay.


(South Africa)
4 posts

I don't know if anyone pointed this out, but it sounds as if you're confusing Bentonite Clay with Diatomaceous Earth. The latter has many tiny sharp edges that you described. Bentonite Clay does not have these.


Right on, Bunty. sodium bentonite clay is NOT like diatomaceous earth which the previous post was describing. DE is very dangerous to breathe, etc, but SB clay is naturally safe. of course, don't go breathing it in deliberately or it will dry up your nose haha. I have been using this clay for over three years now, on teeth, skin, hair, eyes and it is wonderful stuff. It soothes any burn instantly too. I burnt my hand with a splash of very hot oil the other night. Straight under the cold water tap for a minute, then I rushed to the bathroom and made up some sloppy sodium bentonite clay. I spread it onto my hand and then slipped a soft latex glove over it, then shoved more sloppy clay around the burn area. Pain gone instantly, and three hours later I pulled the glove off. no burn or redness at all!

Replied by Mark
(Exeter, United Kingdom)
12 posts

Found a link.

Seems that sodium clay can be used in the bath as a soak but not for internal use.

Calcium clay is microscopicly rectangular in shape whist sodium clay is microscopically pyramid shaped, spikes I mentioned in previous post is when the pyramids clump together.


Replied by Anne

Yes. The calcium one is for digestion, not the sodium one.

Replied by Laurie

There are several type of bentonite clay. If you are using it internally you must use the calcium bentonite clay. Typically bath clay is mostly sodium bentonite clay and is not the same. if you meant tablespoons ouch!!

Replied by Lisa
(Carpentersville, Il Usa)

Mark from the UK you are thinking of Diatomaceous Earth, not Bentonite Clay which is a swelling clay. Calcium is for internal and Sodium is external. Drink plenty of water when taken internally. You start with a small amount to see how you react. Too much and you can have a severe detox reaction. When using the clay do not use metal spoons or bowls as the clay will absorb the metal and become ineffective.

Replied by Deborah
12 posts

You have to start out slow. You took too much and had a severe detox reaction. Should also be taken with fiber. If no BM, take magnesium.

Replied by RayB
(San Francisco, Ca)

It sounds like you had those severe issues because you took the type of bentonite clay you are not supposed to ingest, sodium bentonite clay is not safe for ingestion. Only Calcium bentonite clay for ingesting.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Liz (Scranton, PA) on 03/02/2008

I am definitely alkalizing as it makes perfect sense. Also using turmeric, Celtic sea salt, and greens. Internal health may take time to achieve, but Ted's lemon/ ACV and baking soda really works for so many problems--quick too. ' I have boils for the first time. I have been mixing several teaspoons of bentonite clay with water, placing a glob over the boil and spreading it thickly over the surrounding area, then covering it all with gauze or a clean cloth. Last, I wrap securely with plastic. Keeps the area moist and the clay off sheets and clothes. This has worked wonders in only a day. Boils are no longer sore or swollen and the whole area is healing and drying beautifully. Change the poultice every 8-12 hours. I will keep it up for a week to make sure the infection is gone. Also will continue internal alkalizing. You do not have to spend a fortune on bentonite clay. I got mine on ebay from a company that sells it for fish ponds. It does keeps my pond water clear--probably for the same reason it heals people. Once on ebay search with words "clay koi" and that will bring you to a great inexpensive product-- 20 lbs of it! Thank you Earth Clinic, contributors, and especially Ted! Great info! Really helped me and others with so many problems! Liz

Broad Benefits

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 11/23/2011

I had an allergic reaction to a depillatory lotion. Feeling like I couldn't wash it off entirely because my skin was so inflamed and sensitive, and remembering how absorbent bentonite clay is, I applied a paste to my skin. It felt very soothing, and when I washed it off about 30 minutes later, all the pain and most of the inflammation was gone.

A friend of mine had an allergic reaction to tea tree oil applied to her skin, and bentonite clay was very soothing.

Bentonite clay should be helpful in exposure to poison ivy and other botanical (or synthetic) irritants, as it would absorb the oils that cause a prolonged reaction because they are difficult to wash off.

