Holistic Treatments for Breast Cancer

| Modified on Nov 14, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Julissa (New york , New york) on 07/23/2007

Molasses in spanish is MELASA. For years I have heard my dominican family member say that a mixture of molasses, aloe vera and BEETS will remove any cysts from women breast and ovaries. I just found out i have two cysts. According to my dominican aunts i must take the this mixture for 40 days. I will post my results. I have true faith in natural resources.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Joy (Richmond, VA, USA) on 11/20/2008

I am almost 61 years old, a widow with 3 sons, working, with average health issues for my age, nothing serious and nothing that Earth Clinic hasn't helped me with greatly. I take no medication other than supplements. I am writing because I feel passionately that there IS solid evidence that there is something every woman can do to drastically reduce her chances of getting breast cancer, and that is to not wear a bra at all....or to wear one NO MORE than 12 hours a day. I urge everyone to do research about this, because you have no particular reason to believe me. I have personally not worn a bra since the bra-burning 1960s. Needless to say, I have not had breast cancer, but my bra-wearing mother has. Don't listen to me; do some research and you will undoubtedly come to one book that is stunning in its conclusions. Once you understand the delicate and yet absolutely essential function of the lymphatic system (which is gravely compromised by tight clothing), you will be convinced. And believe me, after one week of going braless, I cannot believe you will ever be able to harness yourself in again. If you need a 'recipe,' I will pass on this: all-cotton camisoles or undershirts! They are so comfortable, winter and summer. They are not supportive, but they do help to preserve your modesty.

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by nancy (melville, new york) on 07/20/2007

over a year I was diagnosed with DCIS which is stage 0 breast cancer, non-invasive or pre-cancerous. The surgeons of course suggest masectomy. After studying internet, library, bookstore and disecting every word on pathology report I am convinced of diet change. i pretty much stopped drinking red wine (so much for red wine being good for you) I'm slim already but since going organic on meat, eggs, milk and taking Vitamins b, c, d,e, germanium, magnesium, beta-carotene, coq10, turmeric, DIM, liquid fish oil, ground flax seed, progesterone cream, I have in the past year lost my little stomach, I go to the toilet regularly which I never ever did sometimes more than once, my hair is thicker, my skin on my face is tighter, the stiffness I get in my joints at the end of the night is gone, I have stamina the entire day being able to move about without tiring and even not getting dizzy in the summer heat. I get lots of comments about my skin color looking good and it's all true. I can't pin point which supplement is doing what. I always used olive oil and love my green vegetables but obviously that wasn't enough to keep cancer from creeping in. I also use red palm oil (lots of tocotrienols and vitamin A) coconut oil too, I've drunk plenty of apple cider vinegar, it's like a shot of alcohol for me haha. I did have a urinary infection recently and decided to go the natural path using mannose-d. It seemed to work. I even found oil-pulling on your website. It really does make morning mouth go away. I'm a born again nutritionist. I want to spread the word to everyone. I've become obsessed with hydrogenated oil too. My boy is having a hard time getting snacks from me when I have to check every ingredient. Unfortunately for me, I will not go back to check on DCIS which by the way is 15% chance in 10 yrs of becoming invasive and 1.5% chance of spreading. Oh also my bosums are softer too. They were always lumpy my entire life. I've taken other things through the year like cesium, kefir, noni juice and I just bought aloe vera juice and grapefruit seed extract. Anything that could be good for you I do it. Ginger in hot water is great. I'm almost 48 and am feeling younger every month. I practically feel like a teenager again. If I do go off my routine like eating snacks or drinking a little wine I will get puffy faced in the morning or have a funny taste in my mouth. I don't think many women are as foolish or wise as I am in studying big time on this subject. The more I read the more I was exposed to and thanks to your website I have the oil-pulling to thank you for. This site is great for information. Thanks a lot

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Eljer777 (Philly suburbs ) on 08/02/2022

