Alkaline pH
Hi, I never wrote here, just read. I have breast cancer removed and radiation afterwards. I read that high PH should be achieved. I have had a urine pH of 8 for 3-4 years now. Why am I sick?
Kris- I have the same problem. Check your saliva ph. If it is low, add magnesium chloride and nascent iodine to your diet. Read Dr Mark Sircus' books.
(Isle of Wight)
Check out Dr Eric Berg on YouTube and his video on baking soda. Should not be taken long term as it upsets the gut flora making it too alkaline. Good explanation.
I have one more question in this regards: how do I make sure to not get stuck in the 6.8 - 6.9 ph levels, since I read that they are dangerous to be in.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You, Tina
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)
After listening to an interview from a doctor who had breast cancer for the second time, and was advised it would be terminal. She realised that in China it was called "rich womans disease" as only those who got it in China were rich and could afford Dairy. The only thing she could do was to cut out all dairy which she said wasn't as easy as it might seem, but checking everything in her diet was dairy free.. The tumour in her neck started shrinking, till it finally disapeared, her oncologist was astounded. If you google doctor with " breast cancer and dairy" you should be able to find her.
Tina: Not to divert the question, but for others to answer; this looks like applying an Epsom Salt poultice or warm cloth would very much alkalize locally and more (detox).
(Uniontown, Oh)
Hi Tina, There are people on the LDN site who use it for cancer, along with PawPaw, alkalizing, IP6, and fasting from Sunday until Wednesday morning, then eating baking soda with some form of sugar that goes directly to the cancer cells. One man's wife had stage 4 breast cancer and her doctor now talks of long term cure. He is always willing to share their protocol if you search cancer on the site, the comments will come up and you can email people directly and privately. Obviously, I have read many excellent recommendations here, also. Best wishes.
The "sugar" has to be a natural sugar, not a processed one or chemical sweetener. The best ones are black strap molasses or pure maple sugar. It's a three to one ratio and many women are using this to kill their breast cancers BUT it's very risky. You have to know what grade the lesion is, 0 to IV with IV being very aggressive, and metastasis, how far it has spread in the body. It would ONLY be safe to do this with stage 0 or 1. Stage 0 is what is called in situ, which is cells starting to change to cancer. This is very rare but b/c more common due to increased technology. Stage 1, it hasn't moved outside of the breast but you have to know how aggressive the lesion is. Yes, China did do this study many years ago and I heard about it. It's very easy now in 2025 to go dairy free. It wasn't just for breast cancer though, it was also for ovarian cancer.
(Los Angeles, Ca, USA)
Remove the cause, and you have the cure. I came across this with regards to breast cancer, as a hormone related cancer it would be the same for prostate cancer in males. As the incidence graphs are similar. Here we have a general hormone disruptor in widespread use in the Western world that no one seems to be addressing. When it is, a PR machine swings into action. The general rise in Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease could be laid at the overconsumption of this culprit as well. Remembering that Insulin is a hormone as well.
I see alkalizing, particularly by mineral baths, as the very first step in preventing cancer, but only a first step. Detoxing and immune boosting are certainly very important. But yes, alkalizing is mandatory first step as all other treatments or remedies (conventional or alternative alike) depend on this for their success.
As for the hormone problem, as I understand it, excess estrogen and insufficient testosterone is the major problem in both males & females. Estrogen mimicking environmental zenobiotics are a big problem. For men in particular, aging often decreases the utility of testosterone. Estrogen dominance is one of the causes, but other factors as well. The loss of utility of testosterone causes a buildup of "bad" dihydrotestosterone in the prostate which leads to enlargement and cancer. This problem is easily corrected w/ the herbs Stinging Nettles and Avena Sativa. About 3 yrs ago I decided to try the green oats and the results were profound as my libido shot thru the roof, which is evidence I had high dihydrotestosterone levels.
The natural occurring chemical in cruciferous veggies Diindolymethane (DIM) is effective in reducing estrogen excess in both men & women. Many male athletes and trainers use DIM regularly to boost free testosterone.
(San Antonio)
LDN stands for low dose naltrexone.