If using BC for irritated skin, I recommend making sure that your clay is well-hydrated before applying; it should be a soft texture, like yogurt or mayonnaise. Otherwise, the clay is very sticky when first mixed into water, and might be difficult and painful to apply (I always have a jar of hydrated BC on hand, because I have found it helpful for acid reflux).

Also, wash the clay off before it dries, or soak off gently in a tub, to prevent over-drying or having to pull on or scrub the skin.

Replied by Maria

Hi, can I apply clay paste to my cat who has allergies? his face gets so red and itchy. I was reading your post and you said to remove the mask before it dries up; doesn't it dry up right away?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Maria, on humans, we just leave it till it dries up and flakes off. I imagine you can do that on an animal. And if he licks at it, all the better! A small amount is good internally too.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pam (Surrey, Uk) on 11/11/2011

I took sodium bentonite clay - 6 ounces per day for 3 days and a several week old problem of pain in stomach from low acid production went away very quickly, still using HCL betaine and enyzme tablets. Day 4, I can eat normally. It seems to have helped with candida as well and my energy levels are up and muscle pains vastly improved. I got a good quality one and it is better than other clays for internal use because of the ADSORB quality. Google absorbtion and adsorption for clay and you will get the technical explanation! I used it as a face mask - fantastic! Had a bath in, makes skin very smooth. Using it on hair next! Pam

Replied by WolffDen
(Jacksonville, Florida)

Can you raise blood calcium from ingesting too much calcium bentonite clay? Curious.

Burn Wound

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Bev (Florida) on 04/14/2017

First Aid for Burns---and most everything else.

I keep a jar of bentonite paste on my kitchen counter because I occasionally get a bad burn when cooking. I slap on a gob of bentonite and the pain is gone instantly! Regardless of how bad the burn, there is no blistering. In the past, a burn on my arm (for instance), would still be very painful when taking a hot shower the next day! Not so, if you've applied some bentonite paste.

P.S. The paste never seems to go "bad" and still works perfectly after about 3 years on my kitchen counter.

Burn Wound
Posted by Angela (Antwerp, Belgium) on 07/17/2011

Editor's Choice

Ted is absolutely a genius. I really don't know where to begin about the calcium bentonite clay he suggested.

My fiance suffered a chemical burn wound years ago that resulted from exposure to Pregan Paste. After hundreds of skin grafts (and decades of suffering), the doctors could not seem to stop the burn wound from creating painful skin necrosis, over and over again. Her hand seemed to be sensitive to everything from sun to dish soap to topical ointments designed to stop burns, not create them.

Well, Ted suggested calcium bentonite clay as a topical clay paste to apply to her skin. Needless to say, we were terrified because it seemed that everything that touched her hand would cause necrosis and with every recurrence of necrosis, she risked amputation of her hand. I hate to admit that fear caused me to wait on trying this solution, but it did.

So, I opted to try it first on my acne. I have never had a chronic problem with acne, but over the last year, it had become a nighmare. Blemishes became open wounds, my face was covered in black heads and white heads. Aesthetically, it was awful. Physically, it was extremely painful.

I suppose I should have tried it in one place, but I placed 1 T. of the powder in a plastic bowl, 2 T. of water and another T. of clay on top. I did not mix it, but let it sit for 2 minutes. It formed a clay quickly and easily on its own.

I spread it all over my face and allowed it to dry. It was itchy and I could see my face turning quite red. I was a bit concerned, but trusted Ted's advice to leave it on until it dried and to apply it twice a day.

It's now been 48 hours and 6 mosquito bites disappeared from the evening before. No itching and no redness. Four significant wounds closed and I've not seen a new blemish appear, which has not been the case in months. It seems that calcium bentonite clay not only removes excess oil, dead skin cells and toxins, but also increases circulation, which speeds healing.

But what is more miraculous? My fiance's hand began to turn dark purple the same day I used the clay for the first time. This happens every few months and needless to say, we became terribly concerned. This color change usually signals the beginning stages of necrosis.

We kept an eye on it and the skin on her hand turned gray (her hand is the only place where there has been necrosis and her hand has been subject to hundreds of skin grafts and 2 skin flaps that were rejected). To say we were alarmed would be an understatement. We had to do something and do something fast. Until now, hyperbaric oxygen treatment had been our only option and it isn't easy to get an appointment within 24 hours, which is how fast we need for her to get the treatment.