My wife has stage 1V breast cancer and uses 35% food grade HP with only alexapure water. Cancer is disappearing quickly. Uses 10 drops in half a glass of water and 1 drop of DSM 2X a day.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 05/05/2016

A safer cancer diagnostic tool is a thermogram. You hear doctors preach about how women need to get yearly mammograms etc yet the very act of medical imagery exposes you to needless radiation. It's long been known that such radiation helps to get cancer growing. Now unless you have a naturopath for a doctor, I bet you never heard of a thermogram. Well this medical imaging technique can be safely used by anyone at any age. It looks for areas of unusual heat signatures. A thermogram can detect a tumor as small as a grain of rice. This means it can detect tumors 7 to 10 years earlier than an old fashioned mammogram.

The procedure is very simple, you first get a baseline image. You sit in a temperature controlled room and let your body cool for a brief period of time then body mapping begins. Every square inch of your body is thermally mapped by computerized equipment then kept as a data ase. Next year any changes, even tiny ones, that show up can represent a possible tumor. These then can recieve additional testing and diagnosis. With the ability to detect tumors many years before being able to be imaged by any other technique.a thermogram can give you a valuable head start in cancer treatment options. This can be a life saving asset.

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Joy (Thailand) on 12/11/2014

To Melony UK.

in response to your recent post here on EC, I would advise you that this is what this wonderful site is about, CHOICE, Many people here have been through the convential medical fields and have not found satisfaction and wish to do something for themselves, whether good or bad and this site helps and is read by many many people who have had excellent results by trying their own natural treatments, maybe because you use the NHS you are conditioned not to think for yourself, so please don't knock anyone who uses alternative treatments.

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/12/2017 2326 posts

Editor's Choice

Magnesium chloride (MC) has many potential health benefits and in the link to the full study below it is suggested that breast cancer might be one.

In the study they compared the effects of MC with cisplatin. The cisplatin was more effective and comes with side effects and can only be given for so long, whereas MC can be taken indefinitely and side effects are more likely to be other health benefits. Being replete with MC may be a safe and effective preventative or it may be a great addition to a breast cancer treatment strategy. Definitely worth the read and consideration.

Here is a link to the full study:



Baking Soda
Posted by Carol (Qld, Australia ) on 03/18/2014

I was diognosed with stage three breast cancer that was also in my lymph nodes in 2011. After much research I figured I probably had a better chance with healthy alternatives than big pharma.

phcurescancer is a lovely site by a gentleman who cured his own cancer using bicarbonate soda and the lump in my breast did go from 80mm across down to 70mm in the two weeks I pushed my ph into the high 7s. However this is not a good thing to do long term and bi carb not the best way to do it. Be aware that mixing bi carb with citrus acid (vit c) chemically combines to create carbon dioxide, pure poison. Good info on http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XuFGobY4dUI.

One of the best ways is diet and drinking alkalising greens. Coral calcium is also excellent and a much better balance of essential minerals. I test my pee regularly and a ph in the 6.5-7 is good from what I understand. If you are reading 7.3 or higher then your body is probably too alkaline and is trying to get rid of excess. If for some reason I've dropped under 6.5 then I will take a quarter to a half teaspoon of bi carb which just boosts things up nicely but I rarely have to do that now.

I'm sure through diet and lifestyle changes it is possible to help the body get rid of most cancers. I had some very positive results and felt fantastic health and energy wise. Once I started working I got a bit slack and by the end of 2013 the lump in my breast had gotten large again and some lymph nodes were enlarged. So this year I started using MMS with MSM or DMSO. Cheap. Very definite results. The tumer is half the size it was in two months and the lymph nodes are getting smaller. I found I could only use very small amounts or I got pretty full on detox effects. In a couple of months I'm hoping for an all clear and I will put together a more detailed report and put it out there.

So don't panic. research. There's a huge amount of very good information out there. Keep an open mind and a healthy amount of scepticsism. It's a wonderful world and we are amazing beings so I hope all goes well.