Ayurvedic Remedies
300 gms of aloe vera-washed n chopped
1/2 ltr of honey
4tbs of brandy
Beat all this well , and refrigerate if required. Have 1 tbs an hr before each meal. That would be 3 times per day, get the mix to room temp before ingesting it. This course is to be had for 10 days and then a 10 day gap should be taken. Ayurveda says that this mix is so strong that there is a tendency for it to do away with all the good bacteria in the colon as well. The 10 day gap is for the replenishment of this bacteria, which are an essential part of your gastrointestinal tract. Continue this as long as the problem persists. My mom's been using this for the last 7mths. She has stage4 breast cancer. She's been having it along with the graviola fruit whenever available and tablets whenever scarce. She also has soya milk and cod liver capsules in her diet.
Baking Soda
I pray it is as I hate any pain zeeka3
(Cairns, Qld Australia)
Hi again, Well fate seems to be against me, It is,now a death sentence as they discovered the Cancer is all over my body and bones, not treatable. I still take the baking powder not soda with citric acid as the baking powder destroys the vitamin C. It may be too late for me, I didn't even know i had anything wrong until a week ago. But I am scared to death now I hate pain, and do not know how much to expect. Back-up seems to be rare here, I feel like I have been dumped. Hope you all get and keep well health is the best gift we have love to all. Zeeka3
(Cairns, Qld Australia)
Regards zeeka3
(Cairns, Qld Australia)
Hi ec, I am concerned now since your response, I have been stringently taking baking powder, but it should be baking soda. Hope I haven't done more harm than good. zeeka3
EC: Two posts about baking soda vs baking powder from our baking soda remedies page (
04/23/2007: Janelle from Brisbane, Australia replies: "After reading a lot of comments regarding this remedy, it seems that people are getting confused between Bicarb Soda and Baking Soda. They are two different products. Could you please make it clear to those people who are referring to Bicarb Soda. Thanks.
4/24/2007: Janelle writes again: "Hi, I wrote to you yesterday asking if you could advise people about the difference between Baking Soda and Bicarbonate Soda. It seems that it was actually my mistake. In Australia and England (it seems) we don't refer to a product called Baking Soda. We call it Bicarb Soda. I think some people outside the US are getting confused because we also have Baking Powder which is a different product, usually Wheat/Corn flour with added Mineral Salts. Bicarb Soda is definately Sodium Bicarbonate and is the correct product. Hope this clears things up. Thanks for the great website."
(Mooresville, In)
Please read a post:
03/02/2007: Barry ([email protected]) from Blountville, TN ([email protected])
Garlic and late stage cancer
(Plano, Tx)
Perhaps hope for you is in tomography (search internet). I know of a man who had "seed tumors" all over his body after cancer surgery. He walked into a tomography place, had a brief treatment, and (his stepson tells me) walked out cancer-free with no recovery. Tomography targets only tumors--precisely.
EC: More about Tomography:
(Qld, Australia)
I was diognosed with stage three breast cancer that was also in my lymph nodes in 2011. After much research I figured I probably had a better chance with healthy alternatives than big pharma.
phcurescancer is a lovely site by a gentleman who cured his own cancer using bicarbonate soda and the lump in my breast did go from 80mm across down to 70mm in the two weeks I pushed my ph into the high 7s. However this is not a good thing to do long term and bi carb not the best way to do it. Be aware that mixing bi carb with citrus acid (vit c) chemically combines to create carbon dioxide, pure poison. Good info on
One of the best ways is diet and drinking alkalising greens. Coral calcium is also excellent and a much better balance of essential minerals. I test my pee regularly and a ph in the 6.5-7 is good from what I understand. If you are reading 7.3 or higher then your body is probably too alkaline and is trying to get rid of excess. If for some reason I've dropped under 6.5 then I will take a quarter to a half teaspoon of bi carb which just boosts things up nicely but I rarely have to do that now.
I'm sure through diet and lifestyle changes it is possible to help the body get rid of most cancers. I had some very positive results and felt fantastic health and energy wise. Once I started working I got a bit slack and by the end of 2013 the lump in my breast had gotten large again and some lymph nodes were enlarged. So this year I started using MMS with MSM or DMSO. Cheap. Very definite results. The tumer is half the size it was in two months and the lymph nodes are getting smaller. I found I could only use very small amounts or I got pretty full on detox effects. In a couple of months I'm hoping for an all clear and I will put together a more detailed report and put it out there.