Because we knew the impending future, we took a BIG chance and applied it directly to her hand. Normally, trying to put any kind of topical product yields painful, dreadful results. She gave it 30 min to an hour to dry and then we washed it off. Nervously, we checked her hand closely for the result...

Circulation returned, her hand became very red and she had no pain (usually she has a painful, tingling sensation that she describes as "something eating away at her hand from the inside"). Within an hour of washing the clay away, her normal, healthy skin color had returned and now, 24 hours later, she still has no pain and her skin is still the healthy, pink color it is supposed to be. Just one application of this simple clay, used AT HOME, kept her out of the hyperbaric chamber and more importantly, NO surgery! Necrosis reversed completely!

Ted, words really cannot express our gratitute. Calcium bentonite clay was something we'd never heard of and it has quickly begun to heal my acne, open wounds and reversed the onset of her necrosis by either removing toxins or increasing circulation, but probably the result of both.

We have decided that calcium bentonite clay is something we will always keep in the house. For bug bites, acne, wound healing, toxin removal, improvement of circulation - it's a must have for any household. It is available from many sources from the United States and around the world.

Here's to everyone's health and healing!

Replied by
(Long Beach, Usa)

I'm no genius but. Bentonite is suppose to bind with heavy metals. And iron is one of those heavy metals. When the skin turns red seemingly like magic, it is because I believe the bentonite clay attracts the iron rich blood to the surface. And interchanges with any toxins available to be absorbed. I love using bentonite clay on my skin. Internally. And in baths. Very great product made by mother earth!

Calcium Vs Sodium Clay

Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 08/04/2009

Calcium Montmorillonite clay v. Sodium montmorillonite (Bentonite)?

I've been considering taking bentontite clay, but realized there are 2 different types: one dominant in sodium and the other calcium. I know that Bentontite is the "product name" of the clay, and I've seen respectable companies selling one or the other, but attributing the same properties to each. Is there a difference between the two if you want to take the clay internally?

Replied by Summer
(La, Ca)

The really important thing to consider is how your body's digestive system works. Even if a Sodium Bentonite had the right balance of minerals, and had the right particle size to be absorbed into your bloodstream, and had good detoxification power from its ionization properties, you should not ingest it.

In your stomach, it will break apart with the acids and other liquids, but as it moves from the small intestine to the colon, it will become dehydrated by your body and it will clump back together. You will then have the unpleasant task of eliminating it. Or worse, it could become part of a constipation problem. In contrast, when you put a teaspoon of Calcium Montmorillonite clay into a glass of water, about half may fall to the bottom and half will stay suspended as a colloidal cloudiness. It will look milky. There is no clumping to worry about and stirring with a spoon is easy.

Another consideration with Sodium Bentonite is hinted at by its name...sodium. As if we don't get enough salt in our bodies, this clay is introducing more. In contrast calcium Bentonite has 2 or 3 times the calcium as sodium, and other pH balancing minerals such as potassium and magnesium to help your blood balance its electrolytes and keep you healthy.

Finally, Sodium Bentonites come from industrial producers. Their processing often introduces problems. They may claim to have sterilization processes, and they sometimes do...with irradiation, a process that reduces the ionic electrical potency of the compound. Irradiation is not acceptable for organic and holistic uses. Regardless, their operations are geared for commercial not natural or health products and contamination is always a possibility.

Sodium Bentonite may be a fine product for acne treatment or a poultice because of its absorptive properties. But why buy different clays when one source can be trusted to perform well for all needs.

Cold Sores

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Am (B.c.) on 07/05/2015

Yes I just tried Bentonite Clay on my cold sore and it relieves the pain and swelling..but found putting it on dry..considering it is wet it dried it faster...I was hoping it would have healed it faster .. I put it on a cut cuz I have eczema and over night it was totally closed up...I have been telling people about it..never hurts to have options in an emergency..

1 more thing I couldn't find any info on putting it on cold sores...I was just informed when I got mine from the healthfood store that they have a lemon balm lip balm and it did work in taking the swelling down.

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