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Timh (KY) on 12/12/2014 2048 posts

M: It would be nice if you posted an item in particular when describing "dangerous", instead you throw a blanket of generalizations. We all need more information and less fear.

There is a reason people come here for help. Cancer cure rates by conventional medicine are dismal and the cost are astronomical. Check out Ty Bollinger videos on YouTube. At only mid-age, Ty lost most of his family from Cancer, whereupon he determined to find out more of this tragedy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/30/2024

Cranberries for Breast or other Cancer.

From the Book: Gunn's New Family Physician or, Home Book of Health; Forming a Complete Household Guide…, by John C. Gunn, Johnson H. Jordan, Charles S. Royce · 1867

The application of raw Cranberries, applied as a poultice to the sore, will cure this most inveterate disease. We know of many cures performed by the use of these berries, mashed and applied as a poultice. A lady of our acquaintance had a Cancer in her breast, which had become as large as a pullet's egg (smaller than regular chicken egg), and was an inch below the surface of the skin. In this case, it was an hereditary disease, and she regarded it as a death-warrant. She was persuaded, however, to try the Cranberries, and they effected a cure. The Cranberries were mashed in a mortar; spread on a cloth and laid on, changing the poultice three times a day. In two or three days it became so sore that it drew out pustules that filled like the Small-pox. This process was renewed with the same effect, until the whole was drawn away, the Cancer becoming softened and decreasing in size at every application, until it finally disappeared. The virtues of Cranberries are but imperfectly known. They are cooling and useful in removing inflammation, and have been known to cure an obstinate Sore Throat. We have never known them tried, but are persuaded they might be useful in Bronchitis. The Tuscaloosa Observer states that a Mr. Bell, who suffered for eight years with Cancer in the nose (Basal cell carcinoma), was entirely cured by using a poultice of the common Cranberry. It is so simple and innocent that every one afflicted with the disease should try it.

Why does it work?

Example: Cranberries for Prostate Cancer - Researchers started out with about 50,000 human prostate cancer cells in a petri dish and if you do nothing, within a day you're closer to 100,000, then 200,000 and then nearly 400,000 within 72 hours. But by adding just a tiny amount of raw cranberry juice, that exponential cancer growth can be blocked.

The reason they tested such tiny concentrations is that we only absorb a small fraction of the cranberry phytonutrients we eat into our bloodstream. Still, cranberries are cheap. If drug companies and supplement manufacturers are going to capitalize on this they needed to find cranberry's active ingredient.

Different fractions were tested against various types of cancer to find the magic bullet. Various fractions of phytonutrients inhibited colon cancer cell, prostate cancer, human breast, brain tumor, oral, and ovarian cancer cells proliferation about 15 percent, but nothing compared to the total extract of the whole fruit. There seems to be additive or synergistic anti-proliferative effects resulting from the combination of the various components compared to individual purified phytochemicals. So it's always better to eat the whole fruit.

How do you do that with cranberries, though? Although five percent of cranberries are sold fresh, the vast majority are consumed as processed products. To get the same amount of anthocyanin phytonutrients in a cup of fresh or frozen cranberries, you'd have to drink 16 cups of cranberry juice cocktail, eat seven cups of dried cranberries, or 26 cans of cranberry sauce!

The problem is that raw cranberries are so tart that folks may opt for the 7 cups of dried. In a taste test survey, consumers said they wouldn't mind eating dried cranberries every day, but the preference for raw cranberries sloped down toward maybe once a year. The problem is dried cranberries tend to come sweetened. Raw cranberries don't affect your blood sugar, but sweetened dried cranberries do—even the low sugar varieties.

What about cranberry “juice”? Cranberry cocktail is usually only about a quarter cranberry juice. The ruby red phytonutrients in cranberries and pure cranberry juice are powerful antioxidants, increasing the antioxidant capacity of our bloodstream within hours of consumption. But the high fructose corn syrup acts as a pro-oxidant, even with added vitamin C, canceling out some of the cranberry benefit.