So don't panic. research. There's a huge amount of very good information out there. Keep an open mind and a healthy amount of scepticsism. It's a wonderful world and we are amazing beings so I hope all goes well.
(Riverside, Ct)
Dear Carol,
Wonderful, positive post, thank you. I have a question regarding your statement... "Be aware that mixing bi carb with citrus acid (vit c) chemically combines to create carbon dioxide, pure poison..." I beg to differ about mixing citric acid with sodium bicarbonate. I take this form of vitamin c almost every day for years and am alive and kicking. It's called Vitamin C sodium ascorbate and is the best form of vitamin c to take in my opinion. Definitely not a poison!
Hi Edda, sorry if I was a bit dramatic. Carbon Dioxide is a poison. It's created when the body utilises oxygen as well as in other processes that happen and the body works hard at getting rid of it as quickly as possible. That's why you breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.
From what I've gathered Vit C is a general label they put on a substance they didn't understand very well At the time. it does come in various forms. I was referring to citric acid which is different from the vit c sodium ascorbate you said you were using. You just have change one molecule and it changes what happens.
When using mms you mix sodium chlorite with citric acid as an activator. It can taste yuk, especially with larger amounts. So word was out that if you mixed bicarbonate soda with it, it tasted better and was less acidic. Which it did. Now days a I try to research everything from different angles. Some times I even check out the quack sites for a good laugh. two main things happen. If the bi carb hooks up with the mms molecules it creates a much larger molecule which then can't do what you want it to do which is to take extra oxygen deeply into cells that need it. And if it combines with the citric acid molecules it becomes carbon dioxide. In the past I have occasionally squeezed lemon into a glass of bi carb which made it taste better and lemons are so good for you. High in citric acid and I won't do that again.
bicarbonate soda is a wonderful substance used in so many ways but do some research on what it actually does. It can throw the acid, alkaline balance of your stomach and lower intestines, needed for proper digestion, totally out of wack. It might provide temporary relief for indigestion or heartburn but far better to work out what is causing the problem Long term. It can cause other mineral imbalances. If you've had a few drinks which is very acid then drink a big glass of water with a spoonful of bicarb dissolved in it before bed. You will fell much better in the morning.
The last two years has been a steep learning curve for me and I'm learning more all the time. Especially not to take things for granted, including breathing. All the best.
One to two tablespoons baking soda seems like alot, maybe taper up to it? That seems like a lotta action inside a body, we do a 1/2 tsp. once a day, and when we're ill we compensate as we test acidic. We throw a half lemon's juice or a pinch of baking soda in every glass or bottle of water we drink, even throw a little lemon juice or baking soda in the dogs' water every now and then too, and have seen it spare dogs when vets failed. 1/2 tsp. when I'm in respiratory distress and test acidic gives me a quicker, profoundly stronger and longer last relief from respiratory failure than everything else I've done or tried, including major surgery, combined. We take a 750 mg. tablet of GABA when we do "a fix" though, else we run around (or go to bed) wired.
HIFU- High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound basically targets the cancer and destroys it .Mexico has places that do it and I read guys with prostate cancer cured in couple hours using HIFU no real side effects . A study was being conducted in the U.S. and we all know the rest of that story.
Does HIFU target all cancers or only certain ones? I hear it's been nothing more than miraculous when it comes to pancreatic cancer but what about breast cancer is the question?
(Vancouver, Canada)
A month ago I found a lump in my breast and, before I even went to the doctor and had it checked, I decided to err on the side of caution and started the baking soda/BSM mix which I'd heard about years ago. I starting with 1 teaspoon of each and intentions of doubling the amount of baking soda after a few days. I felt fine for the few two or three days, but by the third day I had a headache, which worsened significantly on the fourth day and left me feeling as if I might have a stroke. That's went I learnt that baking soda has a LOT of sodium; that is probably what affected me so badly. As soon as I stopped taking the baking soda (never even got round to upping it to 2 teaspoons), the headache and terrible feeling went away.
If baking soda is good for cancer, taking it certainly didn't work for me.
