Holistic Treatments for Breast Cancer

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by LK (Anon, USA) on 04/22/2010

tumour coming out of breast

hi, i am looking for a way to deal with the tumor that seems to be pushing out of my skin-skin wound is getting bigger -i need to be prepared-thing of using tumorx paste-first tumor removed in october 2009, drs. said perimeters were clear-but its there again -wound is at the site of second biopsy(after surgery) i got to burn this thing off me fast-i am on raw food diet-essiac formula,wormwood combo + clove, powdered wheatgrass,nuts all organic-h202 and baking soda-not fruit or breads- somebody help please-

Multiple Remedies
Posted by J. (Little Rock, Ca) on 07/17/2010

I also had this experience with the tumor breaking through the skin and making a horrible wound for which I had to wear socks beneath my bra to absorb any weeping of the wound or blood which would spurt out if the wound were bumped (it was between the sternum and upper breast, almost exact location of L. Day's). This was a very large hard tumor, size of tennis ball. I had been putting tea tree oil on the site and decided this was not a good idea as it was getting worse so found a product and immediately begin using it 2-3 x daily and it completely healed the open wound within a week or two. The name of it is Argentyn, and is recommended for any type of wound, burn, blister abrasion, rash, ulceration, etc. Two ingredients are silver hydrosol and aloe. This has nothing to do with shrinking the tumor but is good for any open wound.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Natasha (Athens, Greece) on 09/16/2012

Could you please tell me how you used Argentyn on a bleeding breast tumour?

Baking Soda
Posted by Zeeka3 (Cairns, QLD, Australia) on 07/30/2009

Hi, I have just been diagnosed, with breast Cancer, My good friends sent me the baking powder recipe, which I am trying vefore I have any surgery. It has made me feel very good and pains in my legs and hips, seem to have gone. A few days ago I could hardly walk, I will let you know if the cure is real

I pray it is as I hate any pain zeeka3

Baking Soda
Posted by Holly (Mooresville, In) on 08/01/2009

Please read a post:

03/02/2007: Barry ([email protected]) from Blountville, TN ([email protected])
Garlic and late stage cancer

Baking Soda
Posted by Screenname (Plano, Tx) on 11/10/2009

Perhaps hope for you is in tomography (search internet). I know of a man who had "seed tumors" all over his body after cancer surgery. He walked into a tomography place, had a brief treatment, and (his stepson tells me) walked out cancer-free with no recovery. Tomography targets only tumors--precisely.

EC: More about Tomography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomography

Baking Soda
Posted by Carol (Australia) on 03/20/2014

Hi Edda, sorry if I was a bit dramatic. Carbon Dioxide is a poison. It's created when the body utilises oxygen as well as in other processes that happen and the body works hard at getting rid of it as quickly as possible. That's why you breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.

From what I've gathered Vit C is a general label they put on a substance they didn't understand very well At the time. it does come in various forms. I was referring to citric acid which is different from the vit c sodium ascorbate you said you were using. You just have change one molecule and it changes what happens.

When using mms you mix sodium chlorite with citric acid as an activator. It can taste yuk, especially with larger amounts. So word was out that if you mixed bicarbonate soda with it, it tasted better and was less acidic. Which it did. Now days a I try to research everything from different angles. Some times I even check out the quack sites for a good laugh. two main things happen. If the bi carb hooks up with the mms molecules it creates a much larger molecule which then can't do what you want it to do which is to take extra oxygen deeply into cells that need it. And if it combines with the citric acid molecules it becomes carbon dioxide. In the past I have occasionally squeezed lemon into a glass of bi carb which made it taste better and lemons are so good for you. High in citric acid and I won't do that again.

bicarbonate soda is a wonderful substance used in so many ways but do some research on what it actually does. It can throw the acid, alkaline balance of your stomach and lower intestines, needed for proper digestion, totally out of wack. It might provide temporary relief for indigestion or heartburn but far better to work out what is causing the problem Long term. It can cause other mineral imbalances. If you've had a few drinks which is very acid then drink a big glass of water with a spoonful of bicarb dissolved in it before bed. You will fell much better in the morning.

The last two years has been a steep learning curve for me and I'm learning more all the time. Especially not to take things for granted, including breathing. All the best.

Baking Soda
Posted by Grey (Ca) on 07/12/2017

HIFU- High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound basically targets the cancer and destroys it .Mexico has places that do it and I read guys with prostate cancer cured in couple hours using HIFU no real side effects . A study was being conducted in the U.S. and we all know the rest of that story.