In Australia, I've seen raw broccoli mashed up and used as a poultice for skin cancer so this is nothing new by Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD. Don't try to find it on Google because they are blocking everything in reguards to natural healing.

Flax Seeds: Promising Remedy!
Posted by Ruth (Ionia, Michigan) on 03/09/2008

my name is ruth,I used flax seed to cure my tumors . I would grind them in my coffee grinder . Then I would use about 2tsp a day and sprinkle them over my salad . I found it easier to eat them that way . I also would make flaxseed bread I would use about a 1/2 cup in my loaf of bread . It is very important to grind the flaxseed up to get the benfit of the seeds. Other wise the seeds will just pass right threw you . I did this for about a year and when I went back and had my ultra sound they were gone . I also had a tumor in my breast . I was benine but that also disappeared as well . I never tryed the BSM because I never heard about it working on tumors until now. I end up have a historectomy because my uterus fell . but I still take it so I don't get any tumors in my breast

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Erin (Fremont , Mi) on 01/15/2008

Breast Cancer History Breast cancer runs in my family. My aunt is fighting it now. Not to mention from using regular store bough underarm deodorant as a teen myself I use to get lumps under my arms/right in the pit area. They had to be lanced and drained at the hospital. From that point on I did alot of research and found that the aluminum they put in the deodorant clogs the glands under your arms which inturn are very close to the breast. I have not used store bought deodorant for about 15 yrs now-I only use all natural from health food store and never had a problem again. Just wanted to let you ladies and men too know to STOP USING REGULAR STORE BOUGHT DEODORANT ONLY USE NATURAL. Thank you have a wonderful week all

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 06/13/2016

In the States we can buy hot cold packs that are made up of pea sizes gel beads. There is one here that comes with a belt with a pocket that you can Velcro to your body so the heat goes to the spot you want it to be. The gel peas make it so that the pack shapes to your body. Heat will help drive the lugol's to a greater depth. Heat also kills cancer cells. So check your Boots for a heat pack. DMSO also helps to move the iodine into you. DMSO will also break through cancer cells and carry the iodine in.

Cut out all sugar and junk food. Cut down on carbohydrates like crisps. Sugar will feed your cancer because cancer cells require 8 times as much glucose as your normal cells need so starve it.

Look into Ted's alkaline drinks here in EC and also take L-lysine up to 5 grams per day spread out.

Protect your liver with silymarin and alpha lipoic acid.

If you plan to do chemo therapy and/or radiation therapy get vitamin C powder and start taking it throughout the day in mega doses to protect yourself from the damage it does.

Keep asking your questions here and keep learning how to stop and reverse the cancer. Treat your body and not just the cancer.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Hisjewel (New York) on 03/16/2022

A friend was diagnosed with breast lump that was metastasizing. The Prayer Warriors have been praying for her. God has provided so many ways for us to get our healing, so I suggested to her to add to the prayer, a few drops of Clove Oil mixed in Olive Oil. Our olive oil bottle holds about ¼ cup of oil. I told her to anoint the breast area each day, She said she missed some days . However, two months after using this mix and lots of people praying for her, her doctor reported that the lump has decreased in size. The doctor was supposed to be scheduling surgery if necessary, but did not. he just told her to keep on doing what she's doing.

Here is a study about Cloves Tumors and Cancer


Yes, there are so many ways to get your healing. I was healed of a lump a some years ago after going on an all vegetable fast for seven days. Take your choice.

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Gary (Ga.) on 08/08/2015

My Wife/best friend/most important/everything has just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, that's why I'm on this site. This may or may not help those looking to stop using store brand Deodorant. In nature meat eaters/Predators smell one way while Pray/vegetarians have no or a very slight smell. Chlorophyll tablets may do for you what it's done a great job for me. If you can get the type tablets Hospitals use in Colostomy bags, those Work Best and they Work Great. The drug store tab's work OK. The side effects are min, 2 is all I've experienced. 1st is gas, after a day or 2, noise (if you can't silence it) is all that will give you away. Then, It's the GREEN you'll leave in the toilet that may have you feeling faint until you remember what's caused it. I've used Chlorophyll for years and still do. Good Luck, hope this helps someone, sometime. God Bless all those coming to this site for answers/help, know 1st hand that we need all the prayers our loved ones can get.