Last week I had confirmation my lump is breast cancer. I've been doing everything I can with my diet (eating the full rainbow of veggies and fruit) to help myself, and taking herbs and spices that are supposed to help. I had a pretty good diet to begin with, largely whole foods, planet-based, with the only meat being a bit of chicken, but I think the main weakness in my diet was that the range of fruits and veggies I ate, wasn't wide enough, nor was I using a wide enough variety of spices and herbs. But breast cancer runs in my family, and I've lost two sisters to it, so it's possible (if I have the gene) that nothing would have averted me getting it. I've always tended to believe that even if you have the gene for a disease, it might not necessarily be triggered or manifest in you if you do your best to live a healthy life. I did—and have always been healthy. I've never drunk or smoked it my life, am very active year round, have never been on medication for anything, and have never had to be treated at a hospital for anything except a broken wrist five years ago. I've never owned a mobile phone, or have any wireless devices in my home as scientific data proves EMR/EMFs are dangerous to the health of all living things. But none of that helped me stave off breast cancer.
I've decided on a lumpectomy with no radiation after (which the surgeon recommended in order to be sure all the cancer was gone), because I prefer to trust in a more holistic approach and use all the foods nature provides to get me through.
I've no doubt the surgeon feels refusing radiation is a poor health choice on my part, (my family doctor certainly thinks that! ) but when people are conventionally trained in medicine, and they encounter someone who is innately holistic in their outlook, there is NEVER GOING TO BE a meeting of the minds. I'm sure both think I'm crazy and am taking a terrible risk.
My surgery is in two weeks, and they feel there's still time for me to change my mind about having radiation after. If I should receive compelling information from anyone out there who has had breast cancer and agrees with them, I would welcome hearing from you.
Hi Sam,
I also hv breast cancer, DCIS. I had a lumpectomy in Oct 2020 with great success, no cancer in lymph nodes. I've decided to opt out of radiation too. Too many cons than pros for me anyway. I rather be diligent in a "natural approach" with alkalizing first thing in the morning with warm lemon & Apple cider vinegar. Vit D, DIM, Vit C IV therapy, etc. As much as I can to keep my immune system healthy. My surgeon also didn't agree with my decision, but its wht is best for me in my opinion. Hope this helps a little. Good luck!
Hello Sam and all lovely ladies posting here on breast cancer, I hope you are all doing well. I highly recommend looking up, Curing cancer with carrots by Ann Cameron and books by dr Mark Sircus. My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer last June. What she does is carrot juice and alkalizing her body plus a bunch of supplements. Her blood tests results have been good and there has been no metastasis so far. She's had no conventional treatment at all. We are having a CT scan in March to see whether the lump in her breast has shrunk. Best of luck and courage to everyone who has to go through the (breast) cancer nightmare <3
I would check into hydrogen peroxide inhalation.
bill munro video on YouTube.
Hi Sam.
Please look into melatonin for breast cancer, especially if you decide to use radiation as it can ameliorate some of the damage caused by radiation as well as have synergy with radiotherapy as well as with chemo. Here is a link to multiple studies showing the benefit of melatonin in breast cancer :
Good luck to you on your journey!
SAM, another way baking soda kills a cancer tumor is direct injection as this doctor does.
Do not give up.
(Asheville, NC)
It's one teaspoon of baking soda to one cup of water to drink one half hour before your meals. One tablespoon per cup of water would be way too dangerous, especially for older people.
(Oklahoma City, OK)
You might check out Panacur-C which is actually a medication for dog parasites. Also search for Joe Tippins, someone who found that this product helped with his cancer. Also look at this web site: which has a wealth of information.. I had 10 Vitamin C IV treatments that greatly helped, as well. Good luck!
Hello Ted and friends,
Have anyone heard of or tried cotton round pads, soaked in baking soda and warm lemon water, applied on a tumor site, for breast cancer? Does this have a chance of reducing the tumor/mass?
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
I used this to treat my breast cancer with success. Some people are putting the wrong amounts in these comments. It is one part baking soda to 3 parts maple syrup. NOT the other way around. Add one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small sauce pan. Stir briskly. Heat for five minutes. Take one to three teaspoons daily, as needed. This was based on the research of Tullio Simoncini, a former Italian physician known for alternative medicine advocacy. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth. He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate in combination with a sweetener. The sweetener is the trojan horse so to speak, which gets the cancer/fungus to take in the sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate has been know to treat thrush in babies for years. Thrush is also a fungus. Many people are having success by ingesting the sodium bicarbonate/maple syrup and letting it dissolve under their tongue, This sublingual way of taking it, allows it to get directly into your bloodstream, therefore bypassing digestion. Make sure to let it dissolve under your tongue.