Baking Soda
Posted by Debra (GA) on 12/01/2020 5 posts

please check out documentary "The God Plant". CBD is the topic.

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Michael (Cuenca, Ecuador) on 02/25/2010

Gums receding is what I experienced from a no-animal-protein vegetarian diet. I did some research and found that it commonly happens when there is not enough protein in the diet. I added animal protein to my diet and the receeding gum problem stopped.

Organic Juicing Diet
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 10/21/2011

It might be worth adding that the present studies have found that the sugar fructose, made from corn starch, which is used to sweeten just about everything in the western world, feeds cancer cells like fertiliser feeds crops. When denied this booster the immune system keeps them in check.

Oxygen Therapy - Warning!
Posted by Carol (La Verne, CA) on 05/08/2008


I've been a fan of Earth Clinics remedies for a long time. Had success with oil pulling, leaching out fluoride, ACV with baking soda, but one remedy I have to warn against is the oxygen therapy for cancer. I have breast cancer and tried the HBOT (oxygen tank). It was $6,000 for 40 sessions. At the end of these sessions my tumor grew from a large grape size to a large grapefruit size. In addition I tried soaking in Hydrogen Peroxide and taking Bill's spray. This irritated the tumor and sprouted another tumor in my lymph node area under my arm. Later from a doctor I found out that that a lot of cancer patients using external remedied applied cause the tumors to grow out of the skin and cause other more serious problems. So I just want to warn those of you with cancer to be weary.

Oxygen Therapy - Warning!
Posted by Rhonda From Brooklyn (Brooklyn, New York) on 06/22/2012

I agree with the Carol. I was dealing with a recurrence of breast cancer. I decided to do the natural route, after having chemo. I head about heating the body to kill cancer cells and decided to seek a naturapath. He proceeded with heating with ozone in the tank, after four treatments I noticed my lymph node under my arm becoming much bigger. I told the doctor and he said it's the white blood cells doing its job. However, they kept getting bigger. I have since stopped, unfortunately the lymph nodes have all gotten bigger, the cancer has spread and all the lymph nodes in my neck on the left side is infected. I am now back in treatment, which I had seen this site (EC) sooner. Will use some of the remedies to counteract the effects of treatment. Thanks all for the great info and remedies.

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Sharon (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 12/30/2008

Please tell me what are the doses of each? I would like to try it. Thank you.

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Deon (Pretoria, South Africa) on 04/06/2015

Do you have any results?

Molasses, Aloe Vera and Beets for Cysts
Posted by Leo (New York ) on 07/24/2020

Any update on the use of Molasse, Aloe vera and Beets?

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Doreen (Sandy, Utah, Usa) on 03/02/2012

Hi Nancy from New York. Thanks for the miscellaneous remedies for breast cancer. I have heard of severl of these remedies, and I'm glad to hear that you feel and look great. I am 49 and was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago. I was curious about your thoughts on coffee drinking. What do you think about coffee from a health standpoint?

Miscellaneous Remedies and Supplements
Posted by Jen (NJ) on 12/29/2022

Hi Nancy-so happy to hear the dietary and lifestyle changes are having you feel great! I was recently diagnosed with stage 0 dcis and had a lumpectomy at age 42. I am not doing the radiation and medication they recommended and solely focusing on the diet and lifestyle changes too.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Adrienne (Id) on 11/16/2018

I decided to see what I could learn about Pueraria mirifica and it doesn't sound too good regarding breast cancer.

From the government website, National Center for Biotechnology Information: "In conclusion, in the present study long-term postpubertal treatment of Donryu rats with PM at a dose of 200 mg/kg b.w./day exerted promoting effects on mammary carcinogenesis after the initiation with DMBA. Furthermore, PM elevated cell proliferation in the mammary glands of DMBA-initiated rats, which might lead to the promotion and progression of mammary tumors to greater malignancy. In addition, it inhibited the levels of calcium in the blood, and induced inflammation, hemorrhage, and dilatation of the uterine wall in rats." 200 mg per kg of body weight is a lot, I'm sure, and these are poor, unfortunate rats, but still, I would be a bit leery of this herb for cancer and opt for more tried and true alternatives.

Breast Cancer Prevention
Posted by Cynthia (Toledo, Oh) on 06/26/2010

Dear Meg,

I am very interested in Pueraria Mirifica. Where do you purchase Pueraria Mirifica? How much should you take?

Thank you,

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