Blackstrap Molasses, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Hotsprings, AR) on 07/04/2006

I take a tblsp of blackstrap in the morning and "chase it" with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it, with 3 tablespoons of warm water.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 53. I had my femur replaced, took 10 radiation treatments and 6months of chemo. I have been on this regimen and KNOW that these things are from GOD made ingredients and, therefore, have kept me well. I have always been borderline anemic. My blood counts are better than they have EVER been in my entire life. I believe if I had been doing these things for myself BEFORE I got cancer that I would NOT have had cancer in the first place.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 11/13/2024

The PROOF that berries do TREAT CANCER can be found in modern days.

A berry found only in Far North Queensland has surprised scientists with its rapid cancer fighting properties. An experimental drug derived from the berry of the blushwood tree has been used to fight tumours and melanomas in around 300 animals, and has proven effective in 75% of cases. But what has scientists baffled is the rate of effectiveness, the drug took effect within five minutes, and the tumours had disappeared within days, without any side effects. Biotechnology company Qbiotics has obtained approval to begin human trials, though researchers warn it is no replacement for traditional cancer therapy.

ZIP/NEWS Australia – Scientists Discover Cancer Fighting Berry - Oct 8,2014

7 NEWS FIRST Australia – Australian Cancer Cure - In 48 Hours - Blushwood Berry
Source link #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iDYhNR5t2k
Source link #2: https://www.tiktok.com/@__l.o.r.a__/video/717160526209520768

Baking Soda
Posted by Ela (London) on 02/18/2021

Hello Sam and all lovely ladies posting here on breast cancer, I hope you are all doing well. I highly recommend looking up chrisbeatcancer.com, Curing cancer with carrots by Ann Cameron and books by dr Mark Sircus. My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer last June. What she does is carrot juice and alkalizing her body plus a bunch of supplements. Her blood tests results have been good and there has been no metastasis so far. She's had no conventional treatment at all. We are having a CT scan in March to see whether the lump in her breast has shrunk. Best of luck and courage to everyone who has to go through the (breast) cancer nightmare <3

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Mayan2012 (Ontario, Canada) on 12/14/2014

Unfortunately a good majority of doctors still believe in chemo and other life threatening treatments. Maybe they should start teaching about diet and other natural cures to help the body and hospitals should stop passing out cookies and treats to patients getting treatments!

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Alya (Uae) on 09/25/2018

A comment on garlic and turmeric:

This is not commonly known in the west, but here, in the middle east, we have the MALE garlic (that comes mostly from Yemen), is quite small and has only 1 bud, in comparison to the normal looking garlic (which has many buds together and is the female common variety). The medicinal properties of the male garlic is said to be approximately 1000 times more potent than the female common variety. In addition, contrast to the male garlic, the FEMALE Turmeric root (has a much stronger smell and colour, and is also smaller looking than the male), is also believed to be the 'medicinal' and more potent variety of turmeric. Good luck!

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Marc (Texas) on 01/08/2021

Well ,my wife did Thermography for more then 3 years and they did not detect anything, even when she told then she had a little lump. For the fact that breast fibrosis runs on the family but not breast cancer they said its ok. Thing got worse and she was diagnosed with stage IV BC.