A woman, aged fifty, with a swelling in the right breast, which had been noticed for six months and was increasing in size, applied at the Birmingham Hospital. The tumor was hard but movable, situated below the nipple, which was unmistakably retracted. Glands not enlarged, but much pain down right arm. It was decided the growth was cancerous, and that the breast should be removed. Preparatory to the operation, Belladonna was ordered internally, and, strange to say, in a fortnight's time all symptoms had disappeared and no trace of the tumor was to be discovered. – DOCTOR WINGFIELD, in Monthly Review.
From the Book: The Medical Age, a Semi-Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery Volume 13, p. 285, by Dr. G. Archie Stockwell 1895
Blackstrap Molasses, Apple Cider Vinegar
In 1994, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 53. I had my femur replaced, took 10 radiation treatments and 6months of chemo. I have been on this regimen and KNOW that these things are from GOD made ingredients and, therefore, have kept me well. I have always been borderline anemic. My blood counts are better than they have EVER been in my entire life. I believe if I had been doing these things for myself BEFORE I got cancer that I would NOT have had cancer in the first place.
A poster said borax increases estriol in women. According to Wikipedia:
"estriol has been found to inhibit estradiol-induced proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells through blockade of the GPER".
Every women needs to read this article!
Once again, another article on breast cancer and bras.
Breast Cancer and Deodorant
(Albany, USA)
I wanted to find out from Erin (Fremont, MI) what type/brand of Natural Deodorant she uses (hope it's okay to ask for the brand). I'ved tried several brands, but nothing seems to stop the underarm odor. Days when I know I'm going to be doing activities that will make me sweat, I'm forced to use regular deodorant (aluminum & all) to keep from offending people.
(New Jersey)
I have tried so many kinds… finally found one that works for me, and only needs to be applied every few days. Nuud. It's a European company, so shipping can take a bit of time, but it's so worth it. Didn't work at first…. Had to go through a bit of a detox phase. I used every day for a few weeks, then started every other day. I only apply once every four or five days now, even with showering. I love it. You will sweat though, aluminum blocks pores, which isn't healthy so be prepared to sweat, it just won't smell.
(Frederick, MD)
Patti from Albany, USA writes: "I wanted to find out from Erin (Fremont, MI) what type/brand of Natural Deodorant she uses (hope it's okay to ask for the brand)...."
Please tell her that the best thing that I have found is Baking soda. I have gone organic and was trying every organic deordorant on the market and I would still stink!! It was making me crazy, then I came here and read about everyone using BS with great results and IT IS TRUE! After my shower, I pat some in each armpit (I'm pretty liberal). And I have absolutley no underarm odor. Even in my wool sweaters which can really trap the smell...So, I put BS in a pretty bowl in the bathroom and use that. IT WORKS!
(Dallas, Tx)
I use Tea Tree Oil Deodrant, Tea Tree Oil toothpaste, Shampoo, Body Lotion, mouthwash. etc. It takes all odors away, is an essential oil. These products are awesome!!! You can buy them at a health food store and the oil itself is great for pain and muscle strain, and for jock itch, yeast under your arms, razor burn, you can put a drop in your bath water. I swear by them. If I get stopped up, or have a headache I will put some of the oil on my forehead or breath in the vapors and my sinus open up. The toothpaste is great for halitosis, and helps keep all tartar and tooth decay away!!
(Indianola, Wa)
Juice from a fresh lemon works wonderfully as a deodorant as well.
I find this topic...well I am not quite sure how to put it...but....following a healthy fresh food lifestyle will eliminate any need for deodorant as there can be no poisons that the body is trying to eliminate. I have lived this way most of my life and nobody has ever told me I smell!! Drink a glass of properly distilled water evry hour or so.
(San Francisco)
I agree that eating a clean diet will cut down or eliminate b/o. My husband has found the same thing. I do usually use some coconut oil - and if I'm going to hot yoga or something, I'll pat on some baking soda as well (though sometimes baking soda will irritate if I've just shaved).
My Wife/best friend/most important/everything has just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, that's why I'm on this site. This may or may not help those looking to stop using store brand Deodorant. In nature meat eaters/Predators smell one way while Pray/vegetarians have no or a very slight smell. Chlorophyll tablets may do for you what it's done a great job for me. If you can get the type tablets Hospitals use in Colostomy bags, those Work Best and they Work Great. The drug store tab's work OK. The side effects are min, 2 is all I've experienced. 1st is gas, after a day or 2, noise (if you can't silence it) is all that will give you away. Then, It's the GREEN you'll leave in the toilet that may have you feeling faint until you remember what's caused it. I've used Chlorophyll for years and still do. Good Luck, hope this helps someone, sometime. God Bless all those coming to this site for answers/help, know 1st hand that we need all the prayers our loved ones can get.
Breast Cancer Prevention
The procedure is very simple, you first get a baseline image. You sit in a temperature controlled room and let your body cool for a brief period of time then body mapping begins. Every square inch of your body is thermally mapped by computerized equipment then kept as a data ase. Next year any changes, even tiny ones, that show up can represent a possible tumor. These then can recieve additional testing and diagnosis. With the ability to detect tumors many years before being able to be imaged by any other technique.a thermogram can give you a valuable head start in cancer treatment options. This can be a life saving asset.
Currently breast thermography is not covered by medical insurance. Prices may range from $100 to $200 out of pocket.
Well ,my wife did Thermography for more then 3 years and they did not detect anything, even when she told then she had a little lump. For the fact that breast fibrosis runs on the family but not breast cancer they said its ok. Thing got worse and she was diagnosed with stage IV BC.
Breast Cancer Prevention
(Missoula, Montana)
Hello Joy.....Oh yes, absolutely....such pertinent information...I recall this warning years ago and have heeded it ever since. Makes perfect sense to me. I immediately unhinge my bra whenever I return home from 5 hours in workforce and on weekends, sans bra. It is just a habit now and I don't even think about it, like washing your hands, or brushing and flossing.
What about wearing a bra when you exercise, such as using a rebounder or running? Isn't it harder on your breast not to wear a bra when doing such activities? That's the only time I wear a bra, and also I wear a 'not tight' sports cotton bra in summer when wearing light clothing.
Breast Cancer Prevention
(Cairns, Qld Australia)
Yes Yea , I too came to the conclusion that bra's are dangerous, I remember my Mother had big heavey Boobs and the straps were done up so tight to hold them up, she developed a huge lump on her shoulder from the strap, She died from bone and breast Cancer too. also the upwards lift is quite unatural and must interfere with circulation, don't you think, as Boobs naturally drop down. Regards, Zeeka3
(Seattle, Wa)
Pueraria Mirifica (also known as kwao krua) has many benefits, including: Breast firming and enlarging, better skin, anti-aging and stronger nails an hair. It grows in Northern and Northeastern Thailand, the region where this plant is grown is remarkable for its low rate of breast cancer and impressive longevity.
I decided to see what I could learn about Pueraria mirifica and it doesn't sound too good regarding breast cancer.
From the government website, National Center for Biotechnology Information: "In conclusion, in the present study long-term postpubertal treatment of Donryu rats with PM at a dose of 200 mg/kg b.w./day exerted promoting effects on mammary carcinogenesis after the initiation with DMBA. Furthermore, PM elevated cell proliferation in the mammary glands of DMBA-initiated rats, which might lead to the promotion and progression of mammary tumors to greater malignancy. In addition, it inhibited the levels of calcium in the blood, and induced inflammation, hemorrhage, and dilatation of the uterine wall in rats." 200 mg per kg of body weight is a lot, I'm sure, and these are poor, unfortunate rats, but still, I would be a bit leery of this herb for cancer and opt for more tried and true alternatives.
(Toledo, Oh)
(Redmond, Wa/usa)
I'm so sick of hearing about bras and breast cancer. I hardly ever wore a bra for 20 years, and I got diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer anyway. At age 39!
(Las Vegas)
Which couldn't possibly be the only cause.
One of the causes is the genetics from family. Other type is excessive amount of estrogen. Check if your estrogen is running high. There are different ways to check it.
Breast Cancer: Post-Treatment Remedies
Julia: I am no expert on radiation therapy side effects, but I do know that it can be as big a problem as the disease in which it's supposed to treat.
It simply seems wise to do some radiation and bad energy removal therapies found right here on E.C. which would include Magnet Therapy, Mineralization, and Alkalization. Read all the post in this category and begin these remedies.
Please update us on your protocols and progress.