Gerson Therapy
Posted by Natalia (North Royalton, Oh) on 01/12/2013

Hello, my mom has been doing Gerson Therapy (cofee enemas, 13 juices a day, no salt, high potassium, high in potato diet) for almost a year. Her breast cancer has grown larger and hard and she developed nodules on her thyroid. We have contacted the Gerson clinic in California and they are suggesting for her to go for surgery to remove the tumor in her breast and her thyroid because her body is not battling it. They are trying to break all ties with us because the therapy didn't work. We are at a loss of words because the therapy has a large success rate. We believe it has to do with her thyroid and her high estrogen. Would you be able to give any advice? We do not know what to do because we know that surgery spreads the cancer. We live in Cleveland, OH. It is urgent. She is still doing the Gerson Therapy.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Emilie (Quezon City, Philippines) on 07/26/2010

I have breast cancer and am presently taking 9 oz. Of Essiac Tea daily. I was diagnosed 5 yrs. ago and this has kept my cancer from spreading. However, I have a tumor the size of a golfball just under my right nipple. It is hard, sometimes painful and itchy and there is a continuous bloody secretion. I plan to try the H2O2 protocol together with Vitalzym (enzymes) and magnesium as I read in the CancerTutor. I want to know if I can use Alkaline Ionized Water instead of Distilled Water when I take the drops of H2O2. Can I also combine this with 1/4 tsp. of baking soda? Also, what can I apply on the tumor to help it shrink and dry up? Would be extremely grateful for any advice. Emilie

Baking Soda
Posted by Marla (Ca) on 11/30/2020

Hi Sam,

I also hv breast cancer, DCIS. I had a lumpectomy in Oct 2020 with great success, no cancer in lymph nodes. I've decided to opt out of radiation too. Too many cons than pros for me anyway. I rather be diligent in a "natural approach" with alkalizing first thing in the morning with warm lemon & Apple cider vinegar. Vit D, DIM, Vit C IV therapy, etc. As much as I can to keep my immune system healthy. My surgeon also didn't agree with my decision, but its wht is best for me in my opinion. Hope this helps a little. Good luck!

Posted by Debra (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/29/2008

Dr Derry from Vicotria on Vancouver Island has a book out about Breast Cancer and his research shows that taking 1 to 2 drops of iodine a day in a glass of water can help to prevent breast cancer. His book is very informative and gives a scientific reason why it works. I have been using Iodine this way for 6 years. I also use it on moles, tags and other skin conitions and it helps to make them small again. I have used it for sore throats too and it works wonderfully. Just use it sparingly as it can be toxic with too much use.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by M. Boyle (Birmingham, AL) on 02/07/2007

During the fall of 2005 I was put on a series of antibiotics for a period of 4 months treating a throat and gland problem. My Dr. referred me to a Nose Throat ear specialist. Test were done and this time I was diagnosed with Mono(from a patient I treated) Again more antibiotics I got worse night fevers swelling then the knots came I was then diagnosed with Lymphoma. Yes, the antibiotics played a big part, but there were other factors. One- tight wired bras were cutting the lymph tubes where the toxins could not flow. Also wearing bras to bed and wearing under panties with elastic bands around the waste and groin area which also cut lymph tubes. Ladies, get out of the tight under garments. This is a big factor in breast cancer because the toxins stop at the breast area when the lymph tubes are squeezed tight and cannot flow and remove the toxins.

Posted by Gavin (Northland) on 12/24/2014

Remove the cause, and you have the cure. I came across this with regards to breast cancer, as a hormone related cancer it would be the same for prostate cancer in males. As the incidence graphs are similar. http://rense.com/general35/av.htm Here we have a general hormone disruptor in widespread use in the Western world that no one seems to be addressing. When it is, a PR machine swings into action. The general rise in Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease could be laid at the overconsumption of this culprit as well. Remembering that Insulin is a hormone as well.

Gerson Therapy
Posted by Stacey H. (New York) on 05/31/2018

Her cancer got worse because the diet is not starving or reversing the cancer. Mercola.com is a good source and my favorite book Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin. And a quick possible source for breast health and cancer cure in Europharmausa.com, Terry Naturally's CuraMed-Breast (for healthy breast cells). And of course, a no/low sugar, low glycemic diet. Too many potatoes and not enough whole food as chpt 13 in P. Quillin's book amazingly explains. And this site on breast calcifications. Parasites are also an issue, I love drclarkstore.com and mountainmeadowherbs.com. Going chemical free in body products and home is a major issue and plenty of pure water, along with a dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, vegetable oil-free (except EVOlive Oil, and for cooking only, Coconut or MCT Oil and Avocado Oil). Also, increase Omega-3 animal source fish in diet and much less Omega-6 and less salt in diet. Breast Cancer exercise videos on youtube and wherever to stretch, weight, aroebic, and lymph drainage (rebounder). All of this is a good start in helping stave off and reverse cancer.