(Grvll, Sc)
Hi, I have heard that mammograms are not always good and thermograms are better. Also, I have heard that oxygen therapy is good like using food grade hyrdrogen peroxide therapy. There is a book that tells about it... It's called the one minute c--e or something like that and tells you how to dilute the peroxide and how to take it. You build it up slowly each day by how much you take but another thing is that sugar feeds on cancer and Doug Kaufmann from know the cause show says fungus mimics cancer and natural anti- fungals like oregano oil topically and interanally can help.. he also has the phase 1 diet which is very similar to the paleo diet to help as well.
(Atlanta, Ga - Usa)
(Sylva, Nc)
Thanks for all your suggestions, have been using organic coconut oil on my breast and it does seem to soften it up. I just pray I can continue to stay away from the doctors and medications that have side effects.
(Kiev, Ukraine)
I use H202 therapy on a permanent basis and I swear by it. It has helped me so much! I cannot think of life without it. Do NOT drink the 3% H202 normally bought at a pharmacy/drug store as it will not be pure and likely have contaniments in it. If drinking it it is essential to follow the correct protocol suggested by David Williams. You MUST purchase 35%FOOD GRADE H202 ONLY and use it according to THE specific protocol. NO OTHER WAY WILL DO. H202 35%FG can also be used for mutiple purposes if diluted down appropriately.
From the Book: Gunn's New Family Physician or, Home Book of Health; Forming a Complete Household Guide…, by John C. Gunn, Johnson H. Jordan, Charles S. Royce · 1867
The application of raw Cranberries, applied as a poultice to the sore, will cure this most inveterate disease. We know of many cures performed by the use of these berries, mashed and applied as a poultice. A lady of our acquaintance had a Cancer in her breast, which had become as large as a pullet's egg (smaller than regular chicken egg), and was an inch below the surface of the skin. In this case, it was an hereditary disease, and she regarded it as a death-warrant. She was persuaded, however, to try the Cranberries, and they effected a cure. The Cranberries were mashed in a mortar; spread on a cloth and laid on, changing the poultice three times a day. In two or three days it became so sore that it drew out pustules that filled like the Small-pox. This process was renewed with the same effect, until the whole was drawn away, the Cancer becoming softened and decreasing in size at every application, until it finally disappeared. The virtues of Cranberries are but imperfectly known. They are cooling and useful in removing inflammation, and have been known to cure an obstinate Sore Throat. We have never known them tried, but are persuaded they might be useful in Bronchitis. The Tuscaloosa Observer states that a Mr. Bell, who suffered for eight years with Cancer in the nose (Basal cell carcinoma), was entirely cured by using a poultice of the common Cranberry. It is so simple and innocent that every one afflicted with the disease should try it.
Why does it work?
Example: Cranberries for Prostate Cancer - Researchers started out with about 50,000 human prostate cancer cells in a petri dish and if you do nothing, within a day you're closer to 100,000, then 200,000 and then nearly 400,000 within 72 hours. But by adding just a tiny amount of raw cranberry juice, that exponential cancer growth can be blocked.
The reason they tested such tiny concentrations is that we only absorb a small fraction of the cranberry phytonutrients we eat into our bloodstream. Still, cranberries are cheap. If drug companies and supplement manufacturers are going to capitalize on this they needed to find cranberry's active ingredient.
Different fractions were tested against various types of cancer to find the magic bullet. Various fractions of phytonutrients inhibited colon cancer cell, prostate cancer, human breast, brain tumor, oral, and ovarian cancer cells proliferation about 15 percent, but nothing compared to the total extract of the whole fruit. There seems to be additive or synergistic anti-proliferative effects resulting from the combination of the various components compared to individual purified phytochemicals. So it's always better to eat the whole fruit.
How do you do that with cranberries, though? Although five percent of cranberries are sold fresh, the vast majority are consumed as processed products. To get the same amount of anthocyanin phytonutrients in a cup of fresh or frozen cranberries, you'd have to drink 16 cups of cranberry juice cocktail, eat seven cups of dried cranberries, or 26 cans of cranberry sauce!
The problem is that raw cranberries are so tart that folks may opt for the 7 cups of dried. In a taste test survey, consumers said they wouldn't mind eating dried cranberries every day, but the preference for raw cranberries sloped down toward maybe once a year. The problem is dried cranberries tend to come sweetened. Raw cranberries don't affect your blood sugar, but sweetened dried cranberries do—even the low sugar varieties.
What about cranberry “juice”? Cranberry cocktail is usually only about a quarter cranberry juice. The ruby red phytonutrients in cranberries and pure cranberry juice are powerful antioxidants, increasing the antioxidant capacity of our bloodstream within hours of consumption. But the high fructose corn syrup acts as a pro-oxidant, even with added vitamin C, canceling out some of the cranberry benefit.
In Australia, I've seen raw broccoli mashed up and used as a poultice for skin cancer so this is nothing new by Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD. Don't try to find it on Google because they are blocking everything in reguards to natural healing.
The PROOF that berries do TREAT CANCER can be found in modern days.
A berry found only in Far North Queensland has surprised scientists with its rapid cancer fighting properties. An experimental drug derived from the berry of the blushwood tree has been used to fight tumours and melanomas in around 300 animals, and has proven effective in 75% of cases. But what has scientists baffled is the rate of effectiveness, the drug took effect within five minutes, and the tumours had disappeared within days, without any side effects. Biotechnology company Qbiotics has obtained approval to begin human trials, though researchers warn it is no replacement for traditional cancer therapy.
ZIP/NEWS Australia – Scientists Discover Cancer Fighting Berry - Oct 8,2014
7 NEWS FIRST Australia – Australian Cancer Cure - In 48 Hours - Blushwood Berry
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The Coming Woman or, The Royal Road to Physical Perfection, p. 344 by Eliza Barton Lyman · 1880
Cancer generally locates itself in the glandular system, and according to M. Banphieting, the eminent French scientist, is caused by a microscopic parasite or animalcule which he claims is always, upon close examination, found in cancers; consequently, if his theory be correct, whatever will tend to destroy these minute creatures will hasten a cure.
The diet has an important influence upon this disease. All articles of an inflammable nature should be avoided, such as an excessive use of salt and highly seasoned food. Pork or other fat meats should be dispensed with entirely, and a liberal use made of acid fruits of every description, especially lemons and oranges, also drinking freely of the various mineral waters. The avenues of purification must be kept open, the pores of the kin, the bowels, liver and kidneys. This can be accomplished without the aid of drugs, by proper diet and muscular exercise, together with a thorough course of bathing, employing the Turkish, vapor, and mineral baths, which as curative agents in all cases of blood disease stand preeminent, as has been demonstrated by the mineral baths of Germany, especially in cases of scrofula, erysipelas, and salt rheum, which are all members of one family.
In the case of cancer, the knife should never be resorted to, as the shock to the nervous system is very great, and in the removal of the tumor only the effect and not the cause is dealt with, the poison still remaining.
Some wonderful results have been obtained through what is known as the Thermal cure. The treatment consists of throwing upon the cancer a steady jet of heat, which effectually destroys the life, after which the dead flesh sloughs off, allowing the healthy flesh to heal. There are also certain drugs which by being externally applied will destroy the abnormal growth and in many instances save the life of the individual.
But the only permanent cure would be in building up the system and keeping the blood in a healthy condition, not through the aid of drugs, but through those avenues designed by nature for that purpose. All persons having a hereditary predisposition toward blood diseases of the cancer family should make daily use of stewed cranberries, during the season of this fruit.
In females, the mammary gland is most subject to these growths, arising, doubtless, from bruises, compressions, congested milk glands, etc. This gland should never be permitted to hang by its own weight, as such a position produces strangulation of the blood-vessels, tending to induce morbid growths. There is an intimate connection between the ovaries and the breast. Inflammation in the former produces, many times, painful hardening in the latter. Particularly is this true toward the latter part of the change of life, often giving rise to apprehensions of cancers and tumors, and by a sufficient amount of worrying over and squeezing, might be coaxed into such, but if undisturbed will gradually disappear, but where it continues beyond a reasonable time, hot applications, as hot as can be borne, should be applied to stimulate the absorbents and do away with the hardening and inflammation. Fomentation performs the same mission to the breast that it would to inflammation in any other part of the body.
It is claimed by many that hot cranberry poultices will destroy these diseased formations.
More people die from imaginary cancers than from real ones. Women especially are apt to torture every little itching papillæ or inflamed lymphatic gland into one of these terrors.