Posted by Chloe (San Francisco, Ca) on 02/23/2012

I had a bloody discharge from my breast. I healed it by painting lugol's iodine on it daily with a paintbrush, at least twice daily, alkalinizing my diet, consuming iodine rich foods, cutting out all sugar, caffeine and almost all protein. I ate mostly leafy greens, raw, and ate only the foods that gave me energy. I eliminated anything that made me feel tired. I have been discharge free for about 5 years now.

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, Qld Australia) on 08/01/2009

Hi again, Well fate seems to be against me, It is,now a death sentence as they discovered the Cancer is all over my body and bones, not treatable. I still take the baking powder not soda with citric acid as the baking powder destroys the vitamin C. It may be too late for me, I didn't even know i had anything wrong until a week ago. But I am scared to death now I hate pain, and do not know how much to expect. Back-up seems to be rare here, I feel like I have been dumped. Hope you all get and keep well health is the best gift we have love to all. Zeeka3

Baking Soda
Posted by Art (California) on 11/11/2020 2326 posts

Hi Sam.

Please look into melatonin for breast cancer, especially if you decide to use radiation as it can ameliorate some of the damage caused by radiation as well as have synergy with radiotherapy as well as with chemo. Here is a link to multiple studies showing the benefit of melatonin in breast cancer :


Good luck to you on your journey!


Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Suzi (Missoula, Montana) on 11/20/2008

Hello Joy.....Oh yes, absolutely....such pertinent information...I recall this warning years ago and have heeded it ever since. Makes perfect sense to me. I immediately unhinge my bra whenever I return home from 5 hours in workforce and on weekends, sans bra. It is just a habit now and I don't even think about it, like washing your hands, or brushing and flossing.

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Tracy (Frederick, MD) on 01/21/2008


Patti from Albany, USA writes: "I wanted to find out from Erin (Fremont, MI) what type/brand of Natural Deodorant she uses (hope it's okay to ask for the brand)...."

Please tell her that the best thing that I have found is Baking soda. I have gone organic and was trying every organic deordorant on the market and I would still stink!! It was making me crazy, then I came here and read about everyone using BS with great results and IT IS TRUE! After my shower, I pat some in each armpit (I'm pretty liberal). And I have absolutley no underarm odor. Even in my wool sweaters which can really trap the smell...So, I put BS in a pretty bowl in the bathroom and use that. IT WORKS!

Breast Cancer and Deodorant
Posted by Emarie (Indianola, Wa) on 03/27/2014

Juice from a fresh lemon works wonderfully as a deodorant as well.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Jo (Redmond, Wa/usa) on 02/24/2012

I'm so sick of hearing about bras and breast cancer. I hardly ever wore a bra for 20 years, and I got diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer anyway. At age 39!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 06/19/2016

Okay here is my recipe for topical Lugol's iodine.

Use a clean glass dropper bottle. Put 10 dropper fulls of 5% Lugol's iodine into the bottle. Add a few grains of vitamin C powder until the iodine goes clear. Then add 20 dropper fulls of aloe vera to the mix. Add a dash of zinc chloride to the mix and put the cap on loosely and swirl until it dissolves. You will feel it heat up. Lastly add twice the amount DMSO to what you have. Let it sit for a few minutes.

This does not make very much but you have to use it up or the mix will separate and turn amber again so you will need to use it up.

When you apply to the skin you will not need very much of this on a spot. Just a few drops will do. If this still burns add more aloe vera and less zinc.

I worked this recipe out from something that Ted wrote. So thanks to him I have it.

I hope this helps.

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